10 Lessons from 10 Years of Marriage | Keys to a Successful Marriage

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You're worthy to be praised yes we thank you Jesus we honor You wherever you are right now in this place or maybe your home you're watching us maybe your car in your living room just take you a moment just to say "Father I acknowledge you, I worship You I thank you," just take a few seconds just to worship Him to acknowledge who God is in your life, begin to declare that He is your Healer, He's your blessing provider He is your deliverer, He renews your strength He carries you up picks your feet up from the muddy clay and sets your feet upon the Rock which is Jesus Christ He made you the head and not the tail He fights the battle for you just worship Him because you say Father you're a good God you're a faithful God Father I thank You that You do not leave me You do not forsake me Your Spirit is with me at all times just take a few seconds just out of your own lips just begin to say Father I thank you I love You I worship You you're a good God You're a good Father there's none beside You there's none that compares to You You're the beginning You're the end You never left me never forsake me you're with me through my highs and through my lows I worship You I thank You I thank You that You loved me and thank You that you did not forsake me i thank You that You have a plan for my life I think that You care for me every aspect of my life that You are there with me I thank You that Your goodness and Your mercy are new every morning for my life Lord I thank You for Your goodness I thank You Lord I thank You Jesus, today is an awesome day to be in God's presence wherever that you are watching us from if you're here all over the world we want to thank you for being part with this house Hungry Gen and we believe as God is in this place and God has called His church to be a church of prayer and that's what we're going to do right now in Luke Jesus talks about the church and he says the church is not a place for just a normal people a church is like a hospital for the sick He says in Luke that I did not come for the righteous but to call sinners to repentance He was basically saying that My house would be a house of restoration My house would be a house for healing My house would be a house for prayer My house would be a house but those who do not know Me will find Me and this is what church is all about is finding and reconciling man to his Creator to his Father a church will be a a church of prayer where we pray for the lost for those who do not know Jesus Christ and there's thousands and millions of people all over the world that still yet to know the goodness of God those marriages that I bring of divorce those who are suicidal those who are depressed those who are addicted those who are on drugs those who are mental those who have no hope Jesus Christ is their answer and the church is a place where we pray for those kind of people we are the bridge between this world and God and our soul duty and our responsibility as a church is to pray for the masses to pray for your parents to pray for your brothers and sisters who do not know jesus yes they might have certain things but without jesus christ life is meaningless life will have no point because we are created created to know our Father and have a relationship with Him right now we want to pray for the masses we want to pray for your family we want to pray for your co-workers we want to pray for your schools we want to pray for your city we want to pray for our nation and in this time it's like no other time that we need God the most we've seen that we cannot rely on this or that or that and Jesus is our only hope I want you to join with me all over the world wherever you're watching us in your living room in your car maybe in your bedroom I want you to begin to pray right now for the salvation of people's souls the masses are still yet to know Jesus they depend on your and my prayer because we as a church our responsibilities to pray for the lost like Jesus said I did not come for the righteous you might know Jesus you might experience His love but there's those people that still get to know His love so I want you to join with me in prayer right now and just pray and ask God God save the masses God save my cousins my co-workers God save my parents God save my family God save my marriage God I want to be the bridge that reconciles man to You in Jesus name let's begin to pray right now in Jesus mighty name Father God right now we pray for one thousand salvations Father God we pray for the thousands locally and the millions globally Jesus right now we're praying for those who are watching online for those who are watching through zoom for those who are watching through Youtube for those who are watching on Facebook FatherGgod we pray also for the people in the tri-cities Lord Jesus Lord that as our ministry Lord that the ministry that You put on our hands Lord that thousands of people can come to you Jesus we pray for one thousand salvation just it's something little compared to what You can do Lord because you said that in one day Lord three thousand people came into Your knowledge Jesus we're praying Lord for our brothers for our sisters Lord for radical salvations Lord that as they get to know You Lord that they can leave everything behind the past everything that the garbage that it was holding them down and they can run their good race Lord that they can get plugged in into a good church Lord that as they can plugged in , Father God here in Hungry Gen and Hungry Gen in a good church Father God that they can come that they can do their life groups Father God we're also praying for the 60 life groups Lord we're praying for 100 people to go to this training or 100 people Lord that they can they understand Lord that they can understand Lord whatever you have done to for the goodness that you have gone to them Father God that as they do that Lord that they can also lead other people to You Lord that they can have their home groups at their homeland their friends their clothes their bodies from high school or the girls from the next door that the neighbors Father God that they can implement that in their home groups either online or on person Lord that they can manifest it on their neighborhoods and families can be transformed and cities can be transformed neighborhoods can be transformed Jesus for Your glory and for Your glory alone Father God we're praying for 500 members here in Hungry Gen Lord 500 members Lord new members Father now people who just come from different churches now we're praying for new people lord who have not seen you lord the 500 people or new people that they can get radically transformed Lord Jesus we're praying for our zoom viewers we're praying for our youtube viewers because they're also members of this church Jesus we're praying for the thousands locally and the millions globally Jesus Christ we're praying for families Lord we're waiting for brothers and stepmoms and stuff that's our prayer for step siblings father for people who do not know you Lord to come into the knowledge of Christ in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen in Jesus' name we thank God that God's going to save thousands all over the world and you and I are that answer when we pray God hears and when He hears is as good as an answer here Hungry Gen church the vision that God has placed for this year He and He wants to stretch our vision is to believe for a thousand soul salvation harvest this year you might say it's it's why is this numbers it numbers is because God wants to stretch our faith God wants to us to pray and to push us further and stretch our vision to believe for more we're believing in thousand salvation harvest to take place this year we're also praying for this year our goal is to have 500 members here a Hungry Gen we're also praying that this year we're going to have a hundred people that will be able to go to destiny training and will be able to start their home groups and with that we're also believing for 60 home groups to be released and to be taken place here at Hungry Gen we are a strategic church we're not just a church that whatever happens happens God is a as a God that plants God works with us with our vision with our abilities and with our strength and we believe that God has placed in our hearts to believe the year for these things to take place and you and i are the answer to that so again we're praying for a thousand soul harvest this year we're praying for 500 members to take place here at Hungry Gen we're praying for 100 people to go through destiny training to be equipped to be laborers for jesus christ we're praying for 60 home groups to be happening here a Hungry Gen so let's pray right now and believe that God's going to raise up new labors God's going to raise up leaders that God's gonna raise up to world changers for his glory in jesus name let's begin to pray for that and believe that God hears your prayer and God's going to answer it in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name father we pray for that Father we pray for this vision Father we stand upon Your word and we know that Jesus that You have called us You stretched us Lord and You're gonna take us further in Jesus mighty name let's pray church for that Father we come as one body and one voice together today God and we cast our nets into the sea Lord we pray for the thousand people lord that is our goal today it is our goal and we unite together as one body crying out for the loss crying out for the broken god that you would awaken the leaders that you would awaken Your people God to have a hunger to seek the lost Lord that You would bring them Lord that You would equip them that You would stir their hearts god to be trained to be raised up as an army as a generation Lord who who hears the commission and who walks Lord in a desire to make disciples Lord we pray that every conference every service God would be aligned to the vision and to the goal that you are placing Lord in this house and that You would align every member that you would line up every person lord that is connecting to this ministry to reach this goal in the mighty name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name praying that final prayer we want to pray we believe as a church as Hungry Gen we've been praying for a long time we believe this year God's going to call us to that prayer to see the harvest is we're praying for a new building God is stretching our church this place is becoming already too small there's not enough parking lots there's not enough seat seats in this building and God is stretching our faith to believe for a new building wherever that you're at i want you to join faithfully this prayer and believe that God's gonna increase our territory that god's gonna stretch us and help us to go further to equip more people the more people will be saved more people will be raised up and more people be launched out from this church and to be an answer to this dying world in Jesus name so let's join with me in prayer father i thank you that you're stretching our faith Lord we believe this sheer lord that you call us to pray for the new building to stretch our territory Lord that you can do more through us Father we ask you lord that you're going to be able to Father give us Father the plans Lord maybe the complex the favor with the city the favor with the people father whoever has that Lord whatever way you're going to take us lord that you're going to make a way that there is no way Lord we pray and we believe for your favor lord we pray and believe father because you put that in our hearts lord to ask you father do we can do more than what you asked us of us lord we pray lord that you're gonna stretch us that you're gonna take us further than you ever had before lord that your name and your kingdom will grow and this earth in Jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said amen amen amen amen we believe that God heard you're in my prayer and He's in the business of answering Jesus mighty name amen i want to thank you for joining with us today. Amen, you are blessed at the comfort of your home with some chocolate in your hands with the fireplace going on and listening to this powerful telecast coming from Hungry Gen straight to your home amen we as a church we have a vision and we have a mission our vision is to reach thousands local and millions globally but our mission is to turn every believer into a disciple maker your christian journey has four simple steps the first one is to believe it means when you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior in our church you go to vip room after the service you pray the sinner's prayer let's go to step two is belong it's when you belong to the local church and the way we accomplish that in the spiritual process of growth is by belonging to church through life group and getting connected to the church through life class but step three is really important and extremely crucial it's called build when you are built when you are matured we have a specific tool designed for this spiritual stage of your journey it's called destiny training it happens online you can take it anytime you want to there's some reading quizzes and the last stage the most important stage is called become a disciple maker not just a believer not just a mature member but a disciple