Explaining the Faith - The Mass Explained

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welcome everybody thank you so much for joining us from around the world my name is father Chris a la I'm one of the Mary and fathers of the Immaculate Conception right here at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge Massachusetts and today we have a special online streaming presentation of a walk through of the mass I promise you it will be informative it will be fun but most of all it will be educational into learning how we can understand the mass better so that we can love the mass better and so we have so many opportunities in our life to give praise to God but there is none greater than right here in the Holy Sacrifice of the mass so we're gonna walk you through it step by step and telling you along the way what you need to know how you need to approach the mass and what you need to understand about it so you can love it even more okay so let us begin in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen Heavenly Father we place ourselves before you and we ask you the Holy Sacrifice of the mass that we always breach be brought closer to you in Union and most of all to receive and live your mercy and we ask all this through Christ our Lord amen okay now if you remember in Scripture Jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in their midst so we come in Mass and we gather together but remember we are not just a body we are body soul composite we are both so this is why we need to engage in worship not just in the spirit and in prayer of the Spirit but with our whole body as well you know people criticize us Catholics of your always stand sit and kneel but this is actually very important why do we stand we stand on a sign of respect why do we kneel we kneel in humility we are small God is big and kneeling as a where we need our asking for mercy when you ask for mercy you kneel down this is very important now sitting sitting as a receptive position normally I would have some people right here in the pews sitting to receive this message hopefully now you are the one sitting to receive this message so Stan sit kneel have meaning all right what about genuflecting people always like all you catholics genuflecting when do we genuflect people are always confused by this no we don't genuflect in front of even the altar we genuflect only before the Blessed Sacrament when we pass by the tabernacle where our Lord on the altar exposed in the Eucharist we also there's one day of the year where we genuflect actually in front of the cross the crucifix and that's Good Friday we normally just do a bow like when we hear the name Jesus and Mary we just do a bow to show reverence we don't genuflect in front of the cross normally unless it's Good Friday alright now these boughs are just a little bit of reverence what about singing singing is important because it unites personal prayer and communal prayer you know Jesus sung on his way to the passion people don't realize this come participate especially in singing even if God didn't give you a good voice you know your singing and participation doesn't have to be in tune like me if God didn't give you a good voice give it back to him this is what I've always said so anyway we sing we unite with the heavenly choir very powerful now what about silence it's not just all singing but it's silence too silence can be the times we hear God speak to us remember Joseph in the gospel the most powerful words he ever spoke nothing there are no recorded words of Joseph in the Gospels so we have to realize that even silence can be more powerful than word the mass is all of this and what we're gonna walk you through is not just what I just talked about but also the fact that it is entirely scriptural there is more scripture in one Catholic Week date mass than any Protestant Sunday service period and yet we are told we are not scriptural so if you are tuning in right now if you are live-streaming shoot a message off to your friends especially non Catholics and say hey there's this crazy priest in in Massachusetts it's going to about to tell us why the mass is purely scriptural why the mass is fully from the Bible and so non Catholics can join us and to hear an explanation of the mass why it is scriptural all right the mass is about giving worship to God it is not about our entertainment it is about giving God our worship the priest is not an entertainer so don't use that as a reason not to go to Mass you know in the Bible at the Last Supper Christ instituted the mass right he instituted the mass as both an eternal sacrifice and a Paschal meal this mass is both a sacrifice and a meal and we have lost that understanding and I will tell you more about that all right for the meal we use bread and wine and water the same elements Christ used for his meal in the upper room the very nature though now let's go to the sacrifice there's the meal and there's the sacrifice the very very nature of a sacrificial act throughout the Old Testament requires a priest an ordained priest and this is why Christ continued that tradition being ordaining the men in the upper room as the priests and passing that on they are ordained priests of God to offer sacrifice all right what do I mean by sacrifice Christ we know died on the cross why though I asked this all the time in my catechism classes why did Jesus die on the cross and they always say father - to forgive our sins yes but he's God he could have forgiven our sins from heaven father - open the door to heaven yes but he could have opened the door to heaven from within heaven all of these are true but why did he die on the cross the penalty for sin is death all those others are true everything that I just mentioned is true but we forget that Paul says the wage of sin is death so when I sin or you sin we deserve to die we deserve to die and so when we sinned death was the result that we deserve but yet Christ paid that in our place so when you come to Mass and as you see the crucifix of our Lord Jesus Christ at every mass you see the crucifix of Christ's body that means you are there present at Calvary is he is paying your debt to sin this is the debt we owe for our sin it's called death and Christ paid it then he conquers it so he paid it and then he conquers that this is what's going on at the mass all right now not until the fifteen hundred's that night era in the 1500s did the Protestants begin to reject this idea of the mass being about sacrifice and what happened is they replaced it with ceremonies focused on prayers and songs those are good but the basis is sacrifice and so not until the 1500s did this start to happen now don't fall for the trap in our own church about falling do with extreme one side or the other father I'm only a traditionalist pre-vatican - I reject the Novus Ordo mass or being a modernist where I only accept the the modern mass and the Novus Ordo mass that pre-vatican to stuff is ancient it's no good no both masses have infinite grace both our infinite mercy we can't reject either for the extraordinary form or the ordinary form of the mass in fact traditionalists would say oh well father people in the 1500s wouldn't recognise our mass today is this true yeah but you know who would recognise our mass today the people of the 700s you see this is what people don't understand the people of the seven hundred would recognize what we do the Tritton teen mass is not the most ancient form of the mass it is not it's not the first form our ordinary form today is actually more traditional than the Trinity informed people don't get this I'm not saying one is better than the other the churches said both are to be said all right our Novus Ordo mass what it attempts to do is to get back to the mass as a sacrifice and a meal that's the way it used to be this is what happened throughout the centuries we've lost either the mass being a meal and we only focus on the sacrifice or we focused on the meal and not about the sacrifice we need both all right both forms are valid all right now let us begin with the very first form of the mass as you can see on your screen there's a slide that's called the introductory rites so you could see on your screen there the introductory rites is the first part of the mass now I ask you a question when does the mass actually begin and people say a father at the song the singing not really in the procession when the priest comes up the aisle no maybe it's a name of the father no it actually begins in your own home in your preparation of your heart coming here now once we begin the mass here we begin with an opening song or an entrance antiphon where the priest will either read like today o chosen people proclaim the mighty works of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light again that is first Peter right out of Scripture all right now as I said singing brings us unity as a community with one voice you know as st. Augustine said to sing as to pray twice or as my brothers remind me Father Chris to sing well is to pray twice so anyway then the priest comes in after the opening song or antiphon and he what he kisses the altar venerates the altar the table and the cross by which we will gather around as a family as I said a meal and a sacrifice this here what you're looking at is a table for the meal and a cross for the sacrifice this is how it was in ancient times this is how it was in the very first centuries all right now what does the priest then do in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen why we sign ourselves because as I said we are body and spirit we are naming God as the reason we are here we are here in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we are naming God as a reason we are here and we mark ourselves do you all