Mary Welcomes You with Open Arms Part 1 | Father Chris Alar, MIC | Marian Congress

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hello my dear brothers and sisters in christ my name is celina mary or palike president of international consecrated marian society i welcome you today to our third annual marian congress in the diocese of saint petersburg florida i am honored and privileged to present to you our keynote speaker this year father chris allah mic farah chris allah is a priest with the marian fathers of the immaculate conception farah chris received a bachelor of science in industrial engineering and a master of business administration from the university of michigan after working as an engineering manager at a large automotive supplier in detroit he began his own consulting firm in charlotte north carolina in 2000 answering the lord's call fada chris attended franciscan university of steubenville in ohio for his philosophy studies dominican house of studies in washington d.c for his theology studies and he earned his masters of divinity degree from holy apostles seminary in cromwell father chris wrote and produced a popular divine messy 101 and explaining the faith the dvd series and is the author of the best-selling book after suicide there is hope for them and for you he is a regular host and guest on ewtn and he also hosts the online divine messy matters series at divine messy he serves as the director of the association of marian helpers and is the head of mariam press located on the grounds of the national shrine of the divine mercy in stockbridge massachusetts thank you for joining us today i hope you enjoy his presentation on team for this year mary welcomes you with open arms thank you hi i'm father chris aylar from the national shrine of the divine mercy and we welcome you to this very special conference the marian congress of saint petersburg florida a great diocese and i welcome you as mary welcomes us with open arms which is the theme of this conference i'm one of the mirians of the immaculate conception here in stockbridge massachusetts so as you know we are focused on mary along with divine mercy the two spiritual weapons of our times and so today we're going to do two talks this first one is going to be mary and her role in our faith as you saw on that title side which is very important for us and so welcome again as we explore this important gift that god gave to us in mother mary okay now since mary is the mother of jesus she is also the mother of the church why because christ's body is the church so she's mother of jesus and the body of jesus is the church she's also the mother of the church now since we make up the church it's clear that she's the mother of us also and from the cross jesus says behold your mother so he's giving her to us as a mother now speaking of this theme of church we know that there's no salvation outside of jesus right and and we just said jesus body is the church so we also need the church for salvation but to be a full member of that church that we need for salvation we need the church's mother and that's where we began this quick talk our just a second ago is by explaining she's the mother of the church so we need her if you use logic for salvation because we need the church for salvation that means we need the mother of the church as well so jesus gave us the church and the mother of the church mary to get us to heaven it's a gift basically our faith teaches us to jesus through mary not instead but through her not instead of jesus that we go to mary you know jesus is the one way to the father there is only one way jesus is the mediator but mary can help us get to that one mediator yes jesus is the way to the father but mary is the way to get us to jesus and so this is the beauty of this gift now i want to start with a quick video that's just a couple minutes long and i always give a warning that this guy talks maybe even faster than i do but he has some great points about mary so let us take a listen to this couple minute video what do catholics believe about mary why do catholics treat mary so highly why do they put so much emphasis on mary why do they go around and say hail mary hail mary all the time isn't that against the bible we're going to be talking about that in two minutes right after this catholics love mary just as jesus did and we honor her highly and why because god did god was the first one to honor mary by raising her up to be the mother of the most high son of god the second person of the holy trinity the eternal one himself she was going to be his mother the only one on earth in history to have this honor and god says in scripture all through the old testament that we must honor those who he honors and so we just follow god's example by honoring mary as he did he was the one who raised her up in fact in luke 142 elizabeth inspired by the holy spirit cries out to mary and says blessed are you among all women blessed are you and blessed is the fruit of your womb i mean we say that in the prayer of the hail mary but she's blessing mary and we bless mary as well in return in fact in luke 1 48 all generations it says shall call mary blessed catholics just follow the example of the bible and if you want to see an actual conversation i had with two bible christians on the street corner about this topic check it out up there but the bottom line is that mary is blessed we know that she's not god we know she's just a creature and without god she's nothing nothing at all without god here's the way catholics see it imagine if you go to a museum and you see the most beautiful picture the most beautiful work of art you've ever seen in your whole entire life and you just can't stop looking at it everyone's crowding around it they're all complimenting different parts of it and then all of a sudden the artist who