The Core Beliefs of New Age Explained @EverettRoeth

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We're going to talk about deception now before  sin or torment or suffering ever entered the world   deception did first that's how all of it came  about and deception can lead to demonization   but it can lead to damnation which is far more  serious so deception is is the core is the   the primary thing that that even needs the res  needs deliverance in the in the second place   um uh in this deception is the new age  deception now I came from the new age   and the new age is a very strong deception the new  age is you know it's crafted and it's it's it's   very scientifically twisted with all the ancient  religions and I want to encourage anyone watching   online right now if you know people in the new age  they're going to need to hear this message share   this broadcast smash that like button right now  so this can get across youtube and and youtube's   going to promote it more so click that like button  share the broadcast to everyone who's watching and   we're going to dismantle this new age deception  because all of you probably know people that that   are into these things that are into these things  i'm about to describe that are you know not as   much uh passionate about the Lord that are not you  know attending church as much that don't really   have a fire for Jesus because they're they're  into these things they're into these things like   um energy healing and they're into the deep  meditation and they have their crystals and they   do yoga and they're into astrology and horoscopes  and it slowly deviates them away and when I was in   the new age the people that I met most of them  were prior Christians who grew up in the church   and this is the fastest growing spirituality  in the united states and becoming around the   world especially in western countries this is a  very very big deception and it leads to people's   demonization and it leads to people's damnation  now i'm going to dismantle it for you guys and go   over the core doctrines of the new age so you can  understand this so you can witness to people who   are in it so you can understand you know what the  animal is the the first doctrine is reincarnation   reincarnation is the belief that we live multiple  lifetimes not just multiple infinite lifetimes   over and over and over again until we break  the cycle of reincarnation now these different   eastern religions like buddhism and hinduism and  taoism have different means to breaking the cycle   of reincarnation that they teach but the core  doctrine is that they're they're they're recycling   and being reborn so satan even uses this to try  and uh misrepresent the the born-again experience   of a Christian and get people to think oh you  know Christianity's talking about rebirth you know   hinduism buddhism all these things do as well and  many new agers fall to this because in the new age   these these psychics who tell you past life  regressions you know you wonder why do I act the   way I am why do I have this sort of personality  why am I like shy and more quiet but they're more   you know outspoken and oh it's because in a past  life this is this is who you were and this is what   your soul is needing to uh learn and progress in  over your lifetime so it becomes their spiritual   pursuit on on on breaking the cycle and learning  everything to know they need to know to break out   of the cycle of reincarnation and for those  who know about the dalai lama the leader of   buddhism this man this soul literally believes  that he is the 14th incarnation from buddha you   know he's he's just a guy like us a toddler when  he was selected as the dalai lama because he was   reborn into this region he is a literal soul who  believes that he is the 14th incarnation the same   deity because they don't even believe in souls  they believe in this kind of like avatar deity   that reincarnates the same one coming from 14  generations ago half a billion people follow him   half a billion he speaks at universities  around the world he spoke at my university   when I was there and I was deep in the new age  I really wanted to see him but it was so packed   I couldn't get seats you have to reserve seats  and he's a very big not just buddhist teacher   but new age teacher because people who want  to feel spiritual they read these articles   about compassion and love and and all these  different things that kind of draws them in   and then they start listening to the dalai lama  they start listening to these other teachers   this man literally believes he's reincarnated 14  times now we know as Christians who who know the   word of God the truth that it's appointed for man  once to die than the judgment as hebrews 9 27 it's   very clear now there is a second death where souls  are put into the lake of fire but there is one   lifetime we live here on earth in this reality we  don't live over and over and over and over again   we don't need to go to psychics to try and find  out why is this you know why did my dad leave me   or why did my you know mom die at this age like  why they're seeking these questions we don't go   to psychics we go to the Lord we go to God and we  go to the word of God to find our truth because   you start going to these deceptions you will not  only just get demonized but you can be damned   because that's what satan wants he wants the soul  for eternity he'll send the demons to torment but   he wants your soul and what we as Christians know  that Jesus Christ is the way he's the truth and   he's the life and that we live once and we live  for him if you think reincarnation even I know   Christians who believe in