Jonathan Roumie & Fr. Chris Alar – Live Q&A – Mercy Night

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our lady mother of mercy pray for us name of the father son and the holy spirit amen thank you lauren and thank you everybody who is joining us it's an honor for me to be here with jonathan who plays jesus as you know on the chosen we know it everybody sold out here really quick but we have limited seating so god bless you guys could make it with us i blame you for that yes blame you for yourself so real quick we we apologize for having a rapid fire through these questions but i want to say anything to the viewers i actually will answer everyone that i don't get to tonight personally by email when you submitted the questions and i think lauren we have all the emails with them so i will personally answer all of those so please don't get disappointed if we don't get to your question so um i will do that all right first question is right from here in birmingham alabama priscilla do we have priscilla with us she said does what does forgive mean how do you live forgiveness towards someone and what is required to for one to have forgiven okay real quick this is amazing people don't understand forgive does not necessarily mean reconciliation it does not necessarily mean that you have to become the best friends with somebody i had somebody steal two thousand dollars from me an employee i did not have to go out to dinner with them and become their best friend i forgave them but you can believe i fired them you see forgiveness simply means you let go you wish them well you don't have to reconcile but if you do reconcile now you've elevated yourself up to mercy mercy is actually greater than forgiveness amen to that and i also want to say that if i don't get to all of my questions father chris will be answering from all personally so i just want to make that clear you get with that good so my first question comes from sophia in beaumont california whom i can only assume is watching by a live stream she asks what is the most important part for you in preparing for your role of our savior jesus christ in the chosen i'd say the most important part for me is prayer part of my preparation when we were filming on location in texas for season one was finding a local church and making sure i could get to mass if there was confessions going i'd get to confession and then as often as i could receive the eucharist being that it's the source and summit of our faith it for me was also the source summit and strength of what was bringing my uh bringing the work that i was doing to a level that was that i couldn't do on my own so i would say prayer is the the defining factor for me in um preparing for the the chosen or any time that i've played jesus which has been outside of the chosen as well so yeah awesome this is from janet in trussville alabama we're not just picking alabama people here this just happens to be coincidental what is the most important thing we can do to foster the desire to join religious life or priesthood as catholic parents first of all you need to surrender to let it be god's will not your will i see men in seminary i've seen men in my own community that were there for their parents when i personally came to seminary my mom cried for three days my dad said i'd never make it as a priest and my 82 year old aunt said i thought you liked girls i was engaged i don't know why she asked that question but here's what you do to foster it's the same as bringing somebody back to the church one have masses said they don't even have to know it you can have masses said for them i'm doing the same thing for fostering a vocation as it is bringing somebody back to the church like your loved ones brothers sister children second your personal prayer uh jonathan just mentioned the importance of personal prayer add them into your rosary add them into your chaplain of divine mercy third you must portray joy if somebody sees in you the catholic faith is a drug dredge on you and is dragging you down in guilt and depression and woe is me god's sending me to hell if we don't do 65 rosaries this evening get up here or you're going to hell with me ain't gonna work you need to portray joy and finally number four offer up everything that happens to you good bad joy suffering you stub your toe offer that up you you you get passed over for a promotion offer it up everything that we do offered up because those graces can be used to foster vocations and returns to the church and i only recently found out that you you people can say and should say intentions for other people that aren't just you know sick and dying for instance i got texts very recently because somebody wanted to say a mass for me a fan called up a church and had a math sent for me and my local church and i got started getting texts from friends saying are you okay like i heard your name come up at mass i'm like when you know guys i guess it just doesn't have to be about sick and dying it's for whatever the intention is and nobody has to know so and if i could have one last saying do you know st anselm said there's more value in a mass said for the living that one mass for the living is worth more than a hundred masses after somebody has deceased wow so have those masses said for the living can you say mass is for yourself if you're speaking you can have a mass said for yourself you can go right to your church go to the rectory or to the parish office say we'd like to have a mass said for your own intentions interesting thank you uh catherine from suffern new york asks me did i attend catholic schools for my elementary and high school education no i did not in fact anybody that i knew friends of mine growing up that went to catholic school usually left the faith afterwards so for me my naive knowledge at the time was like well if you go to catholic school you become an agnostic or an atheist so i'm glad i didn't go to catholic school getting a little older now i see a different value in it and i also realized that so much depends upon the faith that you're raised with so if you're bringing it in the home that is a huge influence on a child and a young person's development