Masai Womenโ€™s Life ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ

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i've been delegated to the menial task of fetching water come on donkey he doesn't want to listen to me he's very stubborn come on let's speed it up there's a rainstorm coming over there look at that so we would like to find some water this way all right if we don't find the water soon we're gonna hit the rainstorm okay yes everything is yes okay he did he decided to take a mega leak just as we're about to go into the water yeah you just hold it like this no no no i'll take this you take like that there we go okay beautiful let me see how it looked yeah perfect all right let's go actually i'm going to go a bit more caveman on this oh this is going to fall down [Laughter] yes [Music] that's it how do you do this [Applause] oh [Music] language foreign okay no running away let's see how we do this then you poor donkey you okay you want to run away he don't want to work yes [Music] which one first this one yes need some help i'll do that one oh you do this every day i forgot i was thinking [Laughter] [Music] no high five foreign i'll say both all good oh yeah so i look less like a caveman like this again it's more good are you gonna carry on your head [Laughter] let me see how heavy this is can i try it let me see let me try oh can we change can i do the donkeys [Music] [Laughter] well done okay we got probably 80 liters of water okay 100 liters of water for the wind bye bye we can now shower we can drink yeah basically we can survive until we have to do this tomorrow night tomorrow same time come on donkey [Laughter] [Music] he's on his own yeah he's learned how to do this on his own now he doesn't need my guidance come on let's go let's speed things up is so it's raining and it's about 6 30. you can hear the cows in the distance they're about to come home so the guys or at least half of them have been out there all day with them and they uh are gonna before they put them in here for the night they're gonna keep them out here for probably three hours and you're gonna see the women come running out here to uh milk them just like they also did this morning i think i captured that on film as well now once they've done the milking of the cows dinner preparations uh will commence they eat late here around 8 30 nine o'clock but they're going to start cooking around mamba they're going to start cooking as soon as they're done with milking the cows so this is probably a scene in that video or it might be the start of that video because today i am gonna focus on the women which basically they do everything around here the guys tend to the cows watch over the the cows and then the women they build these houses they cook their meals they fetch the water in the in the wells i am going i've already captured that on film so um we're going to go and get emmy and then we are going to have a little cooking class i'm going to try and cook their favorite dish which is called ugali which is just mace that is ground up and then supplemented with water and then turned into some kind of dough that they eat two times a day and that's all they eat here so it's going to be really really interesting hey are they ready what is it they're already cooked are they already cooked they were trying to be efficient oh yeah there was a breakdown oh my gosh it's so cold right now already cooked what are we going to do then we're going to go to mama salu's hut yeah which is great because she's my best friend and she can cook something yeah and um then everybody can see how labor intensive it is okay and she's nine months pregnant all right yeah where's her hat right there oh okay right there i was just telling everyone that they're probably gonna be coming out milking the cows and then they're gonna cook because that's what they were doing the other day they normally do um but i think they wanted to give you food earlier or something like that oh i was chilling in the hot waiting i could have been in there filming this well i know and that's what i said and i was like oh and they were like oh but we want to admit it make it because he didn't eat that much at lunch time and then yeah there was a miscommunication but we'll go to mama but we'll try right now okay they're not going to milk the the cows and all that they're going to milk the cow's cows are a bit late now i think because of the rain um so they'll be back within like 20 minutes and then they'll milk until 8 pm and then we'll have chai all right let's go and have some tea down okay cool how's the lighting situation in there should i bring that uh the light is there okay i'll bring the other one too so we have two okay change your plans anyway it's gonna be fun okay let's have some tea then this is where all the cooking goes down can we come inside all right let's go in oh no we're gonna need a flash for this one [Music] okay i think we got it going let's see how dark it is in here okay got the goats cranking in here [Music] i can't believe you cooked without me i've been waiting for this all day how's it going good that's asleep all right okay the fire is really nice right now well anyway i mean this is where they normally cook right yeah so and um vegetables that we had gathered are here too wild vegetables let's see let's see yeah really nice selena is the best cook for sure on the vegetables she makes them nice and roasty and what kind of uh kind of wild is that they have this you know the ventilation here if you've seen the video okay they do have a window i take that back look at this ah an absolute killer window which as you can see just lets all the smoke out so there's no smoke in here whatsoever let's investigate this hot tun this is where they they have the goats oh there's don jr what's he doing in here now it's dangerous all right well this is the team champion she makes the absolute best team in the whole village [Music] the best team i think it's a little too dark in here i'm sorry about the flesh or else this one wouldn't see anything it'll just be a couple of minutes so here's the tea and our i love our tea kettle classic as you can see just just goats and chickens eating all the scraps this is oh you want me to film up here too yeah all right wait wait can i you give me that one i'm gonna no no the the flashlight that one yeah okay [Laughter] now we can