know what Cowboys do to cattle what do they do they brand um they put a mark right on the cattle and when you do this in the name of the Father you're touching yourself you're branding yourself so that you show at the end times that when Christ comes at you belong to him when the devil tries to take his flock and Christ takes his flock you're branded with that sign of the Cross holy water also on our hands right reminds us of our baptism we become one with Christ for this celebration so then what do you people say Amen what does that mean I believe so what's happening you're the priest leads in prayer but he's not praying without you he's praying with you the Amen makes it you're pray or two this is what Vatican 2 stressed all right now the priest that does the greetings he lifts his hands in a traditional form of Prayer right okay and he says what the Lord be with you okay you're gonna hear this much throughout the mass so let's look at this we establish as I said that God is present he is here and what do you say and with your spirit this is biblical this is second Timothy 4 22 the Lord be with your spirit so he got us here I acknowledge it and we say this throughout the mass all right then we turn into the penitential right where we call to mind our sins and we prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries now why are we calling to mind our sins didn't you just have them all forgiven in the confessional well hopefully all your grave sins but in confession do we need to confess all sins we can remember even the little teeny tiny ones well it's not bad if you do but it's not a requirement the grave sins you must confess but the little venial sins like complaining that my homily is too long you know those those can be forgiven in the mass in the penitential right these are forgiven so go to confession for your grave sins and be cleanse now of the venial sins and you are spotless as you prepare to come forward for Holy Communion in a moment as part of the mass all right now in the penitential Rite we are not just reminding God of our sins it is a way for us to see our need for His mercy this is what's going on all right so now in the penitential Rite if we pray the confiteor remember the confiteor I confess to Almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words and what I have done and what I have failed to do what you are doing is you are confessing those sins to our Lord and then at the end the priest says may Almighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life you're being cleansed of your venial sins now do you make the sign of the Cross no that is reserved for sacramental absolution in the confessional after the priest says may Almighty God as we say have mercy on us forgive us our sins you do not make the sign of the Cross now are you going to go to purgatory for a bunch of extra time if you do that no but it's just a little habit to maybe correct now after this the Lord's are the priests is what lord have mercy Christ have mercy lord have mercy this too is biblical Tobit eight for Tobit let us pray that the Lord may have mercy upon us this is all scriptural then if it's a Sunday Mass we go into what the Gloria so we turned to the Gloria and what does the priest begin he leads us in this prayer right this is the prayer the angel sung at the birth of Jesus it gives us a chance to praise the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit so let's look at this glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill as I said before this mass is entirely scriptural people say Catholics are not scriptural let's go through all the scripture in this mass so you can better understand how it is biblical and comes from Christ well glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will turn to Luke 2:14 glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased so at the end of the Gloria we say Amen and what does the priests say let us pray and then he prays from the day like today he would pray from the colic all right and the colic is a word called collect we collect ourselves and so this is very important all right this is a prayer an opening prayer specific to a particular time of the year or season or feast okay all right now look on your screen the next section of the mass is the Liturgy of the word so you see there on your screen Liturgy of the word this is the first big part of the mass then the Liturgy of the word consists of how many readings people say father - no father 3 no father four yep 4 readings we have readings from the first reading tick traditionally is from the Old Testament 2nd reading you forget is the psalm the responsorial Psalm comes from the Book of Psalms then we have a third reading which is sometimes are mostly from the epistles what is an epistle well I had one of my 7th graders when I asked them that question guys what's an epistle he said father an epistle as a baby apostle so no an epistle is a letter that we have from either Peter or Paul and anyway then finally we have the gospel the first reading is usually from the Old Testament right where we see the foretelling of Christ and the psalm is usually response to that a response of faith after hearing that first reading and connecting it to the next readings the responsorial Psalm is a rubber band that connects the two the second reading then comes from usually the epistles and we thank God and then we have the gospel acclamation right where we acclaimed God to the world we stand we sing Alleluia and we rise why because Alleluia is a joyful song that is why it's a joyful word I should say we praise God now we don't see this in Lent why because Lentz a time of penance not joy but it sets the tone for the gospel and gives us the theme of the gospel now why do we rise we rise because we are hearing now the words of Jesus himself earlier we just announced that Christ as president spirit now he is present in his actual words we're moving ahead here it is important because when an important person comes into the room you stand out of reverence all right so our Lord is coming into the room and word and we rise as a sign of respect now Jesus is even more present in hearing his word then he was originally when we began the masses a deeper presence all right first he was present in spirit now in word and soon he'll be present embody and blood soul and divinity all right now Jesus is the Living Word you've always heard this Eternal Word television network when when the father speaks what comes forth they're all one when the father speaks what comes as the word the word is the son and what powers that word the breath the breath is the Holy Spirit so we have the father when he thinks he speaks he speaks a word and that word is the son and when that word comes forth it is powered by a breath that is the Holy Spirit so we have to understand that's the Trinity Jesus is the Living Word all right now what happens the celebrant or the deacon is the one who really should read the gospel before the main celebrant and the priest comes forward and he bow slightly before he goes to the Ambo and he says cleanse my heart and my lips Almighty God that I may worthily proclaim your holy gospel this is important because what he's doing is he's getting ready to bring the word to you then he walks forward and as the book of Revelation says the high priest opens the seal and proclaims the word and this is exactly what the priest does or the kinsella braiding priest or the deacon right now earlier readings could be a lector the first reading the responsorial Psalm in the second reading but the gospel is either a priest or a deacon right okay this is very important all right now what we have to do is he professes the gospel as he does that what does he say the Lord be with you and with your spirit a reading from the holy Gospel according to John according to you O Lord and what do you do you make the sign of the Cross where forehead lips heart why because this is where God should be we open our minds right to hear God's words we plan to share those words with others by our lips and we declare we believe in Jesus with our whole heart very good very good at the end the word of the Lord and you say praise to You Lord Jesus Christ then the deacon or the priest kisses the book if this is the book he kisses it why he venerates it and he says through you don't hear this but when the priest is up at the Ambo he says through the words of the gospel may our sins not just mine but yours may our sins be wiped away then a homily follows a homily now why do we do a homily why does a homily part of the mass well let's go back to scripture 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus preached the world this is coming from Timothy be urgent in season and out of season convinced rebuke please don't tear to pieces your priests when they are teaching the truth if they're not teaching the truth and yes charitable correction is needed but please don't shred your priest to pieces because they are teaching the truth I've always said I don't know why but in my heart I believe that someday I'm going to end up in jail it's already happening around the world in places where the priests are being criminalized for teaching what we what is called hate no the truth is not hate the truth set you free so I always say eventually my big mouth may get me in trouble but if it's a big mouth for the Lord praise be to God just maybe send me some food in jail and when I get there if this world continues in the way that it is right okay so don't forget about me all right now homily there's only done by ordained clergy like priests bishops were deacons it's not to be done by anybody else is it mandatory is a homily mandatory yes if it's a Sunday but not on weekdays and what's the difference between a homily