reincarnation and it  gives this false sense of second chance you know   like this lifetime isn't all that you have you  can um this false sex second chance makes you not   value this lifetime as much not value what  you're going to do in this lifetime not value   the the need for repentance because oh you know  I might have a second chance in another lifetime   and there's a lot of other teachings that they  go into the bible to even take verses from the   bible to teach this but this is the first main  deception of new agers that they fall into it's   reincarnation and the second is the the idea that  you can become God now it might sound crazy you   know if you've known the truth if you if you know  the word it might sound crazy that you can become   God but what was the original original deception  to adam and eve what did the serpent say to them   he said for God knows that when you eat of it your  eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing   good and evil this deception is still around  church this deception is very much still around   and people who are seeking God unknowingly are  falling to this deception because it fills this   void of you know powerlessness people want to  have control over their lives people want to have   power over their lives you know it feels amazing  when you you think more highly of yourself when   you're suffering with insecurity when you're  suffering with confusion identity issues and   what the new age teaches is that our goal is  to literally just remember that we are God   because the big bang theory 13.8 billion years  ago some random thing happened and atoms exploded   matter was created time everything came about  we have no idea how but the big bang theory is   taught in school it's taught in university it's  taught as normal truth even though it's a theory   now this extension of time over time evolution  started planets formed starstorm they believe form   they believe you know biology life then began and  now we're here but this evolution is still going   but if you try and transcend through meditation  in your mind you can actually feel and go back   to that original state where you are God and  that we are all connected so the new agers   believe this that we are an extension of God  and we need to go through spiritual evolution   and meditation and a spiritual discipline to to  remember it and actually live in that state of   consciousness of that God state of consciousness  the word yoga itself to be it means to be yoked to   to be yoked to brahma which is the God  consciousness this is the spiritual discipline of   yoga it's not just stretching and you know anatomy  and being healthy it's a spiritual philosophy and   discipline and and it's merging with God it's  called moksha and hinduism nirvana in buddhism   this is all the eastern religions and it's coming  to the u.s and it's pulling right pulling people   right out of the church and you probably know  people who are in this stuff who feel like   they've found the truth who feel like they're  more awake than you more enlightened than you   because they know all these different philosophies  and these religions and these secret practices   it's deception it's complete deception we  are not God God is God Jesus Christ is God   he is the only God we are not God we are separate  created beings the bible even says in genesis   chapter 2 verse 7 the Lord God formed man of the  dust of the ground and breathed in his nostrils   the breath of life and man became a living being  we were created by God you were created by God you   don't need to remember that you are God to fill  this powerlessness you can know God you can know   who he is you can have a relationship with him  he knows exactly who you are he knows exactly   what you need and you can form that relationship  with him by believing in his son Jesus Christ   this is the gospel this is the truth and satan is  really trying to forge these deceptions that are   very cunning like paul said you know that the  simplicity of the gospel people won't be led away   by these devised fables and these you know  complexities led away from the simplicity of the   gospel but it's happening right now it's happening  right now that's why the church is decreasing   in its numbers and why that's why this new age  religion is becoming so so popular number three   humans are actually divinely perfect you know  there's this idea that humans are perfect but   we've forgotten our divine nature just like  that we are God but we've forgotten it's this   this negative any sense of negativity  about yourself any shame about yourself any   acknowledgement of guilt acknowledgment of sin  is to be rejected because there's a doctrine   the law of attraction if you have that in your  mind you're going to track that in your life   you know they take the bible verse as a  man thinks in his heart so so he becomes   if you're thinking these things that you're evil  that you have a fallen nature that's shame that's   bringing you down and that's that's lowering your  consciousness from going up in spiritual evolution   it completely rejects the doctrine of sin  of our sin nature and if you reject that   you don't see the the necessity for salvation  you don't see the necessity for forgiveness   of your sin you don't see where you have actually  done evil things in your life where you've thought   evil things where you've had evil intentions you  try and reject it and then you don't realize the   need for a savior you don't realize the need for  Jesus Christ to come into your life to cleanse   you to make you new and to to to have that born  again experience because these deceptions are like   strongholds they're built in