Adam Warlock Kills Thanos: Infinity Siblings to Ending Full Story | Comics Explained

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what's going on guys this is rob and i recently realized there's a story where thanos meets kang and it's kind of a cool thing right so we covered the story of infinity conflict a little while ago and this is basically the prelude to that so those of you guys who read or who saw our videos on infinity conflict you guys kind of know how this turns out but it is a little bit of a cool thing here right so this initially picks up with thanos just kind of re-experiencing we're kind of going through all the various victories he's experienced over the years and even defeats his experience over the years while he's in the realm of mistress death now for those of you guys who don't know when it comes to the to the realm of mistress death and marvel comics we've talked about this so those of you guys who are familiar with this just bear with me for a second while i run over this for the new folks um originally death didn't work this way in marvel comics instead if you go back and you look at the old stanley jack kirby stories right tales of asgard all you really had was the realm of hella and that was basically it it wasn't until the old iron man stories and the introduction of mistress death and thanos that you basically learned there is a definitive afterlife for anybody who doesn't follow like the asgardian mythos basically and so following that basically the role of mistress death is where people go when they all just more or less die right earthlings things like that and then places like the realm of mephisto or the realm of hella the realm of satanish different things like that are all kind of special circumstances for people who barter certain deals or different things along those lines but for the longest time thanos was always rebuked by mistress death and a lot of you guys probably know that that he had a kind of love interest in the form of the fact that he was always pursuing the affections of mistress death and she was always shooting him down and so that was kind of the cornerstone of him nihilism things like that and there was actually a point in marvel comics when he was banned from the realm of mistress death now that's where the infinity line of stories sort of differentiate from the main marvel universe and the reason why is because the infinity gauntlet was a landmark story was huge when it first dropped and of course jim stalin followed up with that with the infinity war and the infinity crusade but the infinity line of comics proved to be so popular that marvel just gave him the ability to write his own stories and so following the events of infinity crusade those stories largely became out of continuity right so they don't necessarily tie into the main marvel universe and so you'll see events unfold but they're all just kind of alternate reality stories for example in the aftermath of jonathan hickman's avengers and new avengers secret wars the death of the living tribunal in the infinity stories adam warlock in an alternate reality became the new living tribunal now that was in continuity in marvel comics only because the living tribunal is a multiversal being so if somebody in an alternate reality replaces him it's basically the new living tribunal across the entirety of the multiverse including the main marvel universe but outside of that everything else is basically out of continuity and so with thanos kind of reliving all these experiences and coming to this realization that he really seems to have everything he wants that he's still not content and so he kind of goes on this quest to really kind of goes on a bit of a journey to figure out what it is that leads him to lack being content with his current environment and so you switch over to eros now those are guys who are not familiar with comics eros is basically the brother of uh of thanos that he also goes by the name star fox and his ability is to kind of you know emit pheromones to basically get people to do almost anything he wants especially to kind of fall in love with him or to see him as desirable that's why you initially see him in bed with just like five chicks because that's kind of the thing of eros he usually uses his powers in order to get girls is is really what it is but in the midst of him just kind of musing to himself and sort of you know walking around and so on and so forth he's basically kind of whisked away through a a kind of time portal and then on the other side a new portal opens and you're met with king the conqueror and a and basically an unfamiliar individual now following that as far as eros goes he's kind of whisked away to a basically a different point in time on a prehistoric world and he's really just kind of trying to escape as best he can and get away from things but for thanos himself basically he's met by corvus glaive one of the uh the coal obsidian and he's essentially told that a kind of temporal disruption has emerged on titan and that's interesting enough for thanos to investigate right at the very least it's hey look i can go do something now to kind of fulfill this lack of contentment that i have and essentially find out what's going on here right and so when he emerges on the scene he's basically met by this kind of uh individual who is who's kind of disappeared and kane the conqueror who is basically left and so with this cloaked individual he basically reveals himself to be what is in effect a future version of eros right and so time travel of course is being invoked here now one of the funny things that goes on is that with kane the conqueror when he had emerged he was trying to stay away from thanos and the reason why is because thanos is one of these characters in marvel where he's not easily killed more so than that if thanos comes across you and realizes you're not supposed to be there or that you could offer some measure of him to achieve a goal he's been setting out to achieve he'll take you right he'll conscript you or he'll kill you or something along those lines but one of the things to know is that thanos is well beyond the power of kang the conqueror and so there's not a whole lot kane could do and facing off against thanos not only that because thanos is so wildly intelligent say for example that kang were to appear at a previous point in time then thanos would likely deduce that kang had appeared to him at a future point in time realized he couldn't defeat him and so he came back to a previous point to try to destroy him and end up destroying kang right so it's one of those things where thanos intelligence is such a high level that he can kind of figure things out pretty quickly and so what you end up finding out is that when this future version of eros kind of starts telling a story about why it is that he looks so old and you know what was going on with him in the future and so on and so forth he reveals that one it's been two thousand years since he and thanos saw each other and that two uh he was basically in a kind of exile for two thousand years you know in a in on basically what was uh this kind of world called zeltya and that when he came here when he stumbled across this world that he came across a primitive race that tried to destroy him and for the most part it was only because of the fact that on this world there's only three different races and anybody who doesn't match that race they kind of see him as basically an edible animal right in the same way that we would see like a deer or something like that is something that we can hunt and kill and so ultimately eros is saved by one of the other races here and the reason why they saved him is they realize he had a ship right so he's not necessarily of that world and so in turn they were like you know you can probably help us at the very least help us to you know to kind of win this conflict because these three races are always at war with each other and so as this bit of a story kind of goes on you end up finding out that this version of eros had basically helped this race to achieve i guess a higher state of enlightenment with regards to weapons technology being able to like evacuate their world using ships and things like that so basically ushered in a kind of technological golden age for this particular race right and in doing that kind of gave them the tools they needed to evolve beyond the stars to travel beyond the stars that's incredibly important here and the reason why is because what you also end up finding out around that time is that king the conqueror as he was going through his you know timeline and really the history of the universe itself and always trying to expand his empire came to the realization that at a future point in time thanos would come across a basically what he referred to as a stygian darkness basically kind of like a mysterious phenomena that essentially encapsulated a world traveled beyond that world into the stars and then eventually fought thanos and destroyed thanos and so the desire of kane the conqueror is to essentially keep that from happening and the reason why is because any force out there that's powerful enough to destroy thanos especially in this higher state of godhood that he seemed to have achieved is a threat to the entirety of the universe and by extension a threat to the life of of king the conqueror because remember when it comes the way that jim stalin's writing this which again is kind of out of continuity here that if something affects the past it can affect the future and so looking at this the concern of kane the conqueror is that if a organization or race uh basically conquered the universe at that point in time then it's entirely possible it could spread outward and because it seems like it's not supposed to exist somebody had meddled with time and in turn caused this whole thing in the first place and so the desire of kang is to ensure that it doesn't spread beyond the stars and it doesn't spread throughout the entirety of the time stream and in turn basically destroy king's empire and even control kang himself and so tracing this back to his genesis point kang believed that it all started on a planet named zeltya with people that had the ability to teleport basically this race that eros had come across uh while he was essentially exiled and the desire of kang was to basically kill this first teleporter and then in turn stop that from happening the problem is that it didn't work that throughout the time stream this always kept on happening that this this you know stygian darkness this kind of powerful entity out there kept showing up again and again and again and there came a point where kane got so close to it that it almost consumed him and so in a panic he basically sent his ship flying through the time stream with no definitive arrival point and he ultimately stumbled across this barren world 2000 years into the future which basically housed eros where he had basically been defeated and kind of removed and exiled to that planet and by the two of them working together they ultimately cultivated a plan that was designed for the purpose of eros coming back here and trying to find a way to work with thanos to stop that stitching and darkness from happening and so the way this plan the the plan of the two of them concoct is that at the end of the day the the race on that planet zelchia is gonna have to go right because of the fact that it all originates from there that essentially they're going to put together at least as far as the the plan that kang and eros had formed that thanos would assemble what is in effect a small little contingent team and they would in turn travel to this world and they would basically lay waste to all life on it and that in doing so it should stop that stygian darkness from arriving here now as far as the version of eros goes that had been thrown into the past much like the future version of himself he had kind of given this race weaponry taught them technology all kinds of different things the ability to travel into space and so the hope here is that in doing that they would basically present themselves as a more intelligent and capable organism and that the hope is that if thanos truly dies in the future that because this race is gonna basically has their evolution kind of jump started by eros and basically giving them advanced technologies which partially come from the shia empire they would be able to help thanos quell that threat in the future and that in doing so thanos is basically not going to destroy eros he can return to his own timeline and essentially not be destroyed or kind of uh exiled at some future point in time the problem with all this is that in both of these scenarios they basically solidify what's going on with the stygian darkness that this this race gaining interstellar travel by way of eros is really what causes all this and the reason why is because one of the members of this race who's here is basically met by the cause of the stitching and darkness right the cause of this kind of walking death that exists out there and this person comes in the form of a being called hunger now those of you guys who are familiar with jim starlin's whole story with hunger and all that kind of stuff um this is one of those concepts where comic book fans either think it's cool or they hate it and for the most part the only people who really liked it were die hard jim starlin fans everybody else was like this is ridiculous this basically sucks uh the whole thing behind this is that hunger was basically an extra dimensional being that basically latched itself on to to galactus and it was kind of jim starlin's way of saying this is why galactus desires to consume everything because he's actually possessed by being called hunger ultimately it was defeated and largely believed to have been destroyed the reality is that it's returned here and the way this explanation is given to us is that at some point because of the fact that hunger