see what's going on in here that's how you think oh that's how you give me a cup it's not clean all right let's do a little investigation and over the fire let's see here oh they're eating the old garlic daddy yeah you have the pot is the best part of the valley the old crackery part so there you have one bed how many people sleep on this bed um usually it's only my baby my little sister and her baby on his bed but now there are a few more of them because mom just came home so there's three and a half there's three over there yeah are you sleeping over there yeah that's your bed selena and then there's a couple more people sleeping over here yeah some of the kids sleep over there i see oh there's a kid on your back actually she's she's caring she's carrying one right now okay so let's try this so this is basically um like if the women are not outside making you know doing other chores like fetching like fetching water they tend to be in here like cooking tea or making like the women do all the cooking no a man would not do any cooking at all the men did not do any cooking and especially the warriors the warrior class are definitely not even allowed to like how sweet all right yeah i'm gonna wear my antenna shoes then yes oh that's the tea okay all right so that was uh that was the little tour of um this is where i thought we were going to cook that was a little tour and we are going to have this tea and i'm going to turn off my flash and stop annoying everyone because there's always news this is what it's like so we're having this this conversation like when when they talk to amy in in what language are you speaking about yeah then i interrupt and then when this is life did this fire every time i've been in here basically this fire is uh is running strong and it's always cozy inside and it's always warm it's really cold outside right now and even without the fire it's warm but when it's hot outside during the day it's cool inside of the mud yes so she she built this herself she she is the one who built this home pretty cool construction i mean it looks looks uh i think it's the ceiling here is a bit higher than in my hut thank you for the hospitality i'm gonna turn off my flash now we are gonna we are gonna enjoy the tea and then later we're gonna do uh let's talk about about let me know so much about life here in the village because you've been living here for a couple of years or is it what is it three years or something like yeah yeah i don't know four years but now i've been like the last like year and a half yeah yeah so now really in total okay it's now hold on it is hold on it's just okay it's now just seven o'clock just leaving salinas hot uh and as you can see you you you see absolutely nothing it is so dark but i know my way wow has someone been into town to buy chocolate i'm going to go see the cows good night [Music] so it's kind of hold on no it's not it's not this path it's this way so i kind of know my um i obviously know the way to to my hut from there because that's where we drink tea and so on and usually that's the last place we hang out before i go and call it the night right over here next to the cows hold on i ah i should wear my just stepping in cow i really should wear hey that sounds like mango hey is it mango hey what are you doing out oh i'm gonna go do some milking on the cow yeah hello hello how are you i'm great yeah i can't wait to make a mango t-shirt yes i'm gonna make a t-shirt with uh with uh with your face and saying it's goat o'clock yes will you guys be interested in that [Laughter] i want to see them they're milking the cow right yes okay let's go see let's go yes oh this one so where's the milking oh here we go let's see who is the milker oh there we go so they're milking in the morning and at night in the night yeah yes now the car's just coming home here we go let's turn on the wide angle oh that's better there we go look at that a lot of milk fresh milk but mango doesn't like milk mango likes goat blood [Laughter] as you guys know if you've seen my video all right i'm gonna go and do some cooking oh look at this is that the bull yeah well as you guys see it's kind of it's too dark to film outside so we're gonna let's go over and and uh do the cooking class see you later mango see you have a good day good night good night we are back with mama salute thank you so much mother her with love she's my absolute favorite if we're allowed to do my favorite she's been my best friend for years now but really my sister-in-law she is known in our like all of our village and especially the boma she's basically the best of everything her house is so incredibly built it's so tiny it does look so tidy and amazing yeah she keeps things in order she's known as the clever one that's kind of her nickname it's the clever one okay before it gets too smoky can i jump back there so we can get a little look at her setup that's how she cooks can i jump back there no no no no okay so she has a really great setup here so her fire she just put in okay so this is ground maze flower or corn right so this is um normally would come from our farm if it was the farming season but our corn isn't ready for harvest yet right so we had to supplement this by buying this in town and then they take it to a machine because you buy the whole mangoes trying to get everyone's attention in the background mango we're trying to cook here [Music] okay so they have to buy the whole corn um and the off the not harvest season and they take it to a machine in town depending on electricity and get it ground up right and then the floor this is the end product this is the end product right so this is just basically corn flour something similar compared to is maybe polenta although they cook it a bit different so he's she's now started to throw in a little bit of flour the water that she went to go gather with you she's adding here and she's just going to slowly cook on the fire did you hear that my water i contribute just in case people didn't hey mango's laughing like that's not true silence [Laughter] mango's eyes um so you'll see pretty quickly here okay you think oh it's just a nice soup she's slowly putting in the flour you're gonna see this is one of the most labor-intensive foods ever i think sincerely to make um and mama lou is nine months pregnant and she's still going acting any day now affecting any day what what does she