to quote father patrick payton the family that prays together stays together and uh that's something that has truly helped me throughout my life awesome we got international questions from all over this is from sakani from south africa so hopefully you're watching sakani from south africa i don't know what time it would be over there but it would be late um are we supposed to pray the chaplet of divine mercy only at 3 pm okay great question actually you know what the lord said to do at 3 pm he said pray the chaplet right wrong first thing you do at 3 pm is the most powerful prayer you can make for conversion of sinners lord jesus christ have mercy on and you can say for me a poor sinner or for a sinner that you know has fallen away have mercy on john smith you know of to come back to the church secondly he said if you can't the most important thing to do is pray for conversion of sinners next do the stations of the cross he said if you can't do that step inside a church or chapel and adore me in the blessed sacrament for but a moment he said if you can't do that stop where you are for but a moment and meditate on my passion that's what he said to do at three o'clock he never said to pray the chaplet at three o'clock why do we pray the chaplain at three o'clock because everything he said to do at three o'clock revolved around his passion and what's the chaplet of divine mercy about his passion for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world so what we do at the three o'clock hour by praying the chaplet is honoring our lord's request to meditate on his passion amy from orem utah i am not catholic but i started joining your prayer hour on instagram i have grown to love the divine mercy chaplet what specifically about the divine mercy chaplet brings you comfort and peace part of that is indescribable the answer to that question it's just a feeling um but also the fact that i think it's i think that's rooted for me in trying to bring myself closer to christ's passion to um really place myself at the foot of the cross and to understand the sacrifice that christ made on behalf of all mankind that even beaten bruised and scourged and literally a bleeding mess on the cross god forgive me you understand what i'm saying um like when you're scourged you don't stop bleeding you're continually bleeding and then to have nails driven in your hands and your feet and you're still bleeding from all the scourging and then at that point to be able to say father forgive them for they know not what they do that's the example that was set for us so if i can pray the chaplet as a minor minor infinitesimal token of my appreciation for the sacrifice of christ i'm gonna i'm gonna do it so and that's and i get peace from that i can't explain it it wouldn't sound like it based on everything that i'm thinking about as i'm praying but uh it gives me peace to connect to christ thank you jonathan jenny from fort wayne said is there a particular person that had a positive influence on your faith journey yes father rue if you are watching out there in charlotte north carolina he was the first one that shocked my daylights when he said i think you might be called to the priesthood i ran i hid i never thought i was called to the priest and if somebody would have said to me in a high school senior class that you would become a priest at appointment to the air force academy all i wanted to do was fly fighter jets and um if somebody would have said to me you'd become a priest i would have cried just like my mom so uh definitely a very positive influence and you know uh three other people have had positive influences are the three people that brought me down here uh brother i used to say brother david blaisland who who drove us this entire way talk about a good heart a man of god and when i see somebody like that he's always looking for the positive when i'm looking for something to say oh can you believe they did that he'll come up i'll say can you believe that they ate all my pizza and he would say you know maybe they haven't eaten in 16 days and so he'll see the positive the other one is who we call mama giuseppe she is giuseppe who also came down with me my cameraman who has just been a spiritual mother to us she's from italy beautiful just a soul of a great example she rode the whole way three straight days of driving 1500 miles and not a peep from her just a beautiful soul and then my cameraman giuseppe who's back there uh has been a great great influence on me i yell at him all the time all the time he's forgetting to do something but you know um there's a guy that is giving me an example um he's an awesome catholic man and uh and i tell you i hope he finds a good catholic woman someday because this guy is going to make a good husband to somebody and so i just saw he has hashtag cameraman giuseppe now as his handle because i always say my cameraman giuseppe my cameraman giuseppe when i do my videos and so people uh people will see that hopefully and wish him well because he's on a good faith journey so a lot of good influence i think this man right here uh i met him only four years ago but when i talked to him to three hours in the three o'clock in the morning the first night i hear i was the priest and i came out of that meeting thinking man i want to be more like this guy you know so a lot of good influences and uh the beautiful people down here lauren and her husband casey have opened their home to us and people just come in and now that they just met and they're like family i'm like wow she goes that's what we do in the south so it's it's beautiful so a lot of good influence back at you buddy and thank you everybody for here for all the wonderful good that you've done for us and bringing us here it's it's been tremendous um kiana from delaware asks can you please explain the significance of a scapular who is on the scapular that you wear and why i'm wearing a brown scapular i'll see if i can right here which is um tradition has it and i just learned the the details of this today from father over here so i could answer this question appropriately as if i knew what i was talking about which i don't um but tradition holds