came from an extra-dimensional space it had kind of been manipulating things the entire time and that entering into this realm that it needed a source of energy to basically achieve this so it basically rode the infinity stones into this new reality bonded itself to galactus and then in turn when galactus and thanos fought that when it was believed that hunger was destroyed a small piece of it survived left galactus and then traveled throughout the the universe trying to find a suitable host to bond itself to and that's when it arrived on this world and bonded itself to this this you know one of these three races and then in turn wrote itself into the future and then ultimately ended up conquering and destroying thanos right so this is the actual darkness that everybody or really that kang and all those guys were essentially concerned about and so the other part of this is that what you end up getting is thanos who's essentially whisked away into what's referred to as elsewhere but it's really more of a far-flung future and he's kind of met by this you know kind of disembodied voice that basically tells him that what's going to happen here with regards to everything taking place with with eros and all that kind of stuff then in the end it is all still going to result in thanos dying no matter what plan they implement here that hunger is going to spread throughout the universe and it is going to kill thanos and that ultimately hunger will consume all things and so in order to keep that from happening the plan of eros and kang is not going to work and so another plan needs to be manufactured here the problem with this is that if eros for example is killed it'll basically lead to a paradox in the time stream and so what ends up happening is thanos kind of shows up here on the scene and basically ends up encountering his brother eros when he shows up at this point in the timeline and so arriving here eros is basically attacked by thanos who basically you know seems to more or less kill him and then just throw him out into the middle of nowhere and so following that because of the fact that the only way to basically keep that future from happening where the universe is conquered by by hunger and everybody is eradicated is for thanos to wipe out the entirety of this race and this is appealing to thanos because as you guys know thanos loves the concept of death and thanos loves to destroy all things that exist and so this basically leads to thanos kind of amassing a fleet based on the new plan that was created between himself and this disembodied voice that was talking to him the person that we don't see and they basically eradicate everything here which is the other reason why eros was basically killed by thanos and so in the midst of all of this right like with these members of these races basically evacuating based on the ships that were given to them by eros this whole plan of thanos and this future version doesn't necessarily work out the way that they intended and so this conversation between thanos and his future self basically continues when you end up finding out that it's basically revealed to thanos that even though he was believed to have been successful even though he thought he had killed enough members of this race at the end of the day it doesn't matter right the true architect of this whole stitching and darkness will basically arrive and in turn he'll end up conscripting what's left of this race across the universe into his army and that at the end of the day thanos will still die and so ultimately the only real way to stop this is to actually go after that source itself and so this leads to thanos eventually tracking down hunger and then annihilating hunger right destroying this this bit of an entity here now of course hunger tries to possess thanos and it doesn't necessarily work out that way instead thanos manages to destroy hunger entirely and that basically brings it into that and so following that you basically find that because future eros is alive that means that eros in the past was not actually destroyed that instead it was kind of a paralytic effect that was imposed on him by thanos and his body was just kind of thrown into the lake and then that was basically it and that it was really more of a distraction than anything else all for the purpose of solidifying this plan more so than that you end up having kane the conqueror that just kind of appears here and then is met by the arrival of thanos right and the whole point was that thanos was meeting with king for this idea that in solidifying the destruction of this particular of really hunger itself that now kang is in the debt of thanos and so in turn the the question kang has is then what do we do here and thanos response is like what are you looking for i've destroyed this guy like what all do you want out of me or what are you looking to achieve and the idea is that kang really simply just wants to rule a section of the universe for himself write a section of the multiverse for himself and that thanos will leave him that section right because thanos is destined to achieve this level of godhood that's basically what kang says i know what your future is going to be i know what you're going to look like i know the level of power you're going to achieve and when that time comes what i ask is that you allow me to rule my little section here and you basically leave me alone right because at the end of the day if that doesn't happen thanos will end up destroying kang so if anything it's really just self-preservation and so ultimately the response to thanos is fine i will do that but you will owe me a debt right like you owe me a debt here in order for me to allow you to to kind of rule your own section and then in turn the the whole thing here is thanos basically says like you will basically travel to the year 4027 and you'll wait in orbit above chandelard and then in turn you'll be met with orders and you'll be told what to do and so that all that really does is kind of solidify thanos's role here right the the fact that he is in effect going to become his future counterpart now when you switch over to this quote unquote elsewhere discussion you end up basically finding out the whole story is more or less told in hindsight and all this is done for the purpose of solidifying what thanos will become that there does come a future point in time when thanos basically becomes the universe itself now it actually goes beyond that right when he attains the astral regulator which again is the whole idea behind infinity conflict and he basically imbues himself with everything right he becomes like he takes over the living tribunal he contribute he absorbs the one above all he takes over mistress death the whole nine yards right like he becomes what is in effect the entirety of god and the whole basis behind this story of everything that's happened was done for the purpose of ensuring as far as that future thanos goes that his existence actually is maintained right that nothing gets in the way and nothing stops that more so than that because hunger was seemingly this universe-wide credible threat and the only thing that really seemed to be powerful enough to actually stop uh astral regulator thanos that this is now quelled and it's out of the picture and it's done and so basically there's no one standing in the way of astro regulator thanos becoming this most powerful version of himself what's going on guys this is rob and a lot of you guys have requested that i make a video on astral regulator thanos specifically like the um like a beyond omega level video and honestly i didn't know who that like i didn't know what version of thanos that was because if i'm being honest with you guys i have not really followed jim starlin's infinity saga after the events of like infinity crusade right like i finished that and i was kind of like okay cool i'm kind of done and that was that was basically it i know he's written a lot right like infinity siblings and infinity revelations and infinity war relativity and all that i know he's done all that and we'll go back and cover those things because some of those stories are cool others are not but i think it'd be kind of cool to just sort of have the whole infinity series on my channel so we'll probably cover like relativity or revelations or something like that after this but you know i i sat down and i was like okay what in the heck is astral regulator thanos and i looked it up and i was like okay so like i have to cover this story because this story is kind of nuts right now here's the funny thing about it as i understand it this is what the thanos wins story was originally intended to be by jim starlin right he was the one who wanted to write it that when donnie kate wrote that story jim starlin wanted to be the one to create it because jim starlin was the one that did so much with the character of thanos and so the results of this is that as we know thanos wins was a story that was written you know by donnie kate's and so eventually marvel ended up releasing this and if i'm being honest with you guys there's good things about this story and things that i wasn't really huge on but there was the same thing with thanos wins right there were things that i loved about it things i didn't really that i wasn't too big on it i think if both of these stories were combined it would be amazing it would be absolutely ridiculously good because of all the things that go down here right but the way that this kicks off is we initially pick up with thanos meeting with adam warlock now this comes hot off the heels of infinity gauntlet is really where this little segment of this story comes from in the sense that those are the guys who followed my series on infinity gauntlet and infinity war and if you didn't you'll find both those down in the description infinity gauntlet of course as most of you guys know is a story where thanos discovered and then started using the infinity gauntlet and seized control of the universe and then ultimately lost it to nebula an infinity war or really the aftermath kind of a segue between the two so it was more of a i guess like a prelude it was part of warlock and the infinity watch going into infinity war itself the living tribunal basically decreed that adam warlock had to disperse the stones right the stones would no longer work in unison the gauntlet itself wouldn't work anymore and warlock had to basically find people who were capable of wielding the stones but not using them in order to keep them protected by in order to make sure that nobody could reassemble them together again which seemed like a moot point because even if they were assembled nobody could use them but people could still use the the individual stones hence the reason for the infinity watch and so during that time we ended up learning in infinity war that thanos was in possession of the reality stone and we didn't initially know that right we didn't know who who warlock gave the reality stone to but in this this little segment here is designed to kind of fill in that little bit of a gap right because during infinity war it was like and then thanos got the got the reality stone and that was basically it and this is designed to kind of fill in the gaps and essentially say that that thanos was the one who was most suitable to wield it right because only thanos could really comprehend the power of the reality stone and be able to maintain that kind of discipline right because with this stone in your possession even your most subconscious desires become reality you could fall asleep and dream of like the grudge and then like she manifests because of the reality stone and then kills you right so like any number of those things could could happen if thanos was really the only guy who could maintain that and so what this does is it picks up you know kind of right now in the modern day and what it does is it kind of gives us this idea that adam warlock feels as though something's off in the universe right something's just not quite right there's some kind of imminent danger coming now this is part and parcel to the powers of adam warlock in the sense that he really is very much a sort of you know jesus-esque character in marvel right he dies and he's reborn over and over and over again he can never truly be killed he'll always end up coming back in some form or fashion at the same time he also kind of has this cosmic awareness and through his experience with the soul stone is also sort of partly partial to the universe now how deep reaching this goes and exactly what this means on like a definitive concrete level jim sterling's never really explained right it's almost like the the white phoenix of the crown and like her role in the multiverse why she just fixes things that are broken whatever in the hell that means and so with adam warlock a lot of it's kind of the same way it's pretty ambiguous and it really just sort of allows marvel and jim starlin to kind of have a blank slate in terms of what they want to do with this character and so on and so forth but ultimately he ends up basically traveling alongside pip the troll to go see thanos right this is a really cool moment here because with pip the troll of course he's a long-standing member of the infinity watch a long-standing friend of warlock the two of them have been together for quite some time but traveling and seeing thanos is really one of the first acts of warlock for a couple reasons right the first thing is something seems off and thanos might know something but the other part of this is the two of them have a very lengthy relationship they've been on-again off-again allies more so than that there's a huge amount of respect between the two and so as adam warlock begins talking to thanos and saying like you know there's some kind of dramatic change that's coming there's a kind of approaching darkness it's a cool moment because thanos kind of chimes in and basically says yes you know there is a kind of darkness