Marvel What If: The Best Marvel What If Stories | Comics Explained

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so with mondays including our marvel what if story what i want to do here is i want to cover the story of the incredible hulk killing all the superheroes and becoming a herald of galactus this is kind of like the worst case scenario for earth and it's actually a lot more complicated than it seems in terms of all the stuff that happens meaning it's not like a linear series of events there's all kinds of crazy stuff that goes on in the story it's one of the reasons why i love it so much but this story comes directly out of uh the world war hulk storyline now for those of you guys who don't know and i know there's a lot of people out there that do but for those of you guys who don't know when it came to the world war hulk story this was basically just a way to remove the incredible hulk from the marvel landscape prior to civil war and then bring him back and so what marvel did is they basically had a group called the illuminati charles xavier blackbold of the inhumans name of the submariner dr strange they had the group come to the decision that the incredible hulk was just too unpredictable and violent to remain on earth and ended up sending him into space the problem was he ended up traveling through a uh through a wormhole more or less ended up on the wrong side of the galaxy and landed on a place called sikar which led into the planet hulk event whereby he basically rallied together a whole bunch of revolutionary forces and was able to topple the existing king the issue with this was that while those people who looked to the incredible hulk as the savior were in the midst of building a monument the ship that he was sent on by the illuminati was detonated accidentally and set off a thermal nuclear blast and in doing so he basically killed the incredible hulk's new wife their unborn child or i guess their their newborn child and uh you know basically everybody that the hulk knew uh on the new kingdom that he had settled for himself and so because of this he returned back to earth with what he called his war bound his pact of people that he had uh come to view his allies during his time as a gladiator during the planet hulk storyline and he basically cut a swath through the superhero community now what this does is this shows us an alternate situation because this brings in the events of secret invasion now secret invasion was another half of the marvel storyline that was a series of events whereby marvel established that these skrulls who had the ability to shapeshift had previously had their planet destroyed by by a galactus and they had looked to earth as a new home for themselves in a manifest destiny kind of situation and the result was that they had begun the process of replacing the various occupants human and superhero alike on earth with scroll replicants the issue with this was that during this part of the story of world war hulk the scroll queen is basically spider-woman jessica drew and so because of this she's still on earth and these scrolls are effectively just waiting out in space for her to give the signal for them to all show up and uh and invade the planet earth and basically kill off all the superheroes but what happens here is that unlike the original uh world war hook event with reed richards creating these satellites that would basically attack the incredible hulk and destroy him because of the fact that the battle is going so badly because bruce banner is literally just tearing all the superheroes apart piece by piece it's really like a last-ditch effort it's really just you know just wipe everything out just you know it's a scorched earth kind of policy and so what happens is that as the at the request of reed richards tony stark launches the satellites and annihilates everybody and so the most powerful superheroes who are going against uh bruce banner are all annihilated in this destruction or in this in this conflict and so what we do is we actually jump forward by a few months in the sense that the bishop where the queen having been killed among all these heroes her uh second in command her bishop who's kind of like this religious leader in the scroll empire takes control of the scroll fleet and begins invading the planet earth and so what we do is we switch to what what seems to be a few months and we end up joining with a recreated version of the vision and the vision shows up and discovers that bruce banner is basically digging graves for everyone who died in new york whether they were human whether they were superhero he's in the middle of building all this now of course bruce banner can't really survive the high level of radiation here which is one of the other reasons why those those survivors who weren't obliterated by the blast were almost immediately killed off by the radiation because it was so potent but he finds that bruce banner's here and he basically begins talking with him right he's like hey look man you know um we need you like we basically need you here now bruce banner doesn't want to have anything to do with this he says you know yes i could survive in my hook form but i'm basically dying you know and this is bruce banner just kind of coming to terms with the destruction that he's that he's experienced over the course of his life all the destruction that he's basically created and so it's him paying penance so it's very similar to the incredible hulk last man on earth storyline that we had previously covered but what the vision says is look man like this was not the end like these superheroes this was in the end while you've been here in isolation in new york you know the skrulls invaded earth and they almost immediately killed off the x-men whatever superheroes were left were second tier at best wolverine was removed from the planet earth because his healing factor made him immortal so the only way to basically keep him from killing off the scrolls in their entirety was to just take him away from earth so they you know so they don't have to worry about him here and the result is that there's only like a handful of us left there's almost nobody left alive we have hank hank pym we have janet van dyne we have a couple others here and there cannonball sam guthrie but they're really just scavengers survivors the ones who've been trying to make it day by day and we're rallying them to our cause and this is kind of the cool thing is because he says you know janet van dyne is the one that brought them all together janet van dyne was the person that said look we need leadership here now what most likely happened this is kind of what we're left to to figure out on our own devices anyway what most likely happened behind the scenes was that hank pym really probably just had like a crisis of conscience that's not new for his character hey pam has emotional breakdowns all the time he has emotional breakdowns with regards to his personalities he has multiple multiple breakdowns with regards to you know whether or not the super bowl is going the way that he wants it to he has emotional breakdowns for everything it's insane and so because of this uh janet van daan probably stepped up and really took the reins and so what happens is we basically transition to a base uh in the andreonics i think it's what it's called andrea dax and it's basically a section of the world whereby some heroes or some some survivor some humans are trying to take refuge but they're being tracked down systematically by the scrolls and so while hank pam while sam guthrie do what they can to rescue these people they're suddenly met by the arrival of bruce banner the incredible hook now what's also cool about this is that bucky barnes is alive uh now this is during the time when bucky barnes at least it seems as though he was underground and so it you know for some reason or another obviously probably the conflict with the incredible hulk brought him back but whatever the case may be here he's also one of the military guys who's kind of running the show and we would expect that with uh with bucky barnes if janet van dyne is the one who's in charge of everything she would have to have generals people who would basically go out and overwatch field missions and because bucky barnes spends so much time fighting alongside captain america it makes perfect sense that he would be one of the people who would oversee this conflict but when the incredible hulk arrives bucky barnes initially finds it a little strange because when they get back to the to an abandoned shield bunker most likely having belonged to nick fury and you know operating as a new base of the avengers when they get back there you know bucky barnes initially says this is gonna be strange and the reason is because everybody doesn't like the hulk like a lot of people just hate him because he was the one that led to this in the first place you know the incredible hoax rampage on the planet earth the fact that he cut a swath through so many different superheroes and basically set up the stage for the scrolls to take advantage of a fractured earth and in doing so conquer it and so what happens is the incredible hulk actually turncoats and says hey look guys you know i'm here to try to save things i'm here to fix things you know because of all the destruction the destruction that i've robbed because of all the conflict that i've created i'm here to try to try to atone for that and make up for my past mistakes and so alongside you know uh dagger alongside you know bucky barnes a whole horde of superheroes they literally just start tearing through the scrolls everywhere i mean they just start conquering you know conquering uh cities you know they start conquering outposts they start freeing all these different people and so when it gets to the point whereby the scrolls are starting to realize that the incredible hulk is working against them and that with his unbridled strength there's really nothing they can do to stop him the scroll bishop says it's time to enact our spy he says we have a spy among the ranks of these superheroes and it's time to bring them out now one of his one of his generals says well why did you wait this long you know why did you wait so long like we've lost hundreds of people why did you wait until just now to enact this spy and to bring them down and this is actually really really smart the bishop says because i wanted all the heroes in one spot now that's that's the smart thing because you know the heroes were either in camps or they were hiding whatever the case may have been not all of them were gathered together as part of the part of the new avengers and so the bishop said look the incredible hulk is a is a force of nature if he allies himself with the avengers his strength will give other people strength and as a result they'll come out of hiding they'll rally under the umbrella of his capabilities and they'll literally you know create their own their own team and they'll launch a war against us and so he says when they do that then that will be when all the heroes come out and that's when we strike and so what we learn is that the skrull replicant that's been a part of the avengers this entire time was janet van dyne and janet van dyne had been put there as that scroll replacement since the beginning of the conflict since you know almost immediately after uh you know the the incredible hulk i guess immediately after the destruction of tony stark when it came to new york city and so as a result she says the scrolls had basically analyzed the genome of uh hank pym and they found that he was effectively unstable in terms of his molecular structure because of the pym particles and so she said what they could do is they could basically turn him into a genetic bomb they could effectively detonate him on the molecular level and they could let off a massive wave of destruction and that's exactly what happens with all the heroes being there in one place they quite literally just detonate hank pym and in doing so it's this massive you know i guess what would amount to a nuclear explosion and it annihilates every single hero who's there and so in effect the incredible hulk is the last man on earth right now i mean all the humans who were rallied in the bunker of the new avengers are dead you know all those existing uh humans are gone all the superheroes that remained on earth that were in this bunker are gone and so because of this the incredible hulk just wants to see the earth destroyed so what happens is the incredible hulk recalls an instance whereby when he was on the defenders alongside silver surfer and um doctor strange he recalls that they were informed by reed richards that there is a homing device a beacon in a pocket of the negative zone some little small aspect of the negative zone it can be accessed using you know whatever portals it was