and a sermon a sermon and homily are different a homily refers to a specific reading from the Bible and applies it to daily life so the priest takes a parable or whatever the reading is and applies it to our daily life a sermon is the opposite a sermon takes a topic like maybe charity and then it goes all parts of the Bible and pulls all the parts in the Bible that support that one topic so sermon is different it's kind of the same theme but we as Catholics in our mass have adopted the form of the homilies so in a Sunday Mass what comes after the homily the priest goes back to his chair a moment of silence and then we do the profession of faith called the Creed this is only on Sundays or big feasts and solemnities it's in a it's a statement of the Apostles faith all right this is the statement of the Apostles faith the Creed leads us to an act of faith in the Trinity this is very important and what each person does for us in the Trinity alright let's look at this I believe let's turn to the the the Creed I can't do all of it because of my lack of time here but I believe in one God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth where does that come from yeah Father the church made that up nope Genesis 14 19 God most holy maker of heaven and earth then the Creed says of all things visible and invisible where does that come from Colossians 1:16 for in him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invisible what about next I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God turn to Luke 1:35 there for the child to be born shall be called holy the Son of God next be God not made consubstantial with the father what does that mean consubstantial they are one one substance that comes from John 10 verse 30 I in the father are one our Creed is biblical then begotten or excuse me he will come again in glory to judge the living in the dead where does that come from 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church all right catholic people think that means we're saying only the four walls of the catholic church yes there is only salvation but it doesn't mean that a pigmy in the rain forest can't still be saved yes God will judge them differently a pygmy in the rain forest who's never received the gospel can still be saved through the natural law right what grace God puts on his heart but for us who have been given the fullness of the truth and the sacraments and the Mass this is our way to heaven because it's actual grace it's salvific this is the way Christ set it up well father I don't need to go to a church I worship God my own way okay great that you're worshiping God but do you want to be the one that tells Jesus you know what Lord I get it that you gave us the way in the Bible how to worship you but I really don't like that way I kind of like the way of doing it in my shower or maybe on my way to the football game on Sunday sorry it doesn't say that in Scripture what it does say is this is the way we worship Christ all right or God all the Trinity right all right now I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Catholic means universal so we turn to Romans 12:5 so we though many are one body in Christ that's what Catholic means alright so we finished the Creed now the father the the the Creed also explains the Trinity right the father created the world and gave us life the son who was human and divine redeemed that life for us once we got broken and the Spirit gives us divine life so get this this even though our God is one God it's three persons the father created us the son redeemed us and the Holy Spirit sanctifies us makes us holy to share in the divine life of God and the life we need for salvation now that conclude the Creed concludes with a belief in the resurrection from the dead and the life of the world to come eternal life now we must pray this because we can't know this on our own it has to be revealed to us through Scripture the mass all right now we're gonna finally finish the the universe or the excuse me the Liturgy of the word with the universal prayer or the prayers of the faithful right the one petition that everybody thinks of you know we pray for the world we pray for our church but these are intercessions why do we pray this again turn to Philippians verse 1 chapters 3 and 4 I think God in all my remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy basically we are saying we now are praying for each other when the church is gathered and I'm still in the Liturgy of the word here we're finishing up when the church has gathered we have the responsibility to pray for each other and the whole church and the whole world because we are united this is why the order of petitions we usually start with praying for the church our Holy Father our priests our bishops our deacons then we pray for the world and our governments and our leaders whoa do we need that today we must pray for them especially our president no matter what you think of our president you have to pray there are things going on now that are crazy again I don't care what you think of our president but what's your obligation to do as a Catholic is to pray for your leaders all right do you know that there our witches and Wiccans around the world placing hexes on the 13th of every month in our president and the only way that we can undo this is to be praying for him and offering masses regardless if you agree or you don't like his tact you need to pray for our leaders they are still this is our nation and we must pray all right then we pray for the sick and the suffering specific needs and then the deceased all right we're halfway done everybody hang in there with us now we turn to Liturgy of the Eucharist as you can see on the slide up there Liturgy of the Eucharist this is the next part of the mass all right we begin we're halfway home we begin with the offertory here gifts are brought to the altar why do we bring gifts to the altar because again it's scriptural Matthew five 23 so if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there this is important gifts on behalf of the people all right if somebody ever the people are given to the priest you bring them up to me the gifts of bread and wine and then it's going to be transformed and then the priest is going to give those gifts back to you in a better more incredible way you brought the gifts forward that are just bread and wine the priest is going to transfer them through the persona Christie of Jesus and he's going to give them back to you in a way that brings you eternal life this is in Holy Communion and we'll get to that we also bring forth our tithes the collection right oh here you go Father you are truly Catholic you're talking about bringing money and well you know what people tithe to Jesus the Apostles gave of their belongings to help the ministry continue now Catholics we don't teach it you have to tied 10% like the Protestants but God puts on your heart how much you can why we do that because we bring it forward because God supplies everything we have all of us what we have and only asked for a tiny portion of it back this is powerful now preparation of the gifts now at the altar right has two purposes the bread and the wine that will be offered will be offered in sacrifice to God and then the priest and you the people will prepare your cells also to be offered to God so it's just that preparation of the bread and the wine it'll be a preparation of the priest and the people this is important all right now this is the time to bring everything in your heart like the gifts God is going to transform these gifts and he can transform what you bring forward in your prayer intentions now what are the people say that people always say that the Angels your guardian angel brings forth your prayer intentions the Mystics tell us that when the in the mass is going on especially a consecration your guardian angels come forward and they kneel around the altar and they're holding vessels and the Mystics tell us and people ask what's in those vessels and the Mystics tell us what's in those vessels are what you put into it Oh father I don't go to Mass because I don't get anything out of it my goodness you can't get anything more out of it eternal life but it's also about what you put into it put your hopes your dreams your sorrows your joys into that gift that's coming forward to be transformed in the Mass put your gifts your painter Joy's your sorrows just like the bread the wine and have it transformed on this altar have your life be transformed on this altar or are you just sitting back there smacking on your gum looking at your watch that's how I used to be so I'm not criticizing you I did that for 20 years until I found what this Mass really means and so let's go forward here now now the procession of gifts this goes back to when people in ancient times brought forward bread and wine from their homes now what happens the pre sets up the altar right so we have the priest he sets up the altar let's look at this year because you probably don't pay any attention when this is going on the first thing the priest does is he unfolds what's called a corporal now why is this a corporal this is placed on the altar with the cross usually facing the priest and it's laid out for the sacrifice of the mass what's the real purpose of this it's practical so that any particles of the Blessed Sacrament that may fall are captured and then at the end of Mass are folded up to be properly taken care of now next is the priest will take the bread and as we see here he will bless it blessed are You Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have the bread we offer you fruit of the earth and work of human hands that would become for us the bread of life this is a traditional Jewish meal prayer of biblical times Jesus