God is Delivering the American Church | Corey Russell | The Altar Global

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i always ask myself what do i say about corey because we preach together so much and i try to give him the best introduction i can but coming out of this season that we've been in i called corey and said hey can i fly to dallas every month and just spend time with you i don't need a minister i don't need a preacher i just need a friend and many times this year at my lowest of lows fighting discouragement feel like feel like just giving up just walking away i'd fly to dallas to upper room and just hang out with corey and just let him pour back into me and i just want to thank you corey from the bottom of my heart for opening up your home to me opening up your heart to me and i feel healthy in my heart today because of your time and your availability and i always remind corey never to forget about the little guys when we planted our church down in lakeland we had 30 people and corey was like my hero and i said hey would you come preach at our church we've got like 30 people and he came and dropped an atomic bomb of the holy ghost on 30 people in lakeland florida and then started inviting alan and they laid such strong foundation in our church in lakeland and i'm just so grateful for his yes many years ago but you find out who your real friends are in your season of shaking and so corey thank you for standing with me in my season of shaking could you just stand to your feet maybe just to get the jitters out get wake up and let's let's welcome corey russell [Music] [Applause] all right all right sit down by the way stand up just a little longer i'm delaying delays to sit down if i'm insecure i'll just have you stand just a touch longer in case i need it i just can go off i am first off i just love it i just love all these anointed fiery preachers that jeremiah has around him um i can literally go off on every person up here i honor you you guys are absolutely amazing the johnsons and the and the team the labor the sacrifice all the unseen stuff i'm just so grateful for these two and i'm just honored to run with them in anything that they're about i want to be a part of i i could talk about alan hood we have traveled the world together we know everything if you've heard any of my messages i'm usually bringing up allen hood at least three times every message um i love you dearly man my dearest friend in the whole world we have that deep history and i'm just we we made a we made a vow a commitment to the lord early on that we want to be simians you know we spent 20 years together in in kansas city and and i remember we were out on a property out there in south kansas city and and we said god we want to be a simeon in our generation everybody thinks it's um everybody talks about old simeon and anna and it's cute it's cute for retired people to take their last years and and serve in prayer and fasting but we made vows in our 20s saying god this is how we want to live is a prophetic spirit spirit of prayer grace of fasting and we want to hasten your coming in this generation before the virgin mary was born there were prophetic midwives in the temple and i believe that god's raising up prophetic midwives across the earth that are going to hasten and birth in the generation of his coming he's going to come because we want him to so i could just talk for days about alan love him dearly i love it i love matt gilman spent 20 years with him i got so wrecked during one of his sets oh there he is good i'll never forget it i got so wrecked by his set fir i didn't know what to do he's either punched somebody punt a doll or punt a baby or something and i said you know what i'm going to facebook and i'm going to make the craziest post i can make and uh this was my post my three favorite worship leaders jesus david matt gilman he got on the list and i took a lot of heat for that that one jay thomas still beating on my door just saying how could you say that how i said i'm standing by it it's on facebook i love you and then brian guerin dear friend of mine i didn't get to see him today but we get blamed a lot of times like we're twin brothers because we look just the same let me walk over here just to just show you the full the full so we get blame that a lot in case you're wondering we're not twins we're not the same person i tease them about that all the time i go my arms are slightly bigger i love him i love him and i'm mad at him but um [Laughter] he is the most excellent man in the whole wide world and so anyway i don't even know what to say i just i could literally preach a message on all the people that are here and just go off and go in between jokes and cool revelation all right turn to isaiah 40. we're just going to jump in yeah turn isaiah 40. i i just love seeing we got all the nashorite shirts on here we got cory russell online i see a lot of you guys out here dear friends indiana we got some people from maine dear friends of mine from maine here in 27 states my goodness bless you guys bless you guys just your presence here in this city is shifting the atmosphere over this city i really felt that that your presence in this city is there's a gift that's being given to greenville over these few days i i want to i'm going to do my best and i want to i want to paint a picture for a little bit and then i want to get to uh the heart of my message i want to look at just to begin with i want to look at the first verse of isaiah 40. i'm going to take my time holy spirit come and help us tonight isaiah 40 verse 1 and i'm just going to read verses 1 and 2 and then we'll go from there comfort yes comfort my people says your god my people your god speak comfort to jerusalem and cry out to her father we do ask you for the spirit of revelation to rest