approaching and he kills adam warlock he's like i am that darkness and right off the bat thanos destroys adam warlock like literally incinerates his entire body pip the troll teleports the hell out he's like man this is wild peace and like bales and then thanos is just like take the body and dispose of it done and so like from there you pick up on the planet chandelar two weeks later chandelar of course being the home of the shiar empire with adam warlock basically re-emerging after this two-week period then the question is what in the heck is going on right like why did thanos kill me now adam warlock doesn't immediately suspect that thanos is of some kind of like terrible horrible nefarious plot he believes he's doing some pretty shady stuff but he really wants to get more to the bottom of things and to figure out what's happening the problem with this is that once pip the troll locates thanos and then teleports him and adam warlock to it adam warlock gets blown up by a missile he immediately gets destroyed by a missile and the response to thanos is like like when he's talking to his black order it's like you know yes you know adam warlock will come back but all we have to do is kill him three times after that it won't matter and so what he ends up doing is basically traveling to this particular location this this particular artifact looking for a kind of puzzle of sorts and the reason why really kind of ties into infinity siblings and the sense of what you had in that story is you had a future version of thanos that basically ended up meeting with his younger self and what this this future version of thanos is doing is basically guiding younger thanos to some kind of end goal but he never actually told him what the end goal was it was just you have to do these things in order to get to this point where i'm at and so thanos is in a lot of ways blindly following the orders of his future self under the idea that one he knows himself so he trusts himself and two there's going to be some kind of grand payoff or something along the way so the results of this is that once thanos basically accesses this particular artifact and learns of this kind of of map of sorts you know this particular location that it's sending him to of course he gets back aboard his ship and then ultimately we end up picking up with star fox now star fox or eros is the brother of thanos so a lot of you guys probably know that by now the two of them have a very very lengthy history infiniti siblings really push that history in that relationship to the extreme but it's one of these things where it's kind of like okay eros has a couple a couple tools at his disposal the first one is that he basically utilized the time traveling technology of king the conqueror and the reason why was during the events of infinity siblings kang came to the realization that somewhere along the line thanos dies and when that happens he ultimately ends up dragging the entirety of the multiverse down with the death of thanos triggers a cascading effect that brings everything to an end prematurely so the idea was that thanos has to live and so uh kane the conqueror basically orchestrated all these different events to to ensure that right so kind of a spoiler for a video that we're going to cover later on but the long and short of this is that heroes had stolen some of the technology of kang in order to ensure that should something happen where thanos engages in some kind of nefarious plot that eros can go back in time and correct it the other part of this is that a device has basically been created this exceedingly small this also based on the technology of kang that can be used to essentially track thanos right because eros does not have that inherent ability the next thing that really happens here is a new form of manifestation from adam warlock usually adam warlock's body always kind of enters a cocoon state and adam warlock comes back what ends up happening here is that some guy ends up falling off a cliff and that person is then suddenly encased in a cocoon and then after a two-week period adam warlock re-emerges right so basically this random being was re-materialized into adam warlock and then adam warlock return this is not normal it doesn't usually happen and there is in fact a force behind everything pulling the strings when it comes to adam warlock there's a reason why all this is happening with him and so what it does from here is it basically picks up with with eros you know ultimately tracking down thanos and it's kind of this cool little little moment here because thanos of course is looking for eros under the guise that his future self informed him that eros will become very important with regards to the various goals that they want to achieve and so while thanos cannot kill eros what he has to do is essentially find him and then keep him contained so that he can be used at a future point in time what that use is going to be and the role that eros is going to play of course we'll find out at some point you know we'll end up finding out in this story but you know from there of course hero's communicating with isaac isaac of course being the computer of titan the one that basically kind of governs the whole society and so on ends up using this tracking device puts it on thanos and then makes himself intangible now the way it is that eros does this is by manipulating time and it's a little bit of a weird thing when it comes to the notion of phasing in and out of reality technically speaking the way this works is that marvel kind of seems to adopt this mentality of like things travel in like one second chunks right so like if you were one second ahead of me i wouldn't be able to see you but if you're a fraction of a second ahead of me then it means that like you're kind of this intangible being that i cannot truly see but you kind of exist in that same moment i mean because that that fraction of time is so astronomically small right so i don't know if that really makes any sense you know but it's it's one of those one of those weird things right like imagine the time it takes for you to turn your head around and that's really what this is equivalent to right like it takes you you know if you were to snap your head back you know it would take you maybe like one and a half seconds to do but like in that one and a half second period you've also got exceedingly shorter amounts of time fractions of a second and what marvel's doing here really what jim starlin is doing here is introducing this idea that eros's ability to manipulate time is such that it's not putting him seconds ahead of thanos is putting him fractions of a second ahead of thanos which means he's essentially in the same moment that thanos is in but because he's kind of out of phase meaning he's fractions of a second ahead thanos cannot really see him right it's one of these weird things right like how can you interact with something that doesn't know you're there when you're technically not there it's weird and it's really finicky i understand if you're totally baffled and totally confused it's just one of those plot points that marvel creates in order to achieve a certain goal and so what ends up happening here is of course adam warlock and pip end up tracking down thanos and once they arrive thanos has already left the area but then of course they end up arriving and meeting with eros and this is a very welcome ally given the history between these characters the fact that eros has consistently worked to thwart the schemes of thanos right so their allies in that regard and bringing to bear this information that eros has put a tracking device on thanos in order to locate him and he also has the ability to manipulate time is a cool little thing because it means it's basically they're out if they choose or have the opportunity to use it the other part of this is that as they're talking adam warlock gets hit with a missile again it just comes out of nowhere and just hits him and then adam warlock is of course destroyed right that's the end of that now pip the troll ends up teleporting away but basically it's one of these things where pip and and uh in heroes have this conversation of hey like we have our chance to basically combine our information and to figure out what this bigger picture is right it's kind of like the illuminati effect that using their information that they become greater than the sum of their parts and so from there you end up seeing thanos more or less being teleported away and encountering his future self now this future version of thanos is amazing looking right like he looks like eternity with the face of mistress death like i don't know it's kind of wild like having him look this way it looks kind of crazy but he looks like a cosmic entity so the question is how did thanos achieve this level of power and the way in which he gets to that point is actually pretty solid because what this does is it basically leads to thanos and his future self having this conversation now his future self is again pretty ambiguous here again it's that conversation eros is going to be important you can't kill him you have to capture him you have to hold on to him so on and so forth but you also have a tracking device on you right so like make sure you get rid of that so eros cannot find you that kind of a thing ultimately because eros is aligned with pip and because pip has the ability to track thanos no matter where he is doesn't really matter at all but what we end up having here is is basically future thanos and what passes for present-day thanos concluding their conversation and then you end up having eeros and pip the troll of course teleport to thanos's location and when they get there this planet the planet zelchia i think is what it is the last time eeros was here during the events of infinity siblings the place was a very lush and welcome environment right it was beautiful it was like a giant rainforest very tropical and gorgeous something seems to have happened here that laid waste to the entire location and so when the question is like have you teleported us to the wrong place the response is no like this entire place has basically been totally annihilated or totally destroyed and what you have here is that this location has been transformed into the realm of mistress death that's what this is now right it's the realm of death which is really kind of weird because mistress death does not occupy a physical plane she doesn't really exist on any one particular physical planet right you can't get on a spaceship and fly to the realm of mistress death she exists as an other dimensional entity she literally exists in the afterlife right so i mean i guess you could you could get on a ship and fly to the afterlife if the ship explodes or like flies into a star and you die then sure you can get to the afterlife but you can't physically go there i mean i guess you can if you can manipulate dimensional barriers like doctor strange or somebody like that or like thanos but what it does is it switches back over to thanos and him basically just sort of sitting in space and where corvus glaive and the outriders don't really know why he's there they don't really know what's going on like like what they're waiting for thanos's response is i've been informed that at this point there's going to be an object or a device passing through here and my job is to take it and so it's kind of like okay like we'll see how this goes which is kind of wild and ultimately it ends up being a comet that flies through there now thanos of course ends up traveling to the comet by himself and this is an interesting thing because it's not just any regular comet the more important thing to come out of this is that thanos states whatever this object is and he basically says it's power of a magnitude exceeding that of the infinity gems right so whatever this object is it's way beyond the power of the infinity stones which really of course interests thanos because he's always been on a quest to attain absolute power the problem with this is that the device hidden inside of the object hidden inside this this comet is not something that can just be arbitrarily attained right i mean you know it's not like you know it was created and then just dropped off on earth somewhere and like it's just been sitting in a convenience store it can't be one of those things where just anybody can get their hands on it that there's all kinds of power protecting it you know like this kind of cosmic energy source and so thanos of course starts ripping it apart starts pulling it away and in the process he himself begins undergoing disintegration his body starts breaking down the power is really more than his physical form can handle which really speaks volumes to how much power we're talking about here because the kind of energy that's needed to physically damage thanos is astronomical really what happens here is once he breaks through to the core of this comet and he secures this object for himself then what it appears to be is this kind of orb of sorts now we'll find out exactly what this is and what is what it's able to do but from there thanos when he kind of muses and asks the question you're like i'm not really even sure what this is for myself of course this future version just kind of seems to appear to thanos and it says it's both a promise and a mystery take this thing and use it and i promise all your questions will be answered and so what it does is it leads to thanos showing up to the realm of mistress death and of course as soon as he arrives here thanos is told you cannot be here and that's the way it usually is right thanos has been banned from the realm of mistress death for quite some time right he's not really welcome here and the thing about him showing up is he's really kind of amusing and saying like for all the people who tell me that i cannot come here which of you is going to stop me right how many times have i come in here and mistress death says i can't be here and then