that existed in what was left of the baxter building and the incredible hulk could access this beacon and use it to call the silver surfer and so silver surfer arrives here and when he does the incredible hulk says wipe out the earth call galactus and have him consume the earth now this is crazy because we've never really seen an instance where a superhero says we want galactus to wipe out the earth of course then again a lot of that's because the superheroes don't want their earth destroyed but even in a lot of like the post-apocalyptic what-if scenarios for example the incredible hulk being the last man on earth when all the the population of heroes and humans are wiped out in a global nuclear war you know surely this was a scenario he could have called and he could have just had the had you know galactus consume the earth and destroy him but of course that story needed to take a different tone and it was written at a different point in time too so it may just be that you know for whatever reason reed richards never told them about this homing beacon that would bring galactus in but the only time we've ever really seen an instance where something like this has happened it was during jonathan hickman's fantastic four when you know reed richards realized that there was going to be a massive conflict of the planet earth and summoned galactus to fight on his behalf against the mad celestials that was really the only time we've ever really seen that happen and so the incredible hulk here is is just unbridled rage and so silver surfer says okay fine because right now the incredible hulk will kill him if the silver surfer doesn't do it the incredible hulk will kill him and that's entirely possible the hulk's durability his strength makes him you know well beyond the silver surfer when it comes to just sheer force now the silver server can do all kinds of crazy things too he could probably break down the hulk on a molecular level you know he could wipe him out of existence he could do a lot of different things but when it comes to this moment right now with the incredible hulk's hands around the silver surfer's neck he would kill him he would literally just just kill him on the spot so the silver surface says okay fine if you want your earth destroyed i'll destroy it and i'll have galactus destroy you're the last human here so you're really the only one that's in a fit place to judge what happens and so the silver surfer says not only will i bring galactus here and have him consume the earth i'm leaving i'm not going to be a herald of galactus this is the last straw and so the silver surfer basically takes off now of course we follow up with this with galactus arriving on earth with his machine and uh basically destroying the earth which is kind of ironic because galactus destroying the the scroll home world is the reason why the scrolls showed up on earth in the first place and so it's really just history repeating itself but following the destruction of this earth the destruction of the superheroes all of which was led to by the actions of the incredible hulk we end up having him met with galactus and galactus says look my herald is gone i have no one here to fight on my behalf i have no one here to find these you know find planners for me to consume i am going to make you my new herald i'm going to make you the guy who's going to be the one that goes out and finds these planets for me now the problem with the incredible hulk is that for him he wanted he wanted to die he didn't want to you know he wanted the earth destroyed because he wanted to be destroyed with it for him his actions his violence his conflict his destruction had led to the deaths of all the superheroes that he had ever known it led to the death of all of humanity and so for him he wanted an end to the whole damn thing he wanted the scrolls destroyed because they killed superheroes and they took over the earth and then he wanted to die because he was the source of all the the suffering that he had ever experienced in his life but galactus says no not only that i'm not going to make you live a new life remembering everything that had happened i'm going to make you forget i'm going to wipe your memory of everything that had ever happened this is going to be a clean slate and you are going to go forward as my herald in the universe with no realization of who you were before this moment and that's exactly what happens the incredible hulk becomes the herald of galactus and presumably goes about the world you know doing whatever is it or going about the universe doing whatever it is he does as far as i know there's no follow-up series to this this is just this is it which if there was a follow-up series and if there is somebody post a comment let me know because i want to make videos on that i want to make videos on the incredible hulk as a herald of galactus that would be so beast like post a comment like if you guys would want to see something like that post a comment if it exists i'll make a video on you know the first story arc or something like that but uh yeah so anyway that's the story the incredible hulk becoming a herald galactus he like his entire life led to the destruction of all the superheroes not to mention his violence and rage and with everything dead with all humans and all superheroes dead galactus just makes him his herald so if you guys are new here to comics explain make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys uh enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and leave a comment down below let me know what you guys think and i will catch you all later peace you know here's a crazy thing where i say that i've been reading marvel comics for you know 20 something years a huge bulk of that has been the x-men i mean i always loved the x-men they were just my favorite team like they were one of my favorite groups really that existed in marvel comics i read other stuff just out of curiosity about what it was about but like the meat and potatoes of most of my knowledge when it comes to marvel comics is the x-men and this story is amazing it's sad but it's really really amazing so the juggernaut of course is one of the more popular foes of the x-men i mean in a lot of ways i would argue he's more of the arch nemesis of charles xavier by extension the x-men but magneto is still probably the most popular villain when people think of like the main enemy of the x-men they think of magneto and rightfully so i mean he was the first major villain they faced but with regards to juggernaut he's always been this sort of wrecking ball he's not very smart but his history with his step-brother uh charles xavier created a lot of animosity between the two and so because of the fact that they bickered and they argued and kane marco hated charles once he became the juggernaut you know during the korean war when he picked up the crimson gem of sidorak and you know he got that whole transcription you know whosoever touches this gym shall receive the power of the crimson bands of sidorak or whatever it is henceforth you who read these words shall go forevermore a human juggernaut something along those lines i'm paraphrasing but the fact remains once he became the juggernaut he was like this unstoppable force and it was kind of cool because in marvel comics the juggernaut literally lives up to his words in almost every conceivable way there was for example a time where the incredible hulk defeated the juggernaut didn't really defeat him but managed to push him back which was supposed to be impossible but it took the incredible hulk modified with celestial technology at the hands of apocalypse in order to make that happen again that all goes into the nature of the fact that sidorak is one of these old demonic entities that exists in marvel comics it's a wildly powerful being but in terms of the juggernaut he's an avatar as if sidorak were walking around the world now juggernaut's not nearly as powerful as sidorak but it's still kind of cool because what this story does is it basically comes after the events of x-men number 11 back in 1965 written by stan lee and jack kirby now the idea behind x-men number 11 is that it basically introduced this i'm pretty sure it introduced the character of the stranger and the stranger is just one of those cosmic entities that exists out there and he's literally called a stranger because nothing's known about him he's just a being who's there he's got cosmic powers and that's really about it but in that story the stranger had shown up on earth and basically kidnapped magneto in the toad and whisked them off to his own planet just to explore and you know just study them and so it was kind of cool in terms of how that little bit a little bit worked but what this story does is it takes place in the interim when magneto is off planet alongside toad and it initially opens up with this bit of an explanation all the avengers are dead thor's dead iron man's dead captain america's death and standing over them all is the juggernaut now the initial indication here is that the juggernaut's the one that did them all in but then we end up finding out that it was actually the sentinels that basically killed off all these different superheroes and it's kind of cool when we get to see like juggernaut versus the sentinels because one thing to keep in mind is that different writers interpret the powers of characters differently and it's all contextual and based on what story they want to tell for example in this story juggernaut rips through these signals i mean it's no challenge at all he's got super strength he's virtually unstoppable once he stops moving once he starts moving he's nigh indestructible one of them makes a comment they have like less than one percent of a chance to actually survive the experience like one ten thousandth or one one hundred thousandth of a percent and surviving the experience and so it's kind of cool because when they try to take off juggernaut grabs him basically kind of drags him back down and uh and you know completely and totally pummels him but if we go and read a story like days of future past that was a story chris claremont wrote an uncanny x-men 141-142 i think it was and it was basically the worst case scenario it was an answer to the question what would happen if mutants failed if xavier was killed and senator robert kelly was killed what would happen if they were assassinated by mutants and what would happen if humanity responded by jump starting the sentinel program and the sentinels went awry it was a doomsday scenario it was the worst case situation for earth and more for the mutants than anything else because they failed in their entirety and so the days of future past led to the seminals more or less modifying their own programming becoming autonomous and then just wiping out the entirety of humanity mutants and otherwise and that was really about it i mean you had a few little you know rebel factions here and there and of course that led into you know rachel summers the daughter of jean grey and cyclops from days of future past sending the mind of kitty pride into the past to stop the whole thing from happening but still the idea was that you know signals had basically conquered earth and so when you go and you read that story juggernaut's long since been dead he was eradicated by the symbols and consolidating those two things is kind of difficult because if his power was has basically always been the same if for the most part up until eighth day up until try on his powers were basically consistent across the board then how do you justify those two things and there's really no way that you can you just kind of have to roll with the punches and just say hey look just the way it goes different writers want to tell different stories but the cool thing about this is that juggernaut gives us a lot of inner monologue in terms of how he views things in the sense that the juggernaut was always very selfishly motivated in a lot of ways i mean he had a few friends here and there like black tom cassidy for example you know who for the most part resided in cassidy keep but for the most part juggernaut was largely just kind of a lone wolf out there by himself doing whatever it is that he wanted to do because he could he was more or less a bully who received these almost godlike powers in terms of strength durability speed movement different things like that and so as a result you know with him basically losing everybody believing that everybody out there is completely and totally dead he actually goes back to the xavier institute and this is very human of kane marco i mean he is human in and of himself he just has incredible powers by way of the gym but he almost seems inhuman in terms of how he acts no one can stop the juggernaut he's this unstoppable force he doesn't seem to be human but then when he shows up here he