maker every christian can become a disciple maker not just somebody who wins people for Jesus but also disciples them where we encourage every believer to disciple others in the context of a small group this is about you fulfilling your mission on this earth which is to win souls and make disciples and this is how we do it at Hungry Gen amen amen amen we want to welcome every person that is tuning in right now online local and those that are not local those that are even in other countries international we want to welcome you to Hungry Gen family you are part of our family we appreciate you we love you we're always praying for you maybe a little less on the mic and we want to want to thank you for tuning in this this morning or whatever time it is where you are tuning in from right now if you could just type in your facebook or youtube wherever you're watching us from where you are watching us and the country the city you're watching for from we wanna know you wanna celebrate you and we wanna give you a shout out so begin to type in your comments in the box let us know where you're watching us from especially those of you that are watching us on youtube and facebook another thing if you're watching us right now take a take a selfie take a picture where how you're watching us uh and go on social media post it tag it take Hungry Gen in it we would love to see where you're watching us from we would love to see your lovely face your family right now let's get together right now with our families and and sit around uh sit around this this broadcast and and around the word of God around the presence of God because i believe that God has something special in store for you today share it on your social media share it share the broadcast tag Hungry Gen so we he we see wow we see we have people from Jamaica Lebanon south Africa Kenya India Vancouver Washington Pennsylvania Netherlands uh New Jersey uh Maryland Jordan wow Nigeria Jamaica Saint Catherine Scotland people watching from Atlanta Orlando Florida Texas Ontario Canada Massachusetts Kenya Nepal Yakima Hermiston wow wow wow thank you people thank you thank you for sharing this broadcast thank you for watching Hermiston way to go a Hermiston family pullyup California Germany wow so many places people are tuning in and watching amen amen amen Philippines Cyprus wow so many different places people are tuning in and watching thank you so much thank you for such an honor Zimbabwe come on come on come on kenya pasco washington amazing amazing amazing thank you so much for all of you that are tuning in thank you so much for uh for watching thank you so much for tuning in it's uh it's our honor that you uh consider us and you take time these these two two hours two and a half hours to spend with us and and hear from the heart the vision that God has downloaded God's given us and and and it's just so amazing to see you guys with us part of this extended virtual family again if you're not following us on social media you can you can go to facebook and instagram it's HungryGen and you can find us and you can follow us you can tag us you can tag yourself in it and we would we'd love to see just just people watching from all over the place share the content enjoy the content we put a lot of time into developing a good content rich pack context so that you can be enriched and you can share that as part of your evangelism and part of your spreading the good news of the gospel through the means of social media we actually see a lot of people that come physically to this to this location because of social media and a lot of people that tune in online and eventually become members of online virtual church simply because somebody shared it on social media somebody shared it on their feed and then tagged Hungry Gen or whatever so if you have time right now which you should have time right now pull out your phone find us on facebook on instagram on youtube follow subscribe give thumbs up rate it and uh that helps us to continue going that helps us to produce more content better content and just uh stay engaged and still stay connected so with that being said I want to just take time to share a little bit about the vision of the church and then we're going to present some new members that have joined uh our church physically and new members to have joined us virtually yes we have a virtual church and i'm going to tell you just a little bit here about the vision and how you can become a member and part of Hungry Gen church if you committed and decided that this is your church you've been spiritually fed from here you connected from here you feel like uh this is my church what should i do next well just stay tuned for next few minutes and I'll explain it to you see God has never intended for church to be inward looking God has built His church always outward looking what does that mean that means is that when you come to Christ when you give your life to Jesus you join a church you become a member in the church you you become a part of that fellowship and and and during that time during this process you come to belong to a community and this is a good and it's an essential step but this is not all that it is in store for you during this step you get connected you begin to grow you begin to strengthen your faith but there is more that God has in store for you there is a next step but the next step is to be trained and to be equipped and eventually to get this lower like just a bit and the next step for you is to become a person that begins to move from a member just from a person who belongs from a member to a minister now word minister might sound a scary thing for you it might sound like well i don't know if i'm called to the ministry but we were all called to win souls and make disciples we were all called to be witnesses for Jesus Christ let me read you a scripture quickly which comes from uh which comes from Matthew chapter eight it's a story where Jesus comes to this region of Gadarenes and this man who was severely demon-possessed was roaming around and he was he was disturbing the community around nobody could bind him by the chains the Bible says that he was so severely possessed that he would even break off the chains that he was bound with and then Jesus sets this man free and this man begins tobeg Jesus to go with Jesus and follow Him for the rest of his life pretty much because Jesus did such an incredible miracle in His life and listen in verse 38 and 39 uh what what what's happening the man who the man from whom the demons had gone out back to go with him Jesus but Jesus sent him away saying return to home and tell how much God has done for you so the man went home and told all over the town how much Jesus has done for him that's what our life Christian life should be all about is going around and telling everybody going back to our houses going back to our homes going back to our families and telling all of those around us what jesus did for us what jesus what was that Jesus do for others how he saved somebody how he restored somebody's marriage how he healed somebody how he set somebody free how he blessed somebody that's all our job is as a witnesses is is is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those around us what Jesus what somebody did for us what somebody shared that news with us and we came to know Jesus that we do the same to others and that's moving from just belonging to a community to a fellowship belonging being a member of a church to becoming a minister where you minister the gospel to others and that's the vision of Hungry Gen is that you move from a visitor whether you're a physical visitor whether you're virtual visitor to becoming a member and then you don't just stop there you become a minister in your own way in your workplace in your home in your place of of schooling everywhere you go that you share the goodness of Jesus Christ as opportunity presents so that's the vision and that's the goal of Hungry Gen is to fulfill the commission commission and the great commandment of Jesus christ which is go in the world for Jesus and raise disciples for him so with that being said if you've been a virtual visitor or physical visitor and you say well how do i take next step how do i go from a visitor to being a member i'm glad you asked on march 7th at 11:30 a.m pacific time we will have a life class a life class is pretty much this a four step process that we combined all into one in a two two and a half hour session where we share about the vision of the church we share how the church started we share where we're going and we share a plan how we're planning to get there we share our base uh basic doctrines as a church what we believe in where we uh what we believe in and uh and and where we're going really and so you get a chance to learn about us you get a chance to learn about uh our church you get a chance to see what's happening under the hood if i can say that before you make a commitment and then after that class you can make a commitment do i want to join the church do i want to become a member and you i want to commit myself to this vision and to the uh and to the call that god has for this particular ministry and this particular church now this life class is going to be during our second service if you're local here if you want to attend physically on march 7th 11 30 a.m pacific time if you say that well you know i'm i'm part of virtual church what do i do i'd like to become a member we will also stream that on zoom and that will be available uh for you as well you can tune in into that class on the zoom go truck uh go through this this life class together with us and get acquainted ask questions we will have moderators there uh taking questions talking with you presenting different opportunities how you can serve how you can be involved and what you can do from now on and just go through this class and if you choose to at the end of the day you can request to be a member of the church so that's march 7th at 11:30 a.m pacific timing now if you're already a member of of our of our church you're asking us what's next what what's on what's my next step what can i do how can i move from member to a minister how i can move from just being a visitor to being a servant and really fulfill the call of God that God has given to the church and he's given into my life i'm glad you asked because this uh monday february 15th at 7 00 p.m pacific time we're kicking off what we call this Destiny training it's a program that we've designed to equip the saints for the work of the ministry to take a person that just who just become a visitor transition to a member and wants to take the next step to go deeper with God to get deeper in a vision and to become a person that God can use to bring others to pray to Christ become a person that can eventually start their own home group and begin to minister to others and share the gospel that Jesus Christ has once revealed to you to help reveal to others so this destiny training is starting tomorrow february 15th at 7 00 p.m pacific timing and it's available to all our physical members and our virtual members so if you want to sign up for that which I highly highly encourage you it's not public for everybody you have to go and talk to your leader to your home group leader so you have to go back to your home group and ask them and your home group leader will provide you a link on our website where to go to sign up for this destiny training if you are a member of the church and you're not currently going to your home group first of all you should be going to homegroup but if you're not but you're ready to start this this discipleship this this training program with us please contact us directly and we will give you the next step connection with the home group and we'll give you the link so you can start with us on monday pastor vlad and i will be uh we're committing ourselves for next nine week weeks to spend with you to train with you to teach you to share the heart and the vision that god has given for the church to equip you to do uh the work of the ministry and fulfill your calling and your destiny that god has for you and so with that being said right now i want to introduce our members newly new members that join our church first i'm going to start with the physical members that have passed the life class that have gone through life class and committed to the vision and the call of the church and signed a membership agreement and joined the membership of our church so the pictures i believe will roll in the order i'm just going to read their first names and uh and so just just pay attention uh so we have agnes who has become a member we have albert also who has become a member Alan and then we have Andrea we have Damien we have Deanna Irena John Julian Michelle Murphy Sarah and Vanessa who have become a Hungry Gen member last week and so come on let's give a hand clap for them and that's not all last week we also had 14 members or 12 members that have become they have become a virtual members and part of virtual hungarian church so i'm just gonna name their first name and where they're from and so um and then we're just gonna congratulate them so we have uh brienne from cincinnati ohio we have michaela from pasco washington we have miguel from saint charles from illinois we have marie from brooklyn new york diana from redmond washington daisy from anaheim california pamela uh from bet for uh