that the scapular uh was given by our blessed mother uh to saint simon stop simon stock not simon upstock simon stein stock there you go thank you father um in the 16th century and that uh when the blessed mother appeared she was wearing the the habit of the carmelite order so it's is it called a carmelite scapular yeah she brought them what a piece of the cloth is from the caramelite habit that she handed to where when you wear the scaffold you may know the brown little patch there that's why it's supposed to be cloth but if your skin is allergic or whatnot you can wear the metal but it is it's wool it's made of the cloth of the carmelite uh habit the the scapular means shoulder actually and so when you wear the scapula it's supposed to mean it goes over the shoulder and that's what you wear and the protection i'll let you finish jonathan so the protection is that uh after the it comes with something called a sabatine privilege which meant that after you died the first saturday after a person died that wore this scapular they would be released from purgatory which is not uh theology but it's uh it's something that was revealed through uh personal revelation to saint simon stock so it's not something that is necessary for salvation um or anything like that but uh i guess it's it's a bonus can we say extra grace extra grace extra grace is the technical term thank you okay very good tina in joshua tree california i sure hope they haven't torn down joshua tree right and rooted it right with all the offer unrest which we need to pray for a lot of people don't know that the chaplet of divine mercy is praying to god our father not the son i too made this mistake is there a certain diary number to help me make known this this uh known to people i'm sorry i didn't have a chance to look up the passage but yes very clearly and do you know this as well the mass people always think the prayers of the mass are to jesus who are the prayers of the master the father and we're going to be talking about that today that whole essence of divine mercy and the meaning of divine mercy wraps up in the prayers of the mass to god the father you see god mass is god offering god to god god the son being offered by god the holy spirit to god the father in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world stay with us during the talk we'll be hitting on that anna in new york new york the city's so nice they named it twice aside from praying the rosary is praying the divine mercy chaplet your favorite why and how did you come to this devotion that's part of what i'm going to talk about tonight is it my favorite uh yes i mean i i don't know that i can say i have favorites i have favorite prayers for at different times um in in my life and uh that's one that i i do say it every day in addition to the rosary i didn't always say it every day in addition to the rosary um but it's as my faith has grown it's it's just something that i've chose chosen to do um so uh yeah then the right yeah and then the uh how i came to the devotion uh will be part of my talk tonight so all right we have inge in kings mountain north carolina i didn't live too far from there i understand the concept that god is outside of time but sacred scripture and sacred tradition teach that at our death our judgment is immediate therefore i do not understand how one can pray for the salvation of one who is already dead either by suicide or other causes can you please explain this contradiction thank you for writing this because this is exactly what my book is about i co-authored a book with jason brother jason lewis it's called after suicide there's hope for them and for you meaning those who have died them and you meaning you left behind but it doesn't apply just to suicide applies to any kind of loss or tragic death now this is an incredible concept i can't answer it in less than a minute but i would say please if you get a chance after suicide there's hope for them and you grab it pick it up it it goes into all this detail bottom line is this god is omniscient and he's omnipotent omniscient meaning he knows everything god is omnipotent meaning he's all-powerful what i'm going to do in essence and maybe i'll get to it in my talk but god knows every prayer you will ever make in your life even before you make it because he's omniscient he's has all-knowing it doesn't change your free will it's for knowledge he also has the power to apply the graces that you make at any point in time when i discovered after my grandmother's suicide for 10 years and never prayed for her because i assumed she was in hell i was told that was church teaching when 10 years later i found out that's not church teaching and um and the reason is because she didn't have free will one of the three conditions for mortal sin the only way you go to hell is to die in an unrepentant state of mortal sin but the point is this i thought for 10 years my grandmother was in hell never prayed for her you can't pray people out of hell once they're in hell you can't pray for them then i learned because god is outside of time he knows every single prayer you will ever pray and he can apply those graces even to the moment of someone's judgment don't believe me go to the diary of saint faustina 1486 go to the diary of saint faustina 1698. what jesus says is he comes to the soul three times and gives everyone that opportunity to accept them the problem is if you haven't been living a good life you may not recognize them you need the sacraments you need help but i'll i'll summarize it with this god knows and being outside of time we're not outside of time but god is and he unites our prayers to be outside of time you know jesus told saint faustina that her prayers got him through the agony in the garden hold on here when did saint faustina live exactly 1900 years after jesus christ so how did saint faustina's prayers help jesus get through his passion she wasn't even born yet and it was her grandmother great great great great great grandma nobody was even born yet in her i mean she wasn't born yet yet jesus told her your prayers got me through the garden how was that concept and then this is documented by padre pio