STAR WARS Full Movie Cinematic (2022) 4K ULTRA HD Action

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a man can have anything if he's willing to sacrifice with your birth comes a solemn vow you will have nothing [Applause] your privilege is the dirt [Music] in the darkness only ambition will guide you [Music] the oaths you swear the promises you make [Music] they are yours alone [Music] your freedom will be the wars you wage [Music] your birthright the losses you suffer [Music] your entitlement the pain you endure and when darkness finds you [Music] you will face it alone [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come with me son [Music] big [Music] ah [Music] [Music] another fight [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] stay behind me [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for centuries alderaan stood as a beacon of hope in the republic but the empire came and with one savage strike from alderaan [Music] now time is running out as few are left to face the enemy for those that remain there is but one choice we must fight to victory or death for the republic [Applause] let's go [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so while the sacrifices are heavy we fight knowing that a single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope and restore peace across the galaxy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our time has come for 300 years we prepared we grew stronger were you rested in your cradle of power believing your people were safe and protected [Music] you were trusted to lead the republic but you were deceived as our powers of the dark side have blinded you [Music] you assumed no force could challenge you and [Music] now finally we have returned [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you were deceived and now your republic shall fall [Music] so [Applause] ancient birthplace of the sith we believed ruins were all that remained of their evil empire i swear i had no idea what was in those crates i'm innocent you were smuggling sith artifacts captain fine keep the artifacts just give me back my ship a great darkness [Music] [ __ ] empire has returned we must warn the republic our shuttles can't outrun those fighters well guess who's got the fastest ship in the sector defensive streak all hands evacuate look out [Music] uh [Music] oh my [ __ ] will she fly she's not pretty but she's tough captain prep your ship this is our fight [Music] t7 cut the iron cannons [Music] [Music] come you must walk a different path [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] keep him off me [Music] they've escaped master you've failed no malgus this is only the beginning yes after a thousand years corriban is ours again welcome home [Music] all squadrons on me the station is lost call off the attack squadrons disengage another retreat all fighters return to the overseer extraction captain come in this is titan three i'm pinned down come on we still have ties out we're not handing the enemy one more destroyer captain the overseer is leaving i'm not gonna make it [Applause] oh [Music] all stations light speed on my mark oh come on that's it on your way [Music] um [Music] hmm enough of this so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign war's over [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] war's over [Music] it's not over yet [Music] not for me [Music] alderaan shows destruction they incited rebellion and anarchy [Music] and paid the price the survivors continue to spread descent find them do not rest until the destruction of alderaan is complete [Applause] [Music] lord vader's orders are clear are they yes wipe out all that remains of alderaan how i understood the survivors were in hiding intelligence reports a possible alderaanian convoy heading to foster haven you are to draw them out and finish them off do you understand that captain perfectly commodore dismissed captain james everything ready lieutenant carol squadron's on their way they're excited to fulfill lord vader's command and you no qualms hunting down refugees from a world we destroyed during the escalon uprising you taught me to ignore propaganda they're traitors not refugees and will be dealt with accordingly i've prepped our usual sigma 9 loadout no only standard ties today flying old school sir this might be a real challenge after all you hear me teresa but i don't think you understand me i guess we'll find out follow my lead and don't fire unless i give the order the convoy is out there we don't want to scare them off let's do this right it will be done [Music] hello there yourself we all choose our path light or dark freedom or destruction the empire chose to destroy alderaan in order to spread fear and douse the fires of rebellion but the heroic pilots of the rebel alliance have chosen to keep fighting to show the empire that we are not afraid it was their bravery that ended palpatine's reign and brought about our new republic however the empire lives on shattered though it may be as i speak imperial forces are edging toward the bormia sector hoping to end our new republic before we find our footing as their empire collapses they try to tighten their grip but the galaxy is changing and you can be a part of it with the help of brave and daring pilots this war can end make a choice fly with the new republic change our galaxy for the better vanguard squadron to temperance do you read us now had some trouble with our long-range calms you're the third patrol reporting com blackouts and i'm back gunny the commander will want a full report lousy calms chasing our tails for hours and now we're late to