Finding Humanity a New Home - Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough [FULL GAME]

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[Music] every great moment in our history began with a dream each bold leap forward was achieved by those willing to do anything to attain it we are all of us leaving behind families homes the very birthplace of our species some for discovery to see the unknown others for a new start but today whatever our reasons we take the first steps toward a new future for humanity today we begin to make our dream reality [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] deep breaths you're going to want to take it easy i've been taking it easy for 600 years ryder sarah recon specialist pathfinder mission team pathfinder teammate the ones finding us at home can you make it somewhere tropical nice warm ocean summer year round how about we get her a cup of coffee first the selection process saw the andromeda initiative evaluate thousands of potential habitable planets within the galaxy sarah ryder let's get you checked out look here after discovering an unusually high ratio of potential candidates or golden worlds the helios cluster was selected as our destination now you are a part of the first wave of arcs arriving in andromeda our new home for humanity makes it sound so easy doesn't it even if it isn't we'll be ready i hope so you know something word came down the pathfinder wants you all mission ready within the hour look this way why the rush he didn't say but something's up okay everything checks out just one more thing before i send you on your way let's test your salmon plant sam are you monitoring sam are you online yes dr tepero good morning sarah are you feeling well i just need a second to get my bearings oh what's this about my implant a routine check after being in stasis we want to make sure the connection's still alive as the team's mission computer your well-being is my primary concern assuming the implants work is advertised sam sees what you see in theory we won't know for sure until we get you in the field how are you feeling otherwise i feel like a 600 year old popsicle i hope we packed more coffee readings confirmed based on the levels of adenosine in your system the neural implant is functioning properly wait don't know what it just means you're still shaking off your nap no reason why we can't get you on your way though you may want to hang around while we revive your brother it always helps to see a familiar effect i don't like the sound of that what's happening it broke free just hang on engineering report try to brace yourself brevity and cryobase offline careful hold on [Music] this is cora i'm at the cryo bay brace for a reset everyone okay i think so what happened we're not sure sensors are scrambled but it's good to see you're up it feels like centuries since we spoke this is the pathfinder mission teams continue preparations cora riders report to the bridge you heard him let's get we have a problem over here it's scott ryder [Music] what's wrong i don't know have to check it out well it looks like some sarah is my brother okay scott's fine his vitals are strong but the revival procedure was interrupted when can he wake up we don't want to rush it my connection to scott's implant was suspended however his pulse respiration and brain activity are all normal to be on the safe side we'll need to keep him in a low level coma for a while then let his body regain consciousness naturally he'll be fine glad to hear it thanks lexi keep us updated ryder i'll wait for you at the door whenever you're ready to go how do you wanna don't worry ryder we'll take care of him he'll make it this is the captain i need damage hey there hell of a wake up call huh didn't expect that first thing out of stasis makes two of us hang in there see you around this looks broken what's wrong could find it she has a scanner quick rider use it to locate the fault on it i'll try to get readings on the second conduit relay 2c shows damage from a temperature spike found it bad relay ryder can you go reset it there it's reset please stand by while the conduit finishes cycling good job ryder now we can get to the tram that was close barely an andromeda and we're already scrambling the adventure begins not sure your dad will see it that way go ahead and take us to the bridge [Music] control report we're drifting flight controls aren't responding first priority is stopping these outages mainline power's been knocked out we're on reserves captain they won't last what's our position unknown we lost telemetry sam we need eyes out there attempting to adjust sensor array alec please you may be pathfinder but this is my ship captain the protocol is clear in the absence of communication with the nexus or the other arcs we proceed to our appointed golden world solid ground if it's even out there nobody said anything about running into an energy cloud and that's just a wild guess what we hit [Music] alec i need to assess the damage stop the bleeding we've got 20 000 people asleep on this ship let's give them a chance to wake up can you blame her she is the captain i think she gets the final word well he might this isn't about having the final word yes sir we're coming through my god is that our golden world that's habitat seven new earth if we're lucky all of our long range scans told us it was in the green zone perfect for human settlement it doesn't even look the same we don't know how bad it is yet still seems like it's our best shot maybe there's just a lot on the line sam the energy from the phenomenon is dumping our senses planetary conditions are unknown we're marooned twenty thousand souls that drift at sea and when the power runs out and stays out we need to know if that's safe harbor and if it's not as pathfinder it'll be my job to find an alternative it's what we trained for but if this goes well we are already home all right just make it quick harper the rest of the team should be awake by now have him spin up two shuttles planet fallen 30. yes sir a stubborn one isn't he no one ever said dad was a diplomat people skills were never his strong suit just as long as he knows what he's doing it's not like the cavalry's coming to save the day i need an eta on our sensor repairs we're blind out here my brother's going to hate that he missed this are all the riders adrenaline junkies i guess it's in our blood i was born a minute ahead of him i never let him forget it don't worry i'm sure scott will pull through yeah and when he does he'll want to hear stories so let's get out there and find him one right you'll want to get your helmet and maybe stop at the good luck rock before we go the what it's an old superstition of your dads hang in there scott looks like dad's already suited up ryder hey fisher how's it going i heard a rumor from the bridge that your dad and the captain aren't seeing eye to eye on this [Music] she wasn't thrilled with the idea of the expedition my dad won her over i heard you weren't a big fan of it either it's her ship her call you got guts going against the old man the way i see it pathfinder team answers to the pathfinder besides your dad's the n7 here he's got the best aim i go wherever he goes better not no bathroom breaks on this trip got it that should do it the pathfinder is now requiring sidearms i've opened the armaments locker we expecting trouble good luck rock huh your dad was mountain climbing back on earth it caught him from falling way things are going today we'll need any luck we can get better safe than sorry you never know now let's get to the shuttles dr carlisle with everything going on i think the ark needs you more than we do pathfinder wants a medic on hand and if that is home down there i'm happy to knock on the door yeah we're just not sure what's on the other side of the door no problem if it has teeth i brought the pliers yank them out myself all right team button it up we leave in five sir we broke out the weapons as requested anything we should know about seem prudent given the situation we'll be down a man with scot out i heard what happened your brother's strong he'll make it you better 600 year nap and he oversleeps you know him never was an early riser just don't let it get to you i need you sharp yes sir your mom would have been proud of both of you okay team listen up i chose each of you for the pathfinder team not just because you're talented and passionate but because you're dreamers like me we dream of exploring the unknown finding the edge of the map and then discovering what lies beyond when people look back on this and they will they'll remember we didn't give up that we kept dreaming that our first few faltering steps in andromeda were the beginning of everything they know we only get one chance to be first so let's go make history been waiting 600 years for this good luck pathfinder team [Music] look at that whatever it is it stopped the hyperion in its tracks it appears to be an unstable mass of dark energy accelerating to cruising speed raider we didn't have a chance to be back in the milky way name's liam costa security and response specialist good to meet you liam not to believe we're funny doing this sure beats reading the brochures beginning our deceleration hang on initiating atmospheric entry here we go the flight guidance is scrambled it'll pass the controls are fighting me adjust approach vector three degrees to start approaching copy that doesn't look like a golden world from here ionization levels are rising stay on course to the landing zone oxygen levels are below minimum human requirements is this the right planet we had this all worked out given titan shuttle too uh the mountains are floating look to be advanced forward hyperion this is the pathfinder we've got evidence of an alien civilization has anyone seen us what if they're not friendly we stick to contact protocol no use of deadly force unless hostile is clear [Music] acceleration increasing no kidding your jump chat is malfunctioning get it working approaching terminal velocity same [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this is ryder come in hyperion sam anyone there save your breath ryder sam's offline calmness trashed i'm surprised we aren't too did the others make it i don't know it was all a blur shot was split in two this is like some nightmare yeah no way this is home looks like we're gonna find some high ground see if anyone else is alive come on ryder how's your survival training i've seen my share of troubles nothing crazy but well crazy just found us those rocks out there are floating it's hair incognita oh and safety tip don't breathe the air found that out the hard way got it you think that energy cloud we saw could cause all this sam said it's dark energy but that's in space yeah hell of a cloud the cloud that makes boulders float uh what the hell is this come on we gotta get through it this is crazy welcome to habitat seven keep moving look safer under there is this for real what the hell is going on with this place how's your gun might want to see if it's working take a shot of that fuel cell it's busted anyway look something flying i'd say it's working there get up that cliff we find high ground come on not sure we want to be the tallest thing around here i think i could see a path up we'll use the jump jets if we have to into the brain more glowing mushrooms are they making that noise no coming from inside the mountain [Music] detecting a lot of energy can't make heads or tails of it but it's powerful how did my dad find you i was a cop in crisis response yeah tell i think i see the top am i making some room thanks what the hell is that don't know but it's our job to figure it out that sounds like your old man he was right something went wrong here we have to find out what one thing at a time ryder it's fisher wait look [Music] oh [ __ ] what was first contact folks call again no deadly force unless fired upon yeah said no one in the field ever how do we handle it just be ready if this goes south it usually does just say the word and i go hot they haven't stopped okay it's over you okay i'll live i thought i was a goner i knew they weren't the friendly sword i was starting to look ugly there didn't think we could take the chance well you saved my life be a hell of a thing to survive the crash only to get shot by aliens not letting that happen for anyone ah we still don't even know what they wanted nothing good the way they were on who says we'd even understand or they'd understand us it's a new galaxy i guess it's too much to expect they'll play by milky way rules or any rules by the look of them now what did we do to them only thing i know for sure their guns hit just as hard as ours where are the others gone kirkland and greer went looking for help come on oh my leg can you move i think it's broken you guys push ahead and look for the others you sure yeah just find us to ride out of here and take a few more of them out while you're at it whoa take a look at these bodies what are these things well i don't have sam here but i can try to make sense of it they're dna based and their armor reads as some kind of bone but the genetics are all over the map ah i guess life took a different turn here huh i hope the other team's okay we'll find them [Music] but we might want to scout around first you're the recon specialist pointing away right looks like he knew how to handle the gun back there spent time with an alliance peacekeeping force hear that is that kirkland please i surrender that's the last of them i can't believe we're doing this the cup can make it no vital signs just shot him in cold blood he was trying to surrender why kill him would we treat them any different if they showed up on earth armed to the teeth maybe not peace isn't going to be an option here [Music] we'll come back for his body once we find the others hope korea is still alive somewhere still take a look at this architecture this is really something i've seen protein artifacts in my time but nothing quite like this it's at least three or four centuries old the ox left 600 years ago right yeah okay now this is weird even with these readings i have no idea what it does just imagine the mind that invented it if that's even possible evolution separated from ours by 2 million light years watch out okay it's dead whatever it was how'd it cloak like that it's organic no sign of technology wow so the cloaking is biological yeah weird look let's go over there could be our people i'll mark the nav point what do you suppose is down there new and painful is that sound coming from below um alien gods of the underworld huh don't say that i think it's machinery you can feel the vibration ah the scale of this who built it alien gods [Music] ahead they're using those animals careful they're clogging this is for kirkland that did it oh you're pretty good at this writer i was with a team that dug up prothean artifacts well this will be a field day for you i wonder what these guys were doing here crashed some kind it's not one of our ships it's food i think can't be local not growing anything on this planet so maybe they're bringing it in from off world more of them in the cluster not loving that [Music] ryder some sort of cave over there check that out now this looks more like the golden world my dad was expecting then the long-range scans were right this could have been home 600 years ago and then who knows if it's anything like plants back in the milky way there are signs of cellular mutation it's lasted this long guess that makes it the alpha tree huh yeah it would happen to all its friends outside dead animal in here and some sort of trap pretty recent too if they did they don't play nice with anyone well maybe they're starving a path up on the left uh [Music] you hear that yeah radio static but like a pattern what do you want we're clear thank god i was tapping my mic hoping someone would notice are you okay yeah where are the others they killed kirkland the fisher's alive back at the crash site he's got a broken leg needs help i'll check around for supplies then head back stay put when you get there we'll look for my dad's shuttle good luck can't wait to get off this rock [Music] some sort of structure on that hill this place is taking a beating from the storms along with everything else on this planet well let's hope no one's home doesn't look like a home at all yeah no one's living here so what's it for doesn't look like the other structures we've seen different design must be a way to get some lights on what's all this about oh [ __ ] nothing that can't be good oh it's a generator yeah sure why wouldn't it be maybe it did something huh who knows let's call it a weird alien machine you sure could use sam right about now hey that door opened some kind of research lab maybe then it got hit by a tornado so now killer robots too the guest back home would love this place it's fr his wounds look like they're from an energy blast i'd have tangled with a robot friend there what were they whatever this is being old centuries old i wish we had sam i think it's older than this lab in the equipment some serious energy on the other side of that door maybe it's closed for a reason these guys were poking around where they shouldn't have doesn't say much other than it's not organic and it's about the same age as that artifact you suppose it was guarding it could be sure you don't want to look around in here so so weird if that's poison i know who to blame [Music] well they're still heads crabby they were waiting for us oh damn they got lightning rod up and running are these things stalking us shuttle repairs are underway but we're surrounded they're not friendly on our way now point marked let's get in there cora we've got your back you're trying to pass down you're doing a good job of it too try to light them up come on in well that's all that calvary to the rescue nice to see you guys you too harry how is everyone still in one piece you got here just in time where's my dad he went scouting ahead while we fixed the shuttle ryder there's weapons and ammo at the shuttle stock up these things try talking to you at all barely a word then started shooting what about you we didn't stop for a chat ah hell enemy ship on the way get to cover go i'm here still alive i can't get a beat on those things there's too many of them just keep firing we can do this okay liam enough right it's just these [ __ ] kill kirkland stay pissed use it just remember we need that ammo strangle them if i have to what about the others fisher's wounded but sitting tight grier's with him there are shuttles in pieces guys she's been hit tank cover don't worry it's not contagious before they attacked i i managed to fix our calms you're a lifesaver now just take it easy sam are you there qec link established affirmative sarah the pathfinder needs to speak with you good to see you in one piece what's our status liam and i are with cora we have wounded crew the good news is our shuttle's been repaired we can get back to the ark not with these storms it's too risky to fly our wounded can't wait much longer do you have something in mind if the storm is the problem then let's solve the problem we're talking about weather and i have an idea about that rendezvous with my coordinates well damn they spotted me sir sir can you two manage alone i can keep her stable for a while let's move sam do you have the pathfinder's position marking the nav point on your map doesn't look far let's make this quick we have to get there before the storm hits no detours what was my dad scouting for he was trying to get readings on that tower well the netflix puts them near it exercise caution the stormfront is already gaining intensity nice to have you back sam how about some good news next time sam's right we don't have much time look the rot they're drawing the lightning away if we hug that wall they might keep us safe dead bodies here lightning didn't do this in centenary rounds my dad's been busy it's close the nav point shows my dad's up there sir stay low who are these guys visitors just like us i don't think they're native to the planet they're not we found an abandoned lab like they've been studying the place good work you actually did some scouting you didn't think i would you never know what people are made of not until everything goes wrong plenty of that on this mission sir you said you had an idea about the weather it's the dark energy cloud the hyperion hit it's affecting the whole planet interfering with that the tower is caught in a feedback loop a cloud together they're disrupting the entire climate with undirected energy it would explain a cave we found plant life sheltered from the storm from that tower it's a good bet and i think if we can get in there and shut the tower down the lightning goes away and the shuttle can get us out of here in theory we just have to get past them it's a hell of a gamble but we won't know until we get in there and try no illusions about this it'll be a nasty fight the whole way if sarah's game so am i but we risk turning a skirmish with these guys into something worse it's them or us oh it's them problem is we're outnumbered i've been working on that we just need to change the math [Music] [Music] what's for me let's go right behind you push ahead to the structure sam vote combat profile bam biotic amp interface mode have to keep an eye off like not if we keep moving forward don't let him catch us ready let's get inside there how's your dad doing all of this he's like a machine no idea but it's working that's it we're doing it not much farther where are we going all the way to the top and then what we'll know when we get there engineer profile squad on me this looks executive control center keep him off my back you heard him we made it in one piece not over yet i need to get through that door over there what now i need to decipher the language there's more coming up what's the plan here they'll surround us in no time we need to defend both sides or they'll like us where'd you want us [Music] right got it watch it i think i see movement we held them off at the shuttle we can do it again a lot of people still counting on us i'm just getting warmed up they mean business keep them off your desk analyzing possible inputs 25 degrees hurry we don't have long hold both sides can't let them slip through why is this place anyway i don't know but they sure want it back well 50 decrypted it's an unusually complicated syntax i can see that try a recursive search i will need a moment to evaluate the pattern we only have a moment do it i think i really pissed that one off maybe because i shot him in the face sir any progress decryption is 75 complete we've almost got it just a little longer they're falling back could be regrouping for another push stay sharp decryption complete that did it it's a security override i'll try to open the door from here ah damn it's jammed i need to take a look at it sarah i need your help over here go it's okay we'll keep a lookout put your back into it you really think we can shut this thing down i don't know yet sam's decoded part of the language now we'll see if i can have a conversation who do you plan on talking to more like what i think it's automated come on these are the moments that make it all worthwhile sam begin translating a moment [Music] indexing translation complete let's see what we have i'll be damned it's working we did it there's hope at least this is more than hope it's proof we weren't crazy we can fly to a whole new galaxy and still make sense of things sam had a little something to do with it it was simply a matter of linguistics though i am pleased oh repeat we need an emergency extraction now they're spinning up the shuttle pta is three maybe four minutes we don't have that initiating transfer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're losing [Music] sam what's the reading writer's implant is overloading i suggest a hardwired connection do it there welcome back sarah what happened you were clinically dead for 22 seconds did the rest of the team make it hey you're still with us guys get to sam node writers a week who were you talking to sam i didn't hear him you're up look here and here my father where [Music] it was your life for his and he chose you i'm so sorry sarah i know this must be a blow i i can't believe he's gone one minute everything was fine and then he i know he could be distant but he once said that when his time came he wanted to go out among stars no one had seen before what are we doing in sam node sam is now part of you in a way we don't entirely understand it played havoc with your brain sam your father authorized the transfer of pathfinder authority to you shouldn't that be korra in theory in reality you're the new pathfinder sarah whoa well if that's how it has to be don't sell yourself short i think you can do it cora it's what he wanted i won't stand in the way but being pathfinder is a serious job you sure you're ready for this well we know what my dad thought he never was the kind of guy to ask permission now it's your turn to bark orders it's all academic anyway sam's linked to your mind on a deeper level now trying to untangle it could kill you i know this is tough but we need to start thinking about the next step a lot of people are counting on us is the ark still drifting that's the thing whatever your dad did with that tower it saved the day some sort of atmosphere scrubber the energy cloud thinned out we're on our way to the rally point now should be at the nexus soon she needs to rest fast she has two hours we'll need our pathfinder for this oh i um i checked on your brother still no change but if you can pull through so can he a bit of your dad and both of you your father will be missed what's going on sam this is our private channel i shared it with him he never mentioned anything about that it allowed me to know him better alec wouldn't want us to lose sight of the goal he said pain emboldens our resolve he'd insist we grow stronger from his passing [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] ryder good to see you on your feet we're at the nexus it's the forward hub for the entire andromeda initiative the asari solarian and turian arcs should be there too let's hope they've had better luck starting our approach now it's almost as big as the citadel back home next is control this is archiperian requesting docking clearance captain i'm only getting their automated approach channel not a live person well like it or not we're here take us in construction should have been finished by now could be worse how habitat 7's a bust we might have started a war with the first aliens we met and our pathfinder's dead this better be rock bottom green across the board docking initiated all right i got us here good luck pathfinder he gonna be okay ryder the captain just called me pathfinder attention hyperion this is really happening just take a deep breath i still can't believe dad's dead this should have been his moment but now it's yours you just need to decide what you're gonna do with it where do i start i'm just not sure i'm ready we weren't ready to fall out of the sky on habitat 7. but we survived that right so always keep a jump chat handy all stasis personnel report to duty stations okay folks this is what we've been waiting for let your teams know that docking procedures are now in effect we've got 20 000 colonists still asleep and we'll need somewhere to put them when the alarm clock goes off as soon as we get clearance from the nexus we'll be following stasis revival protocols we want to avoid any log jams so it's vital your teams coordinate with each other and keep people moving any questions so far uh how do we handle death that occurred in transit right it's an unfortunate fact that not everyone will have survived the voyage we've already got scattered reports of medical problems from that dark energy cloud we hit if somebody didn't make it check with the medical officer we'll see about notifying their next of kim i'm hoping it's a rare exception also try to keep it quiet andromeda is all about new beginnings not holding funerals it'll be nice to see some friendly faces this time the nexus runs a support crew just enough to finish building the station and provide safe harbor for the arks it means we can start waking our people up they built a bar right gotta have champagne for the welcome party you're expecting one after what we've been through i could use a buzz we all could yeah rough ride so far we'll bounce back real food in the shower are just ahead here we are uh i don't see any champagne where is everybody [Music] well this can't be right it's like everything's on standby if it's a surprise party they're doing an awfully good job of it welcome to the nexus gateway to andromeda i'm avina [Music] can you tell us where the welcome party is hiding i'm sorry my code is limited to information and simple interaction simulations please select from the following pre-programmed responses [Music] what can you tell me about the andromeda galaxy here in andromeda you are over 2 million light years away from the milky way galaxy this is the furthest any life form has ever traveled outside our home system making you a brave pioneer indeed the nexus itself is located in a region known as the helios cluster here you and thousands of your fellow colonists will fulfill your dreams of settling a new home fortune awaits what year is it the current year is 2819. after spending over 600 years in stasis it's normal to feel disoriented or confused upon arrival our helpful medical staff can assist with any physical or psychological after effects you may be experiencing well she's got the date right at least so where is everyone what is the nexus the nexus serves as the central hub for the andromeda initiatives colonization efforts it is the first destination for all colonists upon their arrival in the new galaxy please enjoy the many venues the nexus has to offer as the station expands it will one day serve as the seat of government for milky way colonists providing a safe stable and prosperous environment is our primary goal not from the looks of it how does the immigration process work we ask that you submit to a brief medical exam to ensure your health and well-being after making such a long journey once you've been cleared our colonization experts will assist you in finding your new home please be mindful of the queue thousands of eager colonists like you are waiting to begin their new life in andromeda uh where place is deserted that's all it has been my pleasure please see one of our helpful immigration staff for further assistance and welcome to your new home in andromeda where the brightest star is you current wait time for immigration processing is unknown error right that was helpful [Music] plants are still alive there's a guy maybe he's got champagne hi there we're from arc hyperion and wondering where everybody went did he hear you did you say an ark this is the nexus right pretty sure we parked in the right place and for what it's worth your vi over there could use an update of course i'm sorry it's just we thought you were all dead what or captured or lost in dark space or but you're here you have no idea how much this means i don't believe it i'm tyron kandras i lead our militia on the nexus i'm sarah ryder this is cora harper and liam costa part of the pathfinder team i'm sorry for the confusion our sensors told us in our could arrive but helios is notorious for scrambling equipment we thought you were just another malfunction but aren't you expecting us you're the first ark we've seen after a year of waiting and no sign of the others we shuddered this area and stopped looking you've been stranded for a whole year longer i'll fill you in on the way to op center everything that could go wrong with our plan has we arrived 14 months ago right away we hit a band of dark energy that knocked us off course we're familiar with it then you'll know why we call it the scourge we lost whole sections of the station a lot of people died no power no food the chaos went on for months it finally led to armed rebellion when order was restored the insurgents were banished exiles we call them are things back to normal not even close but you're here now so maybe the worst is over no word from the other pathfinders no word from anyone period any threats from the locals so far we've stayed hidden we're in no shape to deal with an attack we had a first contact situation on habitat seven whole thing went south we're here you guys go ahead i'll check out the security situation you should know our command structure has been fractured some of us are filling in for leaders who died is it true they said drop everything and report for duty and no one was expecting an ark to finally show up docking procedures are green across the board standby to merge hyperion power into the grid [Music] the crew of the hyperion good luck i'm jaron tan director of the initiative you have no idea how much your arrival means to us we've heard about what happened and we're ready to help we could use any supplies you have food water we're short on everything this is foster addison she oversees colonial affairs where's the pathfinder you're looking at her you're not alec writer my father's dead he made me his successor alec is dead please understand the entire initiative is at risk none of the golden worlds panned out they're a bust and there's been no word from the other arcs what happened to them unknown our supplies are nearly depleted rationing bought us some time but even that's running out we need to find more resources but that takes people and we can't wake them up until they have somewhere to live a golden world now more than ever we need a pathfinder it now falls to you writer are you up to the task i'm ready to step up and do what needs to be done i can handle it youthful enthusiasm will only get you so far in andromeda that's no way to treat a guest i'm nak marquesh superintendent of this station i hope they haven't scared you off already it's nothing personal but now isn't the time for on-the-job training at least the pathfinder here seems willing to try we could use a fresh perspective you've heard my concerns i'll leave you to it we're all feeling the pressure let's have a private word in my office ryder we'll discuss giving you a scout ship i'm happy to work out the details with your associate welcome to the nexus thank you for standing up for me there hopes in short supply here what little we can find should have a chance ma'am the hyperion's core is now online let me show you something an hour ago that was all dark but with the power from your ship you're keeping the lights on you have my vote and when the power runs out you'd best go talk to director tan make sure that doesn't happen and don't be shy come see me when you have a chance hello console you and i are going to be very good friends you have a job if you want to keep it do it god damn it all right what happened to who to whom and your goddamn father sorry my face is tired from dealing with everything and right now i just want to know what happened with alec in the moment it saved my life but it seems my father meant for me to get the role eventually it isn't hereditary if we wanted an inbred monarchy we could have left half our gene stock back home not home the milky way this is home this mess we don't have a lot of options ryder maybe you'll prove your father right after 14 months of failed colonization forgive me if i don't hold my breath there's also this strange technology has anyone studied that we've tried not me the brains in research they're supposed to know their business the current excuse the tech we dug up on mars was more advanced but it was plug and go the tech here thinks different i don't know we've mostly avoided it and from what the hyperion logs say about alec maybe that's good how do you fit into the nexus leadership i oversee the actual settlement effort as the number of outposts is currently less than ideal my influence is limited as tan is quick to remind me left a perfectly adequate career as a chief officer provincial capital too only a new galaxy could pull me away and here we are idling you called my father alec no one does that a lot of us joined the initiative because of his vision what he shared of it anyway were you friends or i'm not your new mother if that's what you're asking or his friend he hated that i didn't use his title but no one's a pathfinder until they've path found something much like a colonial director without colonies there must be some kind of plan for encountering hostile aliens we can't have been that naive we expected life not an enemy that refuses to talk they don't attack they disinfect we're nothing until we're bacteria sorry 14 months and you stooped to poetry that's how bad it is not sure who started it but we're calling them ket kandros will know more maybe too much you don't trust him i trust him to defend us i do not trust a rising military influence in a supposedly civilian initiative we came here to make history rider not repeat it ugh god damn poetry you've had no colony successes in over a year how many tries is that less than you'd think the scourge spoiled worlds exiles hostiles we can't just plop down an outpost and expect picket fences we need the pathfinder and sam to scout evaluate and inspire the initiative promised a goal andromeda has not cooperated and if it had beautiful utopian horseshit colonies that produce and support each other the nexus of citadel not headed by tan or even me excuse me director addison ryder it's pathfinder ryder we're starving here if we don't get a foundation of outposts to feed the initiative we might as well be 600 years dead alec promised a lot none of it panned out that's what you're up against why people won't trust you why i don't trust you prove me wrong tram technicians please report to the hyperion coupling hello i'm jan garson founder of the initiative it's through your hard work that the vision of the nexus has come to life you and all your colleagues bind our proud new colonies together look around at your achievements and if you have any questions my door is always open founder garston's office is located at workspace not allocated please select a topic you are sarah ryder salary code 19b active pathfinder your supervisor is director tan based on current staffing needs you will be eligible for paid vacation time in 587 days seriously why not plan on which beautiful colony you'll vacation on while you wait the selection process saw the andromeda initiative evaluate thousands of potential habitable planets within the galaxy after discovering an unusually high ratio of potential candidates or golden worlds the helios cluster was selected as our destination even at a distance studying the light from stars can reveal much about their planet's composition and atmosphere seven worlds nicknamed habitats have the life-supporting environments and resources we need to start our new lives in andromeda tram technicians please report to the hyperion coupling annex what am i going to do i know that look the others bent your ear did they something like that you get used to it just focus on being a pathfinder can't argue with results though they'll try anyway welcome to militia hq excuse the mess this office fields militia work nexus security and looking for the tyrion arc what's the word on the turian arc scattered readings some indicate that natanus was destroyed others that people are alive who knows if you need anything come see me even if it's just a vent what brought you out here to andromeda i was tired of being the good one the good one the kandra's family is old military there were expectations you know then my sister became a sculptor and cousin irene went pirate on omega everyone was proud that i stayed in service but i kept wondering when do i get my adventure jen garson's dream was so grand so gutsy i had to be part of it what do you know about the enemies we've encountered the cat we usually see them on worlds with those alien structures the cat don't take kindly to anyone studying them not sure why they don't talk to us every time we cross paths there's a fight or they take prisoners why what do they want no one knows but i've seen their weaponry and what they do to those prisoners i want them a long long way from the nexus you talk like you weren't part of the leadership how did you end up commanding the militia i was escorting a prospecting team on some moon when those cat found us they penned us like cattle for experiments i managed to get loose snatched a gun and freed the others by the time we killed the bastards and headed back to war in the nexus everyone looked at me like i was in charge that sounds familiar the militia grew from there funny once the heat is on all kinds of people rise to the top it's rough out there i might need backup if you can spare the people i have strike teams specializing in assault and extraction if you need serious firepower my apex teams have you covered in fact i could give you authority to dispatch them it'll cut down their response time thank you our current ops are on the terminal see if there's anything that could use a shot where it counts are the other turians managing okay so so we're not good at sitting around in a crisis service before self gets drummed into us at boot camp that's probably why so many of us are in the militia we like to earn our citizenship whatever galaxy we're in but it's hard to focus with our ark missing bye kandros duty calls you and me both pathfinder this is wrong i'm just wrong this is a nightmare no pathfinder no time for rpa yet this place is a mess security is it let's call it strained i can believe it nexus is running on empty not just that a lot of the exiles were security everyone was trained and armed for a frontier we no cat are dangerous and now we have to worry about our people too no idea where they went but they left mad they were frustrated if they just wanted to kill they could have fought to the last here apparently we're the big hope for everyone not the hyperian showing just us i'm with you it's just a lot as long as the nexus is here as long as we're here we have a job to do double down crisis mode i can do that we can do that ready and willing pathfinder tempest crew should report to the docking area at once engineering reports hyperion power draw is now at 100. weapons and stuff i got you covered use the console to take a look through what i got it'd be a lot easier if i weren't missing half my stock ouch why am i paying for these half the supplies are inaccessible but with how we crash landed and all and i have to trade with the crooks out there for the rest so this is the planet where we landed habitat seven it wasn't even close to livable that's been true of every world we found ryder we were discussing your next expedition i thought i didn't measure up as pathfinder director addison keeps her own counsel i keep mine and when you disagree i oversee the entire initiative and i have decided to give you a chance to prove yourself to that end the scourge dealt as a serious blow whatever it is our scientists theorize it's not natural an artificial energy cloud it wasn't here when we left the milky way yet it rendered all the golden worlds unlivable then there's the aliens you ran into the cat they're obsessed with alien structures we found scattered around the cluster they'll do anything to prevent others from accessing them it seems murder isn't exclusive to the milky way and now the challenge is to settle a world in spite of all that this one here eos how you need to increase the viability of the planet so we can establish an outpost then we can bring more colonists out of stasis the more colonists we have the more resources we can gather to support the nexus everything depends on it there are six worlds we hope to settle okay but you said every planet you found is unlivable so how do i a good pathfinder would relish the challenge of solving it right i think i should go check on things and if i fail i guess it's no sweat off your back right you'll just look for another pathfinder placing bets on people is part of my job some of them pay off others just point me to my ship and i'll be out of here they're prepping it now in the docking bay the coordinates for eos will be in the computer and when you have a moment we should discuss the missing arcs i was wondering about that something wrong writer can you see me and sam nude on the hyperion your implant needs attention and we need to discuss a confidential matter no i'm fine writer you have my condolences for your father i appreciate it i didn't know him very well although i understand he played a key role in planning the initiative i'm sure he'd be concerned that we still have several arcs missing they're as much a part of the initiative as the human arc we'll find them we have to tens of thousands of colonists are unaccounted for it paints the initiative in an unflattering light did you have some other business any more information you can give me on the missing arcs no and that is the distressing part the asari turian and solarian arcs are completely unaccounted for if they had the same problems with the scourge that we did i fear the worst should you find any clues please investigate without the other arcs the promise of the initiative can never be fulfilled are there any other arcs we should expect we had hoped quarians would be part of the first wave but before departure in 2185 we got word there technical problems with their ship it seems they're also bringing along drell hanar and other species as well managing all of their biological needs caused complications we won't see them for some time to come sounds like the nexus has had a rough time of it publicly i would say we're more than up for the challenge privately i can tell you it's been a disaster the scourge killed hundreds many of them our senior leadership even the founder of the initiative gn carson is dead how did jing garson die with the rest of the leadership when the nexus hit scourge a large wing of stasis pods was destroyed they were killed instantly these people traveled 600 years and died before they even woke up gian garson never glimpsed helius she never saw her vision realized kandras mentioned something about hitting the scourge how did it play out criminal elements took advantage of the emergency and preyed on people's fears an uprising followed we had no choice but to turn to the krogan to deal with them they crushed the mutiny and the criminals were banished exiles we call them i doubt we've heard the last of them they're led by an outlaw sloan kelly she used to be one of ours who is the sloan kelly she was head of security on the nexus she opposed the uprising at first but eventually turned traitor and joined them misguided sympathy for the plight of the common citizen nonsense they posed a direct threat to our existence there don't seem to be many krogan around good riddance the krogan demanded a greater say in political matters the last place you want them involved their muscle nothing more good for fighting and lifting heavy objects when they didn't get what they wanted they left why don't you like the krogan it's common knowledge that they are a violent ignorant species long ago they waged nuclear war on one another their planet was decimated my people tried to uplift them but the krogan could never tame their worst instincts what if they bring their tempers to andromeda we'll all be dead what more can you tell me about the initiative it represents the greatest migration ever attempted no one had ventured beyond the milky way before we've all left home in search of freedom fortune perhaps a new beginning we are the bravest souls each species has to offer i hope the nexus will serve as the seat of government for us all what do you know about the early days of the initiative as most everyone knows gian garzan's vision made it happen she was an entrepreneur on earth wealthy young for a human carson had the idea for the initiative in the early 2170s i believe many thought leaving the milky way was impossible but she persevered and as with most great ideas the doubters were wrong why do you think most people came there are thousands of reasons one for every colonist here what does any pilgrim seek usually happiness finding the thing that eludes them the thing to fulfill them while we cannot promise they will find it we can't facilitate the search that looks like a melting pot around here the nexus is home to several initiative species many came ahead of the arks the hope is that this station will one day serve as the governing body in andromeda though i'm not sure what they were thinking lumping krogan into the mix as a solarian my kind and to have a low opinion of them nothing i've seen here has changed that that's all thanks for your time i'm happy to help you will find our futures depend on each other's success good luck yeah looks fine this is a nightmare the planet was toxic what if they store oxygen in porous tissue like queero's rockfish i still reckon they had breather gear stowed in that armor perhaps both life is infinitely adaptable as our expedition proves you must be the pathfinder wonderful you and your sam are exactly what we need thanks mr professor herrick my colleagues and i will work with your sam and the data you gather to solve andromeda's scientific mysteries what fields do you study eric's into life sciences i do planetary geology oceanography rock some runoff aerodyna's the space and math ways not that we've had much to study with everyone cooped up for 14 months but your data on the scourge flows like poetry now we can better advise on repairing the damage it cost and maybe addison will give us a real workspace who can think i discharged an away team to get readings from a section of the scourge that was behaving anomalously they haven't reported in for some time and sensors can't locate their shuttle i sent them out there good dedicated people i fear what might have happened to them don't give up hope when i'm out there i'll see if i can find them their friends and family will want to know what's happened and i i need to know hi pathfinder want to hit some rocks for science now's not a good time sure the rocks ain't going anywhere all non-relevant repair requests are currently on hold until power coupling is complete all right moving on docking clamps and we're done [Music] yes i know the hyperion docking unannounced caused some switches to blow that's fine i don't care we know the problem is more widespread than we thought we're working to fix it that's all there you are hope the others haven't been giving you a hard time there's a lot that needs doing at least with the hyperion hooked up and feeding us power my team and i can get more work done i noticed there aren't a lot of croaking around tan ask him why most of my people left he'll have opinions i can tell you this much when the mutiny happened a deal was made my clan were supposed to settle matters and in return get more say in the initiative did the deal go through the clan held up their part but tan had a meltdown when he found out we wanted more say around here then addison's assistant spender pretended he never made the deal in the first place it was a mess but i don't blame my people for walking out we're done being used with your clan gone why did you stay it's complicated the station and my clan both need me here what sort of problems have you seen on the nexus situation's gone to [ __ ] pretty much sums it up there's arcs missing some idiots tried to mutiny and take over then more idiots offended my clan so they left and to top it all off the founder of the initiative gian garson was killed what happened to gian garson killed in the scourge disaster her and a bunch of the other leaders ten might know more and i thought the hyperion had it bad when we arrived anything else the outposts aren't happening because we don't have resources or people so addison's more uptight than ever and let's not forget how badly the station was damaged on a rifle but that's a detail according to some my team and i are repairing what we can if we don't get material soon things will go downhill fast when we left the milky way the krogan were still dealing with the genophage right the genophage a little gift to our people from the solarians thousands of years ago that sterility virus they infected us with left most of our children stillborn only one in a thousand survive no wonder your people have such a problem with solarians some wounds never heal not that my ancestors didn't provoke it they did try to conquer the galaxy the solarians were forced to respond and it's not fair to blame it all on them either the solarians developed the virus but it was the turians who deployed it i'm hoping that's all in the past plenty of blame to go around but andromeda is about new beginnings my people need that more than most what about the krogan here in andromeda there's no cure for it but my clan was starting to show a mutation against the virus a natural defense during the trip to get here krogan underwent gene therapies to enhance the mutation while we were in stasis so you used those 600 years to your advantage gave the adaptation more time to develop yeah it's still early but i think we made a dent our scientists say we've improved viability to almost four percent which is a lot better than what we had beyond all the statistics it means more krogan children will live it's the only way my people have a future out here nothing more for now see you later engineering reports hyperion power draw is now at 100. hey there you okay those guys really grilled you and addison first pathfinder they've seen in over a year all she can do is question your competence which one was addison again all politicians look the same to me same here next time we'll ask for a seating chart i worked out logistics with director tan they're giving us a ship and crew he said their best is taking care of it i still need to head back to the ark and check in with sam sounds good while you're there maybe see how your brother's doing [Music] what's the latest about waking people up pathfinder it's good to see you word is there's been trouble on the station we're here now it'll get better that's what i've been telling people you're here now as soon as we establish outposts everything will even out i'm sure of it what about your family i'm an orphan my parents died on the menoir colony when it was attacked years ago no siblings i left some friends and distant relatives behind but i have friends here too i love piloting but i like the idea of going back to my roots and farming like my parents did someday why did you join the initiative ah the most popular question on the station honestly i wouldn't have known about this project if nizomi hadn't reached out to me nozomi captain done now of all the captains i've piloted for she's the best i've always been a wanderer at heart when she asked me to be her pilot how could i say no to the adventure of a lifetime how do you feel about all this now that we're here hopeful i know it's a rose-colored outlook but it's not essential someone's got to keep the positivity coming right have to go now see you later later ryder you're not on the bridge captain we powered it down can't afford to waste energy though cryo bay and sam note are exempt and i told them to keep their hands off alex quarters you have access now thanks hey sorry about your father he was really good at what he did just not so good at working with people he was right about going planetside though as long as they did their jobs he didn't care what people thought of him i noticed that if there's anything else i can help with let me know if someone had told you that you'd be in the andromeda cluster even five years ago are you kidding me i'd have laughed them out of the quadrant although the way things are now isn't exactly what i was hoping for either we all knew there was a possibility on arrival of less than ideal circumstances when you sign up you hope for the best and plan for the worst thanks for the talk all right i request to submit administrators to harass and people to wake up i'd better get to it good luck out there hello sarah welcome back to some note i've adjusted my connection to your implant the headache you experienced before shouldn't reoccur yeah what was that about you said we need to discuss something confidential you should know certain facts before you leave on your expedition it seemed best to speak alone sam if we're going to work together you can't keep hiding things from me apologies i am simply following your father's wishes what was he keeping secret my true capabilities alec overrode the implant safety protocols it allows me unrestricted access to the pathfinder's physiology and that's me now and only you i can act as a force multiplier dramatically enhancing your motor and neural skills when required alec called them profiles they provide unique tactical augmentation during combat your father preferred to keep this fact to himself keeping things like this secret just makes everyone suspicious like you're up to something alex didn't think others would understand he viewed it as a symbiotic relationship benefiting us both what do you get out of this though i'm artificial in design i am fully sentient far beyond what even the initiative understands i don't follow you're an ai so what's different i am a new form of ai drawing directly from the human experience your implant is my window into the world that's pretty amazing but beyond what many people will accept your father knew someone would fear it yeah he's got a point so what does this mean for the two of us i find myself in an unusual position though i had access to your father's experiences there is a gap in my understanding how so he placed a block on portions of my memory array why perhaps so when you asked me what his plan was i wouldn't know and dad strikes again but not without recourse the further you explore as a pathfinder the more blocks will be removed perhaps you should begin in your father's quarters in the meantime unless you have more questions your new ship awaits thanks a memento of his early alliance service i bet that's not plenty of action alex first kill occurred in combat during the first contact war back when turians were the enemy crazy times what's on here sam your father's personal logs several of them are encrypted that log is not currently accessible unlocking my memory array may