people's minds and  they prevent people from from getting to the truth   they're walls that need to be broken down and i've  encountered many people who believe this stuff and   i've talked about what i'm talking to you about  right now and it slowly increases their doubt and   then the truth can pour in but if the walls are  up and you don't know how to break down the wall   you're not going to be able to pour in that truth  to their soul for them to be saved because Jesus   wants to reach them paul wasn't just casting  out demons and healing this sick he was he was   having you know intellectual discussions with  the greeks who thought that the cross was a   bunch of foolishness he was you know apologetic  in his approach to many souls because many souls   need that approach to be saved many souls need  that approach to come to the knowledge of Christ   other souls it's just they believe without seeing  you know there's an emotional understanding   there's an emotional connection to the Lord but  we know in the word of God it is very very clear   that all have sinned and have fallen short of  the glory of God romans 3 verse 23 all have   sinned we're not perfect we're not these perfect  people who need to meditate and understand we're   perfect and anything against that is bad we're all  have sinned there's no one righteous not even one   to to say this to a new ager is such like it's  almost like blasphemy in their minds when they   have a such strong stronghold of the law of  attraction that they've used self-help books   how many times have you read a self-help  book where it's talking about you know   overcoming these things and controlling your  mind having power over your mind before you know   it they'll get to the law of attraction before  you know it people who are trying to get better   in business will start believing in the law of  attraction and this seed that satan plants will   deviate them from the truth of Christ from the  truth of the word and they'll start to fall to   more deceptions because they're not discerning of  what's entering their mind they're not discerning   of the implications of what is entering their  mind and this is how people fall away it's a slow   process for many and even the idea that if you  feel something negative that that's bad for your   spiritual evolution paul said Godly sorrow  brings repentance that leads to salvation   and leaves no regret but worldly sorrow leads  to death having a Godly sorrow about our sin   about our evil nature brings us to repentance it  lets us be washed and it leads to our salvation   it doesn't manifest negativity in our life  and make us depressed it makes us more holy   it makes us more like him and it lets his  image be formed in us that's the whole goal   is to be formed in the image of Christ and  Godly sorrow is an essential part of that   number four this was the biggest for me my  whole salvation hinged on this one intellectual   idea doctrine was that Jesus Christ is just  an enlightened man I had heard the gospel   I had met Christians who were witnessing  to me and the one thing I did not believe   was that Jesus Christ is God incarnate the one and  only begotten son that Jesus Christ is God I just   didn't believe that what I thought that was Jesus  was a man who reached Christ consciousness was a   very enlightened man and it's been misunderstood  over the years as the church tried to dominate   people and get people to worship merely a man  instead of themselves and the true power that's   within and the true power that they wield you see  there's an evil force I believed in an evil force   but this evil force is trying to take people's  power away from themselves to make people look   exteriorly instead of internally at their true  power it's all very believable it's all very very   believable and this one truth I did not believe  in the second I did my entire life changed forever the new agers who see this testimony that I have  they think that you know my spiritual progression   and all these things is merely i'm i'm i'm capping  out i'm falling into a dogmatic trap that i've   taken this idea of Jesus to merely satisfy my  emotions that this idea of Jesus as all loving   as all-knowing is just a psychological construct  that i've made to to fill certain emotional   um needs that I have and this is what they believe  for many of us this is what they believe for   most Christians that Jesus is not  God you know he did not resurrect   he is not actually living right now so it must  be a psychological idea that we're worshiping in   church and as we feed this idea we're generating  positive emotions we're generating love and   happiness in our heart and that's what produces  a better life it's not actually Jesus Christ   himself guiding us speaking to us and healing  us it's the mere psychological concept so this   is where the law of attraction they try and say  hey see if that works for you that's good but I   have my own thing whatever leads to just happiness  because happiness is worshipped instead of truth   now we know the bible says Jesus Christ is  the unique son of God born of a virgin who   raised from the dead on the third day he said  before abraham was I am before abraham existed   Jesus Christ is he is beyond time he is eternal  he is the beginning and the end he's not just   some soul who came here or reincarnated here and  is trying to guide us to Christ's consciousness   he is the literal savior he is  literally God in colossians 1   verse 15 through 17 he is the image of the  invisible God the firstborn over all creation   for by him all things were created that are in  heaven and that are on earth visible and invisible   whether thrones or dominions