meet the new boss well do you want to race home frisk we might make it before his speech ends ko i ain't racing you i learned my lesson the first 12 times hush the speech is starting i'm not one for speeches so i'll just say i'm honored to assume command of the temperance in this fleet vanguard squadron's reputation for bravery and integrity is unrivaled which is why i affected immediately we have been reassigned to an initiative code name project starhawk starhawk then those rumors about a secret project are true what do you think it is some kind of weapon the key to victory if it helps end the war who cares i care i like to know who i'm working for the good guys risk remember the only people in the galaxy who don't have a death mark on your the day ain't over yet come on back to the temperance we can meet the new boss and anyone else he's bringing along [Music] [Music] so you can take it from here that guard i'll escort this group to safe harbor great work [Music] this is where the boss keeps his secret project who'd want to get this close to the ringali nebula i believe that is the idea [Music] [Applause] now that is a battleship that's why we've been gathering imperial ships to build this we call it the star hawk and it's going to help us end this war general syndulla hello vanguard welcome to the nadiri dockyards i'd give you the tour but the empire knows we're up to something now they'll be looking for us which means we have work to do [Applause] an old enemy has finally surfaced one of my spies has linked the attacks on our star destroyers with the new republic starhawk project a common factor is lyndon james you knew james better than anyone captain carol if i had i'd have destroyed him before he betrayed us at foster haven then this is your second chance the rebels are keeping a low profile take titan squadron hunt down this starhawk and eliminate it gladly admiral sloane but if i may ask there's a particular pilot i'd like to requisition [Applause] why come in is it true we're getting a new pilot remember the last time you lost your call the day i cut through a whole squadron of rebels have saved your name focus shen's right tighten it up soul and bone save a little enemy [Music] overseer to titan finish your inspection your new wingmate has arrived [Applause] we've recovered the sector coordinates for the starhawk dockyards but the rest of the data banks are empty engineers must have wiped the rest when captain amos blew our cover they were so close deserves to go down with his ship knowing the sector at least narrows our search linden can't hide forever titan eliminate the convoy let lyndon know we're coming for him [Music] come on [Music] [Music] ah the scans work titan that convoy's navigator had the sector and system we've been looking for we've got them right where we want them oh titan return to the overseer immediate hyperspace jump we can't jump that fast we could end up in the middle of a star or worse stay and we die for sure move [Applause] [Music] oh well we know this star hawk works it tossed the overseer around like a loath rat good lousy imperials deserve payback with interest shall we just build a death star and get it over with oh come on grace we're still the good guys anyhow we won right wherever they jumped no ships coming back from that now let's hope so and then [Music] where are we out of rem aromatic system grid 0-4-2 scramble fire crews get a distress call to the nearest imperial station there's an old munitions depot in this system captain run by a colonel grom must be our lucky day make the call this isn't over thank god so you jump to my territory uninvited then demand my supplies colonel growl the starhawk project is within our grasp all i need is repairs and proper munitions no the emperor signed me to this depot i decide how its resources are used as of this moment that includes your star destroyer consider yourself reassigned the overseer was sent on this mission by admiral sloane herself admiral sloan isn't here captain i have rebel gorillas to deal with and now so do you grow out he wants us to fight rebels all right we'll protect his depot and if his munitions get lost in the crossfire well lucky for us ma'am regulations specifically forbid this i will not be beaten by vanguard grandstanding imbeciles or anyone else please not judgment he's just fine call in titan squadron now [Music] the republic will rush to defend monkala and leave nadiri wide open excellent work our final target lies ahead [Music] titan lead another pass at the dockyards [Music] your people needed you lyndon but you weren't here is there anyone you won't turn your back on [Applause] i'm here now if there's anything fire on that ship our missile guidance systems we can't let them get away they won't their hyperdrives are too damaged to jump [Music] lyndon won't escape this time [Music] [Music] we can't abandon it we can lose our starhawk prototype but not the people who built it you're gonna help them escape how boss the tampering says hyperdrive is busted they're working on it but don't worry i'll buy you enough time [Music] oh friends years ago the rebellion welcomed me today i feel honored to join the fight sir you can't have faith besides if there's one person who can keep jarissa's attention it's me i need you to lead our defenders the future of project star hawking maybe the new republic itself is in your hands all due respect sir you won't last a second out there alone [Music] hello no but thanks to you i've been able to call in some help commander james this is anvil squadron i got your message we're here to help good luck vanguard and may the force be with