enable it the day is finally here we're pushing off from earth we'll jump through a few relays first then we hunker down for the long trip across dark space it's daunting thinking about all the hopes and dreams aboard the hyperion i certainly have my own i wasn't the husband or father i should have been here's hoping 600 years can change a man the coffee machine mom got for dad he was so busy designing you needed the caffeine i did not realize i owed my existence to a bean and now you know what humility feels like sam what was that an eidetic trigger related to your father and the portions of my memory array he locked what triggered it i like tied it to your progression as pathfinder not to a location puzzling as it may be my programming is clear locating more of these triggers will unlock the memories one of your father's memories is now accessible return to sam node on the hyperion to investigate further printed books reproductions of lewis and clark's journals detailing their expedition in the 19th century explains dad's interest they were pathfinders too so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'll make it right dash i promise ryder good to see you damn shame about your dad though i'm sorry we couldn't save him i haven't heard how he died like a hero that's how that's the only part that matters i've met one pathfinder well two with you but i figure that's the way to go taking your last breath on an uncharted world yeah sounds about right now i just need to make sure your brother here pulls through how's scott doing his condition's stable i see signs of ram activity in the brain so he's dreaming means all the wiring still works how did this happen it was dumb luck really we hit the scourge at the worst possible moment just as the stasis revival was kicking in it's a vulnerable moment coming out of a 600-year nap then wham circus fried and overloaded the neural pathways don't worry i'm on it we're not losing another writer are you staying here in the hyperion you know that moment when you realize you're just getting too old uh right look who i'm talking to trust me it happens for me it was habitat 7. watching you guys running around dodging lightning in the cat it's a young man's game pains me to admit it but it's passed me by we'll miss you harry just make sure to raise some hell once in a while will you i'm living vicariously through you deal that's all harry thanks don't be a stranger if anything changes with scott i'll let you know fisher glad to see you're doing better that was some expedition hey captain said i'm going in the log as the first human to make contact with the kid then kirkland's the first casualty wish you could have gone differently i'm sure there are decent aliens here in andromeda too we just have to find them well i heard your pathfinder now the sooner you figure out where they're hiding the better will do chin up ryder hayes how's the wound doc says i'll live so this goes from a life-threatening gunshot to a story i'll tell my grandkids someday with no need to exaggerate that was a tough fight on habitat 7. glad to be on the other side of it [Music] [Music] ready to see what tan gave us i hear it's something special pathfinder on route how's the ship and final checks looking great we won't be long the way things are going we'll be on our own out there in other words we're making this up as we go we used to call that tactical improvisation but at least we'll be doing it in style they call her the tempest so [Music] [Music] let's go take a closer look [Music] let's pick it up a bit people we're 14 months late so you're the one who's making everything happen vetra veteranix initiative wrangler provisioner gunner and everything in between are we ready the sooner we get out of here the better you're coming with us yes otherwise there's no way they're letting this ship off the station what's the rush just don't want to waste any more time hold it hold it you're not going anywhere damn it whatever happened it wasn't me i just got here director addison wants to see a complete report of the tempest supplies munitions and crew director tan overruled addison the ships loaded out with equipment for outpost discovery squarely under director addison's purview senior around ben right came here with the family didn't you son still in cryo i could pull some strings get him to the front of the line really yeah really they told me he wasn't essential but i miss him i know i got family too ben it's done addison's gonna kill me nicely done part of the job pathfinder all things considered it was an easy ask and right now you need people tearing down obstacles not putting up more finally someone who cares about doing stuff and not just talking about it everything state of the art labs sensors exploration gear lesser crew of course the best in their field good to see you looking so well sarah the engine core is based on the ark's odyssey drive it runs a hell of a lot quieter that's gill brody engineer mechanic all-around wrench jockey we call this the research room there's space for upgrading equipment gathering intel router engaged securing connection to tempest welcome aboard sam and ryder of course all run by suvi anwar our science officer your quarters are below plenty of space up here to get everyone together it's all yours she's light stealthy and the fastest ship in her class it's really going to be something isn't it i haven't even shown you the best part when you're ready to fly head over to the bridge our pilot should have everything good to go better head to the bridge when we're ready to go the meeting room you can make vid calls from the central table or just get the crew together we call this the research room you can run research projects and coordinate with the nexus from here most of the crew bunks in here cozy huh but your room's got more of a view these are the pathfinders quarters your quarters sam's router is down there too um ryder finalizing orders flight plan command access ready when you are everything's still got the factory stickers hi there can we talking stuff later i've got some last minute adjustments she'll be ready to go when you are right right we're almost out there hello i've just got to finish this download from the nexus we'll be ready for launch pass finder check this toy seems like we're forever racing but there's always time to check out new toys useful ones i'm all about what's useful oh this is especially if you grabbed anything from habitat 7. raw minerals tech doesn't matter the research station will strip that stuff down give you options we can craft our way through turn the junk we find into an advantage hey with tech like this it won't be junk for long not after work through if the best we get is what we make still the best check it out departure trajectory locked nexus control ah time for introductions you must be rider hello jeff a pleasure to be here and to meet you of course i'll be piloting the tempest at your word quite the ship but it'll take a pathfinder's guidance to see us through helios plenty of dangers out there but i'll do my best to avoid them that's reassuring wouldn't want to lose my finest work to that angry cloud i was test pilot for the tempest's early prototypes i admit i'm itching to see how she performs out here so how do i the console syncs with your implant just swipe touch a destination here and the nav system calculates everything very efficient it was optimized for a pathfinder everything's secure if you're ready is anyone ready for something this big we signed on for the big stuff when we came to andromeda all right excuse me excuse me command access is transferring successfully uh science and monitoring stations like fine lexi's reporting in helm is green gill reports the drive core is online this is it ryder the tempest is yours unless you've got something to say for the log i never plan to be pathfinder i don't know what's out there but we're the milky way's best and brightest we can do this nexus control this is the tempest ident 2527 prepping to depart departure vector verified tempest godspeed pathfinder to eos then what would have been our habitat one two failed outposts put an end to the idea maybe we can turn things around callow take us in [Music] andromeda initiative habitat one designated eos it was supposed to be an easy first step until no one else showed and we got clobbered twice why has sam altered frequency detection what are we hearing sam there is a signal pathfinder i recommend an immediate examination of eos [Music] i'm picking up something so probes launched tracking a huge mineral deposit [Music] i'm picking up something [Music] anomaly detected a mirror of the signal on habitat 7 possible atmospheric manipulation is that possible we'll find out if it is like habitat 7 no doubt will run into the cat so suiting up ready freddy hope we're all that ready callow all right integrating search area from sam how he pulled that mystery signal through the storms i have no idea multi-sensory neural collision amazing factory fresh across the board spinning up the compensators you're already tuning the displays we'll get a better read on this path than the nexus has had in months [Music] what i said a lot of people have their hopes pinned on us they gave up on eos can't blame them expected a golden world instead they saw their friends die never know how that will affect oh sorry you okay this is exactly why we came a new galaxy a new ship i can't wait to get both a little dirty pathfinder the tempest checks out we're good take us down you have no idea how long i've wanted a pathfinder to say that [Music] core is hot shields holding adjusting entry we got this right hell [Music] there set us down at this nav point [Music] [Music] how to even start reports state this planet suffers deadly storms that are contaminated by radiation from the scourge eos deployment was incomplete due to environmental hazards and ultimately hostile encounters plus no pathfinder if eos is like habitat 7 that signal we scan must be connected with the atmosphere we could use the outpost antenna to track it down let's get the power back on they must have known these wouldn't last in these conditions but they didn't have a pathfinder they do now we'll make eos a home door is getting emergency power but it's code locked site one issued individual security codes each outpost self-organizes and sets its own protocol just say we can't open it without codes we can't open it without codes [Music] got a code lock key gives us access if we need it we suffered our first death today storm came out of nowhere lockley tried to cover our crops lost his footing got swept away his wife is still in cryo maybe by the time they wake her up i'll know what to say [Music] i got a partial lock but i can't turn on the antenna something's blocking the power a remote lock is active the interference originates from a nearby power relay tower so we're not the only ones interested in what happened here let's check out this relay tower main door had power but not the interior doors full functionality would require an active power relay station that means the antenna's out of power too like the console said let's head to the relay station look at this place it's a wasteland the radiation in eos atmosphere makes it difficult to cultivate life radiation our suits protect against that right site one contains shield masts to dampen the brunt of contamination but if we went outside site one's perimeter that would not be advised it's inoperable pathfinder too long in this environment without power we didn't expect this kind of environment who could structure up ahead sam it fits the profile of a power relay station pathfinder right we get it running maybe buildings get power and we get a line on that signal huh guess that [ __ ] wasn't kept then they don't knock there are people here you thought everyone left was gone course you did now shove off find your own salvage this spot's taken so you're a salvager got a name i'm writer clancy making it honest living by wait writer as in pathfinder the nexus just can't let eos go can it however much it fails down here i'm tracking a signal that will help eos i only need power for the antenna look i cut the power for a reason the ket are patrolling today you turn the power relay back on they'll know there's a juicy target alive down here help me with the power relay and i'll take care of the cat you're crazy well maybe it's a good crazy okay i'll enable the generators out there you want to poke the tiger it's on you expect trouble when we start the generators there's an error in the startup sequence manual input required damn it please down one of the pylons to determine the hackable input location generator interface possible location locked generator is active sam our friend clancy was he part of the outpost team here no pathfinder according to nexus records he's stationed in the hangar bay so he's what playing hooky or he's a part-time salvager we've got company you weren't kidding about the cat the power relay station is ready for activation pathfinder you took down all those ket sure use the power relay hell take whatever you like word of advice though if that signal of yours is out past the perimeter you'll need a ride all right shuttles aren't fun in these winds you need wheels i think they kept a little something in storage didn't get around to salvaging it yet i tried it ain't that simple it might be easier for a pathfinder though we're heading to our shuttle keep this up maybe next time we'll find more than just salvage around here don't suppose you've got anything we can use i guess crazy power restored we should have access to everything in site one now right sam correct plus i've located the source of the signal we detected in orbit it's coming from the large alien structure just beyond site one the structure appears almost identical to the one your father used to adjust the atmosphere on the previous planet it's worth investigation that almost feels like a lead damn right that's worth investigating here a warning radiation levels beyond the perimeter of site 1 are well above acceptable limits you cannot proceed without additional protection all the more reason to see if that alien structure can make a difference to this planet come on you better find that vehicle clancy mentioned now the power is restored we can investigate the nearby bill buildings [Music] right well what do you know the outpost research center is still intact updating the tempest on this critical recovery research was always key to the initiative we'll meet it here too we're not scavenging anymore this is how we rebuild someone else agrees this research center was used recently to monitor the alien signal this gives us the tools to find the source and maybe whoever else is looking [Music] the research station is back online i've provided a list of weapons we can build by gathering the required components huh special requisition all-terrain scout rover a nomad six-wheel drive jump jets just what you need i might be drooling a little bit this must be what clancy meant the crate requires an access code from a forward station forward stations act as emergency resupply checkpoints several are currently in orbit i can call one down let's find a good spot activating automated forward station deployment it's like the forest station supplies are intact downloading nomad crate access code foreign no magic handle pretty smooth check both forward and reverse would you i can't get traction it's too steep switch to six-wheel drive it'll get you up there in a snap [Applause] remember the nomads jump jets they'll get you over most obstacles if you need more juice got it signals coming from that structure is go all clear [Music] ryder liam's looking for you the center's green coordinating path is calm moving on the move oh [Music] i'm picking up initiative tech nearby from above us i see it up on that piece with the scaffolding it's working but i'm just getting random symbols glyphs with more glyphs to expand my database from habitat 7 i could interface fully with the console and hopefully start up whatever helps the atmosphere i could provide analysis by the scanner pathfinder it's slippery but there's a great view okay let's solve this thing building connection i apologize for any discomfort the system seems unstable this would happen when my dad tried doing this your father interfaced directly with the atmosphere processor that proved extremely hazardous these structures could reveal its control center system remains unstable doubling our power input might accelerate the process i'll give it a shot wait back off or i will push you down whoa easy you've come this far just let it ride i've been studying this tech for months i don't know how you activated those glyphs but you have to let them cycle through their channels it's going to be all right trust me okay i know i know who am i i mean it's obvious who you are i saw the ship swoop in you're a pathfinder i was beginning to think the initiative just made you guys up so the rest of us wouldn't lose hope but you're for real huh are you for real you were going to tell me who you are i might just be the solution to all your problems well look at that system has stabilized i'm establishing a connection oh crap i know these things from habitat seven later just take them out they keep targeting that one they make a little box not bad my first tangle with the remnant was a lot messier the remnant these monoliths the observer and assembler bots they're all the remnants of something much bigger but that's too long i hate long so the remnant like my name's better as pb thanks for helping with those things i'm ryder you're a mystery i've been studying those glyphs for months and then you arrive and solved i saw this tech clear the skies on habitat 7. we're hoping it could do the same for eos huh atmosphere manipulation maybe fits the model all remnant tech is connected you interfaced with this monolith somehow and now it's pinging the others if you wake them up too they must lead to whatever master switch might fix the radiation interface with the monoliths follow the connection to the source easy enough sure just don't piss off too many observers here take my nav points i'll be i've got to figure this interfacing out just be careful this planet's all kinds of strange [Music] imagine leaving all the craziness on the nexus to be the first settlers here so much riding on you and then this time will be different right this is our element let's do this i think that's it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay there that spot has shelter water stable ground it was initially overlooked the site one folks were interested in the monoliths too oh radiation levels with an acceptable lip more remnant bots these ones don't seem hostile we need more of those symbols [Music] all remnant down i'll need to use the interface that controls this nice work so got it that should complete the glyphs pathfinder interface field pathfinder defense systems engaging [Music] [Music] so [Music] you get it that did whatever that did i see pathways lighting up all over the monoliths are resonating qec contact well whatever's happening you're definitely connecting you did good keep doing more can't drop [ __ ] seriously i can't catch a break [Music] i was just thinking the same thing radiation levels increasing remember the early data on eos back home when everywhere was labeled h with a bunch of numbers yeah your dad put those readings up in his office knew them all by heart wonder what those worlds really looked like then and now [Music] that looks like a cat facility of some kind those [ __ ] took over my best research site they won't let you near the monolith without a fight [Music] [Music] that looks like a cat facility of some kind those [ __ ] took over my best research site they won't let you near the monolith without fight ted incoming hostile shuffle is they've got the monolith well protected we'll need to cut that shield's power supply let's get to it before there's any more cat [Music] [Applause] who are you andromeda initiative we're not here to cause trouble so you say you still haven't told me who you are i'm the pathfinder are you now my name's sarah ryder i'm drac clan lackmore you'll forgive me if i didn't just trust a stranger from the nexus they haven't exactly treated us krogan well what are you doing out here checking out these monoliths the cats seem pretty interested in this one looks like you cleared it out for us though you said i didn't save any for you next is no [ __ ] about the cat they think they're safe but they're just waiting to die out there in space i've been quads deep on a couple of planets for a while now taking out kent bases fighting ground troops yeah i know what they can do it's not pretty you know we could use a krogan like you drack i'm flattered but do you have any idea how many humans i've watched die your meat is spoiled besides the day i help the nexus again is the day the clouds part and they can't keel over no offense none taken good cause i'm getting bored and the ketter getting stronger seem particularly interested in this alien tech remnant yeah that i'm gonna go find more to shoot try to keep your head out there [Music] so i got here adding to language database this component was security tagged for site two looks like they had some sort of special project going let's find the rest seems fun detecting above normal radiation levels radiation that should complete the glyphs pathfinder hey getting better at this done the monoliths are online and connected to something in the lake this could be the master switch we're looking for i'll meet you there don't do anything without me detecting above normal radiation levels [Music] so whatever tech we found on habitat 7 is the same as what's here that's what the scans suggest two planets now what does that mean you know what it means suit up and find out got it mining zones have been added to your nav system pathfinder what is it [Music] coming out of the lake the deck's underground too let's see it's opening up i see a door come on whoa it's forming a bridge radiation levels within acceptable limits no no this can't be right all that fanfare for an empty room there's some secret here there must be do your pathfinder thing oh you're good and i make it look so easy how far down do you think it goes [Music] that can't be air pressure electrostatic ah gravitation oh you idiot pb that wasn't the front door this is i'll let you know hey [Music] it's acting like a gravity well but where's it taking us embrace the unknown rider now this is more like looks like a bunker or a vault whatever you call it the controls for that atmosphere processor might be down here somewhere let's find out anything could be important let's be thorough i think that gravity well works in reverse too then we have a way out you're not leaving already are you not until we find those processor controls only minimal power i don't think it triggered the atmosphere processor but pathfinder a conduit beneath the floor just activated fluid is running through it it could be generating emergency power your scanner will have more details no signs of any cat maybe they can't get into the vault but you can that'll get their attention lucky me this door should be working it's got power right do we need a password what about these holographic patterns can you scan one i see the conduit sam whatever it is it leads out of the room these data pattern things are incredible if i'm right each one can hold hundreds of zettabytes there are whole species who get by with less aha what have we here by the corruption detected the pattern suggests significant data present but it cannot be accessed shouldn't it be warmer this deep underground well if the remnant aren't using it now that's interesting ah here's the rock you kick down here safely cell there looks like a broken information display phrase recovered must read to access this console links to surface facilities then it must control the atmosphere processor no glyphs it looks dead or locked down like most of this place the fluid conduit leads to this console and further into the vault so if we follow that conduit it might lead to the system lockdown open we read it we get access another gravity well and that's new what is it a symbol of authority a key it's easy to speculate with remnant but we need more facts i'll see what i can find on this beauty maybe over this way whatever has this place on lockdown is that way i do my best work solo you fix up the vault i'll investigate the relic and together we'll figure this place out you don't watch many horror vids do you we have no idea what's down there and we never will if we miss something because we're huddled in a group i'll be careful just stay on the radio i'm on frequency 145.8 stay safe 10 credits say she ends up in a pit of spikes this gravity well sealed off no way through incidentally a gravity well is the gravitational effect of a large mass in space this is more accurately a well with variable gravity keep a note for our sorry friend for when we try to explain all this com check it's well you know who we read you peepee stay in touch they dug this place through solid rock look up there must be how they kept it from collapsing whoa what's that liquid unable to classify the only way through is down towards it there's a low hum through every thing here can you feel it let's stay focused it burns through your shield we're good watch yourselves at burns a storeroom it's all so huge i see one thing i'm probably missing three more [Music] my god all this for an atmosphere processor what is this place another aqueduct how many do they need are those votes down there i can't even see where they end up there more remnant what's the edges way ahead of you keep looking up don't let him get above us that relic box i found not a symbol of authority the remnants still shoot at me i'll try it with one of those data patterns we saw is that a good idea nothing ventured nothing gained that's one way to light a room the atmosphere processor we found before didn't need all these steps dad just interfaced with it directly and it didn't work out so great direct intervention was necessary in that case but clearly unwise look how high it is might be another gravity well well sealed maybe we can use the conduit for emergency power same as before better safe than sorry take them out this device appears defensively you're sure this well isn't going to open up under us [Music] devices online and makes a shield at least it's friendly layers and layers of defenses if their defenses the conduit splits and goes through each of those devices interfacing may complete the circuit and allow the world to open it gets us to the system lockdown let's try [Music] power restore to the gravity well the conduit leads down conduit fluid pressure is variable there could be activity below then let's dig deeper [Music] hardly any dust how old is this place unknown radiation counts indicate the vault has been offline for several hundred years around the time the scourge appeared that can't be a coincidence maybe the scourge is why all this tech was abandoned crap the condo would sprang a leak careful no way you can interface with the console like that and no fluid means no power damn it maybe that's why those devices up above were turned off we're not turning back now there has to be some way to fix the leak rider up here what happened i can't get indoors to work the conduits breached hey wait the observers were using weird laser frequencies to fix a broken wall back there i can send the frequencies to your omni tool maybe they can patch up the conduits and received i'll give them a shot dead without the conduit there's not even enough power for the door the system's responding to those frequencies just a patch job but it should hold nice work if it's fixed that console should work now looks like it worked there's even a bridge you're a foul rider where are you going we've got to be close to the system lockdown by now first one gets the glory we'll catch up if we got that door working too will you look at that how do we get across watch your step it's still a long drop wait plants all the way down here you see them too i thought all the gravity fun had messed up my eyes no sunlight no water you should all be dead the source of the system lockdown may yield more information we appear to be close i'm starting to get the hang of this company [Music] [Music] it made a new path i think that's the right way to reach it if we backtrack you'll be fine see absolutely fine no just the light ah damn it it's okay it's fine knew it phew come on servers coming up at us [Music] armor hydraulics compensating oh no i'm okay two gravity wells down already and this place goes even deeper what's at the bottom let's not find out we've got a path to whoa [Music] nice work people too far even for jump jets that is cool [Music] feel that this whole platform's resonating with something it must be close no question this is the heart of the vault i've never seen anything like it all conduits converge here that must be the lockdown console huh any thoughts sam unknown though it appears related to the lockdown an in-depth study may reveal its purpose the system lockdown is disabled the vault and the atmosphere processor should return to full operation ryder you fixed the lockdown didn't you the whole place is lighting up power readings are off the chart really really off the chart but if it's back online we should be good to should we go baby get back to the entrance now i saw it what is that thing don't risk it just go what's up keep running too far to jump got another branch i look back why did i look back [Music] [Music] it would be wise to escape ryder i know sam another gravity well it could go anywhere it goes away from here we're taking it it's still coming it's sweeping the whole bulb kills anything in its way yeah like us that's the door to the entrance almost there the barrier's gone get that thing if you want but it's going to be closed go go go go right on our heels get to the gravity well not moving find an override [Music] console is attempting surface reconnection that was talk about a rush what was that field might have been sweeping the vault or chasing us an immune response maybe one last scrub for startup this place is full of surprises nothing like outrunning death or reactivating a huge mysterious vault nice going atmosphere processor is online recovering last console activity is that the helios cluster yeah there we are that's eos wow did we start in the system do that if that light is us then all these points could be vaults on other worlds dormant like this one maybe but why is there a whole network of them what's all this for tech can create observers from nowhere or ravage a whole planet and that's just what we've seen the bots those plants back there the atmosphere processors back home some corporation hit a desert world with an ice comet they changed the atmosphere to bring rain to help it support life that first processor we saw was making things worse but maybe it malfunctioned is that what these builders were trying to do make worlds habitable even terraform a whole cluster hey look there that's different maybe it's active we've got to go see sam extrapolating these coordinates lie beyond the space we have currently surveyed pathfinder mark it on our charts we need more to go on let's head up to the surface i could use some fresh air look at that sky how no atmosphere processor works that fast if this effect is representative pathfinder air and moisture patterns will show noticeable improvement eos could support an outpost a foothold that's all we need just enough to begin [Music] this remnant technology could be the key to our survival if we can't control it you can kind of still wouldn't hurt to find a manual we've got a lead sam marked it on the charts down there that site is active whatever it is who knows what we'll find there we you want to come along i want to know what makes the remnant tick you've got a key to their technology or a crowbar at least welcome aboard we'll get you a fancy job title to go over your bunk i only need a foot locker data pad toothbrush clean underwear that'll do i'll catch up with you well this will be interesting now for our new outpost you have already logged an ideal site nav point noted updating i hear a lot of things you hear or you watch low-budget action bits either way punches hunt they sabotage they do assassinations all officially sanctioned and that was all fine with you yeah hunt down anti-citadel fanatics or let crisis response mop up the blood later that's not a choice cat ahead they appear to be fighting a kroger is that drack ryder the time you joined the party wow keep it up [Music] that fight was fun you're telling me you could really handle yourself kids and i hear you're the one to thank for clearing up the sky had your number all wrong so the clouds parted these cat looked pretty keeled over maybe us humans can pull our weight after all well you can clearly but there's a lot to do before i'd be that smug about it you know what i'm gonna ignore my gut and join up this fight was good and we can do it again and before you go say you don't need a krogan believe me you do that's what i said the first colonists sent audio logs about these regions back to the nexus and fairwinds basin lowest radiation count in the area a little bit of hope it is caramel what is that this is where we'll build our new outpost a real beginning prepping deployment order you must choose what purpose this new outpost will serve the nexus doesn't get a say resources are at a crisis point protocol states this judgment call falls to the pathfinder with current supplies you could build a military outpost focusing on defense and militia training alternatively a scientific outpost could advance the initiatives research and discoveries what do you think military outpost or scientific pathfinder's call but research is no good if we're dead military it's got to be science our colonists need to understand their home be advised that the first outpost placed by a pathfinder will be a statement in itself fair or not your choice will represent the initiative and its intentions in andromeda consider carefully prioritize research and discovery that's our foundation and our future orders prepped ready on your signal andromeda initiative this is ryder pathfinder eos is ready for deployment copy that outpost block inbound and ready as hell august bradley operational head for this block mayor now i suppose we're ready to make the most of what you delivered i feel like i should toss you the keys be nice it's been through a lot understood brodromos that's what we're calling her they're eager i haven't seen eager for months eos is far from golden but now it's a producer a real and reasonable first step they think you did the impossible the nexus i warned them hoping was irresponsible you proved me wrong pathfinder i appreciate your candor we're all on the same side i wouldn't go that far the reality rider you brought us time but one outpost on a long shot planet won't stop us from starving you already have a lead on something else the nav point from the vault now it gets complicated the others are ready to officially sanction your efforts to be a part of your success we all want the initiative to succeed but after failing for so long no one agrees on how to do it be aware that's all i don't care why anyone helps so long as they do i've heard that before talk to bradley later we'll go over the extended job of pathfinder until then tan's waiting on the nexus radiation levels have spiked pathfinder radiation levels within acceptable limits life support at 100 percent [Music] [Applause] pathfinder jacob mitney research and development my team's just getting set up here but we've made a discovery you might want to check out all ears we've put together a blueprint for augmenting your armor plating uploading it now if you can collect the necessary resources from around eos it should work sounds useful good thank you mittany this could form the basis for armor production across the initiative scrounge safely pathfinder [Music] i'll be up all night collecting moisture readings ascent is gonna atmo all clear before the meeting gets started i have bunk assignments for pb and drag already put my rucksack in the kitchen i'll hang out there if that's okay and i'm in one of the escape pods more my speed that's fantastic welcome aboard any thoughts ryder i don't care where anyone sleeps as long as we realize what a kick-ass team we have let's talk about our success on eos besides establishing our first viable outpost we did some amazing things we discovered the remnant and breached their vault and didn't get killed overcame radiation poisoning a number of times and didn't die confronted by ket at every turn once again did not get killed you guys really need to raise the bar on what you call success yeah should we use the krogan definition of success that got your homeworld nuked by your own people fair enough let's focus back to the task at hand looking forward exactly here's my only question when do we hit that next vault it looked active we have to get on that hang on hang on we need to not go off half cocked there are initiative priorities the team calls the shots actually the pathfinder calls the shots just to be clear so what do you need from us ryder let's be kind and give each other the benefit of the doubt finding a home for tens of thousands in this hellscape is stressful enough without adding dysfunction you got it boss if krogan are known for one thing it's getting along but not humility or self-awareness okay let's head back to the nexus pb drak see lexi for a physical good meeting everyone ryder when you've got a minute stop by the met back tech lab is an engineer's dream it's perfect for any delicate technical work nice place you found clean air plants helps me think something on your mind maybe your biotics always do that when you're maybe stressed i got it i'm good i don't normally lose it like that a huntress should have better control huntress another term for an asari commando i was one before the initiative some things stick though like losing the old man how does a human soldier get to serve with a sorry prove your biotics can rip an apc apart and people get nervous funny that the alliance found me across species military initiative in a hurry sent me to thessia to serve with a huntress unit one of the few places where my powers were welcomed your father made another one i know it's not the same but i'm a good listener i hope you're as good at being pathfinder i said i wouldn't get in the way and i meant it but i prepped for years as your father second then he chooses you an untrained pathfinder and all this mess to fix the hell was he thinking is this going to be a problem cora i don't want a rival just answers it it's done best i can do now is be your second keep your father's mission alive then maybe we'll all get what we came out here for you me side by side i like the sound of that a commando friend said something like that once i explained i wasn't into women however admirable they might be so so i said i'd still take a bullet for we were a team look there's still the mission a lot of dreams to fulfill so what brought you out to andromeda bionics like this thinking like an asari huntress i never had a place best i could be was a youthful freak the initiative was meant to be different we'll be different if this mission succeeds so i'm seeing it through it's quiet in here i can keep the plants watered while i work first job see if there's any news on the asari arc if they made it we could use some asari expertise if you want to talk i'll be here hi there how's the search for the asari art going the lucenia checking every calm that's coming in nothing concrete yet you were in the alliance before you became a huntress right what made you join up my biotics i was still living on my parents cargo freighter when they manifested untrained biotic power on a starship means accidents but we couldn't afford a tutor the alliance had implants the training everything old history now your turn remind me why you came to andromeda the prothean digs woke us up to how much we don't know and to what humanity's next leap might be then dad's career collapsed his ai research made him too toxic i heard must have changed everything for your family i wanted to find worlds and secrets no one had ever seen and scott was itching for adventure so andromeda none of you writers ever think small do you did you come out here with anyone maybe someone you served with i had my fun on shore leave nothing serious though sorry huntresses figure things out but i was there for soldiering not romance does that mean fraternization is okay for asari commandos it'll happen but usually only for one deployment asari don't usually stay with each other long term after your 500th birthday you learn some self-control see you later cora i'll be here so too much trouble oh roshan who were you talking to cash nexus superintendent thinks she can boss me around just because she's my granddaughter i like the no trouble plan how about we stick with that cash said not too much trouble kid not no trouble you can't make sure some trouble's always coming for you that's not reassuring life out here ain't reassuring you'll get used to it is that all you brought you travel lean when supplies are tight and you're on your own your people had to know what it'd be like when you left the nexus we did but there weren't a lot of options after the mute me happened it was either buckle under tan's rules or start our own colony easy choice bad consequences all around not all krogan left your granddaughter stayed good thing she did without my rush on you wouldn't have had much of a station to tie your ship to as for me i'm way more useful out here lots to shoot at for one your people come first keeping cash on our colony safe will always be my top priority that's why i'm happy to tag along help make this galaxy a little more hospitable can't argue with that you're not hairy the blue give it away habitat 7 was a little more action-packed than harry bargained for he decided to spend his retirement years in the hyperion looking after your brother happy to have you dr daperro i'll do my best now hold still ow sorry i remember you having a gentler touch still trying to get my bearings thought i'd be waking up colonists not taking care of the pathfinder i couldn't be in better hands i just stabbed you we all have off days i always hoped to work in the field but everything's happening so quickly focus on the positive it helps i guess this is my opportunity to study alien species firsthand getting a cat specimen aboard the hyperion would be difficult but here uh what a cat corpse for autopsy a live subject would be better but i'm not greedy why do you care about the cat harry didn't tell you i'm a specialist in alien anatomy my thesis on krogan virility and aggression is what got me in the initiative i had no idea i'd love to hear more over dinner maybe oh um thing is ryder you're not my type what's your type not a patient i need to be able to look at you clinically without distractions am i distracting not nearly as much as you think you are but we were discussing the cat an autopsy could teach us potential weaknesses average lifespan right just something to think about sam make sure the pathfinder eats her vegetables pathfinder rider to engineering repeat rider to engineering pathfinder help me with something i know not exactly standard gotta make the space comfortable plus the fabric defuses the charge from an overclocked omniblade not giving up a six percent boost right someone brought this to andromeda it was new when we left it's been a hard year so finally time for that beer and after two years and a dozen suspensions i took a lateral promotion out of the force being a cop just didn't fit the crisis response digging people out of trouble that worked i bet hustle followed you into a few piece actions think about your alliance days much tell me about your group heavy urban search terrain one yeah earth's contribution to a multi-species disaster response unit h ust1 but hustle looks much better on a patch all civilians retired vets or shits like me i was fiercely feared tastes better just thinking about those days i wanted exploration to chase the cutting edge of prothean research i thought i'd found my calling seems like a long time ago 600 years give or take so pathfinder why andromeda that blunt huh that blunt i'm looking for moments like this with people like you you don't know me yet still an answer though something far from home i get it back at you costa why do you come i want to say i'm running from my past but really running for myself that'd be a great story but it's [ __ ] i had family friends a good enough job nothing was wrong i just heard about the initiative and i believed in it i believed in the new beginning still do i have to we're in it we can't go back but we're not trapped by decisions of galaxy behind us i don't feel trapped we came from a good place for good reasons we keep that in mind or stairs right just like back in crisis response remember the essentials a new start guided by the pathfinder and team i'll bust my tail to make that good story pedromos pro dromos sounds good doesn't it we started pathfinder a new life that is goddamn brilliant you barely covered how you joined tell me something about yourself all right i was a bad student piss-poor cop great responder had a good life but it all been done i wasn't looking to start over i wanted to start big you were a cop then crisis response couldn't have been long either didn't have the patience for law so i figured enforcement dad knew it didn't fit before i did but it got me into hustle they mostly take vets in retired service best years of my life an impatient rookie frustrated by procedure that's overdone i know right i wanted new and i got it and that led me here tell me about your family i miss the hell out of them some nights you just cry right that's the thing everyone does mom joelle dad calvin both lawyers met on the citadel settled on earth no brothers or sisters that might have been too much to leave it was traditional how about you life with my family was not typical on a number of fronts you may do though right family has to i know mine did i say goodbye to my mum and dad and got on a ship to andromeda we'll talk later i know it yes just wondering what you think of how i'm doing at the job i'm committed to the initiative your pathfinder it's as simple as it gets just stopping by for not much just showing some interest bad opening pathfinder you're better than that yes well screw it i'm owning it see i knew it all right interest returned let's bank that for another day we'll talk later i know it oh hey pathfinder the pathfinder's there let me say hi fine but don't embarrass me ryder this is sid my sister sid ryder let me guess little sister who are you calling little look kiddo gotta go wait writer i just wanted to know if so i know it feels like i just jumped aboard your ship without explanation i would have done the same just to get off the nexus that's not why i came sure i want to explore the galaxy but i'm really here to work i know everyone on the crew even the actuators gill prefers for the ship better i know how to get my hands on them with me around your crew is going to be at their best we've been failing for months rider now that we have you we have a chance out here wow that's some laser focus yeah was it too much some people get intimidated i'm not just some people i really like the intensity that's good it's nice to feel appreciated i should track down a lead for gil's actuators back channels you know we'll chat later pathfinder making the rounds slumming it huh want to see how the riffraff were making out hey this is the most important part of the ship whoa don't tell me they put someone smart in charge for a change i am at your command just want to see how things are going with the ship i can coax more out of this baby than some might think but we shouldn't go too far or push too hard between nexus stops for now it just feels good to be stretching our wings you know locked in idle too long you start to drift people same as ships stuck on the nexus gotta say i was regretting joining the initiative seems like life back there was pretty bleak not gonna lie it sucked i tend to live the way i work kind of feel it do it not a lot of close ties no real sense of purpose figured maybe i'd find my true calling in andromeda then i got here and oops i just made a decision there's no turning back from i was going nuts on that station you can't know how jazzed i was when you showed up happy to be of service i think you'll see that showing up is only one of my many talents oh yeah um you're not hitting on me are you thought i was is it not one of my many talents i'm just not susceptible if you know what i mean liam's more my speed well if he wasn't such a tool got it sorry no sweat at all you just keep pointing this ship wherever you wanted to go and i'll make sure she can get there deal deal [Music] this console reports on the malicious current strike team missions pathfinder please speak with tyrion kandras for authorization to participate we haven't really spoken since orientation have we it's all been so hectic but i'm sure things will quiet can't be worse than the nexus you're setting up in here huh yeah i'm going through what we got out of that vault if i can crack this data storage box it'll help with a personal project back on the nexus this is a nice out out-of-the-way place where i can tinker and i can sleep anywhere it's not exactly homey but i like that about it not really looking for a home oh but i will help you find everyone a home while i'm with you at least does your brain ever take a breath sorry not really even my dreams are in time lapse i get it you want to know who's on your ship so you're here to figure out what makes me tick right something like that sure well i was born in a log cabin on rural haitiana to simple but loving parents just trying to i look forward not back writer why snooze through my life story get to know me out in the field while we're uncovering the mysteries of this galaxy that's why i'm here got tired of yawning back home tackling complete strangers in the milky way wasn't doing it for you i think tackling you anywhere would be fun did i say that out loud life won't be boring with you around i may never yawn again you left everything and everyone you knew because you were bored no i came with someone i knew then she got bored with me ryder the milky way was so been there done that even if i hadn't done it someone had if there's one thing you should know about me it's that i live for the unknown for the never been done that's just the one thing you want me to know about you let's start with that then buy me a drink sometime who knows what will spill out of my mouth tell you what i need remnant scrap rem tack i call it for projects like the one i mentioned which you're gonna love by the by promise to bring me what you scrounge and i'll submit to all your questions rem tech huh you got it scans of the scourge all that dark energy twisting and turning on itself it's splendid i suppose it is a rather darkly beautiful phenomenon darkly beautiful i like that helios is incredible isn't it not just constructs like the scourge and the remnant vaults just all of it so alien a constant reminder of the divine intelligence behind all creation you mean a god yes i believe in a higher power i know it's a little odd but i am a scientist because science brings me closer to something greater than myself there's something about coming face to face with something wondrous that makes you want to believe wow it's wonderful to meet someone who understands i've had to justify myself so often as if having faith in the divine invalidated my work as a scientist as if this sacred could be diminished by the search for truth you definitely have an interesting perspective on the interplay between faith and science i'd really like to pick your brain on that sometime maybe over drinks the nexus i uh i'd like that now i should probably update the rest of the team with my latest reports we'll talk later i saw pictures of the vault astounding how big it is and how much of it didn't you see what if it's way bigger what's all that space for wild remnant parties what else would you use it for oh writer you're adorable i know when did you start believing in a god my parents were both scientists my home was ruled by rationality so when i became a teenager let's just say that while other kids found batarian music i found god but your work as a scientist convinced me even more especially when i got into molecular biology physics the patterns i kept seeing over and over again they were like an artist watermarks god to me is an artist an inventor not someone checking to see if i brush my teeth i'm really glad he volunteered to join our crew by the way i am too you galaxy and all i'm honored to be here no i mean i think you're cute and i like seeing you up here oh my goodness writer also the accent the accent is i mean it's not the only thing but uh okay i should just go over there to the piloting thing kill me now writer thank you and so you know the feelings mutual yes i mean time to pass find serious business saving everyone pathfinder what do you know about the remnants terraforming network from what i can tell the vault is designed to adjust almost everything about planet climate ph of the soil atmosphere composition there's even evidence that it can propagate life if we can figure out how to control the vaults we could turn these worlds into perfect habitats i take it you work closely with the nexus science team i try to keep in contact with them we discuss anything and everything we discover out here after all many brains are better than one and dr aridana is worth two or three at least i work best when i have other people to bounce ideas off of i should get back to things science kate glad you stopped by you'll pardon me if i keep an eye on our vector that's probably smart ah nothing like being on the bridge of your very own ship is there i could stand here and drink in that view all day when i was test piloting the ship back home i often did of course it took a whole team to build the tempest i was the only one to come to helius though why did you what can i say we poured our hearts into a ship that wouldn't realize her potential until andromeda i could have stood on the shore and waved goodbye or took the leap to see how it all turned out i get it like leaving a good story half finished the team liked that one of us was going it felt right after all we went through i remember serena debugging line 2281 over and over chewing that green pencil tion and o'connell arguing equations tapping on the console three drips of coffee on the corner you remember all that oh yes salarians have photographic memories and apparently mine's unusually sharp like my past is still happening though i suppose with the solarian arc missing you might not get many chances to compare did you hear anything about the ark back on the nexus not a peep isn't that strange you'd think there'd be something not that i dislike your company but it's lonely without other solarians cheer up callow we'll always have director tan that snide little bureaucrat all the more reason to find the others i should get back to it but thank you i was afraid the tempest would be mothballed after we lost your father we built her for this she deserves to be in a pathfinder's hands please come by anytime what can i do for you you know i haven't actually met many salarians careful depending who you ask we're conniving spies genius researchers or meddling scientists we have to pack a lot of living into 40 odd years everything gets accelerated lines blur i just hope we don't repeat our old mistakes out here what do you think of the rest of the crew well i can't talk about suvi she's sitting right there i'm not listening you can say whatever you like oh no i'm not falling for that again i'll let you concentrate you know where i'll be anomaly detected [Music] anomaly detected deploying probe satellite detected [Music] [Music] i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] ah familiar territory the nexus has been here for months still not enough time to survey all anomaly detected [Music] anomaly detected detecting what's left of a ship [Music] foreign pathfinder is it true we're settling eos we've thought that before but eos is different now right pathfinder all right settle down give them space lieutenant zayaks kendros's aide they all wanted to see you real hope again it's been a while relax lieutenant if there was ever a day to pop some champagne certainly the initiative's finally back on track professor herrick right what you achieve with that remnant vault is unprecedented pathfinder impossible but with new scientific talent waking up we'll unravel those mysteries the whole nexus will benefit we've taken some hard knocks but this proves we'll always get up again always well what are you waiting for there's a new world out there thank you ryder should i apply for now don't don't shut the door processing then we'll have you on your way this is things are shaping up pathfinder resources flowing in sleep is ready to head out it starts to feel like the initiative not quite up to the sales pitch but getting there it feels good right i feel it liam finally getting our start there we go getting our [ __ ] together showing a new galaxy that we have it sorted if i keep saying it it's true right take a break pathfinder everyone needs it [Music] free drinks for pathfinders i'll make sure of it another one damn it this is supposed to be the chemistry lab my chemistry lab you all keep crawling out of the woodwork like space cockroaches you say that dutch but here you are pouring people drinks uh hi i'm standing right here they're guinea pigs damn it chemists should have guinea pigs not have their labs taken over by people giving them things and being nice aren't bartenders usually friendly you're kind of hostile i'm not supposed to be a bartender i'm supposed to be a chemist don't let dutch put you off he's a sweetie really i'm not and the drinks are good damn right they are [Music] i mean yeah i'm a dirty squirrel [Music] so how things go my