$40 Angus Burger Athens 🇬🇷

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it's time i do a food challenge i've never done that before so therefore i've come to the most famous hamburger restaurants in all of athens i already told them i'm gonna film it so they're mighty excited for me to go there and order my burger but they do an eight beef patty burger here which supposedly no man has ever finished before so i've been starving myself for a whole day to attempt what they call here the brave the brave one's grandfather let me go and ask him about that name hold on oh table falling apart before i even got up here i'm ready to order i am gonna i'm gonna go for this one the brave one's grandfather who am i ordering with everyone everyone's running away when the camera is rolling so who wants to take the order this man alexis can you explain to me what's going on here no i don't know you don't know why do you call this bear burger the brave one well no one wants to take my order then it's going to have to be you can you know the brave one is the smallest figure in this line and this because it's far more bigger than the brave one we call it the father of okay this is the father of the brave one this is the grandfather of the brave one and this is the three it's even more bigger than the brain it's the biggest hamburger you have yes and nobody has beat it before nobody ever won beat this hamburger maybe i'll be the first one i thought okay so it's 34 euros okay i will try one of those please and also maybe a coke zero with some ice yeah yes you got to watch the calories so how many calories is this one approximately i don't know exactly but for sure up to one thousand up to one thousand there's gotta be more than that oh this waitress you said who loves to be on camera i thought you were gonna take my order but i'm almost finished ordering now okay so so i'm going for this one and then uh at least two or three coke cereals with some ice please okay okay how long does it take 15 minutes okay i'll sit down then and wait for it and wait for the mega burger okay see you guys soon whilst i'm waiting here for my hamburger i'm just going to tell you what happened there so this is why generally when you rock up to a place and you tell them you're going to film then people start to act to be shy a bit differently so i told them listen i want to i want to try that to make a hamburger and break the record and so on and then the cashier said listen my friend really want to be on video like she wasn't too excited about being on on film she will try she said and so on and then when i come with the camera they're all kind of like he do it she do it i mean but you know all right it is what it is next scene the burger will be here and it will be taller than me okay so i'm here at barber queue so you ride barbecue in um in in greek and my burger is about to arrive they just announced it from the kitchen maybe i'll go in here and that's it whoa what a monster impossible all right i'll be outside very shy here with the camera i think they like it better when i sit out here and mind my own business no kitchen invasions oh wow that is crazy that is the biggest hamburger i ever seen can you help me take a photo here just with that angle maybe from here whoa okay like that okay you got it okay thank you all right um this restaurant is also filling up as you can see there's other other customers here so i guess i'm just gonna have to sit here boy my hamburger even have spectators from from over there in the street i'm just gonna sit here and talk to you guys and then try and finish this monstrosity of a burger after i go for a last thumbnail there we go exactly how i'm going to eat this thing i haven't thought about that but they have wow so i mean once i start i mean this thing is just gonna gonna collapse when i start when i start uh dismantling it i'm gonna have to go one padding at a time i think i'll ask him i'll eat this they need some help how should i try to eat this let's be tribe it is english let's see let's hope it doesn't collapse what one i guess we'll keep one in for good measure oh here's what we'll do we'll start with this if you're wondering what i've done oh wow there's even egg on here egg and bacon if you're wondering what i've done today to prepare for this meal it was to start the day at 8 o'clock with not eating anything now that may have been the wrong tactic we'll see because i actually don't even feel that hungry right now let's finish this bread first so i feel that i've accomplished something and asking for one more call you guys want to help me i'm sure you can oh okay she believes in me i can't help you but i'm gonna try my okay yes i'm making a youtube video about the hamburger so great hopefully i'll win yes thanks whoa yeah so let me see it right now when i'm starting it's um 6 45. exactly how long i'm going to give this a go for i haven't decided but the florence take which was 1.6 kilos i sat there for at least an hour or maybe two so we'll see till it gets dark and they kick me out of here am i filming yes i am [Music] there's two things i hate when filming one is to talk in restaurants when i'm vlogging second is to talk when i'm stuffing my face with food so today you'll see me do both lucky you huh now how are we going to dismantle the huh it comes right off it was very hot i was going to take off the