basically has this sort of connection with charles xavier his argument is yes i hated them yes i hated the x-men yes i hated charles xavier but i would do anything to be able to talk to them again because i am just so absolutely lonely he misses his connection with humanity because it's the one thing that he never really seemed to have before you know and so because of this what he ends up doing is he basically ends up walking the earth for like days and weeks and years time just passes it just sort of blurs together and all he can do is just travel around the world and look at all these different shambles bits and pieces these relics of humanity and so you know finally he comes across this old sentinel base that he long since destroyed and the symbols begin coming to life only for us to realize they're being controlled by magneto and so this is cool because this is how this feeds in to x-men issue number 11. in exponential number 11 and that story written in 1965 magneto managed to finally get out you know managed to to basically make his way back to earth in this story events unfolded almost the exact same way in the sense that magneto is being studied by the stranger but he also gained access to a lot of the different devices that the stranger had as a cosmic entity he's come across all different manner of devices from different alien races things he's made on his own and what these things allowed magneto to do was basically look at the earth and see what was going on and what we end up finding out here is that when the sentinels began their campaign and they started going around and killing all these different superheroes that from magneto's perspective juggernaut just kind of watched it all unfold he just basically stood back and watched it all happen while juggernaut didn't necessarily kill the avengers or the x-men himself his inaction allowed it to happen but then we get like this massive revelation what we end up finding out is that somewhere along the line when juggernaut presumably first you know became a major villain for the x-men uh he showed up at the xavier institute and he basically killed all the x-men not only that you know when he killed the x-men when he killed charles xavier the whole nine yards when the sentinel program was reinitiated when it all jump started again there was nobody there to warn the avengers to warn the fantastic four the signals just kind of popped up out of nowhere and where the x-men have consistently fought the sentinels and where the x-men are best suited to defeat the signals because of their knowledge about the sentinel's design the x-men weren't there because juggernaut killed them and so because of that there was no one left to defend humanity there was nobody left there to save humans and so as the signals began going through and wiping out humans what sentinels began to realize is that humans do procreate at a ridiculous rate and so because of that it would basically take too long and the earth would be almost eradicated in its entirety virtually uninhabitable if the campaign went on and so what they ended up doing was in an effort to basically eliminate as many humans as possible they basically modified their own cells to emit a kind of radiation and so the earth itself is just blanketed and all this radiation and that's what killed all the humans that's what killed everybody it was basically the juggernaut who killed the x-men which led to the deaths of almost everything in existence but the reason why i say almost is because in the juggernaut's rage at this revelation the fact that he's the one that basically led to everything coming to an end he starts freaking out stomping on the ground only to fall down into this cavern and discover the iceman bobby drake now this is kind of cool in terms of how this feeds on iceman's history historically speaking bobby drake has always been a little bit reckless and a little bit just sort of headstrong and more of the jokester than anything else he's very much indicative of like your stereotypical teenager you know and because of that he never really applied himself the way that he needed to now that also went into the idea of why it is that bobby drake was so popular but with him failing to basically focus and harness his abilities the way that he should because this is relatively early in the days of the x-men this meant that once charles xavier died there was no one there to teach bobby drake how to use his powers and so for the most part he can't control his abilities and in this instance you know where he says i can only maintain this current form for a few moments at a time the amount of time that he maintains it goes on too long and he basically encases himself in ice and he can't get out he can't shut his powers down but because of the fact that bobby drake had basically made reference to the fact that there are people here juggernaut and his desire to see more of humanity and his desire to experience a connection smashes through bobby drake and then smashes through the door and of course when he shows up we end up finding out that characters like quicksilver are alive scarlet witch is alive toad who's basically sort of this jokey henchman of uh of magneto we're alive and there's a few other mutants here and there but there's also a lot of people and that's kind of the irony of all this because what toad tells us is that when magneto came back to earth and realized the sentinels were basically running amok they were wiping out humanity in the process wiping out whatever mutants were left basically killing everything they could find magneto and toad grabbed as many people as they could human or mutant threw him into their ship and then whisked them off to this location to basically create a safe haven of sorts and so with this this radiation spreading throughout the world they effectively created a bunker that protected them from it but the irony is that with juggernaut showing up and juggernaut smashing down the door in his effort to experience and to talk to more people he doomed them all to death he's basically doomed the last remnants of humanity and mutants to die at the hands of this toxic radiation because he wanted to see them so badly and that goes into the nature of the juggernaut right i mean he leaps before he looks and he doesn't think about what's actually happened he just does things and then whatever happens happens and so despite the fact that he was longing for a connection that he actually broke into this place intending no ill will he dooms what's left of humanity he basically killed everybody on earth and so it's kind of cool because in this scenario he's basically forced to just sort of walk off live just kind of exists because he doesn't need food he doesn't need water he's effectively immortal so long as he's in possession of the crimson gem the juggernaut is the last man on earth that's it there's no one left the last vestiges the last little tidbits of whoever was alive were in that bunker and they're all dying now i mean they're they've got minutes and so because of that he's just doomed to walk the earth forever until the earth's destruction or it's repopulated or whatever the case may be and so again it's pretty dark and it's pretty messed up to me it's one of the coolest juggernaut stories that's out there so with that being said guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end if you are new here to comments explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob corp if you guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and i will catch you all later peace so continuing our videos on marvel's what if series with doctor strange right around the corner what i wanted to do here is dip my toe in the water and have a discussion about what would have happened if dr doom became dr strange now a couple things to bear in mind here for those of you guys who are new to marvel comics and new to my channel the what if line of stories are publications designed to offer us alternate reality depictions of events that is to say you know in this instance dr doom becoming doctor strange instead of stephen strange in addition to this this story was written by dan slott and so like all dance slot stories it makes sense in the beginning and then it goes off the rails about halfway through and i don't know what was going on with dan slott when he wrote this if he was just relatively new i feel like he was but he went completely off the reservation about halfway through this story but what we do here is we pick up with dr doom encountering the ancient one for the very first time now this is this is actually really kind of cool because this ties directly into the history of dr doom and what i mean is for those of you guys who have seen my series on the books of doom we talked about his his life as a child that he had uh witnessed his mother's murder that he had witnessed his father's murder that he had basically gone to uh north america because of his vast intelligence he was inducted into new york state university where he met reed richards but his mother's soul had been captured by mephisto due to the fact that she had invoked a pack with the prince of lies i guess are with the demon for the purpose of granting her the abilities related to black magic and the result of this was that her soul was doomed forever to remain in the clutches of mephisto and doctor doom himself had basically spent as much of his life as he could trying to find ways to free his mother's soul now after creating a teleporter that allowed him to travel to the nether realm in an attempt to save his mother's life in the process he had basically destroyed his face and the result was that an attempt to pursue a cure for this as well as gain the power necessary to free his mother's soul instead of traveling to the himalayas and stumbling upon a temple of monks he instead had traveled to tibet and he had stumbled upon the temple of the ancient one with regards to the original sorcerer supreme and so because of this when the ancient one had basically asked dr doom what he what it was that he was there for the ancient one also heard or i guess uh scanned the mind and the heart and soul of doctor doom and discovered that he was basically looking for power that he wasn't really looking to make the world a better place he wasn't really looking to operate outside of himself in terms of being altruistic instead he just wanted to amass power and the result was that the ancient one was actually pretty hesitant to help doctor doom but the ancient one also realized that there was a flicker of you know greatness in victor von doom and the ancient one believed that he could turn that flicker into a full-on flame and make doctor doom somebody spectacular so what happened was he basically took victor under his wing and began teaching him everything he knew the problem with this was that for baron mordo uh the you know at that point in time the protege of the ancient one he viewed doctor doom as a threat simply because of the fact that doom was able to learn in days what it took bear and mordo to learn in weeks and months and so because of this victor is wildly more powerful than baron mordo now much like the uh you know maine marvel timeline where steven strange and baron mordo had formed a rivalry of sorts baron mordo also tries to attack victor von doom but what happens is that when he sees his face he actually discovers that it is a doombot now dan's slot does not square this circle you know for those of you guys who don't know victor von doom did not start creating doombots uh really until after he became victor von doom or at least doombots as we knew them when he was at you know new york state university and what i mean here is that while doctor doom was creating doombots while he was at uh empire state university the issue is that we're not told how this doombot got here we're not told how it managed to make its way in here with no one knowing maybe he teleported it whatever the case may be but the fact remains that this doombot also housed within it a small tube and within this tube is a basically a bomb on the subatomic scale that dr doom plants in the brain of baron mordo basically stating that if baron mordo kills doctor doom or if doctor doom feels as though he's being betrayed he can activate the device and it'll kill baron mordo and so one of the interesting things about this is the ancient one initially appears to victor von doom after he makes this threat and doesn't realize that victor von doom was telling the truth instead the ancient one thinks he's bluffing the ancient one thinks that he's basically lying and so what happens is shortly after this dr doom comes to the realization that the ancient one could easily be toppled because you know this this guy does not realize the advancement of technology in relation to what doom is capable of now