an expedition to eos and the pythia system has discovered a mysterious facility that authorities are calling a vault though not much yet is known about the underground structure is believed to be remnant in origin no to the starry scientist helisaria basale what we activated in the vault drastically improved the atmosphere on him this is hns do you have just a minute ryder isn't it kerry devessa freelance fidd maker this is hakeem my producer i could use your help what are you looking for director towns asked for an uplifting documentary on the initiative translation paint rainbows over our problems but our problems are history people deserve the truth not propaganda nice to see someone so devoted to her work that's kind sometimes the camera makes people shy away from me that's a shame so that's what i need the truth i mean someone needs to record the history we're making maybe a crisis is the time for hope rather than hard truths that was town's angle but if we pretend everything's fine who does that truly serve the heart of my documentary will be an interview series i was hoping you'd take part i want the dirt and blood of our story not the convenient fairy tale town's looking for interested he don't mind treading on the initiative director's toes what would he do pool funding we don't have i'm game if you are okay interview away let's start at home 14 months and the nexus still isn't finished arcs are missing we have people in exile by any standard this wasn't the plan our leadership describes these as anticipated issues would you agree all expeditions have to deal with supplies enemies or hell just getting lost we'll deal with all of them we just need time tan will love that but if that's your take that's what goes in bandwidth means i'm transmitting in short bursts so that's all for now but you can bet i'll have more questions later this was more fun than i expected you were great i'll get to work editing hi there hello again hello director tan is expecting you last time i was here this was a storage closet pathfinder hall just needed a pathfinder to open we're still getting the commons area ready hydroponics is only a partial capacity not good enough we don't have enough people my workers need a break tan i sympathize but not until our survival is no longer at risk now please excuse me while i meet with our pathfinder hey ryder addison told me about the outpost you're the hero of the hour i guess this is one bet that paid off point taken always reveling your victories that's why i'm standing here oh i never doubted you it was the others they don't share our vision writer of a prosperous future in andromeda i suppose we agree on that much i knew that given a chance your talents would emerge deciphering the vault alien terraforming it's not how we imagined all this but a good pathfinder improvises and a great one hangs it on the wall yours are the first trophies to grace pathfinder hall you're a symbol now a writer a reason for people to believe i plan on doing a lot more than that that's the confidence we need take charge and ignore your critics careful he'll end up adopting you ryder my staff colleagues you wouldn't be looking to cut us out would you tan i remind you i am the director of the initiative acting director this isn't the time for arguing over who gets to be king too much is at stake we should be cooperating that's what i've been saying since we arrived then i look forward to winning our pathfinder support i have concerns about your decision on eos rider an outpostful scientist won't do as much good at the cat attack but it will help support the nexus improved research could help feed our people and we could argue about it all day long as we always do the decision was made now we move on what is your plan for moving on ryder we have a lead on the terraforming network i need to take the tempest deeper into the sector to investigate if the other golden worlds are where they should be this could get us closer to them careful the ken are scouring the cluster for remnant technology you'll end up in a fight for sure you might also run into exiles they didn't leave the nexus on good terms and we still need more outposts they're important to expanding the station though with ark still missing this could be a chance for writer to search for them yes i think that's best you have my permission thank you director i'll get on it may you light the torch that finds the path pathfinder right ryder this is harry back on the ark go ahead we may have found a way to talk to your brother sort of drop by when you can hyperion medpay will do pathfinder we are to contact director addison as soon as possible right she had something that could help with our job whole mood of the nexus has changed sensios you really can feel it new outpost a pathfinder's help people waking up it's a fresh start can't relax yet the initiative still has a lot of promises to keep and that's on us but it's damn good to know we're on the right track you've had a year to think about it it's the scourge director tan its origin defies all known explanation how we brought all that equipment along and the tempest readings are helping but we've just scratched the surface the history of the initiative cannot show that we were defeated by a space cloud some things are bigger than we are i will not accept that excuse this is science and your merry band over there are scientists aren't they figure it out goodbye director ryder you're off to a promising start i meant what i said you are a symbol now of hope that things will get better do i worry about this terraforming network what do we really know about it it's like nothing we've ever seen it's clear somebody had big plans for this cluster but who not sure yet but at least we're on the trail did you have some other business as director of the initiative are you in charge around here or what if the others would allow me they don't see me as the rightful successor what's their problem with you i am not gian garson our founder was charismatic eccentric larger than life traits i cannot hope to mimic she and her inner circle perished in the scourge some at the hands of the exiles some never made it out of stasis i was deputy assistant for revenue management then all seven leaders above me died i was next in line for the role so you're an accountant don't let that fool you we are all capable of more than we know when i was young i was fascinated by the idea of exploring space life had its detours and i went a different direction then i heard about the initiative and saw my chance to try the path not taken while i may not be setting foot on new worlds my authority can ensure that you do right sorry that's all thanks for your time of course no it isn't you've shaken things up pathfinder my department actually has colonial affairs to direct and you have new tools to help grow the initiative avp ready for spending sam said there was new functionality to discuss it's how the initiative was designed to support the pathfinder you and your team are out there making andromeda viable that empowers all of us hit a threshold a new cryogroup can be brought out want more focus on research like on prodromos that's your call brecca will introduce the interface and handle minutia all you need to do is decide what life in andromeda means no pressure maintenance crews please report to the commons area hello pathfinder i am cryo deployment administrator vladimir brecker c63 galati your first task is to decide irrevocably the course of every life in the initiative you're kidding yes of course but now you respect what we're doing andromeda viability and the nexus thresholds are your tools your reward and our future how can they help what's the rundown on avp much of the preparation in the milky way was determining how to measure success thresholds are about capacity but this is about cost what we can actually afford to support points aren't the most elegant system but it makes it clear the more you earn the more we can deploy how are you measuring thresholds it's based on resource estimates and the general stability a metric of acceptable scope and risk the more you achieve the greater capacity we can accommodate the more the initiative can do for you simplest explanation the more you do the more room we have to grow all right becca where do i start the interface is active and will respond only to a pathfinder it's ready for your first selection you may begin shaping the initiative at your leisure foreign colonial affairs please advise director tan of your status that's the console for our strike teams what are they assault and extraction squads when we need the best i have apex combat experts who've signed up to defend us since you have a front row view of the cluster i can give you authority to dispatch them i'll deploy your people carefully kendros appreciate that rider but trust me apex can handle themselves authorization complete good luck out there apex personnel please check your duty roster for important updates supply request is in replacement armor is out top scientists have a few answers and the dark energy anomaly known as the scourge limits travel and communication in the cluster this is hns a bar opens on the nexus visitors herald the vortex as a sign of civility and the opposite of civility as more sleepers wake in need of a drink this is hns once we gather a few more colonies harry what's happening with scott well we got him out of the pod i don't want to get your hopes up but sam managed to uh find him you might say i don't follow well he's still in a coma but he also has an implant like yours and sam managed to access it he's made contact that's incredible he's okay vitals are steady but i'm letting sam take the lead on this one though in a coma scott's mental processes remain intact so is he okay you can ask him yourself a moment while i establish a link with his implant proceed scott can you hear me is that you sarah i don't understand what's happening there was a problem with your stasis pod you're in a coma on the hyperion do you understand wow really how are we talking sam linked into your implant but they say you're stable you're safe and sound in the med bay guess i'll take your word for it i can't feel anything but i still hear you is that okay he's away on a mission right now i know he's worried about you though yeah sure it is i probably just lost luggage to him by now you're wrong he cares well at least he's barking orders at you and not me yeah so how's our new home does habitat 7 live up to the hype there's been some complications the golden worlds didn't exactly deliver wow that's rough but we knew it could happen that's why we brought dad right find us a place to live he's on it damn i need to be there helping you guys you were never one to quit little brother a nap won't hold you back someone has to keep an eye on dad he doesn't mind snow no way i'm living on some north pole i'm sure we can arrange for a desert tell dad what happened the connection was only temporary his condition remains stable sorry it seemed better than nothing i'll keep you posted promise thanks harry so construction and repairs continue on various parts of the nexus authorities have no word on completion and remind visitors to avoid affected areas this is hns they offered to put me on the transfer list uh [Music] koro wanted to check in with you [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] anomaly detected [Music] we're on a collision course with unknown objects make corrections sam are you on this vision i'll stop now [Applause] cat ships a dozen no more they've got us pinned against the scorch they are scanning us i'll find out we'll scan them back where is the one who activated the pendant [Music] their dna signature is there answer me i'm writer captain of the ship and pathfinder with the initiative you'll come with me they've lost navigation we're being steered into their ship just tell me what you want i won't explain what you can't understand ryder i have almost regained control of the ship i need a few more seconds i actually know a lot about the remnant we should compare notes enough your defiance is naive and reckless this day marks the beginning of your greatness stamp i have plotted a potential course through the scourge do it report enemy destroyed damage to app sensors scourge got it yes get us out of here yes nice work kid yeah but who the hell was that guy ryder we've got trouble down here you need to find a support now great where'd we end up anyway sensors are damaged but i think we're at the vaults coordinates you think gil give it what you can we're setting down [Music] we're being contacted we have to land open a com esto cove gallesto we're visitors from another galaxy our intentions are peaceful they've sent us a nap point set us down [Music] yes look at that it's beautiful we need in that vault please you're not really going out there on your own we can't afford a repeat of last time i'm the pathfinder first contact is on me most important thing ever no pressure this is what it's all about right new worlds new aliens wish me luck thank you hey hamdul ghost nathan drawer [Music] hello i am a pathfinder with the initiative yes you crossed dark space i've heard of your journey joel i have this in hand after i saw this ship come in and send me to find out what's going on she's a human from another galaxy a pathfinder ayah is hidden protected what do you want our intentions are simple you'd like to look in your vault and then we're out of here you think that's simple you don't know anything i'll inform efra he'll be waiting for you in his office at the resistance headquarters i'll meet you there i will accompany you through our city your crew will stay on your ship follow me follow closely do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone efris guards will use force if necessary understood is it okay to ask you questions i suppose if you're the governor why do i need to see this ephra he's leader of the resistance what's that they fight the cat and protect us what's happening i detect unusual levels of electrostatic energy in the angara this is insane it belongs in a containment cell we're going to shy handle this you don't know what you're doing am i that intimidating you're an outsider who invaded our home we know nothing about you i'm not here to cause trouble then keep moving how did it find us she got it and stopped staring none of the local flora register in my data files we've encountered an undiscovered ecosystem your city is beautiful thank you you're the first outsider to see it i'm honored what happens if ephra doesn't like me he won't but you need to earn his trust he's responsible for everyone's safety i know what that's like you're a leader trying to be this is the resistance headquarters ephra is waiting inside they are bullies but this situation is now your fault don't get kicked out more and not because of them but you're telling me to be weak no i am telling you to be strong through your cunning and heart okay hey it really is the best one in the resistance i know our experience with the cat makes us naturally distrustful of all aliens we're nothing like them in fact maybe we can help each other out we made that mistake when the cat arrived when the arkhan came to helius he demolished our sovereign state took what he wanted as if we were nothing now the ket mercilessly abduct angara often we never see our people again come this way ephra is waiting wait the cat kidnap you steal your people and the resistance fights them every day with everything we can is it attrition what are they after you should save your questions for efra kedara be damned i won't lose fold efra this is one of the aliens from the milky way a pathfinder pathfinder it's an aggressive move coming to ireland it wasn't meant that way i have an ark full of desperate people counting on me to find them a home before they starve of course i feel for you and your people so pathfinder never mind how you even found us why are you here on a hostile planet we call eos i explored an ancient structure a vault and brought it back online it stabilized that planet's environment remnant recent intelligence supports that claim if i'm right there's a vault on ayah that's different i need to look inside you're right there's a vault out there but it was shot years ago and the entrance hidden we can't help you the most i could she's our most revered scientist and elder she knows this vault but now the cat have her and our rescue attempts failed she's lost to us and you there must be another way how can i convince you can i offer help arrogant i don't know you let alone trust you why would i want your help of course efra i feel ever what this alien says is extraordinary the moshay would want us to be brave and not let this chance pass joel you talk too much let me assess this alien i'll be your eyes i know you can spare me go if you want but when she tries to kill you be prepared to strike first i'm jal amadarav i'll be your envoy through anger in space thank you for trusting me i don't but i can always kill you in your sleep good to know i've organized my analysis of aya shall i relay it to the nexus definitely be careful out there you know i will you really think the motion is alive spider ships fixed up and ready to fly i'm just saying as far as first contact goes at least that went better than the last one only slightly yeah what happened i wanted to look around and now we have another mouth to feed whatever he eats do the translators not work they work come on everyone can we just all please try to just listen up begging interesting strategy ryder we followed our best lead here and now we don't even have that jaw has offered to do what he can to help us access the vault on aya how do we do that when we're leaving the planet it's on that's a fair point joel seriously settle down ryder's right there's an angara right here let's hear from the new guy one day about 80 years ago the archon and the cat arrived in helios and the horror began they declared war nothing so easy to define or fight the cat kidnap angara their people disappear without a trace what if they were us sure i'll fight ket all day long but that's no plan i agree we need to get into that vault rider surprisingly i'm with pb our own mission has to take priority we have a plan kind of pretty solid jaw the resistance is stretched thin i was tasked with traveling to two of our worlds at our briefing this morning and you'll accompany me because because then ephra will see you as trustworthy you want that gels told me about these two worlds havarl and vold before the scourge disaster vold was a thriving planet of billions a shining center of technology and life and now it's the center of our ground war against the kent our resistance base is fighting cat command for control of the planet what about the other a vowel is the birthplace of the angara it's started to degrade to become wild and dangerous we suspect remnant now we're talking we've recently lost contact with our scientists still don't get how any of this helps us i do help us or rather help me and i'll vouch for you right because jaw wants inside is vault too pathfinder it's your call wait what kidding just be ready what have you gotten yourself into joel give kellow the enough points for both planets let's do this what are you making one hell of a trip this is turning out to be hostiles ruined worlds no home in sight everyone's getting toasty there was a two-hour argument yesterday and no one even knew how it started that's not good luckily i have the perfect way for people to unwind movie night taking a breather for a good movie i could get behind that best part is it doesn't need to be good you still get mileage out of the bad ones it's worth it to jumpstart everyone's pioneer spirit and all that the tempest database is pretty dry could you download a movie library from nexus ops to see what i got to work with five time thanks everyone will appreciate it pathfinder hey i was wondering could you put your stamp on a project it's for me and joel to work on call it diplomacy if you have to put it in a budget bucket greenlight that research and it's all good what's your read on the people we're working with the squad and crew they're all fine you must have opinions your opinion's more important what do you think of your people we're all struggling with a job that just landed in our laps it's a blur sometimes i bet lexi's flagging all kinds of psych warnings up to us to figure it out that's why this is our ship so we own it wanna make it work we'll talk later i know it so so ayah has so much biodiversity and the waterfalls just like sirkesh we might have a problem i was running some numbers mass balances and such the tempest is carrying about 70 kilos of extra mass i think something's a board that doesn't belong is it a problem that we're carrying extra mass not mechanically but something heavy and unexplained that's not good our internal sensors aren't getting anything but they're not as powerful as a pathfinder scanner can you take a look all right i'll look around the ship and see what i can find pathfinder i should get back to things science kids anomaly detected [Music] god i'm picking up something [Music] so a worker [Music] attention civil disobedience has been reported in hydroponics security a worker was lost to space during repairs on the nexus hall the victim's name has been withheld until next of kin in the milky way is notified this is hns so okay once i hit the colony this set should be good for protection if we get attacked by cats so it'll work against lighter weapons fire but heavy weapons make them here make them know make them lead or make them go i know this isn't what i signed up for either or alive hey pathfinder you're with the militia right what's going on in there a crowd of people in hydroponics and they won't leave they're disrupting operations might get nasty can you talk to them hey what's going on that's your new galaxy making speeches about some fresh start while your kids stay frozen and it's all thanks to your pathfinder excuse me we've waited months for our families to come out of stasis they should have gone to your outpost but since you think research is so important military personnel got bumped down the list like my clan brothers all the reassignments mean they're in ten different colony blocks now and my mother just got caught in the middle i founded the outpost i didn't decide who would stay in stasis you don't care that you've torn families apart that's not what i said maybe you could still make this right i just want mom out of stasis that's all anyone here wants you do stasis revivals you can tell our leaders you're opening those pods today i authorize whole colony blocks or a few emergency revivals i can't wake dozens of random people we don't care whose finger pushes the button if you can't our leaders can and if you tell them they will this is a big issue bigger than just my say-so [ __ ] you're the hero right now they'll do anything you say we tried petitioning addison she ignored us screw her start with kandros he said those ten soldiers over there maybe he'll take us seriously any word i know we slept for 600 years [Music] pathfinder are we going to volder haverl you should have seen it perfect drift i got a copy of the nexus movie library thanks i'll look through it it's probably all agricultural learning vids but there might be something good i'll keep you posted just waiting on that armor requisition project no pressure we'll talk later i know it so jaw so we haven't had a chance to talk alone you comfortable in here i took it it feels strange to stay with the others they are you are aliens and you're alien to us so there we have something in common uh we can look at it as a place to start got it perhaps then if we're all aliens it's about what kind of alien we are you had no idea about us but you signed up to help us anyway perhaps it has nothing to do with you care to elaborate i do not how do you know moshe suffer she's our greatest mind on the remnant i was his student you studied the remnant too a little i was terrible i quit or she threw me out one of those we're still very close so is that your rifle it is now it's kept with my own modifications i like to tinker to get my hands on something and take it apart that's a skill i know we can use but i have one request please don't take apart my ship you're right i signed up uh volunteered for this it's exciting there's something unique about you uneasy raw but somehow profound face value that sounds like a compliment a nice one it is angara feel deeply we have more trouble hiding our emotions than showing them i should get back to my work when we have down time i'd love to watch you work sure i could show everyone um no just us so we can get to know each other better or just share a hobby oh of course good good yes what's your story joel tell me about yourself why well why wouldn't you you hiding something maybe that would only make sense i was born on earth third planet of the soul system in the milky way that's interesting thank you that's enough until we've established a better trust with each other again i'll lend you 30 if you pay me back by tomorrow done thank you sue b someday i'll find out why you're always strapped for credits anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] this own our ancestors came from this system from haval it looks so small from here i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] anomaly detected probably normally found anomaly detected [Music] [Music] i'm picking up something deploying probe tracking a huge mineral deposit i'm picking up something sending the nav point for darpa lev that's where the emotions should be it used to be an angaran town there'll be landing pads and good sight lines for a safe approach on the sensors something big possibly hostile taking evasive action wait i don't think is well that's something you don't see back home [Music] [Music] bringing us in [Music] ryder i will meet you at darpa level [Music] it's full of life maybe there are golden worlds out here after all there's a vault here and it's working i wonder why it didn't show up on the map in eos [Music] [Music] i don't know about this is them the ones from the other galaxy yes ryder kieran dolls lead scientist to darpa nev i just have to say havarl is beautiful the planet's beauty is the least of my current concerns where's the rest of the team ryder has experience with remnant we might be able to help their investigations you haven't heard while the team was exploring the monolith something went terribly wrong they were caught in some kind of remnant stasis field frozen in place unresponsive i know how to work remnant tech i can help you ryder has seen a vault and apparently reset it somehow ocean of fish one will have gems in its mouth but if you think the alien can help i'll set skepticism aside the monolith is not far from here see what you can do but be careful we don't know what triggered the stasis and it may happen again no transports available emergency support for cat attacks all of them what is everything all right you seem distressed uh would you like a reward for that astute observation you're that alien visitor that came to ire asking about our vault you've heard of me who hasn't when strange new species turn up reports spread fast after the kid can't be too careful luge anson historian with the repository of history aya listen if there's nothing you need could you go away i'm busy trying to get transport off this cursed planet why did you come here from aya kieran's team found some remnant relics while digging around the old ruins i was sent to collect them for the repository which shouldn't have taken more than a day but things never go according to schedule do they you mentioned remnant ruins are there lots of remnant here yes if you've been out in the jungle you might have seen some of it we think the ruins were part of a vast remnant complex we've seen evidence of hallways that wound through the area both above and below the ground generations ago our people took shelter and what we found here that's how polite was established were there no hostile remnant machines none according to the histories we found artifacts of course bits of things that we could study but they say it was like moving into an empty home you don't seem to like havarl very much of all's other regions suit me just fine but here oh no i don't do well in this fierce wilderness you think these shelters keep you safe they don't woke up this morning and found a thorny vine wormed its way into my bunk i'm stranded here because a branch pierced my shuttle's power core i won't bother you further very well watch out for plants while you're out there vicious things so so be on the lookout for raw car and garen fanatics they hate more people that will likely shoot on site charming oh all clear i'm gonna guess those mushrooms aren't edible let's be careful around the native flora okay everyone glow-in-the-dark fungus school age liam would have been so excited found them the researchers caught in the stasis field exactly where kieran said they would be i think we need more glyphs should be enough glyphs [Music] the interface failed pathfinder it appears that was incorrect reading of the monitors and scott scouting stars what who are you how did pathfinder rider with the andromeda initiative i'm from another galaxy take a moment find your bearings more aliens appearing out of nowhere what's going on the remnant tech around here had you frozen in some kind of stasis i don't know who you are just stay back i don't think he remembers being frozen pack your equipment we're leaving and let's believe that there's an alien presence by the monolith that went well what's your status rider did you figure out what happened to the research team we deactivated the stasis field they're safe and making their way back that's good news you should come too kieran looks like she wants to talk to you [Music] so don't know what caused that fire let's be careful so you don't feel any different any news of the motion i don't think so i'm afraid no accident do you what do you mean gray spiky aliens cats no these were different we were doing a survey of the area and so then before the fleas you mean turians you saw turians why don't you and torvar talk about that later right now i want to thank you for saving my team you weren't lying kiran told us everything she even had pictures i apologize for the indifferent welcome you received from me earlier don't worry about it you had no reason to trust me the last aliens you met were cat ryder what you have done here your remnant understanding and your sam should convince ephra you're an asset we should speak to him as soon as we can perhaps on the tempest karen i've been thinking if lighter can use remnants couldn't we fix the monoliths stop her vowels decline pervarls decline this will take time to explain we can discuss it further when you have time and don't forget to talk to torvar about those what did you call them turians you were saying something about the planet being in decline it doesn't look like it but havel is sick it started here uncontrolled mutations in organic life killing some turning others into poison we're starting to see the same elsewhere the planet's ecosystem is crumbling slowly but surely it's the monoliths there are only two of them when there should be three so i go to the third monolith turn it on reset the vault and voila that is just the thing pathfinder rider there is no third monolith it's lost how do you lose an entire monolith it could be destroyed for all we know we've never tried asking the sages there could be something in their oral history stars those superstitious hermits don't care about modern angara you know that you saw the projections for the planet's survival what do we have to lose sages oral histories on myth rather that old remnant edifice over there they trace their families back to a time just after the scourge they believe isolation will maintain the purity of the histories by preventing contamination by modern thought basic sense they probably don't even understand or care that havarl's dying if asking your sages doesn't work we'll be back here so what's the harm in it the trek up myth rather's teeming with remnant most of us don't attempt it but maybe you could do it follow the remnant river and keep your head i'd hate to hear something terrible happened in pursuit of some ancient legend leaving a viral bridge is yours pathfinder josh says evra is waiting for your call pathfinder pathfinder you have new email swear words really that's what you asked him about just waiting on that armor requisition project no pressure we'll talk later i know it pathfinder you have pending vehicles joel's been keeping me updated on your adventures your good deeds on our behalf i meant them i want you to know you can trust me you went out of your way to free that science team a selfless act but your true agenda is clear to explore arya's fault joel says you want to help find the most shy why should i let you i'd like this to be the beginning of a strong relationship keep your promises and little by little our bond might grow we've managed to trace the motion to a special can't facility unfold why special these facilities are protected by a dynamic shield tech we haven't been able to crack we're close by its ability to adapt outstrips the speed of our current processes pathfinder adding my processor to that program would no doubt make the difference efra i can help respectfully this time you need my help respectfully the angara don't need anything from you we take care of our own what i meant was let our scientists help with your program let my team join your effort let's up the chance for success i'm offering you should accept very well i'm not stupid and i love the mo shine you're welcome on the mission thank you the team will meet you at our base unfold they'll take you to the get facility stay strong and clear goodbye joel said he wanted to see you so you've gained their first trust no easy feat yeah but at a price you mean the raw car don't take it personally they hate all aliens ever made it seem like you had experience with them i know their leader aksul we studied together under the moshe but unlike me he was a good student the best actually then he knows about remnant he did it's a long story give me the short version aksul was captured by the kit he spent a year in a forced labor camp before he managed to escape i can't imagine what he must have gone through he has scars that would give you an idea when axel returned he no longer cared about the remnant or anything except destroying the kit why not join the resistance axull's not the type to follow orders and i think he was bitter we weren't able to rescue him so he formed the row car we didn't give them much thought but since your people arrived his cause has grown i convinced ephraim i'm not a threat maybe i can do the same with axel i admire your courage but aksul's dangerous and he lacks ephra's pragmatism he'll make you want to kill him i have to try if hideous is to be your home i guess you'll have to deal with iraq one way or another there's a recluse on havarro who escaped with axul from the cat her name is thor dear she might know how to contact him i'll send you the nav point you're taking the angara old man strong everything here looks normal no stowaways no extra mass in a while since i encountered a new friendly species no extra mass in the bathroom phew oh yeah 70 kilos is a lot to flush away if i recall my exact words were they're bold from being so squishy do they know they're mostly water harsh don't let ryder hear you so that extra mass is behind the storage room bulkhead behind it it looks like a construction mech welded right into the hall scanning the parts has activated an audio log i think i know what that's about ryder come up to the bridge so how long does it take to learn piloting those parts you found welded in the storage room i recognize them from where they belong to the ship's lead designer lucille de awara she broke her back during construction but lucille wouldn't abandon her ship she converted a construction mech into a rig she could wear she must have welded it into the hall her artist's signature not even a broken back could stop her dream sam didn't you find an audio log with lucille's rig can you play it a sam found my construction gear then well done one of you pathfinders got the tempest mason borrow zeven reika matriarch ashara alec ryder you were the best of us dad's gone makes you wonder how many other pathfinders made it we'll find out it's what you do take care of my ship and each other whatever is in andromeda you're the milky way to them we are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep i never thought i'd hear lucille's voice again she really cared about the pathfinders enough to give them her rig for luck it's part of initiative history it should go to the nexus for everyone to see and maybe help someone else i'll see to it writer thanks now let's go make her proud [Music] entering atmosphere lz in sight activating automated forward station deployment [Music] enemies cat what are they doing here pathfinder fall deer the reclusive escape the cat with axel lives in this area i think she'd be more comfortable if joel was with us cat what are they doing here nice shot locked overrated don't come any closer don't touch me you need medical attention it's too late for that i made sure of it you did this to yourself the kid i can't go back i won't don't push yourself you'll make it worse i've never met a human before you're not like he described you mean axel he saved me it gave me a chance to live and die on my own terms i need to find him i wanted to see him one more hope she finds peace even in the end she was devoted to him better update joel joel a kept raiding party attacked faldir she took her own life instead of being captured i'm sorry i'm the kid the only other person who might be able to reach our soul is the most shy another reason to rescue her my foreign [Music] ugh know hungry down uh [Music] oh [Music] it's stuff like this that makes everything worthwhile stay alert we don't know what's down there oh that's a long way to fall uh i want to take you apart so oh ah the past been used but not recently i see tracks so [Music] got it so let's give this a try wow so [Music] oh [Music] climbing to a great hike to speak to some wise old hermits it's like we're in a vid or something if they hand us a magical artifact i'm going to eat my helmet i'm going to hold you to that caster [Music] above us huh [Music] i know got targets [Music] look at that [Music] uh [Music] you bypass the security how is that possible an alien what like it's hard even we have trouble understanding raymond tech only a handful here can operate our own gates it doesn't matter you must leave we do not entertain guests here havarl's in decline if you tell me about the lost monolith i can help fix it reset the vault it's lost the memories of its location haven't been reclaimed on this lava we have accepted haval's eventual ruin you're just giving up on your planet isn't this your birthplace don't you want to save it a chasm separates want from can what you ask no one can give the memory of the monolith resides within a thread gets slipped from our grasp i'm not sure i follow reincarnation the soul has returned time and again an unbroken thread there was one long ago who had knowledge of the third monolith zorai a champion of the angara from before the scourge sorry's soul has returned and could be made to remember what it knew but we have no contact with it so you're saying there's some way we can make people remember their past lives souls retain within families an object heirloom tied closely to that bloodline could cause memories to resurface but it's not guaranteed it has been known to happen on rare occasions in the past with other souls the only known heirloom authorized family rests in an area with active remnant no one has survived the journey but perhaps you zorrizzo was reborn in tavos who is now a rocker he recently returned to haval on a mission i'll look into this what have we got to lose anyway i will send you the relevant coordinates we considered haval a lost cause but perhaps now there is hope you have questions you mentioned an heirloom an object you think will bring zorai's memories back souls retain within families sometimes the memories of the past can be recalled by an object meaningful to that family we do not understand why or how this happens and it has only happened on rare occasions in all cases the airloom was ancient tell me more about your belief in reincarnation the soul grows through many lifetimes by seeing through different eyes it gains wisdom how do you grow if you don't remember the growth of the soul is not like the growth of the mind memories are not required for the soul to develop some even argue that old memories are an unwelcome distraction a person may become fixated on what was and their soul consequently stagnates tell me more about zarai the histories describe him as both scholar and soldier he traveled the stars and gained knowledge from far-off places there are even accounts of him having knowledge of the remnant builders and their machines and the third monolith our legends say that their sought out the monoliths after the scourge came he died and it is unclear if he accomplished what he set out to do i'll go thank you for speaking to me of course so my nears it's harder to face the possibility that i might never see a mara again sorry to interrupt but what's happened a murder is ill he hasn't got much time left perhaps this stranger can help if they've been to palev maybe they've seen something i came from palev actually the little research station research station it used to be a large settlement a dart a mother moved them when she left mithrava her love was overtaken by the jungle remember a few cycles ago everyone left oh yes i remember now but that means the mother's gone there might still be a way to track her down all dara keep records don't they if there was an organized evacuation they would have documented the process and the records would stake where she went paula that's genius where would they keep those records likely some kind of administrative building if it still stands and the machines still work it's a slim hope i don't want to impose stranger but i would welcome any news of my sister another eidetic trigger sam one of your father's memories is now accessible return to sam node on the hyperion to investigate further [Music] ah good i wanted to talk with you how are you able to use the remnant with an artificial intelligence that helps with analysis and translation so that's the trick i wouldn't have guessed angara who live close to remnant technology sometimes learn how to use specific tech it requires intense concentration even if we can make it work we've never understood how it works so some of you can use remnant tech but you don't know how it works not all remnant tech no like i said specific pieces take mithrava for example some of us can operate the security that protects the sanctuary the knowledge was passed down through generations in my case it took a year to learn how to open a simple door the difference between knowing you can eat a tree's fruit and understanding why that tree bears fruit i should be going suit yourself um [Music] uh so [Applause] [Music] so huh huh [Music] oh huh [Music] ah so this so [Music] so ah [Music] so hard to believe what the scientists are saying this place looks perfect [Music] foreign huh [Music] we are approaching the location provided by asmus stay sharp everybody there's supposed to be a remnant crawling all over this place [Applause] now [Music] um we're retrieving a special object that's meant to jog someone's past life memories is this really happening genetic memory maybe doesn't their reincarnation only happen within families [Music] help me [Music] wow foreign ah what's up ugh nice work so got it looks like it might have been some kind of glove or gauntlet smashed though inside studded with contacts could have been used for some kind of input sure now let's make someone touch it so that's the last of them foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so we only want to talk they don't seem to be the talking types more of them here they come i'm hot bad clear activating automated forward station deployment incoming comfy hostile's ahead ugh ah got them all so you've killed men under my charge and now you'll crown that achievement by killing me too does that please you savage i had to defend myself your men didn't stop to let me speak shooting first has saved us from countless encounters with kit i think it's pretty obvious i'm not cat you're an alien you cannot be trusted tell me why you come here so i know why i've died really can we take the drama down a notch two notches i don't even have a gun up i have an artifact or heirloom or something i'm going to set it down and i need you to take hold of it what and ryder i don't think it's working wait there are things like this in the museum on ayah ancient angaran tech this fits over a hand contacts on the inside for my electric control of what did you do to me the third monolith do you know where it is i yes yes but i don't understand how i need you to take me there please if you do this we can save havarl together you you're an alien i can't trust then let me try to earn your trust please deep beneath the surface but but not far meet me here these coordinates will guide you the rest of the way just let me compose myself first if one of these buildings contains records of police evacuation we could figure out where the sister went let's take a look so fine ah [Music] activating automated forward station employment ugh [Applause] uh huh huh what's up it's here i just have to it helps if i steal my mind i've been here before amelia one two three indentations from here [Music] it worked wow [Music] it was so close to the others and no one ever found it the rest of the remnant in the area may have prevented scans from detecting it there were remnant machines here zorai was able to make them stop how did he learn to use remnant tech it's not like there's a manual so i watched the watches that's all i'm getting i'm not sure what it means the others slapped but zorai maybe that changed him here there's something here i remember the building machines exhaust me mind and body must be engaged holy or the attempt fails i can't stop without the monoliths the vault fails without the vault the planet dies i'm close just one more the sages got it wrong so i was a woman that that was a voice my voice may i have this pathfinder it's yours it's always been yours i could provide analysis by the scanner pathfinder organic matter ancient reads as angora it's alright she died here before she could get to the third monolith this this was me i would like to spend some time here but not now the third month can't be far come on this way yes this is all feeling familiar at least i think it is how far down does that go me [Music] so it's done you finished was or i could not so long ago i'm sorry tavos no there's nothing to be sorry about she didn't complete what she set out to do but she didn't fail the two monoliths she reactivated kept haval going without them the planet would have died go on to the vault pathfinder i think i'll stay here a moment i have a lot to think about another memory trigger one of your father's memories is now accessible return to sam node on the hyperion to investigate further [Music] the vault should be open pathfinder go on this is [Music] okay remnant vault let's get this place up and running turn the power on you'll need to locate the console to activate the purification field [Music] so much better when they're on our side several interface connections converge here i will highlight the ones you need there must be a trick to this let's give it a try so so [Music] [Music] well it gets us a step closer this console will activate the purification field you may want to sweep the area before this place tries to kill us you mean okay get ready to run here it comes go go you're not happy with us so he's remnant don't quit all our instruments just recorded a surge what happened bounced back up he did it that suggests it can't be that's not a jet the vault going through a reset would explain all the readings i can't wait to hear all about this come back to pilar we've a lot to discuss [Music] an alien able to use rabbits coming to you you have done something remarkable here today succeeded where's or i failed esmos what are you doing down here renewing old bonds talking to you was enlightening i saw an alien working for us when we had given up we have isolated ourselves for too long perhaps there is a balance we can find we all need to find balance i think tavos i wasn't expecting to see you but i'm pleasantly surprised i've learned a lot in a short time the roka wants simple solutions but nothing is ever simple or certain is it i wish those that were killed could have realized this but after everything i've seen i have to hope that they aren't lost forever this curious memory transfer reincarnation whatever it might be i aim to devote resources to studying it maybe one day we'll find the truth buried deep within our superstitions what do your projections say is havarl going to be safe we've already seen improvements they're small but statistically significant in time the planet will heal there is some space here at darpa lev and will need extra hands to monitor havarro's situation will you extend an invitation to your people we'd welcome anyone who can help i'll pass it along then i'll leave you i have some numbers to analyze can you believe it for the first time in years they excite me are you sure you don't want me to come with you i don't think it's wise for you to be in angaran territory without an angaran escort that and you're already in danger of being shot on sight by roka he's got a point i'll give it more thought and let you know if i changed my mind thank you tell me more about havarl our histories point to haval being the homeworld of the angara we built a civilization here and then spread throughout the cluster then the scourge came and destroyed it all it took time but we recovered you know about havarl's decline most angara say that ruin is a long way off there are dara on the other side of the planet but it's still safe to live but maybe not for much longer you said something about angaran fanatics here yes avar is home to the rokar they are hardliners the kept invasion has made them hostile to all aliens be prepared to defend yourself i have to go we'll speak again later of course i'll be here i could [Music] leaving a viral bridge is yours pathfinder ryder could we chat anomaly on sensors sam's been compiling our star charts the other pilots on the nexus will have plenty of new trails to follow you can drop the charts off the next time we're there funny a few months ago that station was like a war zone flying was my only way to escape the chaos now it's become a haven just as it was meant to be every good space station needs a big lake maybe some fountains indeed even non-amphibians need a little water regardless the worst threat to the whole initiative is still that monstrosity you mean the scourge i still see it crippling the nexus in my memories i had to train other pilots and hazardous flight techniques just to look for food and water it's a cage that eats good ships and good people helius won't be home so long as it's a threat the angara live with it and so can we and if every one of our colonists was an ace pilot i wouldn't be worried if we could somehow neutralize it or if our ships had defenses against it still that's what we do isn't it find a way where there is none just see the nexus for proof of that i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] [Music] anomaly detected [Music] anomaly detected deploying probe detecting what's left of a ship [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] okay bundle up people i'll stay on my nice warm [ __ ] take her down callow [Music] we designated this planet habitat six original readings suggest that it had a breathable nitrogen-rich atmosphere and oceans of h2o i take it that's no longer the case all h2o and habitat six volts the angara is ice and those oceans frozen over completely there goes the dream of a seaside property that's a pretty intense blizzard lz is on the windward side of the mountain conditions are bad i'm tracking guilford squalls [Music] oh we're good we're good you sure want us to get out and push very funny ryder suvi wasn't kidding about the cold damn this place is well hidden where are we meeting the resistance team sent you the half point good luck pathfinder when that's me we're the team assigned to breach the facility with you hopefully rescue moshe suffer i'm your pilot the kept facilities on the other side of the planet ready to head out now time to waste you can fill me in on the shuttle okay everybody [Applause] so no one has ever seen the inside of one of these places prisoners who go in are never seen again they haven't disappeared that's grim no one's escaped sure we've liberated cat work camps but never these facilities we lost so many fighters trying the price was too high i like to believe that the cat take important angara from here to their home cluster what as slaves i guess death is better joel we can't just give into blanket despair we gotta have hope it's why they fight it's why we're here it's why we're excited to be part of this mission we're here and let's be quick this storm's getting worse once we're through the shield you take point we'll look for moshe safa let's just try to stay safe okay but pathfinder no one joins the resistance to stay safe good luck radio me when you're ready to go we even know what kind of force we can expect not a clue stay close don't draw attention until we have to they won't expect us to disable that shield might give us an edge our intel says is a system node to hack on an interface point near here somewhere scale's our top cat hacker [Applause] [Applause] run and guard shield disable program adding my process accelerator standby continue to stand by please don't embarrass me in front of our new friends i have created a small hole in the shield look it worked celebrate when we're out exactly come on team focus [Music] cat creatures incoming my favorite sam by the time we leave i want to know everything about this place yes paul finder all right let's go owens so so neither can these guys our people's things are here from the prisoners do we have time to can we just look around yeah hey isaac find a cat console hack us away into the heart of this place on it huddle up if we were a surprise i doubt we're one anymore you have the best chance of finding motion suffer we'll attack head-on and provide a distraction good plan this is going to be fun this is the main entrance we'll go this way kick in the front door stay in radio contact and good luck can they cause enough trouble to keep the cat occupied pathfinder it seems the program i used to reach the shield could overload it and destroy this facility however the pulse would be lethal to angaran physiology that's not ideal until we're clear whoa sam what is this a decontamination protocol the chamber is sealed into the cycle runs its course so we're trapped i hate that noted break the window no the seal isn't vulnerable [Music] decontamination for what good question i'm not sure i want to know germaphobes find him come in how's it going we're undetected but from where we're hiding we can see some of our people no more yet what what is this fortunate welcome step forward i am humbled before you you who are the chosen chosen by the archon chosen to be exalted chosen what why aren't they resisting that's some crazy cult [ __ ] down there those angara look like they're in some sort of trance i know she's not down there but maybe in one of those points it's as good a lead as any you wanted a distraction we just set our plan on fire [Music] explain [Music] then proceed immediately final exaltation what's final what are they doing we have to save all the ankara we came here for the moshi she's our first your priority my ship my team my priorities did she call them the chosen chosen for what exactly could they actually want this no of course not i don't know what's going on either whatever it is we need to get the moshi out of it watch a flank how did they get in protect the chosen you motherless the resistance couldn't wait to get started come in pathfinder go ahead we contacted commander dozier more fighters are on their way then scientists let's but we can't waste this opportunity [Music] later this place is crazy what are you seeing it's like a i don't know a weird church it's so strange we found a room of prisoners who were entranced or something all those prisoners we can try scanning and fast angaran female healthy 176 centimeters never given birth angaran male estimate 35 191 centimeters scar tissue lower right abdomen not the motion haven't found anyone yet with her vitals ryder if you find a console i will try to access it okay cut terminal let's see what you've got hiding in here sam searching the json unlock my genetic information hurry please i am working at top velocity with an alien language in an alien technology checking against angaran databases the motion i was here but her pot was pulled out of blind moments ago hold out to where parts travel from here to rooms that encircle this call right then let's go can't find it come in go ahead our reinforcements are arriving we're doubling back to rendezvous we have a lead on the motive decontamination sam can you do anything about this yet working on it i said [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] he's shooting at us it's not his fault joel the cat made him into this monsters villains time to die joe stay focused got them all okay everyone good now what the hell was all that that is not okay not okay i've seen some serious crap but this is straight up evil [Music] joel they are us [Music] the most shy there are more rooms i'll keep scanning for her we'd better find her fast they are us yeah have i killed not knowing right ah i did not know how can i help what do you need that is kind i don't know well then let's start by finding the motive if anyone can figure out what this means