she sends some force after me and then i totally destroy it who's gonna stop me are you guys gonna stop me and thanos of course annihilates all the henchmen and the various people that are there to prevent him from staying in the realm of mistress death they're all completely destroyed and then thanos begins speaking directly to death herself and says how many times have you spurned my advances how many times have i made my affections known to you and you've rejected me how many times has that happened well nevertheless if i cannot possess then i shall become and using this object thanos transfers the energy into mistress death pulls her into himself eradicates mistress death entirely and thanos himself becomes the new death in the last video we basically kind of had this idea where you essentially had like future thanos right and thanos in this future looked like eternity but whatever it was that happened to him he seemingly became this like omnipotent sort of character the idea behind this is that that modern day thanos is more or less being guided by future thanos so we'll kind of get an answer to that question a sort of explanation as to what's going on but with eros the brother of thanos and pip the troll trying to figure out what thanos is doing and then in turn trying to find a way to defeat him they've essentially just been following him throughout what he's been doing right so the idea was that thanos had essentially managed to find some way to acquire a particular artifact a particular device called the the astral regulator or the cosmic regulator and then destroyed mistress death and really like absorbed her essence into himself and then became the new death basically meaning that thanos now controls the realm of the afterlife and so where he essentially teleports away eros and pip the troll follow him but they don't know exactly where he's going the best they can do is just kind of jump forward through time using their device taken by kane the conqueror and then just try to understand what it is that's happening right so this is really just guess and check and so what they do is jump a year into the future and when they arrive here in the future galactus ship had basically just kind of crash landed in this realm and when they start inspecting they start looking around they basically come to the realization that thanos has been exceedingly busy that not only did thanos destroy and absorb galactus thanos has also absorbed the infinity stones he's absorbed master order lord chaos the stranger sire hate mistress love he basically absorbed all the cosmic entities into himself and he's been busy now all this happened off panel i'm not really skipping over anything we literally go from one page to this page he's basically just been absorbing all the cosmic entities into himself but the reality of where eros and pip the troll are is that it's just kind of like all right so there's not a whole lot we can do here right like in the present moment right now there's nothing we can do to defeat thanos like we're gonna have to find a way to go back in time and to basically keep this from happening now here's here's the cool thing before you bounce jim stoneman plays time exceedingly smart in this story he does it in a really really cool way and that's one of the things that a lot of writers kind of run into one of the problems they run into bendis ran into that problem when it came to matthew malloy different writers run into time travel with different problems and more often than not it's usually invoked as a means to end the story jim starlin passes that and basically copes with it in spectacular fashion but the cool thing about this is that adam warlock you know where you end up having pip the troll and uh and eros who basically kind of jump forward and continue their journey and figuring out what the end game of thanos is adam warlock is resurrected and one of the things that we had talked about in the last video is that adam warlock coming back the way that he did was kind of abnormal it didn't always happen that way that he always kind of had a particular form and function right like a cocoon would manifest somewhere and adam warlock would start to regenerate inside of it and then ultimately he would come out he'd make his presence known and whatever story was going on that required him to be in that event what was going on here were things like it was a resurrection process that wasn't normal right and so what this meant was that adam warlock didn't know entirely what was going on and so when he basically hops back up and really kind of asks the question what's going on with these changes in my resurrection process he's met by the arrival of the living tribunal and the living tribunal basically says i'm the one behind all this like i'm the reason why you're resurrecting the way that you are now one of the funny things about this is that when adam warlock starts asking questions like okay well what's going on like like you know why am i here that kind of a thing the living tribunal says like we're outside of reality but like you are outside of the norm now there's a very particular meaning to that and we will find out what that meaning is later on in this video but the two of them get in a very in-depth discussion and the reason why is because of course you have a living tribunal kind of like is this multiversal overseer right so even if the living tribunal can be destroyed his job is to watch the multiverse and to safeguard it as best he can and so there's nothing that takes place inside of a universe across the entirety of the multiverse that the living tribunal doesn't know about whether or not he can stop it is a whole different argument but he's always aware of everything that's happening right so multiversal awareness it's part and parcel to his role but of course adam warlock also addresses the idea of the living tribunal this version is basically an alternate reality version of adam warlock those of you guys who recall that in the aftermath of jonathan hickman's avengers and new avengers and secret wars when the living tribunal and all the cosmic entities were destroyed jim starlin wrote an infinity comic that was a tie into it all more or less it was kind of a loose event but the notion was uh the one above all needed a new living tribunal since the beyonders destroyed the previous one and so adam warlock from an alternate reality was made into the new living tribunal so that's just kind of a quick 30 second or a minute explanation but as to the astral regulator and as as to how it is thanos has this level of power this all basically comes through an explanation from the living tribunal and this is a really really cool concept introduced by uh by jim starlin it's actually built on something else right so for the longest time when it came to the multiverse in marvel jim starlin had introduced different things like the custodian of the multiverse and so on and so forth but the idea here is that we of course have an infinite number of universes out there the question that we always sort of asked here is what keeps one universe from crossing over into another what jim starling gives us here is the astral regulator and what he says is that in every single universe that exists out there there is an astro regulator right every universe exists for every possibility but the living tribunal chimes in and says the astral regulators are basically there to ensure that no universe crosses over into another this is in fact jim starlin's adaptation of dc's source wall that's more or less what this is right the idea that the source wall that every universe has its own source wall then the multiverse has its own source wall and these are literal barriers around universes and around the multiverse that are designed to prevent universes from crossing over into other universes and multiverses from crossing over into other multiverses jim starlin is essentially taking that idea and rolling it over and basically saying the astral regulator is designed for the purpose of ensuring that no universe crosses over into another but it's a very complex network right and so essentially thanos taking it has kind of destabilized things and again we'll talk more about that here in a little bit but what the living tribunal tells adam warlock is thanos is working towards the notion of not conquering the universe as we saw him do an infinity gauntlet it's not like that where he's getting the infinity stones slapping him on a glove and then basically replacing eternity thanos is going for something much much grander thanos is trying to become the entirety of reality and that's why future thanos looks the way he does he looks like eternity because that future version of thanos seemingly has achieved that level of power he is all that is he's all in existence and so the result of this is is you basically have the tribunal tasking adam warlock with the idea of being the person that's going to essentially find a way to defeat thanos now in truth a lot of people could probably undertake this role but jim starlin chose adam warlock because the entirety of the infinity line of stories going from infinity gauntlet all the way up to this story and really infinity ending ties into the idea that there's just something unique and special about thanos and adam warlock now again adam warlock outside the norm we'll kind of cover that here in a little bit but they are indeed wholly unique characters they are indeed characters where for the most part yes they exist in different realities but they stand away from everybody else right they stand separate from everybody else insofar as how they compare to like all the doctor stranges and all the cyclopses and all the captain americas and all the spider-mans and all the wolverines and and phoenix forces and so on and so forth and so what this does is it basically leads to this idea that adam warlock has to do something in order to defeat thanos and so he's kind of tasked by the tribunal since he's really the only one that can seemingly pull this off now picking back up with eros and pip the troll they kind of do this jumping around the universe right they end up jumping into the future a little bit further and they hop skip and around the universe they go by earth they go by all these different places the space station or the celestial head of nowhere the planet of mord the planet of spartax the brood world a scroll outpost rigel all these different places they've all been destroyed by thanos right like all life has been totally eradicated by thanos like even down to the microscopic level nothing exists there anymore and so what this does is it picks up with a loving tribunal meeting with the one above all now we never get to see this in marvel comics we never really see what happens when the living tribunal meets with the one above all that usually never ever ever happens and in fact as far as i'm aware this is the first time in marvel comics we've actually gotten to see the two of them converse in this capacity usually it's the living tribunal saying something like i represent a power that's beyond everything or whatever it is you know he's just super op beyond beyond omega level is what he is but the one above all basically tells the living tribunal what's going on in this one universe threatens all of creation right it threatens all things in existence what's happened here is threatening everything now one of the cool things that goes on is the one above all's face shifts he changes from one one race to another to another to another and so it's kind of a cool thing to kind of see this melding and switching and changing that the one above all is not a finite construct right like he's just kind of this representation of everything that exists out there and what the one above all says is this astral regulator is designed to regulate the entirety of the multiverse that it's not as small beings as the living tribunal thought it was right the living tribunal looked at this and said okay so basically thanos taking the astral regulator creates a cosmic imbalance and my job is to enforce that and because he's kind of outside the norm and he has a level of power and so on and so forth adam warlock you go take care of it what the one above all says is no you fail to grasp the complexity of this now this is super important because it hits this idea that despite all of his vaunted power the living tribunal is not an immutable all-knowing force right like he's basically he's screwed up here it's really what it is right he misjudged he misunderstood the complexity and how extreme the situation is what the one above all says is the astral regulator of each universe yes they exist their purpose is to keep a universe from crossing over with another but the truth of this is that they're all tied into a network so what's basically gone on here is thanos is playing a giant game of jenga and he's starting to pull out the wrong pieces and it's only a matter of time before this whole thing comes crashing down by taking this astral regulator and pulling it away from his role and then repurposing it for the for the reason of giving himself omnipotence he's upset the multiversal balance right the balance of all existence not only that what he's doing can actually happen he could become the entirety of reality itself in essence the one above all now views thanos as a credible threat and that's what's so crazy about this right thanos is at a level of power now for the one above all is legitimately concerned and at the end of the day it all comes down to adam warlock to be the one to pull it off and so that's why all these things are really sort of crazy here that's why it's so chaotic it's because what we do is we basically jump to you know present day thanos for lack of a better word who's absorbed all these cosmic entities meeting with his future self right the one that is essentially merged with all of reality and the whole reason behind this is the fact that future