following this particular plan that doom begins to lay in motion we ultimately pick up with the arrival of stephen strange now the arrival of stephen strange happens exactly the way it did in marvel comics and this is interesting because victor von doom his timeline started before steven strange that's to say doom was at school with reed richards doom experienced his face being scarred before steven strange experienced his car wreck which resulted in him traveling to the temple of the ancient one and looking for a cure you know to basically restore his ability to use his hands and become a surgeon again but because of the fact that doom is a student of the ancient one when stephen strange arrives here he's basically met with victor von doom and when steven strange says that his whole purpose for being here is to find a cure so that he can continue to use his hands and to be a neurosurgeon instead instead of allowing him to become a part of the of the mystic arts victor von doom actually removes man's messed up he removes his hands and replaces them with robotic hands basically allowing steven strange to go forward able to engage in the kind of surgery that he's used to with better precision than he was able to able to do with uh with his normal hands that's messed up i'm just gonna throw it out there that's that's kind of messed up it's funny like it's funny to me i don't know why but that's that's kind of messed up but the fact remains here that because the ancient one realizes that doctor doom didn't help steven strange when he could have the ancient one comes to the conclusion that doom is not the protege he was looking for and so the idea of the ancient one is to basically shoot doctor doom out of there as fast as possible to more or less help him rescue his mother's soul and then get him away from the temple as fast as he can and so what happens is the ancient one i love this the ancient one presents uh doctor doom with the eye of agamotto and the cloak of levitation but but when he meets him when doctor doom has his ironclad suit on the ancient one just kind of freaks out he's totally surprised by what he sees because it's crazy and and it is this is why i love dr doom you know he's like it is i like it is uh i i don't know why that's funny to me but it is but the fact remains that dr doom and the ancient one travel to the nether realm in order to confront mephisto now because of the fact that dr doom has the abilities of the sorcerer supreme uh he's wildly powerful but he's not as powerful as mephisto something to keep in mind here is that in marvel comics mephisto is for all intents and purposes a cosmic entity i mean he's an elder god but he's largely considered to be a cosmic entity because he's so powerful he literally uses the energies of the souls that belong to people that he's tricked to power himself and the reason for this is that it keeps him at his at his absolute peak in terms of his abilities when he's in the nether realm now when he leaves the nether realm he becomes weaker the longer he stays away but the fact remains here that when dr doom arrives alongside the ancient one he immediately sees that his mother is still being held captive and races off to help her and because of this mephisto sees the two of them as being stronger together than they are apart and as a result of their separation he turns the sights to the ancient one now what follows is really just a mishmash of insanity of the highest level um this is this is probably some of the craziest writing that i've ever seen in my life and i have no idea where dan sloth went with this so what happens here is the ancient one initially is able to take on the forces of mephisto but the issue is that mephisto because of his extreme power is able to overcome the ancient one and actually kills him and because of this the demon lord dormammu sees this as a chance to begin his invasion of earth due to the fact that dormammu was always held at bay by the power of the ancient one now when it comes to dormammu something to bear in mind here is that stephen strange himself has admitted that if dormammu were to rise to full power and invade the planet earth there'd probably be nothing anybody could do to stop him just because dormammu is so wildly powerful um i feel like he's a character we need to have a discussion on at some point closer to the release of doctor strange just because i really hope the movie has a trait has a a nod to him or a tease to him because uh dormammu is he is a villain of the highest order i mean he's he's well he's he's wildly powerful he's well beyond galactus some of the cosmic entities it's insane how powerful he is but the fact remains that the ancient one after having been killed so to speak by mephisto reemerges as i guess in his spirit form and because of because he's in a spirit form he's his powers at his peak but he can't really interact directly with mephisto instead he basically uses his power to move on to the afterlife while simultaneously rescuing the soul of dr doom's mother thereby allowing dr doom himself to step into the realm of being the ancient one and so because of this he basically leaves mephisto behind in the nether realm travels back to the planet earth only to find that dormammu has begun the process of invading the planet earth and so what happens is doctor doom travels god in heaven dance slot doctor doom travels to meet the fantastic four now again this is this all kind of coincides right with the current timeline of doctor doom in marvel comics during this point in his publication history anyway it's just things are happening differently and so instead of encountering the fantastic four after he became dr doom and took over latviria instead he's re-encountering the fantastic four after having become the sorcerer supreme in addition to this danson actually does a pretty good job maintaining the uh the essence of who the fantastic four are in the sense that of course dr doom shows up and says that he could just wipe them all out if he wanted to um but the issue is he needs read richard's help because reed richards is the second smartest person according to doctor doom and the idea is that he needs an artifact of this that's long since been lost in order to successfully defeat uh dormammu so what he does is he teleports the fantastic four into the past and has them disguised as pirates and the idea is to have the fantastic four board a ship that currently houses the obsidian stone of merlin which can be used to defeat dormammu that is the idea that danslock came up with and people wonder why spider-man is being written so bad at the moment but the fact remains here that dr doom and the fantastic four are successfully able to work together in the sense of the fantastic four are able to grasp the uh the obsidian stone which is specially attuned for magical properties which can which of course you know dr doom can in turn enhance and then take on the forces of dormammu which he's successfully able to do and the result of this is that dormammu is effectively cast back into the dark dimension and earth is freed of his control the problem with this is that you know dr doom seems to succumb to the power of the obsidian stone in the sense that it drains the souls of its wielder and the result of this is that dr doom seems to be dead or on the verge of dying now while he is taken over to stephen strange for the purpose of strange using his uh his his surgical skills in order to try to save the life of victor von doom it doesn't seem as if it's possible and it seems as if victor von doom is dying but what happens is doom says that he had planned for this and the reason why was that when he first encountered steven strange he sensed that strange had the potential for incredible magical abilities and so what he did is he created a safeguard he created a machine that would allow him to continue his legacy and what he does is he basically has the mind of steven strange removed or at least has his memories removed and overridden with the memories of victor von doom basically allowing doom to switch bodies between who he was and the body of steven strange i don't know if that makes any sense to you guys um i'll be honest man this story's batshit crazy [Laughter] this story is insane uh this is wow uh i mean it's fun you know it's fun it's a fun you know it's a story i enjoyed uh it is just it's it's a what-if story we'll leave it at that anyway guys if you guys are new here to comics explain make sure you guys hit the sub button and uh you know make sure you guys become part of the rob core make sure you guys drop a like if you enjoyed this video and uh leave a comment down below and let me know what you think um was dan slott on something when he wrote this story but yeah so with that being said we're gonna bring this video to an end good god and i will catch you all later peace all right there is a story there's a story where uh deadpool becomes venom now this story is this story is written by rick remender and it is a descent into absolute madness uh partly because of the fact that on his mask deadpool is wearing a mustache i don't know how that works but apparently it does now uh this story also picks up in 1985. now the the kicker about all this is that this treats uh secret wars 2 as if it never really ended right i mean when when jim shooter wrote secret wars 1 and it was just this mysterious being called the beyonder that took all the villains and all the heroes and it put them on battle world and it made them fight each other you know when this story first popped up in 1984 it was all the rage was like yeah this is crazy this is awesome you know it was meant to be a one-off but because of his popularity marvel launched secret wars number two which basically gave expansion on the beyond or the beyonder you know was curious about humanity showed up on earth and looked like john travolta from saturday night fever so what ended up happening is in this story the beyonder never left the beyonder was never defeated by the molecule man owen reese instead the beyonder was the beyond was messing around with people now deadpool is contracted by galactus and the reason why he's contracted by galactus is because the beyonder merged modok with the butt of galactus i don't know else how i don't know how else to say that like i don't know how else to to to say that to you guys uh but the idea here is that galactus basically contracts uh or at least he gives deadpool the uh the reckoning sponge of fire and says your job is to go after the beyonder and basically use the retcon expungifier to annihilate him from existence now of course we know the expunge of fire is basically like a stand-in for the ultimate nullifier right like the ultimate nullifier can obliterate things from existence well the retcon expungifier removes things from continuity so it's it basically it treats the beyonder like he never existed is essentially what happens the problem with this is that when deadpool finds the beyonder he's just totally enamored by he's totally enamored by his jerry curls apparently his jerry curls are absolutely incredible and because of that deadpool can't let it go not only that for some reason or another deadpool has jerry curl now which is which is weird but the funny thing about this too is uh apparently the beyonder took billy ocean and made him his limo driver now for those of you guys who don't know billy ocean was a guy who did the the caribbean the caribbean queen song you know now we're sharing the same dream you know like he's the one that did that song and uh apparently the beyonder loved it so much that he made billy ocean his driver but there's also another reason why he brought in billy ocean the reason for this is keep in mind this basically treats the events of secret wars like they actually happen in the sense that peter parker eventually came across the venom symbiote not knowing what it was thinking it was a suit it bonded to peter parker and he came back to earth with his new costume of course being a superhero he immediately attacks the beyonder and of course is like look you know you made me who i am he basically made me this venom character but then we realized the other reason why billy ocean is here is that in addition to being one of the most famous singers of all times uh he is he's he's he's very good at killing people and what he basically what he basically does he is this is god recommender man quick reminder writes this line where he says hey spider-man get into my dreams and out of my car now this is basically a flip on the phrase on the song that billy ocean did where he's like you know get out of my dreams and into my bed like that's basically that's the song they're playing on god i love this dude i love this story the crazy thing about this though with regards to venom becoming uh i'm sorry deadpool becoming venom uh