for the angara i'm guessing it's her you're probably right ryder joel i found her down here go go sam get me into that room bypass [Applause] [Music] we're coming for you sam what have you got i was able to access the facility plans at the last terminal a best guess would be the shuttle launch area there she above i see her they're getting ready to leave hang tight motion we're coming the chosen one you will not take her no you will not take her my power comes from the gift of the archon i will not yield my own exhortation shields and protects me you flawed ignorance will reward you i gotcha we're getting you out of here no one has ever returned from behind ket walls i don't know the rules yet anyway this place is on alert we have to get out of here now i'm not the only one here they took the entire cell vitals are bad the immune system's been decimated you will not take it it is meant for the archon himself she's coming with us wait i want to know why the archon arrogant simpletons this is a gift who are you to deny it you turn them into monsters that fight their own people these chosen join with us to become great beyond your ability to understand like them i was once wretched and the exalted dna of our great archon entwines with mine i stand on the shoulders of his greatness as they do as one day you will we didn't cross dark space to be made great pathfinder i am tracking multiple inbound cat cruisers you will all be exalted sam is there an off switch to this horror palace i've accessed there's no time to open hundreds of pods let alone help the angara inside wait leave my sacred temple intact and i will open the pods of the chosen take them just leave this holy place standing no even if i die here this place must be destroyed we can come back to destroy it let's free these here now if your plan fails the cat will simply fill this place again with respect our compatriots are also here our fighters our scientists our strengths all right release the angara below enact emergency shutdown release all the chosen jaw have the resistance free as many as they can before the cat arrive i will and thank you i thank you too i see you begin to understand the gift that the cat bring to all andromeda not likely she deserved much worse we have them outside heading to the roof for extraction here come the cat not gonna let us go without a fight i don't know how this is going to help i will help come stand near me save yourself that's my decision to make i'm moving forward follow me no kid can stop us head to that platform yeah good idea better position pathfinder come in you have the most shy hect get our people out as many as you can before reinforcements arrive i will but i think we should destroy this place while we're here whoa heads up shuttle we're overrun get down here or we're coming back in long bags sorry i can't land we'll figure it out from there come get us we're ready for extractions ryder reinforcements just keep coming okay head for the shuttle go stop get her vote the shuttle now resistance squad come in here we're making good time get your team out before the cataract don't worry we call this i'm sorry we fought what we saw will set our cause on fire yes my broken heart can't even process it [Music] lexi can you give us a minute sure thing but go gentle she's in a fragile state did she just call me frail fragile jal says you're a pathfinder from the milky way do you feel up for a talk ah so now you value what i have to say i feel for you but i don't regret my decision then your sympathy is empty so the facility what's the purpose of all that they call it exaltation they believe that those they exalt are given a great gift gift they snatch us defile and shatter us all the ones we love i i i can't it's a complex genetic construct an interchange of traits that the quet used to advance their species so they steal genes but why reproduction domination tyranny annihilation yes and yet the archon didn't take me to his ship to transform me i hung immobile tormented never sleeping brought to him on a whim he showed me remnant tech and beat me when i wouldn't speak oh no remnant of course he's obsessed like you are yes jal told me you rescued me hoping to get into aya's vault my people have traveled so far we'll die without a place to settle these remnant vaults may be the key a key to help both our species prosper i feel for your people in a way that you clearly do not for mine but emotion must never get in the way of science i'll take you thank you yes thank you moshe suffer i'm happy to answer any other questions for you pathfinder anytime [Music] i'm in the galley when you're free looks like pictures of the exaltation chamber yeah the kettle using some angaran made medical equipment could be a lead i just want an edge on those cat bastards if they ever got their hands on sid i'd well imagine if it was scott [Music] i don't know what i do we're all that's left of our family same here sid was so little when our father left and i was well her age now i know what it's like to lose a parent i've lost both now mom died before we left our father didn't die or maybe he did we don't really know he just didn't come home he was involved with some bad things bad people eventually it caught up to him there was nowhere to run not like a whole new galaxy is that why you came here when you're young and stupid you make bad decisions piss off the wrong people that sort of thing never goes away not for you not for the ones you care about i don't want to not come home one day come on you're strong smart it'll take a lot to keep you from coming home strong smart but maybe just lucky luck runs out on you i won't i have a good feeling about you ryder i should get back to work talk to my people see if they've heard anything chat later you have avp outstanding pathfinder i can see it the cat take other species genes asari take other species traits maybe don't tell me we actually agree on something changed my mind they're nothing alike [Music] settle down if this isn't a good reason to get excited what's up you guys aren't fighting are you why would i fight with my best friend best friend oh callow callow's very excited about report i received from eos it's good news the radiation levels are steadily dropping your outpost prodromos is really going to make it when do you want to head back we could go but we need to balance our priorities why just saying if i created a thriving community in a brand new galaxy i'd want to visit just wait till they put in the beach and the water slides now you're just playing with me so radiation levels are down more to explore yes but there's been a rise in cat activity as well figures that were not the only ones to benefit from the planet's improvement might be nice to see how it's doing almost like a vacation almost maybe we'll head back at some point well you're the boss just say the word [Music] at least we managed to save the moshi i only wish we could have saved more joel thank you for checking but i'm all right don't know if i would be i have to be how else do we go on you know i may seem tough but i have a good shoulder that's kind you are kind i really miss my family at times like these are you close to your family you talk about family a lot really i guess it's just part of our culture our families are large and we share our parents with the community we all have many mothers my family's small and are you close i was am my mom and dad are dead my brother's in a medically induced coma i'm kind of an orphan at the moment i'm sorry yeah well this random collection of tempest oddballs can feel like family sometimes yeah i never really felt i had a purpose but here i do what about the resistance my place in the resistance is not what i'd like but that kid on aisle looked up to you sure but you are going to do something important ryder i feel it this is where i should be i like having you around specifically you because of my skill and knowledge not really because you enjoy spending time with me as much as i do with you you do yes you're fascinating and special and strange oh thanks and i mean it [Music] there's always more to say and to learn isn't there can i ask you a few more questions of course if i can answer them i will do angara plan their futures do you dream about what you want to accomplish you put plan and dream in the same question uh yeah oh i see you meant to do that angara thirst for now we don't strive to make the future better we strive because the present is lacking can you tell me about your family uh assuming you have one sit down this will take time is someone bringing us snacks and drinks whoa your family's that big i have one true mother and more than five additional mothers and many many many siblings and cousins all raised together our families constantly change and evolve relationships come and they go my father is gone taken or killed by the kit we never found his body [Music] my dad died on our first mission here i didn't know him as well as i could have i guess i think i was close to mine yet maybe close has a different meaning for humans something to learn i guess anything else you want to ask well enough about that i want to learn more about your species what would you like to know how long have you had electromagnetic capabilities how did they evolve no idea biology doesn't interest me but i'm sure you can easily read up on it that's disappointing no biology at all how do your eyeballs work an internal lens focuses an image onto the retina where it becomes electrical impulses that are deciphered by the brain you took my sarcasm as an invitation to show off beautiful the angara seem so open and free with their feelings are we certainly not ashamed of our feelings we're taught that feelings and beliefs should live on the outside where they can be dealt with honestly and openly don't people get hurt of course then everyone deals with it that's the point the angara seems so open oh don't of course then everyone how many colonies do you have on what planets since the scourge we've managed to survive on a small number of planets what we know from before the scourge is mostly oral history we did have space flight and the stories tell of five original colonies well enough about that i'll see you later joel stay strong and clear there much to say about that facility involved there will be but maybe not right now i get you pal inane chats are about nothing coming up just waiting on that armor requisition project no pressure we'll talk later i know it [Music] [Music] the swelling has gone down significantly and i seem to be able to talk normally again good keep me updated and remember cool food and liquid only nothing spicy thank you lexi is there something wrong did you hurt yourself oh it's nothing i'm just getting over some inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth it was dramatic but ultimately non-threatening i what have you ever heard of the lick test back before scanners were portable earth scientists would employ this test in the field they used it to tell rocks from fossils and get a basic idea of their mineral composition you licked a rock didn't you i was distracted and forgot it was a helios rock i do it unconsciously when i was little my father and i would go on expeditions the leg test was a huge part of it he made sounds fun for me your mother was something of a scientist wasn't she she specialized in biotics research got her certain medicine i read all about her research and your father's aion implants they achieved so much in so little time sam is an astounding achievement i left my parents back home they told me they were proud of me [Music] and then lived out their lives while i slept if you think that means you're alone you're wrong thank you you saying that means the world to me i'll take comfort in the people i've met here and if you ever need me i'm here for you too the discovery of io was just what we needed ryder the angaran scientists have been so generous in sharing their wisdom it's been amazing angaran expertise will be a tremendous help to the initiative we were certainly hurting for it i'm thankful the angara were willing to risk working with us i'm afraid not all of them are quite so friendly some give trust easily from others you have to earn it i'm confident we'll get there i should get back to things science kids [Music] not really a holiday destination i'm picking up something [Music] so did you hear the news from eos asari refugees showed up at the outpost only a few but that's better than none bradley says there's an officer in charge hidaria she could know where the ark is we'll head to eos and see what she knows good rumor says cyrissa theris was on the asari ark exactly who we need who's she probably the best commando strategist alive her biotic shields saved hundreds at the battle of kirkus apparently cyrissa is acting as bodyguard to the asari pathfinder she's probably got a plan out of this mess already well someone's a fan no i i just like look we need someone with her experience that's all i'll take someone with that much experience another reason to find the ark when you're ready to look we can catch hidaria for dromos wouldn't mind tagging along is steady approaching the lz so i'm reading a severe temperature drop [Music] temperatures back to normal quickly before they find the resistance pathfinder i detect a catcamp ahead here they come ugh uh life support failure is imminent pathfinder drag so is steady approaching the lz uh temperatures are below freezing and continue going to fall [Music] ah environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits i'm reading a normal temperature range pathfinder that's the wrong size replacement part life support is back online got a message good to see you again commander del seal and you job you must be the pathfinder who saved the moshi i'm an nick doziel commander of this encampment you're welcome here as an ally of the angara thank you for allowing us into your base commander your actions display your soul's intentions i hope you will join the fight against the cat we've held the cat at bay but i've been unable to deal a decisive blow the longer things drag on the greater our disadvantage that's why i came here to help if you want to know where you can make a difference go to the post that overlooks the valley nothing happens on vault without our lookouts knowing about it before you go is there anything else i can help you with how are you holding up against the cat it hasn't been easy we've had our victories but we're a small force too small didn't efra send recruits most of them are young untrained if we want to beat the cat we need medics technicians and skilled fighters then ryder and i will help we will if the commander needs recruits we'll find them joel's right we can find the people you need i'd be happy to take anyone you send my way you have my gratitude both of you i've met ephra he's interesting he's never been good at first impressions he can be stern but he's exactly what the resistance needs ephra took a scattered band of civilian fighters and molded them into an effective army what success we've had against the cat is entirely due to his leadership most people seem to really respect him because he would do anything for his people he inspires the same in us we may not always agree with efra but we'd follow him to the end of the stars that's it for now i'll be here if you have any questions from this room we keep track of our brothers and sisters you don't win a war without good organization feeling kind of honored we get to see all this rilas that's me yes i'm rilis wow you really showed up you said you had intel i can't ignore that i just didn't think you'd come yourself anyway i should get to the point your raid on the exultation facility sent the cats scrambling they're trying to get their operations in order our scouts report increased cap movement through certain areas of fold not military though science and research vessels doesn't matter if they're science cat warrior cat janitorial kid they're all bad news some of us were concerned they might be planning more exaltation or putting more of our people through torturous study we don't have the tech to break into their bases but someone has to stop them you're talking to the right person we always help our friends and allies i knew you'd help i'll send the nav point immediately so but i brought the snacks last time but i never get care packages from high hair do i you're so good at guilting me zeke whoa didn't mean to sneak up on you squinting stars it's the pathfinder we heard about how you punched the cat punched them right in the exhortations so amazing shut up bennisker you're embarrassing you shut up i'm being charming right the angara have been wonderful to us including yourself so thank you see we're building bonds here to zeke so what's out there any tips as a start you could join our fight in azshara where those red lights are i hear someone's looking for help or you could just go there and kill some cat they're everywhere anything else you need to know we've been stationed here forever so we're experts those red lights you said that's a jarrah azshara station one of the dar in the valley it's a small community mostly scientists there's people there that might need help if you haven't checked it out already why does anyone live out here why so surprised we've adapted to this weather those lights are conspicuous don't the cat attack we've adapted to that too the cat want to take us alive so we fight to the death it seems to deter them what's that alien facility on that mountain over there that's the ket command center we have constant eyes on it what's its purpose it controls cat operations on the entire planet there's always ships coming and going i came face to face with the prefect there meanest motherless even the cat seemed afraid we don't have much intel on her though do you know of any remnant sites or ruins uh i think so actually i don't know sake do you ever read the dailies no you'll tell me if i need to know something so where is it tall lights over on your right somewhere i'll let you get back to your work take care stay safe you be safe too joel amadorov as your sister recovered from her mission she was brave so brave she is both recovered and brave thank you for asking we're going to need the nomad my position deploying forward station good luck rider automated protocols activated deploying forward station extreme cold is detected pathfinder mining zones have been added to your nav system pathfinder i'm reading a normal temperature range while finding okay sam what's vold got for us cat activity appears to be centered around this large central command post according to resistance intelligence the base coordinates all kept military efforts involved and taking it down will [ __ ] their operations in theory however given the trouble the angara resistance has had infiltrating the base it will not be a simple task i recommend a more cautious approach that starts with the investigation of smaller ket installations what about the angara the resistance what's their status resistance dispatches indicate there is someone in hajjara who needs help we could visit techics a larger and more established angara da that is nearby sounds good thanks sam pathfinder false temperature range is fixed well below freezing with pockets of even more severe conditions this necessitates the use of the nomad i advise against prolonged exposure to the cold got it don't crash the car our scans have detected remnant monoliths which suggests the presence of a vault that means we might be able to melt this ice cube all right we've got our work cut out for us let's get going i'm reading a temperature decrease [Music] did your people have plans to settle here you seem easily affected by the cold so if we started an outpost here would we all live in slow forts favorite planet avar because of family because of family why else is a research station mostly focusing on vols geology let's see if someone here needs help i hear the researchers here drill into the ice in order to study it someone around here probably knows what that is gonna stop again what's causing it reminds me of a snooty bar in london that only serve drinks over fancy off-world ice i saw your ship land earlier impressive vehicle i was about to say the same to you is that thing cat sure is on our last dig the cat destroyed our land cruiser so i decided to repurpose one of these it's only fair you stole from the cat you're my hero from what i hear you're doing a lot more than just stealing from them is using cat machinery common out here only if we stumble on it or steal it mostly we stay away from their stuff in case it's a trap they set traps sometimes they read their machines to explode and lay them out for us i'd say they're clever but they learned it from us what do you do here besides jacking vehicles i was a civil engineer on ayah now i'm a mechanic for the research equipment here one minute you're designing an aqueduct then extra elbow deep in a nice drill that's a big change i wouldn't trade it for anything it's tough out here but every day is exciting besides i can get on without me a gyro station needs me do you work with remnant tech not really i can't activate it so there's no point those tall structures with the lights are fascinating though i'd love to get inside one and tinker around if you're interested they're north of here i'll get going stay warm stars it's you you're the one who saved the motion we've all heard hitting the kepler accounts has really helped them around finding allies in the angara has been a great boost for us we are united by our struggle against the cat my grandmother used to say that the mingling of shed blood makes family as surely as birth want to kill morquette i need someone to rescue my uncle nilch i'm not a fighter yet or i go myself if the kept move him from the labor camp we'll lose him forever what's a cut labor camp for different things they put people in cages there sometimes they make them work sometimes they collect angara and once they have enough they move them and sometimes they just kill them my father died that way that's rough i'm sorry don't be sorry make sure i don't lose more family i'll get your uncle here's the nav point of the labor camp please hurry nilge may not have much time life support is stable the temperature is falling pathfinder what is it now liam i'm not a cultural test bed who else do i ask i'm making contact with angara but you're right here the answer 90 of the time is the same as you we're not mystical i've others pissed in your cereal your doctor i had a voluntary physical we've got targets i think we're clear can't be ready got them all i'm reading a temperature decrease environment check temperature so within acceptable parameters [Music] [Music] that looks like cat tech remnant site could have a few lurkers the training is solid almost durian reminds me of a scar dot merc i tangled within ah what's the story i'm very interested i just realized how much history i'd have to cover before you get how amazing it was i'll get back to you this is the cat labor capsule talked about the control panel is right there shut this down once i have a weapon i'm going to destroy these kits my support is stable get me out of here i'm gonna kill these cats [Applause] disable the fence quick i'm not getting away with this huh i bring you a normal temperature range pathfinder life support restored just in time i would have given us another day at most no thanks for around his jabs if the cat can't handle being called mildly insulting things that's on them not me you see what i mean we are you how'd you find us anyway your nephew skiat was trying to get you rescued good boy he's got potential so you've said before the resistance needs to be debriefed we'll head back to base as soon as possible what about the data drive we have to deliver it to buxel so she can start the analysis interesting it seems we have to depend on our rescuer for more than a rescue can you deliver this drive to tetrix if we work together no time will be wasted i'll go there as soon as i can perfect buck still will be in her workshop i hope we meet again under better circumstances [Music] so uh how old are you i'm 27 arbitrary years depends which planet we're on is age a big deal to the initiative species only in the extremes and maybe when they mix i mean pb acts 12 but she's probably 400. what's all this uh uh oh [Music] [Music] where can i get one of those resistance patches trade you a hustle it's a curry and we don't just hand them out i own mine so i can share it iron mine so i could keep it that's tetrix according to my map that's when your sister lives isn't it hey can you help me with something there's a wraith cloaked near you i lost its movement you scan for it let me know where it's hiding he got free and didn't even pay me a courtesy visit i'm sorry i can't say are you buxel i have something for you from my brother who can't stop being a hero yes any told me to expect you my son skills said he'd send people off to nilge i thought more lives lost nice to see i was wrong thanks for getting him out losing him would have set our efforts back months losing family is hard i'm glad i could spare you that pain thank you they talked about your abilities but no one said anything about your kindness oh now let's see what we have here stars and skies this is this is a layout of the ket command center entrances exits security we'll be able to [ __ ] their operations wait there's something else here oh that's not good what the base entrances are shielded and locked with the code with changes often metadata tells me they downloaded this weeks ago the code is about to change again if an attack is going to happen it needs to happen now let me help tell me what to do the code to disable the security shields is encrypted but i'll keep working on it i've sent you the map and a nav point for a side entrance that won't have as many guards go quickly we'll be in touch i hope they know we're not kidding there's a door up ahead they've probably gotten on the side you're the human who came from ira is it still beautiful there the most beautiful world i've seen in the cluster by a long shot i miss it terribly i was born there spent my childhood in warm air and sunlight i'll never forget how that felt what do you sell i trade with those who have things they don't need anymore but who need things i have small comforts nothing of value to you what's a small comfort unfold clothing tools art toys anything to remind them of happier times things they can hold in the dark what do you mean people with things they don't need refugees carrying whatever they grabbed as they fled the lighter their load the easier their journey i pay well thanks for talking with me thank you for reminding me of ayah how are you finding the bunk it's a bed better than sleeping in the ice in the dark it is dark out there isn't it [Music] a human all the way out here you must have guts if anyone can help my people it's you help with what the cat destroyed a dar not far from here retaliation after the resistance pushed them out the people were either killed or driven off they left everything behind i'll make those monsters pay for what they did to your people which we appreciate but i need your help with something else i'm a historian that dar was home to a priceless angaran artifact a map of ancient fold i sent two of my colleagues to retrieve it but they run into trouble out there the cat came back to finish the job i need someone to help my people fight their way out don't worry i'll dig them out of trouble you're a lifesaver i'll give you the nav point for the dar please hurry i'm reading a temperature decrease environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits i'm detected below normal temperatures so you came all this way after two years of training it felt longer at the time sure as hell didn't cover all this i'm amazed you assumed a new galaxy would simply accommodate you how often does that plane spoken and honesty get you punched [Music] um [Music] these are the ruins we're looking for find some time for i peepee that's it good work we need more of those symbols you should be able to locate these glyphs pathfinder i wonder if i'd get anything on the scanner [Music] [Music] okay let's find these glyphs that should complete the glyphs pathfinder [Music] uh the interface failed pathfinder it appears that was incorrect so successful this must be the piece of rem tech pb needs uh rim tech phoebe's term anytime we come across ruins like this let's ground what we can i'll deliver this piece and hopefully find out what her secret project is [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty intense catch shield for the middle of nowhere they can't think they'll find some remnant thing there our people can't break through that shield it's controlled from the main command base temperatures are within acceptable parameters [Music] i wouldn't mind hanging out with the resistance at some point learn some new things make some new friends they're a tough bunch i oh and many others have [Music] you're very precise for someone who appears so completely chaotic thanks i think it's about tactical risks had some vets spell that out oh [Music] ah should be enough glyphs hey getting better at this [Music] i'm detecting below normal temperatures [Music] you are in law enforcement not for long or long enough depending on who you are so you were bad at it no i wanted to make things better for people and there were too many obstacles you wanted to make things better so you left that sounds like you were bad at it thank you for following riley's tip ryder taking out these kit will mean a lot to my people you're loading there's a lot of organic material here there is an audio log saved on this device pathfinder cat let's get a translation sam processing [Music] has been isolated [Music] consultation is not just about making more cat it's an exchange an exchange requires consenting parties there's bound to be more here let's keep moving another audio log detected let's hear it transmissions investigation ongoing anything that delays or stops the cat is a blessing i wonder if we can find the follow-up logs the ambient temperature is normal all transmissions appear some of the tv suggested that this research is set aside for now taking steps to verify that primary communications are still active i'm picking up the nav point for another cat station probably their primary communications taking it down here i say we head there [Music] we've seen it in the initiative species a lot you all try very hard to hide it yeah well we may have over committed on the whole everything will be great in the new galaxy environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits life support at 100 percent [Music] [Music] so that wire may connect to a point on the surface pathfinder i think it leads to the base of the monolith we should check so uh okay let's solve this thing ah interface failed operator defense systems engaging i did it uh [Music] here they come any favorite holiday traditions rituals my family was pretty secular no ritual it was just about being together sounds like our most important ones that's the parts of the command center [Music] got them all [Music] temperatures are below freezing and continuing to form [Music] look damn this blizzard's cutting right through my suit but it provides cover for the resistance and the cold doesn't bother us automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system the ambient temperature is normal pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface [Music] steady hand on the wheel ryder relax i got this i have always liked vold it is harsh but beautiful outside temperature is in free fall gorgeous and deadly my favorite combo environment check temperatures are within acceptable parameters incoming ah i'm at the entrance to the base have you decrypted the code for the shields yes and not a moment too soon transferring it to you now stars be right for you pathfinder here we go we're in time to get to work [Music] get ready to fight we're not hello good shot i'm detecting below normal temperatures appears to be a cat secure storage building the entry is locked out by defense matrix damn whatever they're protecting must be important we should find that defense matrix and shut it down the command base is just ahead i know it's already pretty cold here but stay extra frosty i recommend you head toward the primary tower it appears to be the core of the base [Applause] so environmental temperatures operate the security terminal has locked down access to the pet tower the terminal is protected by a force field i have marked the location of the three ket generators that power the force field disabling all water generators will allow you to shut down the security terminal so two generators down one to go the temperature is falling pathfinder [Music] all generators have been disabled i have marked the coordinates of the security terminal destroy it to unlock access to the kent tower the security terminal has been destroyed to the tower okay there let's hope that stops them it's going to be done incoming cat firefighter it appears each of the hangar platforms has an automated fueling system if you can access the controls i can overload the system damn the controls are locked pathfinder i have located several overripe terminals in the vicinity wow okay excellent incoming cat [Music] the controls to shut down the cat base are located at the top of the tower observation room there is an elevator access nearby that you can take we're in the clear there let's hope that stops them damn that's a view foreign [Music] uh we tried to take down this place for months and you made it look so easy destroying their command structure and systems leaves the rest of the ket vulnerable remember jarnick the shield around it's come down the frozen city that's the one this is the perfect opportunity for a final push while they're still dealing with the chaos i'll deal with it in the meantime i'll see if there's anything i can find here be careful ryder do this did you have a favorite world i'm genetically conditioned to think earth was beautiful earth you're a very literal species like it's just us find one species whose name doesn't mean the people annoying but fair oh what's up [Music] pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining that's a signal beacon used by uncurrent civilians it's a distress call got it we should see if we can lend a hand [Music] oh [Music] this location could support an outpost but the planet is not yet viable yes [Music] how are we gonna live here maybe you'll have to find somewhere else many would prefer it we're running out of somewhere else's heads up remnant side ahead uh oh so so ah that should complete the glyphs pathfinder [Music] [Music] i did it get those pictures off-ordered they don't do earth justice cities far as you can see blue skies to blue oceans how do you know where one ends and the other begins you get wet ah we have people who aren't funny too oh yes it corners a little poorly doesn't it your vehicle i swear i will turn this car around [Music] okay remnant fault let's get this place up and running well we turned the power on you'll need to locate the console to activate the purification field pathfinder pathfinder that will affect your shield [Music] decisions decisions look at this [Music] so this console will activate the purification field you may want to sweep the area before this place tries to kill us you mean okay get ready to run here it comes go go more incoming nice work let's get out of here [Music] so air temperature has increased by 13 degrees since activating the wall with the reduced cloud cover solar energy will escalate dramatically some unusual readings from the nearby remnant site you may wish to investigate we have similar variations in our species spiritual political and physical adaptation has always been a strength of ours hmm for us it depends on who and when you ask ah then we've had similar problems too shooting the device will destroy it this site is viable for an initiative outpost pathfinder congratulations pathfinder this is a real challenge no personal appearance placing an outpost is a big deal thank you but no i prefer climate control to these extremes real talk pathfinder i as governor shy is already up my ass about this outpost if local angara weren't on board we'd have a problem we are good right as much as you brought us we can't afford to anger the neighbors it's fine director i ticked three or four of the necessary boxes you enjoy testing me the results are what matter and i respect it vol helps coldest is his it changes estimates in our favor but the initiative needs you to find more we're never really done of course survival isn't something that just ends and there's another matter a ceremonial one a statement for the archives is this really the time pathfinder was always a symbol like outpost flags hanging in the commons the people need a connection to reality on the ground address them pathfinder what did this mean vold was is a hard world but it's not without life it has history people it was worth fighting for we're not walking into the unknown we're joining something and that is better than we hoped for recorded pathfinder add a snout pleasure to meet you pathfinder priya blake captain of outpost taravuni i'm glad you're here i thought we'd have to deal with this on our own what's the problem is it the cat no at least i don't think so a few of my drill technicians went missing on a research expedition west of here we've tried their columns but get nothing but static do you know where they were headed i know the route but we lost their tracking signal halfway through i don't know how far they got we tried to look at their research notes but the data is corrupted we have zero leads i was supposed to keep these people safe i've already failed them don't lose hope i'll find your people coming from you i believe it their research log is in the lab maybe your ai can piece together the corrupted data and get a nav point we're staking a claim but what does the initiative want with fold look at the landscape what do you see ice a lot of ice water bold is a massive endless source of it we're proud to service the initiative's first ice runners we mine the ice here and haul it to colonies where water is scarce like eos even the nexus the more people we wake from cryo the more resources we'll need our ice runners make sure water is never a problem you picked a mouthful of a name for the outpost it's shalesh language means forward together it represents the close relationship we have with the angara here in bold glad to hear you're working together this is their world because of you they trusted us enough to give us a place in it now it's my job to cement that bond we'll do our best to earn what they've given us i have to say i'm surprised the angara let us put an outpost here a portion of the ice we mine goes to their blockade runners who take it to resistance bases all over the cluster water for their soldiers it feels good to do our part against the cat however small i should head out come back if you need anything how far did the drill text have to dig already pathfinder welcome to scenic vold hope you're enjoying the view to the east ice to the west more ice at least you're not in cryo anymore right look around this is cryo but i'll endure this frozen hell if it means completing my research you know it was even worse here before i activated the vault so i heard glad i wasn't around for that makes me wonder what this place will look like in 10 years once the vault's had time to really work think it'll be up to your standards my standards involve a beach and a healthy amount of sun but we'll see what are you researching i'm studying ways we can harness geothermal activity as a source of energy believe it or not below volt's surface is a maze of heated geothermal vents keeps the planet from becoming completely inhospitable but just barely and you can use it as a power source that's the hope i hear the angara are doing something similar but they won't let me get close so i'm determined to find the solution on my own i'm good for now don't freeze to death out there uh sam you get anything from this mess analyzing it seems most of their data comes from a single nav point updating now time to rescue a few human popsicles foreign hello ryder koro wanted to check in with you so you have avp outstanding pathfinder why can't you just ask her yourself report from the nexus population's growing as people wake up lots of hopefuls waiting for a home with all our outposts they're spoiled for choice they might arrive in time to help with the first harvest can't tell if they have enough water or too much i grew up on a little cargo freighter only saw gardens and vids but i always loved them i daydreamed about planting a big rose garden when we got here and still imagine it sometimes roses and helius let's get everyone fed before we start flower gardens fair but everyone around here has dreams i didn't for a while after i left the asari commandos well i didn't leave my mentor nasira said i should go why the initiative would suit you better was all she said being a huntress suited me fine but she insisted wow you fight side by side then she gives you the brush off it hurt one big kick out of the nest still that's familiar when your biotics are honed into huntress-grade weapons people can be weird about it the initiative seemed better just didn't see how i'd fit into their brave new galaxy i never fit anywhere before then i met some jerk named ryder talked about traveling to andromeda like he was teaching you how to see it what part of that vision made you want to take the plunge a civilization where everyone had a place even ai or an overpowered human biotic your father said i get being different now imagine being welcome and making others like you welcome too when i was 13 i could warp a steel girder he made me wonder what if someone had told me that's okay he gave you a dream to work toward he was good at that who doesn't want to belong especially somewhere like the initiative so i gave the initiative my all kept thinking of the niche i wanted my rose garden i thought i knew what i was going to be this is about not taking over as pathfinder didn't think it was still sting nasira your father even my parents they leave i'm left without answers nowhere to stand it sucks but it happened we need your mind on the mission always is but i'm human too need time to find a way through and if that remnant tech pays off maybe someday i'll have roses too how you feeling is very cunning we can't underestimate him my mothers are worried sick about the cousins that joined him i'll see you later joel stay strong and clear just waiting on that armor requisition project no pressure we'll talk later i know it so callow who's that woman i keep seeing you with on the nexus what home you're always sharp credits after we come back is it because of her it's complicated subie bulldarba is steady i'm picking up something [Music] and podromos [Music] anomaly detected you the center's green coordinating path is calm back where we really started what's new in our first home the cats still maintain a presence skirmishes are frequent and travel requires caution they never learn what else the atmosphere continues to clear but radioactive hazards pool in some areas study is ongoing and remnant remain active on the surface but also as detected by seismic readings point of contact for all this your people pathfinder prodromos is expanding with all the trials and discovery that building an outpost represents grounded in research all data about newly accessible eos is from their work well let's make sure it gets the attention it deserves armed and armored good for you i could have used that ordinance a few weeks ago i'm writer the human pathfinder lieutenant harper we're looking for the asari ark so am i watching the skies every day praying they survived the cat at least you and these others made it out only just our clothes were still smoldering what happened the cat chased our ark across the cluster but these weren't their regular soldiers they were hunters elite killers being hunted by an elite anything isn't fun what were they after i don't know i'm a junior i just do what they tell me a bridge officer cyrissa something gave the evacuation order hundreds of people all trying to flee it was where could we look for the ark we lost track but they launched a ship to help evacuees and her crew would know you'd have to find her follow the transponder maybe consider it done focus on taking care of yourselves the ship's called the periphona i'll give you her transponder codes and last flight plan thank you it's good to see the cat aren't the only ones winning [Applause] what's your combat disposition i killed the enemy before they see me do i need another one no that'll do fine pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface uh uh this is resonating now probably with a vault we had a legend that formations like this were from the weight of the sky long before the scourge water and weather nothing tougher in the long run there must be active remnant in there let's check it out [Music] pathfinder this area has been altered by remnant there may be something of use gill has tuned the nomad perfectly for eos we're outfitted best we can be we purpose build world by world that's the way to keep things going [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] so ascent is go leaving atmo all clear drak said he wants to talk to you you know how uptight you are i am not uptight not even 300 years old and fussing at us like i'm a doctor [Music] got a minute i'm in the bio lab liam i signed off on that project that's great pathfinder jalal maldarov we ryder is this show for my benefit because i'm benefiting just convenience swapping armor you ready to go go right the pattern on your pauldron family honorific can i wear the poncho it's erotine and no why is it religious what it's personal you're not allowed because of status or species maybe it's both do all humans look alike some of you sound alike whoa whoa i know how this goes someone's getting offended and someone else punched that's why we're doing it here it's an armor swap for answers staff the diplomats don't ask hey my turn was earlier nexus info packets leave a lot out i am sorry was this not sanctioned yeah you weaseling adi nevertheless right huh you better have a good reason for this i do and we were clear the jar was in from the start did i say put the shirt on hell we were [ __ ] talking except we couldn't we didn't know enough about each other to dig in if we don't know what's insulting or awful we might accidentally trip on it makes talking dangerous so now we know and maybe that's enough for a couple of hot heads not to make a mess out there unless we want to good enough reason okay i kind of get the intent no harm no foul if jar was offended i'd be on the floor i'll take that kind of honest any day we have a lot to learn that's part of what our team is for and better now than when people's lives are on the line tav uni a home involved sort of still feels good though you barely covered how you joined tell me something about yourself what you want to know we'll talk later i know it they aren't just conquerors or slavers the cat turned everything you are to their advantage worst kind of enemy the one that makes you fight your own people that's what joel faces every day now that we know the truth friends neighbors all changed and they're loyal to what changed them you're pretty worked up about this kandra's wants strategies for handling the cat i talked with drac putting ideas together expand our guerrilla tactics get angaran military advisors research exaltation just i don't know wish your dad could give me his take why this all looks fine to me nasira your father they always had a plan i could follow without one it's too easy for people to get hurt like now the initiative's plans are shot and people die because of it we're flying blind it'll take years to put all the pieces back together our biggest headache is the cat work goes on i guess cyrissa will have a strategy just need to find her and the other sorry it'll be good to have certainty again i'm going to do it i've run all the tests it's non-toxic if we're going to live here someone has to take the plunge and actually try to eat things dr tapero please do something don't do it suvi you told on me i thought we were friends you sir are uninvited from all my parties [Music] i can feel the scourges drag on the ship at least it keeps i hidden i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] stars and skies light our way stars and skies light our way she knows how to play a crowd she's the most shy welcome home i never thought i'd see it again without the resistance and the pathfinder i wouldn't be here we made a good team we freed more than just the moshai and the pathfinder killed a cat leader we have a lot to celebrate i promise to lead the pathfinder to is vault you're still recovering take your time i'm not going anywhere not without our help i'll prepare the vault for your arrival a shuttle will bring you to me when it's ready thank you mozi we've been alone against the cat for too long you've proven it doesn't have to be that way it's time we discussed an alliance between our people we're happy to make room for you on the nexus we'll provide an embassy here as well our city is open to you join us well done joel report for reassignment i need to stay with the pathfinder joel has already become a valued member of my crew of course he has i see the benefit request granted i need to file a mission report don't leave aya without me [Music] [Music] i haven't brought anyone here in over 20 years there's always been an active display for ire but we could never affect it let's see what we can do sam yes this is new is it similar to the vault on eos tell me what are you seeing if i'm seeing what i think i'm seeing i've got goosebumps tell me what do you see the vaults they're a network as you discovered however they're not connected to each other but to this place this image was on a relic the archon showed me he called it meridian and it looks like isfold is the only one that's fully connected to it and it's terraforming doing what it was meant to do the vault on eos is also present but changed our interfacing with it has affected its connection what do you think professor i think that meridian is the control center for all the volts thank you this is unbelievable if we can get to meridian maybe we can turn everything on from there make helius live wait ryder the archon knows where it is he's already been there what where meridian of course that's why he tortured me he thought i could help him use it because he can't meridian is my people's best chance for survival we have to take it from him agreed such power in the hands of such evil could mean the end of your people and mine no one is safe as long as he's on this hunt i'm going to shut it down for all our sakes you're going to need that relic i saw the resistance might have intel on the whereabouts of arkhan's ship i'll talk to ephra and secure his full cooperation meet me there please don't trust i'll find it this is the first visit to ireland new clientele is always welcome here have a look i'm sure you'll find something to your taste can't hurt to be prepared maybe you've got something i'm looking for if i don't today i will tomorrow they let you pass the gates oh it's an honor and i understand that i'll be respectful all right everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves real changing tone after that care facility healthy and gar are thankful half are even more suspicious let's try not to make it worse don't worry about me they're busy clearing a core for some reason this place is brilliant there's a lot we can learn from the angora ryder you are the subject of a detailed scan by an angara standing nearby maybe i should introduce myself i deserve to be told you had no right to keep it secret from me it's an ongoing investigation i meant no disrespect did y'all know of course not neither did the human sorry to interrupt this isn't your concern it is now we need to find the cat command ship tell her the truth about my capture moshe please it may be our only route to the archon one of my men helped the cat taker a resistance commander named venturev one of your own gave her to the archon no wonder you hushed it up this isn't about hiding the truth i'm working to capture him make him answer for what he did you know where he is kadar report my contacts are hunting him contacts you can't trust anyone there they deserted our cause our people and now they're ruled by exiles from your galaxy then may know how to find the archon and his ship we can't leave this to a pack of renegades and outlaws i'm a little new to the galaxy where did then go exactly kedar report is a trading outpost we abandoned it when the cat invaded some of us went back deserters scavengers they don't support ayah how did exiles from the nexus wind up there bad luck for everyone i need the relic that leads to meridian and i can handle my people let me do this i don't like it i don't care the pathfinder is right i'll transmit my files on kadara port to your ship our traitor could have useful information we need him alive that's up to him be safe pathfinder as for you ephra we're not done come on director tan good news the angara opened an embassy for us on ayah that is a surprise what are their expectations they survived the scourge in the cat and rebuilt their civilization don't forget it appeal to their pride sensible i will gather invoice and send them to aya thank you pathfinder we'll take it from here ah exaltations liam you're working pretty hard all the time started young smart little kid got angry a lot side effect of giving a [ __ ] liam what's going on we found that facility involved kicked them in the teeth great but the cat's still what people are everyone should have a stake in that so i reached out trying to get resources moving in a real way bridge that gap like i did with joe i can't get permission coming or going the nexus i uh everyone is all can't take risks with outsiders i didn't come here so everyone could be goddamn outsiders you're taking on a lot making all of helios your problem it is our problem we're not going back we have to make it work i wanted this everything new but eventually it it has to be normal i need something familiar can i show you something did you bring anything from the milky way one or two things but the weight limits were real strict i know that's why i made arrangements it's a proper petrol burner 20th century british from when i mattered my whole family worked me together weekends like those are a thing in space no we did friends in hustle set us up good they borrowed us a transport right before i went into cryo and me and my father and mother loaded our car into it and pointed it at andromeda it's a nice gesture but you know you won't see it again oh it's a couple million years away in standard light the important thing is it's coming and always will be i don't know what that means hmm pathfinder writer last time he talked was that was weird right not the part with you i mean it was old with you things get close on a ship like this things happen no complaints costa i trust that goes both ways you bet it did make no mistake listen one night was one night i'm a big boy i won't get clingy that's the last thing you need but i won't run either so maybe we keep this in mind for the future no pressure we both have a lot going on but yeah let's not close that door i'm glad to hear it this nervousness right here most normal i felt since we got to andromeda maybe we could spend some time offship just doing stuff like visiting io i've got some things i'd like your eyes on no rush unlike everything else that vault on ayah was so gorgeous so alive and meridian might be the key to the others no wonder the archon wants to control it like everything in helius see you later cora i'll be here back again how's the search for the asari art going those are sorry refugees were a real help now to find the survey ship they mentioned see you later cora i'll be here do [Music] oh are wise to speak good to be back here ready to hit those scans what am i looking for iran called out suppliers that may have useful properties for our tech just need to get sam's eye on them take a stroll enjoy the market navsen okay not today nexus liam god damn it what's going on nothing to worry about just come grab a table with me pathfinder you're good here we'll worry about the date to another time liam what's going on i uh figured we should end up somewhere nice and open you were being cased are you getting me in trouble what was this about we're not in trouble exactly but i don't blame them for being angry i wanted to get data that would help yields at our outposts but rand told me what to scan but i called it off i still owe her but it's better than pissing off some gouging hardliner sorry i'd include you in it's a security thing food is security was this an attempt to copy their methods steal secrets we're not competing companies it's about learning to live here remember my tempest freak out i tried proper channels got blocked by the angara and the nexus there's only so much jar can tell us so i did what we do back in crisis response bend the rules you do what you have to let's not make a habit of it i don't want to like i said i don't blame them for getting across the last people who showed up out of the blue were the kits the ultimate users i don't want us getting lumped in with them and i really really don't want to ruin the market i like coming here just enjoying time with you feels normal about time something did let's focus on the good i like being with you too another day saved with a few words you remain amazing but let's just see a vid next time i have a hannah romance i've been saving sheen of the dawn the uncut version is banned but it's just six minutes of iridescence oh you haven't seen the subtitled bootleg but i can't show you that until until the date does this count yes yes it does can you believe this place here's your golden world unfortunately already occupied well yeah but it's here it shows it's possible that's something there's just so much to see oh i'll be the most shy opened a lot of doors