thanos is is fearful of the fact that somebody will figure out what he's doing and basically stop his younger self and that's the cool thing here right this is jim solomon playing it smart with reality that we would look at this and we would say okay so if present-day thanos is talking to his future self and his future self becomes a connected to all all of reality he becomes everything in existence presumably you know transcending the one above all in the living tribunal and all that then like why would he concern himself with like making sure his younger self gets there and the reason why is because anybody could screw it up at any point in time it's one thing to achieve that role but the reality of what thanos has learned with regards to the multiverse is the fact that there's an infinite number of realities out there and anything can happen somebody can pop up they can be at the right place at the right time and so it's essentially guiding himself right making sure that like the things that could get in his way don't get in his way right that just because he ended up in this future you know and became this being doesn't mean that it's guaranteed right like if for example he was supposed to kill adam warlock at a particular point in time and he didn't everything gets thrown off and any number of things can cause that to happen right any number of things can can get in there and so what you do is you pick up basically with eros and with uh with pip the troll kind of coming to this conclusion is it's sort of a red herring here the way jim sterling plays it because it's like okay so like they're gonna go back in time they're gonna kill thanos and he's a baby and basically stop the future okay so like this is like and and there are some writers out there who would say and this is how we end the story guys thanks for watching you know jim starlin does this and before eros can pull it off adam warlock pops up and says if you do that nothing will happen this not going to work because what's going to happen here is things are going to be worse and this is really jim stalin tying in to everything he's done with regards to adam warlock and thanos and the entire infiniti series right the relationship between the two and when jim stalin was writing the old adam warlock comics the relationship between adam warlock and thanos was that thanos had actually come to the aid of adam warlock and helping adam defeat his own future evil counterpart the magus you know magus attempt to basically gain the the infinity gauntlet for himself during the events of infinity war thanos being part of warlock in the infinity watch and basically having the reality stone and then giving a false stone to uh the magus is what led to magus defeat at the end of the whole thing right he had an affinity gauntlet but he wasn't all powerful because he didn't have all the infinity stones what adam says here is that if eros kills thanos as a baby then it means at each one of those pivotal moments throughout the entirety of the universe when thanos helps him defeat the magus when thanos gives the magus a false reality stone when each one of those things takes place then it won't happen and the future that's going to come out of that is going to be a future where the maggots will dominate all of reality and put the kind of things that thanos did during infinity gauntlet and infinity war and infinity crusade and the infinity siblings and all that kind of stuff it'll put all that to shame and so of course eros basically backs off his actions and destroying thanos as a baby and they essentially teleport back to the modern day or 2018 at the time this is being done to the base of where eros is operating at and when the question is what do we do here you know if this plan of killing thanos is a baby is not gonna work then what plan do you have and adam warlock says this and he kills he kills eros pip the troll begins to freak out but the response of adam warlock is according to the living tribunal this is the only thing that's going to work and so what we do is we basically jump back to the future with with thanos who's essentially absorbed all these various cosmic entities and this this you know we'll call him like primitive thanos more or less in comparison to his like ultra powerful future counterpart but primitive thanos is met by the arrival of eternity and he was told by his future version eternity and infinity are really a couple of the last stops that you have before this entire thing is is taken care of right before it's all done and so what this does is it leads to a conflict between the two now the cool thing about this and i love how jim sterling plays on this thanos this is not his first time up to back he's done this dance he's played this game he understands the the significance of eternity and infinity the power that they wield but thanos is not concerned about either of them because the power he possesses in the form of the astral regulator is way beyond the power of of infinity and eternity and so where they show up here and they basically start using their various abilities to try to destroy thanos we jump back to eros and eros of course having been killed in the modern day ends up traveling to the realm of mistress death because at the time that he died thanos had not killed and absorbed mistress death yet and so what it meant is that basically being there mistress death is aware of the plot that thanos has in his attempt to like basically show up on her doorstep and kill her at some future point in time which kind of makes sense being a cosmic entity that understands the notions of like life and death and things like that it makes sense that she would be aware of that and so with that being the case she believes eros is there as a spy and so in order to resolve the situation she vanishes eros from her realm that action right there is what saves all things in existence like that action right there is why eros is so important and that's why adam warlock killed him it's because that one thing is going to essentially be the saving grace or at least i assume it is right and so transitioning back to thanos facing off against eternity and an infinity the reality is they're really more pomp and circumstance here than anything anything else they're blowing a bunch of hot air that for all their talk of like you're going to fall we're going to destroy you all that kind of stuff it's really just more pride than anything else and the face of the astral regulator and the power that it represents and the face of all these vaunted abilities that he has infinity and eternity fall and it's kind of crazy because the conflict between the two of them basically spans like all things in existence right it expands all of time and space across the universe itself all time across the universe like everything across the entirety of the universe is felt by them from the universe's very beginnings all the way to its very end the point at which it dies like this is what we're talking about here this is the kind of level of power that we're discussing because that's what these characters represent infinity represents time and eternity represents space and so to fight them is to fight all of time and space and so that's why these these conflicts between these beings literally have shock waves across the entirety of the universe's history and the space the universe occupies it's like being able to witness an explosion all at the same time right so like there's like an atomic bomb that goes off or some kind of explosion doesn't matter what it is but like you see it and then a person from 500 years ago sees the exact same explosion and a person in a thousand years sees the exact same explosion some kind of an event across all time and space i know it's super meta and i know it seems kind of kind of crazy and a little mind bending but that's what we're talking about when we're talking about cosmic entities but regardless of how hard they fight and regardless of what tricks they pull up their sleeve in the sense of infinity manipulating time and trying to like age thanos and you know try to destroy thanos and the collapse of his physical form and all that kind of stuff none of it works and the two of them are absorbed into themselves and when that happens thanos is confronted with the with the living tribunal and the living tribunal basically appears here and says this cannot be allowed to stand this amount of power that you have what you've done it's created an incredible imbalance in the universe itself more so than that you threaten the entirety of the multiverse there's nothing to negotiate here there's nothing for us to talk about you thanos are going to have to fall and so what we do is we jump back to eros and so eros resurrecting basically coming back from the dead having been banished from mistress death this is what the living tribunal was referring to by being outside the norm that adam warlock can never die adam warlock will live forever he will always resurrect no matter how you kill him no matter what means it is that he's his physical body is destroyed somebody somewhere will be walking and like they'll die they'll just kill over from a heart attack or they'll be hit by a bus and they'll be used as a method by which adam warlock returns thanos has been banished from the realm of mistress death he was banished from her realm long before this story took place right he was banned he can never ever die like now eros is the exact same way they exist outside the norm because they're immutable forces now right they're not really on par with cosmic entities and so far he's like they're all powerful it's not really that way it's simply the natural order of things which is things are born and things die and then there's them they're outside the norm they're outside the natural order and so that's the reason why why eros is so important here is because with him and adam warlock working together presumably they should be able to defeat thanos and so following this we pick up basically with this massive destruction you know this massive explosion seemingly in the entirety of this system and the defeat of the living tribunal and that's why this is important is because when you think of a fight between the living tribunal and you think of the living tribunal's destruction most likely you think of hickman's avengers and new avengers because that's really the only time that we ever saw that happening like the only time we saw before that was during marvel the end and it was really more of thanos absorbing all of reality into himself and then recreating it again usually when you think of like an extremely powerful being like the living tribunal being destroyed you think of like this massive explosion of energy that would just shatter the entirety of the multiverse it's like it's like it's like grabbing a brick and just throwing it into a into a glass house right it's just it's gonna shatter the entire thing right it's gonna it's gonna destroy some part of the glass house and the rest of it's gonna collapse under its own weight that's kind of how you you assume that situation to be the way this plays out though is again it's basically just this idea of thanos absorbing the living tribunal into himself but that's what thanos is now at this moment right now thanos has absorbed the living tribunal into himself or at least that seems to be the case now things are gonna be explained a little bit more at a future point in time but like thanos basically jumps in with his future counterpart like starts talking to him and essentially his future counterpart says you are now where i am right like we are now where we're supposed to be you have achieved the level of power i wanted you to achieve we are now one and literally they merge into a singular being right now this is just jim starlin's way of rectifying the time stream the future version of thanos got modern-day thanos to this level of power and the two of them are now occupying the same space at the same time the truth is that they're a singular being right they're the same person both cannot exist at the same time and so they basically become the singular person and when that happens thanos says now the real game begins now i thanos whom essentially the sum total of all of reality will go forward and i will face off against the one above all okay so we are getting into infinity ending and here's the funny thing i initially planned on waiting until like next week to start this but you guys have been screaming at me when we covered infinity conflict to start the next part so i was like okay i mean i don't really see a reason not to but there's a couple things i do want to explain here because there was a little bit of uh uncertainty that i noticed in the comments section some of you guys seemed a little unsure and so the way this has played out so far is we essentially had like two versions of thanos right we had present day thanos and then we had future thanos and the future thanos had somehow found a way to essentially absorb all these various cosmic entities right everybody from localized and smaller cosmic entities like mistress death or eternity or infinity all the way up to like the living tribunal and so initially the question was why is he working with his younger self and the idea was that he was guiding present-day thanos through a series of steps to ensure his own survival right to ensure that he would become the person he became with regards to future thanos and so the result of this is that from there the question was okay then if there's something standing in his path then why doesn't he stop that and this really came into play with the death of eros and the nature of adam warlock in the sense that as we talked about in the last video adam warlock is essentially immortal he'll always come back right no matter how he dies and no matter how much time passes he'll always return this basically placed adam warlock outside of the norm because he does not abide by