you [Music] nothing can stop it from overloading now star destroyer down more of our people saved and we're just getting started now with me yes sir it's time to end this don't you dare by james without me [Music] it's done thank you titan three so perish all traitors imperial ships prepare to withdraw they are refusing captain they plan to eliminate the rebel fleet fools our mission is complete take us to lightspeed with admiral sloane's unerring support we have left project starhawk in ruins vanguard squadron is doomed imperial ideals have prevailed loyalty duty discipline and with our latest champion we shall ascend to even greater heights titan three has been promoted to flight baron with full honors well done your future with the empire is bright i take pride that the death of lyndon james sends a message to all who would betray us that wherever the enemies of the empire may arise titan will be waiting no matter the cost this war is our crucible we will emerge triumphant and bring this new republic to its knees foreign we're gonna make it out of this right kio get out of there no one [Music] hope is like the sun if you only believe in it when you can see it you'll never make it through the night we know our new republic faces great challenges but thanks to vanguard squadron peace is closer than ever general syndulla sacrificed one star hawk for the chance to build a fleet from nadiri commander james will guide our best and brightest forging the strength to challenge an empire the war goes on but we face it with renewed courage inspired by heroes who fly for freedom as we emerge from the darkness of imperial oppression into the light of a new era [Music] [Music] [Music] lord vader we were ambushed upon arrival but i have the situation well in i have no interest in your failures commander i am here on a mission of my own [Music] i said someone far more powerful nearby where is your master the dark side has clouded your mind you killed my master years ago then now you will share his fate a son run god come with me more will be here soon you were weak when i found you now your hatred has become your strength at last the dark side is your ally rise my apprentice what is your will my master your training is nearly complete it is time to face your first true test your spies have located a jedi yes master rom kota he's attacking a critical imperial shipyard destroy him and bring me his lightsaber i shall leave it once master the emperor can not discover you leave no witnesses kill everyone aboard imperials and coders men alike as you wish my master [Music] [Music] ah master another excellent duel proxy you did catch me by surprise i haven't fought that training program in years i thought you'd erased it i'd hoped that using an older training module would catch you off guard and allow me to finally kill you i'm sorry i failed you again well i'm sure you'll keep trying yeah but do me a favor don't ambush me yes why are we whispering who's that ah yes your new pilot has finally arrived accessing imperial records captain juno eclipse born on corrilag where she became the youngest student ever accepted into the imperial academy decorated combat pilot with over 100 combat missions and commanding officer during the bombing of kalos hand-picked by lord vader to lead his black five squadron but later reassigned to a top secret mission is there a psychological profile in there too actually yes but it's restricted oh master i can tell you she's going to be impossible to reprogram do you know why you're here yes my orders are clear and keep your ship running and fly you wherever your missions require the vader tell you that he killed our last pilot no but i can only assume that he gave lord vader good reason to do so i will not let's hope so i'm sick of training new pilots what have you done on my ship i've taken the liberty of upgrading the rogue shadow sensor array now you'll be able to spy on any suspect ships within the entire system you are one of vader's spies you don't need to know anything about my missions except where i'm going now i need to jump to narshad can you handle that of course [Music] perhaps you give me the target according to imperial records master rahm kota was respected general in the clone wars you're hunting jedi i bring darth vader's enemies to justice now so do you master coda was a military genius but felt that clone soldiers were unfit for battle instead he relied on his own militia so there were no clones in his squad when order 66 was issued after order 66 he vanished official imperial records actually claimed he's dead white man of hiding and attacked the empire now he wants to be found then we're walking into a trap how many pilots have you lost before me seven excellent coordinates for narshad are locked prepare for light speed lock down the command center and get that hologram projector up and running yes sir tell all squads to fan out and funnel any opposition towards us explosive charges on levels 2 5 and 12 just like we planned general coda he's here i've finally drawn you out of hiding lower the containment field on hanger 12 and tell the men to get into position yes general [Music] a boy months of attacking imperial targets and vader sends a boy to fight me [Music] you're stronger than i thought but i can't let you live boy i'll be sure to send your ashes back to vader [Music] [Music] vader thinks he's turned you but i can sense your future and vader won't always be your master i sense only me [Music] uh [Music] master kota is dead yes his lightsaber my spies have located another jedi kazdan paratus is far more powerful than you i do not expect