or principalities  or powers all things were created through him   and for him and he is before all things and in him  all things consist Jesus Christ created everything   he created all of us all things were created  through him for him by him he's before all things   and in him all things consist he's not another man  who reached Christ consciousness he is the true   only begotten son of God and if you believe in him  you can have eternal life you can live forever you   can know who you truly are you don't need to  get into these new age practices and these new   age meditations and spend your lifetime in this  formulaic works based salvation because that's   all it is these eastern religions it's a workspace  breaking out of the cycle of reincarnation but the   gospel is faith-based we're saved by faith through  grace not by works lest any man should boast   this leads me into number five which love light  and truth are merely states of consciousness   so meditation focusing your mind spiritual  discipline can build this love can build   this light and can build this truth in your  mind and in your being that all is energy   you know that the matter is actually vibrating  it's actually you know science has proven that   all is energy even mass is energy you know equals  mc squared you know there's these scientific ideas   that are preached in the new age that if all is  energy that our emotions are energy and that we   attract like attracts like and what's in our mind  attracts our external then what we need to have   in our mind is purely positivity and that love  light and truth is a consciousness you attain   as you get rid of the the negative emotions of  depression the negative emotions of guilt of shame   of anything negative towards yourself that's how  you reach nirvana and buddhism that's how you   merge your consciousness and yoga that's how your  yoke to the God consciousness and that's how you   break the cycle of reincarnation so half of the  world and even much of the 1040 window believes   in a lot of these there's a reason why the spirit  told paul not to go into asia why was that you   know were there these very strong religions these  very false religions where they would have just   killed him would they not have listened because  this is a very very strong deception that is over   billions of souls and it's coming into the u.s  church is not as as normal anymore it's not as   you know just accepted as as basic you know if  you believe in Jesus Christ it's kind of like   you're a Jesus freak you're a bible thumper  especially if you you hold to the word of God   very strongly it's not normal the spiritual is no  longer believing in the word of God spiritual as   having your crystals is going to yoga class is is  posting these positive things online that's like   that's spiritual now going to psychics and being  into the supernatural it's not believing in the   firm truth of the word of God and that's the  problem the spiritual path is not about a state   attaining a state of consciousness it's about  righteousness it's about purity and there's only   one man who has ever lived who has been perfectly  righteous and it's Jesus Christ following buddha following buddha following the dalai lama  following these other people muhammad they've   never been perfectly righteous if you follow them  and you become exactly like them you will never   be perfectly righteous there's only one man who's  ever lived and he's still alive today that you can   follow and you can attain the same righteousness  as him he's brought that righteousness to earth   God came to this fallen world and he beat the  game he beat the game of sin he beat the law   the only person to ever do that and we can follow  him and then attain what he's attained we can   we can follow in his footsteps we can't do it  ourselves and most people who are trying to do it   themselves they get into this bondage because it's  not working they don't know why it's not working   they're getting even more depressed they're  getting even more psychotic you watch these   you know these testimonies people getting out of  meditation even people going through meditation   going through their spiritual evolution they they  say oh don't be don't be uh alarmed if you enter   some psychosis for a few months you know you might  not be recognizable to your friends and family you   might be you know going through this because the  energies of your your mind and your unconscious   are being stirred as you approach the  truth which many souls don't access   you know this is like the secret knowledge that  you do and and it builds this idea that okay i'm   going to be seen as different i'm going to  be seen as weird and it prepares them satan   deceives them and prepares them for all the  people who are going to witness to them for   all the people are going to come and say hey you  know you don't need to do that because this like   no this i've already known that this is i'm going  to take this path you know i'm going to truly do   it and they go years in this people go to hell  doing this you know people are walking by you   in the grocery store people you probably know  right now in your mind that you're thinking of   who are in this who are on this path and they can  be saved you know they want to know Jesus as much   pride that might they might be expressing they can  be blasted right through and they can encounter   God and they can follow him with their whole  lives they can go casting out demons they can   go healing the sick they can have that same fire  and dedication they had to their meditation for   serving the Lord and advancing his kingdom i've  seen it time and time again and it