the normal rules of life and death when eros was killed by adam warlock adam warlock had hoped that mistress death would banish eros from her realm for whatever reason either because she understood adam warlock's goal in killing him or because she believed that euros was going to be working alongside thanos to basically usurp her role whatever the reason was we knew that it was because she was afraid that eros was working alongside thanos she banished eros from her realm and that in turn landed eros outside the norm because he now no longer abides by the normal rules of life and death he's essentially immortal he can never really die and so having said this what it did is it led up to this massive battle that was actually kind of a little bit of a portion that seems a little murky here we essentially had a scenario where thanos had absorbed the living tribunal into himself what makes this kind of crazy is that as this comic picks up we've got the one above all and then you've got the living tribunal there right so i don't know if this is some kind of an error or if i misinterpreted it you know however it was that happened but literally in the preface of the book like as you open it up and you know one of the last things it says is like you know present-day thanos has killed the last embodiment the living tribunal itself and merged with his despotic future self right so like he absorbed the living tribunal so the question is how is the living tribunal here that's really kind of how this is now at the end of the day it doesn't really matter because when this happens the one above all basically tells thanos to stop right to stop his actions and to in turn to go back to his normal role and thanos says no now the question that a lot of people have here and that i noticed was a lot of people were asking if the one above all is this nigh omnipotent indestructible and immutable force inside the entirety of the marvel multiverse then why doesn't it just will thanos out of existence right there's nothing the the one of all cannot do and the reason why is because jim starlin is basically altering the form and function of the one above all and stories from years past right old fantastic four stories old sensational spider-man stories the role of the one above all was essentially kind of a prime mover in the sense that like he created the first universe we saw that in al ewing's ultimate and then the first universe basically fractured when the aspirins and the celestials went to war and then those fractured pieces created the first multiverse and by whatever manner and whatever means those different universes came to an end and then were reborn again but the one above all didn't really sit back and then like create the first multiverse and then every time a universe dies he creates a new one he just sort of set things in motion and they went through whatever path they went through but regardless of his hands-on or lack of lack thereof his hands on approach with the multiverse the reality was there's nothing the one above all cannot do he represents the writers or the artists or stan lee or jack kirby whichever depiction you want to go with depending on which comic you're reading at the time jim starlin is basically modifying that and what he says here is this idea that the the one above all is actually not really a slave to the structure of the multiverse but he can't break its rules that the one above all basically created all things in existence and there are certain safeguards there that not even the one above all can can get past which really kind of defies his purpose right it's kind of like that that old school quagmire can god create an object that's too heavy for him to lift that's really what this is right you know kind of this idea of defying omnipotence and so that's why it seems a little strange because the one above all should be able to just will thanos out of existence that it should just kind of end that way but the result is that when you're invoking something like this you can't right you can't on one hand bring in the one above all and basically kind of create a scenario where thanos faces off against him in any believable way if like the one above all is this immutable and indestructible force that nothing can stop and so what happens is over the span of the first three pages the one above all and and i guess the living tribunal you know in this instance face off against thanos and thanos immediately absorbs them and so essentially thanos has now become the new one above all and that's the crazy thing about this right it happens like that in the blink of an eye and it's a wild situation because you literally have adam warlock and who have eros and you have pip troll watching this whole thing go down and when thanos re-emerges thanos is now all things in existence from that point going forward they bail eeros grabs pip the troll he grabs adam warlock with the intention of teleporting away adam warlock yanks his hand away eros and pit patrol are gone and adam warlock remains behind and talking to thanos you know the new one above all we kind of get this explanation right this sort of explanation in terms of what he can do and so on and so forth now what's also interesting is he points out this notion that because of the fact that adam warlock and eros exist outside of the of the norm fifth thanos while he can detect them has to work hard to do it right they're not just easily perceptible to him it's almost like it's almost like trying to detect a dark grey amidst a black background right it's possible you just really have to be looking for it and so because of that adam warlock one immediately picks up on that and then two you end up having thanos who basically pulls adam warlock into himself with the purpose of always being able to locate adam warlock right to kind of remove that aspect and then from there thanos starts to mute and this is normal for for jim starlin it's actually one of the things that always made his handling of thanos so cool the way he would write thanos was really more of he would see himself almost kind of like in a philosophical way right he would he would kind of muse about these things he says now i am linked to all there is right he's not actually i mean he is all there is but he's linked into everything right everything from the past and the present throughout every single universe that exists and it's almost overwhelming right it's almost overwhelming for thanos to sit down and say all actualities all realities that exist out there every universe that exists in the entirety of the multiverse i am all those things this is a whole new level of power that's way beyond anything thanos has ever had before the closest he ever got to this was during marvel the end when he absorbed the multiverse into himself and then brought it back with death basically being permanent meaning nobody could be resurrected again it was kind of a criticism of marvel in this sense that they always killed and brought back people and to basically kind of remove that or try to make it in continuity marvel ultimately said no because they like being able to kill people and then bring them back later it makes for good click bait storytelling what it does show here is really kind of the role of the one above all in terms of all the various forms that it exists in and when it comes to the one above all in marvel it's one of these things where like it's it's marvel's version of the presence from dc and the presence is like dc's version of the one above all right and what i mean by that is what you have inside of of the comic book landscape you have a singular universe then you have stuff like an oververse or you have an underverse so on and so forth but the the the broad broad strokes here that you have a singular universe then you have a multiverse and then you have what's called the omniverse and the way this works is that a universe is a universe right it's just a singular universe that you occupy the main marvel universe the ultimate universe the marvel cinematic universe those those different universes make up the entirety of the multiverse the omniverse is composed of all things in existence right so there's the marvel multiverse and the dc multiverse and the spawn multiverse and like like any concept that exists out there is part of the greater omniverse and marvel's one above all is kind of a guy who oversees all that right it's marvel's god above all gods essentially so it's it's one of these things where they all kind of cross over and all gets really weird and it's not really designed to say that like the one above all is over the presence it's marvel kind of saying i mean our version is and then dc is like no our version is and spawn's like no no no you're both wrong our version is so it's it's kind of one of these things where it just sort of goes around but thanos is basically tapping into and overseeing everything across every single universe and every single multiverse on every single property that exists in the world belonging to anybody regardless of whoever made it that's how far-reaching this is and so it gets kind of crazy here because with that being the case heroes kind of picks up on the notion of what we talked about already that thanos cannot easily recognize him because he's outside the norm thanos has to hunt for him as hard as he possibly can right a needle in a stack of needles is really what this is and so with that being the case because pip the troll is essentially viewed as thanos as one of the people out there who can throw a wrench in the works then what eros does is basically tear up a backpack more or less and then put the troll inside of it so that pip the troll is as close to heroes as he can possibly be and by extension of eros being outside the norm that will hopefully kind of permeate to fit the troll now it really kind of seems to be this idea that it's not really like an ero shaped hole in the universe if that makes sense almost kind of like a permeation of like this energy that makes him outside the norm that hopefully will also encompass uh encompass pip the troll that kind of seems to be what he's shooting for and jim sterling plays it fast and loose we don't really get any definitive answers there but we're kind of more or less left to believe that is actually the case and so what ends up happening is is eros and patrol basically say okay fine then let's see what's going on let's see if we can find a way to defeat thanos in the past or whatever it is kind of throwing out these various macguffins here and you end up having heroes and pip the trolls show up on the ship of thanos which is currently occupied by corvus glaive and proxima midnight but then they vanish they disappear and eros figures out this is happening because what thanos is doing is getting rid of anybody who knows his plan and who could potentially find a way to take him out that's what's so cool about this is thanos is just kind of getting rid of people here and there but this is the one thing to understand here and this is this is awesome the way jim starlin does it thanos is handling his omnipotence and his power the way a mortal person would thanos is not handling his abilities the way the one above all would and there's a huge distinction there and we'll find out what that distinction is as we get through this video but from there you pick up with adam warlock who basically emerges after having been ensnared by thanos with thanos ability to see him and essentially locates kane the conqueror now again kane the conqueror was from a previous infinity story but it was by virtue of cain the conqueror that eeros managed to attain his time traveling technology as well as a few other things going on but what this means is that using the ability of kang to manipulate time adam warlock seemingly has some bit of an out and so from here we jump to one of the most important parts of the story when we pick up with present-day thanos and present-day thanos his consciousness is basically inside the mind of future thanos right like this version of thanos that merged with the one above all and all that kind of stuff that's future thanos who's done all that present day thanos is just kind of a consciousness that's along for the ride and it's cool when he basically talks about this right he says things like yes i'm still here like you know i was i was basically press gained into this situation but what it shows is that their ideologies are not entirely linked present-day thanos is not fully on board with what future thanos is doing right he knows his plan he knows what he wants to achieve but even for modern day thanos that seems pretty extreme and that says something right given whatever this future plan or whatever this plan of future thanos is if present-day thanos looks at that and says yeah man like that's pretty crazy man like that's pretty extreme that means it's really got to be something right because we're talking about a guy who got a hold of the infinity gauntlet and wiped out half the life in the universe just to impress a girl right so like it's kind of crazy like it's kind of nuts you know in terms of this this whole thing going but what it also shows here and really what he what he basically tells us is that the amount of energy and the amount of focus necessary to be able to handle this much power while it's within the abilities of future thanos to contain these abilities it's a whole other thing to understand how to use them effectively and so what this means is that future thanos is still figuring out what it is that he can do he hasn't fully been able to channel the totality of the one above all's power now this is important because what it means is that it presents this idea that maybe even the one above all was limited by its own imagination and that if thanos can essentially break free of those limitations then his power would transcend the previous one above all's power the reality of this is that what future thanos is doing is