you to survive but if you destroy him you'll be one step closer to your destiny the emperor yes only together can we defeat him i will not fail you my master amazing it looks just like the jedi temple on coruscant proxy are you picking up any communications too many to decipher i can hear thousands of droids all calling out to each other this is where all droids go to die set us down as close to that thing as you can i'll do my best there are not many clearings you'll need to approach the temple on foot [Music] don't worry masters i'll defend you from this sith trash i'm sorry masters i've failed you again [Music] juno i'm done here [Music] my master kasden paratus is dead then there is but one more test i'm ready now no you've defeated an old man and an outcast you must face a true jedi master who master shakti one of the last of the jedi council you need the full power of the dark side to defeat her yes [Music] assassins darth vader has found us perhaps maris gather your belongings and go into hiding just as we've practiced do not return until i summon you but master this is what i've been waiting for let me fight no i will lead this assassin to the ancient abyss alone you are not ready to face a sith you would surely be killed maris we are among the last of the jedi while we live the order survives i cannot allow you to be captured or killed by the empire now please go to the graveyard and wait for my summons no she hasn't been corrupted not yet she's just afraid may the force be with you mourish brood you are vader's slave but your power is wasted with him you could be so much more you will never convince me to betray my master poor boy the sith always betray one another but i'm sure you'll learn that soon enough thank you [Music] my mission is complete master that you are ready to stand with me against the emperor return to my ship at once we will at last control the galaxy it seems that you are about to achieve your primary programming master yes finally [Music] the emperor's fleet has arrived you have lured the emperor to us when we strike i did not summon him his spies followed you here what is thy bidding my master [Music] you have forgotten your place lord vader by taking this boy as your apprentice you have betrayed me now you will kill him and i'll destroy you master we can defeat him together do it now lord vader strike him down and prove your loyalty to me [Music] yes [Music] wow keep him restrained you you killed me no the emperor wanted you dead i salvaged your body and brought you here to be rebuilt why the emperor needed to believe you were dead now you can have your revenge and fulfill your destiny what is thy bidding my master the emperor's spies watch my every move we must provide them with a distraction what sort of distraction an assassination no single act will gain the emperor's notice must assemble an army to oppose him an army yes an alliance of rebels and dissidents when these rebels have distracted the emperor and his spies we will strike where should i start your destiny is now your own server all ties to your past no one must know that you still serve me now go and remember the dark side is always with you proxy oh master i'm pleased to see that you're not dead i was afraid that i wouldn't be able to kill you myself well i'm sure you get the chance uh once we get out of here yes but before i kill you i am to do everything i can to help you vanish should i ready the rogue shadow for launch yeah you go ahead i'll meet you there [Music] vader said you're dead you came back you've been granted a traitor to the empire it doesn't matter i don't care about any of that i'm leaving the empire behind [Music] no sign of any pursuit we're already light years away from any imperial forces then what's wrong we have the entire galaxy in front of us and yet for the first time in my life i don't know where to go i hope you have a plan we need to rally the emperor's enemies and i need to find someone that can teach me the things that vader couldn't sounds like we're still hunting jedi and i think i know one that might still be alive general kota yes when i fought him he said it'd be part of my future huh let's hope he was right head to narshadow [Music] princess leia it's an honor to have a senatorial observer you can drop the charade captain stone we both know i was sent here as a hostage to keep my father from speaking out against the empire then we both understand the situation senator if your father keeps his mouth shut i'll keep you out of harm's way if not you'll become the unfortunate victim of a wookie uprising these slaves are mindless brutes you know show me to my quarters as you wish princess [Music] general coda i i paid for this table so wherever you are get lost i've tracked you across the galaxy from narshad to ziast who are you bounty hunter not exactly but i think we can help each other out jedi i'm no jedi now and not since this i don't need your eyes just your mind and everything you know about fighting the empire well nobody fights the empire wins boy he's in that area oh you better hope you're wrong about that general there he is over the top right there it's a fool's errand boy the emperor's army is infinite you'll eventually be killed or worse and nothing will have changed but wouldn't you rather die on your feet than drown in some cantina i don't know but i do have a contact in the senate who could use your lightsaber where's your ship [Music] i was beginning to worry that you died in your sleep i'm starting to wish that i had we've reached kashyyyk i still think this mission's too dangerous the planet is completely controlled by the empire