Ways to Start HEARING God | @Vlad Savchuk

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i want to speak to you today about how to hear  god which is a very question is already wrong   because the bible clearly states from the  beginning that my sheep they know my voice   you can never take a child through a school  on how to hear their parent hearing comes with   birth and if your child can't hear with birth  then your child has has some kind of a disorder   has some kind of an illness so for a christian  to hear god is just part of being a christian   to know his voice is part of your spiritual  birth it's part of the blessing of belonging in   this family it's what makes god personal it's what  makes god not a force but a friend what separates   our religion from any religion if i could use  christianity as a religion though it's not a   religion it's a revelation but what separates  it differently is that our god is a living god   and our god is a speaking god and our god is not a  force our god is a person who wants to be a friend   in fact jesus brought is so close home he called  him a father and when he talked about prayer he   didn't say to address a impersonal force mother  earth he didn't say to address some kind of a   this being he said to address him as our father  who is in heaven i'm going to read two portions   of scriptures in the bible the first one is first  chronicles chapter 10 verse 13 and it says the   following so saul died for his unfaithfulness  which he had committed against the lord because   he did not keep the word of the lord also because  he consulted a medium for guidance but he did not   inquire of the lord therefore he killed him  all right rough words but you get the point   he killed him because he  didn't inquire of the lord   now i'm going to read you right now  a verse where contradicts this verse   in sir samuel chapter 28 verse 5 and when saul  saw the army of the philistines he was afraid   and his heart trembled greatly and when saul  inquired of the lord the lord did not answer him   neither by dreams or by urim or by the prophets  and so in verse 18 because you did not obey the   voice of the lord not execute the fierce judgment  on the malik gods like i'm done with you and i'm   just going to read one more portion and we're  going to contrast two guys david and saul and   glean some uh practical shoes on how to hear god  first samuel chapter 30 and verse six now david   was greatly distressed for the people spoke of  stoning him that's a good reason to be distressed   because the soul of our people was grieved so  people you know a lot of times when they're very   hurting hurting hurt people hurt others sometimes  they don't mean it they just they're just hurting   for every man lost his sons and his daughters but  david strengthened himself in the lord his god and   verse 8 and david inquired of the lord saying  shall i pursue and then we see that the lord   answered him so we see these two guys one guy  we see at the end of his life god gives like   a little summary of his life and he's like hey  you were not faithful to me you did not keep the   word of the lord so not just the voice of the  lord the word of the lord and by the way you   did not call upon me when you were supposed to  death and then we actually look at the details   of what happened there we see that saul actually  called on god and god didn't pick up the phone   and so saul got upset he got impatient he he's  like man i'm going to find another way to get   to not god but samuel so we noticed when god  stopped talking to saul he didn't want to get   another way or get somebody to get to god he  went and found a witch doctor to get to samuel   and before the witch doctor was able to pull all  of her little charms samuel just appeared now   i can't explain fully that different theologians  disagree and how and what really happened i mean   god just kind of intervened samuel  showed up and samuel's like dude   you're dead he's like you disobeyed the voice  of god you you're dead i told you to resign long   time ago there's another guy named david he is the  rightful king of israel if you would have resigned   you would have lived that's my paraphrase and so  he's saying you're gone tonight you and your sons   are gonna die period and samuel just leaves and so  of course saul goes into battle and soul dies and   and you know things work out sadly like that i  want to share with you four simple principles   on how to discern or how to hear the voice of  god number one if you're more desperate for a   word from god then you are devoted to god you  will lose discernment and fall into deception   saul's first problem was this his desperation  for a word at the expense nothing wrong with   being desperate for the word but when it's at the  expense of devotion to god you can find yourself   in extremely murky waters and you don't need  a witch today facebook profit will be enough you to profit instagram mystic will be enough  where you can find yourself in extremely polluted   waters and watch this saul got a word but not a  solution people who get too desperate for a word   at the expense i'm again here don't hear what i'm  not saying at the expense of devotion to god see   god's first problem with saul was this he says  his soul was not faithful meaning when a person   plays games with god when they're not devoted  to god and now they're at the fork in the road   now there are different challenges and i feel  like man i need god to tell me what to do   i need god to tell me what to