that far shy uk united kingdom elizabeth from abuja nigeria jacqueline from nairobi kenya latifah from namibia jenny from sweden and shirley from uganda so let's put our hands together for those for all about virtual online members so again if you consider hangul gen your church and you want to join and become an official member hungry gen virtual church or physical church life class is happening march 7th at 11 30 a.m pacific time and we would love for you to come and join and connect to the vision and begin to work for the kingdom of god to see his kingdom spread all throughout the earth in the mighty name of jesus christ amen so we thank you for once again tuning in i know god has something special in store for you today so just stay tuned and god bless you huh offering right now amen so that's not all uh right now uh let's let's take our offerings so uh there's well few ways to give for you uh it's either online hungrygen.comgive those of you that are local members here and you have center uh and uh you have a planning center app you can use that as well to give some of you that are locally here there are some envelopes in front of your peers that you can give through that as well and drop off on the way out in a donation box there so right now just prepare your offering uh and let's honor the lord with our offering and and bless his name father god i thank you for your people i thank you god for those that are giving right now i pray that you will bless them abundantly god that you open the windows of heaven you'll pour out your reign under under life in an area of health in the area of relationships got in the area of finances and business and career god in every area of the life bless them in the mighty name of jesus father increase them god increase their life let them god become not just blessed but a blessing to those that around us in the mighty name of jesus father i pray for those that are not able to give today but god they have a desire to give lord you said that you give a seed to the sower bless them god so they can honor you god so they can god begin to give into your kingdom and to those that around them in the mighty name of jesus father we thank you for the strength for the wisdom god we thank you lord for your grace to be able to work to do business god to go to school and to god to earn the living god and today we just want to honor you and give you thanks god with our ties with our offerings and our sacrifice god because you are first in our life in jesus mighty name we pray amen again you can give online hunger john dot com slash give or through planning center may god bless you abundantly in jesus name and let's watch the video this was not a near-death experience this was an out-of-body experience that would be classified as a vision in the bible and then i landed on an actual stone floor in a prison cell in hell i was taken out of the cell i was placed over next this large raging pit of fire this pit was about a mile across the point is this is where i could first see people inside this pit there were thousands of people screaming and burning and there were different levels of torment and degrees of punishment his heart is for not one person to go to hell and if we can influence somebody and say something that will make them change if one person can see the light of the scripture and come to this altar and say i got it bill i see what you're saying but if you reject him then after this life you won't get to enjoy his goodness one second after you die it's too late you will not get a second chance all of us above the age of accountability are automatically on the road to hell john 3 17 and 18 says we're condemned already because we're born in sin all through the bible it says he'll pour out his wrath on sin in the form of fire but god poured out his wrath on jesus on the cross so we wouldn't have to take that rap you want to be certain your name's in his book amen wow i am so excited i just want to let you know guys that next sunday bill wise the video that you just watched he's going to be here with us a present so you don't want to miss that sunday for two services you're going to be greatly blessed by his testimony and the things that god has shown him in jesus name i want to see you there so right now i just want to um thank you so much for tuning in this morning right now we're going to share a testimony for god's glory to show that god is still in a business of changing people's lives and bringing salvation to people's lives which is the most important miracle that that is out there okay so please if you can help me welcome a rachel as she comes up to the stage you know rachel has an amazing testimony of how god pulled her out from the uh grip of satan and some of the incredible things that she's gonna be sharing with us if you can please stand right here rachel i'm so excited your testimony is awesome would you please start with uh sharing where are you from and uh how did you end up at hungry gen yeah my name is rachel i was born in oregon hermits in oregon but i've lived in washington most of my life so tri-cities area i found hungry generation on youtube it was kind of a funny story because i was living in seattle for a few years and i came to quarantine with my family here in tri-cities and i decided to move back and then i had just found youtube or the channel and i thought you guys were in seattle and i was like dang i just moved like ah and i felt like it was like a perfect fit for me so um yeah i was just watching online and then when my friends invited me here when you guys opened up i'm like wait it's in tri-cities like what and so i yeah i came with my friend and then i loved it and so now i'm here yeah it's so amazing thank you so much um rachel would you please start sharing with the things that um how was your life before you knew jesus christ the things that you were involved in and things like that yeah so my life before jesus i um i didn't feel enough i was uh i was depressed i had a lot of anxiety i didn't feel like i had a purpose or a calling so i felt like i had like a big void in my heart and i started searching for something to fill that void and so i got into new age which was uh i started getting into meditation and like i started following spirit guides which the new age makes it seem like they're angels that are guiding you but they're actually not angels they're demons so um i was insert of um just trying to fill that void and um and yeah what are the things that you were uh doing like the books that you were reading uh would you please go a little bit more in the details that what is new age you know it's such a huge deception that young people especially find themselves in in our world and what were you doing with this spirit guide that you know you were talking about yeah so i would basically um so instead of praying to god like we do i would pray to the universe and my guides to guide me and their way of communicating is through like repeated numbers and so like if i would go to a place like let's say a new job and it had like i don't know four four four on my receipt i don't know or something like that it's like oh that's my confirmation that this is where i'm supposed to be and um so that's kind of how i guess i would communicate and um i would do like free writes and ask them questions and they would supposedly answer back and um yeah okay so there's a lot of things let's step back just one step back they're telling us and so i know that you were also doing all kinds of meditations and things like that right yeah so um i was getting into meditation like i would like meditate every day and i would try to like envision or like call upon my spirit guides call up all my spirit guides to like show me who they were and um i even got hypnosis and i was doing like self-hypnosis through youtube um watching them every night and i was just like going so far or i was walking away so far from the lord and it's just so scary to think back to that but um yeah and i was reading a lot of books about mindfulness and being still and um i realized that like after getting so deep into that i like i thought i was like searching for or i thought i was finding enlightenment and mindfulness but i was actually like way far from being mindful and being still like i had so much anxiety and i had so much noise up here and i was like why is this happening isn't it supposed to bring me like peace and mindfulness yeah so um and so what happened how did you um found christ or christ found you what happened i know that you told me you had a friend that was praying for you and could you please share with us yeah so um my friend was led to tell me about christ but it was a month after i became kind of confused with all these practices that i was doing and one day i was just like god i mean i don't know show me a way or show me the way i don't know if i'm doing what i'm doing is okay and it was kind of different for me because i wouldn't really pray to god like that so um he wasted no time a month later i came to visit my family from tri-star i came to visit from seattle to try cities and then her and i had dinner and she was just like i feel like i need to tell you this god has been telling me to you know tell you that you are going um through the right wrong path and he loves you and that void that you have been seeking to fill is in jesus and thanked the lord that i was open to hearing that and i was just like it was my confirmation from god and i just felt so much fear for i felt like it was i didn't really know god like that but i felt fear of god in that moment like i'm so far away from him and i want to do everything possible to just be with him so yeah thank you maritza i know you're watching i love you but um yes i'm so grateful because jesus found me right where it was at the perfect time where he needed to find me and like oh i just love him so much and so what happened after that evening when you came home um yeah so once i went back to seattle i literally threw away all my books um i got rid of everything that i could that was associated with new age and i replaced new age with god and i mean i was so lost i didn't really know but i just bought my first bible and i just started reading it and i started praying to god instead of the universe and spirit guides and i went through a really dark season afterward um but he brought me to the light and i'm so grateful for that yeah wow we are so thankful for what god has done he literally took you off you know took you out of the darkness and i know when you came here that you also received the physical deliverance in one of our prayer lines could you share a little bit about that experience and what it did to you afterwards yeah so um last sunday i got prayed over and um before they prayed for me i was dealing with a lot of social anxiety um i was getting panic attacks or anxiety attacks and i had never gone through that and so i was like god like why am i going through this if i'm like getting closer to like what's going on um but i know that it was just the enemy trying to attack me because he knew where i was he knew my breakthrough was coming and so after i got or before i got prayed um over i had a lot of anxiety and a lot of tension like built up in my body i felt like i couldn't like relax i couldn't like stand up straight i was just always tense tense tense like wherever i was it didn't matter i was always in this tension and after i got prayed over i literally felt free and i felt released and i felt like so much peace and stillness and i still feel that right now and if it wasn't for that like i don't think i would be up here like i just feel so good like come on our god deserves the glory he is the only one that could truly truly set someone free amen rachel wow thank you so much for being so bold to share the testimony i know there are so many people that that are seeking for something seeking but they don't even know what they need so they dabble into different kinds of false teachings religions new age witchcraft and things like that and satan has a grip on them and you know when we share our testimony and somebody hears it you know the devil loses the grip from their lives and we're just so thankful to god well last thing would you please share a word of advice for someone who is uh maybe on the same path searching for the light for enlightenment or for god but they don't know that it's found only in christ jesus what would you tell them yeah i would say to just okay um i would tell them that everything that they're looking for is found in jesus and it wasn't until i fully surrendered my life to jesus and i started seeking him for him and not for what he could do for me is when i felt like that joy and that i feel like my cup is overfilling right now because i just oh he's just so amazing so everything that you're looking for and everything else besides god like just just give it up and go to jesus and he will show you and you know he's willing in the word like that guy that said jesus if you're willing me like make me clean and he said i'm willing be clean and so he's willing to change your life like he's willing to give you like what you desire in your heart you know and once you put jesus first like everything else aligns like everything else aligns for your life like yeah he's just amazing come on wow that's awesome rachel thank you so much for sharing your amazing testimony i love you