the contact better be reliable i trust him he smuggled me to cloud city and he's an old ally to the jedi order but all you need to know is that there's something very valuable to him down there you get it and maybe he'll agree to help you fight the empire get get what patience boy and we've been spotted no the cloaking device is fully functional then take us down coda i i think i found something what just an old hut but feels familiar uh i feel i feel great darkness here and sadness turn away get on with your mission there are some things you aren't ready to face what's inside how should i know my link to the force has been cut but if you go inside you'll face whatever's in there alone [Music] i never wanted this for you i never wanted any of this for you i'm sorry son wait father no [Music] i should have expected the emperor would send an assassin it's a coward's tactic i do not serve the emperor i'm here with master coda master coda my father your father he's got his contact how long has your father been feeding koda information about imperial targets how do you know because master kota survived and he was sent to find you let's go i cannot leave while this planet is still enslaved if you are truly a jedi then you will destroy that once that sky hook is complete the empire will start shuttling wookie slaves into space entire villages will be taken off world in a matter of days the empire will just rebuild it eventually maybe but you will give the wookies a chance to disappear you can take that lift down to the forest floor it will be crawling with imperials what about you is there still an imperial transport on the landing platform yes but i think the ballot might be dead and what makes you think i need a pilot [Music] who was she princess leia organa her father is bail organa my contact in the senate i want to talk to him you can't i just rescued his daughter on a planet overrun by stormtroopers you can't talk to him because i can't find him he's gone missing boy what when bale tried to recruit me to rescue leia i refused and he went in search of another jedi master shark t i told him it was too dangerous but the fool went anyway alone and vanished as soon as he landed on felucia force is strong in you my boy to be able to sense my thoughts you're just easy to read old man well then you should already know our next mission we're going to felucia to rescue senator organa eat up senator why are you keeping me here maris your master would be disgusted with you you're something to trade if darth vader finds me now shut up and eat and if you're thinking of escaping just remember my new pet is very hungry [Music] [Music] senator organa master coda has sent me to rescue you i knew he couldn't stay out of the fight for long but i thought he'd be angry with me for ignoring his advice he's angry but i think he wants to be able to yell at you in person hurry shakti's apprentice has gone mad this whole planet has gone insane oh we're not crazy [Music] we've just embraced the power of the dark side stand aside girl don't make me hurt you you won't he won't let you hey you've won the senator's yours there's no need to kill me now you are a slave to the dark side i'd be doing the galaxy a favor it's not my fault shocked he abandoned me here this planet is evil he corrupted me but you you can save me just let me get away from here just let me go and i'll turn my back on the dark side that one she reminds me too much of another young jedi who turned to the dark side you shouldn't have let her go free you really think she's free she'll carry the memories of what she's done here forever open rebellion is too dangerous master coda i know i owe you my life but you don't owe me anything i told you on cloud city that i can't help you since i lost my sight he's your hero and it's his rebellion join us because he's asking you to you are the first to really fight the empire we're not prepared to go to war yet we need weapons and starships and people with the courage to use them i don't know how many others will stand with us but surely you know some who will well yes there are other senators who have spoken out against the emperor but they will be hard to convince we just need to show them that the empire is vulnerable let me meditate on that i'm i'm sure we can find the right target in the meantime senator gather your friends we're gonna need all the help we can get master he's here [Music] you have received my message yes your mission goes well i have recruited others to my cause but now i need your counsel my allies seek a major strike against the empire the emperor rules the galaxy through fear he must destroy a symbol of that fear the empire is building star destroyers above raxis prime that shipyard is your next target thank you lord vader there is much conflict in you your feelings for your new allies are growing stronger do not forget that you still serve me i hate being him i think he does too master juno i came to find out where you wanted to go next but it looks like you've already been told juno this isn't what it looks like of course it is you're still loyal to vader after he branded me a traitor and tried to kill you you're still his his slave then why did you defy vader to rescue me i needed someone to fly the ship we both know that's not true my being here has never been about my piloting sometime soon you will decide the fate of the rebellion not your master and when you're faced with that moment just remember that i too was forced to leave behind everything i've ever known please don't make me leave another life behind [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] no [Music] god uh [Music] respond relax general i'm still here god we'll see you back at the ship [Music] master proxy are you okay yes i think so but i think it may be best if you leave me here what are you talking about the shockwave it burned out portions of my processor my primary programming has been erased i'm useless now proxy you're not staying here come on your actions on raxis prime have left the emperor most displeased the emperor's enemies are still scared i am just now earning their trust if i am ever discovered talking to you if they even suspect my past all that will be destroyed do not wait too long to contact me can you trust him vader won't risk my mission even if he has doubts about me have we arrived we've reached corellia they're all here bale and his allies you have your rebel alliance now what are you going to do with it just trust me okay i'm doing the right thing for both of us [Music] we agree that the time for diplomacy in politics is passed it is now time for action if you are willing to lead us then we'll join your alliance as will i that's where it passed out in the cargo home i finally came to it is settled then my wealth will fund the rebellion while garm provides our fleet and mon mothma our soldiers and with you leading us we have the power of the force on our side therefore let this be an official declaration of rebellion today we all vow to change the galaxy and one day the galaxy will indeed be free now [Music] proxy cut transmission take them alive the emperor wants to execute them personally [Music] you have done well my apprentice [Music] you agreed to stay away i lied as i have from the very beginning you never plan to destroy the emperor not with you now without me you'll never be free [Music] they're gone vader took them all to the emperor i don't understand then why would vader let us attack so many imperial targets to sell the deception credits starships imperial lives they're all meaningless to vader vader needed me to find the emperor's enemies no matter the cost and i did exactly what he wanted me to yes you did but now the fate of this alliance rests only with you we're going after vader and the rebels what are you doing meditating a jedi can sometimes sense visions of the future have you done this before never been a jedi before what what did you see a massive space station [Music] keep the ship cloaked and wait beyond scanner range i have a really bad feeling about this well then maybe we're doing something right am i going to see you again if i can free the rebels they're going to need extraction probably not no then i'll never need to live this down goodbye juno [Music] [Music] [Music] you are all traitors to the empire you will be interrogated tortured you will give me the names of your friends and allies and then you will die our deaths will only rally others your very public and people executions will serve as an example to the rest of the galaxy there may be a rebellion yet lord leather deal with the boy [Music] i've trained you well but you still have much to learn you have nothing left to teach me yes kill him he was weak broken kill him you could take your life on place at my side now [Music] help him you were destined to destroy me david give in to your hatred [Music] he's beaten let it go it's a trick he's stronger than you know and he deserves to die for what he's done to me maybe so but if you strike him down in anger you'll be right back where you began get bail and the others out of here i'll be right behind [Music] you go hurry protect the senators [Music] ah [Music] he is dead then he is now more powerful than ever he was meant to root out the rebels his sacrifice will only inspire them but now we know who they are i will hunt them down and destroy them as you always intended master you must be relentless lord vader if even a single rebel survives this alliance that we have unwittingly created will be our undivided are we ready to finish what he started then at last the rebel alliance is born here tonight we need a flag to rally behind a symbol a symbol of hope he's at last one with the force you always knew who he was didn't you i suspected yes then why did you help us after all the things we'd done when he came to me in the bar among all his dark thoughts i glimpsed one bright spot one beautiful thing he held on to even at the end what you [Music] uh excellent lord vader was a broken shadow of his former self i knew that one day you would replace him you'll have just one final taste destroy your ties and at last you will be a sith lord [Music] you have betrayed your master yeah i spit tell you that you will betray me as well and now you have doomed yourself and your friends [Music] no [Music] you had such promise you could have been my successor my equal but now but i may still have some small use for you i still have enemies to find and destroy you will do my bidding until i find a new apprentice you will be cast aside finish it so [Music] you're alive how long this time 13 days in isolation impressive the force gives me all i need the force the dark side my master come on star killers jedi mentor has been captured yes when your training is complete you will travel to cato pneumonia and execute him and vader won't always be your master you are still haunted by visions yes master i sometimes smell of forest on fire i see the general falling and i feel the brown shake as a starship crashes around me i hear a woman's voice when i try to sleep they are memories of a dead man a side effect of the cloning process and the memory flashes used to train you they will fade and if they don't then you will be of no use to me