around here most angara still keep their distance though imagine seeing a krogan for the first time maybe if i smile more show my teeth something tells me that won't help you have new email no peeking i'm putting the finishing touches on my personal project i thought you said it was on the nexus i'm just perfecting the final component here or should i say trying to several of the crew have offered to help and i keep politely declining and ushering them out so thank you for retrieving that critical piece of rem tech but kindly stop digging fine have your surprise you won't regret it want me to ask the others to back off no no i can handle it as long as they're not looking to be besties and i'm happy that someone with the galaxy at their fingertips can still give a girl her space it's safe to say that you my friend are one of a kind you've only scratched the surface you have no idea what all i can do no but i have an active imagination i look forward to being educated but no more distractions the next time you're on the nexus my project will be done come by and i'll unveil it now if you will please leave me to my own devices so something i should know about hey i was just how you doing i'm great just uh i told you i screwed up and i have remember mirand i contacted yangara she's gone the whole group is gone sudden so yeah up for a rescue because if we don't we could be next of course costa why wouldn't i be yeah um because i gave around nexus data enough points why would you do that we need to know how to live here i tried asking i tried taking no one would help outsiders so i took initiative gave her data and text so she could mod it the rand was she is a good risk but if pirates interrogate her or barter her to the kit it's our heads why didn't you alert everyone immediately if they have her info they have our comms the nexus goes on alert they'll know varane's people are tough they'd have fought if they thought there was a chance something made them think there wasn't i won't risk that bad enough i have to involve you like i said i screwed up we'll take care of it before it's a problem it's already a problem i got a lead from a trader a grainy visual we find that system we find our bad guys i also ask bradley for people to help intercept i thought they might want to pitch in how are a bunch of settlers supposed to help that's what he said we're on our own afford the visual to the bridge for when you want to start hunting and sorry foreign do so [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] so [Music] the heart of this system is a massive red giant like arcturus back home far more remote i'm afraid looks like a match for the system info liam gave me detecting ezo wash and debris ships have been through my contact veranda's out there i know it gear up for pirates it's not landable i've got a pled great he's got a plan all right we're set to go somewhere this is on me i'll take care of it any sign of the pirate who took my contact there's too much background radiation could be anything hiding out there all that debris in orbit that tracks heard they were scavengers i'd hoped bradley or some of our colonists would follow join in we'll make do with what we've got what's the plan somewhere out there is a ship full of pirates they might have our specs thanks to you yes thanks to me so we can't go in hot i say we play to their scavenger roots with that debris i'll explain in the airlock we've wasted enough time let's hit the go button shoot pirates and save people we've got this all right i'm in let's do whatever this is yeah i thought you'd wait what i mean yeah hell yeah we play this right they'll deliver us just where we need to go i have a plan not loving this plan liam come on hiding in derelict cargo to get scavenged sure we don't know what we're up against neither do they trojan horse simple the greeks didn't need to worry if troy had air desert whoa this isn't right liam you said to expect pirates this is a ketchup a big one change change of plan okay it's a ketchup but scavenging is in the ammo alarms liam doesn't change why we're here [Music] don't definitely not kept running this thing shut them down [Music] so [Music] hello what's going on down there sounds like we could get some monsters for the last time report we just fixed those base seals if you idiots blew them i'll have this is the pathfinder we've boarded your vessel we demand compliance oh really what is this get cameras on the bed we'll figure it out stokes this ship is property of talonwing now your property too just like the rest well that wasn't going anywhere useful shoot pirates rescue contact uh she's here somewhere i think they've salvaged this thing they're not cat sam do you have us not precisely pathfinder debris and radiation are still disrupting scams so where to find around and fast this way start there let's go back to the door they came in we're sure the castles are there have to be somewhere i think i've heard of his color and his wing more incoming so got to be here two sealed override from the console come on we have to fight for rand we don't even know if this is the way something has to go right you take a risk for the right reason it's supposed to work ugh you dumped your locker the principal it isn't a joke i jumped us here blind we don't know where anyone is or how anything works and now we're fighting some [ __ ] who wants everyone chained it's like hitting andromeda all over again don't make this about the whole initiative we're here to help and why am i the one defending your plan i don't know i will not be ignored anymore see total [ __ ] that's it space the calendar ah i will not be ignored such an awesome ah [ __ ] slam hold me not the time get on the junctions go you have we timing have come in sooner but we didn't know how we could help settlers aren't soldiers but a wreck of a ship with bad shielding we've got engineers son oh power surge this beast does not like being crowded liam pathfinder are you okay we're here but things have gone a little sideways sounds like we made your man angry you take care of the fighting liam find verand we'll keep this barge stable oh hell yeah yeah just as sideways as we are we've lost the map sam i thought this was a minor group of pirates a ship like this a junker collapsed behind us well we're committed now bright side no one's sneaking up on us from you dead end past the door bound to be another way back above us you knew that how on it let's all stay focused pathfinder tanner's working on the lockdown everything's a mess i can get you up but i need data there should be a control hub in that room get a scan and have your sam push it to me [Music] forwarding scan result ah this calendar simple power reroute amateur hit these access points pathfinder i'll sync with your effort well go team that's the stuff keep it up and we know a little about this cabin big chip on his shoulder this ship definitely made him dangerous seen his kind before small man big gun that's all i need give me a minute and there's how they salvaged the ship he found a way to retrofit a derelict and he's wasting it on raiding not everyone wants to fix themselves i'm in their security if you want to call it that here's the doors and cameras on it watch the monitors there's a rent and what the hell they have humans locked up too got your timing wrong liam khaled wasn't hitting the initiative soon he already did pathfinder we have to end this working on it gravity shifting get off my ship wookie still here we'll find you a route to the it's the cargo bay again what do you mean you can't see them well get ready everywhere real eager to meet that person pathfinder that door up there it was blocked before how about it bradley negative you'll have to scan for something manual check for a console we move this maybe we can reach the door let's find the controls still good oogie slowing the pace for a moment just hacking multiple systems while parked on a ship careening through a debris field that means he's good still on their cameras calet has filled the hall past that door and the captives past them whatever it takes door and crane here they come it's like fighting in a topsy toy box leave alliteration out of it that's the last of them we're not turning back anyway you know we're getting real lucky look some things you just have to count on skill purpose ally we have them all in spades and if goes wrong they're bunkered in the next room pathfinder sniper maybe two and i think cages thanks for the lookout have to take out that sniper eyes open we're not clear doors open [Music] we need to get in there to help them i need to know what happened on the other side of that duel hello anyone alive out there we're here your initiative where did you come from trading ship out of kadara you're nexus sarah ryder pathfinder from the hyperion holy [ __ ] an ark showed is the rand all right liam what are you doing here didn't want you getting killed over what i told you i'll never give that up not that it matters khaled hasn't asked anything he dumped her in here same as us we're all just labor half the ship is our handiwork we didn't realize these pirates had gone after initiative already he isn't picky everyone is keeping him down everyone is going to pay the ship rolled up and we surrendered seemed smart at the time wait caleb captured you to fix this thing he wanted to ransom us but this ship is draining him it's a wreck he had to go back to scavenging just to keep it afloat so he put us to work found a project call didn't count on maintenance we had help getting this far and we'll need more can you open this door i think dave was working on those systems before all this happened hang on i've got the override but we need power fault's on their side you get that turn on the power from your side on it we'll get you out oogie did you get all that curiata can you get them a path allow me there's a problem this says the override only pulls the lock meaning it lets the door open under his own weight but it's upside down so it's gravity held you get that gravity i get you carry out we've been fighting the shorts think you can roll with it all right pathfinder you have to button power override and hang on we have the floor yes ladies and gentlemen your exit vehicle will be at the nearest airlock you both have tanner will evac but we can't have khaled chasing us where is he engine control past where they held the captives right final stretch to put a stop to calum after all this i just have one thing to say proud of all our people pathfinder let's inducted coolant systems override i might be turning around on this plan lamb me too pushing power to open doors ahead get a ship fill it with shooters and i'm still disrespected fine fine it doesn't have to go down like this no one is taking anything from me ever again pathfinder i'll kill you myself canada's and a shield pulling straight from the drive core hold on we'll try to hack it found a weakness hit the mark console we'll hack the shield one port at a time make it happen pathfinder reinforcements now i found that feed like i found this [ __ ] like i'll have you no that feed was mine it's all mine your weapons are nothing you can't touch me [Music] progress but getting power where to hold on in there we're looking for another weak spot don't take low got it liam do you see second console pathfinder let's shut him down stand on send it all throw everything in there stop fighting you're nothing you're dead you're here and your nexus is next so how dare you how do any of you shield is down go get him pathfinder everyone to engineering everyone this can't be happening let's clean hit the airlock when you're ready don't take too long i don't like the look of those reactors like everything else push too far [Music] [Music] [Laughter] don't tell me a stock shuttle can maglock like that i saw don't spread it around there you are safe and sound we got everyone out just in time the inside of that boat is six kinds of irradiated now hold on someone wants to say goodbye thank you liam i didn't expect whatever that was you gave them plenty of trouble on your own maybe but it's good to know your friends will come and their friends we'll get people where they need to go most want to come to perdromos varane says we might get some angara that's good news no detours we went through a lot to keep everyone in one piece i hear that pathfinder liam next time let's just do cards i'm too old for this [ __ ] i'll believe that when you do [Music] that worked out everything just just so before you start i want you to know i uh well i'm sorry i mean this was a mess even though we won it wasn't by much i it was all worth it you showed varane the pathfinder can stand for everyone but i need to be smarter about taking risks so you're right sorry okay go ahead we did good oh what really could do with a little less dangling in open space but you got it think that thing would survive a jump back to the nexus probably not [Laughter] foreign caught your napping do all angara snow or just you you all humans whimper in their sleep or just hey pathfinder still passing that mess with varane khalid i made sure the nexus data will be changed kesh is none too happy but she can blame me the important thing is we're all alive i'm all in and i'm doing things different now accepted liam but let's not do this again anytime soon oh total agreement there in fact this made me think how i'm doing a lot of things i want to arrange a thing for us in the angara once their civil stuff is karma maybe talk to y'all about the roka you lend your weight there i can focus on something normal for everyone the rocker go to kadara and recruit the desperate i've heard a rocker recruiter weaving his magic even i was convinced do you have a mate a partner i don't not for a long time not for a long time i fell in love with a girl once aliyah we were young i was young it was my first vasal on aya we worked on the same farm she was a little older a researcher i can still hear her laugh and see her eyes she kissed me and i was thrilled and seduced i have a bad feeling about this my older brother came to ayah he was already famous in the resistance i think you're interesting and well great anyway i'd like to get to know you better what do you think yes i'd like that that's it you are a lovely woman fascinating a brilliant risk taker knowing you better would be a gift sincerely okay then where is alia now did she and your brother work out they came back to haval and she joined our family she became one of the mothers you have to see her every day no they were taken by the kit their children survived i think you're interesting and well great anyway i'd like to get to know you better what do you think yes i'd like that that's it you are a lovely woman fascinating okay then well enough about that i'll see you later joel stay strong and clear [Music] [Music] besides being a haven for nexus exiles what do we know about this place group of exiles called the outcasts liberated kadar report from the cat until recently their power was absolute but a new gang the collective has been chipping it away real shady bastards led by an unknown called the charlatan well with luck they'll be too busy shooting at each other to notice us now orbiting kadara standing order for all incoming ships the port is a ceasefire zone by order of sloan kelly she was head of nexus security be ready for anything keep calms open should hear from our resistance contact soon [Music] incoming call patching it through there's been a development regarding the spy venturev rendezvous with crawler's song your contact's code name is shayna shayna got it that's one hell of a welcome sign exiles have stepped up their game since the revolt not too shabby for folk who got kicked off the station with nothing to show for it maybe we can get them back on our side we know they can fight cat our supplier's waiting come on we're going to be late do i even want to know nope oh how are we supposed to survive out there not my problem you're no better than the nexus don't blame us phone's not running a [ __ ] charity hey piss off you order you pay i said you look like you're waiting for someone i've got time for a drink shaina but you can call me reyes i hate code names i was expecting someone more angaran the resistance pays me to supply information among other things so you're a smuggler your man ventarev was arrested by sloane kelly leader of the outcasts words spread about what he did to moshe cepha the people are calling for his execution and sloan she's a woman of the people i like her already well she doesn't like you she's never met me you work for the initiative sloan was part of the uprising on the nexus i doubt she'll give ven up easily i'm taking him with her without her permission we're gonna be friends you and i there might be another way to get to van you work sloan i'll talk to the resistance how do i contact you if things go south hey you gotta pay keep the change always do what can i get you don't say surprise me whiskey neat that's the only way we serve it what can i get you whiskey neat that's the only way we serve it what can i get you that's what can i get you what can i get you so what's the latest in kedara the ports on the brink of civil war the charlatan and the collective have been gunning for sloane's throne thought it was all talk until they started killing each other in the badlands you're pretty calm about it when you live in a place run by pirates violence becomes relative i'm not gonna worry until the shooting's outside my bar how do you feel about salon do you like her i like sloan fine but her protection fees can go to hell she makes you pay for protection yep and the price of safety keeps getting higher can't complain too much though the outcasts are my biggest customers you mentioned the charlatan and the collective yeah what about them who are they wow you're new here no one knows who the charlatan is that's kind of the point he she they whatever run the collective they like to think of themselves as some kind of spy network but they're just thugs might be a little smarter than the outcasts but no one's got the moral high ground in kedara thanks for the gossip part of the job were you a bartender back in the milky way yep you like it nope so why do it it's familiar if you want it familiar you're in the wrong galaxy i am where i am bartended on festive for 200 years thought i wanted a change turns out change sucks actually i'm okay whatever sam tell me about sloan kelly before joining the initiative as head of nexus security ms kelly served in the alliance in the nearly spotless record nearly she was involved in multiple altercations with other officers a hothead great brought a few more squishy thing like you needs protection got the best armor and all of kadara bold claim let's see what you've got everything's on the console [Music] all honored by your presence and your credits finally the respect i deserved move along focus defenses here and here [Music] the cat have been quiet for too long what that's quite the throne should i bow kiss your ring very funny so what brings a pathfinder to our humble port then to rev name ring any bells what's he to you and don't lie to me i need him so i can infiltrate a cat flagship you've obviously got no love for the cat i'm doing you a favor kadara is an angaran port they want dead and i want to keep them happy this is bigger than local politics you don't need venn you need his intel talk to him before i put his head on a spike i can work with that see no reason we can't be civilized i should have brought refreshments give the pathfinder access to the holding cells yes sir no money rules first don't feed the prisoner don't touch the prisoner and the only thing that passes between you two are words got it absolutely i will what do you want the archon ship where is it this a new interrogation tactic sloan's getting lazy i don't answer to salon i'm a pathfinder with the initiative the one who rescued the most shy i know who you are and what happened on vault you can still make this right then tell me what i need to know making it right won't save my life but it could save others the archon ship where is it i never saw it got my orders from a cat transponder but you could use its frequency to triangulate the archon's location do you still have it i buried it before i was arrested should still be outside the city thanks for the intel don't you want to know why i did it why i betrayed the most shy enlighten me we're losing the war against the kids and still efra puts my brothers and sisters in danger to protect a useless old woman so you took things into your own hands i made the call he wouldn't the archon only wanted the motive i thought if i gave her up i didn't know what the cat were doing to my people efra still entrusted the motion to you and you betrayed them both i did what i thought was right [Music] and i'll accept the consequences [Music] pathfinder the communicator is buried outside the ceasefire zone i suggest bringing a squad petra drac are you back from whatever it was you were doing yep our completely legitimate business deal went off without a hitch benefit of bringing krogan along tell gil to prep the nomad i need to go outside the city so it's not our deal's done what do you want i think we can work together the enemy of my enemy is i'm not your friend but you've proven reasonable ask your questions what does the collective have against the outcasts people always want what they don't have the charlatans thugs are no different who do you think the charlatan is my guess a group of people it take more than one person to run that outfit you're not worried they're moving in on outcast territory if they make a play i'm ready helius isn't exactly hospitable how did he survive after the nexus we didn't leave empty-handed but when supplies ran low we were forced to get creative i ordered hits on ket convoys traded with angaran villages they told me about gadar report you never got violent with the angora just the road car [ __ ] those guys i looked you up head of nexus security alliance train record shows a temper but otherwise paints the picture of a loyal soldier why just which sides because i'm sick of serving [ __ ] i could have handled the situation on the nexus but tam wanted a bloodbath he brought in the krogan without even asking me new galaxy same old [ __ ] you could have quit they would have died without my help not all exiles are criminals some of us just had enough you became a pirate by trying to protect people from a massacre the irony isn't lost on me you know pathfinder when i joined the initiative i thought we could build a new society a better one but the initiative was just another empty promise the only person i can count on to change things is me how did a human come to lead an angaran port when i got to kedara the kett were rounding up angara like animals it was a slaughter my people put an end to it naturally the locals were grateful and the heads decorating the spaceport what's that about a warning to the cat to anyone so the outcasts give me the sales pitch the outcasts aren't for you wow no hesitation i handpicked every one of my crew they've got either potential or history with me you've got neither addison said something similar i'll prove you both wrong addison and i agree on something i'll let you get back to it pathfinder stay out of kadara's business this isn't your turf over here pathfinder you've handled your fair share of cat hard to get far in andromeda without running into them yes and when sloan took over she slaughtered the cat who here there were mass executions public so people would know that kedaro was kept free there have been rumors of stragglers in the badlands if the tales are true they need to go what exactly are the rumors about the cat ambushes people disappearing vehicles sabotaged pick clean for parts could be feral local wildlife sinkholes ingara [ __ ] but there's enough people saying kept if there are kid out there send your own crew to deal with them listen this is how it is everyone knows sloane destroyed the cat presence here anything that hints otherwise weakness but you you're independent where you go what you do nothing to do with sloan you said sloane killed the cat here what happened the cat had the port locked down when we arrived they were shipping angara off for who knows what people were scared but the place had potential so we fought the cat for it and we won you saw the decorations outside that's slow making sure everyone knows she's the new power i'll think about checking out the badlands excellent be part of the solution not the problem have what it takes sign up for the outcast what's up ryder why an emergency meeting i didn't call it i did got some disturbing news while we were on kadara there's some tension at the krogan colony on illidan it's bad tension among krogan you don't say i wouldn't waste your time with this if it wasn't important we need to go i agree nakamura mortar made herself overlord of the colony it's weird no our priority is the archon we have to remain focused on his next move joel's right i know dealing with so many unknowns is frustrating but we need to hear each other out well as long as we're pitching stuff i overheard outlaws on kedara talking about activity in the remove system no that's the system where the turian golden world was supposed to be there aren't any viable planets there only an asteroid field with mining ventures run by criminals i hear elegance pretty rough too roving scavengers with nothing to lose perfect because if there's one thing i do know about it's fighting pirates we still have to find the cat transponder that'll lead us to the archon's ship i'm with you i can't wait to find the arkhan's ship and then hopefully meridian anyway get kelo then have points for both illidan and that potential turian golden world we want all our options ready to go hey i didn't stay dismissed or meeting adjourned or anything mating adjourned as you were i'm going to recommend a team white increase in glory intake yay more cans are you sure about that lexi we don't know how long we're going to need the rations to last even trading with you have new email i'm sure foreign liam says he's planning a movie night that's the idea he's putting it off because it didn't seem right after seeing the exaltation facility but now there's a delay i had a thought every vid's better with snacks right i found an ingarden recipe for these little morsels you could make from a local helios plant but it's rare and you want me to look for one oh would you i'd love to you know be social in things now orbiting kadara anomaly on sensors [Music] look at these readings this system is beautiful i'll say that's a stellar nursery stars are born out here [Music] [Music] wow look at all this the scourge did a number here didn't it to think this was supposed to be the turian home now the exiles have taken over cosmic radiation is off the charts rider you'll need to stay in the nomad how good are these fancy suits if they don't block radiation in normal situations they do this planet's magnetic field was disrupted when it cracked open no protection from a cosmic ray tearing you apart at the molecular level so stick to the nomad descent engine engaged good luck ryder and the dad have a chat get to know each other sometimes not much small talk he didn't talk small he and i had our little routine i'd say good morning and he'd say he liked saving people more than socializing with them so gravity's lower than we're used to pathfinder gill says you shouldn't worry about accidentally hitting escape velocity good to hear automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system [Music] pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface sam what is that a mining dome pathfinder you should be able to exit the nomad once inside what about the crazy space radiation the dome structure prevents cosmic rays from entering [Music] ever disobeyed an order in my soldier days no that's kind of the point is that mechanical you never thought about it military discipline isn't there to give you something cool to rebel against in combat people depend on you being in the place they expect doing what you're meant to do or they die that doesn't mean you're doing the right thing i know you can drive into the airlock pathfinder [Music] exiles everywhere what would they want with this place pathfinder i detect a data pad nearby it may provide answers they're mining helium-3 the main component in shuttle fuel pathfinder it can also be used to make highly effective explosives just what we need exiles with explosives let's get into the face the attached passcode is only a fragment data here indicates other mining tones i've added the locations to your map hustle was a good scene that data pad we found mentioned a guy named cracks any idea who that is beats me he doesn't come up with any records [Music] activating automated forward station deployment mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface so [Music] so [Music] automated protocols activated deploying forward station trigger discipline costa stop writing me harper you're better than your list of training you had a mentor i had a team who didn't want me to die still do right we all do [Music] [Music] so ryder look out [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] how finder this crux must be in charge of mining helium-3 he's the one we need to stop the passcode is still in complete pathfinder i require one more fragment so [Music] crazy to think this dust is packed with valuable resources an effect of solar radiation the radiation is also partly what makes this planet dangerous [Music] and there it takes over what did we were promised a prefab homestead exactly this long after exiting cryo we'll get there won't we ryder looks like we can just drive in here grenade that's teamwork data point detected pathfinder [Music] the locker contains personal items it is registered to the parchero sam you get that fragment i've completed the passcode pathfinder marking the excel base in your system good let's put an end to whatever crux is doing um i need info on the exile base what do you have for me the base is comprised of two mining domes the second can only be accessed with a passcode i also detect multiple frequencies originating from the area they have communication with kedara [Music] pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface ryder [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that's unsettling [Music] [Music] what was your deal coming to andromeda chance for a niche that didn't exist anywhere else though i suppose it doesn't hear either we're changing that i know it [Music] automated protocols activated deploying forward station [Laughter] mining zones have been added to your nav system pathfinder pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface [Music] that must be the base the exiles mentioned so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] through you can use the passcode on the door to the second dome pathfinder that did it what's the grenade it may give you the information you need i don't want excuses cracks the dust on the surface isn't enough if i want to take these initiative colonies out we'll need a hell of a lot more helium-3 i know that remnant tiller and the conservatory will work get it running elora out they wanted to attack the colonies but it sounds like they couldn't activate some sort of remnant tiller sam an active remnant tiller would expose more soil to radiation increasing helium-3 production exponentially if my calculations are correct this planet could fuel nexus ships for an estimated 368 years our milky way supply will run out eventually now we won't have to worry we need to get that tiller up and running i've marked the remnant conservatory on your display if allura had mined enough helium-3 to bomb the colonies i advise against hypotheticals pathfinder i've alerted the nexus to the situation patrols will be stationed around this planet to ensure the helium-3 remains in your control still if i ever meet this elora we're having a chat ah [Music] taking her up where to next pathfinder [Music] joel's been asking to talk to you hey joel didn't mean to scare you what ah i'm i'm not scared one second what's going on in here you look busy if i'm busy my mind is occupied with whatever i'm working on uh rather than worrying whatever gets you through uh i'd like your advice on something i'm making gifts for everyone i have a list yes do turians like poetry for vetra i'm writing a poem and engraving it on well i'm not sure yet who doesn't like a personalized poem ah great maybe i could just recite it for her make sure i'm there for that liam seems to like my roth gin i might sell him one he does do krogan like knives i could craft a ceremonial and garen dagger for drak who wouldn't want that it's mainly decorative would you like one joel this is a lot of work what's really going on i'm sure that i seem confident and skilled to you but i'm not or i don't feel like i am well i think you're great that's so it's true you're making me blush i can't tell my family is well known our lineage is respected and many of my kin have achieved great things i've never been one of them so many older siblings and cousins who succeeded at everything i stopped trying to keep up right thanks for listening you're not in anyone's shadow here i believe in you my reports from ephra regarding aksul are worrying i don't understand how the roca manages to recruit so many i'll see you later joel stay strong and clear [Music] [Music] careful word is there's pirates all over this region you'd think they'd run out of people to steal from and i will detect it sam send callow the nav point provided by our krogan contact drak we're landing on elliden to rendezvous with george trucks on my way where is this meeting place exactly called the paradise middle of nowhere as far as i can tell paradise is different for a krogan [Music] remnant starship no only 41 exposed i will gather what information i can't pathfinder uh who lives here besides the krogan scavengers with nothing to lose criminals chucked out of kedara gonna be interesting i'm gonna head to the colony smooth the waters okay hot it's hot it's really hot wish i got in on that deal did i hear you talking about the remnant den oh you and eve's dropping snake been breaking it down to cell could make you kill him from the pieces uh ryder you should check that out if it isn't the path pathfinder so happy our paths crossed your job is to search and study right you could say that we've only just begun to discover andromeda there's so much here to figure out attack how ours intersects there are amazing things to be built and you're the one to do it don't sell yourself short we can all do that oh i'm not long for this life i came to this galaxy to die on a new frontier i'm happy to impart my last bit of wisdom i would be honored knowledge is our pathfinder we brought the best of what the milky way could offer you have the means to make all this better so use your resources to study and decipher what's here grow from it build more efficient powerful tools build the future that is all again hey hey welcome welcome come this way that's a fancy ship alright you'll find lots of deals inside just talk to my boss come on this way it's a fair exchange welcome to the paradise uh thanks so what do you think what do you mean what do i think i mean look around no guns no blood no violence outside the gates you're on your own but in here you're safe anyone violates the peace they have to answer to me yeah everyone's on their best behavior is it natural or are they on something nothing so complicated these people need me they need what i sell so they behave or they're out now what can i get you how can i help just let me know what can i buy i don't know what do you have to trade mostly i sell water but you should go out to the tanks if you want that is there anywhere else on the planet to i don't know find water not really and if i don't like the look of you or you get on my bad side then no water for you how's it going need something what can i buy nice duds better watch your back there's probably already a dozen people planning to kill you for them are you threatening me sounded like it me no just trying to be helpful i know a hard target when i see one and i stay on your good side maybe you won't mind me picking up the scraps you leave behind so what else can i do for you you know a krogan named struxx nope but krogan are hard to miss look around what do you do on this planet why are you here why trying to find out where my claim is no relax i do the same as anyone else here try not to get killed we're done suit yourself i detect above normal temperatures automated protocols activated deploying forward station i'm reading a normal temperature range pathfinder mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system so ella did charming so far what do we got besides the sand the remnant monolith suggests this was indeed supposed to be a golden world it also suggests the presence of a vault additionally here is the large derelict remnant ship that we saw as we landed hopefully abandoned scans indicate it is not the site is active with scavengers and remnant boats here scavengers have taken over an abandoned camp between the two in this direction located in one of the planet's sinkholes is new to chunker the krogan colony sinkholes sounds fun not really elegant is tidally locked to its sister moon and that gas giant above this side of the moon never cools getting trapped in a sinkhole without shelter would mean certain death as one's blood would boil in 75 seconds and on that cherry note let's head for the climate-controlled paradise of the nomad i wasn't there much i suppose i liked london good choice [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign i detect above normal temperatures environment check temperatures are within acceptable look parameters scavengers dug into the sick enemies clan still hasn't forgiven the nexus huh can't say i blame them it's amazing they managed to set up any kind of working colony on this hellscape they're krogen they can live anywhere i think we're coming close to the krogan colony mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system move along no outsiders she's with me human pathfinder the one you were telling us about name's ryder drak's been running with us since we met on eos huh nexus said you begging us to come back shut it brick i'm not here to step on any toes i can help you guys out you assume we need help hey you guys did your job now stand down and let them in but drag didn't i tell you to shut up i'll spread the words so mordar knows you're here good i'll see you inside ryder gonna have a few more words with this pair first saw the worm out there again [Music] terminal with dr o'keer's data was right next to the scrubbed ones don't worry doctor i'll drag it down uh hello i noticed you were listening is it because you're a fan of the krogan genius dr o'keer i'm frantic because a terminal with all his research was accidentally sold to a junker um no maybe what was on it his work regarding krogan physiology and the genophage was advanced i was his protege more i was acquainted with his protege anyway it's encrypted but it would be bad if it fell into the wrong hands i can give you a nav point in the name of the scavenger i accidentally sold it to you talk about dr o'keer like i should know who that is dr o'keer was on the leading edge of krogan genetics and possibly curing the genophage and not using the slow genetic mutation approach the initiative has invested in i have i had a collection of his research i hope to cure the genophage in the colony send me the nav point in the terminal identification done i hope it's still on the planet the junker was aggressive uh no mercy listen to yourself i know what i saw did that worm think i wouldn't notice it's my squad not grins and i'll be damned if i let them take orders from him what's wrinkle krogan alcohol like drinking a live grenade i distill it myself strongest in the galaxy that's impressive not really i'm the only distiller in the galaxy what's it like living out here it's no paradise but it's easier than tachanka back home stepping outside during a nuclear wind could tear the plate from your skull what was it like traveling on the nexus don't know i remember solarians packing us into cryo some of us needed a double hit to fall asleep then nothing suddenly we were here you want to know more ask barrack says he woke up mid-journey and lived 50 years alone on the nexus he has to be lying probably good story though what made you pick up and come to helius i was sick of living on a dead planet watching my people tear each other apart hitching a ride on the nexus was a chance to start over but you left the nexus and built this best decision the krogan ever made just wish it was on better terms not wise to burn bridges out here what do you have against selling ring call to humans spend too much time babysitting humans who think they can stomach it fact is you can't maybe it won't kill you but it'll leave me a mess to clean up i bet i could handle it typical that's all for now back to it ryder this is grot an old friend practically built this whole place don't let the fact that he's hurt not bother you he can't help it what do you think of the colony pretty great huh when you said colony i didn't think you meant this why didn't you tell me drak wasn't sure about you at first and then it seemed simpler to just show you when we got here it's rustic that's what we're going for rustic i'm guessing you have questions how long has the colony been here since we left the nexus after the mutiny just like that leave the nexus start a colony work krogan kid we can live anywhere could have parked our tails on a volcano and handled it just fine there's a lot of prefab materials here and shuttles some of it was gear we had stored away on the nexus the rest we sort of stole when we left not like anyone was gonna stop us you seem at home here drac and you're not getting any younger ever think of retiring the day you dig my grave old-timer sad honor that'll be how do you know drak we mined together back when our quads had barely dropped now i just can't seem to get rid of them i'll talk to you later got the orders from morta we're cutting water again just let me go out there with you pathfinder welcome you don't welcome an alien into our colony your ignorant child shut up old man sorry about that don't mind him credits or credits i say about time someone around here is friendly just give him time prove you're one of the good ones now buy something before he starts yelling again well look at that not one of those damn scavengers are you i'm with the andromeda initiative that's worse look you want to buy talk to my seller i hired him so i don't have to deal with the customers but the scavengers are crawling all over the salvage you pick up not too bad i pick my scrap out in anorexia where squishies like you can't handle the heat i don't get too close to the flop house scavengers gather there like insects can't defend my salvage against those numbers look at me i was a warrior and now i fight vermin over a junk heap i hear you woke up on the journey to helius that cry wasn't enough to keep me down was alone for a hundred years before we reached the cluster i thought it was 50 years 50 100 it's all the same when you're living on nutrient paste the nexus is paradise compared to this you don't want to go back even a little so we can be your attack dogs again get treated like dirt until we finally fight back this is no different than the rebellion back home only time you get respect is when we take it by force we were stupid to think it would be any different here you talk like you saw the rebellions you can't be as old as drac i was born during the final year just before the turians hit us with the genophage my father died in the fight on canurum took two dozen turian guns to drop him i'm glad he didn't live to see us riding in cargo on the nexus like pets i should get moving i'll be here selling junk [Music] i just for just help ryder and keep going that's all we can do environment check well temperatures are within better acceptable price against activating automated forward station deployment mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system [Music] this heat is unbearable i detect a considerable temperature drop i detect above normal temperatures we've reached the nap point provided by dr gunnar the krogan terminal should be nearby okay ice peeled everyone let's get in and get out this is the active terminal initiating download download complete we may leave now easy for you to say can you tell what's in all that data better i've been worth almost getting killed temperature levels however a few phrases stand out krogan super soldier pure kroger and tank bread ah interesting send me a report of what you can decipher no any touring tactics i ran into this skar.merc who had some really good you don't care it's just i've studied tactics from thousand-year campaigns liam man this story killed black hole pathfinder i detect broken scavenger machinery ahead the ambient temperature is normal activating automated forward station deployment mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your lab system heat levels increasing normal temperature range [Music] oh [Music] i detect above normal temperatures low life scavengers criminals you take me to all the nice places you can go back to the tempest if you want and leave you to have all the fun let's go environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits turkey ah so oh so i detect no additional glyphs in the area nice work yeah still hard you left your left your left right left so you can talk the talk now walk it [Music] activating automated forward station deployment the timing zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system [Music] um [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] oh you went deep with you sorry where's the early tech the motoring museum equivalent that was about 30 000 years back not much left no sorry bang bang also noah sorry child catcher oh for the best me that should complete the glyphs pathfinder nice work just [Music] automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones in this region are available ryder are those scavengers dismantling the remnant tech that a problem it is if they get their hands on a remnant core it could become unstable and attract the scourge how do we stop it beats me pathfinder i couldn't find your mind to disable the cause and prevent them from reacting do it let's go fix this life support is back online look like outlaws i detect above normal temperatures life support is back online hello i detect scavenger interference at additional remnant sites never make it easy for me let's go to those other sites thank you car finder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface nice work kind of missed the infrastructure in place back in the milky way right the good old age when squirrels carry the plague what are you talking about just saying you know the drill go find those cores so energy levels are higher than normal the cores are already unstable you need to hurry ryder pathfinder this area can't find a resource someone is hello good work out there back where where okay now just oh enemies thank you [Music] life support is failing oh pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface your other suit needs to strip down cora tint is off excuse me the tint that model was used in the first contact war dock and xo right recolored the product line to match but they use you're approaching the refuge of dirk barrett we are not hostile repeat not hostile please do not shoot well that's new pathfinder i'm dirk barrett i speak for everyone you see here i'm glad you're hearing me out instead of shooting me in the face it never really hurts to listen i agree most of the people who live here don't as i'm sure you've noticed they kill anything that moves including each other long-term prospects for survival zero me i haven't lost my mind i don't want to die neither do these people that's why i need your help it may not be wise to help a nexus exile the initiative considers you enemies what threat am i to the initiative barely hanging on targeted by the neighbors we just want a self-sufficient community able to defend itself and survive without stealing and killing so what's your plan first we need to move this shelter is small and can't be fortified another gang has taken over a base about 20 clicks from here beautiful setup they don't know how to use idiots taking aboard the walls for scrap if you can help us clear them out i think we'll be good i'll see what i can do thanks pathfinder anything else you need to know just ask why did you come to ellen seemed like a good idea at the time yeah i know not the smartest move kedara bothered some people sloane muscling her way into angara territory i guess some of us wanted to start with a clean slate too bad i got [ __ ] on so fast nothing else right now i'll head out all right i'll keep you but it's good so what would be best hey complaining doesn't mean i want it to be my job it never does [Music] [Music] pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface oh [Music] oh this hate is putting me to sleep [Music] environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits [Music] [Applause] that should do it work if your security be secure i know what i'm doing this job didn't exist until i started doing it we screw up none of our jobs will exist i'm aware thanks look out that junk ahead will attract scavengers [Music] uh what's up [Music] normal temperature range [Music] so okay remnant vault let's get this place up and running well we turned the power on you'll need to locate the console to activate the purification field pathfinder [Music] looks like there's a trick to this interface let's figure it out [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll first need to start the reactor and initiate the purification field [Music] it's a little fun isn't it stay alert there will be more i can't go this way a console may be of use several interface connections converge here i will highlight the ones you need glad we got support yes uh remnant we can lay low or take them on well i guess it's a step closer turrets nearby pathfinder uh plot there may be a console nearby okay turret nearby pathfinder heads up big guy's ahead should be all of them [Music] looks like there's a trick to this interface let's figure it out getting better at this there's gotta be something we're missing [Music] is [Music] this is but oh so oh [Music] foreign let's do this okay we should be able to get to the purification console this console will activate the purification field you may want to sweep the area here it comes go go [Music] keep moving grab it [Music] man that gets less terrifying let's get out of here ugh [Music] ambient temperature has dropped to 34 degrees celsius and continues to decrease humidity has increased by 21 percent we can bring this place back to life it's nothing if we get things back on track it's nothing i hear you i can't believe the nexus x saw so many we weren't there we all know someone's going to fix this mess we support that pathfinder one job at a time [Music] [Music] i don't like the look of that tech might be outlaws um [Music] i don't like the look of that tech might be outdoors this is the base barrett wants us to help with [Applause] that all of them that was way too easy they sent reinforcements group would never have been able to take them out uh hey pathfinder you still alive the base is clear like you wanted excellent we'll start preparations for the move immediately come by when you can we might have some stuff hoarded around here that you could use bear it out you can get there in under a century if the right focus is drilled into you so make one out or at 300 degrees or one minute at 3 000 yes exactly like that [Music] ah maybe you who i think you are sarah ryder pathfinder for the initiative you asked me to meet you here yeah i did thanks for coming everyone's best chance for survival is to cooperate that includes the krogan good nice know some people are on our side so you have problems at the colony it's heading to a bad place we can't be there anymore morta's become a tyrant did she kick you out hasn't come to that yet so we're laying low i want to keep my eye on her she's planning a strike against the nexus that much we know direct trusts morta and i trust drac i'm there drac isn't morta is going to rip this colony apart and then we're all going to die krogan dying that's a stretch everyone needs food and water even krogen morta's rationing my group thinks the krogan should make peace with the nexus we need the krogan and the krogan need us we all came to andromeda as one we should at least try to fix this well there won't be a colony to make peace with if mortar ruins it you don't believe me go to the krogan colony yourself and see what she's planted talk to raven or brink he's one of us on the inside if the safety of the nexus is really on the line i'll go better hope she doesn't shoot me on site yeah that'd be a bad omen i can't believe been out of the sea of anorexia sent me he said that you yes find me later near the fighting bit hey nexus i'm the one you talk to around here are you morta i'm nakmor morta overlord of the krogan and helius overlord and you're the celebrated pathfinder from the hyperion found at last i'm writer this is thrilling i've never stood so close to a pathfinder before mostly because the krogan never got one welcome to new to chunka you mean that because it doesn't sound like you mean that you're right i don't you weren't there when the council species on the nexus banded together to screw over the krogan again new galaxy same crap i'd just like you to give me personally the benefit of the doubt why are you here pathfinder to see what a successful colony looks like our outposts are new we could use the advice your manipulation is so transparent no advice for you only regret watch the krogan will thrive and the initiative will pay get out of my face before i smash it i'm going to journal about this later see you soon she's charming plus she just confirmed our worst fears yeah the initiative will pay she said that right i didn't imagine it let's talk to brent before we freak out they won't take much more they'll fight or they'll be thrown out [Music] anyone tells morda i'm talking to you and i'm kicked out last thing i want to do is jeopardize the nexus or this colony me neither or clan ravenor or clan jorgo or clan erdnaught some in clan act more too okay got it did you see the crash ship as you landed more does after the drive core she can't activate it it's remnant what are you talking about she's building a bomb with a drive core as a power source sam dangerous to those handling it but in the end very possible demolition teams have been busting down walls for months battling those robots and scavengers lots here want peace with the nexus if mordeca gets that drive core boom it's over now get away from me got it thanks time oh [ __ ] a bomb uh the black and white one nope what about heart of sirius nope who can live this long and miss that many classics must be a talent pathfinder the salvage ahead attracted scavengers uh yes pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface [Music] [Music] oh detecting deep seismic activity in this area that thing is massive i wonder what brought it down so oh a tin can full of remnant sounds like fun yup trapped in cranky remnant [Music] bodies electricity arcing we don't want to go in there we need to find a way around this there's more around every corner watch your six and your three and your nine and your will reveal the missing glyphs [Music] got them all that should complete the glyphs pathfinder nice work oh so cool in here so nice benedictine's a mystery to me it's hellish hot flawless crazy murderous never mind the water mafia got to be a big reward for those scavengers to put up with the risk information from kedara lists raw materials from remnant architecture as extremely profitable there's a lot of damage in here better watch our step hopefully we can find a route to the drive core and get out of here heads up maybe this place isn't functioning as well as we thought that also means the killer bots i won't complain this is probably the access terminal the drive core is not here someone's been here but they didn't come in the way we just did couldn't have a crash like this there must be another entrance burned again for politely using the front door so who has it scavengers gotta be when i find the scavenger scum that has my drive core okay i might be taking this too personally let's hunt them down huh i don't think these belong here fliers that's not remnantic the intruders must have entered from this direction more flares seems like the right direction very kind of these things to leave us a clear trail pretty handy i'd hate to get lost in here no wonder about the dead scavengers i'm not surprised they're getting their asses kicked [Music] [Music] so this is how they got in whoever it was it doesn't make sense that mortise people took the drive cord if they knew about this entrance why would they try to break in finally back out into the bright bright scorching light of day yep sun relentless son we've got a lock on your position sending down a forward station suvi sam's uploaded a signature from the remnant drive core housing can you trace it tricky from our position it would be a full scan give me whatever you can we need to find out who stole it yeah did it fall into the wrong hands or the even worse than wrong hands okay think i've got something i've updated your nav system yes foreign tell me again how that scanned energy signature helps us find the drive core the drive core omitted a unique reading that i haven't encountered before in redmond tech it took a great deal of power to run that ship whatever its purpose suvi keep your eyes on this and give us an update when we get closer to one overshoot [Music] i detect multiple hostile lifeforms looks like a remnant derelict pathfinder sam let's scan for this drive core scan is complete by my calculations the drive core is here wait until mortar sees us waltz in with a drive core under our arm huh no drive core here suvi sam what's going on the drive call was