painted it comes up from behind do you just look at the artist and say oh oh hi how you doing no you'd be like you painted this everyone would flock to the artist wanting to shake his hand wanting to get an autograph how did you do it how long did it spend you are magnificent your work of art is amazing they praise the artist now of course they're looking at the painting and they're honoring it and they're remarking about how wonderful it is but once they see the artist all praise goes to the artist now mary's wonderful god made her so beautiful and obedient and humble and a great woman of faith and we respect and honor her for that but we give all praise and all glory and all honor to god because he's the one who made her he's the one who sustains her he's the one who does all that in her and we praise him through the work that he made you know so as that video said that god honored mary above all creatures so why can't we and the answer is we should it's honor does not mean worship of obviously as you know now if you could make your mother perfect now god is the only one who had the ability to make his own mother none of us ever has or will again but he did and so we really have to think as father don calloway says if you could make your own mother perfect wouldn't you and the answer is obviously yes but honoring her is not worshipping her remember jesus is the goal mary is the guide it's kind of like mount everest you know many many people have climbed mount everest or at least tried but almost none have done it without a guide and so this is what is so important that we realize that she's not our focus in terms of an end goal jesus is but as that gps that can get us on the right road she is helpful now let's take a look at our next slide this is the famous scene or the picture as we know of the feet stepping on the serpent right now this is what's interesting this is genesis right but the question is who crushes the head of the serpent now there's different biblical translations but in some translations like the dewey reams it says she will crush the head of the serpent she so who else could that be other than mary it makes sense for it to be mary because in one essence and i always ask my seventh grade catechism class this i always ask them guys who does satan fear more god or mary and everybody understandably so says god and it would make sense right but actually satan actually fears mary more according to some of the saints and even current theologians like monsignor leon christiani points this out now i want to show and tell a little story that i think will help illustrate this point of how or why jesus or excuse me um satan would actually fear mary more let's take a look at our next slide now here is i was a wrestler now here's uh a photograph and i started wrestling back in third grade okay as i was growing up and um i became pretty good i got into high school and wrestling became pretty much my whole focus all right it was my best sport and it became my main focus now what is interesting is when i got into high school i got pretty good and when i was a senior i had to wrestle i actually had a similar story as in my junior year with the national champion here in the u.s but i want to tell the story of when i was a senior they picked an all-star team in the state of michigan to wrestle the japanese national championship team coming over on a visit from japan now at the time i drew a japanese wrestler who was 169 and zero that was his record and nobody expected me to beat this guy and my coach and my father who never said to me good job after losing a match actually said to me after the match because it was a close match i did lose but only four to two so and in many ways i look back i could have won that match if i would have been a little bit less hesitant and i didn't try some things that i normally should have tried and i lost four to two but both my coach and my father said good job now i want to flash back back to when i was in fourth grade no offense to the ladies they're in the wonderful diocese of st petersburg but when i was in fourth grade there was one time where i had to wrestle a girl and now as we were waiting in line to draw a mat because you had to wait in line with your your your wrestler partner that you were going to wrestle until the mat opened up so we're standing next to each other i'm in fourth grade standing next to this girl and this girl starts mouthing off about all the matches she's won and how many victories she has and i started to get a little nervous and i'm only my second year wrestling and she starts going on and on i won the dexter tournament in the hazel park tournament and i won this many matches and i have 20 some medals i won this trophy and all of a sudden as she's mouthing off and i'm not saying anything my dad who's standing next to me who was my coach is listening to this girl and as she's going i won this i won that he looks at this little girl now my dad's a vietnam veteran politically incorrect he is i guess i should say i support our troops but he was and he looked at this little girl and he said well honey you're not gonna win this one now needless to say i was scared to death why because i could lose to a good guy and not be humiliated like i was to the japanese national champion i wasn't supposed to beat him it was no shame but to lose to a little girl again no offense ladies but a fourth grade boy has too much pride you see in my pride i was petrified that if i lose this match my dad's going to disown me my friends are going to laugh me off of the playground i'm going to be a laughingstock it was my pride now luckily i won that match but i was never so afraid because if i was to lose i wasn't supposed to lose to a little girl now think back to satan if he loses to god kind of like the japanese national champion for me