would have said that prayer actually at the Last Supper then after the blood though the the bread is blessed now this is removed from the chalice the chalice is the cup of the precious blood and this is called a purification this is a folded cloth that will be used to wipe any precious blood or the doorposts of our souls remember the doorpost in the Old Testament the blood of the Lamb was put over the doors so the Angel of Death passed by well guess what when the precious blood touches your lips the doorpost to your soul you have protection so we use the purification now we have the cruets which these cruets consists of what right now is blood Brett excuse me wine and water it looks like wine the accidents are wine and right now the substance is wine but in a minute that substance will no longer be wine it'll still look like wine and taste like wine and it's accidents the church calls it but in its substance it will actually be the precious blood of Christ so the priest pours the wine what does he do he adds a drop of water to be placed in the wine now why is this this is important okay this is very important okay the priest as he's adding the water in the wine pranks by the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity notice divinity humanity this is what's important once you put the water into the wine it's impossible to separate it you don't take it out again because of Jesus humanity is now never separated from his divinity this is the mixing of what Christ Jesus did in his humanity and his divinity and when we mix it it symbolizes the unity of the church with Jesus Jesus is the wine the church is the water and it's mixed together now after it is mixed the priest blesses it blessed are You Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have the wine we offer you fruit of the vine and work of human hands have become our spiritual drink and then he places over it what is this called a Paul now we think of Paul's at funerals right what are the Paul's do they lay over the casket what are we doing here all right the Paul what is the purpose of the Paul believe it or not there's a practical purpose here if the priest doesn't do it he's not violating it's not an invalid mass or an illicit mass if the priest doesn't put it there he's not violating anything but why do we actually believe it or not it's a practical purpose to keep the bugs out yes this is true and I never used to really use a Paul I didn't pay any attention to it when I was first ordained until I went to a good friends parish and I was celebrating Mass this priest is a good friend of mine and I'm the main celebrant he's behind me and we pour the precious blood I bless it or the blind I blessed it and later on we did the consecration prayers and the consecration prayers give you now the precious blood right so there was no Paul and what happened well you can guess it the biggest horsefly that you could ever imagine buzzing around the altar straight into the precious blood now am I allowed to take that horse play out just flick it off to the side no I'm not so this big giant horse fly is in the precious blood we finish the consecration prayers it is now time to consume what does the priest do here you got it the priest must consume so guess what I did I'm the main celebrant I turn over to my friends the priest who is his parish I was at and I said to him I said it's your parish in other words you drink and god bless my priest friend he looked at me and he said you're the main celebrant so down it went whole thing and that is why I today use up all all right so let's keep continuing with the mass now the priest quietly says after he finishes blessing the wine and putting the pall over it he blends over and he boughs down and he says with humble spirit and contrite heart may we be accepted by you O Lord and may our sacrifice not just mine our in your sight this day be pleasing to You Lord God you never even hear this prayer and the priest is praying on your behalf is your sitting there in the back of the pew walking out the door chomping on your gum no this is important the priest then turns around and the server washes his hands right this is also important why does he wash his hands well father it's time of coronavirus he needs to keep them clean okay yes the priest tradition would wash his hands to keep him clean because back in the day part of the mass used to be vegetables and fruits and there would be maybe fertile let's say on them but it's also important that that priest when his hands are washed who when he does he says wash me O Lord from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin the washing of the hands is very important because it's a symbolic cleansing all right now people always complain I'm not going to that priest he's not holy I think that priest is a sinner we're all sinners but guess what happens when that priest washes his hands his sins are suspended suspended so he could actually confetti Eucharist so that he can connect the Eucharist soon no matter what that priest is done you still receive a valid Holy Communion don't worry about the priest Jesus we'll deal with him you worry about getting the precious blood which he is giving to you as a priest no matter what he's done we pray that every priest in the whole world is in a state of grace but don't worry if not you are still receiving a valid Holy Communion if you just pray for those priests that you suspect that pray for them to get help pray for them to get grace don't don't condemn them pray for them Jesus says in to Saint Faustina alright now this is important okay so then the priest comes back to the altar and what does he do the priest turns back to the to the prayers of the mass and we have the prayers over the gifts graciously sanctify these gifts O Lord we pray and he goes on with the prayers over the offerings now as that before he did that actually I missed a part he says pray brethren that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty father and what do you say may the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his Holy Church this is the congregation giving your approval this is why it's so needed alright now as I said we get to the prayers over the gifts which was said differently at each mass depending upon the feast or the season all right now let's get into it and what do you say a men which means what I believe all right now we get to the part of the mass which is called the preface the preface means something before something else is about to happen you preface something with something else means it comes first now in the preface we have the priest goes back to the altar he's here at the altar what does he say again the Lord be with you a third time and again where does that come from Ruth - for the Lord be with you and what do you say and with your spirit again second Timothy 4:20 - the Lord be with your spirit then you say lift up I'm sorry I say lift up your hearts where does that come from lamentations 341 Old Testament let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven and then what do you say we lift them up to the Lord you're responding and then I say let us give thanks to the Lord our God where does that come from Colossians 1 verse 3 we always think God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and then you say it is right and just where does that come from proverbs 21 3 - do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord it is right and just now I read then the preface something like it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation at all times to acclaim you O Lord but in this time above all to laud you yet more gloriously you know what this prayer is the preface which applies also to a specific feast or season it's Thanksgiving in every preface we are thinking who are the mass prayers addressed to everybody says Jesus the prayers of the mass are addressed to the Father through the sacrifice of the son in this mass we are praying entirely except one little part that's to Jesus and I'll point that out coming up the entire mass is to the Father we are accepting the sacrifice made to him by the son to the power of the Holy Spirit in Thanksgiving we read the preface it's an announcement the priest and the name of God's people thinks and praises the father for the gift of his son now at the end of this at the end of the preface we sing together the unending hymn of your glory as we acclaim holy holy holy Lord God of hosts heaven and earth are full of your glory hosanna in the highest where does this come from again pull out your Bible Catholics Old Testament Isaiah 63 holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory holy holy holy all right now yes is also the cheers that came for Jesus on palm sunday hosanna in the highest holy holy holy all right so now we're into the pureness of the mass the Eucharistic prayer and I'm gonna use Eucharistic prayer to just because it is the shortest and I have just a limited amount of time left here all right let's begin with Eucharistic prayer to the priest raises his hands and he says you are indeed holy O Lord the fount of all holiness where does this come from let's go back to the Old Testament second Maccabees 14 36 so now remember I said holy you are holy O Lord the fount of all holiness Maccabee says o Holy One Lord of all holiness keep undefiled forever this house that has been so recently purified right now our house the church is being purified that's why all these things are being exposed the pains and the wounds have now been exposed to the air and this air is going to heal the wound this is what's happening we're cleansing out the junk Pope Benedict said the church will be smaller but it'll be more faithful I think after this pain we're going to see the same thing many people