upon your word rest upon our hearts and that you would charge the atmosphere with the spirit of prophecy in the name of jesus isaiah 40 isaiah is prophesying in the 720 730 he's prophesying in that point and he's prophesying in twofold you're about to see the northern tribes of israel absolutely destroyed by the assyrians but he's prophesying about what's coming to jerusalem in 130 140 years which is going to be the babylonian invasion of jerusalem and the destruction of the city the burning of the temple as jews as the jews are carried away into exile and we'll be in babylonian exile for 70 years and put in camps it's going to be a very dark hour and isaiah is prophesying about what's coming so it has a historical context that he's speaking into in a historical fulfillment that did happen and it's been appropriate we can see so many themes throughout all history we know when john the baptist showed up he's going to quote isaiah 40 as i'm the one the voice of one crying in the wilderness i think it's interesting that they kept asking john who are you that was always the issue who are you are you the christ no are you elijah no who are you and and what he referenced many times is he quotes isaiah 40 verse 3 i am the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the lord john had read isaiah 40 so many times he became isaiah 40. have you ever read a verse so many times you become a verse his identity got subsumed got brought in to the very identity of that isaiah 40 verse 3 verse and what john walked in in a measure i truly believe is a down payment of what we're going to see phil messengers across the earth the ultimate context and the ultimate fulfillment of isaiah 40 is still in the future and it's going to culminate i believe in the days that are coming and not too far where we're going to see satan's ancient rage and hatred for the nation of israel the jewish people and we're going to see the rage of satan like no other time as he begins and begins to release fullness of hatred and anger and rage against the jewish people we're going to see his embodiment in a real man the antichrist who is going to gather all the nations against israel zechariah 12 and 14 are very clear about this and we're going to see satan's final play it says in revelation 12 he knows his time is short that's why he's filled with great rage and we're going to see this come to a come to a head and yet god has a gift in the midst of that generation god has a voice that he wants to release from every tribe tongue people in nation across the earth god has a plan in place and i believe it's isaiah chapter 40. i love it that he's god is speaking the lord is commissioning messengers who are going to speak to my people but he is their god he's speaking to my people but yet he's their god and i believe there's going to be many manifestations of this but we're going to see a global church arise at the end of the age that has come out of the ignorance of not understanding god's heart and purpose for israel and is going to come out of the ignorance and blindness and is going to stand in a place of confidence in a place of prayer and a place of proclamation and a place of standing with israel in her darkest hour and is going to be the voice to her in the coming days i want you to i want to quote a verse to you i really feel like this is important and i just look with me in romans 11 25 and then we'll go back to isaiah 40. romans 11 25 thank you holy spirit we love you jesus i want to give context i even want to give context to what you're walking through romans 11 may be the the most important chapter in the new testament it may be the most important chapter in the new testament and i just want to get right to the punch line of romans 11 25 as paul is laying out the mystery of israel in the church and he says this and i would say you need to get really familiar with all of romans 11 but really romans 11 25 he goes i do not desire brethren that you would be ignorant of this mystery he's talking about the mystery of israel in the church and the mystery is the thing that was hidden in the heart of god from generations past but it had to wait until the death and the resurrection of jesus and the birth of the church for the mystery and that which had been hidden now to be brought into manifestation he goes i don't want you to be he goes i do not desire that you should be ignorant everybody say don't be ignorant he says do not be ignorant what happens if you're ignorant you get arrogant ignorance breeds arrogance lest you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own opinion that's the point that was what was hitting me ignorance breeds arrogance ignorance breeds arrogance in your own wisdom your own your own this is what i want to just read the whole verse then i'll say what i'm trying to say lest you should be wise in your own opinion here it is that blindness impart everybody say impart okay it's not a full blindness it's a partial blindness has happened to israel until everybody say until the fullness of the gentiles has come in and so all israel will be saved [Music] the isaiah 40 company that is going to speak comfort to jerusalem is a people who has come out of ignorance and come into the revelation of the mystery of israel and the church and the mystery of god's plan in the last days god is going to deliver us the american church from narcissism he is going to deliver us from a myopic self-idolatrous self-focus i know this preaches well but this is going to get really messy he is going to deliver us from a gentile jesus that wants you to have a little bit more money a little bit more comfort a little bit more stuff and make you a little happier and he's going to deliver us the holy spirit to the people who are hungry to break plat past plastic bumper stickers to break