it he's god it doesn't it it's kind of understandable he knows this but to lose to a 15 year old jewish girl was more than he could handle why because of his pride that's why in a way satan fears mary even more than god it's crazy doesn't it sound crazy but it's true and many saints have said this and so we need her as an advocate you know later when i grew up and i was discerning my vocation i was living in north carolina and that was back in the days where i used to go to the barber shop now i cut my own hair and you can see it's probably lopsided but i went to the barber and i got to know the barber pretty good his name was billy and i remember being in the barber chair one day and i said to billy i said you know i've been discerning this vocation he kind of knew my story so the very last time i ever went to the barber shop in north carolina um he asked me if i was really going to do this become a catholic priest so i'm in the barber chair and i say to him yeah god willing uh i think i'm called you know i'm gonna see but i'm god willing i'm i'm gonna become a catholic priest and there's this older guy sitting in the barber chair next to me and he goes ah you're gonna spend your whole life praying a bunch of hail mary's in some monastery and i always laugh i always say with as much love as i could muster i looked back at this guy and i said well sir you must be a bible love and evangelical christian i mean i was in the south right and he said yeah and i said well sir can you tell me what the first chapter luke's about and he says about the birth of jesus and i said yeah i said but specifically verses 26 to 56 what does that talk about it says about the birth of jesus and i said yes but what else is in there i mean what is in that book that is interesting it's mary he's like oh there's nothing special i said okay what was it that made the child who was in the womb of elizabeth leap in elizabeth's womb and he said the presence of jesus now i remembered in the bible and i saw billy had a bible up on his shelf and i said billy hand me that bible and as i was flipping through and i was hoping it wasn't some protestant version where they took it out but i found it there it was and i said to him what what was it that caused the child to leap in the womb of elizabeth this was john the baptist and when he kept saying that it was the presence of jesus yes that's true but what does the bible say at the sound of mary's voice and i said to him the sir you say i'm going to pray a bunch of hail mary's in the monastery but the hail mary is in the bible you should be praying he's like what well yeah the angel comes and says hail full of grace hail mary full of grace then he says the lord is with you do not fear hail mary full of grace lord is with you then elizabeth later she goes to visit elizabeth this is still luke and elizabeth says calls her blessed she says she's just to her by calling her holy mary that's basically calling her blessed and then she says the child in her womb is blessed blessed is the fruit of your womb holy mary and then the mother of god how does she say mother of god because she says how is it that the mother of my lord should come to me she calls her holy then she says holy and then she says mother of god because she basically says how is it that the mother of my god should come to me holy mary mother of god and then in in this whole the fruit blessed is the fruit of your womb who's she talking about jesus now we can keep the same theme going because david also exclaimed fear and joy or with joy i should say the presence that he had before the ark of the old covenant this is very powerful he said how can the ark of the lord come to me this was second samuel 6 chapters chapter 6 verse 9. so basically elizabeth is referring to mary as the new ark of the covenant and john the baptist leapt in front of the ark of the new covenant like david danced in front of the ark of the old covenant scott han points out that the same word for lept is danced this is very very powerful so the old ark and the new ark we see the typology right david took the old ark into the hillside for three months mary the new ark went up into the hill country hillside of judea for three months to take care of elizabeth all right elizabeth basically lived at the same place that they believe theologians believe david took the ark up into that hill cut hillside of judea and he danced like i said just like the same word for lept in the womb was danced it was showing reverence and then mary says all generations will call me blessed so our question is if mary says in scripture all generations will call her blessed why can't we this is very important now mary has an important role let's look at this you know here's the side of the hail mary let's go back my next slide is the hail mary this is in the gospel of luke hail mary as i said full of grace the lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus right now holy mary she calls her mother of god now what about pray for whoa pray does not pray for us sinners now at the hour of our death that means worship no it doesn't jimmy akin great apologist catholic theologian makes it clear to pray does not mean to worship to pray to someone means to ask and so we're asking mary to intercede for us that's not worship all right now i want to go to the next slide because the next slide is a very powerful slide what's going on in this next slide all right this is in the davidic kingdom notice who's there the king and who's next to the king the queen now in the davidic kingdom who was the queen these kings had many wives hundreds of wives so who was the queen was it the first wife was it the smartest wife the prettiest wife the oldest wife the most recent wife who was the queen the queen was the mother this is who it was don't believe me first kings chapter 2 verse 