do and instead of  starting from point a and say hey you know what   as a sheep i kind of drifted from the shepherd  let me get back to the green pastures let me   get back to the still waters let me get back  to my shepherd no somebody tell me what to do   when that attitude begins to come on  a person who claims to be a christian   the problem with that is this we can get  a word but we might look loose discernment   discernment of the holy spirit discernment  whether the holy spirit is speaking will   always will always be contingent on your devotion  to god when you're devoted to god you can have   the prophet come to you and give you a word  and your discernment will tell you way off   and you will thank him you will do the courtesy  thank you but you'll walk away and you'll say   but god's already dealt with me about this  i already know prophet cain bound himself   one time to paul and he was like this is the  man who's gonna be and paul's like yeah i know thanks great great word by the way great some  illustration that could do really well on youtube   and uh this whole thing that you did but i know i  know he's like don't don't persuade me i already   know not in an arrogant way paul did not ignore  or somehow belittle the prophetic voice but see   when your devotion even if you are not a prophet  a pastor have a bible degree your devotion to god   it's the same thing as when a child is with the  parent the child might not have a degree but   the child already knows discernment between  the parents voice and somebody else's voice   your closeness to god gives you discernment and  your discernment protects you from deception   why am i saying this i don't have a beef  with anybody in particular on facebook   what saddens me is amounts of people that message  me papa prophesy papa give me a word what saddens   me is seeing believers who then message me this  man of god took all of my money this man of god   because all the prophets many prophets on facebook  are for-profit if you don't sow you don't get a   word people are not going to sit there and just  prophesy only hungry jan just kind of ministers   and only at the end when everybody logs off we're  like hey by the way you can give people don't do   that people do that for living and i understand  workers worthy of his wages and everything   but so much a rip-off that happens and then you  find out the lives of these people where they are   toxic where they are hurt they are rejected listen  and just because you can prophesy really well   it does not mean that you have a character it does  not mean that you have marriage it does not mean   that you are not watching porn it does not mean  that you're not smoking drugs or taking mushrooms   it does not mean that if you switch religions you  cannot go in and become a professional psychic   some people that are here i'm like man you can  be a perfect psychic and there's no jesus mention   there's no salvation everything is about just  speaking goodness and love and peace and and all   of this stuff so we have to be very careful  as christians i'm not saying to walk around   being afraid i'm talking about being devoted  to god that we are not desperate at the expense   and what i want to encourage is this god wants  to communicate to you within your community god spoke to david but have you noticed from a  priest probably some kind of a small guy that   didn't matter god spoke to him when saul tried to  communicate to god in his community god was silent   the problem wasn't the lack of the gift in his  community it was the lack of the character in saul   it wasn't that saul now needed to find  another because there was no other prophet   it's not that saul now needed to go against  someone else so needed to fix the connection   and so sometimes people would you know switch  churches or they were like man but i don't hear   anything from god well it will help if you come to  church it will help if you will be in a community   it will also help if you develop a quiet time  with god where your phone is turned off and you   actually connect to the lord so if the lord is not  communicating don't rush to switch the community watch say is there a connection personally  with me because this god communicated before   god communicated to saul before the fact that god  stopped communicating it wasn't a reason for saul   to start going right now dming every person on  ig or dm'ing everybody on facebook and say give   me a word give me a word give me a word also  needed to do is to find where is the reception   is my receptor is my receiver off is if i put  it on mute wait do i even do i even have it   where did i lost it and we're going to see in  just a moment what happened with saul why god   stopped speaking to him but i want to encourage  you to listen to god in the community your pastor   your leader your mom your dad your spiritual  brother and sister who helps you to walk along   does not have to have a prophet in front of their  name on facebook to discern god's will for your   life i remember when i was extremely passionate to  move to seattle this passion and vision to start a   church in seattle birthed out of the fact that i  offered my pastor one idea and he rejected it and   after that i started to feel strong discernment  that god is calling me out of hungry jen   weird and all the things start lining up right  away i start you know gathering and this vision   to start a church in seattle wasn't mine it  was my pastor's vision he wanted us to start   the church in seattle we prayed for a