happened to   me no one believed I could have been saved except  the people witnessing and like honestly I don't   know how they did because I was so I had such a  big wall but in one instant it all came down it   was like the explosives were laid everywhere  and then just bam everything shattered and my   whole life changed my whole trajectory changed  now i'm serving the Lord now I know the truth   but I was stuck in this I was gonna have a new age  ministry I was gonna have like a healing kind of   ministry about it in this new age thing and this  is so popular now and I see so many people in it   and and us Christians just need to be aware of it  the church needs to be aware of the deception you   know what do you in military strategy you don't  just you don't just uh you know stay and and   and strategize on how you're gonna attack you also  have to to strategize on the defense on what the   enemy's doing so then you can strategize on the  attack more effectively you know the church needs   to be dynamic and adapting to the deceptions  that satan is forging right now as we speak us   as Christians need to be aware of these things so  we can truly do his will so we can truly advance   his kingdom so souls can actually be saved and  this is a modernized deception that honestly   most people believe is preparing for this one  world religion because as i'm gonna get into   on my last point it's about this acceptance and  tolerance you know you don't just see it in the   spiritual you see it in the in the political but  there's spiritual roots to this there's spiritual   roots to this it's the new age but number six  the creator God even if you believe in God is   just some unknowable force there's no way you  could actually have a personal relationship with   the one who created all things with the one who  created all the galaxies and the stars and all the   laws of physics the laws of mathematics there's no  way you could have a we're too small of human with   our minds and our emotions and our I you know  the way we interact there's no way you could   have like a relationship with the creator most  people believe that it's merely an energy force   or some ethereal uh uh uh just explosion you know  that happened that you couldn't actually know   but you could tap into the energy you can meditate  and tap into this force and this energy and that's   what it's all about they call it the source the  source of creation or the divine or the universe   not God not Jesus not the Lord not the master but  an energy or a force now the universe was created   mysteriously and the hindus believed that it came  from a vibration om that's that's basically the   source of creation was om now we know that God  spoke creation into existence but it deceives   it it twists this truth by eliminating the  relational and personal nature of God altogether   that merely since he spoke it let's eliminate  that he has is a personal being that he is Jesus   Christ and let's just say the sound is is all of  it and so you read the bible and you're falling   into hinduism and you're like oh but you know  it says spoke so even the bible talks about this   even the bible says spoke and the hindus it's om  and it's just it makes more sense because it's all   weaved in and if you don't see it if you don't  catch it if you don't have that discerning if   your sword isn't sharp you're gonna get attacked  and the enemy is gonna prevail now the creator   isn't an energy he came to earth he came to earth  he spoke to people he walked around going to towns   he he grew up he was born through the womb of  a woman the the literal creator of all things   he's had friends he had you know his disciples  that he loved that he he cherished that he shared   things with that they shared things with he  was relational he was personal he lived the   life we live he was in a family he had brothers  half brothers who didn't even believe in him who   thought he was a crazy lunatic probably thought  he was a schizophrenic you know yet his mom the   whole time knew mother mary knew since the very  beginning who her child was but she kept secret   about it you know because the Lord had told her he  was he is still today very relational and people   who are stuck in this I i want to tell you you  can know him that way today the Holy Spirit is   here so we can know Jesus so we can know Jesus  in that way in that personal way just because he   he came to earth during those 33 years and left  doesn't mean he's not around today doesn't mean   he's around not trying to speak to you in your  thoughts right now you know you might be suffering   some demonic thoughts some thoughts that are you  know hatred against yourself or suicidal thoughts   but those are demonic thoughts those  are real beings spiritual entities   Jesus Christ is trying to send you thoughts he's  trying to speak to you he tries to speak to all   of us and we think if it's just some energy force  we need to tap into any any time God speaks to us   oh no then no way that's just me or that's just  something else and and we I just need to dissolve   my ego and so they believe you dissolve your  identity so not only is God an energy or force   but you are too in in buddhism the whole goal is  to dissolve your ego what makes you a person what   makes you have your desires your personality  you have to dissolve that to then connect to   that energy which is God that force that which is  God and that this is all an illusion the illusion   of self this is meditation that people are  getting into this is meditation that is spoken   over people in a lot of yoga classes you know  it's not just stretching in a lot of the times   they believe in these disciplines