are going to come back to church with the ones who do will be the most faithful that's what we are going to be experiencing now the priest then removes the purification I mean the the Paul and he lay puts his hands over together like this what is this is called the epiclesis epiclesis means the word in greek to call down we are calling down the Holy Spirit to bless and transform this bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ so the epiclesis is very very important okay basically it's an invocation of the Holy Spirit the priest is asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit to change this bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ epiclesis as I said means call down then what is the priest pray make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall that they may become for us and the priest his hands are over and he makes a sign of the Cross the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ so that was done with the epiclesis where does that come from john 6:53 unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you listen to the prayer again call down the Holy Spirit like the dewfall so that they may become the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ now the priest is asking the Holy Spirit to transform these gifts like Christ did at the Last Supper he is the person of Christ he is in Persona Christi this is why the priest please don't beat up the church has to be a man it's not about sexism actually a cloistered nun as a higher vocational calling than a diocesan priest not factoring in the sacraments just way of life because Martha chose or Mary chose the better half I'm more Martha so I defend Martha more of the worker bee but later the priest will ask the Holy Spirit to come and in transform you as well not just the body blood that'll be a second epiclesis which I bet hardly any of you have ever known is going on in the mass all right now the priest continues this is what he's reading in the book at the time he was betrayed where does that come from Luke 22 verse 3 Judas would you betray the Son of man with a kiss and entered willingly into his passion where does that come from john 10:17 for this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life willingly entered willingly into his passion right out of the Bible all right now he says he took bread giving thanks and broke it now listen to this I'm gonna give you know I'm not consecrating this host please this is not a real mass the priest has to have the full intent to consecrate the host I have no intent to consecrate this bread or this wine into the body and blood of Christ so this is not a mass so you do not have to be concerned about my lack of reverence not doing a sacrifice of a mass I'm teaching what the mass is but there's no consecration I'm going to read the words but I don't have the intent so this is not being concentrated I have no intention to consecrate this blood or this of wine or this bread but what the words are that the priest reads during this consecration not to consecrate it but the words of consecration as he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you and then the priest elevates the host and the Holy Spirit through that power this bread and this wine they don't Christ doesn't come into the host like my dad god bless of used to tell me as a kid god bless him for telling me that but it Christ doesn't come into the bread the bread becomes the body and blood of Christ it is the sacraments this is what it is there's an actual change of substance trans means change transubstantiation there's a change of substance this bread now becomes the body blood of Christ there's no bread and substance anymore now and accidents it looks like bread and tastes like bread but the substance is now the body blood of Christ this is why we just can't throw it in the garbage this is eternal life here now in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of My Blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me and the priest elevates the chalice now I do not have any wine or precious blood here so please don't get upset I'm not irreverently doing this just walking through teaching but the priest elevates and again by the power of the Holy Spirit the precious blood becomes the blood of Christ of wind becomes the precious blood of Christ now here's what we have to remember that prayer that I just read to you sounds a little biblical to me let's go to mark 14 22 and as they were eating he took bread blessed and broke it and gave it to them and said take this is my body and he took a cup and then when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drink of it and he said to them this is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many people hear that and they say boy you Catholics really are Goll aren't you you think the many means only Catholics nobody else can get into heaven that is not our teaching yes there's only salvation through the Catholic Church but non Catholics can be United I'll be it imperfectly through the Catholic Church all right now that doesn't mean that you have to be a registered member of the four walls of the church again a pigman the Rainforest can be saved but if you were brought up in this Catholic faith this is your ticket this is your way to eternal life please don't ever lose that grace but why does he say many who does many refer to are all people redeemed by Christ yes every human being who ever lived has been redeemed by Jesus Christ that means everyone that's why I believe when Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross he didn't feel the pain just like you or I would for ourselves I believe let's say the world ends today science tells us they believe a hundred and fifteen billion people have lived since the beginning of time today in the world they're seven and a half billion people alive but when you add all the people who have deceased science tells us about 110 115 billion people have lived since the beginning of time if the world ended today Jesus died for every one of them and I believe that when that nail was driven into his hands and feet that Jesus felt that pain not just for himself but he felt it 115 billion times more than you or I would feel it can you even imagine the pain of anything being a hundred and fifteen billion times more I believe that is true biz I believe he felt that pain for each and every human who ever lived and so for many what does that mean well father what does many mean does it mean only those souls who are in heaven no the people are in hell we know there are souls in hell did Christ die for them yep so then who is the many didn't he pour out his blood for everyone yes he did he poured his blood out for everyone when the scouts will say many they simply mean the only person not including in that is Jesus himself he didn't pour out his blood for himself then many means everyone else so Jesus redeemed the whole world everyone but not everybody will be saved the choice is yours you've been redeemed but the choice is yours if you're saved alright let's go back to Corinthians 1124 this is another passage that tells us about the consecration and when he had given thanks he broke broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me that's 1st Corinthians 11:20 for now remember and I'm going to steal here from the church fathers the word remembrance anamnesis the Greek as Christ uses it does not mean to remember the past we're not recreating right we're where Christ we're not recruit a fiying Christ right we are we are re presenting it in a way that is all eternal all right our remembrance of Christ's passion death and resurrection is just as Jewish people use it when celebrating the Passover it is not simply remembering and celebrating an event of the past but it is actually entails making the event real and present now so that we can enter into the share and the Paschal mystery for our salvation ladies and gentlemen what this means is when you are at Mass you are in the Upper Room as Christ is is preparing this meal and the sacrifice you are there in the Upper Room as it is being done and so when we come to mass then in a minute we will be at Calvary as Christ is there on the cross paying our debt to sin we're not recruiter fiying Christ you aren't actually there at Calvary as Jesus is paying your debt to sin on that cross that's why when people say odd T's you know you Catholics you have Christ on that cross my jesus is risen yeah so is mine but that cross is what's going on at this mass as you come to receive the gift he gives you of redemption because he paid the penalty for sin the sin you have committed the sin I committed the sin that means we deserve to die and yet pride Christ prayed that price you are there at Calvary Pope Benedict tells us in spirit of the liturgy when you come to Mass the church it's like the roof of the church opens up and heaven and earth ascend and descend and the angels and the Saints are united heaven and earth is united like never before and in this mass the roof opens up and this beautiful uniting of heaven and earth this is what the book of Revelation is about it's not about the rapture or the Antichrist this book of Revelation is about the wedding Feast of the Lamb and so the concentration through Christ's own words that I just read you in the Bible we have transubstantiation now when the priest elevates the host we just heard bells ringing well maybe you picked that up on the microphone but when the priest elevate some masses we have bells some we do not is it a requirement no the tradition was going back to the Latin Mass when the priest was at the high altar they didn't know sometimes if people at what point the mass they were at and they would ring the bells to let them know that we read