past just a such a limited view of what's in god's heart and us not understanding the salvation we've been brought into is connected to a glorious storyline that is older than you that's bigger than you and god is wanting to uh he's wanting to grow the church in america up he's wanting to deliver us from immaturity he's wanting to deliver us from arrogance secret pride secret wisdom of thinking we've arrived we've got it all and the very heart of the gospel is to produce a humility and to produce a sacrifice and a love that would turn our heart to our older brother israel that in the same way they bore the brunt of satan for 2000 years to bring forth messiah to bring us wild olive branches into this glorious storyline i say it all the time a lot of people were born on third base and they didn't realize someone hit a triple to get them there and he's going to deliver us from pride and arrogance and thinking we have it all and in the same way they bore the brunt to bring salvation to the gentiles so we're going to see a church at the end of the age get delivered from arrogance and this myoptic narcissistic and we're going to turn our hearts to labor for their salvation in the same way they labored for ours but i want to make it clear to you and and he's going to wreck us this romans 11 25 is going to increase over these decades they're so much bigger than just your own personal calling something bigger than just your own personal sense of fulfillment now all of that's important but it fits into a bigger storyline and it fits into a bigger picture i believe that we're in that hour of transition and he's going to be knocking blindness off of us arrogance off of us and he's going to be getting and i believe what's begun over the last decade is the beginnings of the lord raising a prophetic church up the spirit of prophecy is coming to the church and i believe that the beginnings of the spirit of prophecy is when god begins because i want to tell you what isaiah 40 is mostly about it's god's message to a shattered people who have lost connection to the promises of god it's god's message to a shattered people who have lost connection to the promises of god and here's the point god's going to raise up a company of people that are going to speak comfort and that word comfort comfort it literally means to the heart speak to the heart to the heart i want you to labor with me here tonight okay speak to the heart i always remember the old leonard ravenhill quote where he says a message born in the mind will only reach the mind but a message born in the heart will always reach the heart and i believe that the spirit of prophecy is increasing and he's going to deliver us from a couple of bible verses a couple of end time teachings a couple of new ideas and the spirit of prophecy is when god begins because this is the point i want you to understand god's got to first do it to you before he does it through you god's got to first do it to you before he does it to through you and if you're called to minister to a shattered people who have lost connection to the promises of god the holy spirit is taking you on purpose through the dark night where you get delivered from all your own strength all your own wisdom all your own abilities all your only callings and anointings and he shatters you and he delivers you of plastic buzzwords and t-shirts and living in a kiddie pool clapping and he takes you through the spirit of prophecy because it's the first work of the spirit of prophecy is to release demolition the god of all comfort that with the comfort you've received you can comfort others you will only be able to comfort others to the degree you've been comforted and comfort isn't a hug it's the stabilizing of the human heart it's the stabilizing of the human heart that's fortified in the midst of tribulation and trial and difficulty when you've been shattered it says in daniel that the holy people's strength will be completely shattered and many of us have been walking and this is what we've been talking about a 10-year season i believe we've just come to the end of a 10-year season holy spirit comfort yes comfort my people says your god i remember being in kansas city in 1998 mike began to preach about isaiah 40 and i laid on my back for three days and i kept saying over and over again i don't want to be an echo i want to be a voice i don't want to be an echo i want to be a voice i don't want to be someone who can regurgitate and parrot and dance around someone else's fire god i want to get in the fire i want something so real that cannot be manipulated and this is the transition into echoes into voices see we're going to see a spirit of prophecy get released at first god's got to first do it in you because the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy and demolition has to happen within because you're not going to comfort someone else with a hug and a bumper sticker plastic bible verse you will have had to have received from god his word in your darkest and deepest and most vulnerable places holy spirit's name is called the comforter we're going to see a church that can bring real comfort are we me and i love it i got alan here we've been sharing the story i believe we've just come to the end of a ten year season may of 2011 me and alan were in fredericksburg virginia we had just come out of a 10-month season in kansas city of awakening where god touched us in kansas city seven thousand testimonies of healing delivering salvation allen and west hall were instrumental in it we were there from day one we were in it all but we were we had just come to fredericksburg and alan we we get into the hotel and he goes hey come to my room and he just begins to share pressure in his body he's feeling warfare he goes would you pray with me and so we spent about the next hour