19. this is who the queen was the queen was the mother and she had the function as the counselor she was to who the people went when they needed something she was the counselor to the king in regards to all matters this is the way it was in the divided kingdom why would jesus change that he comes from the line of david he's part of the davidic kingdom why would he change that if in the divinity kingdom the queen was the mother and she was the counselor to the king why would that change it didn't mary is the queen the mother and she is the counselor she goes to the king to intercede for the people this is very powerful all right so now i want to talk about something that most of us have forgotten but we have to believe as catholics and it's called the four marian dogmas do you remember your four marian dogmas you remember your catechism these are four things as catholics we must believe because they've been revealed to us right they've been revealed to us now these four marian dogmas let's start with our next slide the very first one that i'd like to talk about which mirian dogma is this mary the mother of god now when is the feast that we celebrate or the solemnity january 1st which completes the octave of the 8-day celebration of christmas why it's celebrated as one day because you can't separate mary from jesus you know all protestant fathers accepted calling mary the mother of god all of them martin luther john calvin zwingli they all did something has happened since the beginning of the protestant reformation that has thrown mary into the gutter off to the side and that's wrong see what's going on is we have to understand why we can call mary the mother of god now why well first of all she's not the mother of divinity she's the mother of jesus jesus is god therefore she's the mother of god now that's the easy explanation but i want to go into a little more detail and before you get upset with me i want to explain this all right first of all is jesus christ a human person and everybody says yes actually the answer is no and people are shocked when i say that jesus christ is defined as a divine person with a human nature and his divine nature all right he is defined in the catechism as one person two natures so i kind of tricked you jesus christ is one person that divine person that has two natures human and divine he's not a he's not a human person he has a human nature and there's a difference what do i mean all right we have in the trinity one god or three gods well everybody knows we have one god in the trinity we have one god but we have three persons in the trinity the father is one person the son is one person the holy spirit is one person now that's not three gods that's one god but three persons now the father is how many persons one the son is how many persons one say that again the son is how many persons one and the holy spirit is one person now the son has always been a divine person the father is divine the son's divine and the holy spirit's divine all three are divine persons they always have been and they always will be so if jesus christ was also a human person you'd have four persons in the trinity we don't have four persons in the trinity we have three father son and holy spirit all three are divine so wait a minute father what are you saying okay that divine person the second person of the trinity always had a divine nature now when that divine person came to earth and was born of a woman that one divine person that second person of the trinity already had a divine nature but when he came to earth he assumed a human nature now that's the hypostatic union one person two natures that one person the second person of the trinity came to earth and he already had a divine nature now he assumed a human nature so he's fully god and fully man in his nature so the second person of the trinity this divine person came to earth with his divine nature and assumed a human nature now he's fully god and fully man in his nature but in his person he is still divine now here's the key when mary gave birth did she give birth to a person or a nature and all my catechism class thinks about this some say nature some say person no you give birth to a person not a nature and so you give birth to a person and so mary gave birth to a person and that person was divine that's why we can call mary the mother of god fascinating and so people are like oh my gosh father you're saying jesus wasn't human no in his nature he was human but he's a divine person with two natures he's not two persons he's a divine person now mary gave birth to this person this divine person that makes her the mother you don't give birth to a nature and that person was divine so mary is the mother of the divine she is the mother of god you know it was stated that to deny mary as mother of god is to deny the incarnation why because either jesus is not god or jesus is two persons one human and one divine that's a heresy he's not he is one person two natures and that person is divine mary gave birth to him that person is divine mary gave birth to the divine person that makes her the mother of god now does that mean that she created divinity no mother means to give birth to so this is the powerful part of mary in this dogma as the mother of god don't be afraid to call her that all right let's go to our next mirroring dogma it's up on your screen now what is going on here here you see a little girl being presented all right this is the miriam dogma of perpetual virginity they believe that mary was presented as consecrated virgin from early in her young youth all right now all protestants also accepted this martin luther john calvin zwingli they also accepted this in fact listen to what zwingli said one of the protestant fathers quote i firmly believe that mary remained a virgin pure and intact in childbirth and also