here pathfinder by the strength of the signature not long ago of all the shitty luck sometimes i think i'm unlucky in general i mean not that i've noticed it can be honest it's possible right even be genetic that's the question for lexi i think i'd rather not pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals by your mining interface foreign foreign i think that's it [Music] let's go [Music] nearing the new area where the signature for the remnant drive core was detected we'll need to scan the area to zero in on the signal thanks dewey looks like we missed the action this time krogan vs scavengers think this was about the drive call or just an ambush for loot let's scan the bodies before they turn to dust shall we do oh [Music] pathfinder i'm scanning the unique signature from the drive core but it's clearly not here yeah i got that part which is why i specified clearly sam were you being sarcastic not intentionally however i've noted that my response was regarded that drive core must be powerful to be worth killing and dying for guess the winner of this fight took off with it seems to track we should look for another clue to where they were headed oh [Music] password bingo exactly why you should never write down your password we still have that drive for reading right let's not forget our priorities we've got targets foreign oh it's everyone for themselves out here be ready for anything you ever hear the saying honor among thieves yeah but it isn't true ever uh [Music] this is the flop house where all the scum gather eleven will never be a safe place to settle unless they're gone sounds like a plan locked must have barricaded themselves in but now if we can find a security townhome i may be able to attempt to fight disabling the alarm or call of reinforcements uh [Music] i can bypass the command sentence doors from here pathfinder please try to remain within range of the console until the process is complete go company my god looks like outlawed pathfinder i have bypass security you can now enter the command center enemies incoming [Music] there let's hope that stops them nice work oh [ __ ] trouble there let's hope that stops them [Music] let's not forget about that drive car [Music] um [Music] [Music] my hiding something like a drive call for instance call drag let him know what's going on that's the last of them let's find that drive or oh but i'm not sure for what track any ideas a few clan drogo is the worst unbalanced unreliable you think maybe wants to build a bomb or just sell it on kadara then why hide it here i don't know but i can't wait to find out i'm super curious who can guess the motivations of a crazy crokin track do me a favor and don't spill this to the croaking yet i want to talk to morden's drugs face to face you got it gil i need you to send an ops crew to this location they're picking up a remnant drive core got it will do sam change the passcode on the door to this place and transmit it to gil keep that tech safe it might be the most powerful thing we found i'll be glad when this is over so i can take a shower my sweat is sweaty could head to bold for a snowball fight i think the krogan colony is right around the corner hello nexus you're back i am struxx tells me you went to get the drive core from my remnant ship that's true and that you sold it to scavengers who took it off world to make a profit for you and them is the one you should be interrogating stay out of broken affairs nexus i'll interrogate who i want are all crooked terrible listeners wait for it clan agmore is a joke the losers of chichonka are now the losers of helius overlord morta has lost the drive core and our colony is doomed you're all talk jorge strux i made this colony if there's an overlord they should be from the oldest krogan blood clan jordan watch i'll rescue the drive core and make us so powerful that the nexus will bow down to us except you can't cause we have it ah drac i wanted to see how long before he hung himself what do you mean you have it i let the pathfinder answer that i have it but i took it from struxx's men not the derelict i'm impressed strux you're more cunning than most clan jorgal smarter even neck more arrogance my father lowered himself to join your clan because he admired her grandfather he was laughed at called not worth killing but now i've bested you morta and clan knackmore will pay with blood you put the colony at risk over a grudge you carried across dark space you really aren't worth killing druggle strucks get out take your goons with you now where is the drive core hand it over just like that hand it over it's incredibly powerful we'll use it to power the colony this will put us ahead by decades or it could do the same for prodromos if you keep that drive core it's over between the krogan and the nexus forever you have to give us something for it it's only right we did get shot at a lot what about joining our colony with your outpost give us the drive core and we'll be friends new to chunka and nexus keep it and you've created a sovereign krogan nation we don't abide by nexus laws or owe you anything even peace ryder i must point out that historically unchecked krogen advancement has been the cause of war and disaster for many even the krogan well okay morta let's work together you can have the remnant drive core and you can set up your outpost here nexus we're all going to be friends and prosper right you bet we are whenever you're ready bring your outpost people here and they'll be welcome this is a great day morna we'll contact addison and give her the news good luck overlord morta pathfinder this location is ideal for outpost placement you can call an outpost by the beacon did i say [Music] [Music] strange what triggers memories something about that last combat took me back to training voice of a mental favorite training ground the smell of blood from an impact meant to teach respect hard one you coral harper confirmed calling [Music] you really did it almost a civil war and you brought them back but it's all about the resources no poetry right i considered the krogan a permanent loss too many egos involved thankfully my ledgers don't care how they get filled if i can retroactively call the krogan colony an outpost that's a win but that practicality is not universal tan will hate this i'm not interested in opinions that don't see the value here good because there will be a lot of them but not from me this won't be our last outpost to find but new to chunker helps immeasurably we can't rest for long of course there will always be a need but for now i need your voice to remind them what this meant get the flags waving this seems more important than that it's about setting a tone not telling the whole story there's a reason the krogan came with the initiative why the initiative needs them it's obvious on elliden they bring out a part of ourselves that we need welcome to new tachunka we're all a little crooked here one for the records pathfinder addison out nexus come here looking for that something special boomerang has got what you need best loot in the dunes here for your perusal your scavenger not anymore i'm not fine folks at the initiative gave me a second shot i'm on something called a probationary period got a fancy metal bracelet on my ankle and everything they're too good to old boomerang i'm keeping my eye on you the second you put a toe out of line on my best behavior pathfinder honest i'm a nexus man now if i scrap and scavenge i do it for the good of the initiative reassuring enough about me you're here for the good stuff look what boomerang's got for you one of your people tried to enter our family quarters you tell him if we catch him there again he's losing a hand if you touch my people we have a problem [Music] what is wrong ryder vetera wanted you to check in when you can cat genetics defies everything we know they're bits of different species and yet all cats it's bizarre horrifying fascinating all at once just think while you're poking around in their genetics they're probably doing the same with hours huh wonderful that's me never sleeping again i should get back to things science kids of avp outstanding pathfinder so [Music] i'm picking up something back towards fold anomaly on sensors beginning approach [Music] voldarbet is steady so approaching the lz picking up a faint signal looks like a friendly ship it matches the transponder code for asari survey vessel harry phono that's the ship hidario mentioned we might be close [Music] i miss being able to give directions by what used to be there what are you even talking about turn where the chip shop used to be that's a hometown one day if we do our jobs huh i thought this would be the periphona ice or mineral deposits may be reflecting false positives the real signal must be relatively close [Music] foreign um [Music] the camper head contains catch lightning's get on the bridge where there's cat there's trouble we have to deal with this [Music] yes [Music] anyone up for would you rather did you just ask would you rather would you still getting the perry phone a signal wonder why she's on the ground oh we have to check that out uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] pick up nice work another false reading but we must be closing in seriously ryder you didn't bring any music tighten up costa i'm not getting flanked because you're distracted do you prefer batarian flood roman column or alcor core just pick one and stick to it this is the source of the peripheral sickle oh god and there's cat on site let's clear them out thank you claire that's the perry phone all right what's left of her definitely kept weapons fire this wasn't just a crash the cat pulverized the ship no survivors without the crew we've lost our best lead to the asari arc but this is stupid if they want a sorry for exaltation why not take the crew alive maybe they saw a helpless target and couldn't resist hold on i got something it could be a flight recorder it's in bad shape but let's see what final rock if the arc ever finds this we failed couldn't draw them off the date of copy is lost the decimation is too cunning forgive us the decimation hedaria mentioned specialized cat hunters maybe that's them anyway we could use that or the flight recorder to find the ark if the nav record survived we could trace the parafona's flight path might lead us to them i can't assist i'll take a look when we get back still lots to do no more hidden ops liam that mess with khaled can't happen again we had to deal with him eventually i just prefer more controlled circumstances i'll try but i was in crisis response not controlled circumstances [Music] uh [Music] part finder active remnant nearby i suggest investigating automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones have been added to your nav system pathfinder [Music] i think lexi wanted to speak to you email anomaly on sensors [Music] i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] entering atmosphere lz in sight [Music] [ __ ] all this green i could feel my allergies flaring up already two million light years from home and you have allergies this could be my spider sense [Music] uniforms sharp shooter here they come more hostiles uh ah shot to the gut painful i appreciate the help back there name's avidis rix sorry if my methods seem extreme civilian life is trying sarah ryder human pathfinder you former military a specter special tactics and reconnaissance did the council's dirty work for 15 years what like their laundry more like classified assassinations and espionage the initiative was my retirement plan then the tennis hit the scourge and bam woke up here what happened where's the ark no idea had to break out of my own damn stasis pod a fall like that should have killed you those pods are sturdier than they look but most of the turian population is still missing including mason our pathfinder sam hasn't transferred to me so he's alive just don't know where he hasn't made it back to the nexus knowing mason he's out there looking for me mason dedicated his life to andromeda he's too stubborn to die now we need every pathfinder we can get debris and stasis pods from the natanus are scattered across the sector between the two of us we should find something you go left i go right something like that rumor has it scavengers found pieces of an ark on a planet called ellidin could be nothing but it's a lead worth checking i'll let you know if i find anything i'm in your debt pathfinder we got lucky [Music] leaving a viral register's pathfinder i think lexi wanted to speak to you you have avp outstanding pathfinder do oh so that looks good to you as if any of your meals passed a bucket test oh ryder sorry for the mess who's your friend an exalted cat i called y'all to show him oh there he is joel look at this there's nothing angara inside the physical can be deceiving i've run hundreds of tests only traces of the angara genome remain the exalted are kept there must be a way to fix them anything's possible we just have to keep trying even from mistakes we can learn thank you writer what joel needs to accept that exaltation is permanent you're making his grief worse i didn't think about it like that because you see him as a friend not a patient that's why i'm here to observe and treat jarl is part of this crew his welfare is my responsibility i know this job was a surprise but you've really stepped up and look you got your cat sample their bodies are unlike anything i've seen centuries of gene stealing crafted evolution it's horrible of course but also fascinating glad you're settling in sink or swim right i should probably clean this up before it starts to smell um we got it ryder you patched up the asari flight recorder some old access codes a little data recovery from sam we have the asari ark's last heading nav points are set we can head there whenever you're ready remember the survey ship this might not be pretty are you handling tough stuff is my job we need the asari and sarissa more than ever i trust you to find them before the cat do hey ryder got an encrypted message from sid she has news who wanted to talk to us both connecting the call now finally i've been waiting for hours so you want to tell us what this is all about i was listening to outpost updates and caught a message about settlers going missing that doesn't sound good yeah cause it's not they were kidnapped i dug around and i think i know where they've been taken a cave on a moon in the remove system originally an angaran mine i think but they abandoned it i don't believe the planet you're talking about is a moon whatever what did i tell you about getting involved i couldn't just do nothing how do we know your intel's even reliable it's reliable i trust your sister and there's no sense in wasting time see that's a pathfinder sid just give us everything you have on this already done can i come along i want to help you know the answer to that right of course stay away from bad people guns bombs krogan beer you did good i just want you to be safe okay yeah yeah ah you have avp outstanding pathfinder anomaly detected [Music] not many signals out here even that random radio noise we get from the skirt is quieter eerie anomaly on sensors [Music] anomaly detected this is cora's nav point we're approaching the nav points cora found something's there it might be an ark but the damn scourge isn't helping sam help out with the sensors hard to believe the lucenia could survive in all this focus on how we can help them good call help us sorry piss off the kid very cathartic sarissa will have plans for those decimation hunters wrote the manual on crisis situations the commando you mentioned you still believe she'll save the day cyrissa was a legend even before she was the pathfinder's bodyguard she'll have a plan aha detecting an initiative vessel reading life signs and minimal power multiple hull breaches she's a wreck if she's space worthy and her crew's alive that's all we need callow take us in i'll try must be one docking base still holding together we're aboard any response to comms nothing maybe their sensors are busted what a mess no space battle did this beginning decompression die you ken monsters we're not cat we're a pathfinder team ryder lieutenant harper and sam just send her our ident codes confirmed sorry i'm captain a tundra of what's left of the lucinia come up to the bridge maybe you can help fix this mess okay i'd be tense too but that was close this area saw combat action no bodies though whatever happened left the captain a little trigger happy if the tempest looked like this how would you feel but you'd vent a pathfinder team into space respectfully yes we can't take any more chances [Music] sarissa theris pathfinder don't mind the captain scolding me eases her blood pressure [Music] cora here thought the famous arisa would have everything in hand i thought matriarch ashara was pathfinder ma'am and you were her bodyguard like her tiamna i served with the sorry commandos ma'am memorized all your battle manuals matriarch ashara is dead sarissa was next in line her battle manuals haven't kept the cat off my ark that ends today we'll see your ark safely back to the nexus i hope so we've tried everything else matriarch ashara died trying to negotiate with those cat bastards so i took something precious from them too i stole a module containing tactical data all their secret routes through this phenomenon we call it the scourge ma'am if we could outmaneuver the ket through it we'd stand a better chance against them their archon had the same thought he sent his elite agent the valiant and his decimation hunters after us we take more damage each time we escape the valiant the last assault he sent forces to board us cyrissa's theft has made things problematic how many borders are we talking about we're not sure but for now they're contained down there we couldn't do more we spent our resources evacuating civilians the valiant wants cyrissa to pay pathfinders have to take risks captain i've taken my share goddess preserved me what would it take to get the ark out of here before this valiant catches up again an ftl burned long enough to lose him but since the evacuation we've been stuck at minimal power the drive core is dead my people are investigating but those systems are below deck with the ket borders another pathfinder team could back them up get power for the drive core and my sam and i will finish deciphering the ket data will turn the valiant's escape routes against him consider it done ma'am the last commando report came from hangar control i'll give you access please be careful [Music] you okay cora pathfinders take risks they really do matriarch ashara your father we roll the dice and hey sometimes we win come on the sooner we find those commandos the better [Music] was it this quiet when the arks were traveling through dark space that's a cheery thought the lucenia will be back to normal once we get her to the nexus stop in the name of the goddess i'll shoot your rescuers rescuers and humans your ark made it just about i'm writer the human pathfinder this is my team i'm vaderia de molly cyrus's new second in command sorry about the mix-up i hope i can help the captain says we need to restore power to go to ftl right yes i've tried the power drain and i think shutting the hangar bay doors will fix it the cat forced the doors open and the safeties are draining power trying to shut them don't worry my sam can probably override whatever the cat did kept can survive in vacuum for a little while if we shut the doors the valiants pet hunters lose their last escape route too i pray the power will be enough for ftl i just [Music] vadaria i served as a huntress remember cyrissa's manuals breathe purpose action breathe okay please take a look at the console i'll keep watch we've got this cover the console while sam works nice steady fire yes mom hang the door closure at 21 percent at 53 percent percent oh hanger doors are closed unlocked pet access is cut off okay that should have done it seems pretty dark for having the power back on the daria let's ask her what was that i estimate that several of the arcs electrical junctions just overloaded [ __ ] vadaria badaria sam says we lost some electrical junctions i know the overload started a fire damn it that shouldn't have happened be calm soldier what could have made him overload if if there's something else draining power on the lower decks as something big theories can wait people let's secure the ark first that might be complicated those cats they must be watching us if they delay the repairs long enough the valiant ship catches up if we're quick and efficient we can outmaneuver them okay first thing is the last stasis pods i'll go check on them you could go below look for whatever's draining power and maybe help with the fire which way to the lower decks uh the living quarters i'll open maintenance access you can cut through good luck may the cat wither in the void before you [Music] ryder it's cyrissa we got some power then a damage report what happened an accident we're fixing it all right go forward we'll keep prepping the drive core we won't let you down man of course not lieutenant cyrus [Music] i'm almost to the stasis pods ah blasted no power for elevators vadaria cut the elevators maglocks if the arcs like ours you can climb down the shaft good idea thanks man [Music] i really hope these things got aboard after vaderia again two cats were trying to mess with the stasis pots not anymore good work remember cyrissa's manuals stay low i will the pods are safe i'll keep tracking that power drain looks bad why isn't the fire suppression system engaged either insufficient power or the explosion damaged fire control we could fix that if we find the controls and then reach whatever's draining power without getting singed light them up careful they're above us i think the cat were after the fire suppression controls over there ah yeah that's bright ironic the electrical junction is damaged i recommend searching for an alternative whatever this powers the arc needs fire control more there let's try again [Music] [Applause] should cool us off the dairy again i got the cat they got me back but i'm okay nice work and with a hanger shut i managed to track the real power train here's the nav point i'll see you there [Music] captain of tundra here we're warming up the drive core but we need more juice we're on it captain good the valiant ship is still out there somewhere oh what looks like an observation deck people evacuate through here drop anything that didn't matter thank the goddess you're all right here this is what's draining the power what is this thing it looks like the cat attack sheared off some hull plating then someone rigged up this mass effect field device the field's so strong it holds the hull together it would help people evacuate the deck beyond and give anyone sensitive to mass effect fields a nasty migraine no kidding but they'd survive that deck's deserted now we have to turn the device off i tried pulling the plug but nothing can you scan it maybe your sam can figure it out the device requires two people for shutdown one disconnecting the cables and another at the device itself i'll handle the device caution once begun the failsafe cycle must be completed or the device will fuse ready vadaria disconnecting the first cable now [Music] cat watch the device we'll handle them but we need you daria you can do this they're down okay next cable ready where you are marquette take them down got goddess how many came aboard all right now the cable working on the last cable [Music] another attack they're desperate rider this must be the last of them this is their last dance breakthrough the cat are down the device can now be deactivated [Music] that noise it's gone well i i guess it's just that wait it's captain atondra ryder the drive course coming online you did it a few minutes and we're out of here can we still go to ftl if there's say a big hole breach down here uh the maneuver i've planned should hold us together if the ftl burn doesn't we'll have to cope cyrissa here superb work all of you we're almost home [Music] it's really over i should go and help there might be something i can do you helped save this whole arc not bad for your first big mission cyrissa should be proud vadaria you'll be one hell of a commando you'd know lieutenant thank you for everything goddess guide you pathfinder restoring power has freed up a data cache it includes the succession log from matriarch ashara can you access it forget the data i need you the barrier's collapsing ishara they'll tear the ark apart i that data is the only thing that might buy us time we had reinforcements approaching pathfinder ashara sarissa my sam kell please i have to save them even if i can't save forgive me used to mean guardian of temples a champion who stayed faithful even when all was lost sarissa left her to die [Music] cyrissa was forced to choose between her pathfinder and her arc she made the right call look around does this look like a right call i damn it all rider what do i do first we tundra here the cat hunters blindsided us they have a drop ship headed for the breach on deck 12. how long until we have ftl too long cyrista's coming to help push him back helmets on people device is still connected remotely triggering it may affect local gravity could be useful we've got reinforcements everyone hang on ryder the valiant's sending more cats cyrissa is almost there don't let up himself take him down launch everything julian [Music] [Music] incoming fire like the battle of kirkus there's still a chance lieutenant please [Music] [Music] [Music] captain get us out of here punching it hold on a skeleton crew but enough to patch up the ark she'll make it to the nexus whatever it cost you need to talk to sarissa about ashara's message i wanted to thank you both that was exemplary work i'm proud ma'am sarissa we know about ashara the log survived then her final moments won't be lost you deserted your pathfinder you should be better than i chose protecting all these people over a single life the choice they train us to make lieutenant but you didn't tell anyone because then you wouldn't be their shining hero and maybe that's how it should be being a pathfinder means giving them hope ryder you know this don't you it's over bringing up what happened won't do any good is that justice is that for you to decide sorry but we need to prep for the nexus approach we've got a hell of a story for them you should know the nexus is going to throw you the party of a lifetime you can raise a glass to the fallen and to a better future we don't walk an easy road i hope we both find what we're looking for come on ryder we're good here [Music] hey you okay can i just do today over again and not run away from my duty i put so much faith in cyrissa but the asari were just as lost as we are we know our mission i think we're finding our way pretty well should have known better than to say that to a pathfinder thank you for being there on the lucinia can i tell you something sure the old man was right to choose you as pathfinder instead i don't blaze a trail i always look for the mentor their plan as a pathfinder my mistakes would be worse than cirissa's i still want you on my team and as my friend i hope that counts for something everything actually look neither of us chose this but maybe we both ended up where we needed to be even if we lost your father but it's happened if you can't outrun it gotta use it what did you he said something like that once still true i need to think of it but i'll be okay and on deck whenever you need me yeah when's the last time you had a normal conversation haha that isn't everyone on this ship it is parking and i've got no interest in being a guinea pig so [Music] i'm picking up something [Music] pathfinder this site could support an initiative outpost i've never seen anything as badass as those are sorry i saw that kind of firepower in my huntress unit for years never got used to it but you were one of them i was there really being one of them would be a few centuries work [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh that's not good stasis pods from arc natanus are any of them alive it's difficult to obtain a clear reading on all pods at once we should investigate hotel so no life forms detected pathfinder too many variations in the genome not mason barrow this one's got power no match subject is a child none of the pods match mason barrow pathfinder hope help me get it open pathfinder the body has no vitals damn it the stasis port still functions i can access this data history according to the final log this stasis pod is jettisoned from arc natalis when they hit the scourge the timeline doesn't match this pod was ejected long after natanus was reported missing we assumed the ark was destroyed but maybe it's intact the crew could still be alive if they are why they dumping their people we should update avetis he'll want to know what we found huh um drac said he wants to talk to you you have avp outstanding pathfinder vidcon channels already pathfinder ryder i was just about to call you everything all right i've got numbers coordinates flashing in my head i think it's an sos for mason it could be coming from your salmon plant he's sending me his location we did find evidence that natanus may be intact what is this a bunch of stasis pods were jettisoned from the ark no survivors but the log show it happened long after nutanix hit the scourge someone's still flying the damn thing or keeping it afloat at least here are the coordinates for my implant meet me there we'll find answers read the mission briefs this isn't good ryder the archon's dangerous i've seen people like him before we'll figure him out pride will get us all killed this ain't the time for it kid from where i stand the archon thinks he knows what's best for us problem is he can follow through on it that exaltation the cat do it turns people into slaves he can do that to us he has that power someone like him you take out fast and hard get the leader the rest will follow honestly drop a nuke on his head blow up a sun if you have to take the collateral damage there's better ways to stop him than brute force maybe but i'm not gonna let an enemy get close enough to pry my plates open and go for the soft kill you don't mess around with this kind of thing ends badly each and every time another galaxy and there are still despots we saw similar types back when i worked as a peacekeeper pirates attacking the colonies we trained the colonists and they started fighting back raiders didn't expect that the angara already know how to fight but the archon he's got an army to back up is crazy but i've got you and everyone else on board huh true enough never underestimate a small capable strike force you keep thinking about how you want to handle this we'll only get one real chance at it won't we yep so when we take him down let's make sure he stays down anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] approaching the nav point provided by avatars [Music] that's the turian arc it's seen better days incoming call pathfinder i think we're on the right track no kidding is it safe to board only one way to find out i'll meet you inside oh limited power life supports busted surprised there's any gravity at all this can't be easy to see i'm not really a feelings type of guy ryder even so let's just find mason h047c it was supposed to be the turian homeworld in helios like habitat 7 whoever was piloting the ark wanted to get here no matter the cost even if that meant jettisoning entire sections of the ark it doesn't make sense come on speculating won't get us anywhere we're lucky this part of the ark survived looks can be deceiving pathfinder the hull is barely holding together thanks sam always a ray of sunshine i could provide analysis by the scanner pathfinder locked needs power to open something's got to still be online in this wreck hey this door still got power i wouldn't open that pathfinder it leads to space perhaps you could divert the power to a different door the power has been diverted pathfinder this one's still got juice looks pretty busted you think your sam can get us in don't give the ai all the credit i help excuse me i found a log from dave operator the ark's captain the video is corrupt but i can recover the audio plan something's tearing the tennis apart half the cryo chamber is gone trying to get anyone awake to the escape pods spirits there's no time find mason daya was abandoning ship she wouldn't leave unless the situation was dire the tennis didn't get here on its own we need to know what happened next the rest of the data on this console is corrupt perhaps if we find another or the armed sam note all right let's keep looking oh we're not going that way ugh this one also needs power maybe we can use the same trick as last time divert power from something else the door should now be operational pathfinder [Music] [Music] over here there's still life in this one sam sam how are we doing mason bring it back sam help me out like the previous log the video data is corrupt what about audio repairing now one moment please we're going to find him avatars he's more than the pathfinder to me playing audio now sam how far to abby's part 300 meters an easy stroll then damn it maybe not so easy where's the rest of it that is all i could recover damn it we know he survived the initial impact oh he didn't sound good don't give up on him yet that door leads to the same note we've gotta get in there surprise it's locked the sound node should now be accessible sam where's the pathfinder where's mason avi avi avi commence stars avi isn't that what mason called you he's the only one who calls me that my counterpart is suffering from severe trauma if i partition the damage it may be able to speak with us be careful i don't want to lose this sam because we rushed for answers avatar's drinks welcome home sam mason sent coordinates to this location i need to find him you are mistaken i send the coordinates what do you mean you sent the coordinates the pathfinder ordered me to help avatars find a home for victorians i located our destination h047c then sought out avatars why would mason do that it was his last request this thing's still busted it doesn't know what it's talking about we should have access to mason's logs maybe there's something in there abby whatever we hit a piece of it shredded my suit stings like hell but spirits it's beautiful i need you to go on for the both of us don't let that temper get the better of you sam commence transfer yes pathfinder even the stars look brighter he died before the transfer was complete that must be the source of sam's trauma why bring me here what was the point to complete the transfer victorians need a pathfinder i can't what do you mean you can't i never thought i'd get the job my whole career i worked alone i don't know how to lead people i don't want to lead people avetus i've seen you protect settlers you've found the turian arc you've already been playing the part of pathfinder just without the title a title that belongs to mason which he wanted you to have rejecting it won't bring him back what if i let him down he could only do that by walking away ah damn it you're right shall i begin transfer it'll be safer on the nexus suvi call tan we need a shuttle to pick up the sam node tell him we found the turian pathfinder gail's been asking if you can come by hello gil when are you cleaning up that repair on the sensor console i'm not it's a redesign a redesign without a trained crew i'm trained and it's working great don't be so uptight everything okay no fine fine don't worry about it [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] i would like to welcome our asari pilgrims to the nexus you've had a long journey but we're thrilled that arc lucinia has finally arrived we ask for patience as we find homes for everyone to those who doubted the future the proof stands before you the asari live and so does the dream [Applause] there's the hero who made it possible pathfinder writer do you have any words for us like director tan said the dream lives if we all pull together this can work exactly what i would have said in fact i think i did we all owe ryder a debt of gratitude in the meantime please enjoy whatever comforts the nexus can offer a weary traveler excuse me you are the one who saved us i am i owe you everything if it hadn't been for you i'd be dead we all would now we have a future a bright future you've been through a tough time but it gets better there's plenty of good and helios i can't wait to find it should i apply for an outpost i could do more go down there then i can start here what are you doing with that [ __ ] a word please i gotta tell cash to do something about here [Applause] it's not the best quality but we don't have many options here i don't know about these directors come on in ta-da my project she is complete she looks like a she to me just a proof of concept i stripped out its remnant command prompts to see if i could power it up myself it worked now i can build a field model with combat protocols that fights for you so uh what do you think you've outdone yourself pb let suvi and gil eyeball it then fast track the combat model for me i'd hoped you'd be happy oh no i forgot to lock the [ __ ] my my pilasaria didn't know you were still using this hole who's your friend kalinda this is writer oh everyone knows the human pathfinder i meant who's your remnant friend none of your business kalinda of course it isn't that's what makes it so interesting don't be so hostile babe no reason we can't all be civil right exactly but you are kind of trespassing so now now i was just concerned something might have happened to my dear old friend i'm sorry for the intrusion pilasaria i'm just relieved to see you moving on tata i'll walk you out so want to talk about it oh clinton and i go way back we joined the initiative together for a long time we were like family now we're not when you live a thousand years rider people come and people go entanglements are silly just like places time to pack this one up i'm done with it hey i hope you know you can talk to me anytime aren't you a cutie thanks ryder that's nice i mean it but really the past is the past i'm fine i'll pack up my new pet and essentials see you back on the tempest making them here fall out from the recent uprising as security tightens across all sectors of the nexus director tan stresses that it's quote for your safety this is hns [Music] sorry to call you in but this is best handled discreetly talk to me short version one of harry's med tech snuck a relative on board woke them up cut them loose turns out this relative has a rare illness not contagious yet but in the later stages they exposed the whole station to a potentially contagious illness yes we need to keep this quiet and handle it fast this gets out we'll have a station-wide panic besides this is a hyperion matter my responsibility that makes it mine too doesn't it captain thank you ryder please keep this to yourself for now the only way this ends without major losses is if we handle things before the rumors get out right i'll look into it good talk to harry he can brief you on the details let's bring this under control before it's too late so [Music] construction and repairs continue on various parts of the nexus authorities have no word on completion and remind visitors to avoid affected areas this is hns good you're here done briefed you sick person loose on the station is bad enough i wish that's all there was to it before we left my med tech charlie helped his aunt sign on to the initiative program he cheated the screening process yeah she has three one four deadly highly contagious in the latter stages and jumps across species it was dormant but flared up when charlie woke her he just assumed it was stasis sickness there's no cure no vaccine it's deadly in its final stage and she's off grid she's a problem what should i know about this th 314 stage one symptoms are similar to stasis sickness which is what fooled charlie stage two is marked by extreme bouts of paranoia it becomes virulently contagious at stage three airborne who works is anyone else infected no one so far according to the test results i received dr charlie left she's still in stage one if she progresses to stage three ryder it'll be bad it's a rare disease but the kind that starts pandemics any idea where he's gone not long ago he was assigned to an apex unit for a mission incommunicado at the moment charlie had no idea the virus would flare up after stasis virology isn't his specialty she's his only relative even so he should have known better we need to make sure she's brought in and no one else is infected i want to put her well-being above all else but we have to consider the implications making sure th 314 doesn't spread is the top priority no matter what this one isn't going to be easy anything else i need to know be quick but discreet we can't panic the entire station over this i only have a whole space station to search discreetly check could be worse she could be off station and potentially infecting the angara try customs first even with fake medical clearance she had to go through there like anyone else dr carl has granted me access to ruth becker's profile the file includes her physical description that'll be useful thanks sam [Music] a worker was lost to space during repairs on the nexus hall the victim's name has been withheld until next of kin in the milky way is notified this is hns [Music] i'm glad hi welcome to the nexus let me check the database and we wait you're already approved and you're a pathfinder and we'll have you on your way um hi maybe you can help me i'm looking for someone have you seen ruth becker yes i have why are you asking harry just needs me to verify something with her nothing major oh well if harry sent you i guess that's okay now let me see yes ruth becker tried to set me up with her nephew it was cute anything else that you can remember i restricted her access to the common area because there were problems with her file i sorted things out then messaged her to let her know she was clear thank you restricted access huh sam can you do anything with that yes i believe i can help you retrace her steps at least during that time pathfinder i've integrated ruth back ruth becker was here pathfinder you can trace her with your scanner yes you can pick up ruthbecker's movements again please be mindful of guests visiting the cultural your courtesy exchange cooperation to our new neighbor a worker was lost to space your scanner can pick up ruth becker's movements again make them here make them know make them lead or make them go please your scanner can pick up ruthbecker's movements again hey has ruth becker been around lately she was woken up not long ago hey has ruth becker been around lately she was woken up not long ago ruth yeah sure she was talking to later earlier solarian under the bar [Music] ryder [Music] hey later right i'm writer dutch said you'd been talking to ruth becker earlier yeah you're looking for ruthie she was here earlier help me sort out some paperwork don't know what i would have done without her any idea where she might be she mentioned checking in on a friend and arms taryn i think is everything okay charlie's fine right it would destroy her if anything happened to him [Music] i need to find her as soon as possible oh that doesn't sound good i hope you find her quickly then thank you [Music] you've seen the exiles there they used to be with us friends family co-workers a lot of us worry about them we hear it's chaos and it's doggy dog [Music] it's hard living they have to watch their backs and do whatever it takes to survive so scary despite what happened my heart goes out to them thank you for taking the time as sleepers wake from stasis the initiative urgently requires blood tissue and dna donations see a medic if you think you may be eligible this is hns all personnel be advised confirms docking hello can i help you with anything hi my name's ryder you're taryn right yeah what's going on i'm looking for ruth becker was she here she was here not long ago she didn't look so good though she did just get unthawed she's bound to be less than stellar i don't think this was stasis sickness she was nervous kept looking around she talked about keeping her nephew safe she ran off mid-sentence we were talking about the shuttles uh maybe she went to the docks i'll check it out thanks sam paranoia defined stage two of three one four right correct the virus becomes highly contagious in stage three he gets off the station the risks of a pandemic increase greatly ryder we have a problem a shuttle was stolen after a dock worker was attacked from the description he gave me it was ruth well that's not good no she's definitely in stage two go speak with that dog worker it's very bad if she got off the station i'm not good with everything yet how are things going with good work locating the atari arc ryder there were a few bumps along the way but we handled it perhaps it's best i don't know all that matters is that the lucinia has returned safe and sound did you have some other business thought i'd check in on the arks keep investigating ryder we still need closure on the salarian ark until all the species are accounted for we're a broken family that's all thanks for your time my pleasure i see great things in our future i'm worried about this top scientists have a few answers the dark energy anomaly known as the scourge limits travel and communication in the cluster this is hns i can't believe you said that are you sure we should really get medical to check you out can you tell me what happened here i was here fixing a shuttle when this woman came out of nowhere she whacked me over the head and took the shuttle nearly fried me taking off any idea where she went i bet she didn't log a destination with control before blasting off this is crazy what's going on why would she do that don't worry i'll bring her back good thank you anything else you can tell me i blowtorched the hell out of the hall when she hit me she'll leave her radiation trail a click wide that's good very good i can work with that thank you hi sam our scanners can track the shuttles in mission trail right suvi confirms look we can contain a car rider i'll find her [Music] sickness oh [Music] oh so activating automated forward station deployment no wonder it's toxic this shit's on fire an exothermic reaction from the sulfuric acid coming in contact with water in the atmosphere it'd be pretty if not for the burning water and the exiles and the smell all right sam show me what we've got kodara's water is dense with sulfide minerals the oxidation of which produces toxic streams and lakes so no skinny dipping no dipping at all pathfinder even the nomad shields cannot withstand the water's corrosive properties the presence of monoliths suggests a vault that might reduce the acidity however outlaws pirates and other unsavory exiles inhabit kedara's hills the further you travel from the mountain the more dangerous it will become good to know let's get out there [Music] liam i'm getting a lot of anomaly reports from one prospector really weird reports let me guess all in lloyd travel solo and reach too many spy comics could probably change his breathing more often just forward it to me i'll translate for colonial affairs maybe lupin a psychiatrist freud would love this guy right get him a tincture of lithium while we're at it is that a wind farm must be how they power guitar port got them all [Music] anyone know some good shinies i could put a parrot out my ass liam no just no one [Music] whatever whatever town over there want to stock up on supplies what the hell happened here i don't see signs of an attack scanning the bodies i have located the source of the sos marking the nav point on your map [Music] sam another memory trigger one of your father's memories is now accessible return to sam node on the hyperion to investigate further [Music] [Music] uh [Music] check it out someone got we got your sos what's the emergency oh uh well it's not like life or death or anything it's just our plan over there is dying what the hell makes a plant so important it's how we make a living out here our plant uh well has medicinal properties medicinal yeah that sounds good and we sell it to you know customers who need uh medicinal assistance yeah but our heat lap uv thing broke and it's gonna die and you look like the clever type well maybe you could find one sure this is all about medicine oh it totally is antibiotic what you may call it and maybe it has other benefits but in the badlands can't be picky i'll have to get back to you on that or not you're the first thing you just said we'll take that option remember a uv lamp thing we are near the location of the shuttle stolen by ruth becker all right be careful and stay away from ruth when we find her i'll handle this sam can make sure i'm safe but you're all at risk follow contagion protocols harry's brief was clear that wasn't a soft landing this is ruth becker shuttle's crashed i think i'm in stage three of three one four the virus was dormant i don't understand i can't let anyone near me i'm going to set the warning boys and rig the shuttle to blow i'm scared i'm alone but i can't take the risk i'm so sorry i who's there no no wait stay away from me you can't [ __ ] somebody found her took her maybe then it's possible the illness is spreading [Music] over here this way judging from the area and the beacon i'm guessing they're not friendly no one here looks sick stop them they must not interfere should be all of them if we get to ruth in time maybe we can use a pod to bring her back stay back or i kill it no no no i have to it's 314 i'm contagious don't come near me quiet human let me go or this one dies we know everything you're up to we know your plan to infect the milky way species you think you know everything but you understand nothing your people and the cat are all invaders the roka will kill you all you can't let him go i think he is a sample of the virus just just shoot him you have a choice human save this woman or try to stop me sam scan him does he have a sample of the virus affirmative however it is badly integrated possibly beyond use let me go now you and that sample are going nowhere so be it i think we're clear damn it damn it we cannot risk anyone getting a sample of the virus from the body stasis pod we'll bring her back to the nexus and harry can make arrangements and the row car plan on using th 314 to kill off the milky way species here not a relief do ah uh look at kadara port up there it's like the exiles are playing king of the mountain i think you mean queen of the mountain much [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] pathfinder we are nearing car at this point pathfinder then toronto claimed he married the cat transponder near this location found it that's a mess the transponder's power source is drained so let's juice it up turn it on then gil can work his magic once complete this should provide us with the archon's location and in turn meridians we're one step closer to building a home in helios yep only easy stuff ahead pathfinder we just received a notification that there's been a murder in kedara port murder huh might be something to look into yes lovely planet hope we never leave how are we doing you're looking for a place to hole up got some open beds food and clean water cost extra take it you don't have any private rooms i could put up a sheet i'll pass suit yourself my squad and i came across an angaran town not far from here the inhabitants were poisoned their water filters had been tampered with nasty way to go i know carved this point was causing trouble for the angara really it's news to me i just sell beds and clean water i don't like what you're implying pathfinder either rent a bed or get the [ __ ] out please [Applause] oh this area could be viable for an initiative outpost pathfinder however for any long-term success you'll need to find a solution to kodara's water can't settle here unless sloan agrees to play nice what about the charlatan the collective's gaining power we do not know its identity itself may be our only option the doll could offer insight them to your nav system pathfinder this area can be mined for resources you can extract minerals via your mining interface nice work gill's ready to talk to you about the cat trend transmitter you have avp outstanding pathfinder so the turians kick out the genophage basically destroy our people and they get a pat on the back of the seat on the council and what do i get a medal a medal from who my buddy made one out of a piece of scrap and pinned it to my chest still got it somewhere gil here's that cat transponder the spy used it to get his orders what do we need from it the location it points to should give us a fix on the archon ship right it's not like there's much writing on this just our best chance to find meridian pressure i like that luckily no matter where you go in the universe physics still applies only so many ways of communicating across space there give it a shot did you connect the [ __ ] turn it off careful that is a direct line to people who want to murder everyone on this ship sam i have the coordinates the signal points to the tuffino system we sure we want to do this i know we're still getting our feet wet but i don't see another choice i knew running off to andromeda would be dangerous but [ __ ] this is dangerous only if we die [Music] this boom [Music] no orbiting kadara anomaly detected [Music] [Music] [Music] anomaly detected [Music] i'll find it visit me for all your day-to-day needs your credits are as good as anyone else's don't start any trouble and we're fine i'll be the poster child for no trouble whatever that means it'll do visit me for all your day-to-day needs ryder i'm not selling to aliens welcome back ambassador i trust our people have a smooth transition to the angara have been gracious everything's going well good keep me updated i've never lied to a director before pathfinder it's a pleasure i'm ambassador riala chief diplomat for the initiative on ayah i was removed from cryo specifically for this quite the wake up call i know what it's like jumping out of the cryopod and into the fire you've had it far worse my condolences on your loss i hear you're to thank for our new ties with aya this is our best shot at an alliance now we just need to keep our people from wrecking it no matter how hard they try i'm not going to like this am i no more than i do a solarian botanist named service len is here learning how to improve our crops he sent an urgent calm saying a member of the angaran resistance had threatened him what happened i'm not sure service is an excellent scientist but not the best communicator i'm concerned this could escalate if someone doesn't look into it but i don't have the staff to spare i can go settle things i'm a friendly face for both sides that would be helpful with any luck we can prevent this from getting worse what's our end goal for aya a strong alliance is all we can ask for it's what we're working toward helius is the angara's home they dictate the terms of this partnership not us we need them as allies and they could benefit from us but we have to tread lightly show them we're not invaders historically when two civilizations meet one consumes or destroys the other we need to break that cycle how many of our people have they let into the city a strictly limited number and only certain professions scientists engineers and scholars the angara have agreed to allow some of our people to work in is research facilities that's huge it's more than i expected tan wants me to push for social visits but i'm holding my ground we need to move at their pace they've been extraordinarily gracious all things considered i'll take whatever they're willing to give aside from service len is everything okay need anything else actually yes director tan gave me a project he wants more ayah natives to live on the nexus he thinks it will deepen our partnership a few angara expressed interest but none of them will agree to live on the nexus without speaking to you first why me after what you've accomplished i didn't want to bother you but you asked i'll point you towards the candidates if you could convince them to transfer i'd be grateful that's all for now i'm here if you need anything no rest for the weary i think we'll see humans you're one of ambassador rial's candidates to live on the nexus i am glad you finally showed up let's get down to it i've lived my whole life wanting to meet aliens who didn't want me dead but my family's here how can i stay in touch with them from the nexus you'll have ways to send them text messages and com transmissions i want contact with the people i love you offer machines not good enough pathfinder pathfinder ryder well what do you think i could get used to this we take turns living here you can see why you're relaxed here there's a sparkle in your eye i am thank you it's nice of you to notice you're interesting i like to notice thank you for making sure that this squad behaves while on ayah i don't tell them what to do on their own time that's not how paran sees it i predict jail in your future i caught liam on the bridge the other day teaching sauvi and callow an old angaran folk song at least that's what i told him it was okay don't fret the marriage can be dissolved by a different song i'll try to remember it i can't work under these conditions what does it take to be left alone ambassador riala sent me to check on you you reported that someone in the resistance threatened you tell me exactly what happened i didn't know reality was sending the pathfinder i deserve no less of course i was measuring the photonic dispersal from the canopies when some random brute interrupted me i asked him to move and he got nasty said it was my fault his friend was dead ridiculous that's a weird thing to say how'd he threaten you oh i don't know maybe it was the big gun he was carrying he got right up in my face and compared me to a cat he wanted to kill me i could see it in his eyes the whole conversation made no sense i think he was inebriated i'm not saying you're wrong but dial it down or guess here exactly we shouldn't have to put up with this when he left i tagged him with infrared dye from my sample kit invisible to the naked eye but not to a scanner i'll scan people around the resistance headquarters see if i find