praying together that night we're just praying and and breaking off warfare doing all the stuff psalm 91 doing all of our prayers over us and our families and our marriages and just feeling something the changing of the seasons well uh before i went on down to my room alan goes god would you give me a dream and uh i go down to my room and allen has a dream that night and he had really written an article in ministry today called standing at the critical juncture out of the book of joel he had written it in ministry today and there was an article about how we're in a jolt ii hour of the call to prayer and fasting and repentance but yet he sees the article on a computer screen and then he sees the comment boxes underneath it and there were witches and warlocks that were cursing leaders and their marriages and their families he was literally seeing that that and he didn't know at the time whether these are real witches warlocks or christians sharing opinions on facebook i think we're going to be surprised what god calls a lot of you expressing yourself jesus says every idle word not just spoken friend let's get under the blood in this season that's the holy spirit to show you every time you got into a debate that was stupid anyway he sees it and he clicks on one of the boxes and he goes into the box and he sees a man a warlock wrapped in a python he sees pornography behind him and the guy is cursing alan and he's cursing alan and alan hears a voice behind him and the voice says alan it's witchcraft it's witchcraft well alan's taken out of that room and he's taken to another scene and he sees thousands upon thousands of young people in an old time tent and he sees me and a man by the name of bob jones embrace one another and we declare a phrase out of psalm 126 the lord has done great things for us and we are glad for you guys who don't know bob jones the lord raised him from his death bed in 1975 and he was instrumental in establishing ihop kansas city and other ministries we had heard years about him for 20 years stories about him well alan wakes up comes down to my room and alan's excited because praise god we're in warfare but it's going to lead to harvest we're in warfare but it's going to lead to harvest so he runs down to my room he goes cory get up meet me at breakfast i throw my clothes on run downstairs he starts telling me the dream and he gets to the part where me and bob jones embrace one another and a lady comes and taps him on the shoulder and says hi are you alan hood he goes yes ma'am she goes hi my name is bonnie jones and me and my husband bob would like to have breakfast with you too we had never met bob i want to tease this up because i got a lot of stuff to talk about in isaiah 40 but i just want to give you a little insight into a 10-year season we sat down with bob in the first hour and a half was mostly cryptic symbolic didn't understand most of what he said he sees in the spirit and he'll talk to you as if you see it but you don't but i've just learned have a deep look on your face and keep nodding just keep nodding he talked for an hour and a half and he gets towards the end and he he looked back at us because he kept talking about both revival and judgment and how both are coming he thought we could just get revival but the lord was showing him both are coming and he and one of the the things he kept talking about was getting the church saved we got to get the church saved we got to get the church saved and then he stopped and he began to talk to us and he says you boys have been preaching joel and i see witchcraft come against you he says and he looked at me he goes i see python marks in your neck and he began to talk about the warfare around standing for fullness and standing for the fullness of god what god would do in these days and prayer and repentance and fasting and crying out to god and all that stuff and how much it's resisted well alan had heard stories about bob praying over leaders that were under warfare and how bob would pray for them and it would immediately break off of them so alan interrupts bob and because bob would you pray for us and we're we've about got our eyes about half closed ready to start receiving prayer and he looked at us he goes i ain't gonna do that religious thing he goes what do you think i've been doing for the last two hours i love allen's impersonations of him a lot better but he goes i ain't gonna do that religious things he goes what do you think i've been doing for the last two hours and then he goes you boys have been weeping haven't you and we looked at each other and we had just wept that night before and he goes your boy's been weeping haven't you and we go yeah he goes you see witchcraft gets in your eyes and it makes you look on past seasons as if you've never done anything for god and then it makes you look on future seasons as if you'll never do anything for god he said but weeping weeping gets the witchcraft out of your eyes he says you boys are going to be fine your ministries are good just keep weeping that was god's word for the last 10 years just keep weeping don't stop weeping because the weeping gets the confusion gets the accusation gets the lies gets the perversion gets the warfare out of your mind the weeping breaks the demonic assault breaks the demonic accusation it gets you above the storm so you can connect with god today and that you can see tomorrow you have no idea how many times over the last 10 years those last three phrases would go ringing you boys are gonna be fine your ministries are good just keep weeping well what we didn't know is that alan was entering into a physical thyroid storm his body was breaking down his mind so many parts of his life was breaking down and two years later in 2011 it was 2013. after having three beautiful daughters we have a