after birth for all eternity the word used is elder adelphos in the greek or ah in hebrew when referring to brothers or cousins or near relatives because people will argue well father she didn't have perpetual virginity well why not she had other children well why do you say that it's in the bible jesus had brothers and sisters well wait a minute let's look at what the bible says again the bible uses the word adelphos in the greek or ah in the hebrew and that can mean not just biological brother or sister it can mean cousins or close relatives this is interesting brothers can definitely mean not biological paul says my dear brothers when he's writing letters to the churches does that mean he's a biological brother to all of them no brothers can also mean close relatives jesus if he had any biological brothers could not and would not have given mary to john on the cross if when john was on the cross or excuse me jesus was on the cross and he told john take her into your home i'm going to talk about this more my next talk on marrying consecration he couldn't have done that if he had any biological brothers judea law would have insisted that he give them to another brother a biological brother he would not have given her to john remember the old testament how about lot remember lot in the old testament now who was lot in relation to abraham now everybody always says that it was his nephew yeah if you're reading genesis 11 27 but if you're reading genesis 14 14 it says lot was his brother now how can you be your own brother and your own nephew i don't want an answer to that question but you know what i'm talking about all right it also came out somebody argued this point in the bible it says oh my goodness this blows away the catholic position of mary's perpetual virginity what are you talking about yes in the bible it says the brothers of jesus james and joseph are identified as the sons of mary oh man that kills the catholic dogma of mary being a perpetual virgin no it doesn't yes it does it says the brothers of jesus james and joseph the sons of mary well again the word brothers can be translated there's no word for different word for cousins or or or brothers or or near relatives in the old languages and the hebrew and the the greek but there is something interesting keep reading because it says the brothers of jesus james and joseph later as it says the sons of mary as identified as a different mary mary the wife of clopas not our mary he says it right there the brothers of jesus the sons of mary the wife of clopas not our mary so we have to understand this all right that's the second miriam dogma let's go on to our third marian dogma let's look up on our screen what's going on there here are the angels mary at the end of her time on earth this is the assumption the third mary and dog might want to talk about and this is very important because people will say well father that's not because it's not in the bible well let's think about this for a minute the bible itself says that everything is not in the bible sola scriptura is not in the bible but what we know about mary being assumed is the catechism tells us when her time on earth was over she was assumed into heaven now no city has ever claimed her body or remains ever so if sure body was left behind those would have been some of the hottest commodity uh relics her relics her bones or any part of her body that would have been left behind would have been hot commodity in first century christianity because from the very beginning they kept relics of saints there would have been no more important relic than mary's so if mary's body was left behind either jerusalem or nazareth or ephesus or bethlehem would have claimed the relics of mary that would have been a way to draw tourists we should come see the relics of the mother of jesus but no city has ever claimed the relics of mary why they don't exist her body was assumed body and soul into heaven revelation 11 19 says the ark is now in heaven followed by a vision of a woman clothed with the son who gives birth to a male child who rules over all nations this ruler this woman has to be mary all right let's go on to the last one the immaculate conception let's look at our screen now all protestants also accepted this doctrine you know why how do we know mary is immaculately conceived it's not the bible it doesn't have to be we can figure this out mary if she was not immaculately conceived would have made would have meant she had a broken human nature and mary could not have a broken human nature to have christ dwell in her womb when when jesus was in the womb of mary that means he shared everything with mary even her own dna her blood if there was any sin in mary any then christ couldn't have existed in the womb with her could not have coexisted in the womb with sin and mary if she had original sin means she would have had a broken human nature and who gave jesus his human nature mary do you think that jesus would have said i'm going to get a broken human nature from my mother no he preserved her god can't coexist with any sin and he would have in mary's womb her dna is in jesus her blood is in jesus and that can't have sin the doctrine doesn't say that mary didn't need a savior because just as much as it takes a savior to forgive you of your sins it takes a savior to prevent you from being sinned and sinful in the first place mary could have easily easily been forgiven of sin god forgives us all of our sin but it's even greater that he prevented her from doing it in the first place so she needed a savior that savior prevented her from the stain of sin to begin with she was preserved from sin before conception if we're cleansed from sin after why can't we think god is powerful enough to prevent it in the first place both require god now i want to read you something from the saints