whole year  here after worship so after our worship and so   a month and a half i'm already developing  a team i already talked to a few people in   our church they're like yeah we'll move with  you and so i'm thinking uh yeah yeah yeah and   stuff so but you know when that is fostering  on the ground and the soil of offense already   it's not god and so i remember right there in  the last row with the pastor it was evening   we're sitting and so um and i was like so this you  know seattle lady i'm like i'm willing and i was   willing to sacrifice sell the house give all the  money away move from zero moving to apartment and   start everything from zero again i was willing to  die literally i was willing to die and i'm telling   my pastor what am i willing to do and he said you  don't need to do that he says you need to be here   he said you know you need to be the one to  release other pastors to start campuses he says   this is your home this is your base  and you shouldn't be going anywhere i said you sure i said what happened  who's going gonna go to seattle he says   we're praying to god let god figure that  out he says you don't have to be the one   he said that just that he's like when you  will be there he said you will be alone   i was like i'll be connected to hungry to jen  he's like yeah three and a half hours he says that's it he put a needle in my little awesome   revelation to change my life  and i thank god he saved me i thank god and i rep i left i told my  wife and i said like a truckload is off   of my shoulders i mean i know what it's like to  start construction of the church building the   team and everything here from from the beginning  i know the pain i know the suffering i'm still   dealing we're still growing growing pains  and everything why in the world that i want   to move to seattle to start that again like i  don't know but see when you develop in my case   it was little offense that slowly took root that  then anything as long as i could just simply you   know find my own ministry and everything not  that i had no problem that i had a problem here   and so god dealt with that when god dealt  with that all that my pastor had to do he   didn't say thus says the lord thou shalt not go to  seattle he simply said uh yes i don't think it's   not not a right time and then i remember the  same thing that happened with pastor ilya   you know i was like okay we're gonna find  you know a scapegoat stand elia there nelly i volunteered and stuff and so but i i did  not have peace about it elia goes to shepherd   bashir's church bashiri you know god is giving  you seattle and that's bushiri that's a man of   god that's a prophet i just don't have peace  about it and so i told my pastor i said pastor   i'm not a prophet i was like i just see all the  red flags i don't know i just don't have peace   about it so i talked to ilya i was like bro i know  i'm not your papa bushiri i'm just your friend   but i was like bro it's a disaster please  don't go he's like okay i got it i won't and i was like what about the bashir he's like  that's his prophecy he's gonna be accountable for   that he's like he's like i have a pastor and i'm  not a prophet in that but honestly looking back   if we would have launched it right before  the pandemic it wasn't it's not that instead   what happened is that an online church  online church would have not been launched   and stuff and so and i really i really believe  in my heart that we have to submit to the body   submit to the body as a pastor i have to submit  to the body the body has to submit to the pastor   as a husband i submit to my wife as my wife she  submits to me i'm not talking about where just   one-way street but we are able to hear god even in  a community that's why we got to be in a community   even if your community is small it doesn't matter  even if your community doesn't have necessarily   apostles or prophets yet who function in that or  maybe even the community doesn't have a pastor yet   but be in a community there's a protection  there and if god doesn't speak in the community   like man but i'm i'm reaching out god doesn't  speak i'm going to give you a few other tips   that maybe you and i just need to explore  on second thing is relationship with the   holy spirit is more important than revelation  from the holy spirit so what i mean by this is   that make sure you don't go to ask god for a  word until you go to ask god for his presence i want you to see these two people david is  distressed david is upset david is burned   out david feels he just got rejected by the  philistines who didn't want to have him fight   alongside with them so david is coming back all  of his wives were taken his children were taken   everything he built was burned down he pretty  much experienced bankruptcy divorce loss death   everything all in one day because all of them are  gone and he doesn't know if they're dead or not   all of that in one day david is upset the bible  says he was very distressed his guys are handling   this different they're like we know who the  problem is david is let's cut his head off   how is that going to help us i don't know  but we're upset we need to kill somebody   so they're thinking about killing him david is  upset and the bible says instead of blaming god   philistines his guys himself why he didn't leave  some guys to protect instead of blaming himself   why he attacked a malachi secretly and told the  philistines that he was attacking israelites and   so instead of taking a blame game david  does this he goes