and at the  end they'll guide you through some meditation   where you're disconnecting from yourself you're  observing your thoughts as if you aren't them   and you're entering into this satanic spell and  demons flood demons come in people get demonized   people then start believing dem like doctrines  of demons as the bible says in the in the latter   times the spirit expressly states that people  will give heed to these doctrines of demons   these are doctrines of demons these demons know  the truth they know who Jesus Christ is and they   they craft these deceptions to steal people from  knowing the truth to snatch the seed to choke the   the vine of people's salvation and their service  to God and it's very easy for people to fall   around us unless we know the deception and how to  witness to them the bible says about God that the   word became flesh and made his dwelling among us  we've seen his glory the glory of the one and only   son who came from the father full of grace and  truth this is apostle john a man who was born   during the time of Jesus who knew Jesus Christ  personally he witnessed God in the flesh he wrote   these letters that we read today this is an actual  historical man who saw God he didn't tap into like   the yogis or the buddhists he didn't tap into some  consciousness and come back with these revelations   of the eightfold path and of your karma and of  the cycle of reincarnation that you need to break   no he was here and he knew God in physical  form and in first john one of his epistles   he said that which was from the beginning which  we have heard which we have seen with our eyes   which we have looked upon and our hands  have handled concerning the word of life   the life was manifested and we have seen and  bear witness and declare to you that eternal   life which was at the father and was manifested  to us they handled God john was on his bosom   God wants that exact same relationship today  for every single person that same intimacy   not to go into a closet and meditate but to  go to him and just connect and relate and   converse with him to pray and talk to him  not the formulaic consciousness ascending   ascending to a higher vibration of energy  to break out of this cycle of suffering   it's very clear every religion seems to know  that there's something evil in the world they're   wanting to break out of it you know there's clear  that they see suffering in the world the buddhists   the cure of suffering is to eliminate all desire  to eliminate yourself then you reach nirvana   everyone wants to get everyone sees there's  something wrong it's because it's sin it's sin   and we need to come to that awareness of the  reality of that and and preach to the people   who are trying to force themselves to think  everything's perfect so then their life can   be perfect we know who's perfect we know who can  perfectly help them it's Jesus Christ we know that   those people who are going through these things  who are trying to just drill it into their mind   over and over that i'm i'm perfect i'm perfect  i'm perfect because there's something horribly   wrong with them the Lord wants to speak directly  to them the word Lord wants to prophetically use   you to speak directly through them so they can  actually receive the healing that they're wanting   and even the people in in who are leading  these religions the dalai lama and such   they they they communicate with demons you know  there are videos that they're manifesting demons   around they communicate with spirits they believe  in the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses who give   them information this is all the same stuff as  the greeks this is all the same stuff since the   beginning of time that Jesus Christ has told us  these are demons these are deities and you can   tell if they serve Christ or if they don't serve  Christ it's very very simple that's the simplicity   of the gospel and even before God came to earth  as Jesus he walked enoch walked with God you   know enoch was it was conversing with new God he  was literally taken up into heaven without dying   number seven which I was saying this is preparing  for the one world religion most people believe   that the new age and the united nation even  talks a lot about new age philosophy many new age   teachers from the 40s and 30s were writing papers  to the united nations to present papers about the   future of mankind about us achieving peace on the  earth it's about being priests on the earth it's   it's great intentions it's good intentions little  do they know what's actually coming on the earth   if they read the book of revelation if they see  what's coming before Christ returns they would   realize you know the devil's not actually trying  to create peace he's trying to prevent people from   knowing the one and only way there's not many ways  to heaven your truth isn't my truth we don't all   just need to be tolerant and accepting of every  belief system we need to know the truth we need to   know the the reality of the truth and we need to  speak the truth with boldness against the enemy's   attacks on our lives against the enemies attacks  against our courage and our boldness to actually   proclaim what the truth is to offend people people  will be offended they will get angry demons will   manifest out of people of extreme anger of you  speaking something cursing you know you watch   these street preachers they're just preaching love  they're just preaching Jesus loves you and people   come up screaming hatred screaming curse words yet  saying they believe in tolerance and acceptance   it doesn't add up it's actually not peace  because the prince of peace is Jesus Christ   