the consecration of the mass all right now let's get then after the consecration the priest says what the Memorial acclamation the mystery of faith and this is called a mystery of faith because God had to reveal it to us we have to have faith to believe it and what do you respond there's a couple of different responses I'll just pick one when we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim your death O Lord until you come again take a guess you got it biblical first Corinthians 11 26 for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes again I mean oh this entire mass is scriptural and we don't and we sit there not in in agreement when non-catholics tell us we're not biblical we are the church from which the Bible came people say well father I don't belong to Catholic Church because I'm about the Bible well what you need to say to them as God bless you but do you accept that Bible yes I do father do you accept everything that's in it yes I do father do you accept the words and the authority from which it came yes I do Father congratulations you accept the authority of the Catholic Church did you know where that Bible came from that Bible came from the bishops of the Catholic Church if the council's of Carthage and hippo in 393 and 397 ad the mass predates the Bible the mass was instituted by Christ in the upper room on holy Thursday and has been said since the Apostles after Pentecost for every day since then the mass the scripture didn't come for decades later the scriptures were brought to us to be read at the mass they are both critically important three legs of our stool that we have scripture tradition and Magisterium and in that is the mass all right so this is important now when we eat this bread and we drink this cup we said now this is again an attachment of a meal to the cross we eat and then we proclaim Christ's death that's what the Paschal meal is all about that's what the Passover meal was they had to eat the lamb and do you know that the sacrifice lamb in the book of John was sacrificed at noon on Good Friday which is the time Jesus was nailed to the cross he is the sacrificed lamb but in the Old Testament you had to eat the lamb or the sacrifice was invalid this is what we're doing at the mass we're eating the lamb the sacrifice lamb all right it's not a reenactment because we've entered in a sacred time because God is divine it is always going on we are in mystery here all right hang with me we're wrapping up all right the priest then turns to the final part of the Eucharistic prayer therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you Lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation notice the bread of life and the chalice of salvation where does this come from you guessed it John 651 I am The Living bread that has come down from heaven he will eat this bread will live forever that is salvation then the priest says giving things that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you this comes from matthew 4:11 then the devil left him and behold the angels came and ministered to him all right any of you who are really paying attention could say alright father this is a problem because in the mass it says we ministered to Jesus in the scripture says the Angels did Matthew 4:11 you got it who's higher who was created higher the man or the angel the angel was created higher than man angel by nature is higher than man he has a superior intellect he's not constrained by space and time he doesn't get sick it doesn't get the coronavirus the angel by nature is created above man but by grace after the fall when God redeemed man and God became one of us man was elevated above the angel by grace so nature the Angels higher the man by grace man has been elevated above the angel and so now we minister to God to Christ and this is what it says in the Bible all right let's keep going humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit all right where does this come from first Corinthians 10:16 the cup of blessing which we bless is it not participate of the blood of Christ the bread which we break is in that participation in the body of Christ we are one we are many in one body this is exactly what I just read in the missile alright remember Lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with Francis our Pope and Mitchell our Bishop and all the clergy that comes right out of first Corinthians 13 we pray for the church we pray for charity to love our brothers all right let's keep going last couple pages alright remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the Resurrection and all who have died in your mercy fallen asleep resurrection where did we get this first Corinthians 15:20 but in fact Christ has been raised from the dead by the firstfruits to those who have fallen asleep for us by a man came death but by a man has come the resurrection of the Dead all Eucharistic prayers pray for the resurrection the dead all right welcome them into the light of your face I read this in the mass where does that come from Psalm 31 15 let thy face shine on thy servant O Lord have mercy on us all we pray that with the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God with the Blessed apostles and the Saints and all who pleased you throughout the ages non Catholics come to Mass and they hear that one line they don't like it the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God how do you call her blessed why do you call her Mother of God well Luke does Luke 142 blessed are you among women Elizabeth said and blessed is the fruit of your womb and why is this granted me that the mother of my lord mother of god should come to me we are simply repeating the words of Scripture this is amazing alright and then we finish we may be co-heirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son Jesus Christ this is Romans 8:16 we are children of God and if children heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ glorified with him that is why we say co-heirs to eternal life and we praise and glorify Him again right out of Scripture all right now here we are the supercharged moment of the mass his father my Gately says and I've been teaching all along the supercharged moment of the mass you know our whole faith can be summarized in the concept of a circle all comes from God all will return to God all came from God the first great act of mercy creation as I said to you earlier we got broken so that first great act of mercy was creation all of creation is present before God at the mass even if you're physically not here then in the second great act of mercy because we got broken in the garden 2nd great act of mercy second person of the Trinity came down redeemed us now guess who in the third and the final and the greatest act of mercy the third person of the Trinity the Holy Spirit will sanctify us that's the third great act of mercy and bring us back to God the Father from where we came all fixed repaired and better than ever before when I was growing up as a kid my favorite show in the world was this six million dollar man and in it it says this man Steve Austin astronaut a man barely alive he was broken but he said gentlemen we have the technology to make him better faster stronger better than ever before ladies and gentlemen God has more than technology God has the grace when we fall and were broken worse than Steve Austin the astronaut because we were in our soul broken he had the power to rebuild us the power to make us better than we were before and we unite now in the divine life of the Trinity which we never had before and now we are being brought back to the power of the Holy Spirit back to God the Father I ask people all the time when does this happen people tell me oh father in our baptism yes we are divinized father at our death when we behold the beatific vision yes when we enter into heaven we we are divinized but where does it happen every minute every day somewhere around the world right here through him and with him and in him O God Almighty father in the unity of the Holy Spirit all glory and honor is yours for ever and ever what is going on you are being returned back to God the Father through the sacrifice of the son by the power of the Holy Spirit my gosh I don't get anything out of the mass there's nothing more you can get out of the mass that is why the mass is perfect prayer yes we need to pray in our own bedrooms but our prayer is not perfect we are blocked by sin in our mass we are perfected because the mass is God offering God to God God the Holy Spirit offering God the son back to God the Father in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world sound familiar you got it that's the chaplet of divine mercy and that's why that chaplet prayer is so powerful I wish I could go into it now but I know you guys are getting tired and I'm trying to wrap her up here but we're finishing up this is why Jesus died on the cross the penalty for sin is death paid it with his death his death paid our debt now we are sanctified and were being brought back to God the Father for all eternity this is why the priest says that prayer and guess what Romans 11:36 for from him and through him and to him are all things to him be glory for ever amen amen amen now brother Mark is going to put on there the final two slides communion right so you'll see on the screen the communion right is now what we're getting ready to this is where the priest then after he places the paten down and the chalice and he leads us in what prayer the Our Father this is again scriptural I wish I had time to go to that our Father but I don't Matthew 6:9 our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name this whole prayer verbatim is in the scriptures and the priest is doing what the priest is like this in what's called