girl she's such a full of joy person and she's an amazing painter as well and wow we just praise god and give god the glory for still changing people's lives like that and we just pray for if you're watching us right now if you are confused and you don't know who jesus is the new age and what is the truth i want to tell you right now and i believe the holy spirit will use these words to touch you and to show to show the reality of god jesus christ said that i am the truth i am the light and i am the way he is the only way to salvation and i want you to receive that and let god show you the reality of himself in jesus name and with this being said i just would like to invite my husband up to the stage and we are going to preach share amen we're gonna uh start just set up few little chairs today it's gonna be a slightly different than what typically you are used to and so we welcome everyone once again as we're setting things up could you just if you're watching us on facebook would you just click that share button right now tag your friends especially maybe some people who don't usually go to church but um but they're married and so some of the things that we're going to share today i know it's going to be a great blessing to them it's so good to see people i've been looking at the comments of the youtube and the different parts of you different uh people that are tuning in who pass through the live class as well as everyone on zoom god bless you um people that i see jocelyn omar and then evangeline god bless you john i see john over here and the rest of your precious people who have muted your god is love love is god not really very accurate but i get it for it will do good for zoom oscar good to see you with your children as well um and then diana marie jude miguel hassan god bless every and each one of you and now we're going to replace it with uh with the graphics and so adrian if you can help us with that and um yes it's on is your microphone okay awesome awesome amen amen we welcome everyone from hungary gen family and as well as those of you who um still came even though we asked you to stay home but we love you amen now you're going to be a responsive audience amen no no no no no no come on i'm going to ask terry to take people away right now from this sanctuary who is not responding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding no but let's be let's be responsive uh we would like to share with you is your microphone daniella could you help to turn on the microphone uh give it to them let them feel let them figure out right now all right all right all right and so we would like to share with you today uh 10 different lessons from the marriage today it being a special day where a lot of people in the world are celebrating valentines and everything and i understand some of you may be watching and and saying i saw some response oh you're celebrating a pagan birthday i'm not celebrating valentine's i'm celebrating my wife and so every husband is celebrating their spouse they're taking time to celebrate the love that they have sharing nice things on social media concerning the person that they married and all of you precious single people who are jealous of that and calling this a pagan holiday god bless you with a wonderful spouse in your future in jesus mighty name and so we are taking time to celebrate our marriage we're taking time to celebrate marriages we're taking time to encourage single people to get married we're encouraging also people who are maybe today either widows or maybe you're a single mom that god has a blessing in your future and we would like to share certain principles that we've learned from our life and as well as from the scripture into your marriage i know different people that i even messaged this morning who are my friends who will be tuning in so welcome god bless you guys before we jump into sharing about marriage i would like to share the most important thing when you are a single is this is you have to have a proper preparation which will help you to reduce unrealistic expectations that will later on result in having less frustration in your marriage if we have high expectation low preparation we will walk into marriage having great frustration i know it's a lot of rhyming words but the reality is this you go into marriage expecting this you're prepared for this the difference between that is going to be a lot of frustration what are some of the things that we did to help reduce the unrealistic expectation and raise the preparation um yeah what we did is we went to premarital counseling we also bought a book and we kind of like and the book was very practical it's you know we kind of studied it a little bit and got at least all the information that we could get before we got married you know to kind of you know to show we talked about our families that book actually led us through all the important topics to address before marriage so when we are married and we meet certain differences that we were like oh okay yeah we talked about it we're kind of sort of ready for it so yeah i think that if i if i could summarize it also as early as you have discovered your desire to get married that is the time that you need to number one pay down your debts number two get rid of demons and addictions and number three is to begin to read on the topic of marriage begin to prepare yourself and be begin to acquaint you know yourself if you're a young girl that means you know get rid of the debt if you're a young guy get rid of debt as well uh pornography addiction daddy issues you know uh all kinds of other addictions they will destroy your marriage when you begin to prepare yourself because it's not about getting the right person it's about being the person that god wants you to be for that person and so a lot of single people who are like man but i have my fourth dimension list i have my desire you know god's not going to give you really what you desire god will give you what you prepare for and so begin to prepare yourself let's actually move it closer i feel like we're i'm speaking to um another female so yeah so this is the line let's let's bring your bring your closer way way closer yeah yeah okay okay sounds good all right we're just settling settling down number one the marriage principle from what we've learned and that is the foundation of a lasting marriage is your freedom is being free in book of genesis chapter 3 it says that when adam committed sin god came to adam and he asked him what happened why did you not show up when god came in and adam start blaming his wife and then his wife of course she went she was smart theologically sound she blamed the devil she says i didn't do it it was the devil who made me do it and next thing that happens is that their family they start blaming each other they start hiding from each other and they their marriage survived this attack but their children didn't one of their kids not just kind of went out into the bad uh path one of the kids took a rock and instead of hitting into a tree they hit another kid on purpose and intentionally murdered the child and they went their marriage their family suffered greatly and their first problem started with the devil trying to bring distraction disobedience and deception i really believe that if as a christian you don't understand spiritual warfare in your marriage you will have spouse warfare in your marriage you will fight each other instead of fighting the devil the devil is out to destroy marriages the devil is out to defeat marriages the devil is out to bring adultery distraction the devil is out and we have to understand without spiritual warfare our marriage will not win what are some what do you think about that uh yes it's absolutely true just um when we got married with vlad so this happened i had some of the things that were happening to me which were some demonic attacks that affected our relationship with vlad so much that it was very difficult but what we did we i really like the fact that when we realized that it it's not just me being that bad person but it's the enemy attacking me and through that our marriage when we realize that you know vlad no longer you know was attacking me you know for doing certain things for being certain way uh but we were attacking the issue the enemy that depression or that you know those emotional insecurities whatever that that was in my life it was you know depression loneliness and all of that was like a dark cloud on me that affected our relationship every day everyday life and so when we started to pray against that and when the things came up in our daily life blood wasn't blaming me oh you're this and that can can't you snap out you know that would have hurt me even more than i was already hurting but he was hey babe let me how can i help you let's pray together when we switch our you know focus on you know that's not to attack your spouse but to attack the issue and fight together with your spouse that you know that that changes the game somebody said marriage is like a beautiful garden where we have to pull weeds plant seeds and kill the snakes if you don't kill snakes in your marriage you will kill your spouse not physically but with your words and so we have to understand there is a snake in every marriage's garden every marriage has a snake and a lot of times what we do is we talk to snakes we listen to snakes instead of kill them and throw them out of our gardens and so if you're watching this right now or if you are maybe re-listening this and you are attacking your spouse you have to attack the snake so what do we do in spiritual warfare if we're married and let's say one of the spouses has an addiction or maybe one of the spouses is currently under attack very simple two practical tips one affirm the person attack the problem spiritual warfare teaches us we attack the problem which is usually spiritual which is usually not the person and secondly is we affirm the person if you don't understand spiritual warfare what typically happens is we attack the person and affirm the problem and then we divorce the person move on with the new one and the pattern of dealing with spiritual problems by physical methods continue and we destroy one relationship another relationship another relationship god wants you to be equipped god wants us to be equipped to do spiritual warfare when attacks started to happen you know with my wife i started to understand this is spiritual this is not physical the devil is out to destroy my life he is out to destroy my marriage and my ministry and so destroying this person is not going to win this battle i have to combine together with this person and together we have to throw the snake out of our garment out of our garden so i want to encourage you that if you encounter spiritual problem right now in your marriage you might need deliverance you perhaps might need counseling but please do not resort to divorce as your only option deliverance might be the option that is going to bring healing to that person and restoration to that marriage the second principle that we would like to share that honestly came at the cost to me and to my wife and still is coming and that is it's not our job to change our spouse our job is to obey god in ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 it says the following nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself let the wife see that she respects her husband yes this is a very powerful point because it's it's so simple we all know that we don't need to change another person but when it comes to the daily life you know it's it's not that easy but when we have that understanding in simple things you know okay i'm not going to be making him into something i'm just going to let it go let it let let him be be let let him just be and when i got that revelation you know that said we're not talking about somebody who's like addicted to pornography gambling yes of course no it's just uh we're talking about a simple clothes picking up clothes simple things just his personality that clashes with my personality but at the same time i want to wear a particular type of clothes that you do not approve of yes for example i told him to wear the sweater this morning he didn't want to i did not okay i was like but it's gonna be good for our you know conversation here i wanted to have a button-up shirt yeah and just a black sweat i'm like no let's not do that and so you know what i come up to him i decided to let it go and i'm like babe whatever you want to wear today you can wear and he's like you know what no i'll wear that sweater that you told me this is what we're talking about but also yes but also you know um god we need to obey god you know in the bible it says that you know the husband should love the wife and the wife should respect the husband it's the husband needs to know women why that you respect him not only like you think you respect him but he needs to tell you know what i i know and i feel that you respect me and i think that's you know one of the important things yeah the bible doesn't just you know tell us to love our wives but we have to communicate that love and a wife needs to feel loved one of the dangerous questions you can ask your wife as a husband is this and be very careful uh right away for the response do you feel loved by me i remember one time when we were in the restaurant and i asked you that question and there was this long