and he's not leading that whole entire  you know agenda to create this world   he told us what the world is going to be in to  prepare for it to prepare for that tribulation   Jesus never failed at one point never at one  point morally he was perfect in his our example   and our entry into heaven was actually bought by  him his sacrifice was the atonement for our sins   people who are who are trying to believe  in this idea that there's many different   cultures who believe different things about  ethics no there's one laws of physics there's   one law of mathematics and there's one moral  truth there's one moral law and Jesus Christ   perfectly completed that moral law and when we  follow him we are following the perfect moral law   all these religions when you see the coexist  bumper stickers and you see all these different   things where islam is the same as Christianity  is the same as this is new age you know the new   agers believe that oh actually all the religions  are the same they're just pointing towards the   same divine God you know and that Jesus isn't  the only way but we all can reach our own way   of reaching the divine and we're all going to  heaven but God is very clear that's not the truth   God is very clear that we are sinners and we need  salvation and we need the forgiveness of our sins   we can never forget the simplicity of the gospel  the reality of sin and the need for salvation   we can never get too focused on this lifetime of  wanting to build a great business wanting to have   a great happy life starting to get into these  self-help principles starting to get into these   self-help books getting into the law of attraction  slowly just trying to build a better life here   we need to be building for the life to come you  know we need to be building treasures that moth   and rust can't destroy but that lasts forever and  that's working for him that's doing the will of   God that's advancing the kingdom of God and saving  souls that's actually true investing investing in   cryptocurrency investing in all these things  you're devoting all of your mind to that well   that's not going to last it's going to get burnt  up when the earth is burnt up but what's actually   going to last is the work for Christ it's the work  for the kingdom of God and the spiritual realm   this is true investing of reading your bible and  taking it as truth and actually doing what it   says this is true investing for your eternity  this is true investing for for for forever deception matters deception matters because  deception not doesn't only just lead to people   getting demons people needing deliverance  it leads to people literally going to hell   people literally going to hell thinking they're  doing good I was thought I was doing good I was   all about compassion and love and trying to be a  better person I was meditating all the time taking   psychedelic drugs you know trying to explore  consciousness trying to find the truth many souls   are seeking many souls are seeking in this day and  age you go on to the internet you go to youtube   and what's trending is these new age practices  it's these new age teachers you know Jesus Christ   in the raw gospel and the raw word of God is seen  as old and dogmatic and traditional but it's not   true it's more powerful than anything it's the  most powerful in the entire world the power of the   Holy Spirit and of Jesus Christ and I just want to  encourage all of you that to not take these things   as too hard to understand or you know you haven't  encountered people in it so it's not a big deal   you're going to see how big of a deal this is  you're going to see that the rate this is growing   I was in the thick of it many of you might not and  many of you who are watching might not understand   much of what i'm saying or the importance of it  but it's growing very fast gen z tick tock what's   famous now is tarot cards it's witchcraft it's  astrology and horoscopes the whole thing about   astrology and horoscopes is built on reincarnation  you know that you were born during a specific time   and the planets were in this specific area so  this is why you have this personality they're   seeking identity that's why they go to these  things and that as you progress and you learn   your your signs change your zodiac signs change so  i'm a cancer but the next time i'd be a different   sign if I learn what I need to learn it's all  reincarnation these horoscopes aren't just some   you know fluffy duff they're based in doctrines of  demons and it's not just religious Christianity to   say these things it's logic and it's discernment  and it's actually reason explaining why   and when we know why we don't just say it and then  get labeled as oh you're just saying it's demonic   no you're explaining it before you even say it's  demonic you're like why are you into that like you   know that that's based on this and that's clearly  not true because this and then they're like whoa   before you even say that's not good they already  realized it you know and then they don't even put   up a wall so understanding these things is very  very essential and i've seen it in my own life   the people who are saved through this form of  witnessing through this form that paul did with   the apologetics with with the persuasion with  the you know the the arguments crafting and   answering questions is very important praying  for people and them getting touched emotionally   is also very important and that breaks down all  intellectual barriers many times but still people   have these barriers satan puts these strongholds  in them for a reason he doesn't spend his energy   crafting these deceptions for no reason you know  he doesn't