the or Ron's position are you supposed to be doing this no again you're not going to not get into heaven because you went like this at the Our Father but it's a priestly position so we should in the laity have their hands folded at the Our Father we say it because we do not pray alone the whole church and the Saints is praying with us then after the priest finishes the Our Father he says what deliver us Lord we pray from every evil and graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the Blessed hope and the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ so we are in anticipation this comes from Titus 2:13 awaiting the Blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ oh man you can't get anything more out of this mass it's scriptural it's salvific it's grace it's everything then this is what God tells us the Father's plan is that the son will save us but we need to pray this daily this is the our Father all right now the priest says Lord Jesus Christ you said to your those peace I leave you my peace I give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will for ever and ever where does that come from peace I leave with you my peace I give you that's what I just read to you John 14:27 then the priest says the peace of the Lord be with you that also John 20:19 Jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you and then you say and with your spirit and then I say let us offer each other the sign of peace but remember that is at the discretion of the priest especially now in the time of the virus the first word Jesus spoke to the Apostles after he rose from the dead was peace so this is what is very important all right now he takes away fear and anxiety our Lord is saying peace to you so take away your fear and anxiety approach Holy Communion shed your fears turn to God and receive him now we are at the fraction right the fraction right fraction means to break the priest breaks the host right he breaks the host literally and then he puts a small piece into the chalice why and the priest prays a prayer may the mingling of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it this is powerful a body without blood is dead so when Christ's body again this is not consecrated this is not consecrated when his body is reunited with his blood he is risen He is risen then what do you say the people Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world grant us peace we say three times again this comes from John 1:29 the next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world this is Lamb of God you take away the sins of world this is exactly from John the Baptist in the Bible alright then the priest says a quiet prayer all right and he says may the receiving of your body and blood you never hear this may the receiving of your body and blood Lord Jesus not bring me to judgment in combination but through your love and mercy be for me protection of mind and body and healing remedy then the priest genja flanks and he stands up and he says behold the lamb of God behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb and this is going to be in a minute I'm going to tell you why that's so critically important but again it comes right from revelation 19 9 blessed are they who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb book of Revelation is not as I said about the Antichrist or the rapture it's about the mass now people say lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and I shall be my soul shall be healed this comes right from Matthew 8 8 the prayer of the Centurion lord I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof but only say the word and my servant will be healed then the priest says quietly may the body and blood of Christ keep me safe for eternal life all right you guys have been doing great you're hanging in there now we are to the Holy Communion how do you receive Holy Communion well there are many ways follow the ways the church teaches all right the way that you are to receive is to come forward with your hands folded all right not like this preferably with nothing in your arms sometimes that's impossible if you have a child or something we try our best to have our hands folded we understand God's first foremost is the family so yes but don't be bringing up you don't need to be bringing up bags and and and and and and even purses and stuff maybe if you have valuables or something just we want to use our our best discretion okay and we come forward hands are to be folded and you bow the head slightly at the waist and you come forward now you either when the priest says the body of Christ have your mouth open to receive him or the church does allow and the United States by the end alt of the USCCB the College of Conference of Bishops to receive in the hand and in the hand we can receive and then place it on our tongue no gloves somebody got very upset with me because I would not put the Blessed Sacrament or the host into their knit gloves we cannot do that but please don't come forward to me and go like this because I don't know which way you want to receive so you are you have the discretion to receive either way Bishop Anthony sho Schneider has said that you have the right nobody by canon law can say you cannot receive by the tongue you are allowed to receive by the tongue you are also allowed to kneel no priest can deny you Holy Communion because you have chosen to kneel to receive now the norm is to receive on the tongue as I said Anand alt was given to receive in the hand so I am not criticizing the hand at all but I do smile because I just read get us out of here by Maria Simha she is a known mystic in in the church this is not Church position and this is not my position but I thought I would share it with you Maria Simha said that the bishops who approved the receiving of Holy Communion in the hand will have to remain in purgatory until the rule is changed so that does not mean you are not allowed to receive in the hand you are the key is reverently whether you receive in the tongue or on the hand it is to be reverently okay in the hand or on the tongue it is to be reverently alright the bishops have given you the permission so you are not sinning by receiving in the hand but you need to make that to decision alright Bishop Snyder also said that you know we have to use our heads and on how we are receiving either by the tongue or by the hands to minimize contact and to minimize the spread of germs okay now personally you have to go with what your heart says now germ 160 said the norm is to receive standing but again you can receive if you want to kneel the priest cannot deny that but here's the point the point is reverence when you come to this Mass this is your wedding we are at the wedding feast well father I got married on July 28th 1976 great god bless you but we are preparing in this mass for the true wedding the wedding feast of the Lamb this is the true wedding and when you come up this aisle you are like the bride you are making your wedding march and when you go to a Catholic wedding what happens you see the bride she's making her wedding march up this aisle who's waiting for her at the altar the groom her groom and in the Catholic wedding what happens a tube joined together and that night it's consummated the bride and the groom become one the groom enters into the bride what happens here at the mass the groom who's the groom Jesus this is what the church is always taught who's the bride the church who's the church us and just like the wedding the groom enters into you the bride you literally receive him he enters in the host enters into you the bride it is to become one this is the wedding feast of the Lamb this is the whole meaning of the mass and so this is the priest he is standing in the person of Christ this is again why he has to be a man it is not that the church is sexist it's just the way Jesus set it up and again the church is not sexist the the cloistered nun is such a higher calling of than even the diocesan priest regarding disregarding the sacraments just in the way of life but that priest who was in Persona Christi stands in the person of Christ and the mass is nuptial Christ to his church his wedded and union of the priest to the congregation the priest is in the person of Christ the church is the congregation and they are rented Christ enters into you the bride this is the wedding feast of the Lamb the church's feminine the priest is masculine this is the nuptial meaning of it this is the beautiful gift that God gave us and that one flesh then bears fruit this is the beauty of the mass and then after Holy Communion the priest comes forward and he purifies the vessels you don't hear this but he says what has passed our lips as food O Lord we me possess in purity of heart and was been given to us in time maybe our healing for eternity and this is what he purifies the vessels and then after communion he reads the prayer he sits briefly in silence then he reads the prayer after the communion the priest comes back to the altar raises his hands and says let us pray and in that the prayer relates again to a specific season or feast and guess what everybody last page as we have brother mark put on the concluding right slide there you have it we are concluding the most hour of power of our entire life this one hour of the mass and in my case here sorry a little longer than an hour but here we give the priest after reading the final prayer does the announcements for the parish community and then he finishes with a greeting and a blessing and what does he say you guessed it the Lord be with you and you say and with your spirit and the priest says may Almighty God bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit this comes right out of Matthew 28:19 