pause and i was like whoa what's the pause for i was like the answer's supposed to be like before even i finished the questions but yeah yeah yeah of course 100 and so the fact that you took a pause made me you know kind of wonder that deep and inside i love you but that doesn't mean that you feel that love and every every wife might respect her husband but you must understand does he know he's respected does he is he respected in front of the children is he respected in front of your other friends is he respected in the public or you constantly ridicule make fun of him and then you say well he doesn't love me but does he get respected it plays into this cycle one of you has to mature and grow up and obey god the problem with some of us is that is this we are busy doing god's job trying to change the person not realizing we cannot even change ourselves that is the work of the holy spirit we have to yield to the holy spirit and he changes us we cannot change the other person god can do that but it could happen if we obey god when you obey god and what god called you to do you will be surprised how god will begin to change the person you are wishing and hoping they'll change and so that is the secret is if you stop changing the other person and allowing god to change you now we are not referring to abuse we are not referring right now to a person raising his hand cursing we're not referring to alcohol we're not referring to drugs or adultery we're referring to certain things that we do that drive each other crazy the success of a marriage comes not in finding the right person but in the ability of both partners to adjust to the real person they inevitably realized they married i said one time your spouse is like a flower flowers don't grow by being pulled they have to be watered and we have to be patient for them to grow because they always grow slowly don't be guilt-tripping stingy demanding controlling and manipulating that will never change the other person that is not a reflection of what god wants you to be as a husband and that is not a reflection of what god wants you to be as a wife um jezebel's spirit will never change your husband it will drive a husband away or make him a weak sauce a person with a pacifier but and the same thing with the husband being brewed being harsh being mean i told you so i'm the man in the house and i'm the head and all of this stuff if you have to reclaim your authority every single time it means you got none and so you you gain your authority through serving you are a servant leader in this house you are a person who leads gently a person who has to love the spouse the bible doesn't tell the wife to love the husband it tells the husband to love the wife the submitting to the husband is not that difficult if the husband does his job now there are still crazy women who regardless of what you do they will not submit just as as well their crazy husbands no matter how respectful the wife is the guy is just really harsh and really mean and those guys they need to be born again they need to be delivered and they need to take the sanctification course with the holy spirit so they can become better followers thus becoming better spouses and i think the main the main thing is never to focus on changing the person or even change in general because like vlad mentioned that we can't change even ourselves that's so good and we're always expecting god when are you gonna change him like when we don't focus on that at all you know but when we are focusing on on a uh obedience to the word of god which is said says respect honor your husband and for the husband to love his wife this is when the holy spirit will begin the work of change in the areas that we're so desperate like we we have a statement that says growing people change so if we focus on growing in our obedience to god we change and then it causes a common normal person who's not crazy honestly to respond back with changing themselves like the moment you know i was a little stubborn this morning and i'm doing my devotional and my wife prepares my clothes you know she kind of i trust her and i submit to her in this area she has the creative edge um not me and so and then when she offered that and i already had these particular clothes that i was supposed to wear in my mind and you know and when she came in and she's like you know what sounds good i'll uh wear you know whatever you want your ugly clothes she didn't say that but i felt like that tone where are you ugly clothes um and then the moment she changed i was like well you know i don't want to be left out i want to change too and stuff so for the person who recognizes who is the first person who changes that is the person who's the most mature in that relationship the person who repents first the person who says i am sorry i was wrong let's do it your way is the person who's most mature in the relationship and today my wife was more mature but then i wanted to catch up too i didn't want to be left behind and stuff and so um number three learn to complain instead of criticize your spouse we share this all the time we've heard it from jimmy and karen evans the difference between complaining complaining is a bad word for a lot of christians but in marriage complaining is a good word because complaining shares your feelings criticism is attacking the other person yeah and i think that when for example a um as a wife you know the first reaction is to you know i'm hurting just i just want to attack because it's your fault you know and when we learn in a proper way to complain and you know husbands or wives it's okay to receive complain you know complaints from your spouse and you have to be okay with that and you have to give a room for your spouse to complain to you if you don't give room to your spouse that you know i cannot come to vlad and complain to him and tell him you know i feel like i'm not loved you know that's a complaint that's not a like criticism the criticism would be you know i know you don't love me you know and that's like whoa okay there's nothing he can do to change that almost you know your hands go down but it's very important to allow you know this room for your spouse to complain to you to come and share the feelings if you don't you know that person will find another spot another person to complain to and even woman will find other woman to complain to the same things that you know a woman should be complaining to her husband and those other women they might give a completely like wrong advice to you and you will receive that advice and it will affect marriage yeah or a lot of times that woman will start sharing to another guy i mean that doesn't give an excuse but so it's important that a marriage becomes a good place and this is mainly for the husbands to listen to to listen to the complaint now for the wife i would really encourage that when you complain you say i feel instead of you don't and the second part is that don't use words never and always words never and always only belong to god and to the devil not to us you never say i love you well if he said i love you before you guys got married that word is no longer applicable oh you always you know forget to put your code into the closet you always not do this and not do that you always forget our anniversary well if you remembered anniversary one time that always doesn't apply be very careful because words never and always they make the argument seem bigger and they justify your anger and your frustration and then what happens is we actually blow things out of the proportion and so but when the spouse comes in and has the right to say you know i really feel like that and the other person doesn't go into this defense mode but instead they listen which is our number four and this is honestly the most hardest part because i know the part about you know complain don't criticize i've heard about it we tried to practice the first year was which was very difficult to do and one of the reasons why it was difficult to do for me as a guy is because i don't listen to understand the moment you start a conversation i am waiting for you to finish so i can respond i listen to respond not to understand that's just probably not only my problem but a lot of it's a human thing and i want you to see what um alana's going to read a little story i want you to see what james 1 19 says so then my beloved brethren and sister that's not what the bible says i'm just adding and sisters let each man be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath so i want you to see three s's the swiftness to hear the slowness to speak and then slowness to to wrath someone said we have two ears in one mouth which means that we have to twice as much listen as we speak if you can train your character to listen to the person not only finish and i know we have some people who are long-winded the moment they start whatever they can say they can it could be said in a fraction of the time and it makes it a little bit more difficult for us because we become impatient but this is what i am learning and especially in marriage marriage cannot thrive if you don't listen to understand instead of what you're doing is you're listening so you can quickly respond say oh no that's not a problem no you you feel a lot but love mommy come on i mean look at me i put you in the house you're doing fine you should not be feeling that are you on your monthly period right now are you okay have you been taking extra dose of this or exodus of that um no that's that's not a problem see that's not listening to understand that's listening to respond yeah and sometimes the respond is not even necessary at all because many times women just want to be heard and they don't need like right away let me fix this situation i remember when you came up one time and there was a boss your your previous boss because now i'm your boss the previous boss um that the post office that was causing a lot of pain and you came in crying one time and so i asked for his name and uh so i can you know go to work and um you know act on uh on christian or maybe call few of my guys who are still not fully sanctified and stuff and so i'm like i'm gonna go take care of the problem and i remember my wife looked at me and she says i'm not telling you this so you can go beat him up i'm not even telling you this so you can go to my work i'm telling you can you just listen and i was like well what do you mean listen he's gonna do the same thing tomorrow he's doing all of these things and you know fortunately things happen and he no longer worked there after a while but at the same time that was a big learning because i'm over there outraged i'm thinking about what i'm going to do i'm thinking about how i'm going to find his address what i'm going to do at this house i'm gonna come at this front door with the first comment she's speaking and i'm already contemplating you know which tools i'm gonna take with me you know to his house and all of those things and she's like stop i'm not telling you this so you go fix it i'm telling you this so you can understand me and make me feel better which for us as guys who fix things that that's very difficult to do i'm just gonna read um so vlad and i went to the marriage conference that we recently had and i on a side note i just want to encourage every single married couple to go through marriage conferences on a regular basis once a year or maybe once in two years it's very very important to reset your uh marriage and your understanding we were really blessed and um at that conference i want this journal you know daily journal devotional devotional that we we have been doing with blood every single night he's reading it to me and i think it's the fast thing because i am not a devotional guy yes couples that pray together stay together i always said couples that pray together don't stay together and so this was just in my small circles i've never preached on that but i just never i never you know we have our own prayer life and we prayed for each other and the moment we had some problems and stuff so but um but during this marriage thing they gave us this and i was like you know i really felt let's just do it right you know take a moment each day each evening and you know and just kind of read together and pray for each other and so it's been i think seven day or eight day or something so it's been uh and so here's a little story about listening um from this book it's really really sweet story a group of carpenters building an ice uh an ice house in the north country of canada was taking a lunch break when the boy came up to them and heard their conversation one of them saying a watch he had lost at some point in the working process so a guy lost his watch yeah um he looked for that a watch for a few hours and he hadn't been able he hadn't been able to find it and the boy says would you mind if i went into the ice house and looked they uh he the boy asked uh yeah sure the man laughed certain certainly he'd never find anything in a dark room with no electricity in so there's these guys are building a nice house in canada one guy lost his watch and a boy came in so they looked for that watch couldn't find it and the boy came in he's like can i go into that big ice house and look for the watch the problem is there's no electricity there so they laughed at him they're like well you're not going to find it because we were looking and we didn't