son name him josiah nash after these nashuaites after daniel nash we said god give us a hidden intercessor born june 26 2012 and on march 16 2013 i'm in london england ministering my wife goes to see family in arkansas lays him down for a nap and he doesn't wake up in the last eight years alan met me in atlanta when i flew back from london and we've been walking together every step of the last eight years the last eight years have been the most bone-crushing earthquaking devastating shattering season you can imagine the fact that i'm still married and my family's intact and that we all love jesus and like each other is a miracle it's god's mercy and grace and in the dev and this is what i found god has been releasing many story lines across the body of christ to ones that i believe are called to walk through the valley of weeping into the next season to be because this is the point god's got to first walk you through it and he's got to show up to you he's got to be the voice to you and your darkest hour to anoint you and the commission you see we're going to get to luke 4 18 here in a little bit and the lord's releasing the anointing to heal broken hearts the anointing to heal shattered hearts shattered psyches fragmented souls and the lord is releasing an anointing upon these voices that can heal the brokenness of human hearts that have come through trauma and different stories this is what i found tons of story lines same purpose many story lines same purpose and what the purpose is is beginning to deliver you from plastic deliver you from nice theologies nice buzzwords nice dancing at a distance where you encounter god in the ugly in the raw the pastor earlier said it about jacob israel was born through a midnight wrestle and one of the greatest verses in the bible what did god have to do in genesis 32 24 jacob was left alone there's something about god delivering you of you the shattering seasons you run out of answers you're not smart enough you're not gifted enough you don't have enough money to get yourself out of this situation and god then puts you into the furnace where you go from your christianity from here and here into here and either god's real or he's not either his word is true or it's not either his promise is sure or it's not either god's a liar or he's not and you cling to god you cling to his word that's the valley of weeping that's the gift of tears it's not creating emotionalism it's god's gift to deliver you from you and to bring you to a depth that you could not get to out in your own strength and ability therefore he puts you in a furnace to get a depth out of you comfort yes comfort my people i want you to take the places of your greatest pain and i want you to and i want to release my greatest inheritance through it i want to take weak words i want to take weak phrases because this is the journey you probably felt a lot more qualified to be used by god 10 years ago you probably felt more capable to change the world 20 years ago than you do right now god why can't you just take me i'm gifted i'm smart i got some anointing and i know a lot let's change the world what is it about him why does he give it to you on the front end and then crush it and then resurrect it every storyline the patriarchs this is the storyline the awakening of a vision the crushing the resurrection see jesus isn't a stepladder into your destiny he wants to kill your destiny he wants to resurrect his through you holy spirit we walk through it long story short god in the last season god has released an explosion in my family god's released an explosion in my wife in my home and we would find ourselves about a month and a half ago back in fredericksburg the last time they had the tent was may of 2011 and the next time they have the tent was may of 2021 and we would find ourselves with alan and others on that stage and it would be my wife this time sharing her story and the power of god would break out under the tent and it would usher in a new season see i i really feel like and the lord told me when she was on that stage your 10-year season has just come to an end your 10-year season has just come to an end there's something about jesus closing the book of one season and opening the book of another season i believe that we're in transition and i just want to connect your transition not to just your newest ministry release but to what god's doing globally with the salvation of israel and the end time drama see this when i the first thing that came to my mind when i when i heard mark for eternity lord gave me this word two months ago three months ago when jeremiah invited me and then i asked skyler today he was driving me we were pulling into chick-fil-a and i said i want you to ask the lord in whatever verse you tell me to preach on that's what i'm going to preach on i just wrote four four pages of notes on the way over this morning i said all right we get to chick-fil-a i order my mail go what is it he goes isaiah 40. four months ago when i heard mark for eternity i heard isaiah 40 and the voice said cry out and he said what do i cry what's my message what's the message all flesh is grass all its loveliness is like the flower of the field the grass withers the flower fades but but the word of our god stands forever this is about this is about the certainty of his word friend listen the promises he made to abraham isaac and jacob the covenant's made with david his name is at stake his word is at stake in the salvation of israel it's god's word and if his word falls everything falls but even god's word over your life even god's word over your life the promises he's given you i'm here i'm here to tell you i'm grateful for what he's doing in the johnson's life i'm grateful for what he's doing in your life what he's doing he's delivering you from man's opinions