go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit you see in Scripture a blessing always meant a communication of divine breath remember the word comes to use from the breath that Holy Spirit is being given to you and is meant to give spiritual strength and it transforms the one who is blessed in the Bible when somebody is blessed they're given the breath of a spirit and that breath of the Spirit transforms them this is what just happened to you in the mass if you allow it if you are properly disposed and you are engaged this is what can happen you say Amen which means I believe and then there's the dismissal because the priest says go in peace and that comes from Luke 7:50 your peace has saved you go I'm sorry your faith has saved you go in peace you say thanks be to God that comes from 2nd Corinthians 9:15 thanks be to God for his an expressible gift you couldn't get a more perfect scripture passage in the Latin it is a tame si st which means go see the church is being sent that's what mass actually means comes from the word dismissal this is what it means it means be sent and from where we get the word mission remember the parable of talents jesus said go and share your gifts and graces you've received an abundance of Grace's in the mass now go and share it the goal is to evangelize make disciples and then turn them into apostles the purpose of the mass is for you to be transformed in Christ and to be sent out as an apostle and that is actually what the word goodbye means God be with you and you are sent out amen amen hallelujah hallelujah all right you guys hung in there with me god bless you I am sorry it took a lot longer than I thought 24 minutes longer that I thought it was going to take but there's just so Matt much in the sacrifice of the mass and we are so glad that you could join us now remember we're going to keep this recording up on our Facebook page divine mercy official and on our website the Divine Mercy org please share it with your friends and family even non Catholics because we want them to understand what the Catholic Church is the the the disharmony is not because of who we are it's what it we are perceived to be Fulton sheen said it beautifully he said millions of people hate what they think is the Catholic Church but very few people hate what actually is the Catholic Church and so we join with you please continue on this mission with us we want to thank you you've been supporting us watching our live streams all of the beautiful people that have joined us please again share this message with them just a few announcements we will be continuing to do our live streams every day at 9 a.m. of the Holy Sacrifice of the mass every day at 3:00 p.m. with the chaplet of divine mercy and at 5:00 p.m. with the Rosary tomorrow we invite you to join us at the 9:00 a.m. mass as we will do a May crowning with our lady father Anthony will be the main celebrant as we celebrate the crowning of mothers for Mother's Day with the crowning of Mary and I would also like to invite you to visit our website if you would like a DVD of this talk because we can't keep this talk up on our websites forever it will come down but you can order on Shop Mercy dot org you can get my DVD that says explaining the faith I have 13 new talks it is not just a talk about Divine Mercy although there are several on Divine Mercy there's talks on Mary there's talks on suicide and suffering why would a good and loving God allow such suffering there's talks on this I have this talk on that DVD a walk through of the mass I have a talk on confession I have a talk on communion I have a talk on Mary I have talks on many things please get that DVD of it's called again explaining the faith which I father Chris and with the help of my brothers here put together over the last several years and then if you do not have a DVD player anymore my thanks goes out to brother Marc Vander's who did I please make his efforts worth it you know let his efforts not being in vain he was up till past midnight last night preparing a way for you to download this talk a similar talk like this a walk through the mass and all those other 13 talks I just talked about on a website that is on Vimeo v IM e o so please go to vimeo.com slash on-demand one word slash explaining the faith I know that's a long thing and hopefully brother mark and get it up on the screen if not I can repeat it again Vimeo VI Meo dot-com / on-demand slash explaining the faith and in it you will be able to give one talk it'sit'sit's helps our ministry and you can get one talk you can get all the talks whatever you like and on there I do have a walk through the mass again all those other topics and then finally if you would like us to pray for you and we would love to provide you to our prayer list there's no cost there's no obligation please visit our websites you can go to the Divine Mercy org or m.i.c prayers dot org or calm again m.i.c for Marian's of the Immaculate Conception prayer so m.i.c prayers dot org and on that you can go simply it takes ten seconds you can come on with us at no cost and you can be part of our association of marian helpers on that you have something very special by the decree of the Holy See you can be participating in all of our graces you can receive the graces of all our masses rosaries penances prayers sacrifices just as if you are a marian priest of the Immaculate Conception you can't get a better deal than that you by decree of the Holy See we are a spiritual benefit society and if you go to m.i.c prayers org or calm it's for Marian's of the Immaculate Conception simply put your email will you don't have to if you don't receive mailing and that's okay you just want to be on our prayer list we will also send you information on Divine Mercy to help keep you educated and to get you to heaven you and your family so with that I finished at one hour and 29 minutes god bless all of you for staying with us and we hope that you'll remain with us in our Marian family through these live broadcasts stay tuned for more to come but right now go to the get those talks visit shop Mercy org get the DVD or visit vimeo.com slash on-demand slash explaining the faith get it downloadable or most of all get our prayers that's most important let us pray for you you pray for us and that is m.i.c prayers dot org or com so god bless all of you and may I leave you with a blessing Heavenly Father may Almighty God may you descend upon the Holy Spirit upon all of those viewing this this talk all of those coming forth to you to receive your mercy through the intercession of Mary and all the saints and through the passion death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ may Almighty God bless you and your loved ones in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen and god bless you thank you hello everyone if you're like us in the state of Massachusetts where our governor has extended the non-essential business closure you're going to be a home looking for things to do there is probably no better time ever before or after than right now than to get closer to God you see you cannot love what you do not know so we want to help you to love God a little bit more by knowing him instead of sitting at home on your couch watching reruns of Miami Vice like my cameraman Giuseppe no idea I think that we have an opportunity now more than ever to learn our faith that is why I have produced a new video DVD series that can be used as small groups and parishes or right at home in your own couch then it's called explaining the faith these are my thirteen favorite talks I've ever done that are regarding what we need to know about Jesus Mary confession communion why would a good and loving God allow suffering and especially a walkthrough of the entire mass from the start to the finish and everything that you need to know about it tell you what here's a quick clip in the church it's just not come to stand sit kneel it's to engage in this most incredible mystery this is what it is the church what makes the Catholic Church the Church of Christ is the sacraments the sacraments are just symbols they do something they're actual grace sacraments if you remember your definition from catechism our efficacious signs meaning efficacious they do something they're not just symbols they're efficacious signs of God's grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to the church by which divine life is given to us we have it so that Christ can enter into us and live in us now if we don't receive him worthily what happens we lose that grace so please consider now is the time to get closer to God and we're gonna show you how as I said this DVD series has 13 talks that you'll be able to learn more and share your faith with everyone that you love to help get yourself and them to heaven so please visit shop mercy dot org or call one eight hundred four six two seven four two six to understand our faith better than ever before and to hear it explained in a way like never before thank you and god bless you you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 187,338
Rating: 4.8821664 out of 5
Keywords: Mass, Liturgy, Catholic Mass, Mass explained, explaining the faith, alar, chris alar, father alar, fr. alar, divine mercy, explaning the faith, image of divine mercy, shrine of divine mercy, chaplet of divine mercy, feast of divine mercy, divine mercy sunday, jesus christ, mary, catholic, catholic church, catechism, faustina, saint, marians, marian fathers, MIC, Marians of Immaculate Conception, calloway, gaitley, pray, prayer, religious, faith, God, christ, mercy, jesus, priest, sacrament, suffering
Id: oegaylVJdlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 4sec (5704 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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