to the lord i want you   to notice he's not asking god what should  i do he went to the lord to get strength   before he said god what should i do he went  to god and he said god can you just love on   me can you get me out of this little thing  that i'm i don't know i got a glitch right   here i can't my mind can't stop like thinking  on its own god get me out of this god can you   can you just cover me right now god i need your  strength i don't know how he did it whether he   prayed in tongues whether he worshipped whether he  read his own psalms that he read whether he laid   on the floor i don't know whatever he did the  bible says he strengthened himself in the lord   and that out of a place of i'm strong situation  is still bad he says lord what should i do saul on   the other hand is afraid scared he says god what  did i do nothing what would have happened if saul   would have went into the presence of god first and  out of that he said lord what would you have me do   your relationship is more important than a  revelation and the problem why sometimes we   don't hear anything from the lord is  because we are not near to the lord   if we want to hear we gotta be near god does  not like to be treated as a vending machine   you punch the right numbers comes out god wants  to be a personal with you god wants a relationship   with you god wants you to grow closer to him as  you go through what you go through and then come   out of it and so that you will give him the glory  you won't drop him like a hot potato because now   he got you out and god was really not the goal of  your life he was the means to get you to the goals   and god's like i want to be your friend i want  to be your father i want you to prioritize   relationship with me strengthen yourself in me  find your courage in me find your protection   me come on somebody drop that fire emoji on  youtube right now god says get me into you holy spirit will guide you if you let him  be your comforter when all comforts fail   until you renew your strength you  can't receive from the holy spirit   god wants to be your source of strength  before he is a resource for our solution   go to god to be filled with him  before you go to him to be led by him   the key to hear the voice of the holy spirit  is first to be strengthened by the holy spirit   when you are confused scared toxic bleeding  oozing toxic waste out of your attitude   don't run to god and say god give me a  word run to god and say god give me you and say god here is me fix me feel me help  me i'm scared god i'm worried god i'm mad   god i'm it's just the way i am right now i'm  not feeling good recalibrate me restore my soul   renew my strength god i wait on you and those  who wait upon you they will renew their strength   renew my strength and the moment your  strength is renewed say lord what should i do until you are in that place you can be misguided  if you are hearing from a place of toxic emotions   if you are hearing from a place of hurt   you can hear very negative words that could  not might not be god i love david's principle   when you're hurting when you're afraid when you're  lost go to him for strength yes god sees you need   direction be like esther when you are desperate  for deliverance invite the king for a date esther did not come to the palace  of the king and give him a tantrum   how dare you allow that to happen  what kind of a husband are you it's   been 30 days and you hang out with all these  women and you never once asked me for a date   you never asked me how i feel my country is  being wiped out and you already conquered them   killed my parents and now you're going to wipe  them all out how dare you do that and walk away   i'm pretty sure she felt doing that i'm  pretty sure she thought of every scenario   but she looked at that and she's like he's  a king he's going to get me shot and killed   so instead when she came and the king asked her  what do you want esther this would be a good   moment to give her i just want one thing save  my nation and esther says i just want one thing   i have a dinner prepared for you a banquet  and by the way bring that joker haman   why because i'm strong enough to eat in the  presence of my enemy and while they were eating   the king is asking so esther come on esther i  know you didn't just invite me for a banquet   i know you women i know you want something what  do you want she said if it really pleases you king   can you come for the banquet again tomorrow i mean  the girl is cooking him she's literally she's like   carrying him like this and he's letting be led  like that because when the king knows that you're   interested in him not in what he can do for you  not only you got the king but the king has got you   the second day haman shows up again and see now  something shifts when the king has finally ate   her request now will not fall on deaf ears and  when she asks the king she just says for one   thing save my life guess what started  to happen with haman this little jolly   little happy kemper guy the bible says  he got on his knees and started to beg   you want to get your enemy on your knees on their  knees on his knees give your king a banquet see   some of us give our king a blame some of us give  our king a piece of our mind some of us don't even   go to our king for strength if you want to hear  the lord draw near him be in the community number   two just draw near him if you've never heard the  voice of god if you've never heard what the lord   wants you to do and you are today this this whole  