find it and look what the boy does so within 30 seconds the boy came out holding his watch in his hand the carpenters couldn't believe it how did you find it they asked him and this is what the boy said it was simple i just stood in the middle of the room stood still and listened for ticking and so he found a watch so so that's how he found the watch and that's how you can find your love that's how you can find your spouse back you can find the connection if you just simply stand and listen he just stood there he listens and the the watch makes a noise you know not these watches but the other ones uh the nice ones they they made a noise and that's how he found the watch and i really wondered how many people lost you know their love their first love lost the connection and if they could only get in the middle of the relationship and honestly just listen listen and they'll hear things they'll change i remember when you know even at the marriage conference we started to talk and i presented certain issues that you know that i felt like we had you presented certain things and we started to listen to each other it started to brain um you started to hear the other person's heart you started to hear you started to notice your sin you started to notice your mistakes you started to notice how accustomed you justified certain behaviors that are not right before the lord and the other person can manage with you but you don't want marriage that's manageable you want marriage that's thriving and for that to happen you have to listen you have to use this more than we use this number five speak the love language of your spouse ephesians 5 2 and walk in love as christ has also loved us and given himself for us as an offering and sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling aroma falling in love is chemistry it happens by chance walking in love is a choice falling in love doesn't require any sacrifice no giving on your end no death to self falling in love is really it's it's a chemistry there's a lot of infatuation it lasts this obsessive period could last about two years and after two years it completely faded it fades away and people get frustrated because they say we are out of love you will see these couples regulars saying we're no long we're no longer compatible i'm like didn't you know that when you mean jesus he it's a she and you are he of course they're going to be different and so i mean she's very different than you are opposites attract and then opposites attack but this is the real problem is that people fall out of love and people who do that usually don't know how to walk in love if you ever felt you know when you were walking and you tripped up you found out a few things when you fell you were distracted you didn't pay attention and then you fell and then when you fell you quickly got bruised up you cleaned whatever the bruises that you had you got up and you started to walk further it's really what falling in love is like sometimes you just just fall in love with somebody but you can't move further in your life because you fell you have to learn to walk how do you walk in love you learn to speak the language of the person you married what makes them feel loved and i think it was one author gary chaplin he outlined five love languages which we know we know that they are words quality time gifts acts of service and physical touch i saw a graphic about five language of five love languages with coffee words is coffee is delicious quality time is let's go for coffee gifts is here's some coffee acts of serving i made you coffee physical touch let me hold you as coffee come on somebody no sleeve no stopper worm jesus amen you know um vlad and i we are opposite in absolutely i found that everything attractive when we were dating and then i found that very difficult at first few years of marriage yeah the kind of foods were like is absolutely different colors we like to wear everything absolutely like anything that you touch we are so different the the fun that we like to have is different like what kind of things we like to do everything is different what we have in common is jesus okay and that is what's the most important thing but with that comes a lot of uh mistakes that we have done in in a way that we try to you know make each other feel loved or you know know that we are loved and so i remember one time that i was working all day and vlad wasn't working it was a saturday and he wanted to make me you know feel appreciated and feel loved and so what he did is he cleaned the whole house like spotless he he did everything he cleaned and i come home from work and i have didn't even notice that it was clean not clean you know i was like that's what he told me you didn't even notice i'm like what am i supposed to notice because you know acts of service i even took your car from your work i cleaned your car yes he drove to my work took my car went through the you know cleaned uh my car oh my god and i sat in the car after work didn't even notice at all it was funny but not for him okay he felt like his acts of service is my yeah that's his love language and he was doing to me what he would like you know for me to do to him you know to it's like that story when a couple gets married and in the morning the husband brings a breakfast and and coffee to his wife and and she's like oh my gosh honey i always dreamed of having a husband who will bring me uh food in in bed and bring me coffee and he's like no no no hold on i'm just showing to you what i expect from you from this day forward but yeah that's exactly what it was in my life it was yes i was so hurt i was so offended at that saturday i still remember it like yesterday because i felt like i took six hours to show my appreciation and she did not even hear it it would be equivalent as me speaking chinese to you and you were completely like oblivious when the other person does not have that and you know what she all want lana wanted to do when she came from work yeah i'm like let's go let's go to park talk let's go grab coffee and walk and i was like what she's like i am tired i don't want to do that i'm like what i did supposed to be enough for next six years of our marriage this is the deposit into our love account for six months minimum i don't have to do anything after that and i'm like you did that for yourself and then we had such a fight you know well i was so heartbroken and then i realized is that i am doing things we learned yeah yeah that honestly she does not feel loved and appreciated through that now i could justify that it's very important to clean the house and the car it is but to her what's really important is something different and so usually how do you discern what is the love language of your spouse well there's two things one is you can go on the website um google the five love languages and take the test but i'm gonna give you the simple one the one area that your spouse constantly complains about is usually a cue or a clue to their love language we never spend time together you never buy me things you don't say that i love you you know you don't hug me those things are cues you know um you're not helping me with things in the household those are usually the cues of love languages and love languages also change with time sometimes you know a person develops one thing and then with time you learn that they picked up another love language when you when you when you have children you know you no longer just want to go to the park you want someone to help you around the house yeah number six and that is date your mate go on weekly dates and we encourage you to take some time off whether it's a vacation or some kind of a getaway with your spouse a man should leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh genesis 2 24 the word be joined in original language means to clean to catch by pursuit follow close hard after overtake pursue heart stick and take now watch this what you need to notice is the bible doesn't say a boy that joins to his girlfriend it comes naturally for young men to pursue their girlfriends or their fiances because you're trying to win a person over a guy becomes enthusiastically passionate for this girl that he's in love with he is attentive he washes his car every time he picks her up if he has a bad driving record it will never show on the way to the date he opens the door and then he you know pulls the chair he is extremely has an enhanced vocabulary it doesn't just say i love you he uses emojis in the text message he buys cards he doesn't buy flowers oh man we have a story on the valentine's eleven years ago my wife first time came with her sister here and uh i was such a we were engaged right no we're not engaged yet this was the first time you came here this was i already kind of connected with you you came here and you stayed at our house we didn't sleep together but she stayed at the house because i was also cheap you know i didn't want to rent a hotel and stuff and i remember like yesterday i forgot to buy flowers for valentine's day now whatever your idea for valentine's day just leave that out right now but i forgot to buy her flowers so what i did is i went next day to walmart the day after valentine's and i bought them all for 60 sale some 80 sale i bought maybe 100 flowers roses but out of those 100 roses i think there was maybe five that were good now i had no idea because i you know was not good with girls and stuff so i didn't no i remember i brought him package like almost like literally i was ready to open like a a boot catch a bookhead store or something and i asked my sister i said hey could you go can i organize it and i remember my sister sends me a text message very colorful words not curse words but she called me with very very mean words she's like you were cheap how could you why would you she's like those flowers are trash she threw all of them in the trash can and she went into yokes and bought actually really nice flowers and i presented it a lot as though i bought it and that day i learned the importance of not buying flowers the day after the valentine's on discount and walmart and so yesterday i uh i reached out to a local um a place that builds flowers really nice ones pricey ones and i brought i redeemed myself i told lana i said it that's exactly what he said i am redeeming from 11 years ago for 11 years ago and i remember the pursuit when people are young when they are not married especially the man pursues and the bible says in here a man should pursue his wife it came to me as a revelation when we were married few years into it i was convicted by the lord that from this scripture that the bible does not say a single man pursues his fiancee it says a man pursues his wife but the problem with men is that men a lot of times they pursue their wives until they get married and then they move on to pursue their education their business their ministry instead of continuously pursue their wives and wives don't feel loved unless they're pursued that's the weird thing about the girls they they need to be pursued to feel loved not just oh i i have a house you know i bought you a car um you have something to wear you don't have to work you stay home mom you know i'm taking care of you but that's not how she agreed to marry you because you took care of her it's because you pursued her any boy can pursue a girl it takes a man to pursue his wife why is being pursued so important to a woman um well like you said it just makes a woman feel like she is important she is not just like a secondary thing after like your job or whatever it is that you know she is loved that's the bottom line the woman feels loved but also uh you know i receive a lot of messages on instagram from girls that they're asking me how you guys are married for 10 years how do you how how is it possible how do you stay in love like that and i my simple respond to them it's it's you know it's a work of both spouses not just a man pursuing his woman you know a woman has to prioritize the relationship as well it's good and you know there has to be a emotional priority there's a lot of especially in our world women work you know they don't just stay home even with children you know they they are busy they are exhausted emotionally they come home and you know but it is still very important to invest emotionally you know there are certain things you have to say no to maybe your girlfriends or you know but say yes to your spouse emotionally be engaged to be there especially when you have a good husband that pursues you that makes it so much easier you know to stay in love and to go in your marriage with that fire you know it takes a builder to build a house you know and we have to become wise builders of our house and we learn we study you know you don't just get married and you automatically know what to do right away no you you just you know you go to marriage conferences you learn from the couples who have been around the blog for a while and they're still you know in love with each other and another i think important thing to uh underline the girls are asking me many times so how do you how how are you still in love you know with those emo feelings and emotions towards your husband i'm struggling with that and my response to them is to you know relax our emotions love is not an emotion love is a devotion and it's a decision you know our emotions they can go up and down one day i don't feel anything and