egg but i guess i will be cheating it's beautiful can i have another coke please this is angus beef hmm there's no way to eat this nicely anyway i haven't told you guys yet about what it's like here traveling in greece those are new restrictions imposed today now you have to wear a mask every time you're inside somewhere but up until today it's actually been pretty relaxed and you don't feel like there's a a mexican beer play going on at all so but also you're still asking do i recommend coming here this summer yeah i do hmm [Music] i feel so much full already most people here they order a double burger this is ridiculous well thank you let me concentrate on eating well actually when i turn off the camera to eat a lot of you say that you know why do i do that you like to see me munch down on food i find it disgusting to watch other people munch down on food but you know who am i to judge maybe i should just let the camera roll and then if you want to fast forward to see how much i or how long this took me you know you're welcome to do so at least the headache is starting to go away about the french fries here i told them i don't need the french fries but the response was by company policy they have to give me the french fries i said i'm not gonna eat it and they said well that's fine but we have to give it to you maybe that's a better angle nice good whoa that was one unbelievable just one meat heats like i had a double whopper meal hello what did i get myself into [Music] well i'm in it now okay the next one at least doesn't have egg on top of it just cheese and bacon there we go must have been a thousand calories in already 12 minutes in wait yeah i don't know what it is about a hamburger that just fills me up so much faster than the florentine steak i could just sit there and eat and eat and eat i don't know what it is with um with a hamburger it just makes me feel full uh so this place is about there's four of these all over athens but this one is um i can tell the story about the cab drive it tried to rip me off coming here it's about maybe 10 minutes but actually from downtown area where i live and i knew i noticed it was sketchy right away the cab driver when i jumped into the car i didn't want to go with him but whatever it was hot i also didn't want to be sweating around searching for a taxi before i got here so got into his car now there's a rule here every cab driver very strict about the mask so i put on my mask he didn't put on his mask and he was smoking in the car when we pulled up right here in the driveway i asked him how much and he said 12 euros i said what was your mean to say and this meter wasn't on so hold on one more and he said come on my friend it's 12 euros i said hell no he's not i took up my mask and i said i'm not paying you now then i said i'll put up my camera instead and i'll show that you are not wearing a mask and you're trying to rip off tourists then he said oh come on 10 euros well it probably would be something like five or six but whatever sometimes i don't like to argue with uh with cab drivers but it is the first probably the first like um iffy not uncomfortable uncomfortable but you know um crappy cab driver experience i've had here everyone else i've been have been uh i've been cool whoa struggled maybe i'll try some of this 15 minutes to test since i started recording probably done probably took me two three minutes before i started eating so wow barely 10 minutes of eating and already feel ridiculously full i think that's why most people go for the two beef patties because that's that's huge that's enough well since it is just me and me and you then i can talk about my other plans here for for greece oh doggy tomorrow i'm going to an island so we'll see how that pans out i'm not going back to crete i'm going to another one so hopefully hopefully some um some other tourist there and some life then after that i think i'm gonna i'm gonna go to sparta i might also go to delphi i just haven't quite figured out the order of of things and how i'm gonna how i'm gonna do the touring if i'm gonna go by motorbike or rent a car or but i have plenty of videos planned here just i'm waiting for accessories to arrive struggling when those accessories arrive it's been a shipping delay that's why i haven't been filming then i'm good to go i'm ashamed the fact that i'm full already hmm getting the beef sweats [Music] hmm and think about meat like this it's the opposite of the florentine steak the t-bone steak you want more of it like i like even said during that video you want more and more in your mouth this type of hamburger meat or beef i just get my tongue and taste buds get more get sick of it before my stomach boy nothing wrong with the burger but it's strange it's different than eating a on a t-bone whoa it's been quite a workout or all right number three it's still still hot here in the middle [Music] at least there's no egg on each um like on each one there's no egg on top not too excited about this hold on let me get a grip on this all right i'm getting down there are you impressed how am i doing okay the english is so so so they're not too excited to talk um on camera i find though here in here in athens and on crete everyone speaks actually pretty good english many many much better than me but even his english is fine it's just a little shy of course when when the camera is on