because of the fact that peter parker's basically blasted with the you know this weapon whatever it is that billy ocean's using that the singer billy ocean's using uh the venom symbiotes cast off of peter parker and in response it merges itself to deadpool now at this point we basically pick up like we literally just jump forward to 1993 and the beyonder has been living like this wild life this ridiculously fun life but but the novelties wore off not only that and man dude rick remembers cold-blooded this one not only that uh tony stark is a full-blown alcoholic like the the his whole alcoholism has gotten the best of him and there is god rick remember there is this uh really messed up line where deadpool's like what happened to the reconyx sponge of fire you know whatever happened to that because i still have to kill the beyonder and tony stark says we pawned it we pawned it with the with the rest of my iron man suit and then he says he kept the glove he's still iron man he's still in control this is uh this is this is kind of offensive to be honest like i've known alcoholics is kind of offensive to alcoholics but it's also tony stark and it's a deadpool comic so it's i guess take it for what it's worth but what ends up happening here is deadpool basically says okay fine you know if we don't have the reconyx sponge of fire then i'm basically going to be a good guy and so what he does is he basically sells he sells tony stark to advanced idea mechanics he literally sells tony stark and i guess they're going to take his brain are they going to do whatever they do i don't think we ever find out but from here he basically goes on this trip to try to become a superhero by joining different groups of course he goes to the fantastic four and read richard says we do not hire curly haired people which of course is one of the most severe instances of discrimination that i've ever seen uh he goes to the avengers mansion and jarvis chases him off with a broom and then he goes he goes to the defenders god the defenders suck he goes to the defenders and the defenders are desperate they're like you running the doorbell of the defenders we're hiring please and he's like nope he doesn't even want to work with the defenders no one likes a defender so that's that's messed up now that's old school defenders i'm pretty sure the new marvel now 2.0 defenders will be pretty amazing but in the end like the you know deadpool looks around and basically says the problem the reason why he's not able to find gainful employment is because of the fact that the venom symbiote exists in the form of jerry curl on his head now this is uh this is ridiculous this is when rick remember well if the comic hadn't gone off the rails before it goes off the rails now like this is when rick reminder really uh just kind of loses it and the reason why is because you know it seems like the deadpool does not have the venom symbiont but he still has the powers of spider-man i don't know how i don't know how that works but it does and so what he says is okay look you know if no one's gonna take me on as a superhero then i'm gonna be my own superhero and he essentially just goes around killing people like that's what he does he just kills criminals everywhere that he finds them not only that we find out that the beyonder has basically reinvigorated the battleworld concept in the sense that instead of like traditional superheroes you know fighting against crime instead they're all basically just fighting against each other in this giant battle right now now when deadpool gets there rick remender starts making making fun of comic book fans he makes fun of you he makes fun of me like he makes fun of comic book fans there's this guy i guess he's super something i don't know the century or something like that but there's this guy that appears to uh to deadpool and basically says you look ridiculous in that costume that guy over there is wearing an american flag and he's got an american flag discus that guy is an iconic hero and then the response of deadpool is like hey look man i mean that doesn't really matter i mean the suit doesn't really matter you know i mean you have like that guy over there who's basically moon knight you know he's just as good as captain america or something along those lines but then like this weird superhero just like freaks out this is when rick mender starts making fun of fans because he's like you do not take superheroes on the street and put them on teams with big superheroes street superheroes stay in their place big team superheroes stay in their place you can't allow things to mix because if you allow things to mix then it makes it different and things that are different are weird and i don't understand it and i get confused and i don't like it and it's it's it's him making fun of comic book fans basically saying comic book fans don't like change like comic book fans are scared of change because it puts them in a position where they're not comfortable as a comic book fan i don't consider that to be the case but i think it's also pretty funny like it's pretty hilarious but the fact remains here that we basically pick up you know we pick up with jerry springer this comic is insane we pick up with jerry springer and apparently we have deadpool we have some chick with the venom symbiote hair now with the jerry curl and then we have the beyonder and they're here because of the fact that this girl who's calling herself the carnage curl is with the beyonder and deadpool's upset about it deadpool's angry just because of the fact that this girl caused him so much hassle the reason why was because deadpool's goal was to invite the beyonder over to his house for grand gala and the goal was to just basically kill the beyonder the issue with this is that the beyonder brought his ex-girlfriend brought deadpool's ex-girlfriend with him and his ex-girlfriend apparently carnage crow was just like this crazy chick that like burned his house down that like dropped a deuce in his home i mean it was it was it was really messed up but uh in the end like she basically says look i'm with the beyonder now you have to show me some respect and when deadpool's like why she says because i'm pregnant now the reason why this is ridiculous is because if you guys ever watched jerry springer back in the day it was like the big huge drop it was like man like you know this guy's been cheating on me or something like that or this girl's been cheating on me or it's just like some ridiculous situation and then like the mic drop moment is like i'm pregnant and it's just it's it's like oh my god well then we find out that apparently the beyonder is not the father of this child the father of this child is galactus the plot thickens galactus fathered like he basically slept with beyonder's girlfriend in order to get his revenge on the beyonder merging modoc with his butt and so because of this the two of them just get into a massive fight and the earth is destroyed now from here rick remembers like whatever hashtag logic we end up picking up with deadpool having saved the world and the reason why is because in the fight between galactus and the beyonder deadpool was just like all right you guys are losing your minds you guys are way too powerful to be fighting like this you're gonna you're gonna wipe everything out of existence he used the retcon expungifier to obliterate them from continuity and so the world celebrated deadpool they were like yeah deadpool saved the world deadpool is amazing well the problem with this is that in the mind of deadpool he's been seeking admiration this entire time he's been seeking people to look at him and believe that he is the best he's the best superhero the greatest of all the superheroes the issue with this is that you still have superheroes around there and so deadpool's not getting everyone's adoration instead you know they're they're celebrating thor they're celebrating captain america so on and so forth and so what deadpool decides to do is kill thor it's the most logical thing apparently for deadpool to do and so he go so when thor is using the bathroom deadpool runs up on him he grabs his hammer he kills thor he basically becomes deadpool venom thor and then kills all the superheroes except for the women that he considers to be attractive so that they can admire how attractive attractive he is and so on the problem with this is that he's basically just become a dick like that's what he is he's basically like yes i'm the greatest person in the world you all should worship me but it's funny because he's having this conversation with doc sampson and doc sampson's like no usually when it comes to something like this where people say that nobody respects them or they're causing drama or something like that they usually do things like causing drama because it makes them feel like they're achieving something when they're not but he also says that the reason why people didn't like you before was because you were a dick i mean you could say sure like they just didn't respect you because you were a small time superhero or you weren't really more of an anti-hero more than anything else but it was really just because you were a jerk and no one liked you and so in response deadpool rips off the head of doc sampson goes and grabs the reckonic spongifier and like retcons the story out of continuity that's basically that's how rick remender ends this this story essentially doesn't exist in marvel comics seems to be the case this story is insane but i love it i love the story where deadpool becomes venom because it's so ridiculous because it's so insane and i think that every once in a while we have to read crazy insane comics because they help to keep us grounded it's like it's like sci-fi movies right like sometimes you just gotta sit down and you gotta watch frankenfish not because frankenfish is a good movie not because it's anywhere close to what anybody could even consider to be anything remotely near a good movie but because of the fact that you you just need things like that it's like that with everything right i mean you gotta play games like call of duty so you can play the bad and you can appreciate the good you play call of duty like man i really like battlefield or if you hate battlefield and you play call of duty you say i play battlefield so i can appreciate call of duty whatever the case may be like you got to have everything in balance you know and i love the way this whole thing this whole thing comes out but the fact remains if you guys are new here to comics explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like i'm sure there's going to be a few people who take themselves too seriously you're like oh you were laughing in the video and i don't like it but uh in any of it guys we're going to bring this to an end and i will catch you all later peace okay so with monday being our i guess our weekly hulk video now i mean i didn't really intend for it to be this way but it's kind of turned out that way we're gonna be talking about the incredible hulk's wife conquering earth and it's actually kind of a cool story this all goes back to the whole planet hulk thing and that's one of the funny things that we did we really didn't do a whole lot of like what-if stories when it came to like planet hulk world war hulk different things like that by and large the most popular what if story we did for plan for uh world war hulk rather was the incredible whole killing all the superheroes and then becoming galactus as herald but that was really about it i mean we really didn't do a whole lot of what ifs what this does is it gives us an alternate take on the original planet hulk event now for those of you guys who are new to you know the incredible hulk in general you'll find a playlist with some 30 or 40 videos about the incredible hulk that just runs through all of his best stories it's like this great big you know five or six year long story written by a guy named greg pack that ran from the original planet hulka van all the way up through world war hulk the you know after shocks or aftermath rather and then going up to you know a couple of ancillary stories here and there leading into secret wars and then going into all new all different marvel this one i'm gonna go ahead and throw in there probably after planet hulk to be honest just because it's a what if story but planet hulk centered on the idea that the incredible hulk was just too unpredictable and too violent for the earth's superheroes and the result was that there was a group called the illuminati and the illuminati were basically this kind of inner circle of uh reed richards professor xavier it was actually captain america at one point before his mind was wiped uh dr strange and they basically i guess you know tony stark and they basically all just kind of banded together for the purpose of keeping the earth