topic of hearing god's voice is so strange for you   and you're not one of those people who's willing  to put god set in front of every single thing that   comes into your mind you're very you have a fear  of the lord but to hear god's voice don't focus   on hearing focus on being near you will miss  his voice he's your shepherd you're his sheep   he's your father you are you're his child you  will hear him when you're near him are you with me   number three when we are filled with god's  word we will become familiar with god's voice   have you noticed that it says in here about saul  in chronicles he died for his unfaithfulness   which he had committed against the lord  so we covered that he wasn't near god   he didn't seek to be near god but i want  you to notice another phrase it says because   what was part of his unfaithfulness because  he did not keep the word of the lord he didn't keep the torah this is not the voice  of the lord which we're going to talk about in   just a second he also disobeyed the voice  but he did not keep the word of the lord   in other words he came to god say lord speak  to me and when god has given him the word he   didn't keep it read it study it dwelt in it obey  it you know what saddens me about my generation   is that it's a generation of god said when  jesus was on earth he always said it is written our generation even little guys literally  just just got delivered yesterday and every   other word in their sermon god told me god  told me god told me god told me god told me   and so i teach our young guys less of god said  more of it is written not that i doubt your   ability to hear god it's the reason why you say  god said is because you know people don't trust   you so you think that if you just simply put god's  name in front of everything that comes out of your   mouth it makes you more spiritual but most of us  who've been around the block a little bit we know   all of this is you're just a young teenager  you're just a young person i want you to notice   when adam was in the garden with eve and satan  came he says has god said because there was no   word of the lord there was just a voice of god and  therefore satan poked around the voice of god and   he just has got said and eve says yes god has said  in the wilderness jesus replies the devil when the   devil tempts him and he doesn't say well god said  he said it is written all jesus had to do is say i   said and the devil would have trembled  all jesus had to do to say i am the word   devil shut up he didn't do that he said it is  written and the devil is not dumb he comes back   and he says well it is also written and jesus said  oh i don't know what to do and he's stuck around   it is written again the third time devil came and  jesus says it is written this is what i realized   about us people who get extremely sensitive to  the voice of god who don't live in god's word   wilderness wipes them out they're good as  long as every prophetic word comes true   everyone gets healed the paychecks are coming  in everyone accepts me and loves me the moment   life throws a curveball they don't know what to do  because you can't throw at the devil well god said   oh wait that word was actually supposed  to come in december of last year   that didn't come true and the devil will  punch you back and he said ha did he good point devil the word didn't come true  it was supposed to come true actually yeah   what about the other word and what he will  do is he will punch you right in the face   and that's why as a christian your best weapon  is not to try to explain to the devil why the   prophetic word didn't come true what happened  with that prophet what happened with this one   what happened with that word that you really  felt like god spoke to you in the morning   your best defense and god wants you to know  if you want to hear my voice keep my word it is written study the bible   read the bible my friends it's time for us  pentecostal catas maniacs to get back in the bible open that bible and read the word highlight  the bible memorize the bible keep the word   of the lord your word have hidden in my  heart that i will not sin against you   his word is the light his word is  the seed his word is the hammer   his word is the honey his word is your sword his  word is his voice his voice is there and if you   are stuck in the wilderness right now and you  heard the voice of the lord at the river jordan   i'm going to tell you one thing what will get you  through the wilderness is not the voice in the   in the jordan what's going to get you is the  scripture is you're going to have to open up your   mouth and begin to speak it is written god said  he will never leave me and will never forsake me   god says he loves me therefore he gave his only  begotten son that whoever believes in him shall   not perish but have everlasting life god said that  greater is key that is in me than the one that's   in the world god said that i can do all things  through christ who strengthens me god said that if   i walk through the valley of the shadow of death  i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod   and your stuff they comfort me god said that he  will prepare a table in the presence of my enemies   god said he will anoint my head with oil god said  goodness to mercy will follow me all the days of   my life god said that if you will keep this word  and if it will not depart your mouth god says that   you will make your way prosperous and you will  have good success if god said that you will be   like a tree planted