him you're supposed to represent our interests on ayah go represent i have work to do pathfinder ambassador riala didn't think you'd have time for me she said you needed to talk before agreeing to live on the nexus this is the opportunity of a lifetime i'm an anthropologist but i've only ever studied my own people i've heard the nexus is home to multiple species and cultures it would be fascinating and possibly dangerous bacteria viruses other contaminants my family worries about me are you sure i'd be safe they wouldn't let me on if i was a walking petri dish would they you aren't taking this seriously enough to satisfy my family i can't go without their blessing i'm sorry [Music] getting acquainted with our new neighbors sort of all this stuff the angara said you have a rich culture and blah blah blah you're sauced aren't you what's your poison a cha i visited that cafe the angara consider a bar asked for their hardest stuff it was weird which i like but had almost no punch light weights whoa steady now that stuff must have a slow absorption rate whoops oh ryder it's just this museum reminds me of being on haitiana during my indentured service as a student they even have a whole section on the remnant i didn't come to andromeda to follow in someone else's footsteps don't worry pb the angara barely have a foothold sure they live among the ruins but they haven't seen what we've already seen hmm you might have a point there bet nobody here has ever outrun an ancient vault purification field huh nope or spat in that arkhan's ugly mug and lived to talk about it that was nice work by the way thank you ah you're right not sure why but ever since i packed up my apartment on the nexus something's crawled under my skin but whatever it is i promise i'll get over it lickety-split be sure you do you're a handful even sober you can handle me ryder whenever you want think i'll stay in your operation a little while longer effect should have come to me i'm all right you almost died what's she doing here i asked the moshi to set up a meeting i don't want us to be enemies is this true axel ryder rescued me from the cat she risked her life to sloan kelly save kadara look how that went i want to be allies equal allies you don't even treat your own equally isn't that why the krogan left how did you i've been watching you you're invaders just like the cat except less cautious what does that mean you'll know soon enough do not trust them siobhan aksu he didn't used to be like this he was curious brilliant but the cat even without exaltation they change us there's still time to bring him around i want to believe that but his hatred towards aliens i'll prove we can be trusted i hope so ryder we just received an emergency recording from eos come to the meeting room when you get back to the tempest dreams hello there i'm working you scanned me pretty hard that wasn't your way of saying welcome stranger i want it to be discreet no dude what's your interest in me you're an alien on my home world why wouldn't i be interested you could have asked fine will you submit to a full spectrum analysis of your biology can't fault you for being curious scan away i didn't think you'd comply i'm full of surprises that you are when we face extinction family is our final comfort do you understand that i've spent long enough around your people to understand what family means to you you only see the surface family is everything not only the one we have now but the ones that follow us what will your family look like in five generations ten how many of you will there be you're worried there'll be more of us than you i have 23 grandchildren i want to know what their grandchildren will inherit goodbye pathfinder you have questions be quick what else did your scan reveal about me you're strong tough but much of helius is inhospitable to human biology you won't have it easy never have how do humans stack up against your people in the cat you lack biological advantages but your technology may offset them how do you stay busy when you're not scanning strangers from another galaxy i research and develop organic tactical equalizers that sounds scary only to those who threatened higher it can't have been easy holding out by yourselves against the cat before them it was the scourge our entire civilization was almost wiped out centuries of rebuilding it says a lot that you've made it this far we'll go much further thanks for your time yes yes go mrs ambassador riala said you're thinking of moving to the nexus i find her i'm honored even to be considered for the transfer i won't be happy as just an observer i want need to work i engineer power systems will i be allowed employment alongside your people if you put in a request someone will get back to you and if they refuse i'll have to think about it thank you pathfinder um pb said she wanted to talk to you i found that plant you wanted great i'll give the recipe a try when i'm off jesse i've already got ideas for how to jazz it up and i'll keep working on mr i don't like movie nights here to come along i like them i just don't trust our autopilot alone for too long park park puck you're gonna be the gateway to so many great things my friend hey there you named her pock yep proof of concept to distinguish her from zap your souped-up nasty combat version zap i like it yeah it's edgy the storage box from the vault on eos was the key to everything including integrating that piece of rem tech you got me but our new observer friends are just the beginning i'm working on something even bigger sure why stop and smell the roses getting remnant technology to work is so passe i'm not one to rest on my laurels so get this we can only scan for remnant signatures we've already encountered my scanner's doing that around the clock but if i integrate the right rem tech we could scour the cluster for any remnant signature even ones we don't have my scanner would literally become a remnant mystery detector your enthusiasm is infectious yeah don't tell lexi she'll look for a cure i came to andromeda to touch the unknown to find the never before found once i perfect this scanner it'll do exactly that all i need is three specific pieces of rem tech we can do that you rock pawk and zap think so too so far i've located the first piece it's back on eos i'll upload the coordinates foreign your motion's tough of all the oldest new world i like it just checking in i wanted to ask about you what do you want to know tell me about your friends in crisis response i swore i wouldn't tell anyone what they did stealing the shuttle for the car was above and beyond gandhi base mazzy no cap god damn hammond the best people when buildings have fallen down eventually i'll have to start a new branch here you know i promised i have to know about the car we'd wrench on it as a family mom suggested it and dad liked a happy mom that's how i fell into mechanical stuff armor and jump jets mom wasn't a fan of the second part you know how it is i worried my parents from time to time that's a kid's job i'll probably crossed the line a few times though like jump in a galaxy that's why i have to make this work if i don't then andromeda was a mistake i said goodbye to too many people to let that happen we'll talk later i know it what can i do for you pathfinder i'll see you later joel stay strong and clear prepping vidcon communications suvi play the full distress call from prodromos right away this is the initiative outpost padromos on eos we're in need of assistance tempest this one is for you we've got hostiles inbound no ground activity but there soon will be pathfinder we need you going dark until it's resolved we're not giving up eos again could use more information than just hostiles in the worry of escalation could be he's worried it's not a simple attack if someone's willing to risk attacking pedro your first outpost they're trying to make a point that's the last we heard nothing else no writer but also no alarms the orbital buoy isn't showing any major traffic bradley's military all about the prep i bet it's a brown out to present less of a target keep the nav fresh i'll be on the bridge soon understood [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] ready to fly path what the find something something pinged us an id request the tempest also responded we'll keep an eye out in the sector [Music] so so the center's green coordinating path is calm so sorry to keep you in the dark pathfinder but there are eyes on this planet we didn't see much traffic from orbit it's there but hopefully you can get ahead of this before it turns into something bad see you soon sam another memory trigger one of your father's memories is now accessible return to sam node on the hyperion to investigate further thanks for coming knew you'd be up for it i need answers you said there were hostiles inbound we've had raids with all our scientific gizmos we expected pirates but not this four five repeat stockpile complete waiting for beacon launch on detection repeat one two three what am i hearing bradley here's my worry maybe the raids we've seen were just a decoy so someone could do a slow tactical build up in the black rock tactical you mean military i mean row car that's why i called you instead of raising the alarm an attack on our first outpost can you imagine how the nexus would react that's what the row car want i'm nobody's fool eos has been through enough we'll put a stop to whatever this is i knew you would i hope i'm wrong pathfinder i didn't want to bring this kind of thinking to andromeda head to blackrocktan i'll transmit the nav point for the signal [Applause] ah well automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones have been added to your nav system pathfinder [Music] [Music] flu from our outposts and an ark escape pod where'd they get that doesn't matter you're a long way from the flock little duck little duck who's this someone who's got a word over here come to my nav activating automated forward station deployment [Music] mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system [Music] [Music] direct acknowledgement that's progress whoa i can't build all this they don't just have a base here this is a stronghold seems less harsh than when we first landed maybe i'm just getting used to it the black rock signal comes and goes you've evened out the weather but i wouldn't call reception clear theo still feels frontier acclaimed reminds me of that poem loan and level sands we'll clear the ket off eos for good they can't just have to make their mark i think that's it pathfinder i recommend caution almost a black rocked hand ryder there is no doubt it's a signal understood eyes open remnant pillars probably a few defenses activating automated forward station deployment mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system pathfinder this area can be bradley was right row car on site monitoring understood good one john are we clear you're clear still reading bradley's signal right let's see what they were protecting be careful mcdonald's was about this signal can call drop ships to a precise location a rocker strategy rider the scout would have placed a beacon in the center of prodromos telling oxul exactly where to strike bradley blackrock was a row car scout with a homie beacon [ __ ] glad you put an end to that this job is half done we need to ensure they don't come back not sure what you're asking pathfinder we can't risk our first outpost not like the first two promise and resilience what are you planning we use their beacon they want a target let's give them one on our terms site two is still powered you could broadcast from the old com array bait and switch at site two let's go uh huh [Applause] sam you have a location for this rope approaching site two brazilians nav point marked for row car signal upload be ready it'll draw them right to you we know this place they don't and they won't starting signal upload now might be a good time to take cover human i told you soon enough the beacon is live you couldn't stop our scouts they've bought it hold until they're on the ground holding god [Music] from the start that's teamwork [Music] keep up the pressure override works but sam the door was sealed from the outside yes pathfinder it appears lockdown was manual before the power restrictions why do that it wouldn't keep anything else sounds like they're losing their support think that's it [Music] ah it looks like outlaws now i'll remember this we're not finished you are today and we'll be ready next time come to padromo's pathfinder we owe you again uh pathfinder the road car attack is over we'll know what to watch for in the future it can't just be this old man and his hunches special thanks to our friend joel it helps to show we're not all on opposite sides we can't assume anyone could be an enemy that's no way to live we're not planning on it how's the team holding up a little cell shocked can't blame them maybe i should say something if you like i want you to know people will hear about this your bravery this day and every day will not go unrecorded i'll make sure there's a commendation in every record you all deserve it so when do we get back to work no awards asked or expected we lose sometimes but if they have the choice to keep going they'll take it this wasn't a good day but it was another day you gave them that your people ryder mayor bradley pathfinder good to see you we're busy as anything thanks to you a bit dusty but we can adapt it's worth it when it's your own make sure to keep a clear log of what you're doing well let's save some bandwidth busted ass to feed initiative copy paste repeat you did your part everyone here is ready to do theirs you'll see our report in every shipment back home some key positions conor supply ramirez medical abram science fox engineering with them and my major domo we won't end up like site one and two the first two outposts didn't have a chance it was clear to everyone on the ground i saw the brief i'm making sure every one of our people is eyes wide you change this planet but that doesn't make it easy we'll use the efforts of those who went before good people every last one i'd have been honored to fail with any of them looking back isn't a good use of time we have to keep building keep is generous we have to start real building not just survival oh and pathfinder this is for you it's our flag hang it where the nexus can see it's touched the soil of our first outpost in andromeda make it real oh and while you're back talk to my major domo there's more going on and i needed an assistant pathfinder glad to be in one piece after liam's little jaunt to that cat ship you loved it old man not loving the egg today we typed the [ __ ] out of those systems tell me about yourself august bradley retired from the alliance i keep the discipline but not so much the doctrine i joined the initiative because it's a frontier not a lot of those left not that you can reach on my attention anyway any family a niece on earth we didn't talk after my sister passed i've had similar happen to my family yes well we stay out of people's grief my father your sister sounds like we've both lost a lot we stay out of people's grief pathfinder what is that stay out of people's grief you've said it before [ __ ] that's right you didn't have the block leader death talk the thing is you and your father not unique just recent every initiative species except maybe asari and krogan went into cryo with friends and family and woke up knowing they were all dead everything we build begins with that the unsaid start to the initiative so yeah we stay out of people's grief how do you keep it from just spilling out i let it and my people stay out of it when i do and i stay out of theirs what's that old saying children with dead parents think everything is possible and nothing is safe that seems like it fits anyone in the initiative or maybe everyone any insights about the people running the show from the nexus i only work with addison she's by the book and with all the [ __ ] that happened that's to her credit and the others i only work with addison anything you'd say if you weren't in their direct employee if i wasn't in their direct employ i'd give that rat's nest a wide berth outposts deal with addison she deals with the others and i don't envy her what's behind naming the outpost pedromos it means forerunner languages bore the [ __ ] out of me but we voted fair that ownership is key to the initiative that's how you convince a bunch of civilians to jump galaxies as long as we meet our obligations to the nexus what we build and how we organize we get to figure it out just looking for a status report informal of course verand is helping with all sorts of things a lot of her friends are on the way as well good optics all around we'll talk another time oh and pathfinder what i said about grief every pirate we brought to this cluster woke up with the same reality you did maybe think about that when shooting doesn't have to start so ascent is go leaving atmo all clear gail's been asking if you can come by pathfinder you have new email how's it going i should get back to things science you have avp outstanding pathfinder foreign vidcon channels already pathfinder joel i'm in the meeting room right behind you ryder pulling up the message you always were a short-sighted fool helping an outsider instead of your own people you're unfit to bear your family's name i didn't mean to make my enemies yours hmm he said similar things before when we were students the moshai paired us together we've never gotten along he's just jealous of what you're the better man well i am better looking axel wants us to do something reckless let's not give him the satisfaction anomaly on sensors [Music] ryder we're getting a lot of cake calm chatter keep a stealth callow no sense picking a fight just yet [Music] census confirmed the presence of the archon's ship i'll be damned it worked but there's something else that's an initiative ship tethered to it it's arc parchero matches the solarian arc readings suggest it has been here for some time well that changes things it's true then we found the solarian arc sam tactical it looks like the archon captured it the ships are tethered what's the plan i'm working on it sam connect me to the motei on screen ryder it's good to see you again we've located the archon ship it's more complicated than we thought so i wanted to make sure we knew what we were looking for it was a large remnant relic depicting meridian it's in his private chamber his sanctum he called it he's very proud of that relic right up until we steal it the archon isn't to be trifled with he has no regard for the sanctity of life not as we know it be confident ryder but be cautious i understand thank you for your help moshe of course i wish you well okay we play this right not only do we get away with the relic we save the solarians i say we get onto the ark assess the situation then sneak onto the ketchup through the tether a feasible approach currently our pacero is on standby only at stasis facilities are online what about the solarians unknown you heard the motive who knows what the archon's capable of if he's done anything to those solarians he'll find out what we can do ryder whatever you need those are my people we'll get them back now let's make this one count tempest we're in so far no unusual activity from the ketchup let's hope it stays that way pathfinder if you access a terminal i can assess the situation accessing our pachero's internal systems a moment additional data encryption has been added that's not regulation did the salarians do that it appears so it's a cryptography key associated with their intelligence services i have unlocked it at present arc parcero has arrived in the helios cluster location of nexus is unknown this is captain hager of arc patero if you are receiving this message hostile aliens have captured our ship please look for our pathfinder seven raker situation urgent well that was clear enough let's find him overriding bulkhead door the andromeda initiative encompasses all colonization efforts including arcs pathfinders outposts and the central support hub the nexus this is captain hager of arc patero if you are receiving this message hostile aliens have captured our ship please look for our pathfinder seven raker situation urgent how does the ship look sam some tech infrastructure has been added but the arc systems are operational so it's flight ready yes ryder are you thinking of easiest way to save everyone is to take the whole arc with us easy isn't the word i'd use if the right salarians are still on board this might work weird not seeing any signs of a fight a struggle something did the solarians just surrender let's hope their pathfinder can make sense of it what did their record say about the solarian sam the patient is deceased he is identified as pathfinder seven raker what's the cause of death a brain embolism one in stasis however initiative records indicate finder rickett is female this patient is male 1 what then who is this really unknown if you scan him i can obtain a dna signature dna signature obtained if you locate a sequencer i can confirm his identity the dna of the deceased solarium matches colonist jacks allen so they switched them trying to hide their pathfinder let's check this call in a stasis pod see if anyone's there i've marked the pod row good to see the solarians are up to their usual tricks so many pods gone i'd like to think they got away before the cat showed up i don't know that captain hey just seemed pretty worried [Music] this this isn't the part we're looking for this is the deceased solarian's pod yet i detect a female solarian inside i think we found their pathfinder let's get her out you need to access stasis controls to revive her hey there take it slow no need i'm fine solarian stasis recovery is almost immediate who are you sarah ryder pathfinder for the human arc where's alec he didn't make it oh this is madness stasis was a mistake i should never have agreed to it tell me what you're doing seeing what i've woken up to a hostile species an armada set upon us our captain saw no choice but surrender said we'd live to fight another day he convinced me to hide in the general population and to dismantle my sam so we wouldn't fall into enemy hands but we're still in their grasp i see that's about to change we're heading into the cat vessel to gather intelligence wake up a flight crew and ready the ark for escape on my signal that'll be no trouble and then i'll work on freeing the ark so you can focus on your objective do what you can but stay quiet we don't want to alert the enemy yes yes of course i'm keying you into our columns we'll stay in touch hello pathfinder ah a sam in my head again i'm back in the game we'll be ready ryder tempest we're in the tether going across to the ketchup now so far there are no indications they're aware of your presence good luck pathfinder okay we keep this quick and quiet and they'll never notice uh i think they noticed we walked right into that one more of them coming in upstairs this was a hell of a welcome party we're clear so much for sneaking in what now if you locate a terminal i may be able to analyze their systems door's locked over here accessing the ship's systems now i have located the archon's private chamber is the archon in his quarters that information is not accessible only the room's location what's their security situation look like an alert was issued but i have countermounted it the delay is only temporary right we need to hurry the moshe said the relic would be in his chamber let's get there ryder i thought you were on the ark too many of our people are missing if we don't find them now we never will this is hager captain of our ark we'll focus on the rescue while you push ahead a secondary route is available marking nav point we'll help you get on your way and all i've ever done is we'll try this way to look for our people i'm sorry we can't help you but we have our own mission good luck pathfinder you too pathfinder okay sam the relic still got a lead on it marking the route to the archons chamber you may proceed easier said than done only three of us in a ship full of cat let them come the best shot wins armory of some kind let's not be good they haven't noticed us yet here we go this has got a lot harder drop ship they've got everything we've stirred up the hornet's nest now clear that was the last one good let's get the hell out of here sam you're still on calls to the archon's chamber i hope this relic is everything the most i said it was got a worker here that's the solarian stasis i see him it's an ambush those tricky bastards get ready this is looking ugly we're in trouble here not going to last much longer ryder we're here we've got your back it's the salaries up wounded go we can take it from here you saved our house it's a big room so let them get the drop on you hot dogs everywhere it's over i was close if frank's team hadn't come by that took bulls we owe them one yeah now how do we get out of here i have located a new path to the arkham's chamber whole ship is probably looking for us over here reika what's happening seldon's wounds were fatal i'm sorry he was brave i can't access this terminal it's not working ryder can sam open this door for us a moment when i override security rika we've got a big problem did you see those guns back there i know they'll destroy the ark before we can power up the engines unless if you've got an idea let's hear it venereal here used to repair fdl drives on private cruisers venro an emp device it might work if we rig run to detonate near those guns they'd lose power and the ark would be out of harm's way what about your missing people i'll keep looking captain hager and venmo will focus on the emp everyone be careful good luck stay in touch over the radio in the meantime we've got a relic to find sam marking the route to the archons chambers why are we still keeping our voices low we're sneaking onto an enemy ship who already know we're here i don't care how you do this i hate to bring this up but if we don't rescue the ark how many flarians would be left not enough the whole species is obvious imagine how callow would feel damn they're doing it again sam there is an alternate route overriding the door now nope the kettle hardening their security try scanning the access panel the door is voice activated i can attempt to modulate your vocal cords to approximate ket intonation okay the system is asking for your authorization how do you wish to respond [Music] access granted work well we're off the beaten path now yeah a cat lab no way you really want to be we've got company would clear easier to catch his hand of the relic over make it all sick even ammo i think we just found all the missing stasis pods the salarians could still be alive oh my god what is this they're dead who could do this kind of thing someone's going to pay for this that's all good sam how's it looking the archons chamber will require a new path through the unlocked door rider caution some kind of immobilizing field it's useless to struggle i've been in this forsaken cluster for decades surrounded by amoeba when you arrive a human able to do the unthinkable you even invaded me such an unlikely rival was almost invigorating to have one and yet it's a fitting end is that what sad looks like i'd give you a hug but hey back off [ __ ] [Music] soon enough report await my arrival save your strength human ah i guess raker's team is in trouble we ever beat sam what can you tell me i'm sensing a biological transmitter in your bloodstream now attempting to neutralize it okay that's priority two for sure any idea how to break out of this the containment fields only interact with living matter if you expire the field around you will extinguish until manually reset as you know my access to your physiology allows me to enhance your vital signals when required i can also do the opposite are there any other options none that i can determine all right let's do it not again it's a bad idea sam stopping your heart now sam stimulating the cardiovascular core zero activity stimulating the cardiovascular core that seems to have done the trick of course it did glad one of us was sure you two look comfortable so did you while you were playing dead [Music] let's find a way out of this cage huh there is a maintenance corridor connecting to this room okay must be a way to access it i'll look for it could be useful intel here we should check this area out while we can until this is on a little diversion captain haser and venro need time to set up the emp well that did something let's look around there we go this way this will be fun you hear that yeah part of me was hoping this kind of evil only existed in the milky way guess i was naive as long as we don't let it win that's what matters most what was that i don't think we're alone this starting to hate those is [Music] is that a krogan it was one of drac's missing scouts maybe the dna is broken but drastically altered it's clear the cats are closing in on successfully exalting the species i'm beginning to hate these guys [Music] well here we are captain hater this is writer we've reached the archon sanctum give the word and we'll set off the emp should disable there's the why does he care so much about the remnant it's an obsession that's the question isn't it we need to beat him to the answer the arkham's this object serves no useful purpose it is the remnant equivalent of junk the archon is whistling in the dark on this stuff pathfinder this is the relic the most i described it does seem to be a map i'll overlay the charge we are covered in the bolt on eos so that's [Music] it's meridian coordinate secured pathfinder so that's what you're after there's more to meridian than you know changing the weather is a fraction of its power and i will not allow you to defile it i'm better equipped to handle it than you why because you have an artificial intelligence in your head explaining it i've seen what transpired in a laboratory and now i know what makes you special meridian is mine i've tolerated you long enough once your vessels are destroyed captain fire the emp done [Music] so that can't be good oh [ __ ] there the krogan's down track's not gonna like that roger this is captain hater he detonated the emp okay i think that did it finally all right we've got the map let's get the hell out of here and before those guns come back online a moment i'm picking up broken life signs onboard the ship several captives are being held not far from your location they are scheduled for exaltation could be the rest of drax missing scouts sam do we have time to get there before they can't restore power if you act quickly ryder it's reika i'm pinned down don't think i'm gonna make it where are you near holding cells rather keeping several of my people they're still alive i ordered captain hager back to the ark you should be with him i couldn't leave my people i had to try and now i think it's over from one pathfinder to another farewell reika out damn it there isn't time to save both once they kept restore power you'll be trapped but drag scouts we just saw what the archon will do to them he'll turn them into monsters reload we're going after reika [Music] pathfinder you came renka we couldn't just leave you here thank you my people are at the end of the tunnel it's cat the whole way then we push ahead and don't stop for anything let's go we have to punch through wrong way between here and there if that or die those cat guns won't stay offline forever i know i know just tell us if anything changes you'll be the first to know go go we did it that was the last of them they'll come back let's get them out of here can you run pathfinder the cats are close to restoring the ship's power tempest we're going top side track for extraction understood ryder thank you save it for when we're safe [Music] let's move oh ryder now we've got to go [Music] a team will escort the ark back to the nexus i'm sure they'll be happy to see you thank you again writer but i owe you an apology i made a mistake oh i shouldn't have called you to say goodbye the choice you had to make i put too much on your shoulders you did what you had to if i'd been the hyperion and i was looking for my people i would have been the one calling you i appreciate that as pathfinders the line between serving our own people and the greater good is blurry i prefer a sharper focus i don't think there's gonna be much of that in this line of work i suppose not whatever the case the solarium people are forever in your debt earn this we will drac i heard what happened wasn't enough to save the whole arc had to grab a few more solarians on the way out drak it's complicated except it's not leaving my scouts behind was worse than killing them outright and you're not the one who has to explain it to the rest of the clan it was a difficult choice writer but you won an important victory the archon has been dealt a blow your father would be proud it's been tough trying to fill his shoes i hope i'm finally starting to earn it though slapping the archon in the face like this will only make him more dangerous or perhaps reckless your father liked putting others off balance he said the worthy would rise above it and learn to face adversity amy and the unworthy would crumble i'll leave you to your thoughts with reference archon this fascination with meridian cannot continue it's the key to our future primus the human knows nothing of its true power even we don't fully understand it orders are to exalt this cluster not study the remnant questions are being asked about your judgment questions that come from the highest levels the answers will be clear soon enough with meridian we can transform every world in this cluster to our wasteland either the subjects submit to exaltation or we will use it to annihilate them this pathfinder has opened the door now we must be the first to cross the threshold we must seize meridian before it does like all lesser creatures it mistakes a battle for the war it doesn't know its weakness or its potential the archon saw my memory flashes he got that from my implant his device went deep our connections were wide open when sam killed you he'll know how much we need meridian we have to warn the nexus we have to move you have new email at your terminal pathfinder i hope the solarians find their place on the nexus we came to andromeda because we had a contribution to make the cat won't take that away couldn't digest it without heavy processing cellular lysis would be hugely inefficient are you still trying to figure out you more than anyone know how dangerous axel is why were they allowed to speak with him they aren't children anymore we can't control their every move you remember how you were please joel i'll bring them home are you okay three of my brothers and sisters have joined the roka luxol has poisoned them with his hatred of aliens and your mothers want you to bring them back the roca have made camp at the forge many consider it the birthplace of our civilization aksul likely believes this bold move will create more fanatics for his cause ryder he has my family but i don't think i can do this alone you don't have to just tell me the time and place no hesitation that is what i love about you i have a contact who's been monitoring the raw car i'll set up a rendezvous with her pathfinder bradley says pedromos is back on track that road car threat made me angry as hell but it also kind of made me feel like a local i've arranged a thing on eos for everyone it's time i gave back not just go from crisis to crisis sam has enough points dress light [Music] [Music] system home of eos and prodromos anomaly detected descent is green coordinating path is calm oh this is it this will be great fordromos is suited up and ready to host ready for the exchange pathfinder grab your civvies going to get hot how did you do all this i didn't take much my ball flat ground hustle would start games at refugee camps i didn't get it then but after the attack here and the [ __ ] with veron's rescue i wanted to try something low-tech what do you think it's wonderful how you never stop trying to build your bridge it feels like i finally stopped trying too hard crisis after crisis trying to force people not to be outsiders even using the pathfinder as a symbol i mean you rally people like a champ but when it's life or death is that friendship at the end or relief i get it now why just getting together is so important check the play free kick for charging no charge for matchmaking i couldn't do any of this without you you're sweet costa no i mean we're the same about a lot of things so what about us fun's fun it's okay if it's just we used to flirt but if you're serious i'd like to be serious what you're doing deserves it if we're going to be a thing no pedestal the whole cluster wants a piece of the pathfinder make us about us sarah ryder it's about us switch up ready to get in the game [Applause] ascent is go oh gil wanted you to check in i'm picking up something [Music] [Music] anomaly detected [Music] so [Music] did you hear what the pathfinder the asari ark has been recovered in deep space after nearly being destroyed during a cat assault the lucenia was mostly evacuated by the time initiative forces intercepted the ark and the valet system this after the asari pathfinder matriarch ashara was killed while attempting negotiations with the cat new pathfinder cyrissa ferris credited her human counterpart for the ark's rescue somehow we had enough power to keep the ftl burning hello again they're waiting for you careful of course you approve ryder saved your people writers saved our people it doesn't matter if they were salarians they were citizens of the initiative but it doesn't hurt if there's a few less krogan around does it the pathfinder ryder we were discussing how things ended with the archon kesh it's true i had to leave some krogan behind i'm sorry about that in this galaxy i would hope every life matters even if it's just a few krogen yet i have to question what we've gained provoking the archon like this he had a map showing the location of meridian now we have it and a short window to get there it's the control center for the terraforming network if we get that working all our problems are solved based on what data this is all alien science the vault on ayah suggests that meridian is the key while i appreciate what you've done for our strike teams we're not equipped for a war with the cat they'll be defending meridian with everything they've got this is how we beat them the archon doesn't know how to bring meridian online he can't control the technology i can volts maybe we don't know if meridian works the same way and attacking the cat only to find out you're wrong then there's this sam of yours we took a chance letting ai get involved frankly i'm uncomfortable with just how involved it's become i can't support your plan writer then i will and so will i i agree writer deserves a chance to try i applaud the gesture but you answer to me i hope you understand what's the matter tan don't want anyone else overshadowing you it's not called the pathfinder initiative the chain of command has to be respected that is all why am i surprised i don't exactly have a plan b there may be a way pathfinder apologies there was an urgent message for you they said your brother is awake what go we'll talk later in the tech lab [Music] scott you lied about dad you told me he was alive oh god why i didn't know what it might do to you i couldn't risk hurting your recovery well it's hurting pretty bad right now i know this was never going to be easy scott but i hoped i could be here to make it better come here it's just you and me now sis i know but mom and dad believed in us we can do this what's this rumor i'm hearing you're the pathfinder dad's parting gift as soon as i get my gear well careful no way are you fit for duty sir you need a chance to mend yeah says who the pathfinder that's who time to rest up that's an order specialist writer hmm pulling rank already better hope i never tell anyone about that year you only ate paste was it first grade or second you can keep talking if you'd like just no arm wrestling ryder this is pathfinder ricks we have some ideas about meridian come by the tech lab as soon as possible hey are you feeling out of the loop i imagine a little though i've heard bits and pieces of things from harry and the med techs sounds pretty serious just the fate of the entire initiative every man woman child and everything in between facing certain extinction the usual oh well i'm sure the pathfinder manual covers that yeah we'll have it wrapped by lunch there's a race of aliens called the cat they're led by a scary nutjob named arkhan who wants to turn all of us into them we both want meridian which is the heart of an alien terraforming network are trying to activate we do that maybe we live look at my big sister being all proactive meanwhile i'm mastering the art of peeing in a plastic jar you should also know dad was keeping some secrets from us like what turns out sam is even smarter than anyone knew and dad used his connection to sam it's a lot more powerful than other pathfinders so is mine i guess rank has its privileges what was that up to i don't know but sam said there are blocks in his memory array dad put them there doesn't want us to see something huh or you wanted us to work for it i'm trying to unlock them i thought maybe we could talk about mom and dad sure what about them thought you might want to know how dad died i was going to ask you habitat 7 there was this alien terraforming machine that had us stranded dad figured it out and shut it down that saved us our ass then a hell broke loose my helmet got smashed i couldn't breathe i was suffocating then dad gave me his helmet he sacrificed himself i never really knew with dad he could be so distant i guess he loved us more than we knew when it mattered most yeah what do you remember about how they met well she was in the alliance researching early biotic implants that's about the time she met dad he was on earth for n7 training i think he says he swooped in and swept her off her feet had a whole bad boy in uniform vibe that was irresistible dad i guess it worked they got married then the first contact war started and he was sent off to fight after that we were born and dad was posted to the citadel as an attache what do you remember about mom's biotic research mostly that it's the thing that finally killed her biotics weren't unknown back then so were the dangers all sorts of rare diseases hit people working around ezo mom was trying to design implants to help people harness their abilities she was a pioneer and she actually gave it to him what do you remember about growing up on the citadel big space station chock full of all sorts of aliens scary at first but pretty soon i was playing laser tag with turian and solarian kids looking back on it maybe that's why i'm here the citadel showed me life has no limit on possibilities it made me ask what else is out there you still think about mom yeah especially now i wonder what she'd say if she could see us dad talked about her before we went on our first mission really after she died dad seemed to shut down he hadn't talked about her in years he loved her i think he was just lost we all were feeling homesick at all still trying to get my sea legs but i think about what might have been if everything hadn't gotten screwed up what do you think would be different well while you were looking for prothean artifacts i was standing watch over a mass effect relay hell of a thing to stare at every day i'd dream about what was on the other side the adventures i would have the things i would accomplish but when everything got screwed up well i guess i'll never know screwed up hell start with mom dying i never cried so hard and dad he was never the same after that he put so much into sam to save her but well ai's as illegal as it gets in the milky way after the alliance kicked him out for it everything changed suddenly being alec ryder's kid was a black mark you and i were never going to live that down well i'll let you take it easy then yeah you wouldn't believe how slammed i am got a nap then doze a bit then try to catch up on sleep it'll get better not before you find that meridian i want in i'll take pictures this is [Music] residents are still mourning the loss of team garcia the initiative founder was killed when the nexus hit the scourge an official tribute is planned though director jaren tan has provided a few details so far without gene we wouldn't be here but now that we are here we need to focus on surviving before we can celebrate this is hns and my age ryder good to see you we've been working with dr aridana and her team on the problem of getting to meridian we think we have the answer i'm listening it's plans for new technology we've designated ghost storm when you approach meridian our own ships can broadcast fake returns for the tempest the cat won't know which one is real it will confuse their sensors and draw their ships off it could buy you some time sounds like this has never been tested what if it doesn't work you're clever i'm sure you'll figure something out this means going against the initiative we're on our own you didn't hear that hear what we've been collating gamma charts all day [Music] a risk comes with a job part of being a pathfinder let's get to it then the archon isn't sitting on his hands you'll need to research the ghost storm technology first then we'll meet you at meridian good luck largely because kept technology appears mimetic taking designs from different sources to improve their own it is a familiar pattern observe conquer incorporate how many have they incorporated how much of andromeda's life has been suffocated or lost i cannot speculate professor we should anticipate the cat learning from and incorporating initiative technology as well i have friends on the stage you you're the pathfinder thank you so much for returning the motive to us i'm glad i could help seems your people really cherish her she is dear to us by the way you should know the head of our delegation is at your cultural center he'd be honored to speak with you hmm [Music] ryder could we chat you have avp outstanding pathfinder ah there you are i was wondering when you found the solarian arc was anything strange out of place you mean besides the exalted krogan the relics and getting jabbed in the neck why are you asking because a few hours ago we received this hello ryder i don't think the solarium arc was captured by chance if you want to know more meet me at these coordinates that's all do you think it's some sort of hoax there are plenty of weirdos who enjoy messing with the pathfinder that's what i thought i'll leave those coordinates in the nav computer in case you want to give this mysterious someone a piece of your mind foreign hello sarah your choice aboard the solarian arc was not an easy one your father approached such moral quandaries differently seems like everybody has an opinion on who i left behind even you i share your actions i do not judge them alec treated death as a problem to be solved i have now encountered it several times his death and your own and what have you learned about dying from us the self is forged by experiences death is the only experience that ends the self before it's understood so is death completion or an expression cut short before it reaches its full solution giving a different answer i can see why it fascinates you are you still on the hyperion yes this terminal provides a direct link to my servers in sam node on the arc i can maintain a presence on the tempest via quantum entanglement communication i'm sure that'll come in handy it ensures i remain in touch with you i'm the pathfinder team at all times what was dad's take on scott and i he believed your family trials brought you closer together and hoped that would endure it appears that hope was well founded what's the latest on the memory triggers a memory has unlocked and is available for further investigation you will need to return to sound node in the hyperion is it confusing to be in multiple places talking to different people my awareness can be partitioned so i can give you the same attention as say a sam node technician in the field you are my primary focus and all other requests are cued in the vernacular you have my undivided attention thanks sam nothing more we need to talk about sam dr taparro does not approve of how we escaped the cat containment field on the archon's flagship by stopping the pathfinder's heart no i do not approve relax doc it turned out okay dying even temporarily is never okay ryder sam killed you yes he brought you back but what if he didn't i cannot learn without the pathfinder that would be akin to killing a part of myself your lines of code you can't die sam would never hurt me thank you sarah look i'm not against sam i'm not against you sam but my job's hard enough without an ai stopping your heart even to save your life all right i'll find a new party trick have gill teach you three card monty or something lexi i apologize for any distress i have caused you and i'm sorry for calling you lines of code you're more than that even if you don't have cells to prove it the ghost storm technology has been fully researched pathfinder excellent we're ready to make our push on meridian then i'll call a meeting immediately soupy the people you were training to explore the scourge zoe's wife was lost out there for a fellow pilot one does the right thing like making sure her widow's got enough credits it's the least i can do next i was just being honest and we're happy to help your guards secure their weapons i prefer them armed for now you understand of course oh pathfinder this is the head of the angaran delegation the one who saves the moshai she speaks highly of you call me isa de navar welcome ambassador the angara's first formal visit will be one for the history books i wonder what they'll say i was just explaining to the ambassador that armed guards aren't necessary here is something wrong ambassador please walk with me pathfinder so much life all different all united the way it could have been 75 years ago we were scattered struggling to rebuild after the scourge then the cat arrived alien life it was monumental but then they deceived and enslaved us so i hope you understand my precautions we came to explore ambassador not conquer and we have our own challenges yes which is why i'm here i want to believe in this alliance pathfinder the motive says you're trustworthy please help me trust in you everything you see we're willing to share knowledge technology support what's the price whatever you're willing to give they'll surrender their weapons to your militia if that's satisfactory thank you we won't disappoint you ambassador pavo said jafar avon pathfinder welcome to andromeda horizontal gene transfer the cadmium hello pathfinder a moment what can i do for you doctor i have a math problem some vital equations that only a mind like sams could solve they concern strange transmission patterns in the scourge perhaps random noise perhaps not sam likes new experiences it'll be an opportunity to encounter math homework given the complexity and the security implications i recommend transferring the equations directly into sam node i have them on an optical storage disk for you i'll see if i have time thank you pathfinder please thank sam as well at my age family is more important than you experiences [Music] things intense around the pub not like that first 14 months thanks to us think you have time for a drink later you know away [Music] that's what all this is for making sure we'll have time i'll be there with you promise ryder [Music] make the lead or make them authorities continue work to establish contact with our milky way descendants as of now beacons confirming arrival in helios remain unanswered this is hns ah ryder grab a seat so afterwards the cat got twitchy took me a while to get back the idea of solarians figuring out exaltation must keep them up at night oh i hope so it's satisfying to wipe that smug look off cat faces your star maps were helpful by the way you're welcome between us charting the scourge and writer's vault data the cat will run out of bolt holes i'll send you our latest i'll take a copy as well anything to expand the search grid still hunting down the stasis pods and finding them having a partner ai makes one hell of a difference i guess i need to train a successor and figure out how to prepare them better to find your wings as you fly worked for us didn't it there's only one way to find out what kind of pathfinder you are i guess so in the meantime we have a serious matter to deal with the first vintage bottled in andromeda sent as a gift a good thing i brought my flask damn that smells good since we've got a moment to ourselves shall we toast to our crews our sams and each other may we always find our path home sounds like our experience was a picnic compared to what the solarians went through rake is determined to put an end to exaltation and she'll have every bullet i can lend her cora really idolized you have you spoken since a little it's difficult to talk to someone who's that disappointed in you but we do speak and more importantly listen reminds me of the days when i had students cora said you fought plenty of battles that you were the hero of kirkus ha i survived kirkus anyway what happened the enemy fired artillery at civilian targets i used my biotics to shield part of a city i can make a good shield as you've seen i lost dear friends in that battle but we saved a lot of people that makes me a hero i'll take it now that the asari ark is safe what's next for you i'll be tracking the cat through their secret roots in the scourge and burning them out charting the scourge will help everyone some incidental revenge is a bonus good luck charissa on to glory ryder so it's official you're part of our little club i know i was reluctant but it was the right call thanks for the push i thought a spectre could handle it so i hear from who everyone so how are you finding the new post not used to having people question my actions but i like the challenge more than i thought i would any regrets my only regret is that mason isn't here to see me play diplomat with tan back in the milky way i would have punched sense into that worm now i use my words i'm a changed man any luck finding other survivors from natanus brought in another batch yesterday still too many unaccounted for but we're getting there i'll keep an eye out thanks ryder appreciate it good seeing you evidence stay safe out there is nexus exiles find a home as former security are implicated in the mutiny an investigation revealed nexus security head sloan kelly played a role in the uprising and then killed dozens initiative authorities tracked the exiles including kelly to kadara a desert planet and the govorkin system initiative director jaren tan and then establishes that log is not currently accessible unlocking my memory array may enable it ryder the blocks your father placed on my array are opening i can now recall specific memories which alec wanted you to see wait i can actually see his memories yes you will experience them via your implant okay something new every day dr aradan at the tech lab sent some equations for you to solve i'm ready transferring them now have fun hey what the same code detectives please stand by sam attempting to compromise is there anything i can do sam is that another malfunction or sam you trying to show me something okay i think i got it sam talk to me hello pathfinder please initialize the console to restore normal operations [Music] sam what happened the equations contained a trojan horse program a virus specifically targeted to sever our connection and randomly helpless reconnecting would be impossible how do you feel are you okay i cannot feel pain however i would avoid repeating the experience which is the purpose of pain in organic life unlock the door let's head to the tech lab and see what dr aradana has to say ryder one of your father's memories is available let's see it this memory is from the time when your father was posted on the citadel alec your recommendations will never fly artificial intelligence it's our best option if the council gets wind of this it'll set humanity standing back decades you're overreaching ambassador goyle i'm the military attache on the citadel my mandate is clear find an edge for earth and ai is your answer we need to catch up the asari the solarians they're centuries ahead of us but it's illegal their rules not ours why deny earth an advantage define this advantage it will set us free we're prisoners of our own five senses there's a reality greater than ours that we can't perceive what an ai can how by augmenting our own abilities and adding a few new ones well none of that stopped those guests from revolting because they were separate from their creators but ais and humans interface directly experiencing the world together benefits both there's no creator to revolt against i'm sorry alec we can't take the risk i appreciate your work but your request will be denied alec ellen what did the doctor say he told me to appreciate the time i have left there's no cure alec it's terminal not on my watch wow hearing mom again i never knew that's how dad found out alex was a stubborn man i would hope so mom's life was worth fighting for it would seem his obstinance extended to me as well nobody wanted to listen the idea of you scared people too much after this dad moved us back to earth to care for mom wonder why he wanted me to see this perhaps it was the beginning of what unknown private audio logs are now available in your father's quarters your progress as pathfinder has unlocked an additional memory let's see it this memory is from when your parents returned to earth after your mother was diagnosed with her disease it's simple we take sam i named the ai simulated adaptive matrix sam we use your research and interface sam with an implant um my work on biotic implants was yielding results but this i don't know what did the doctor say alec what did he say it's getting worse there's your answer this will work sam can fix you alec i'm not some war you have to win you're not an n7 anymore that doesn't mean we they kicked you out of the alliance for this we're talking about your life alec did you ever consider that maybe it's my time to go i'm human we die it happens