man's evaluations he's delivering you from the temporal mindset he's delivering you from the american metrics of success and greatness and more money and more numbers and more of this and god has given us the greatest gift in the world he's delivering us and he's anchoring us in a different metric god doesn't lie the word of our god stands forever all flesh is grass this is god's message to jerusalem when the antichrist armies are surrounding her and we go they're about to be mowed down it's grass i want to tell you today and i believe there's a deliverance for many of you tonight it's grass it's fleeting it's up today it's mowed down tomorrow we need a revelation of eternity back in the church we need a revelation of eternity back in the church we need a greater view of god a greater view of eternity that you are dealing with the uncreated god the one who has always been the one who is without beginning you have to use negative terms when talking about god because he's without he's without beginning he's without he is the alpha he is the beginning i love to do the exercise in the beginning there was god if god's there in the beginning then he has to exist before the beginning and you go on the search of god's days and you run and you run and you run and you hit a wall called out of numbers and when you hit that wall called out of numbers you've got to look back to genesis 1 and say to yourself i'm closer to genesis 1 right now than i am to the beginning there's never been a time god was not no no we don't even know what to do with that thought there's never been a time he was not and there'll never be a time that he is not he is the everlasting god and when eternity gets back into the church instagram likes lose their power facebook likes lose their power i know this preaches but i'm here to tell you we've got to get this thing ripped out of our chest now we've got to get this ripped out of our idea of man god's really moving there god laid hold of jacob when he was left alone we need eternity isaiah 40. is a revelation of the eternity and the majesty of god that's what's going to lower the mountains of pride and self-sufficiency in the church is the majesty of god that's what's going to raise up the valleys of shame and self-hatred is the majesty of god it's going to make straight crooked places is the majesty of god and is going to tenderize the rough places is the majesty of god there's a high mountain there's a high mountain of revelation that is being issued to hungry people in this hour if there is a people that are that are hungry to move out of the spirit of religion and to enter into that blue ocean called the revelation of the knowledge of god and to move into that place where bible verses do more than get here but they get fleshed out by the spirit of prophecy there isaiah 40 says get up into the high mountain there's a high mountain there's revelations of the power of god that's coming to the church and revelation of the tenderness of god hold your hand out like this whenever god asks questions he's not looking for answers it's his interrogations who has measured the heavens with the span of his hand now do this measured all the waters eighty percent of the earth is water who is measured weighed calculated you know what he's saying to israel you know what he's saying to you nothing misses the smallest detail of god he is creator god he measures he calculates he weighs there's not one hair on your head that is not known to him there is not one moment of one minute of one hour of one day that is lost to his leadership he calculates he weighs who taught god justice who taught god knowledge who taught god anything which means this let's stop railing against his leadership and let's start agreeing with his leadership i dare all of you this is your assignment coming out of this conference tell god every day you're doing a good job do it and watch what happens in your heart what you're doing cannot be improved upon everlasting god majesty of god verse 27 why do you say o jacob and speak o israel my way is hidden from the lord and my just claim passed over by my god you ever felt alone and you ever felt like your prayers weren't heard have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable but i'm alone and god don't hear my prayers have you not known have you not heard his understanding is unsearchable you know paul ends romans 11 quoting isaiah 40. look at this look i want you to put your eyeballs on this go to verse 28 just a few more and we're going to pray for some of y'all and he's going to come he's going to deliver some of you of addictions and trauma and prisons you've been in he's going to comfort others of you that haven't understood what in the world is going on i love verse i think it's 29. where does god take all that glorious power of isaiah 40. who is the one recipient he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the youths shall faint and be weary which means the days that are heading for us is not going to be excited teenagers and 20 year olds it's not going to be about the excitement of youthful zeal it's not going to be about human power human might and human zeal there is a people who have tapped in to an everlasting source that transcends power and wisdom and might they've actually tapped into the source of receiving the power of god of receiving the might of god of receiving the wisdom of god because they've learned how to be dependent they've learned how to limp some of you are have gone through the dark night and you're still like the john 5 man with the pool of bethesda you've you've fallen into victimhood you've gone through a hard season and you've turned into a victim ain't i can't get to the pool everybody else beats me it ain't fair i'm crippled those guys are faster than me you've made a job of