by the rivers of living water  and you will bear fruit in his season your leaf   will not wither and everything that you do will be  blessed by giving god's head it is written come on   somebody shout it is written oh somebody shout  it is written somebody touch your neighbor say   learn the bible let them touch your other neighbor  they shouldn't think about firstly study the word take a seat say this with me if you can't  get a word from god get into the word of god   if you want a word from god get into the word  of god i'm not in any way belittling or saying   that it's not important what i want us  is to build our foundation as a church   on the word of the lord if every other word comes  out of your mouth is god said god said god told   me to quit my job god told me to leave my wife  god told me not to be with my kids anymore god   told me to do this god told me god told me god  told me but your whole life doesn't resemble of   it is written it's in the bible 90  of every direction we need in life   is right here the rest of it god will  reveal to us as we seek him in prayer   and last tip on how to hear god and why i  believe some people don't hear god anymore   if you can't hear god's voice today it's  because you did not heed his voice yesterday   i want you to notice for samuel 28 18 it says this  because you did not obey the voice of the lord   yesterday what was saul's problem when  god spoke he did not do what he said   so now he wanted god to speak again   if god spoke before something to do and you did  not follow through and you found yourself in the   fork where god is not speaking can i invite you  today go back to where he spoke and do that thing   he will speak again you are responsible for  for heeding the voice you are hearing we   are responsible when i was younger and i did  not discern the voice of the lord as i look   as i know that today i was my prayer i remember  even fasting for days god hear speak to me speak   to me speak to me i did not know the weight that  i will have to carry afterward to do that word i   because in my mind i thought hearing god's  voice simply meant that i'm gonna give everybody   prophetic words or words of knowledge but of  course i asked him to speak to me about my life   and when he started to speak to me about giving  about forgiving my prayer after that's the lord   speak less i got enough right now lord i know  what to do i got it i got it lord unless he's   just encouraging me which god doesn't it just  gives gives direction he also gives encouragement   he also is he's our father you know i don't just  tell my wife what to do i also tell her i love   her i tell her you know i'm with her and so don't  get this view of god that he's just like tells you   like like navigation map you know or he's your  map guidance no he's your father he is your is   your guide but when it comes to lord what should  i do next what should i do next ask yourself a   question if you're not hearing god today has  been spoke has he spoken before where you said   um i don't like that i'm not gonna do that why  should he speak now if he did not get the proper   honor of his word being followed through  and that's really what happened with saul   god said destroy a malachite saul said yeah he  did it halfway god says you're no longer a king   yeah i'm going to still be a king you'll  see i'm going to still hold on to my crown   and then god stops speaking and then  saul just lives his own life on his own   and finally he hits crisis he cannot  get his head wrapped around he can't   figure out a military solution for that he's  trying to reach god and god stops speaking   and then saul goes outside of christian  community and talks to somebody who's a medium   he gets a word from samuel but he still dies  in a battle and the scripture gives us a real   reason why he wasn't faithful he didn't keep the  word of the lord and he did not obey the voice   of the lord when god speaks and you don't  obey the next time he speaks quieter   the next time it's not that he speaks  quieter it's that we hear him less   every time you disobey the voice of the lord  it's like on a computer you know you have that   button where it lowers the volume of whatever is  playing each time you dissipate you're hitting   lower volume lower volume lower volume music  is still playing you're just hearing it less   and less until comes a point you're like  man i don't want to hear and you hit mute   the music is playing and all you got to do  today you don't need to get a new computer   you don't need to fix your speakers you just need  to unmute whatever is playing in your computer and   same thing has to happen in our relationship  with god all we got to do is we got to repent   we're going to come back to the father and say  lord where i have disobeyed and sometimes the   lord will bring into you if he doesn't bring into  you don't look don't look for it if god doesn't   bring into you don't go in your background trying  to figure out where you disobey god trust me   you're gonna get you're gonna find something  okay your backyard is not necessarily filled with   treasure it's filled with a lot of mistakes okay  so do not go looking for an open door or some kind   of a sin that you left unrepented please don't do  that because if you do that the devil will get you   right on the hook bible tells us to look for his  face not for a sin and as you look for his face   when the light comes on you will see the dust and  then god will give you the power to clean the dust   but if you go looking