spend his energy making people think   they're doing good living a happy life feeling no  need for Jesus because hey I have everything good   but intellectually they're deceived intellectually  they don't know the truth of Jesus Christ   and that satan knows he can take that soul they  don't need to come and find deliverance because   they feel like everything's okay but this form of  witnessing this form of knowing the truth knowing   the deceptions that might be in their mind you  can cut to their soul you can divide soul and   spirit with the word of God and you can begin  reaching their heart and you can begin letting   their eyes be enlightened to their understanding  now some of you might be watching this even after   or might be watching it right now and you  might have believed these certain things   you might right now have things that you've read  things that you're doing right now that you know   is not the truth that you know is not of God  that you know is not in the word of God it's   you think it might be something extra biblical you  think it might be something that the word doesn't   fully understand or know about this is preventing  you from knowing Jesus this is preventing you from   fully knowing him because Jesus said  he who is of the truth hears my voice   if you are in things that are not of the  truth you are not hearing his voice you are   not fulfilling the calling he has for you you are  not actually living the way you're meant to live   and it's through these small things the horoscopes  the tarot cards the the meditation practice   you know the obsession with yoga where you're  getting spiritual about it you're not just in   it for stretching anymore you get a spiritual  peace when you go you know you're actually   giving your faith to that there are these  practices that you might have and they're these   things that are preventing you from Christ and I  want to encourage you today if everyone could just   stand up and the worship team could come up to the  stage I want to encourage you today if you if God   has put these things on your heart right now of  books you've read of of things that you've watched   tv shows that you watched where you're what you  thought was the truth growing up about the bible   what you thought was the truth about Jesus Christ  you doubted it a little bit of doubt came in about   who Jesus is about what he came here for about  with the truth of heaven and if these deceptions   came in right now and they're they're in your mind  or something's blocking you from knowing the Lord   I just want you to keep this in your mind this  is the Holy Spirit speaking to you this is the   Holy Spirit wanting to know you this is the Holy  Spirit eliminating things that are preventing him   from fully having a relationship with you and  if there's anyone out there who who doesn't know   Jesus Christ or if there's anyone watching  right now and you don't know Jesus Christ   you think he's still some enlightened guy or you  thought he was or you're not fully sure I want to   tell you today right now you can know him you  can know the savior of your soul you can know   the messiah who came and rose and ascended into  heaven and is coming back you want to know him   when he comes back you don't want to cut you don't  want him to come back and you be in in terror   I want to encourage you right now if that's you  if everyone could just close their eyes if you are   if you feel like something has entered your  life that is not of God that you've been doing   I want to encourage you right now to to to come to  the front if there's something that you feel you   need to repent for to to just come and lay it at  God or to give it to him right now if there's some   some practice that you've been engaged in  even in your past that you want to repent of   if there's something that you used to believe  that you still is not really like you know you   just can't you don't know why you don't know Jesus  you just don't feel close to him so you're going   to these other things you're still entertaining  these ideas I want to encourage you right now   give this to God believe in the truth read  the bible believe in what the bible says   and if that's you you want to be  saved where you want to know the truth   I just ask you to to raise your hand right now if  you want to know Jesus Christ and if you're online   I want you to type in I want to be saved I want  to know Jesus I want to know the truth i'm done   seeking i've found it this is it you can  decide right now just type it in the chat   right now and if everyone could just could  just pray pray along with us say Lord Jesus i want you I believe that you  are the only begotten son of God   who came and died for me and  rose again on the third day   and Lord I ask you that you come into my  life and make yourself clearly evident touch me show me who you are show me who these  people talk about I want to know you for who you   are and I want to serve you for  the rest of my life in Jesus name
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 22,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Vlad, hungrygen, hungry generation, raised to deliver, beliefs, new age beliefs explained, the power of beliefs, beliefs create reality, new age beliefs, new age beliefs in the church, belief, law of attraction, new age beliefs vs christianity, new age movement, new age to jesus, new age deception, new age testimony, from new age to jesus, new age practices, new age exposed, new age vs jesus, new age religion, new age lies, exposing new age, new age vs christian
Id: sEKSdFLoy7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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