it's fascinating in genesis 3 both jesus and mary are said to be in a state of enmity against the serpent which in the hebrew means complete and radical opposition to satan now here's the point it is for this reason that it is not likely that god would have permitted mary to get original sin from adam and eve why because any participation her of by her in this disorder and corruption of the soul that the rest of us inherit from adam and eve would have placed mary the mother of jesus at least partly under the sway of satan but she couldn't be it said there was complete enmity which means satan could not even have a sliver of control over mary but if she had original sin that would mean satan had some control over mary he couldn't have the bible says there's complete enmity which means not even the slightest bit of control over her well the only way would be she didn't have original sin because if she had original sin that meant satan had some control over her no way that would contradict the bible and it can't now let's go to our next slide here are the church fathers are going to talk about something interesting what's this adam and eve right all right what did the church fathers refer to mary more than any other title the new eve so let's go back to adam and eve and see what happened here how is this possible that we call mary the new eve all right eve was a virgin the original eve or not the originally the human eve well i guess they're both human the fallen eve let's go with that eve was a virgin and undefiled but because she was disobedient she conceived the false word of the serpent and she gave birth to suffering and death in the world that's justin martyr great saint our mary like eve was also a virgin and undefiled but unlike eve mary was obedient and because she was obedient she conceived the true word incarnate and she gave birth not to suffering and death but to the god-man who brought salvation to the world now justin martyr makes a great point here and so does tertullian i love this tertullian said so the same sex the female that conceived and brought death into the world had to be the same sex that would conceive and restore life into the world now eve made room for the fall of the first adam mary made room for its reparation with the second adam jesus is the second adam now i always ask my catechism who did satan overthrow the man or the woman and my students the girls they always say you overthrew the man and if it's the boys they always say satan overthrew the woman did satan overthrow adam or eve did satan overthrew the man or the woman the answer both so if satan overthrew both sexes the male and the female it's going to take both sexes to liberate humanity from satan now this doesn't mean that mary is equal to jesus she's not the redeemer she's a co-redeemer which in latin comb means with not equal to and i'll talk about that more in my next talk there was a promise in the garden after the fall of the promise of a savior and the gift of a mother and this is who jesus gave us god knew that we were going to be afraid of him after the fall so he gave us the gift of a mother who do we run to usually when we have a problem or something that goes wrong or we're afraid we ran to our mothers this is why let's look at our next slide maximilian colby said never be afraid of loving the blessed virgin too much you could never love her more than jesus did oh that's awesome isn't it the saints have so many great quotes on mary i can't get to them all but you know what i want to go on does god only use saints can he use anybody else besides to say let's look at our next slide yes he can he can even use somebody like this ronald reagan all right ronald reagan you know an incredible story here reagan and john paul two were both shot within six weeks of each other in the spring of 1981. now they said to each other later they met each other both should have died but they didn't and they both said to each other later that god had speared them they both believed for a special purpose they both should have died the mission they believed was to bring down atheistic communism and they did you know later it was proven that the soviets were behind the shooting of john paul and reagan people don't know this had an immense interest in fatima in fact he even went there he did a talk where he mentioned mary and the three children he said in simple people like the children of fatima there is more power than all the armies of the world and when he died he only had one request and his wife nancy met it he had the request that they seeing avi maria be sung at his funeral in 2004. isn't that amazing wow you know reagan was just raised down the street from bishop fulton sheen so i think the the grace ran deep all right there's just a couple uh last things i want to talk about marian devotion um i'm gonna there's many many myriad devotions that i can talk about but i want to talk about two that have been particularly powerful for me and i don't have time to explain them in detail but let me talk about just two that have never failed me you get yourself in trouble turn to these two devotions one let's look at our next slide mary the undoer of knots our lady undoer of knots let us pray to her for help eve did the knots mary undoes the knots you know notice in this diagram before brother mark takes it off let's put it back up she's standing similar to her other images on a crescent moon now pope francis brought this image over from germany it's one of his favorites and sorry i'm running out of time i can't talk more about it but you get yourself in a mess turn to mary the undoer of knots she will undo those knots she's holding a rope in her hand it's a beautiful devotion let's look at our next one i'll just go do one more what is this one pretty extravagant huh anybody know what this devotion is