hunting around for eros it's the thing that's dominating his mind and the reason why is because heroes will in some form or fashion find a way to basically defeat future thanos right like eros could find a way to defeat his brother it's possibly only a matter of time before thanos loses this power of the one above all so again it's super cool it's a guy with the power of god who hasn't quite figured out how to use it all yet and so from there you basically pick up with eros who's like okay one he asks isaac the sentient computer right before it's destroyed by future thanos if he can figure out a way to calculate when the universe is going to end and they're able to you know he's able to basically draw you know kind of create an algorithm you know in the blink of an eye like super advanced you know other worldly computers do and then essentially calculate when the universe is going to end and when eros and pip the troll are teleported there it's just a giant empty canvas and then future thanos simply says let there be an end in essence thanos destroys himself the idea behind this and this is what's really important here the idea behind this is that thanos you know with with these limitations that were created by the one above all the indication is that thanos is still bound by those and so what this really seems to point out is that the future version of thanos his goal after having basically defeated eros and ensuring that nobody can be in his way is to basically wipe out everything in existence and then recreate it as himself being the one above all he's wiping the board clean and starting over again it removes any of the limitations that were created by the previous one above all and thanos is free to recreate all the multiverse and the omniverse as he sees fit and that's what's so wild here it's because what we do from there is where heroes and pip the troll are essentially dispelled from that future and sent back to the modern day what it does you know because of the fact that they cannot die right so like they're just kicked back to the modern day what it does is it picks up with cain the conqueror and adam warlock having a discussion with each other and kane the conqueror not really wanting to essentially admits that what you know the kind of field that he's on right now with thanos attaining the power of the one above all with the actions of adam warlock things like that these are way beyond what kang is normally used to and the reality is he's basically being reduced to a guy who can just help adam warlock out as best he can despite all the intelligence and all the time traveling abilities of kang he's way out of his element here more so than that adam warlock throws in this idea and really kind of gives us some this amazing notion that future thanos operating with all this power again has not figured out how to use it and in the time that he could be taking to figure out how to use it instead he's taking that time to focus on finding eros this makes him vulnerable this is basically just a really really really powerful thanos and that's why we don't really have an instance where it's like why didn't you just go back to the very beginnings of time and stop eros from being born if thanos went back in time and killed eros at birth then perhaps future thanos never exists it is really kind of bound by the rules of time right the rules of time travel time manipulation different things like that and so what we end up doing is picking up with adam warlock right adam warlock basically trying to find a particular access point within the cosmos basically an access point that will allow him to enter the psyche of future thanos right because he's undetectable or at least it seemed to be that way and then like entering the future psyche of thanos and then in turn you know just kind of getting a better understanding of what's going on now the reason why adam warlock is able to do this is not because he's undetectable that's my mistake he is right the the reason why adam warlock can do this is because adam warlock is part and partial to thanos and so thanos won't really feel it is like an ant biting him or anything like that he'll just kind of see it as the normal comings and goings of the multiverse and how things function and so on and so forth and because his attention is off of adam warlock because he believes that adam warlock is now a negated factor right he's not anything to really worry about instead with him focusing on eros at least adam warlock opened to invade the psyche of thanos because he's just not paying attention but before adam warlock can do that he's suddenly met by the arrival of an unexpected character okay so we are picking back up again with the infinity ending and we're actually we're ending the infinity ending i thought about titling that infinity ending ending seemed kind of weird but in the last video we basically left off with the idea that adam warlock was essentially met out of nowhere by a person that i kind of left you guys on a cliffhanger on and the reality is it's not actually a person but a group of people it's pretty much all the versions of adam warlock from the past and the funny thing about this is this goes all the way back to him right the guy who's not wearing anything but underwear that's how adam warlock first appeared when he was in marvel comics and it's just different iterations of his character as time has gone on and the funny thing about this is that adam warlock has historically been a guy where his understanding of the the cosmos and the multiverse has kind of been really beyond most other people even the cosmic entities themselves right it's the reason why thanos wanted him to become the new living tribunal when we were reading one of the older infinity stories but when you when you get into this what you end up having is this scenario where these versions of adam really kind of say no like self-preservation is more important than the universe and there's a couple of reasons why they're coming from this perspective the first is because they're sentient beings right it's just the nature of us as people we care about ourselves more than we care about other things right it's just the way that we are and so what we also have here is the notion that adam warlock can never truly die and so no matter no matter what happens in this universe where it ends or where it returns adam warlock will essentially always end up returning and his other selves sort of recognize this right but the idea of adam warlock and this really kind of seems to be an ideology for his character that's changed over the years but the ideology of adam warlock at this point in time is saving the universe is the most important thing and in reality it's not as though they're killing off an entire universe of people it's quite the opposite defeat one guy in order to save all of creation right it's classic utilitarianism the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and so it's a cool perception here's a cool notion here because adam warlock has been without his soul gym for quite some time now the reality is adam warlock doesn't really need the soul gym i mean it kind of helps to bolster his power a bit but he never really needed it i mean he's exceedingly powerful even without the gem but what he ends up doing with these various guys these various versions of themselves is basically snatching the soul gem off of one of their heads and then essentially overpowering all the others now we don't really know exactly what happens to them but regardless of the situation the result is that adam warlock ends up coming out on top and so following this he basically dives through a portal and into the consciousness of thanos now this is not the first time this has happened they've been inside each other's minds before in the subconscious mind of adam warlock it's all about death and rebirth right people riding an elevator all the way up to the top of this cliff more or less falling off dying and then getting back up and doing it all over again the cycle of death and rebirth constantly taking place with thanos it was just nihilism reign supreme right just just death and destruction and so adam kind of dives into the mind of the one above all thanos that we're talking about now and the funny thing about this is that each one of these places that he sees is now an entire universe unto itself adam warlock is hopping from one universe to the next within the mind of one above all thanos but that's more or less what's going on here one of the first memories he sees or one of the first things he sees is thanos as a little kid who basically breaks a lamp now the funny thing about this is we can look at this a couple different ways right we can look at this story as being out of continuity or we can look at the story being incontinuity and the reason why is because sui-san's currently there for those of you guys who read the rise and fall of thanos i think it was i think it was ed rubaker or jason aaron one of those two who wrote it we basically got the life and times of thanos right all the events that led to him in encountering mistress death for the very first time and then going forward and becoming the villain that we that we all know and love in the early days sweet son and when i say early days i mean like almost immediately after giving birth but srisan tried to kill thanos because she saw him as a bad omen and had a vision that his actions would lead to the downfall and the destructions of everybody on titan which it did and so she tried to take him out and ultimately she was thrown in a mental institution and so if this story is in continuity at the time the thanos is this age suisan should be in a mental institution but she's not she's there so that kind of leads us to believe that either it was jim sterling kind of trying to correct things and saying no no this is how it should be or it's not in continuity but the other funny thing that kind of comes out of this is eros and pip the troll now remember these are two guys and while they're not necessarily bungling buffoons they certainly don't have any real kind of concrete plan right their plan here to try to stop future thanos from acquiring all this insane power capturing his modern day self and then going on to become the one above all their whole attempt to basically stop that is to convince thanos that he's a good guy that he's cool you know and that like eros loves him and that's basically it right like words don't win conflicts more or less and so because of that we end up kind of jumping through these different moments and thanos's life and you kind of have thanos when he's relatively young when he's you know kind of going through that that age of of bodies changing and puberty and he's kind of put on a few pounds you know and drinking a soda it looks like and eros tries to convince thanos like he's a cool guy you know the thanos is great that eros loves him and it is really heroes like trying to convince thanos of this right the next time they appear is when thanos is feeding some bullies to some monsters in a cave because the bullies needed to understand their place in the bigger picture following that like is thanos basically launching an attack and destroying the entire planet planet of titan all these different things that are going on with thanos committing these action as this is going on we have two versions of thanos here that's one thing to keep in mind we've got essentially what amounts to present day thanos or the easiest way to think about it and then we've got future thanos and if you guys recall in the last video we talked about this right future thanos was the one that was trying to attain the power to become the one above all present day thanos is the one who was being used in order to follow in those footsteps and assure that that path was actually followed and once present-day thanos went through all those steps then he was absorbed by future thanos to ensure that nothing would ever go wrong and that's why you see this version of thanos was sort of hovering in a tank this is present-day thanos being held prisoner by his future self and so eros and then basically arriving to what's actually thanos first appearance in marvel comics when he fought iron man in terms of his chronological appearances we have them showing up in instances like during the events of infinity gauntlet these really cool little moments here and there and it's one of these things where present day thanos kind of says okay like i can reach out basically psychically and i can communicate with them right i can talk to them through my past self basically and that's what you see playing out here right like eros and those guys will show up to a particular point in time and then thanos will talk to them and as they basically kind of run over their plan but they only get brief moments right they only get these really really small moments and the reason why this is kind of being held off the reason why these moments are only ever so short is because present day thanos realizes that if they stop and they talk for too long it'll create abnormalities in the time stream that his future version will become aware of and then start tracing them down and ultimately realizing what it is that eeros and pip the troll are trying to do now at the end of the day again it doesn't really matter they're not actually doing anything uh but it is kind of a cool little effort right it's a cool attempt one of the other funny things to come out of this is that because of all these paradoxes and all these shifts that eras and pip patrol are making they end up showing up at a future point in time and we have the cosmic entities but they're different this right here actually doesn't really make any sense and the reason why is if you understand the nature of cosmic entities they exist in two forms right they exist in their true form which is an abstract form it has no true physical form right they're just an ideology if you had like the