this is documented by the franciscans padre p was once being evaluated by his doctor and the doctor noticed padre pio was praying and the doctor asked padre pio what are you praying for he said the conversion and happy death of my grandfather and the doctor said well i knew your grandfather he died over 20 years ago what are you talking about he says i know but 25 years ago god knew that i'd be here tonight making this prayer and god can apply these graces from my prayers tonight back to my grandfather at the moment of his judgment doesn't mean we can change history we can't change the past what we can do is supply the grace for those people at the moment that they die even though your prayer comes years later please don't take just what i explain here as being definitive answer please get the book if you want to go deeper into that subject jeannette in whiting new jersey as you were learning about the sacrament of the holy eucharist did you come to accept it immediately that jesus was fully present in the eucharist or was it something that you came to as you grew up read the bible and drew closer to the lord i always accepted it i just didn't really understand it until much later in life i'm still trying to understand it it's i mean it's part of the mystery um of our faith uh and and the wonder um you know to accept and look at this host and see the living presence of body blood soul divinity flesh of jesus christ in this host uh because your mind tells you it's a piece of gluten and wafer it's you know but in your spirit you know no that's that's jesus so um i have a much different approach and an appreciation for it now uh but i'd always believed it uh but now it just i believe it's so much more strongly i guess is the best way i can say that thank you now lisa in ludlow mass which is not too far from us now up at the shrine of divine mercy how can a priest confect an unconsecrated host to become jesus in the eucharist when he is living in sin and does not intend to follow the rubrics of the church perfectly will jesus still be present in the eucharist does anybody know the answer to that absolutely there is something in the church called ex opere operato which means by the very fact that a sacrament is administered the grace is given regardless of who's ministering it so if you have an ordained priest by virtue of his priesthood sadly and i hate to say this no matter what he has done you are getting jesus in the eucharist this is church teaching it's called ex operae operato it's a latin term for meaning by the very fact that it is administered it has an effect that's what a sacrament is it's not a symbol it's an efficacious sign meaning it does something what's a sacrament a sacrament is an efficacious sign meaning it does something instituted by christ and entrusted to the church by which divine life is instilled in us and so yes the priests pray for him don't worry it's not your job to deal with the priest god will deal with the priest okay that's the bottom line but he's not going to shortchange you because of the weakness of the priest you come here you will receive true body as you as jonathan just said true body blood soul and divinity it's it's also a good thing because then if we were to judge it that the priest couldn't administer the sacrament how much less could we receive the sacrament as as broken vessels ourselves exactly it's a very happy thing that that can still happen yes um danielle from new brunswick canada uh has asks how has your faith and personal relationship with jesus impacted your career and life choices i guess i would say that as i delve further into my walk with christ certain choices don't appeal to me anymore um certain roles don't appeal to me anymore um and even before roles auditions there are certain things that i will read or you know might come across my desk and i will decide whether or not i even want to audition for it uh and so i'm a lot more sensitive to certain things not because i feel that it's like oh it's part of the image i have to keep a you know a spotless image i'm a i'm a very flawed human being i just full stop let's just start with that fact um so i i can't have judgment on anything on characters you know especially characters that might have the opportunity to grow or exhibit the mercy of god somehow you know even if it's a bad guy i have no problem playing bad guys because bad people don't necessarily think of themselves as bad people they're just broken their choices are poor uh whatever their you know their whatever makes them seem to be bad people uh more often than not they it's a it's a series of conscious or unconscious choices over the course of their lives that have turned them in one direction or another um but now there are you know if i see certain characters where they don't there's no development or they're they don't have that potential to kind of have a sort of an arc where or it feels like god is not really working in this particular piece or they're or it's just kind of um very one-dimensional uh and uh you know sensational for whatever happens in the script and i will i will just not look at those regardless of of who's involved so i i think that's how it's affected my career uh very differently and then also like relationships and people it's you know there's a certain level of forgiveness and mercy that you can have and but but then you know you you realize your worth in christ and that you don't need to you know forgiveness and mercy does not necessarily mean that you need to be a doormat for people um so yeah it's affected uh my relationship in that way as well it's it's been a great thing very good julianne from palm beach gardens in florida basically wants to know where the chapters and numbers of verses come from in the bible were those originally written and the way the bible was written no um but people said well father when did they start they actually there are partitions and different ways of segmenting scriptures going all the way back to the dead sea scrolls now the way that we have the current chapters and verse numbers which are consistent actually develop much later in the middle ages archbishop lincoln if i remember