protected from you know external and internal threats what they ended up doing is they basically shot the incredible hulk into space and the goal was to send him to a peaceful planet where he could basically live out his days without having to worry about threats or anything along those lines and without being a threat to earth the problem was he ended up on this planet called sikar which resulted in him basically being turned into a slave and then becoming a gladiator and then all that kind of good stuff at the end of that planet hulk story he had basically found love with a woman named kyra and they actually ended up you know starting a family of sorts or at least she ended up getting pregnant and in the midst of you know rebuilding this empire after the incredible hulk had conquered the existing king the illuminati ship had basically exploded it had detonated due to its nuclear core being tampered with and things going awry which ultimately resulted in the incredible hulk's wife kiera basically being killed this led into world war hulk when the incredible hulk showed up back to earth and crushed everybody it was a really cool story what this does is it gives us an alternate take it pretty much runs over everything that we just talked about a second ago the difference here is that in the moment when this ship began to go awry and began to detonate the incredible hulk grabbed kyra and threw her out of the blast zone and ended up being killed himself in the process now there are a couple of things that marvel does here that we just kind of have to take with a grain of salt the incredible hulk being killed in a nuclear explosion for example under normal circumstances the incredible hulk would never be killed in a nuclear blast he's too durable he's too powerful he's too strong that would never happen he'd probably be injured but he would never be killed in a nuclear explosion he'd withstand it and then he would just kind of keep on keeping on in fact that's where we got maestro hulk from when the world you know basically collapsed into nuclear war and maestro hulk emerged with bruce banner kind of being driven insane by all this radiation and then you know kind of conquering what was left of humanity and then just crowning himself king the other half of this is that with kyra effectively surviving she basically bonds herself with the entirety of the old power now the old power was this concept created by greg pack for the purpose of just offering an explanation as to how it was nick heyer was able to do the things she was as well as setting the groundwork for the introduction of the incredible hulk son scar now we talked about the old power in our videos on on greg pack's whole run planet hulk world war hulk all that kind of good stuff but the old power is basically this energy of sorts that was sort of either created or tapped into by a group of individuals and was designed to basically counter the power cosmic of galactus the problem with this was that only certain people could actually access it individuals who were considered to be the old strong and the result was that when they did it it basically amplified whatever existing power they had and then those who hadn't manipulated or knew how to manipulate it effectively could actually make themselves almost on par with galactus in terms of their abilities that's what we saw with the incredible hulk's second son hiro kala the the things that he was able to do the kind of stunts he was able to pull off with regards to this particular story kaira actually absorbs the entirety of the old power from within the planet of sakhar itself and then in turn intends to travel back to earth now one thing to keep in mind she's not on par with galactus and this particular level of strength but she's well beyond all the other earth's superheroes and the way this plays out is that she basically arrives or at least the first place she conquers is the moon now again those of you guys who saw our videos on world war hulk or who are watching comicstorians videos on world war hook this follows almost directly in line with the events as they unfolded there in terms of the steps that were taken there's a few differences here the first is that the incredible hulk did arrive on the moon the reason why was because of the fact that the inhumans had long since resided on the moon they had basically left earth during the events of inhumans vol 2 i think it was and they'd basically been on the moon ever since but the idea here was that the incredible hulk had stopped at the moon first because black bolt the king of the inhumans was one of the illuminati one of the people who banished him and the result was that you know the incredible hulk basically conquered black bolt with this we don't see that happen we don't see that take place another difference here is the sentry robber reynolds in the original world war hulk story the sentry and uh and the incredible hulk just basically beat the crap out of one another and it was actually really really cool to see the sentry was like this one guy who could stand against the incredible hulk really the only one who was able to pull it off but what ends up happening here is that because of the fact that kyra basically attacks the inhumans and in doing so just blows off a massive chunk of the moon it catches the attention of the earth's superheroes before she ever arrives now of course he ends up tapping into the satellites that orbit the earth and then broadcast a message telling the illuminati that they're all going to die that the earth's superheroes are all going to be killed because they're the reason why the incredible hulk was banished in the first place but in their attempt to try to get to her before she arrives to new york we end up finding out that she has black bolt in tow now this is one of the other things that kind of requires us to not really stress the limits of credulity but to sort of you know modify how we normally see black bull because black bull's powers have waxed and waned over the years for those of you guys who don't know black bolt has you know super strength speed so on and so forth but his most formidable power is a quasi-sonic scream and what it means is that if he tries to talk he'll destroy whatever's in his path now there's been stories where he's been power powerful enough to shatter planets there's been stories like house of m with just a whisper he was almost infinitely more powerful than he was in the mainline marvel universe and this particular story it seems like it's really hitting back to the power that he had during house of m and the reason we know that is because of the fact that as soon as kaira grabs him she immediately tells him to basically speak now of course under normal circumstances black bolt would never do this but remember back when the incredible hulk was on sakar one of the reasons why he was forced into servitude as a gladiator is because he had been bonded with an obedience disc and while the obedience disc didn't modify his mind what it did do is it sent a series of electric currents through whoever the disc was bonded to until they did what they were told it was just basically a way to force control and the result is that when kaira activates this obedience disc black bolt simply says no and then obliterates the sentry and doctor strange now doctor strange we could easily see him being destroyed especially if he doesn't have time to cast a spell to protect him from from black bolts quasi-sonic screen the sentry is a little more questionable here it's one of those things where it's kind of like i don't really know if blackboard would be able to destroy the century but it's still kind of a cool thing it's still kind of a cool little bit of a story here but following this this is where things begin to differ because remember when the incredible hulk showed up in new york due to the events of world war hulk it was really one of those just capture everybody capture the members of the illuminati and then we're going to force them to fight in the gladiatorial games kyra does not have the same restraint as the incredible hulk and this makes sense because remember the incredible hulk fought alongside almost all these superheroes at some point or another over the course of his life as a hero he's fought alongside the avengers he's fought alongside the x-men he's fought alongside the fantastic four he's also fought against them as well but whether they were enemies or whether they were friends there's a kind of camaraderie that existed between all of them with this particular story kaira does not have that camaraderie in her mind they're bad guys they're the reason why her husband's dead and they're all going to die and that's exactly what she does she literally takes to almost all of your superheroes iron man is killed reed richards of the fantastic four is killed all these guys are basically taken out now remember with her having the old power she's able to manipulate the very forces of the earth itself in addition to amplifying her own power so not only are the earth superheroes fighting against kyra they're also fighting against the planet that they live on now the way that things begin to shift is in truth it would have been very easy for her to obliterate the entirety of the earth's superheroes for the most part because the power she possesses is well beyond anything they have but in this moment she's basically told that would be foolish it would be stupid to kill the entirety of the earth's superheroes because then what are you going to rule are you going to rule a sender you're going to rule a giant uninhabited planet there's not going to be anything here for you to have any possession of and so the result is that she actually ends up backing off and we jump forward about 21 years later only for us to find out that she had basically bonded the entirety of the earth superhero community with obedience discs you know and these include people like colossus she-hulk so on and so forth but the other thing that we're also sort of given here is this idea that the whole of humanity have been bonded with these obedience discs now we don't know for sure we're not told that explicitly but that seems to be the case just because of the fact that there are people here who do not have powers that have been bonded with obedience discs now the other half of this is we also have to imagine that in this conflict various superheroes have probably been killed i mean the city of new york is in the process of being rebuilt but we also find out that this massive monument is being constructed now of course this comes directly from scar himself now remember in the incredible hulk line of stories in the mainline marvel comics scar had basically survived this nuclear explosion after he was released by his mother and then preserved using the uh the power of the old strong in order to keep him in case in this kind of molten cocoon and the result was that he emerged he eventually made his escape from zakar and then showed up on earth to battle his father whom he considered to be someone that just kind of abandoned him or left him behind in this story that's not the case cairo was of course pregnant with him but presumably gave birth on earth to him and then in turn raced him in her own image but of course we end up finding out this massive structure that's being built is designed explicitly to basically pay homage to the incredible hulk not only that with his hand being outstretched we end up finding out that this is basically kaira's testament to him in the sense that she leaves the entirety of earth in control of her son's scar and then just sort of joins the statue of bruce banner effectively giving up her power and sacrificing her life in the process so again it's kind of a weird situation it's a little strange in terms of how this unfolds but it's also sort of cool because this shows us the lengths that the incredible hulk's wife would go to in order to basically avenge her husband's death and with the power that she possessed it was enough to effectively conquer the entirety of the earth take over all these different superheroes and supervillains kill those that rebelled and then make the place her own so again it's a pretty cool story and it's pretty interesting in terms of how it unfolds but yeah i thought it'd be kind of fun to just sort of throw this what if story out there and just say hey here's a really cool story with the incredible hulk we've covered mostly origin videos so far we'll probably end up doing uh hulk 2099 at some point but the idea is just kind of run through these different little incredible hulk things that a lot of people have been asking for since we originally did planet hulk world war hulk and all that kind of stuff but if you guys are new here to comments explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the robcor if you enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and yeah i mean not too bad for you know like a 13-page story it's not that long it's actually from uh planet hulk what if which has like three or four different stories all combined into one there's one story where it's like what if bruce banner had landed on sakhar instead of the incredible hulk what if the incredible whole kid landed on the planet that he was supposed to where it was peaceful it's kind of cool because he eventually becomes a god but uh nonetheless you know it's one of these interesting concepts but anyway guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and i will catch you all later peace so for this week's what if story i figured we do the story of what if the century killed the marvel universe now this actually comes out as a what if story as a counterpart to siege which is actually issue number 200 it's actually pretty cool but for those of you guys who don't know i've done a video on siege which you'll find down in the description but the basis of this was really like the conclusion of everything that had come after civil war i mean we had the superhuman registration act we had secret invasion we had dark rain where norman osborne had replaced tony stark as director of shield and norman osborne had looked to basically take over the world the idea of siege brought all these things to an end so it saw the disbanding of the superhuman registration act it saw the defeat of norman osborne it saw the death of robert reynolds in the original story the death of the century this what if story takes a different approach so during dark rain norman osborne had basically replaced the avengers with villains because for a lot of people out there they knew about the identity of some of the heroes but they didn't know all of them and so for example hawkeye was basically replaced with bullseye uh norman osborne himself took over the role of iron man operating under the role of or under the name of iron patriot with the iron man armor um we had a multitude of heroes who were essentially just replaced with villains and then osborne used them as a way to effectively solidify his reign now we also had groups like the x-men which were basically outliers in the sense that norman osborn's control at the time was really isolated to the continental united states and so for the x-men they effectively left the continental united states they formed their own society in a place called utopia off the coast of san francisco and they operated outside of norman osborn's control so because of this they were able to basically try to thwart his efforts as best they could but there really wasn't a whole lot that they could do because remember this is a point in the history of the x-men where the mutant population has been reduced by 98 so there's only a very small portion of them left who can effectively fight against osborne and so during the original siege event asgard as it existed in oklahoma was really like the last bastion of norman osborne solidifying his rule and then taking the steps to essentially take over the government and make himself dictator and so because of this he had basically brought along a lot of his a lot of his his ilk his cabal and led a campaign to take over asgard now the kicker to this was that you still had thor you still had a lot of heroes who were there you had uh loki who was kind of the hidden hand behind it all but the idea here was that osborne had gone against the forces of asgard and he gone against you know the avengers under captain america when they had realized what was going on and they basically rallied to the call and so uh norman osborne was essentially defeated here in this story we take a different approach in the original siege event or i guess in the events of dark rain really the events that led up to siege norman osborne had essentially had uh the century's wife lindy killed by bullseye and then he had used the emotional state of robert reynolds to manipulate him into following the ideologies of norman osborne hence having one of the most powerful beings in existence on his side with this particular story instead of fighting ares the god of war on the battlefield during the siege of asgard instead robert reynolds had fought him several days beforehand and what this meant was that instead of like the original siege on asgard story where robert reynolds was basically exhausted after fighting uh fighting ares in this story he's fully energized he has he's lost virtually none of his power and because of this he's quite literally a one-man army i mean robert reynolds goes through he kills luke cage by punching a hole in him he kills thor like he he cuts off the head of captain america and it was actually really really messed up he was it was funny it's not funny that's not funny that captain america's head got cut off that's it is funny because like like scarlet or not a scarf sweater um spider woman jessica drew is like no it's hilarious to me but the idea here is that robert reynolds allowed for norman osborne's villains to effectively go through and start killing off what was left to the superheroes because you gotta keep in mind captain america despite not having any real superpowers per se is like a moral rallying point for all of the superheroes i mean they looked to steve rogers as the one guy that was solidified in brian michael bendis's age of ultron when everything had come crashing down all the superheroes were waiting on steve rogers to formulate a plan that's literally what they were waiting on they were waiting on him to get his act together to figure out what to do next they ultimately settled on traveling to one of nick fury's bunkers when he was still alive but the idea was you know during age of ultron it was established that captain america was the rallying guy and it always been that way that story just kind of solidified it as being an absolute truth but with him being killed here the superheroes haven't really lost their will to fight so much as they've lost any real measure of organization and so again we have the avengers coming in much like we did before we have iron man we have you know uh wolverine you know we have the x-men cyclops we have them coming in of course the x-men again didn't play a major role in the original events of siege but they're showing up here but it doesn't matter because they're all being defeated by you know robert reynolds and by these various heroes and so the way things begin to differentiate is emma frost effectively has to watch his cyclops died but during this process dr doom arrives dr doom steps in and says hey we gotta get out of here like i have magic that's basically hiding our our existence here but it won't be long before this magic wears off they realize that we're here and then they kill us so we've got to bail out because i have a plan and so she ends up going with dr doom and they arrive back at utopia now again utopia is this area where the x-men are basically operating out of but there's only a handful of them left now from those who had originally been killed and so you know when the when the question is what's your plan you know what what goal do you have here we're suddenly met by the arrival of loki and loki is the one that says hey i have a plan i'm the one that that has this idea on how we're going to fix everything and so at this point we really just kind of have norman osborne in the background solidifying his reign in the sense that he informs carla and he informs mack a couple of his henchmen to basically go and kill the president of the united states thereby allowing norman osborn to solidify himself as absolute ruler of the world we also have you know bullseye trying to be dealt with by some of these other heroes as well but it's really just this attempt by them to uh to eliminate as many of northern osborne's heroes as they can before they end up getting into robert reynolds now following this robert reynolds is actually brought to them by loki and this was the plan of loki himself his plan was to basically go to reynolds and to say hey bullseye was the one that killed your wife norman osborne was the one who instructed him to do it now initially he doesn't believe them but emma frost says hey you know let me use my powers let me go into your mind and i'll show you what it is that had happened and when he sees what took place he immediately kills her and the reason why he does this is because robert reynolds transforms into the void now this is a great time to have that conversation because i've seen so many people ask that i saw the in the siege comments or the siege video people were asking in the comments section is the void more powerful than robert reynolds yes robert reynolds it's really kind of like his powers are sort of a mishmash there are some that say that he has the ability to warp reality and that's kind of been confirmed to a degree in marvel comics there are some that say he's just super powerful and his power is whatever the writers need him to do at any one particular point in time like that is just what his power is his he has he has powers of convenience but the idea here is that robert reynolds always has like a moral compass he always keeps the void in check the void is all the anger and all the hate of robert reynolds manifested into a physical being and it's unbridled power i mean just unbridled untapped uh uncontrollable power in the most extreme and so it's literally just a force of nature is the best way to describe the void it is and it's an insane reckoning and we see this because the void literally kills everyone it kills doctor doom now the death of dr doom which doctor doom always seems to die in stories like this but the death of doctor doom is so cool because you know the the void says hey look if you want a bag you can beg and dr doom says nope i don't beg and so void says okay fine and just kills him off no questions no nothing kills off one of the most powerful mystics one of the most powerful beings in existence after that he turns his attention to norman osborn and kills norman osborn and so from here it's basically you know humanity launching its weapons it's you know it's weapons of war it's bombs and so on against the center against the void with no effort whatsoever nothing happening out of this and after this the void basically begins going through and killing all those heroes that just didn't show up at the siege on asgard it kills all these beings that just simply didn't make it to that event for whatever reason and so what we learn is that this entire series of events is actually being watched by a uh by a member of the watcher named atau now this is actually a deviation from the status quo in marvel comics all the what if stories are basically told to us from uwatu the watcher and the reason why was established again in the original sin story when he walked to the watcher had access to see all the other universes that exist out there and so it was like we were watching it through the eyes of the watcher as he was looking at a viewing screen but what happens is this is actually another guy named uh named tao who's you know relaying these events to a watching the watcher and the implication here is that not only does the void go through and wipe out all life on earth and destroy the earth itself it also seems like the void is going to eventually destroy the moon and then make its way through the entirety of the universe killing everything off now the question is could the boy do that yes the void could easily go through and kill the cosmic entities kill the celestials kill galactus because remember the void's power is limitless there's no there's nothing the void can't do and so any foe that goes against the void the void will have enough power to kill that foe every single time across the board without fail this is why this the character of the century is uh so derisive in marvel comics and this is you know because it's he's really just kind of like a trump card like century enters the fray and then whatever side he's on wins but it's also the other reason why the century and the comics had always tried to keep the void at bay because if the void would were to go unleashed like it did here uh then it would just lead to the destruction of everything this is really just showing us what happens when the void when the sentry basically lets his guard down and allows the void to completely take over and you know what what the ramifications would be for a situation like that it's just the void wiping out all things in existence but if you guys are new here to comics explain make sure you guys hit the subscribe button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video drop a like and leave a comment down below let me know what you guys think about the century robert reynolds let me know how you guys feel about him because i