desire to go get something to eat it would be like if that desire to eat could get up and walk around right that thought that concept could get up and move that's what a cosmic entity is now when cosmic entities appear in a physical form they go to the dimension of manifestations and they basically receive a form from anthropomorpho and then they show up in the main marvel universe in a physical form but it's just one of these these these small little things right so you know it's it's a it's a cool little moment it's a little a little wonky and a little crazy but again that's kind of what we're dealing with here are sort of these escapades of jumping back and forth through time and so when eros is talking to present-day thanos when they say like like i guess we can work together and eros is very much unsure about this because it's trusting a guy who's well known for betrayal thanos is kind of like at the end of the day our goals are basically mutual here at the end of the day like we're trying to achieve the same goal i'm currently trapped in the essence more or less of my future self come there rescue me and then like we'll save the day and the cool thing about that is that when that happens when eros shows up it's not really eero saving thanos instead eros is seemingly kind of whisked away eros just sort of says like this isn't right this isn't how it's supposed to be and he just ends up taking off adam warlock peeps his head in to see what eros is doing while he's on his journey and then basically you know once once that happens adam warlock kind of pops back in or at least sort of disappears for a second when future thanos shows up and the reason why this matters is because future thanos as we know was looking for eros not to kill him or to capture him but because with eros existing outside of life and death then it was basically impossible for one above all thanos to track him down now again this is jim starlin shifting things around this is jim starlin changing things under normal circumstances and everything up to this point it's not how the one above all worked everything that is is the one above all the face that you see when it speaks to things is no different than eternity popping up and then like talking to somebody right it's just the entirety of the omniverse and all things coalescing in the form of a face that can have a conversation with you with that being the case anything even if it's outside the realm of life and death is still part of the one above all if it exists if it talks if it's if it's anything that can be drawn or written it exists as part of the one above all so again jim sterling is kind of shifting things up and saying that's not necessarily the case here right like you know anything that exists outside of life and death meaning it can't truly die it's outside the one above all's purview because it's considered an anomaly right which is kind of crazy to sort of limit the power of the one above all and a lot of you guys were making comments about that you were saying like well i guess now he's just the one above most is what it is and you're not wrong right you're not entirely wrong the one above pretty much most things unless the plot calls for him to not be above things like that's basically what it is you know and so it's it's kind of wild here but with eros having popped up and basically shown up in the essence of future thanos to rescue present-day thanos by default he made himself part of future thanos therefore everything is now complete right future thanos has attained his goal of tracking down eros and basically making eros a part of himself even if it was only because eros just sort of walked into it right so it's essentially thanos was trying to get eros into a house and eros just sort of wandered in there on his own that's really kind of what this is right now when future thanos basically leaves adam warlock then pops up and that's when present day thanos is like you have to free me from this prison but the the response of adam warlock is no i'm not going to do that you have to trust me here you need to stay here this is all part of my plan now thanos initially sort of questions it and isn't really sure but the reality is that adam warlock is kind of a master planner it's one of these things where when adam warlock comes up with a plan it's not really to be questioned the issue with this is we're talking about uncharted territory it's one thing to create a plan just have thanos lose the infinity gauntlet because he gets carried away with himself and because warlock understands thanos's subconscious mind and how he thinks it's another to form a plan against a seemingly nigh omnipotent being that cannot truly be destroyed by anybody here or really anything in existence right so you know like i have a plan to defeat a being that cannot be defeated that's kind of what that what that sort of comes down to and it's a little wild there because what adam warlock ends up doing is basically watching all of this go down right the idea was okay let's let this play out and let's see what happens it's a dangerous gambit because this could fail in in the most spectacular sense but future thanos ends up doing what he intended to do he ends up wiping away all of reality now we didn't know what the motivation was before but we currently do now and the idea is that future thanos looks around and is almost kind of agreeable in terms of what it is that he's doing and why he's doing it right at the end of the day he kind of makes this argument between utilitarianism and deontological ethics the intentions versus actions let's say for example that like you see a homeless man and you give that homeless man five bucks right your idea is to just give that guy five bucks to help him along his way but what if in reality by giving him that five dollars all you've done is make him a target for somebody else because he didn't earn that five dollars he doesn't know how to keep it and because he didn't know how to keep it either he's swindled by somebody who dupes him out of it or he's not physically capable of holding it on his own somebody beats him up and then takes it would he have died had you not given him that five dollars that's the philosophical quandary that we're talking about here and depending on what philosophical viewpoint you come from whether you're at fault or not begins to shift if we say the only thing that matters is intention right that's the only thing that really matters here is intention then at the end of the day it's like then your intention was to make that guy's life better and that's where your responsibility stops right that's where it ends as far as you're concerned you did what you thought was a good thing done right we're we're finished there from there then it starts going into things like okay if all that matters is action then you gave that guy five dollars but then you also cost him his life and so is your act moral well you know that's the kind of issue that you run into here and so it's one of these things where thanos really kind of looks at it and says the only thing that really matters in this universe matters in this world is actions right what people's intentions are don't matter what matters are deeds and that everything is just a giant contest right even the cosmic entities seek to be supreme over the other in some form or fashion despite the fact that they're designed to be immutable despite the fact that they're designed to be these forces that that represent ideas and they don't really seek to better one another at the end of the day there's still a kind of contest there and so thanos's response is then we'll recreate things loyalty was conceived to deceive people trust is a fantasy for fools and is basically played upon by scoundrels who look to exploit it the universe as it exists now is one of naivety it's people who believe they can change the universe and so on by just doing good things or believing good things but at the end of the day like it's a screwed up and terrible place this seems to be like the core perspective of thanos and so with that being the case he says okay then let's recreate everything and so with that going down you know with that happening the way that it does you know he basically goes to essentially recreate all of existence and it offers this momentary gambit right when you have adam warlock who's essentially outside the existing multiverse watching it all go down right once he retreats outside of thanos and kind of goes back to this outside the multiverse kind of space then in turn like once future thanos wipes everything out of existence and then seems to recreate everything we kind of get this brief moment where present day thanos basically says okay now's a chance to actually do something i get this brief moment to basically take this action and then basically adam warlock just kind of wakes up in the void without any real indication of where he is or where he's at he's just kind of out in this total oblivion of absolute nothingness and the indication is that he's totally outside of all recreated existence the omniverse as it exists he's way out there to give you perspective this is more or less just stories that have not been told yet and so with him being out there out in the void out in the nothingness there's no stars no planets no nothing just infinite blackness but he ends up getting this kind of lifeline that comes through a sort of portal where he's basically yanked forward by kane the conqueror and that was the idea was to to really have kang basically grab eros and pick the troll to ensure they stayed alive adam warlock didn't quite know what would happen to him but the more important thing was to ensure that everything was saved and the plan basically went as he expected that in this moment of vulnerability in this moment where future thanos had basically dispersed his energy or attempted to disperse his energy present-day thanos basically sees that power for himself that after seizing all that power of the one above all from his future counterpart because of the fact that present day thanos never really agreed with his future counterpart his future version ceased to exist just by virtue of destroying his essence more or less and then present-day thanos used the power of the one above all to reset everything back to normal and this is where the story totally falls short and the reason why is because we don't see any of that happen it's all explained to adam warlock by kane the conqueror who watched it all go down right so adam warlock wasn't even really a part of it he wasn't a part of seeing everything recreated and all that kind of stuff some will probably say well we didn't need to see that others will say something something something jim starlin higher plane of reasoning who knows but whatever the case is it's basically one of these things where like we missed out on what could have been a really really cool appearance of a story or some exposition and some explanation there in terms of like why thanos did what he did in terms of like from his perspective because we know why he did what he did and we get the exposition it's just from some time traveling guy that makes stories overly complicated and so it's like okay that's kind of weird and so they kind of make a final stop and adam warlock of course again still in possession of the soul stone presents the the reality stone to thanos and the truth and this is kind of the important thing here the truth is that it's entirely possible that his future self could get carried away with power again and the entire process could repeat itself but it's one of these things where adam warlock trusts thanos right he trusts the character of thanos to do what needs to be done not only that but basically we kind of have this this sort of assumption that we have to make that if present-day thanos did take the power of the one above all from his future counterpart and then set everything back that he may have just kind of walked the time stream just find out exactly what went wrong or where he kind of lived through the time stream so he knows the mistakes that he made and we kind of have to assume that like if he did set everything back he's aware of of himself or he's aware of like what he would what he would become or something like that it's not clearly explained it's not clearly defined and i think that's kind of one of the issues here it sort of leaves things pretty ambiguous right and it really feels like the ending in the story was wrapped up super fast right it was just wrapped up very very quickly and it sort of left a bit to be desired but at the end of the day things just kind of go back to the way they were before right everything just sort of goes back to normal and then you kind of have adam warlock who's just sort of sitting there in a bar you know out in or really in starland's bar is what they call it jim someone named a bar after himself but he's just kind of sitting in a bar and just sort of chilling there and people kind of have this concern that things are not necessarily going back for the better but at the end of the day we won't truly know as far as i'm aware this is the last of the infinity stories that jim starlin's writing of course i think infinity finale was also supposed to be the last one and then it wasn't but at the end of the day this is really where it just kind of wraps up so with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to comments explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and i will catch you all later peace
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Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Thanos, Infinity Ending, Infinity Finale, Adam Warlock, Erros, Pip The Troll, Astral Regulator Thanos, Marvel Comics, Jim Starlin, The Living Tribunal, Cosmic Hierarchy, The One Above All, Kang the Conqueror, Immortus
Id: lZLw3lW2F2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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