for the dust in the dark my  friend you're gonna make a mess out of your life   our focus is the eyes of god our focus is the face  of jesus our focus is the presence of the holy   spirit our focus is the glory of god our focus is  the feet of jesus as you look for that god will   begin to remind you hey son you did not obey me  there hey son i asked you to forgive this person   hey son i asked you i mean it was very clear in  the bible don't sleep with your girlfriend you   don't need a word from god for that all you got  to do is just obey that word son obey my word   keep my word and then you will hear my voice last  final thing i'm going to say if you've done all of   these and you're like glad i still don't hear it's  because god is testing you have you been to school   when the teacher talks 30 minutes every day you  want the teacher to stop talking after a while it   doesn't stop talking until that one day on friday  little pieces of paper are handed out it's called   quiz or a test and then that's when you want  the teacher to start telling you everything   and the teacher goes muscles her mouth she quiets  her tongue and you're like hey and she says silence you can hear flies in the room you can  hear your own heartbeat telling you full you   should have studied yesterday not played the video  game when the teacher doesn't speak it's a sign   you are taking a test when the teacher doesn't  speak it does not mean the teacher left the room   it still means the teacher is there  it just means you're taking a test   god will speak again god will guide again  but dwell in his presence dwell in his glory   walk obedient to his word and you will see  he will guide you i believe in the voice of   god i believe if it wouldn't be for the voice  of god i wouldn't do what i do today i heard   my pastor you're called to preach but it was the  voice of god that confirmed that upstairs in my   room at 12 o'clock on wednesday when i was about  16 years of age it was honestly the confirmation   of that that peace guidance is how i got married  it's how i gave a lot of cars away almost almost   every single year i feel that prompting sometimes  it's in the service the holy spirit just says   i want you to do that and then i would see a  breakthrough in that particular area of my life   it's how in the beginning of the year on the sixth  day of fasting we declared a 21 day fast and i was   in california and at my friend david diego's  conference and i got on my knees the presence   of god it was so strong and i felt strong sense  it was so clear as a day i could take a bullet   for that word that it was god and he says i want  you to do it for 40 days your ministry has never   started your ministry should be started with  a prolonged fast my son did it you're my son   you're gonna have to follow his steps i got up  and i knew that i knew that i knew that i knew god   called me to fast for 40 days mind you i didn't  the more the more most i did was 18 days i thought   i want to die from it god's supernatural strength  sustained me through that i saw my vladimir   subject ministry literally doubled and in some  areas quadrupled right after 40 day fast i saw   breakthrough that i didn't think even is possible  for me why did that breakthrough come because of   obedience to god's voice but why was that voice  comes my friend we have to live in a community   we have to draw near to here we have to stay in  his word and then we have to watch that the words   were spoken to us by god we are faithful with  them and then if we are in a season of silence   don't get discouraged stay close to god and what  do you do when you're taking a test in school   you remember what the teacher said before she  stopped speaking so when you're taking a test   to remember everything god has promised remember  everything god has said remember who he is and   remember what he has done in your life and you  will see that season will be over and god will   not only speak again god will break through in  your life again in jesus name every believer   is meant to live their life led by the holy  spirit sons are led by the spirit of god god   wants to lead your life god wants to guide your  love god doesn't want you to guess through life   god doesn't want you to copy somebody else's  life god doesn't want you to just do everything   that everybody else is doing he wants you to be  led by his spirit but to be led by his spirit   we must stay in a community because we are a body  we're not an island we're not jack bower we're not   you know this iron man you know all of these  you know spider-man and one man we are a body   we're not one man we're not a one-man show we  are a body we are to stay in his word we are to   stay committed to the voice that he has spoken  before and then when we hit a season of silence   we stay committed to god knowing he is faithful  and he has never never ever abandoned us amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 7,547
Rating: 4.9579687 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Vlad, hungrygen, hungry generation, how to hear god, how to hear god's voice, listening to god, how to hear gods voice, how to hear god speak to you, how to hear from god, how to hear god speak, steps to heart god's voice, how to hear gods voice clearly, how to hear the voice of god, prayer to hear from god, 4 ways god speaks to you!, how to hear god's voice clearly, prayer to hear god's voice
Id: ZXIqLRRyd3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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