my seminary biblical class is correct in around the 13th century actually developed chapter numbers just to be able to reference different parts of the bible and then later there was a guy by the name of stn i think he came his first name was robert i think it was the 16th century he actually assigned the verses to the bibles and passages and that makes it way easier for us you know when we when we can just reference something and where's that in the bible well whoa let me try to find it no that wouldn't work but with the verse and the chapter numbers it's consistent across all of our denominations who read the bible this next question is an interesting one i have two answers for it anusha in australia asks if i could pick three famous people to have dinner with who would they be cameraman just said okay three answers not two answers um if i were to pick um well we're in a church so let's start on the spiritual side uh jesus mary and joseph who wouldn't want to be at that family dinner um if it were celebrities i'd say uh um bono arnold schwarzenegger i'm fascinated with that man [Music] and uh what would be the third one al pacino i think you kind of look like them all but where do you know um yeah i think that'd be a party it'd be an interesting party very good chris from grimes iowa says i worry about past sins that i might not have confessed because i forgot about them would you and maybe didn't tell the full complete sin because of shame or that you just don't feel that you are truly forgiven all right huge difference between the first one there and his second and third one first of all if you have honestly honestly forgotten a sin you are forgiven of it don't fall into that trap though i had a lady come up to me while back at a parish mission she came to me for confession and she confessed to sin she confessed to excuse me committed 24 years ago she confessed to sin it was very grave but remember we don't know if his sins mortal only god knows the inner heart a mortal sin has to be grave he have knowledge and free will okay she comes she confesses this sin very grave and she said father i i committed this 24 years ago i said god bless you welcome back to confession after 24 years she said no father i come every month so i said okay god bless you you must have just remembered this sin after 24 years you know it's a good idea right if you remember a grave sin you committed in your college fraternity days good idea if you just remember it to go back and confess it good thing she says no i've always known i had it and i said oh okay god bless you ma'am but you realize you don't have to keep confessing the same sin once you confess it it is forgiven unless you committed again trust jesus once you go to confession it is guaranteed forgiveness people always say i ask the question all the time is it when you go to the confessional is it the priest who forgives the sin everybody says no yes because jesus had ultimate authority on earth to forgive sins he delegated that authority to the priest so when the priest tells you you're forgiven and gives you the sign of absolution you're guaranteed forgiveness so i said to her ma'am you don't have to keep confessing this and she goes no i've never confessed it at that point i'm like god bless you man but i'm out of answers i said why are you now confessing the sick confessing to sin but god bless you this is beautiful heaven's rejoicing she says i've always just been too embarrassed and you look like a pretty easy priest i don't know if that's a compliment or not but don't fall in that trap every one of her confessions for 24 years is invalid if you knowingly have a grave sin on your soul and we know the grave sins i mean go beyond just the obvious like you know murder and whatnot but there's a lot of sins that people don't even realize our grave matter do you know missing mass on sunday is grave matter masturbation is grave matter gluttony at the dinner table gossip these are all things people don't think of as grave matter they are if you have a grave matter sin that you're purposely not confessing your cr and and your confession is invalid so please get back to confession if you have any of those in your hip pocket okay get them out there let the lord forgive you that's all he wants you to do is just come and be forgiven people like i don't need the confessional father that's how god set it up he said in the book of james go to the priests confess your sins and when you do you are guaranteed forgiveness doesn't mean you can't say you're sorry outside of the confessional but when you do it in the confessional it's guaranteed thank you father jonathan we have time for one last question one last question okay um i just wanna okay okay uh i've heard you talk about your others from rose in hesperia california i've heard you talk about your grandmother i believe saying you would be a priest i feel like god is calling you to the priesthood do you rose [Laughter] um i'll get back to you on that i uh do you think you would be do you think that would be a possibility saint john paul ii was an actor and he was also a playwright he was an artist for sure um i just told father earlier in the car on the way over here that i had a pr a dream a couple of dreams in the last few weeks that i was a priest interesting um yeah my grandmother when i was we used to pray with our grandmother when we were young who was from ireland and she would visit we would she would teach his prayers and she would tell my mother because i i loved praying as a kid she's like i think you might have a little priest on your hands there and so it hasn't happened yet but uh god only knows i think right now i'm pretty comfortable with my mission being an actor and reaching people in a different way what happens after this i don't know so we'll see okay thank you so much guys thank you all right [Music] you
Channel: Team Catholify
Views: 24,515
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: catholify, nightofmercy, catholicconference, jonathanroumie, divinemercysunday, frchrisalar
Id: ZIdLf7_5EJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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