too i understand then people become more self-conscious about their pronunciation of foreign language i wonder if there's some ketchup or something here with ketchup i can i don't know this thing was kind of up to here though i think um do you have any ketchup ketchup tomato sauce yes something like that yeah yeah i'm gonna have to cheat i'm okay i do get recognized here from time to time people have seen the olympiacos video nice oh man come on christian soldier do it for constantine constantine the 11th i'm not too big a fan of the original constantine constantine the great so to i'm speak i agree with how he uh crushed thank you you know crush the indigenous religions you know outlawing the oracle of delphi and all those things which still persisted up until what was it then 380 something 313 or something 80. much bigger fan of constantine the 11. he was dealt a harsh hand and basically his whole life was just built up to uh going down with the last prestigious of the empire his ketchup was good i'm struggling oh 24 minutes in what a burger what a burger some french fry just for a variety of tastes i'm drunk on hamburger even forgetting to move the camera around today actually whoa come on concentrate chewing filming i'm afraid my days as a competitive eater are over before they've even begun ramming speed i should have brought someone along for emotional support someone could sit here and just tear me on you can do it nikki huh you're spying at me i'm fine i don't i think they have no faith in me finishing this burger i must say my faith isn't the strongest eater cheers what the most challenging video i've ever made you guys have seen me do some crazy [ __ ] but this is the craziest fogus is this what you call a mukbang video or something another another coke please folks here reinforcements i'm trying to come up with ways to motivate myself to to go for another one hmm what now thank you three five more there will be no help i'm like leonidas at thermopylae no one's coming it's funny though here's the proof that i actually am not full i can eat this french fries no problem it's just a taste of the the meat in my mouth i would have thought you can get tired of meat in your mouth that's not very progressive okay it's now um almost 15 13 minutes past seven didn't i say that i started like a quarter two or something i've been eating for 30 minutes though i feel disgusting there's food everywhere burgers in my teeth it's the first and only video like this i'm making so for those of you who are watching this sickening video so one off i'm gonna eat like this again of course that is until i venture into a place that has a 10 patty burger and then yeah i feel compelled to take the challenge it's still hot i'm amazed how hot it is whoa oh we're getting there let hi try and motivate myself with some french fries make some space in the stomach and moving around here's the thing about europe though and i hear you some of you like you know when you're gonna film in india or sri lanka or something you know because if this was in not europe but anywhere else people around me would be joking and laughing and you know egging me on when it comes to the hamburger but as you can see now everyone is kind of finding their own business so understandable it's what we do in europe but a challenge like this would be very funny in india it would be people cheering me on around the table oh man pretty much the last thing i want to do in the whole world now is to eat another one of these but i didn't come here too to lay down and give up now did i just give me a moment getting emotional okay hmm i guess you haven't seen me make that face since i had that scorpion at that market um not quite at that level yet but getting there 36 minutes in come on french fries give me strength i feel like if i could just change my tongue i could continue it's just my mouth is saying no my mouth does not want any more meat in it it says no more beef everyone else are finished with their meals not this spartan well i actually do feel drunk on beef okay hmm okay this trying to put on the brave face here for them the audience everyone not just to stop the people there tim seems to keep keeping tabs on my progression with this hamburger they're all just waiting for me to throw in the towel hmm hmm we got this 40-minute food video jesus christ come on french fries give me strength french fries they're still going down so hmm bye bye guys thank you thanks for the emotional support i think i caught my second wind now locals are finally cheering me on oh sorry one more oh man i actually feel dizzy i need my uh i'm using my um elbow for support hey fly get out of there who sent you mr red ham commander up to use again folks never coming i think there the staff are conspiring against me trying to defeat me they know that i cannot go on without another coke zero i'm trying yeah i'm getting there though yeah i see that what did you guys have what did you guys have a smaller person okay thank you so much i appreciate the support oh the locals are on my side now i can't give up now whoa the battery is going to give in before me wow they're not giving me a coke zero though wow hey where's my coke zero one poke zero please yes yes i'm conspiring against me treachery runs deep come on come on thank you can i have some ice too use the new glass it's so dirty yeah i feel bad for