Will God intervene to save the world? Listen to Dana discuss Fr Chris's Interpretation...

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i i was watching this talk my father chris aylar and i thought this sign of the times was very important to share with you it's part of private revelation so it may or may not happen it's worth spending five or ten minutes to listen to father chris just in case it does eight days of darkness many recent blesseds have talked about this what do you need to know all right personally and this is not church teaching i believe the world is so far gone that it will take a direct intervention from god to turn it around i really don't feel that there is any other way at this point the world and the pandora's boxes that have been opened legally culturally socially i don't think you can ever put them back in the box i don't think we can ever go back to the truth in terms of the laws that we have and the way that we are going unless there is a direct intervention from god and i believe that will happen at the end the illumination of conscience that many saints and blessed and mystics talk about we will see our souls as god sees us you know it's funny because even saint faustina said she had no idea how even the littlest tiny sins so greatly offend our lord i mean when i go to confession i confess the biggies right selfishness and gluttony the capital sin of you know anger or impatience or or whatever it might be we know the big ones but what about the little tiny ones where you where you haven't decided to reach out to that friend or or maybe you walk by somebody don't even give a smile because your pride was hurt by them a while ago we don't think about that well i'm in the right there well our lord is telling us through saint faustina that even those little things are greatly hurtful and offensive to him and in the end where we believe there'll be an illumination of conscience we will see all that we will see our souls as god sees us and we will absolutely be enlightened now this is a grace this is a mercy i've actually had this happen in a mini way once in my own life not long ago woke up at three o'clock in the morning and man all these things came flooding into my mind and my heart that gee i didn't realize that lord whoa i miss that boat whoa i'm doing that wrong holy mackerel and this is just a grace it's not a punishment that way we can make corrections so god is giving you this chance later will come the three days of darkness we were prepped i believe for this by the quarantine whenever in human history has mankind been relegated to his houses shut the doors in the whole world at one time been sent home i really believe this is preparation for the three days of darkness getting ready so that when this comes we will be prepared in that three days of darkness the saints tell us nothing will provide any light except blessed candles now do they have to be beeswax that's a state of contention some say yes others say no but i've not been able to find in any of the writings of the saints i'm going to tell you about where it says they absolutely have to be beeswax personally i got mine as beeswax anyway to be safe what does it hurt but they need to be blessed please get them blessed by a priest if you are living in sin perpetual sin and you don't care those candles even those candles won't light the saints tell us this is mentioned this is biblical this is not made up the three days of darkness is actually in the book of exodus uh the ninth plague in egypt all right where darkness covers the land for three days let's look at the next slide here's my saint saint faustina we marian fathers we make sure that we follow what she says was given by the lord and she said jesus told her let's go to the next slide this is what jesus told her write this before i come as a just just judge i am coming first as the king of mercy before the day of justice arrives there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort all light in the heavens will be extinguished this is the darkness right and there will be great darkness over all the earth then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time this will take place shortly before the last day wow those are the words of saint faustina this is important because those are not to be taken lightly now what are some of the other saints and blessed say all right in 1820 a mystic by the name of blessed kanorimora prophesies that horrible chastisements will come when quote the sky was covered with clouds so dense the dismal and dismal that it was impossible to look at them without dismay during the worldwide hurricane that followed she said demons will drag away all the wicked while saints peter and paul will protect all true and good people meaning the christians who follow christ is what she specifically said but we want to hold that our lord's mercy will reach out to all those who are seeking him in any way let's take a look at another blessed this is blessed anna maria taje tagi some say wow she lived in 1769 to 1837 she was a wife mother mystic her memorial is on june 9th what did she say she said there will come over all the earth in intense darkness lasting three days and three nights nothing will be visible and the air will be laden with pestilence that means sickness and disease during this darkness artificial light will be impossible only blessed candles can be lighted and will afford illumination he who out of curiosity opens his windows to look out and leaves his house will fall dead on the spot all right so if you believe this mystic now again this is not dogmatic revelation or doctrinal church teaching but if you want to follow this mystic and some of the private revelation when that darkness hits close those doors don't say i forgot the tool box out in the shed and decide to open the door and go out some of the saints tell us that voices will appear demons will come and hell will be unleashed and my good friend daniel o'connor and the coming of the kingdoms good friend of mine talks about this about what will happen at the end and and and and saints tell us blesseds tell us that demons will be unleashed and all the demons hell will be all the divas of hell will be unleashed on the earth and even voices that sound like your loved ones will come to the door so for me it'll be voices from my past saying father chris let me in you're a priest and that's going to be tempting but we have to pray for god's discernment the gift of the holy spirit to make those right decisions but the saints are telling us be careful all right now let's go on even medjugorje the next slide we see here medjugorje here each medjugorje seer is supposed to receive 10 secrets we know there's been an update now on some of this that at least some of which involve prophecies of global chastisement now before that happens men will be given a series of three warnings announced in advance by one visionary swiftly followed by a great sign centered at the apparition site but visible all over the world now many expect this to be a giant red cross of light in the sky all right the three days of darkness and an error of era of peace are supposed to arrive soon afterwards now if you want to learn more about metrogory please visit mary tv my good friends dennis and kathy nolan and others who work behind the scenes that they have the only broadcast from medjugorje and the sights of the apparition and they're constantly viewing and bringing us what our lady is saying and the messages of medjagori these are beautiful souls trying to spread the message of mother mary and what she wants us to know and especially about these end times and so again i encourage you to visit mary tv and visit their website they have a very awesome summary of what our ladies messages have been and you can learn from there
Channel: Faith, Hope, and Love Ministry
Views: 84,257
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Id: AjaS0xkypLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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