starkiller's emotions made him weak you must destroy what he created he must learn to hate what he loves [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] you're running out of executioners baron try the corillion slice arms my lord assemble a squad in the hangar i'll meet him there [Music] all right so i was expecting lord vader the jedi where is he oh he's alive for the moment he's been in the arena for seven days what are the imperial security codes for this sector the security courts [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] but my lord the arenas restraints they haven't been properly tested open the door gate now you can sit this one out general by the force i knew you were alive [Music] see how long i stay that way foreign oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't have a way out of this do you oh i wasn't thinking that far ahead let's hope she can reach us in time [Music] [Music] juno where is she i don't know what the rebel fleet is scattered across the outer rim i lost contact with your ship after i was captured your alliance is on the run and i lost an entire squad here but now that you're back we can take the fight to the empire a major strike is what we really need in order to rally the troops i'm not him i may be blind but i'm still connected to the force i can be i'm not starkiller i'm i'm a clone i was grown in a vat to take his place well is that what vader told you yes i don't believe it no one can clone jedi it's never been done and i can sense how powerful you are we can put that power to use you have no idea who i am or what i went through on kamino kamino if you could provide the alliance with information on the cloning facilities there we could launch a full scale no i just want look i need a place to think this through to meditate to hide until i find her we're ahead war and you want a quiet place to think the alliance will be destroyed while you're wandering the forests of kashyyyk or exploring the caves of dagobah you'll let the galaxy die to go find yourself what are you talking about oh i don't know nothing go wherever you want you can take the ship it's always been yours anyway just drop me at the nearest spaceport before you get lost in the stars boy takeover [Music] he has a healthy head start find the woman and bring her to me he will follow i'll need a squadron of stormtroopers they won't be coming back the empire will provide whatever you require they'll do [Music] you guard this place no only a watcher am i now then you'll let me pass brought you here the galaxy has your path clearly this is you know what i'm looking for something lost a part of yourself perhaps that's what you seek inside you will fight [Music] ah oh [Music] this is captain eclipse i'm ordering defensive protocols primal shields and checks uh [Music] what you have seen follow it you must to the ends of the galaxy if i have to wow rogue shadow please transmit landing codes this is general rahm kota requesting permission to board the salvation authorization talos haroon 10 11 38. stay on guard a powerful glimpse of the future like you experienced is rarely wrong and if it comes to pass you'll be glad you picked me up on malastare [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] shields [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] we won't get another chance to take this target keep pressing the attack planetary shield is preventing any kind of ground assault we can't hold out much longer and the ship is falling apart we've already lost that take through 12. head to the rogue shadow i'm pretty sure those shields can't survive a direct hit from a cruiser abandoned abandoned ship you sure about this that's the only thing i can think of you just be ready to clean up after me [Music] get something to hold him yes [Music] i can't revive her i'm sorry it's not your fault i should have stayed here uh oh we're alive [Music] [Music] we'll send a dozen small freighters in all directions even if someone finds out we have him they won't know which ship to follow excellent and the security detail we have it covered your highness we'll contact you again once we have vader safely locked away on dantooine good this is a turning point for the alliance you should be proud may the force be with you [Music] [Music] i let you live [Music] you tell me i'm a clone but i chose to spare you maybe code is right maybe this is all a trick a way to get me so confused that i'd forget who i really am and become your slave again but either way i let you live i've finally broken your hold over me as long as she lives i will always control you uh [Music] prepare for light speed [Music] um [Music] i lied when i told you the cloning process had not been perfected you have faced your final test what is thy bidding my master take his star fighter scour the far reaches of the galaxy find the last of the rebels and destroy them as you wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so so [Music] [Music] so there [Music] you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 1,808,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Full Movie, Star Wars Movie, Star Wars Eclipse, Star Wars 2021 Full Movie, Star Wars Cinematic, Star Wars Cinematic Movie, Star Wars All Cinematics, Star Wars Game, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Star Wars Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2022, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, 2022 Movie
Id: 97uKFYrx-_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 27sec (8067 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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