that's okay we are still there for each other you know another week you might feel a lot of emotion so i want you to just like relax and know that we don't focus on emotions even though emotions are important you know to feel love is important but the reality is you will you won't feel love an emotion of love all the time and that's okay we go through life with kind of like you know emotional not roller coaster but waves and that is all right that's good that's good number seven and i understand we have children also watching this live stream so we will keep it pg sex is a super glue in marriage it's interesting because when you're single the devil does everything in his book to push you to have sex and the same devil the moment you get married changes his tactic to push couples who are married from having sex the devil is behind couples not having sex and this is why because sex is like a super glue it glues you together god created sexual intimacy and sexual physical expression to be enjoyed in marriage not only for procreation but also for pleasure and also because it shows that it brings god glory when couples are spending time and also having a physical relationship now we understand a lot of times uh one thing that i would like to mention and this is you know for the guys we must uh understand that as guys you know our our sex drive our physical drive for physical intimacy is a lot more stronger it's just often unbuttoned it's very easy for girls it's a little bit different and one of the things that i remember when we were going to uh marriage counseling before we got married and they mentioned the example from book of proverbs that a woman is presented as a deep well and the man is like a fount and the guy literally kind of painted a very graphic picture you know he's like you know fountains you just click you know button in the water fountain and water always comes out and the well doesn't work like that the wall the well you have to draw the water out and he mentions something he says that that physical intimacy does not start in the bed it starts in the kitchen it starts a day before and how the man acts and how the woman acts the emotional intimacy precedes physical intimacy and so we really want to encourage those of you or couples you know who live and maybe you're already sleeping on different beds or maybe you are sleeping in different rooms and you just simply are partners you're no longer invested into each other as a guy i know you're probably you know watching you're like you're saying things like man i would love to have more physical intimacy with my wife but let me ask you a question are you emotionally as engaged with your wife as you want your wife to be physically engaged with you because she doesn't want to sleep with a stranger if she's always has her own life and you're totally not interested to emotionally pursue her then you will usually not have a lot of physical interest in response and the two other parts that are important to highlight and that is if there is an addiction to pornography in marriage physical intimacy will struggle you have to remove pornography completely from your secret lives from your together lives even if both of you according to some kind of a marriage counselor has agreed to this demonic idea to involve pornography to spice up your marriage you brought a demon into your marriage you got to throw that out because pornography is not real it's an act it's like me trying to be an iron man this will never work it's going to destroy my body and i'm going to kill myself because that's an act that's a movie that's not real and god never wants us to take from pornography lessons into physical relationship and the other part and that is abuse sometimes because people grew up being molested or raped or abused they walk into marriage these hurts they don't leave and you can try to have physical intimacy with the person and pursue each other and the other person is very limited or feels very scared and it's important not to push your right for their body as the scripture says but to understand you are involved in the healing process you might need to see counseling you might need to even go through deliverance you may need to see help for this area in your sexual life but most important part that i would encourage and that is you speak frankly and speak plainly concerning your physical intimacy is there anything you would like to add uh yeah i would like to add um you know and again that comes from the questions that i receive on social media from certain ladies they uh one girl complained that she lost absolutely every kind of sexual desire towards her husband and you know and yes there's a lot of components that can be you know in that situation but i told her you know it's so easy for you now to get get affection for someone else just like that and it's a spiritual problem because this is the devil that is trying to you know separate and bring uh divorce and destruction to any relationship that you will ever be involved if you divorce your husband and i you know gave an advice you know that there has to be a certain kind of either healing or deliverance spiritual deliverance to take place you know because the devil is you know taking that affection away from your how many times we see when people get delivered the demon who uh steals becomes a spiritual husband or spiritual wife um and so when you don't have a sexual desire for your spouse and it's not just physical but it's a spiritual seek spiritual help because god ordained for this relationship to have this flame this fire of physical connection it's the only relationship where that is highly encouraged and that is to be enjoyed we're going quickly through this our time is coming to an end and number eight don't compete with other couples god is writing your own love story don't steal his pen and so anything would you like to add to that about not comparing yourself especially right now on instagram you know people don't post their struggles they only post their highlights they post their best things they take really nice angles of how they look their houses they post the best things about their house they post the smiley faces their marriage can be falling into like i know some couples who are honestly right now living like cats and dogs don't even live in the same house but they still post photos and they still put this really nice quotations on how amazing their marriage is it's just a lot of baloneys and so and a lot of people today are having tension in their marriage not because their marriage is struggling it's because they constantly compare it to somebody else's marriage that they don't know who's still struggling yeah and like we say comparison kills it truly does kill especially for women if you're comparing you know your husband to some men or god you know some person that you don't even know or even person that you do know that is better in certain area at this point of life you know that's gonna kill your respect for the husband that you should carry and that is not acceptable you have to respect your husband honor him and not compare yourself to or compare your man to some other man or man of god and same thing with wife's you know maybe some wife she's so gifted in this she's a preacher she's this and that and you know i wish that she would be like that it's gonna kill your kill your relationship the bible says we run the race looking unto jesus not to another person's marriage we don't look to the instagram we look to jesus who is the author and the prefecture of perfecter of our faith in our faith in our finances in our fitness and in our family run your own race just because and this two couples they always work out together it doesn't mean that's going to be your situation just because oh they already look at the cars that they drive look at the business that they have that might not be your situation oh look they're both in ministry they're both traveling together listen that's not your story yeah or even uh look uh my husband is not as spiritual that's that's the comments sometimes i receive what do i do how do i change that like you know what you you don't try to change you know anything about your husband honor him as he is and trust god you know that he will bring him higher higher and he will rise to that level yes don't honor him as he is because that's that's but if you honor him higher honor him the man that you want to see and then he will rise to the occasion by comparing him he'll never be like somebody else's husband if you wanted that other husband you should have married the other husband and stuff so but if you got married with that brother so never say or even verbalize such words that i wish you were like that oh jesus that is the worst thing you can do to your husband repent i would if i would be up i would hashtag you right now repent and stuff so yeah if you're saying i wish you could be more like if you say that okay you deserve to be beaten with 49 stripes not 39 stripes and that is that's so painful that is so hurtful when you begin to compare you know if i would come into my wife and say you know in the beginning i had the desire before i met my wife is that i wanted to have you know a worship leader a prophetess an intercessor uh like my grandmother's 16 children and then so i took all the women that i've seen in the world and i combined the best versions of it and i put it into one this one imaginable person you know i didn't of course myself was not like all of the high qualities to what it is to be a man but i just expected her to be like that and i remember before i got back none of the above yeah and then she has to cook like my mom she has to have as many kids as my grandma a heart of mother teresa the voice of joyce meyer the anointing of catherine coleman and the voice of kerry joe you know and and of course the looks of somebody in hollywood and so you combine that and that person doesn't even exist in heaven like that doesn't exist nowhere because each person has their strengths and their weaknesses and when i met my wife you know she is not necessarily a preacher she is not a worship leader she's not an intercessor she loves to pray she's not like my grandma she doesn't have 16 children and on the top of that she doesn't cook like my mom she doesn't enjoy cooking at all and stuff and so and what had to happen is adjusting to the person that you married and understand that um you did not marry her because if i wanted to cook i hire a cook okay i'm not marrying a cook i'm marrying a friend or cook yourself let me take a moment just recap right now oh yeah cook yourself i mean what a revelation huh and stuff and so yeah yeah never mind number nine so we get it pretty much the whole idea is that you know we're not marrying you know worship leader uh you're not marrying a pastor you're marrying a man that you love that you respect and god if he gifts him or sh or her with certain particular gifts which what comes in number nine that we have to learn to adjust to that and this is a big one in our culture where women work women a lot of times may sometimes even make more money than men they have positions of influence way greater than even their husbands number nine let your spouse grow as an individual without drifting apart yes and this is a huge one that we actually also went through and had to learn there's kind of three stages if i can say that way there's one that's overly dependent couple that is usually comes when you're like a newlywed or sometimes some people have that throughout their whole marriage and that is not healthy when we are overly dependent on each other that we don't have friends okay uh we have mutual friends but we we are just always together let's do everything together let's let's let's do everything together you know that is kind of like unhealthy because that could lead to you know to people losing their individuality which god does not want us to do that you know their second submission does not mean you lose who you are you know jesus is submitted to the father but jesus is still unique jesus is still a person jesus you know in godhead jesus is submitted to the father but jesus is still equal to the father and so when the wife submits to her husband and many people find it very offensive especially who are in the culture that doesn't mean that a wife loses her identity doesn't mean that she loses her life marriage doesn't is not a prison sentence sentence and i see sometimes these marriages especially with some of the men of god that i know that understood their wife literally it's it's like a little pet just kind of walks around them has no life of their own has nothing else she cannot even do and it's like you can't be with friends why because i'm afraid you're gonna spill some secrets and you people are gonna know you now and they're gonna know more things about me and there's this over the dependence and this person walking around has no life whatsoever you're looking at them you're like they're dead and stuff that's not what marriage is supposed to be the second stage is is over dependence no overly independent yes totally and i i even remember the time that we had to readjust ourselves to you know when you come out of the stage overly dependent you know and you learn this and you discover that oh my gosh we are two separate people anyways and you begin to i don't know we go to heaven separately we you know