this is our lady of good success powerful devotion it was an apparition to a nun in ecuador in the year 1600 who predicted a spiritual catastrophe in the catholic church and in society she said beginning shortly after the middle of the 20th century boy have we seen that she said there would be widespread moral corruption profanation of the sacrament of marriage man have we seen that depraved priests who will scandalize the faithful and cause suffering for good priests we've had the scandal unbridled luxury which will ensnare many souls right now we're a consumer society materialistic she said there'd be a loss of innocence among children and the loss of modesty among women wow this is very sadly truthful she said there would be a lack of priestly and religious vocations pray pray for that she said the current period of catastrophe however would be followed by a period of restoration this is going to be the triumph of the immaculate heart of mary please join us on our youtube channel divine mercy every first saturday as we pray the devotion that mary asks us to do every first saturday of five consecutive months you can keep doing them over and over this is powerful every saturday at three o'clock every first saturday at three o'clock eastern time from our shrine of divine mercy join us for this special devotion you know ushering in the triumph of the immaculate heart mary said would be directly related to how many people were doing the first saturdays so let us not forget to do those well anyway this nun named mother mariani died in 1635 and when her tomb was opened in 1906 her body was incorrupt amazing something we never ever ever can explain without some miraculous there some of these saints have been incorrupt for centuries how do you explain it well they were embalmed father no they have evidence of ones that had no no scientific doctrine all right so let's go after our last couple slides here's saint john paul ii praying now let's read what he says do not be ashamed to recite the rosary alone while you walk along the streets to school to the university or to work whereas you commute by public transit what is he doing he's saying pray the rosary the rosary is a powerful prayer along with the chaplet of divine mercy the rosary is not just a bunch of hail mary's it's a meditation on the scriptural life of christ it's biblical all of it it's biblical and so when we pray the rosary it's like being at mass like the liturgy of the word when we read from scripture when you pray the rosary you are you are doing more than just a bunch of hail mary's you're praying and meditating on the life of christ being the scourging of the pillar appearing of the cross or the life of mary like the visitation of elizabeth or the enunciation when the angel came to her you know it's funny because when my mom when i came back after being ordained a priest my mom was praying the rosary and she seemed to be rapid fire around that rosary hail mary full of grace hail mary full of grace and i was like mom stop the rosary is not just a bunch of hail mary's it's a meditation on the scriptures the hail mary's are like background music you know anytime you watch a good movie a good musical score the background music it engages you in the plot the music doesn't take you away from the plot it engages you into the plot be it upbeat music or scary music like jaws it focuses you on the plot the hail mary's of the rosary are like background music you don't say the rosary just to pray a bunch of hail mary's rapid fire you're meditating on the mysteries they help keep you focused they're like that background music and so my mom when i saw her i was like mom what are you doing i said it's not a bunch of hail mary's meditating she goes well wait a minute i once heard that every time you say a hail mary it's like shooting a bullet into the devil he hates it and she holds up a rosary and she says well this is my machine gun hail mary full of grace hail mary full of grace so i laughed i said you know mom you got a good point there all right so let's finish with last two quotes that i think are powerful one is from a surprising source martin luther he said quote one should honor mary as she herself wished and as she expressed it in the magnificat how then can we praise her the true honor of mary is the honor of god the praise of god's grace mary does not wish that we come to her but through her to god how come you can't do it [Laughter] that's a powerful quote and then one of my favorite saints saint john vna the patron saint of paris priest what does he say about mary if you invoke the blessed virgin when you are tempted she will come at once to your help and satan will leave you how much better can you get than that the ultimate intercessor so stay with us in this great mirroring conference of the diocese of saint petersburg florida as mary will welcome you with open arms to our next talk coming up that i'll be given on marian consecration and so until then may almighty god bless you and through the intercession of mother mary protect you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen you
Channel: Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg
Views: 20,129
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Keywords: catholic, diocese, st petersburg, roman catholic, catholic church, reflection, confession, rosary, bible, church, parkes, bishop, tampa bay, st petes, courageously living, #courageouslyliving, fl, florida, living the gospel, gospel reflection, bishop parkes, catholic bishop, prayer, catholic faith, catholic reflection, faith, pro life, pray, priesthood, catholic priest, usccb readings, florida catholic, Virgin Mary, Marian Congress, Blessed Mother, Immaculate Heart of Mary
Id: b30M5za6X6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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