want does she want another does she want a son does she want i'm a dedicated cameraman you don't hear me complaining okay herald is going to move because i'm choking on the fire boy try not to catch on fire and our oh hold on it's an emotional moment [Laughter] so here's the thing they live like this and they're so used to this smoke they're used to the darkness they don't even really need all the electricity to see you their eyes can work way better than ours in the dark mango is talking so much all right mango what do you want to share something with the world all right i'll come over here a little bit there we go so if she added it's looking more like a like a looking thicker now yeah this is a stick that you might have seen at the goat party that they used to help make the natural medicine yeah i don't know if you said the men do this like uh kind of motion here where they were mixing all of that the roots and the livers yeah he was the master at that yeah we put so many cool things and it's a soup the goat's fat soup yeah that was his creation and then he forced me to drink two liters of goat fat [Laughter] i felt amazing no i like i like the food but the goat the goat fat was a bit too too much for me my joints have felt exceptionally strong these past couple of days i think there's something to it yeah oh wow here we go here we go it's starting so she would normally cook this like three times a day um earlier and here's the thing like we i don't remember who we asked about this but i said so they eat this is they eat this uh three three times a day and i asked i can't remember who it was last night my best one of my best friends yeah i said like so if you could have any meal in the world like we're talking and he's tried pizza pasta and i even i even offered him a double whopper and you know what he said he would he would choose ugali which is which is this so this is going to be the best ugali i've ever had you know what the the key to a great ugali is a strong fire and i'm sensing some weakness from below this kettle so i'm just going to get it i'm just going to make sure that we build up the flames okay and here we can go you're already sweating so we know there's work being done [Music] yes around and then you have to wipe it off the spoon put it back in we can't waste anything hold on oh god go back okay i think oh no i lost something just cooked too what is she trying to do she was just she's trying to hold it ah so i don't mess up our meal the whole village depends on this moment no no no no no no no no oh oh [Laughter] are we going in again yeah okay mango is ready yes hold on yeah the smoke i think you can even you can even see it like coming out here this is uh this was my hut i would have built a chimney but i asked about that and they said they don't like chimneys so okay uh we're going in okay let's go for it the other thing is anyone here how are you just sitting here oh you're next to the window you're cheating no i'm used to it so mama salute is getting ready to give birth and she'll give birth right in this hut here on this bed yeah so they do they give you they don't go somewhere no of course always at home and then you can see that she has all of her of course organized water she does she has some serious federal research because she'll need it for labor and delivery and then all the women will come here and help with her delivery i see we basically have midwives you guys might recognize these yep that was heraldo's work it's it's just about close it down yeah it's done now she's gonna grab it with her shoes actually okay all right i'm watching she flips it around oh nice and then it'll stay there and then the edges will burn and hopefully we'll get those garlic chips that everybody loves the crispy sides yep crispy sides exactly wow so this was the third time today she's done this well i cooked it for her in the morning ah um and then in the afternoon i don't know she cooked or maria cooked but at least second time i see yep okay i'm gonna i'm gonna bring the light over there then so we can you can guys can see us eat how to eat ugali this is mango is the greatest teacher yeah because he knows that even though even though he tells me the same word like a hundred times in one day and i still don't know because my memory is fried for some reason he'll still tell me a hundred and first time yeah he never gives up ah this is eunga yes yes ask me ask me again in one minute and i won't know what [Laughter] how do you say uh chef like right now see c is the chef she's cooking okay so i think rumor is spread that you know there's a new white master chef in town and you've got impeccable skills in the kitchen so i think that's why they're all you see lining up here now to taste my ugali yeah even though it's really more earth but okay we'll call it my valley so now it's settling over there it's kind of yes it's cooling down it's too hot now the what the uh is that the best leaves this is one of the best leaves for sure for all the good things oh they are good i think i just discovered those today yeah no i've shown you before i think that's one of the best and then there's another one that's here all year so we're now migrating from the hot we cooked the food in over to where the hot we started in and i just passed by my favorite bush from a side tissue to help clean everything oh there he is keep in mind yeah no no paper out here so leaves are everything these are everything and they do another thing you'll you'll notice is that they eat separately here men don't men don't eat with uh with women you know women do the cooking and then when the women are done cooking mango will tell them can you please vacate the premises actually he probably doesn't even have to tell him um they're actually just they know kind of that they don't need in front that the men don't eat in front of them so they will just leave but uh if they don't leave yeah mango will kind of yeah he will enforce uh and finally he'll tell them to get out of there let's go so now but amy is kind of exempt because she's a westerner she's a lot where she's allowed to eat with us men really yeah we're going to eat right yes all right let's go let's go [Music] the goats are still here [Music] and the goats are still here you see that burping sound you heard that's actually music in these hair parts [Music] is that your favorite song yeah