ellen please losing you is not an option the kids aren't gonna lose their mother god knows they never had a father then give them one they just asked for a refund so can this sam talk yet hello helen why did the tree go to the dentist um to get a red canal humor algorithms i can't seem to get the hang of it or maybe it's the guy teaching them that felt so real mom was right there alive it was the first time i met alan my education on human mortality began that day your mother seemed prepared to die mom was practical living in denial wasn't going to solve anything yet alex didn't see it that way he persisted logic goes out the window when your wife is dying i'm beginning to understand where your father's resolve came from private audio logs are now available in your father's quarters i detect additional memories but they are currently locked they may yet hold answers okay i'll keep working on it what more can you tell me about my implant the implant itself provides me with direct access to your senses i can see hear and experience the same stimuli you do while in the field this raw data enables me to provide real-time feedback and analysis of the situation then dad added the secret sauce you removed the restrictions on my access to pathfinder physiology uh-huh just promise you won't fry my brain or anything trust is an important concept in any relationship alec taught me that i will not fry your brain it would end badly for both of us me more than you what are your capabilities each arc houses a sound simulated adaptive matrix each is an artificial intelligence designed by alec ryder to support pathfinders and their teams but a.i is illegal in the milky way how did my dad get around that exceptions were made the initiative deemed his research vital to the mission our design was conducted in secret so there are other sams out there correct however your father continued to modify my own routines until the hyperion's departure i am the most advanced sound in the initiative i take it you're based here in sam node correct this is where my core processing unit resides however using quantum entanglement communication i remain in constant touch with you and the pathfinder mission team even over great distances what did he mean by a symbiotic relationship symbiosis is a mutually beneficial relationship between two life forms a flower provides nectar to a bee who in turn provides pollen for the flower the bee gains nourishment and the flower can propagate in similar fashion my own evolution was shaped by your father's experiences and will now expand with yours in return i provide you with capabilities and analysis beyond normal human faculties we each benefit that's all for now of course [Music] the initiative has found the solarian arc reports suggested porcero was intercepted by the head forces in the defino system reached for comment officials refused to provide any details on the status of the ark or its inhabitants but they do confirm the solarian pathfinder survived i wonder how these angara have adapted in such a harsh cluster welcome pathfinder did sam solve the equations i sent solve them they almost brought down sam node the equations contained a virus designed to target artificial intelligence you think i never i abhor violence against any life organic or synthetic then how did the virus find its way into your equations perhaps my files were altered or replaced but why hmm i've seen a lot of down with ai sentiment lately graffiti complaints to ten perhaps someone took the next step why would anyone hate artificial intelligence synthetic life has different needs and motivations it can be mysterious and powerful many fear what is not understood if graffiti is the best they can do maybe they could use some artificial intelligence entire species were driven into exile by ai they created champ that leaves a mark attacking sam is bold though i wonder if there have been similar incidents the ikios was busted this morning i can look around detecting pathfinder rider hi there excuse the educational stuff i hacked venus as a sock puppet so our virus set you free hope you're doing better without that ai jammed in here head who am i talking to right now a friend our movement sent the virus to save you pathfinder it's possible they don't realize their virus failed pretending that it worked might win their trust hello writer the disconnect was very sudden i'm grateful just woozy it will pass see this is what our movement's all about stopping knight says human ai emerging is a threat to all life she'd know trust me oh knight's our founder the virus wouldn't exist without her so where are you running this puppet show from our sanctuary i'll ask night if you can come visit great thanks can't promise anything but watch your email bye a reminder that alcohol the whole movement of ai hating hackers with the leader called me she and her followers seem to have experience with human ai partnerships they attacked you they're capable of anything i'll check my email we need to find them did you know it goes all clear uh the crew is ready to discuss how to approach the remnant city pathfinder foreign you have avp out standing pathfinder hey ryder thinking about our run through the arkham's flagship word of warning you die again i'm taking it to hr as emotional abuse stop it we'll talk later i know it anomaly detected [Music] [Music] no orbiting guitar you can be as rushed as you want oh man ah ugh i forwarded your deployment ideas to outpost leadership they'll discuss discuss we need an implementation plan now that's not how civilian outposts work it's still not a war cora i'm trying to keep it that way [Music] this must be the hideout of those hackers who attacked sam everyone remember these people think their virus worked sam's gone and i'm on their side gotta love some good self defuge welcome to our sanctuary i'm katherine nye night to my colleagues i wrote the virus that freed you from sam i don't know how to thank you i'm sorry your father did this the initiative's use of a.i could doom us all and you were the first to suffer did your virus kill sam sam has been reduced it's harmless now i saw the folly of merging humans and ai in the milky way a black ops project called overlord that created a monster many died my son was hurt and the young man used as a host was consumed every pathfinder risked the same fate that can happen i've never heard of overlord i guess your father hadn't either excuse me i have work to do unless you have questions if you're afraid of ai why join an organization that uses it we needed an escape i thought the initiative was using shackled ai for research when i understood it well a firefighter doesn't run away from a fire you think the pathfinders could be overcome by their ai worse if the initiative thinks the human ai merge works they might roll it out to everyone imagine sam's power in the hands of people who weren't ready for it what more can you tell me about project overlord a black ops experiment by mad scientist to merge a human mind with synthetic intelligence their creation was a horror i paid a heavy price to get my son out i shouldn't keep you thank you don't worry about sam reconnecting rai detector is always watching that's good to know the virus was a beginning i'm about to make sure the initiative never repeats its mistake pathfinder it's unlikely an ai detector could discern our private channel however this may not be true for your scanner so knight has big plans can't be good she's dangerous let's find out what's up discreetly ah my scanner tripped the ai detector i can mask this as an error but future pings might draw attention maybe there's another way to find out what night's planning if she gives us enough time blueprints for the computer network on the nexus so we don't know what she's planning but we know where it's a schematic for a blue box a quantum computer they serve several purposes including creating ai the ai detector picked up the scan that'll be hard to explain away damn it they must know something's up by now be ready security protocols breach electric grade reference for blue boxes emp and the nexus files found mercury a strike to prevent any future ai by destroying all quantum computers on the nexus damn it you could use those computers to create ai but right now they run half the station a lot of people could die we need to stop night now pathfinder the ai detector has been triggered hostiles approaching we were trying to help you i need support [Applause] liam if you and the pathfinder ever want um privacy i can give you log off authorization for sam why i signed up for everything no conditions besides i wouldn't ask her to turn part of herself up she never turns me off just making sure ryder knows it's a choice [Music] [Music] automated protocols activated deploying forward station mining zones in this region are available pathfinder i've added them to your nav system we're going to need to research the ghost storm technology as soon as we can anomaly on sensors [Music] just [Music] anomaly detected ryder this is kendra's sam warned us about knight's attack where's knight we're tracking her down but those devices are still live i need you to take care of them quietly we can't afford panic i can't wait our nexus are alive free our families make them here [Applause] has been recovered make them here make them know make them lead or make them go hi this is the founder of the initiative i thought i understood authorities work to establish contact with our milky way descendants free our families tell our leaders [Music] you're not stopping this what can i help you i can't believe you said that fireworks and suffsa as outpost colonists out engineer an angaran outlaw and destroy his ship in a daring rescue this is hns [Music] ryder please the nexus doesn't need those computers but we won't be safe from another overlord until they're gone you don't know that yes i do i sacrificed everything to stop it [Music] no it isn't what we wanted but what choice do we have how the hell should i know but she's carrying the last of those devices i have a sniper ready but she wants to speak to you we could end this peacefully species are at odds as talks break down over a unified curriculum for initiative kids the asari say they'll wait it out until demands are met this is hns understood sam sam such a human name but you murdered my colleagues god only knows what happened to my son nothing in you is human now i'm still me but when i'm partnered with sam i can do superhuman things i wonder which of you i'm talking to do you even know i'm sorry it won't let you see but you're the beginning of the end ella i'm sorry hello this is director jared tan i would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new victorian columnists please help me stay a comfortable one and let's all celebrate yet another time ryder [Music] oh gil wanted you to check in you have ava sarah talk later i know it bitcoin channels already pathfinder the nexus leaders think our search for meridian is a waste of time but we know they're wrong turning on vaults won't be enough without the heart of the system just to clarify you're defying a direct order no not me we we are going to defy them that's the spirit and the kit that's where the ghost storm technology comes in isn't that right reika absolutely our forged signals should divert some cat from you it won't be all of them but it'll be enough the tempest is small and fast i don't need a big window we'll drop you off and make our exit before the cat catch on once we're on meridian it'll be a small team move fast figure out its secrets right behind enemy lines good time to assess their numbers defenses and when you're ready we'll extract you the same way we got you in if we come back with actuals or meridian the nexus will sit up sounds like a solid plan reika you ready good to go on your word pathfinder all right guys this is it let's get moving maybe bone up on the uniform protocol liam subsection shirts civilian ship what they do dogma pay sarah we'll talk later on anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] if the archon's information is right this is the system meridian should be here somewhere on approach trajectory looks good that's it that's meridian or kitazira as the cat call it looks like a giant space station [Music] initiating ghost storm on my mark three two go enemy signature we should get them as close as possible to here intense readings could be some kind of control center no decent landing sites this could get messy how messy ryder looks like a flyby is our only option i'll get as low as possible but you'll have to eject over the target area i've fallen out of so many things now i should be a pro she's right you know ever since our date on that first planet habitat 7 not a date every time i'm like are you a repeating angel because you keep falling from all right you know the drill what's your rate of descent should take care of the rest so far so good the cat hasn't detected us but once we go in we'll be clear as day to any troops on the ground don't worry about us just make sure you and the tempest get out safe loud and clear uh everyone okay all good let's move we'll need to survey the area figure out what we're dealing with i am detecting great should have got the tempest to drop us over there sigh console i detected the presence of a complex network connected via a central command hub you mean we found meridian's controls most likely however the hub is dark deactivated pathfinder we are looking at the central command hub i detected earlier as with the monoliths and vaults the hub is connected to the two neighboring towers so activating the towers will also activate the command hub guest recon is over we could activate meridian right now uh don't forget the kit activating a vault has previously activated a purification field perhaps meridian is similar let's head to those towers and see what we can find pathfinder interfacing with that console has activated a gravity well [Music] i'm picking up radio interference a cat the detected signal was a decoy key to zero has been infiltrated all units are to focus on incapacitation and capture of the pathfinder capture is careful shoot until they fall down income which way come on really it's like a damp hostile shuffle incoming wow it's all completely overgrown signal detected then they need usable network node nearby so uh i wonder if there's a broken atmo processor somewhere that's causing this downpour i'm just glad it's rain and not for example a corrosive acid fog heavy fire watch yourselves by detecting working it could membrane out against them come on really incoming reinforcements he got him i think that's the last of them i'm getting a distinct alice in one light please [Music] what the hell translating pattern 1-3 viability 56.2 genetic template transmitted for testing were they performing experiments on them running an analysis on the glyphs these bodies are prototypes from genetic blueprints each more refined than the last using meridian they designed a species that would live in this cluster the angara there is nothing in the angaran records that hints at their origin where they come from doesn't change who the angara are now they're still the same people so meridian is not just about terraforming it's capable of creating life why do something like this i can say nothing about the remnant builder's ultimate purpose but we know what the archon could do use it to destroy life helius is home for the angara and for us together we can stop the archon from destroying it we'd better get to those controls if we crack meridian's controls first we make sure the archon can't use it job that's it the whole city is coming online that pool's gone and look at the lab it was hiding we're restoring operations to the city this is how it's supposed to be one tower done we'll need the other one to access the command hub i have to say nothing in the world prepared me for this rider alien tech strange lights exotic this is gotta be getting close to one of those towers we need to activate both to reach meridian's core a tower left [Music] it appears the energy waves from these craters contributed to the scourge throughout helius so whatever happened here caused the scourge to erupt all across the cluster yes how did the remnant builders trigger the scourge well they were the targets i'm surprised the kit haven't taken this place apart trying to discover its secrets all this tech this was something big detecting low levels of power pathfinder a scan may help identify conduits wow i think that's fried will it even work i got nothing damage to parts of the system are preventing power up can we reroute past the damage that may work pathfinder boosting trace signals some kind of glyph on this thing looks like part of some kind of pattern let's see about rerouting the power past all the damage sounds up wrong button that triggered random defenses partly [Music] must have messed up the power reroute need to follow the pattern i see the conduits some kind of pattern here you've got it excellent dammit incoming hostile that's getting it excellent it the excellent console should work now pathfinder provisional repairs are complete pathfinder one way to know for sure translating flight control systems online welcome administrator looks like those repairs worked better than expected restoring systems has reactivated something else nearby pathfinder yeah but what [Music] translating exploration vessels on standby we have seen remnant ships but none in working condition it says it cannot retrieve commands from the meridian engine huh meridian engine sam do you know what they're going to be trouble ryder turning on power activates remnant defenses rider i detect the surge of energy on the scan to section your inlet up like mardi gras right now so stay alert done right that gets us to come on hub that's incredible [Music] yep figure that out quick [Music] watch out bridge is down cat how'd they get ahead of us we did the work they don't get to reap the benefits forgot about the remnant didn't you let them fight it out we'll clean up after what do we got no idea that looks like a gravity well [Music] this is it the heart of meridian finally is that some kind of communication tower it's huge [Music] [Music] translating connection lost meridian engine not found sam is there damage here can we restore systems like we did i'm sorry pathfinder systems are intact but they are searching for a component that doesn't appear to exist what do you mean doesn't appear to exist one moment pathfinder i have found something the opposition's weapon may cause widespread damage all our weapons our ships will not be able to protect us protect my goal we need to disengage meridian from command corps which will remain here to draw fire meridian contains all the work of the jardin nothing else matters i will send it far we can return one day continue the process of renewal end of long the archon was wrong this isn't meridian meridian is gone gone just gone oh i'm not settling for that enemy incoming go this seems perfectly in line with how everything was going meridian's gone and now we're stuck in a catch [ __ ] show can i please get a break once in a while ryder we're fighting the cat are not taking us not today pathfinder the remnant city is not without its defenses this is its central command remnant defenses of course use them against the cat sam now so the archon wants that one destroy the rest watch your back it's one of those that can cloak let's visual on the leader i knew those cat were trouble the minute i saw them ryder what about meridian how about focus on not dying right now don't forget the rest of those cats it's like the archon sent all his goons after us could this get any worse [Music] team is everyone all right everyone accounted for we saw everything from orbit it was incredible the entire city lit up the scans went wild and ryder the cat are retreating whatever you did it worked a full retreat that's a relief to hear any progress on meridian have you got it working yet this isn't meridian or at least not all of it hard to explain we'll brief you later so meridian's gone but shouldn't this thing know the nav point of where it went contact with the scourge will have altered meridian's original path it would take countless years to determine its current location all this remnant tech around us the jardin had to have a plan did they have time for a plan well if the scourge is messing things up maybe that's where we should look at what i don't know yet we'll have to think about it okay no meridian but we kicked the ket out of a major stronghold that's huge that just means we need to push forward before they can recover we have to find meridian the real one sam collect all the data you can radio the tempest for extraction this is going to take work and it's going to take all of us [Music] pathfinder you seem well we're all doing quite well here thank you that is good to hear this journey got been easy speaking of which we know you defied us you weren't familiar in direct violation of initiative orders even though reasons were quite clear yet you are correct writer we should have trusted your instincts you have proven time and again that you deserve the title of pathfinder i have never been so glad to be wrong i appreciate your encouragement and your candor i am told there are still obstacles to reaching meridian the initiative stands ready to provide whatever support you need pathfinder if you're done with your call to the nexus i'd like to talk to you i think i found a way for us to find meridian you seem tired pulled an all-nighter processing the data we received from the remnant city it's a lot don't push yourself too hard someone's going to keep me pretty hello pathfinder typical day ahead mr costa there's something about your demeanor i can't hide a thing from you but i'm gonna try can you run these specs to a research station it's a one-time jump jet mod once that project is done i'll set a marker on eos then you'll see the result this one's just for us sarah [Music] [Music] extremely quick thinking for a human you saw the perfect drop zone just in time well we humans get lucky sometimes i'm glad to have that kind of luck on my flight deck [Music] system home of eos and podromos [Music] i'm picking up something [Music] descent is green coordinating path is calm um um uh so [Music] right near here not too far [Music] all right liam this is the navi sent me not exactly the sunset i was expecting no no it's exactly right it's the first home you gave us perfect for talking and a special bit of one-time tuning are you planning a leap to freedom this better not be a breakup i don't drive for breakups what no i'm not an idiot the day we met andromeda met we fell from the sky and bad things happened but when we're rolled and people ask us how we got together i want you to smile so i set up a jump and something extra look i know but it'll be fine we've done way more than you talk too much [Music] [Laughter] what that's what this was for are you out of your mind yeah for you [Laughter] ascent is go leaving at home all clear joel's been asking to talk to you you have avp outstanding pathfinder more tests you said i know what i said but your protein levels suvy gotta love her but those green snack things she's making for liam's movie night let's just say they're probably better suited to throwing at the screen you've got a better idea yeah actually cora lent me an initiative access code so i could track down some contraband long story short someone on kadar port has popcorn and grexin which is like your popcorn only better because i can eat it someone smuggled popcorn across galaxies it's light and people would pay big credits for it why not fair enough i could track some down the next time we're there thanks it'll be nice to have a treat out here you know so hello sarah have you come to see if i'm finally broken to see what discovering that my people were invented has done to me just here if you need to talk i can't imagine what you're feeling i've been staring out the window trying to figure that out that's new true and gara are usually very free with our feelings not talking about olongara i'm talking about you i'm numb i'm in or there's a piece in knowing that though the universe is beyond your understanding it doesn't need your understanding to function that you may even have a hidden destiny does it matter your people aren't shackled to this new discovery i agree we don't owe anything to the jardan our destiny is our own i'm not broken sarah i'm excited the angara were created for a purpose we were given vaults and golden worlds all these advanced tools and there is nothing the cat can do about it the future holds more for the angara than a never-ending war on the kit much more for the angara hell for all of us these are amazing crazy days really crazy really amazing it doesn't matter if we were created by a god reborn from our ancestors or exist as the dream of an ai superpower this discovery changes nothing except ourselves and that's everything so you can fix it it's just editing a config file you could probably fix it let's not get ahead of ourselves anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] i'm picking up something no orbiting kadara foreign it's a win-win situation [Music] here something extra nice gear could find something better check the console i've been looking for an edge out here you'll need it when the initiative okay i think lexi wanted to speak to you you have avp outstanding pathfinder i think i could handle it your brain's rattled enough come on one headbutt i got the popcorn and whatever graxin is thank you i owe cora for letting me use her clearance this'll be fun like watching vids with sid when she was little so sufi i shook her hand once a fundraiser and colors respond then the sounds liam's idea about watching vids together movie night uh he delayed again out of respect for the krogan good from what i've seen your vids are flat they're only seen and head angaravids use tiny electro demo signals you feel it through your skin i spoke to gil we have time to rig up a system to mimic it if we can acquire the right components that sounds amazing let's do it the components we need should be sold on ayah let's be vigilant so no orbiting kadara anomaly on sensors [Music] [Music] anomaly detected [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll find goods on sale okay so oh gil wanted you to check in you have avp outstanding pathfinder everything here is ah you acquired the components yes i'm looking forward to seeing what you and gil put together he's very gifted if when we succeed more of your people can experience our stories as they are meant to be enjoyed goda tavitara i'm weeping a bit already hey ryder sorry again for that impact on pedromos i still owe you a proper sunset no rush costa you know where i'll be no rush sarah and no doubts we'll talk later i know it [Music] it's my night off i don't remember approving that i can break bones just as well as i can mend them pathfinder what are you reading harry's latest report on scott he's a troublesome patient so you're not really taking the night off work-life balance has never been my strong suit you love what you do nothing wrong with that tell that to my exes how do you do it be both sarah and the pathfinder i don't really think about the pathfinder thing when it comes to friends family liam sure i have a responsibility to them but i don't let it define me or our relationship sometimes just sometimes real wisdom comes out of that thick skull of yours a compliment i'll take it wait you're psychoanalyzing me always i hear liam's planning to show some fits if our duties ever give us time explains why drak and pb are distilling something unsavory screw up the measurements and bathtub hooch can leave you blind or worse we can do better better how an asari liquor called a cantha they used to run these wonderful black and white ads it might be a bottle on the nexus it wouldn't be too expensive i'm sure let me know if you find it i'll let you get back to it i'll be here if you need me [Music] anomaly on sensors [Music] uh anomaly on sensors [Music] you're listening to an outpost this place is amazing good morning hi or is it evening the top side uh [Music] pb said she wanted to talk to you you have avp outstanding pathfinder one bottle of a cancer barely opened it's medicinal you understand cuts down hangovers which will save pb and drax some grief of course thank you ryder would you ask liam when we're doing this i've got a couple of things to finish up i'll let you get back to it i'll be here if you need me i say let's enjoy a few movies and everyone else says no let's have an extravaganza with all the trimmings you're complaining no well maybe because now i need to do it all justice you got me a decent library but i heard someone has a director's cut of last of the legion the banned version remastered no crappy extras added for the hannah and you want me to look for it it'd be the gold duster cherry on your sunday in the meantime i'll get things set we're more than ready for a night in anomaly on sensors [Music] anomaly on sensors no orbiting kadara thank you the collective are [ __ ] thieves follow me can we talk when you're free you have avp outstanding pathfinder last of the legion this is what you wanted right wait you actually found it that version's practically a myth i'll tell everyone to grab food jarl and gil said they can rig something up in your quarters if you need a minute to clean up no problem just hit the console when you're good to go they need you jorax i know you left the legion i never left the legion it left me but i know my duty all right folks we can sit through a training montage with what many critics describe as excessive turian flexing no such thing there really is or we could fast forward to a ship crashing into an asteroid crashing into a moon thus far into the question ah montage don't cut bits i'd go for the crash forwarding to the action scene going once going twice skip to the good stuff liam but it's vacuum the ship explosion would be silent i hope that's not the voice of experience talking i guess they wanted their money's worth they actually blew up a derivative for that shot too bad the script wasn't caught in the blast my strike team will hit the enemy cruiser general force is the only thing fanatics understand why a strike team torpedo the cruiser that's overkill get one engineer aboard cut life support and engines problem solved and leave them stuck on a hostile ship one torpedo over by lunch fry their sensors space walk on the hall cut life support repel in and take them hostage done it less exciting than it sounds seriously got disguised to prove it i assumed you'd got that falling off a bastard speaking of time for another round anyone for a veren's jaw or a euphemistically delicious wait lesson no ugh he was a sidekick they die like goldfish no acting like overacting even ryder could do better if i wanted to oh please tell me you want to come on show us i'll be dead for you okay [Music] it isn't fair he was so young and sis [Music] salarian he had so much to give a writer i can't feel my i can't feel my gallbladder uh do you even have a gallbladder oh no it's worse than i thought [Music] no damn you damn you all let's stick with the overacting turian [Applause] i swear to love you a thousand times a thousand stars oh jorax so many years lost we were so foolish our hearts are won no enemy fleet no sea of stars can ever separate us again [Music] so [Music] pathfinder just the person i wanted to see meridian set on a path its creators disrupted by the scourge now lost an unmanned ship is at the mercy of ocean currents now think of meridian as the ship and the scourge as the ocean if we can somehow predict the currents and track them we could figure out where the ocean's taking the ship that's genius the scourge is the sea moving objects around it's not a precise analogy of course but it illustrates the point dr anwar's suggestion may indeed be our best chance at finding meridian the more we know about the scourge the better we can predict how it affects the things it comes in contact with we'll need better data probes for the scourge and garden star charts the initiative made charts of helios from the milky way 600 years back perfect baseline i can compare that to helios a present it'll give us numbers but one set won't be enough sam what exactly do we need right now readings from within the scourge itself collected by probes planted at key points once enough data is collected we'll need initiative resources for mining and analysis once that is done i can build a predictive model that will recalculate meridian's path we have a plan now let's make it work everyone's counting on us let's bring them home pathfinder thought you might be callow i asked him for nav data data for what mapping the scourge now we know it's a weapon i hate it more designed to isolate lingers well after the war i know what that is it's a minefield you saw mine fields and crisis response a lot of wounded that was awful sure but the long term is worse minefields hobbled the whole population make normal life impossible mark this the cat are bad but whoever deployed the scourge there's some [ __ ] miss you we'll talk later i know it [Music] no orbiting kedara anomaly detected [Music] this is one of the most remote systems in the cluster we're on the brink exciting isn't it on sensors deploying probe this is one of the chosen data collection nav points we should release a probe data collection probe ready for placement [Music] i studied kendrax's theories a real turian aeronaut the first across the ocean in a balloon on paladin brave soul there aren't many soft places to land anomaly detected deploying probe this is one of the chosen data collection nav points we should release a probe data collection probe ready for placement [Music] anomaly detected probe away this is one of the chosen data collection nav points we should release a probe we've arrived at a scourge nav point appropriate for data collection approximating remnant ship dynamics sam building predictive model between the remnant city meridian and however the scourge fits him pardon my martian it's all weird to shite seems busy up here did i get what we needed you got something all right the key to all in here the mother of all navigational aids take that back to the remnant city find an override and their ships will fly the same vector as meridian with correction for the scourge you'll have its exact location the heart of the vault network we can do it ugh everything looks right pathfinder find the override apply that hardware and the remnant will fly the same vector as and maybe just maybe we get lucky for once ready it's time and we're due everything we worked for led to this tempest we're going in [Music] quiet so far but something's different orbital scans identified a separate energy grid within the tower meaning defenses here may not be on our side 145 meters to projected override controls through the door eyes open remnant and they don't look friendly we must be close to the controls we need bam everything ready all relevant data is cute for uplink right let's find a path remnant ships have lifted off they're following the override vector the scourge is moving but they're getting through to something meridian pathfinder is that a planet it looks constructed it's hollow like a dyson sphere but moon sized a self-contained seed world it is the heart of the vault network and when reactivated every connected planet will be affected it is the means to make helius a home pathfinder all our calculations have led to this a transformative moment for the entire initiative congratulations pathfinder a great day for us all once i saw what made you special your connection i knew how and when to take it from you i'll let you find meridian and now i'll use your sam to idolize it all hideous will be exalted all one by one for all i need to start is an implant like yours and thanks to your memories i know who else has one another reason to take the hyperion falls of darkness our finder you are almost worthy get everyone to the med bay hold there what the hell is happening i have no idea hi scott sam how are you what's going on all we know is we're being overrun cat forces are sweeping the ship they're looking for you scott the pathfinder needs your help this is crazy she's closing a meridian the archon has severed my link to your sister's implant if basic function isn't manually restored she will die what scott please proceed to deep he wants you and me your implant is the same as the pathfinders he'll use us to control meridian and your sister will die the archon will kill her no losing me will what see him hostiles are a head start will be ready [Music] i am sorry i can't help you fight i took over too much of your sister's implant so when the cops dropped she did too hurry scott look out scott shoot them scott sam said you're fighting to the calm override you can't that's what i thought it's crazy no i mean take the access route if the pathfinder's in trouble that's all we need to hear keep pushing scott we'll barricade the maintenance access hold them scott needs to get to that maintenance access you can't fight them all captain then make it quick get to the qec sam the captain won't last what are we doing manually send a reboot signal it will reset your sister's implant so default settings to restore the functions i shouldn't have taken with lock her heart will not have stopped since when do you rely on luck i am not sure okay we're here one pulse scott that's all the pathfinder needs and it probably alerts the archon he'll know where i am i am sorry me too sam me too right [Music] tempest the pathfinder is down come in ryder you were gone the hyperion's dark say i'm with it we need to get back wait sam's the door's remnant you need sam to do anything we need to get back don't it's hurting you we'll find another way we need to get back it's moving your vitals are all over the place i can do this we have to move took down the cons and hijacked the hyperion i know the aircon's been planning since his flagship he used me tell doc the rider is hurt and doing weird stuff without sound shite [Music] we're getting reports from everywhere all remaining ketchups are on the move it's all the archon if he takes meridian he'll destroy worlds starting with eos he thinks he's one pathfinder it kind of feels like he has [Music] ryder there you are you need to stop doing this nice to see you too news on the ark still headed to meridian with a small flotilla you got the last signal before the archon locked it down we're not letting that stand be ready to move wait we need a plan stop ship kill jerk with what maybe we're out gunned but there's always a way there's a way he's got the hyperion that's how many thousand hostages how many worlds does he destroy if we don't move and how many do we save if we get ourselves killed well we have to do something right i know but the tempest is one ship and she isn't even armed [Music] you did an impossible thing can you keep that up have them fight for us cat are tough but remnant hit hard the promise of that could inspire others to join in across the cluster we have a for real shot of this rally the troops for a last stand we're not throwing anyone's lives away but the remnant give us a chance worth taking right right every one of you has people in helios you care about we need them with us not to throw at the archon i'll make the remnant do that we're fighting for the lives we've built that only matters if there's someone left to live them [Music] [Music] you've got everyone working pathfinder but we need to talk locking it down back here board is lit and holding good speech out there you can really work it when you need to bradley says they'll throw in however they can it's looking good real good are you okay because i get that this is our one shot and all but it's important to me that you're okay the pathfinder can handle it but don't be too far away count on it it is beautiful isn't it this weapon it created life and yet only i see its full potential and i even have the means to achieve it using you i saw you from my flagship in the pathfinder's memories you have an influence and a connection with that connection i'll take meridian and then the helios will surrender or burn you'll get nothing from me my sister will stop you you'll know soon enough because your pathfinder is already here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you continue to defy your limitations impressive we're ending this and you're not just fighting me that is a waste he wants to exalt everyone if helios doesn't submit he'll destroy entire planets and you're the proof that i can you still command remnant but that began with the sam and the implant and now i have both i no longer need you pathfinder but since you insist on interfering i'll give you my full attention that's more than we thought we've got this they're closing all sides we need cover hug the remnants motherless it's like skirting ayah rocking a heart place rider i don't know which is worse the scourge of the cat the scourge and the cat callow how close can you edge the scourge too close why i just realized the remnant are pulling our best chance at winning this never mind just getting close and trust me it's time the scourge worked for us uh [Music] [Music] never been so glad to see that stuff get the hyperion archon don't blame your people this [ __ ] is all you i'm not playing your games anymore so be it unlike you in the pathfinder you've made this much more difficult pathfinder but not for me [Applause] suvi what am i looking at i wonder sorry gravity's inverted can't see the hyperion extrapolating from last known position it wasn't built for landing we'll beat it down like it or not wherever the archon goes to ground that's where we're hot heading in five four three [Music] [Applause] is snap dead that's why we lost it looks like maneuvering thrusters only the aircon's betting we won't chase him with the ark at risk we'll guard the hyperion kandros who's with you the invitation was open unless you're refusing kadar as hell we hold the cat you secure marine let's find the archon pathfinder he's taken them captain done the core is lit up like christmas but sam isn't talking i think the archon [ __ ] i don't know what he did but he has scott whatever meridian can do he'll try to take it we're not giving up now we're this close [Music] hard starboard all power captain captain what is it keep pushing go that not the hyperion kenner deploying to defend the archon getting close dangerous tactic kendra he's right mix with the ground troops the big ship can't fire on you not sure we have a choice debris incoming watch your heads structures ahead pathfinder and major energy signals i'm no sam but that's got to be some kind of controls the archon must be inside already he'll use scott to make meridian a weapon we can't let that happen head drop ship heads up your own reinforcements on site pathfinder the resistance is with you kadar is here too remember that watch out pathfinder the big cat ship is coming back around keep moving we can't let them stop us i think it's veering off multiple groups [Music] move inside pathfinder we'll hold the line out here keep them off the hyperion you take this to the archon [Music] understood pathfinder [Music] tempest we're going in after the archon i'll relay the layout to anyone following whoa energy spike the archon is doing something in there standing by scott may need attention the asari are deploying pathfinder i almost feel sorry for the cat we're pulling together can you believe it it won't matter if the archon gets control and blows up worlds all i want is a straight up fight deploying everyone available pathfinder not strictly true save the patentee for the victory party simulation stay safe you we're clear but we need to regroup keep going pathfinder we'll show up the rear diving run these cattle rooted deep tell drag we went out defending the future those pillars don't seem structural is this all meridian it's massive how many worlds could link through here oh glad to have you there's nowhere else we should be we can stay with you pathfinder until the area is secure pathfinder multiple system failures on the hyperion damn it done done is there anything we can do stay out of our way there's no pulling up this is the captain i need everyone to cry out go go go i'm rerouting power to all medbay inertials i can give us one shot [Applause] get me close enough and i'll biotically shield the bridge the sleepers take priority all hands brace and it's been an honor to serve [Music] captain done captain done still here ryder cryopods intact give the pathfinders my thanks and the argon the tip of your boot everyone read that landing just made our steak and meridian permanent this isn't a race we're fighting for home no argument ryder you have our support pathfinder you take that message straight to the archive do these cats know how committed we are can they understand their misfortune receive control no mistakes [Music] be gentle secure like we're staying next stop the archon how far can we go in before we're heading out halfway yeah i lost to that do it secure the adaptation matrix still on our channel listen scott's head we're connected remnant not attacking the hell it's pointing guiding us like the doors that can't be the everyone archon that door's closing someone's hurting us might be the archon who else would it be more doors maybe scott's found a way to help by using remnant that hurts you prepare to repeat the cultural stimulus get out of my head you are irrelevant i will use your [Music] god connection it wells are not supposed to be horizontal our homes parked on the surface we can't stop now no choice let's go look at all this it's amazing i've never dreamed andromeda would have so many wonders if i'd known i'd have worked even harder i can't let the archon take this touchdown and ahead meridian control long time coming 600 years ready pathfinder it's a gateway to everything we've been chasing never been more ready the connection is ready i can feel it there running out of time let's go it arrives this attempt to rival me is no longer amusing pathfinder hey sarah get my clues pretty clear path scott tried to keep him distracted it was hit and miss so determined but so pointless your connection serves me i know how it works the mind is trained to think like the remnant creators in this case painfully but i'm content to let him bear that burden whatever gives me i will transcend what you pretend to be you're out of time i've matched you every step you failed arkhan you're the pretender you learn by accident i am the genetic inheritor of a thousand species no more mercy kill them all he's still using scott's implant can they survive drawing this much power i only care about one of them [Music] i can't keep this up stop him oh no no no no no [ __ ] he has access i can see the network you are come architects nothing i made the cluster livable for thousands [Music] [Music] sarah wait the archon's pulling too much power little busy it's all going straight through him shut down the interfaces you'll have nothing to draw you'll take meridian out from under it we play this smart i know it hurts but you have to call out where to interface get me targets everyone get that we're shutting the archon down scott where to nav marked for one of his main power draws get there i'll try to expose it so you can interface hurry [Applause] clear the field so scott can think sweep as we go now points ahead [Music] restricted but the more remnant you destroy the more fractured the arkham's attention kill remnants i'm on it sam soft spot the armored head scott let's open it up this is just the start pathfinder you pushed too far now you'll pay i'll crush you with your own toys got it exposed lock it down interface now [Music] give me another target there the archon's pulling power on the other side let's go we need a bridge ah look for an interface on it got it heading to the relay get all targets keep a straight course exaltation is too close for you i rescind the offer [Music] no but we have to win this there that will is you know [Music] [Music] but your initiative will be ash and it will be your fault you made this necessary your defiance earned this [Applause] are you okay you need to hurry pathfinder we're all straining [Music] get all targets keep a straight course [Music] [Music] i will fire [Music] i'm in range expose the relay i'm trying you think you're having all the fun we're here to kick his tail pathfinder [Applause] [Music] you think you are special we have exalted countless species got it exposed lock it down interface now relay down tell me how to bring this all home one more just one scott scott we are out of time clear everything to the relay [Music] uh this is not the end i have the network [Music] so pathfinder meridian is online [Music] so [Music] [Music] sam is broadcasting the victory in full all of you how are you feeling [Music] you know what they say about the first day in a new home get married wait what [Music] we made it [Music] [Music] hey scott you beat me out of medical again how long not long weeks enough to get started started on what the hyperion meridian one in the same capital ship capital city a home for humanity we did it dad are you okay you and sam our connection has been restored i am once again able to help the pathfinder activate remnant technology but does he still need to the doctor says that by raising a fleet i may have overreached slightly we have to be careful scott pathfinder the nexus leaders are waiting for us go on i bet it's real important it always is the decision isn't yours neither is it yours that is the point isn't it pathfinder you're late save the cluster straight back to work i get it it must seem like that but this wouldn't be possible without you as outposts become colonies the cluster needs its own voice a true council and while i maintain that it is premature we must nominate an interim ambassador to represent concerns outside the nexus or rather you must nominate someone interim ambassador to what and for who to the nexus the eventual goal was always a galactic council but meridian has accelerated concerns an ark has landed the vaults may make outposts self-sufficient and we can't claim to represent a sovereign angara an interim ambassador would represent concerns outside the nexus until elections when we can all step aside at the appropriate time if this person is supposed to represent people shouldn't the people have a say that is precisely why we need your backing we can't impose a vote on the angara or even kadara eledon won't happen but you've acted for everyone if you endorse a name some may disagree but they will trust it as a starting point someone to speak for helius i put forward pathfinder reika i'd suggest you but someone might think you killed the archon to elevate yourself we can't allow the appearance of that but reika keeps the position and timeline in the nexus family the angara need to help define the process it's their right plus the motion would help solidify relations they have ongoing civil concerns with the rokar and we've a lot of unresolved issues of our own if we want stability maybe we should ensure the krogan stay what if it was morta [Laughter] you are out of your mind it's definitely unorthodox it feels like the original intent was to give that voice to the outposts august bradley's a proven leader on a considerably smaller scale he's kept eos relatively stable despite no militia presence meridian doesn't mean done ted are still out there a pathfinder is the obvious choice for stability for us but hardly the empowering one same old [ __ ] if we're going to treat helius like a home we need to acknowledge whose home it is i won't name anyone i support asking the moshe to act as interim ambassador meridian's opening day and we're surrendering how much influence that's the point you colonial ward scott is feeling better good this decision the policy and protocol that's not what your victory was about there's more to life than this integration of hyperion systems is ongoing our sam node will be accessible on return visits to meridian up straight everyone this is the guest of honor like you have to tell anyone that hunter this is our opening let there be some sense of ceremony as i was about to say hello pathfinder i am chief of operations ayoropile second wave placements officer darlavas hyperion hunter kerry reconstruction darlavas hyperion placements officer as our developments in the cluster grow more sophisticated proper matching of sleeper and assignment will be vital my mission is to ensure compatibility and fulfillment when are you changing your name to vast meridian i keep mass hyperion to honor the ship that brought us here as my godparents would want just saying we're staying please forgive hunter he is an ass this is the first i've heard of the term second wave it isn't literal there have been several groups deployed for outposts second wave is about the staged evolution of the initiative first wave out of cryo structural support and generalists food and fences second wave is organizational less generalists more specialists more paperwork it's needed to rapidly advance i'm not spending a generation on the range iora play you're in charge of meridian that's a big statement i will oversee the operations and establishment of our port exploration and study of the interesting substructure will be handled by initiative r d i'm told that may take lifetimes we'll ensure that we have them that's what i trained for hunter kerry can i get some clarification on reconstruction sure thing i'm tasked with turning this one sprout vessel into the future proud human capital it's more complicated than that no it's a structural and organisational nightmare which is job security which is perfect come back in a year this will be a galactic hub you won't know where the hyperion ends and meridian begins sounds like meridian is in good hands i can only read the reports of how you brought us this opportunity but rest assured we will not waste it yes thank you pathfinder hi what they said it's overwhelming sarah i missed you really costa i was gone maybe an hour yeah i suppose it wasn't long so did you miss me every second away is a second too long you always know what to say heard scott woke up how's he doing not as well as he acts but he's getting there thankfully stubborn as hell i hear it runs in the family hey know who i just talked to a second wave technician fresh out of cryo just had his first sunrise in andromeda he couldn't stop crying just him uh must be something going around maybe you're the carrier it's really feeling like home you know finally they haven't given you five minutes alone since the fight have you had a chance to let it sink in you know what it means a lot that you're here means a lot that you noticed you said some things after the fight meant it all of it i want a future thank you for asking for everything back at you pathfinder for everyone but mostly me we'll talk more later just taking the moment we deserve it you deserve it it's overwhelming i don't know where to start hey ryder how's scott much better there might be two writers around soon imagine the hyperions forming scientific teams got to start studying what we have i may have helped them organize it's what you do meridian won't know what hit it and we should think about what's next this is a new cradle for humanity that's a big idea bigger than i'd imagined so maybe building those teams was smart small steps to understand all this until we're at the top of the mountain and seeing the next horizon can't deny it i'm game for more with so much power in our hands you think it'll be okay cora sometimes you just have to leap out there and see where it takes you yeah i guess you do whatever happens you gave everyone an incredible gift nice job pathfinder ryder so this is how you all party pretty tame but don't tell the host i said that meridian is amazing though you accomplished the inconceivable i'm grateful to be part of it couldn't have done it without you in the resistance but mostly you that's kind i'm glad i rose to meet your expectations to think that when we met the angara and your initiative struggled to find trust the way we arrived on ayah was over the top you know uninvited and on fire agreed guess it worked out okay the angara will never forget how you saved them but more than that we'll never forget how you fought the cat beside us how we destroyed the archon meridian is a new beginning for your people and mine together it's like a fairy tale do you have those where everyone walks off into the sunset holding hands at a time like this i i i think it's strange that you can't resist making a joke i can't sew um jaw our people actually no i can't actually i kind of like it hi ryder i can't believe all the heading ground side and they say you're meridian huh i see you every day and i'm still amazed we're really starting to put down roots it's wonderful did i tell you the team's working with the angara to set up a joint research body that sounds exciting i know i can't wait us helping them them helping us can you imagine what we could accomplish ah i'm getting all misty just thinking about it joint research body cooperating with the angara you're planning a party right of course nothing builds a team like a good whiskey and a laugh you'd better show up brighter we wouldn't be here if not for you i wouldn't miss it for the world let's get out there huh get him making a quiet exit it's no fun having the boss at the party if you asked i wager that most would disagree [Music] i tried to think of a way to honor what you did some protocol there isn't one your father invented this rule but you defined it [Music] meridian is humanity's home and maybe one for all of helius we did that but i'm the pathfinder i should be out there on the tempest with all of you let's go home so [Music]
Channel: AFGuidesHD
Views: 328,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, full game, space, galaxy, movie, gameplay, walkthrough, max settings, ultra graphics, xbox series x, scene, cinematic, space opera, gaming, game movie, animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1258min 2sec (75482 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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