him having to touch that glass which i've been drinking from with these fingers i think i've actually felt like this i feel like i'm having a burger hangover it shouldn't be possible it's just you and me buddy oh thank you hmm my pipes are just getting smaller and smaller just one more [Music] come on i give up okay it was a valiant attempt so i was able there's four left i was able to let's say i had okay so i had three and a half this is a hot so let me clean up and let's talk to the staff i'm in the toilet i'm amazed at how cleanly i managed to devour that thing anyway i feel ill i just have to get out of here before i floor it so let's just go and pay up and then we'll i'll have a chat outside i give up finish yeah i cannot i did i didn't try though it's only perfect under the burger oh really you're not impressed have you tried it before no no uh do you think you could eat more than me kind of the same maybe a little bit a little lower a little bit lower oh wow it was very good but man that's the biggest hamburger i've ever seen that was crazy it was good though it was very good it was very good it's angus beef here is it or yeah okay so if you guys want to come here to you have four different ones in athens restaurants three okay laundry bbq yes and this is location is the location is here if anyone wants it i see but if they if they type in barbecue in greek you'll find it okay maybe barbecue in english too i mean it's a famous place many people know about this right okay what's my bill what's the damage 42 euros and 30 all right all right there we go thank you so much a little bit extra for you helping me out it's very much no it's good you're helping me out with the video thank you very much enjoy thank you guys i'll i'll come back and i'll show you uh it's probably not the best video because it's just me sitting there failing against the hamburger um harold i showed him before yeah yeah okay guys let's finish this coke zero and get out of here before i before i fall ill so thank you guys bye bye bye bye whoa okay i highly if you do go there try to go for the double the double i'm just checking do i have everything man i'm not feeling 100 not that i normally feel 100 but i mean now i'm feeling i don't know i feel 53 point percent oh man what's it going to say oh yeah if you do go there something on my lens if you do go there go away even one oh man even one am i filming yeah even one um beef burger is still bigger than a double whopper with bacon and cheese so let's walk let's walk it off so yeah highly recommend that place but uh no need to uh uh let's try to hit the cab no need to go all out like i did with eight beef patties but uh okay i guess we're uh we're signing off i'm gonna try and catch a cab from here there's one coming there see you ah there we go i need to put uh oh hold up damn i'm stumbling here i am drunk on beef hello city center i'll find it for you on the map oh this is nice for corona so is this the city center too is this considered city center too this spot yeah it's a hold on we'll see it's not far away it's about four or five kilometers okay okay i'll find where i'm going do you know the mcdonald's you can see that well yeah that's probably it it's close to close to national garden yes from there from the downside yeah you said syntagma okay all right how um just just uh out of curiosity how how much normally from here to there it depends from the traffic about five six euros five six euros yeah a lot of traffic let's say seven yeah but it's never it's never like 12. only the the night about the night because the knife is about 75 sure but when i came here now but when i came here now one hour ago the man he did not want to use meter no mask no meter and he said 12 euro oh you didn't tell me before i arrived here oh there's a solution this is an application for your mobile and the other if you don't like application is mobile phones where you can call you are from european union your country's european union yeah like that all right some good advice thank you hi is it okay if i pass out here i'm drunk from hamburger i'm joking with you i'm joking all right signing off whatever you need it's a kind of uh mall of electronics and a bookstore good place for the top you can drink your coffee it has a good view oh nice well mcdonald is here but let me find a way to approach you yeah it doesn't matter i can just walk from here too no you cannot just get down here i just need my bed here they want to make a kind of uh street that go for walking the people but it's not impossible like a walking street let me leave you somewhere here all right what's the total five viewers okay that's better there we go thank you that's okay thank you so much bye-bye oh nice bike all right i feel let's check i have everything i feel am i filming yeah i just need to be i don't feel like ill ill just not feel like um walking around sitting up or even doing anything other than just lying down in the pool for example or in my bed i think that's what i'm gonna do not far now okay now we're signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 1,346,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greek Street Food, Angus Burger Athens, greek hamburger, BBQ burger Athens, Biggest hamburger
Id: JpI4UrDAkfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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