we are separate people yes it's true but then it there's this temptation to drift apart from each other and become overly independent and remember we even had to make this readjustment is because because we are completely separate people in a way that we like different things and we became so comfortable i'm doing my own thing you know vlad is doing his own thing and we realize that is not healthy as well because it's drifting us apart we're becoming you know in on that path you can become strangers living in one house it's very unhealthy and what's the third and the the last one is the healthy one is it's called interdependence when we are two separate individuals you know growing individually and also as one as a couple you know in christ amen amen and number 10 is that's the last one and this is where it's leading to what pastor ilya mentioned and that is marriage is a priority but it's not your purpose mission of jesus is the purpose of marriage um i'm going to say something that is going to be controversial but i really believe it that it's not god first your marriage second and your ministry third i don't believe in that i'm gonna tell you why the moment you make marriage a center of marriage it's the best way to destroy it marriage thrives the best when it has a mission and ministry to god i'm not talking about full-time ministry i'm talking about serving god i'm talking about where both of you whether it's helping the poor whether it's leading a life group you are ministering to somebody else then god takes responsibility for your marriage marriage is always a priority but it's not the purpose the purpose is the mission of jesus on this earth and for us that is that um now we we're fortunate that both of us are in the staff and the staff in the church but even before that you know we both said that we will be both involved we will be serving god together now that doesn't mean that every night we are in church it doesn't mean that every single morning we are in church but it simply means that the purpose of this marriage is to serve god not just to believe in god not just to believe in jesus not just to get to heaven but that we bring people to jesus that we help the poor that we help the orphans and the widows that we lead other people that we make disciples and i've seen god bless our marriage and i've seen god bless marriages of couples who don't make their marriage a priority excuse me who don't make their marriage their purpose but who make god's mission their purpose couples who miss church on sunday mornings were working on their marriage you gotta be kidding me oh we're working on our it's our family day you made your family into an idol god will never bless the kind of idol there's only the first commandment is not thou shalt love your husband and your wife it says thou shalt love the lord your god and the second one is not thou shalt love your children or your spouse is to love your neighbor what is this means god says i want you to make me your priority and your purpose and then with your family serve that purpose husbands take your wife and your children to church oh but they don't want to go to church lead them 80 percent of wives and children will go to church if the husband will step up if you think for a moment we are going to skip church we're going to skip prayers we're going to skip life groups but we're going to spend a family together if you look realistically at that family time every child is in a different room on a different ipad every room has a different netflix login that's not family time that's hollywood time you're not spending time with the holy spirit you're spending time they're drinking poison and next thing that happens 15 year old girl then she's already pregnant 15 year old guy and he's already on drugs and then you find out you and your wife you know are headed for a divorce sleeping in two different rooms when you make your family into an idol you will have big problems when you make jesus and his mission as the center of your family i am not saying that you spend 24 7 in church but that you make jesus's mission as the goal you will be surprised your marriage not only will last but there will be a blessing of god on it yes and you know as individuals as human beings we need purpose to thrive in in in our life in in this world you know because we were created for a purpose and also the marriage needs a purpose if there is no purpose if marriage is the purpose it's kind of like it's a dead end you know the marriage is a representation of christ and the church and we have to reflect that and and guess what jesus christ gave the mission to the church here on earth church is not just about the church around itself you know the church has a mission and we as a reflection of christ in our marriage we have to have mission for the marriage to thrive and to be blessed and to be fulfilling in our lives it's a river not a reservoir it's not a bottle don't bottleneck your marriage i remember when we went to uh i think either our first year of marriage or right before we got married we went to a marriage seminar in vancouver washington and i remember this guy preached the sermon on the marriage and he said this that he always stuck with me he says if your marriage builds god's kingdom god will build your marriage i remember it like yesterday and stuff and so and honestly we made a decision that to the best that we can we will try to travel together to preach the gospel together we will try to serve together we will try to uh my wife has a life group i have a life we both have we are involved as a christian i'm not talking about right now as a pastors as a christians involved in the mission of jesus because it gives us an outlook it gives us an outflow and it gives us something gives us it gives our life a meaning and we don't struggle with this boredom because boredom is a step for one step away from being in bondage and stuff your marriage has a purpose your marriage has a meaning and some of you that's what you're lacking and it's more than just raising healthy children and even raising healthy children they have to be raised around parents that are serving god don't hide behind this thing i believe in god listen honey demons believe in god they're still going to hell it's not enough to believe in god you got to serve him you got to give your life for him and and it's not about me discovering just my gifts it's about me denying myself to fulfill the assignment of jesus christ you know i look at my parents they raise five children i look at my grandma you know they raised you know 16 children they didn't race because they were experts in parenting they raised they took us always to church god was always honored and served in our family i saw that and though my parents were not experts but they raised us with that natural inclination toward that and i want to raise my family i want to be an example not only of loving each other but that our marriage loves god more than we love each other we don't make idol out of our marriage we make god as the center of our marriage if you're watching us right now maybe you're part of hungary jin family perhaps you walked away from the church already and maybe business kids career jobs i want to invite you to save your marriage before you destroy your marriage put god first in your marriage bring god back into your marriage put jesus as the center i know you're busy and i know that on sunday morning you are tired and to get all of your children is probably harder than getting through the book of leviticus it's not easy but nevertheless it's worth it let them grow up knowing that we serve god not just on sunday morning but pray with your children every day read your bible let them see let them see the father and the mother in the bible not just on amazon video prime not just you know consuming the the tv shows and movies constantly browsing through tick tock bring jesus and his mission in the center of your relationship come back to church re-prioritize the covet thing you're going you know already publicly so the covet thing is no longer a problem for for our church and so welcome back to church come back if you're part of hungry gen family but you and your spouse have not made a decision to grow further into the vision of jesus christ you know you're so focused on healing each other and it's already been five years and you're realizing you're so healed that you're tearing each other up now you're you're finding frictions and it's not just because you have problems it's because you have become now the center of each other god doesn't bless selfishness he blesses service sign up for the destiny training tomorrow you tell your husband you tell your wife saying you know what honey it's time god given us a house god has given us friends it's time to begin to leverage our marriage to advance the mission of jesus christ on this earth i want one second it's time to leverage our marriage to advance the kingdom of god on this earth it's time to use our house to bring our friends and family to bring them to jesus christ it's time for us to now help other people we're not perfect but we're in the process of serving other people we're in the process of being involved in the persons but right now first and foremost i would like to welcome those people who don't know jesus christ as your personal lord and savior if you are watching us right now maybe you grew up in a religious background maybe you're a couple or perhaps you're a single person maybe you're just browsing through and you stumbled and you stayed throughout the whole service through announcements through all of these things but you don't know jesus christ maybe you're dabbling in the new age witchcraft or you're in the other religion jesus christ wants to be your savior you may say but i'm catholic catholics and christians don't go to heaven it's people who belong to jesus go to heaven you have to become a born-again believer and you do that by placing your faith in jesus and by repenting of your sin if you would like to make the decision right now and don't turn it off right now don't turn off the video don't turn off the live stream if you would like to make the decision of giving your life to jesus and you're ready to repent of your sin and you're ready to put your faith in jesus christ i want you to pray together with me right now you can bow your head whatever you're watching and pray this prayer out loud with me i want you to say this out loud i want you to say lord jesus i am a sinner please forgive me of all my sin and wash me with your precious blood i come to you the way i am i need your mercy and i need your grace wash me with your blood make me yours write my name in your book of life and from this day forward i surrender my whole life to you to follow you the best i know how help me to live my christian life in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer i want you to right now pull out your phone even if you're going to have to log out from the live stream go to hungrygen.com vip and click on that form i accepted jesus christ if you're watching us for the first time also fill out that form and mention to us you're watching for the first time if you maybe been watching for first few weeks already and this is your local church in few weeks we will have a membership class where you can come check it out and then join our church family we have life groups all throughout the week we would we would like you to check them out and then join one of our virtual or in-person life groups church we want to bless you we thank you for watching today and next sunday we want to remind you that we will have a a special guest speaker with us that we want you to join whether online or in person and bill wise he will be with us we are praying for that sunday bring your friends and family our morning prayers will still continue tomorrow tuesday wednesday thursday friday and friday night prayer from 10 p.m onwards we would like to welcome you toward that and in few weeks from now my friend isaiah saldivar will be here on the last wednesday of our youth service so young adults and youth are welcome to come and bring their friends and I believe you guys will be blessed remember better is not good enough the best is yet to come God bless you Thank you for joining service with us today please fill out the VIP card and you can do so by going to hungrygen.com VIP if you would like to become a virtual member of Hungrygen you can do that by going to hungrygen.com lifeclass also community is so important if you would like to join a life group here at Hungrygen you can go to hungrygen.com groups in just a few moments we'll be breaking out into our virtual VIP room and have a blessed rest of your week.
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 37,253
Rating: 4.9517784 out of 5
Keywords: hungrygen, hungry generation, pastor vlad, vladimir savchuk, pastor vlad sermons, marriage lessons, lessons on marriage, godly marriage, lessons on godly marriage, lessons for marriage, successful marriage, how to have a successful marriage, marriage tips, how to have a godly marriage, dating tips, tips for dating, christian dating, christian dating advice, godly relationship, godly relationship advice, marriage advice for newlyweds, marriage advice for christian couples
Id: y2GR4ERc5w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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