living on your mat you've created a new identity on your mat and jesus is breaking victimhood off the church jesus did not pacify his complaints he said get up get up take your mat and walk the pool has come to you today hey because i hear a lot of people everybody agree it's been a hard season but yet you've created an identity this is the way it's always going to be it's never going to change no he wants to knock that funk off of you and he wants to release a fresh cry on the inside of you god it's time for resurrection it's time for an end breaking of your power in my life it's time for every word and promise that you've said oh all flesh is grass every word that he said will come to pass [Music] the you shall faint and be weary young men shall fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles run and not be weary walk and not faint supernatural resource supernatural and it's entwining oneself around the lord entwining oneself around the lord waiting on him a disposition of dependence and god's been taken 10 years to create a limp and a lien in you it's living a life of casting crowns jacob would walk like this for the rest of his life one of my favorite verses is when he sees joseph and he comes into the promised land in egypt after everything's been prone and it says then he leaned on his staff oh guys i believe that there have been midnight wrestles in this last season and you're going to carry the remembrance of this but the blessing is coming upon you we're crossing over into a new season i tell you we're crossing over he's breaking the power of witchcraft he's breaking the power of victimhood he's breaking the power he's breaking the power he's breaking the power he's breaking the power [Applause] take up your bed and walk [Applause] take up your bed and walk take up your bed and walk he's raising up prophets who have broken through the shallow end of bumper stickers and nice phrases and the spirit of prophecy testimony of jesus is coming through their life he's raising up intercessors who will not rest day or night until jerusalem is a praise in the earth oh holy spirit increase your presence right now hey i know there's some young let's go ahead and stand right now across the room i want a voice that cracks through the noise i want a voice that cracks through the chatter i want a phrase that cuts through oh the isaiah's six coal is coming to lips there's been a lot of defiled speech the lord's releasing cleansing holy spirit move across this room right now to those interviewing he's raising he's resurrecting old prophetic calls and he's marking prophetic vessels for the first time oh i've never preached the john 5 with this the pool of bethesda where are my victims at who's been holding their mat and building an identity of your last season he's going to release deliverance tonight oh deliberate in the name of jesus take up your bed and walk take up your bed and walk take up your bed and [Music] i walk want us all to begin to pray in the spirit you know just forget it come up here if you want prayer oh get all the way up here all the way to the states come up he's going to release deliverance he's breaking the power of witchcraft he's breaking the power of witchcraft holy spirit oh push in push in push in push in push in don't reach for me reach for him reach for him there's deliverance right now you like that matt [Music] the book is closing the season is ending it's a new season it's a new season the book closes fire fire fire fire fire oh fire close the book [Music] that's why i love this man matt gilman i believe the ones that are going to be used to set prisoners free are going to be ones that walk through the same prison doors and because they had to walk through it fire fire fire release god spirit of prayer right now just go in matt comfort comfort my people says your god oh comfort holy ghost comforter [Music] fire fire fire fire [Music] rise up got hundreds of thousands of mac gilmans [Music] fire oh it's jeremiah johnson i want to thank you so much for joining us at the altar global a growing movement of christians who have a burden a desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride for that glorious day i want to pray for you today i know that you have needs desires things in your life that you're hoping believing that god would answer but before we do that i want to just extend an opportunity to you to partner with the altar global in your prayers your financial support god is gathering a remnant of folks who just have a desire to partner with us on a monthly basis or maybe you're even watching today and you just want to sow a one-time seed i want to let you know as the founder of this movement we're going to take the money the prayers that you sow today and sow them right back into the kingdom of god we're seeing souls save the church come alive like never before missionaries church planters being revived because of what god is doing you're going to see a number pop on your screen you can text to give you can even click on the link in the comment section and there'll be an opportunity for you to give there so let's pray today father thank you for those watching today lord thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit that is participating even with the bride saying come lord jesus but i ask that you would meet every need today lord i pray for breakthrough i pray for salvation for lost loved ones god we believe that we are living in the greatest days that we have ever known in the name of jesus amen thank you so much for joining us today stay tuned for another episode bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 4,154
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: u6-1KyMh7gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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