that's messing music yeah was that his favorite there's people crashing all over the place here so notice that no one's gonna start eating before hey kitty hey we've been trying to tame this one but she's so shy i just found a mouse in my house so i really do need her i really am trying to tame her keep the snakes and the mice out if you have a mice you have a snake yeah yeah if you're nice i found that out the hard way the hard way yesterday so this is the vegetable mix that you mix with the ugali eating with the ugali right yes and you'll see yeah mango will show us how we eat i asked him what is the coolest name in the world and i mean he had no doubt in his mind he said like a mutu it's just the greatest name the cat's name now is emutu there she is [Music] you see she likes that yeah okay there we go beautiful gourds with the nice beans that's uh is that fresh milk shower shower oh shower you can close your hands i wash my hands like that all right ah i'm kind of filming that's okay yeah whatever you need okay so so in this culture you uh you um yeah the left hand you don't eat with the left hand so i'm gonna breach etiquette right now that was great great yeah it's finished it's so clean now look it's basically it's actually browner now than before that water but okay when in rome so there's what was her name the woman we went to her house where's your table manners what you could have all right [Laughter] yeah then the fresh vegetables here okay yep so fresh milk all right hey hey let's so that that's the fresh milk with some black spots in it i'm not quite sure what that is let's put it here i just made it all right mango is doing the same yes yeah yeah yeah let me tell you this is my size this is my size compared to the warriors if you want to get really crafty you can make a little ball and then push a little thumb in it so it's like a spoon and then you get yours and then you dip it into this well this is just some wild vegetables wild which one did we make them both right now did we this was older but this is the one that was made now oh this was made now yes all right gotta try my own ugali yes yeah all right i've never never been able to make that that coveted spoon that emily just showed us um but uh so i just i do this we have a little ball i dip it i dip it in the burger in the poga and then we're good to go and then mozilla and then some milk to wash it down it is still one all right i must say this was probably the best bugali ever made obviously because i made it um so um i'm just joking ugali tastes the same every day regardless i'm amazed that people never get bored of it and it is their favorite yeah hold on is mango still filming oh yes yes well that's awesome let's put it on there yeah this is you eat like this you you eat like a woman i eat like a woman yeah yeah this is the greatest compliment i've had since someone said i look like a cow outside of day one okay i'm gonna have to take a page from his book then and eat like a man um okay i'm gonna get a proper portion hold on like that like that do it do it like that yeah yeah yeah okay now i'm a real man yeah how are we gonna get this in mind how to get english approval here yeah you got it yeah okay let's do it yeah to help wash it down there that the milk yeah you have to have the milk in the left hand yes okay in the right milk first yeah yeah and then pop i'm going to put all of this in my mouth yes okay [Laughter] it's called eating like a real man yeah there we go when you feel yeah you know what it is yeah that was the only problem the blood was taped next time i'll do much better she's back okay so now that i'm eating like a real man let's see if um mutu likes the ugali look at this look at that they're like he doesn't want to eat it he doesn't want to eat it behind me i'm gonna be signing off right now and then we're gonna see you outside when the meal is over all right mango signing off yes bye bye [Laughter] okay turn around maybe they're so sweet baby cows are so sweet so we're just waking up here in the bush i yeah you ordered the motorbike taxi yeah this is my last day here i'm gonna leave emily's gonna stick around here and uh i'm trying to convince her to kind of continue you know with youtube or instagram i know you've done tick tock before yeah i mean life is very interesting i mean there's so many things that i didn't capture so many things i didn't have time to do but that you could showcase on your channel yeah a lot of special things about culture in our life here and you also have a lot of products going on here yep i mean she is trying to grow the economy here as you can see it's growing from a very low base but you've um you raised some funds for some machinery you're continuing to raise funds so uh the next time i visit i think this place will be booming there will be skyscrapers right yeah the machines we're talking about are kind of what we showed you with mama sulu a sweet wonderful clever mama salute um that maze flower the machines they have to go walk about an eight hour round trip um feet to get there with the donkeys or carrying it on their head uh the maize the corn staple to grind it all up and then if they get to town and there's no electricity then they've lost all their time and then we can't eat that day if there's nothing to grind with so we're hoping to buy these machines you're going to get that hair so that saves a lot of time and labor that they can spend on doing other things run on diesel so we don't have to worry about electricity because as we're out here in the bush our electricity is usually either from the sun or from oil yeah yeah and that will be income source for other villages around here other bull mars that will come here and grind their maze and so on definitely yes i'm looking forward to coming back here thank you so much for having me we hope to show you guys more next time he comes back oh okay signing off from this hi guys slash water fetching video whatever this was a lot the porn fighting camera around as well show the camera bye bye signing off yeah
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 542,506
Rating: 4.9348259 out of 5
Keywords: Masai Women, Women in Tanzania, Tribal Masai Culture, Masai Culture, Cooking with Masai Women, Ugali Food of Masai
Id: SkhK4tfkyKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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