know he's really popular but really hardcore comic book fans hate him but people who are casual fans think he's interesting so i'm kind of curious to see what side of the field you guys uh take on this i like him i think he's a cool character i think that he was kind of misused in the new avengers run when he was folded over i think his best stories came out of marvel nights but you know i think that uh he's still a pretty reasonable character still decent i mean he's dead now for those of you guys who don't know by the way i want to go ahead and bring this up too for those of you guys who don't know the century dying in siege was the last time he officially appeared in marvel comics he was kind of resurrected as one of the four horsemen i think is part of the apocalypse twins but that wasn't really like this century as we knew him the century as we knew him is essentially gone um the old school century appeared in the uh contest of champions i think but that doesn't count like the the century as we know him is is gone he's never been seen or heard from again he may come back but i don't think he will i think the centuries is kind of gone he was a difficult character to work with anyway it was difficult to write stories for him because he suffered from the superman complex but the fact remains you know that we may or may not see him at some future point in time but with that being said we're gonna bring this video to an end and i will catch you all later so as we continue our discussion surrounding you know wolverine related content in response to the trailer for logan having been released what i want to do here is i want to talk about how i want to talk about how wolverine killed all the super villains now this is this actually comes to us as issue 111 of the what if line of stories now for those of you guys who know about what if bear with me for a second while i went over this for those who don't if you're coming from dc comics the what if line of publications are similar to what you call else worlds the difference here is that else worlds are just stories that are out there they don't usually tie into the existing continuity the what if stories in marvel comics do so it's like what if you know wolverine had killed the incredible hulk when the two of them first met when wolverine first appeared in marvel comics it was in a battle with the incredible hulk the what if story is based on what if wolverine had killed the incredible hulk in that battle then how would the conflict turn out or how would the world turn out there's stories like what if an aunt may had died instead of uncle ben there are some really cool stories like that but they always have their roots in the main continuity for those of you guys who are not coming from dc comics that are just you know kind of curious about marvel in and of itself the same idea still applies that marvel has one straight universe which is called the earth 616 continuity and all the what if stories are just alternate realities that branch off of that now this particular story actually has its roots in wolverine becoming a horseman of apocalypse now the way this worked was that in the mid 1990s uh comic books had just been struggling in general and so the goal was to try to reinvigorate them and keep them interesting but at the same time wolverine had lost his adamantium in a battle with magneto during the events of fatal attractions which i'll actually have a video on but because of this wolverine was effectively sent off into the wild where he became what's called feral wolverine and his comics actually lasted this way for quite some time the issue with this was that it wasn't a story that could be done forever marvel eventually had to find a way to bring him back to make him into the wolverine that we always knew and so what they did is they basically initiated a story where the villain apocalypse had kidnapped wolverine and sabertooth and basically said whichever one of you wins in a battle to the death will not only you know become my horseman war but will also receive enhancements and so because wolverine was still relatively feral at this point because he was a far more capable fighter than sabertooth was he ultimately killed sabertooth and in doing so apocalypse restored his adamantium to his bones and made wolverine into the horseman war now in that original story wolverine's brainwashing was basically worn off by a combination of jubilee and the rest of the x-men who were able to talk him down and bring him back in this story that didn't happen instead wolverine remained the horseman war and so what we do here is we initially pick up with a group called the war watch and the war watch basically just functions to ensure that the world stays safe and this is actually one of the really cool concepts here because in this you know in this future there is no war between humans and mutants that humans and mutants are basically living in peace that xavier's dream of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants has actually come to fruition in addition to this we also see that this uh what seems to be this fledgling group of young officers are brought in at the behest of their sergeant and they're basically told that there is a group calling themselves the wolf pack who are basically a gang that have been running amok and they've been attacking stores now what this tells us is that in this future that there is still violence violence is very rare it doesn't happen very often but when it does it's quickly snuffed out and that these young people are a combination of regular humans and mutants who have come together under the banner of the wolf pack and begun engaging in violent acts and so what ends up happening is the war watch of course bands together these police go out to the mall they attack these young people they basically uh they grab them they throw them uh or at least they seem to subdue them with uh with gas and then they take them you know and have them arrested accordingly the whole question is how did things get to this point you know at what moment did everything seem to change and what we're told or at least what we're given is this sort of uh quick rundown on the history of wolverine's life what we know is that before he joined the x-men wolverine was a part of a group called alpha flight as part of canada's department k which was canada's superhero team the idea was that as part of alpha flight you know wolverine served to carry out government actions and so on and so forth but eventually his journeys brought him to the attention of the x-men not only that he had of course received his adamantium upgrades by virtue of the weapon x program but in light of all this when the time came whereby he was made a horseman of apocalypse because the x-men either didn't come to his aid or didn't arrive fast enough that immediately after he became the horseman war he killed apocalypse right off the bat now something to point out here is that this is entirely possible apocalypse yes he has celesto technology yes he's wildly powerful he's one of the most powerful mutants in existence he can alter his size to virtually anything but wolverine having adamantium makes him virtually indestructible and because there's really no metal that that apocalypse could be in possession of with the exception of adamantium itself that could keep him safe from wolverine he was easily killed by wolverine now this is also kind of funny too because those of you guys who ever watched x-men the animated series whenever wolverine used his claws on apocalypse it never worked that was actually an error that was a mistake in the show that uh his claws should have easily torn through apocalypse's armor but the fact remains here that after becoming the horseman war he basically embarked on a crusade to kill off every single supervillain he came across so he killed off the juggernaut he killed pyro he killed magneto he killed him all he killed arcade who was a small time villain that basically used tricks and things like that he's like marvel's version of the riddler but the fact remains here that he killed anybody he was much like the punisher he killed anybody who was involved in governmental corruption who was involved in trafficking it didn't matter if they were mutants it didn't matter if they were humans if they were political officials if they were your average joes he killed every single bad guy anyone who had ever done anything nefarious in the marvel universe the problem with this was that the heroes also recognized that if allowed to continue unchecked that wolverine would basically become a detriment to the world as a whole and so all the superheroes of the world came together and they began forming their own governments their own or against their own groups and organizations so the avengers went against wolverine the inhumans went against wolverine the x-men went against wolverine and he killed every single one of them he killed every last one and so in response the humanity and what was left of the mutant population banded together and formed a group called war watch and warwatch was designed to quite literally keep tabs on what it was that wolverine was doing and eventually find him and bring him in the problem was that they were never really successful in doing that simply because of the fact that if wolverine doesn't want to be caught then he won't be caught and so what this does is this continues along the path of one of these young recruits who goes to the hudson bay watch grounds which is kind of like the next step in the in the war wash not only that he's also become a little bit disillusioned with everything that's going on and so in his journeys he actually comes across a a monk who seems to be in hiding or the very least seems to be just kind of watching all these things unfold and the idea is to learn from him everything he can not only that this person's operating under the mantle of brother xavier so the initial idea is maybe this is charles xavier maybe charles xavier was the last surviving guy in addition to this what brother xavier also does is he gives an account of wolverine's history and saying that not only you know did he turn against various villains that he also fought people who were allies at one point in time again tying into this element of killing off the uh the various superheroes and the various supervillains that existed and so in response to this basically what he did is he recognized the fact that some aspect of his personality the wolverine was always doomed to be the horseman war that all that you know becoming the horseman ward did was allow this dark aspect of his persona to completely emerge and allow the humanity of who he was to be cast aside and so in the end what we learn is that this person that this young man has been talking to is actually wolverine himself in addition to this once they get you know back to normal society that when the war watch is still trying to deal with this gang this wolf pack that's you know running amok throughout various cities that wolverine actually comes to their aid and wolverine is able to stop every single one of these kids not only that this guy you know some of these people also recognize that it seems to be wolverine himself and so once this meeting between the two is completed once this young man officially allows himself to be inducted into the end of the order of monks which are part of this uh this war watch once he's become kind of a i guess a leader so to speak that wolverine officially reveals who he is and tells him that the goal is to always keep conflict at bay the goal is to always keep battle at bay and then it's a never-ending fight in order to achieve this goal having said that i don't know if you guys feel like i do this is one of the worst written stories that i've ever seen in the history of my life this is so badly written it's not even funny but it is still an interesting concept with wolverine taking on the entirety of the superhero and the super villain community but because i don't like to focus on the negative we're going to bring this to an end but post down in the comments let me know try to be nice to each other guys try to be civil post a comment down below and let me know what you guys think about this story whether you thought it was good whether you thought it was bad what you thought the case may be and if you're new here to comics explain make sure you hit the sub button become part of the rob core you may or may not get a shiny new ring and uh yeah make sure you guys drop a like and i will catch you guys later peace all right so one of the big questions that i've had and this is probably a video i'm going to release before we really like jump into christmas but one of the big requests that i've had is to make a video with naked related content at least i'm pretty sure that's how you pronounce it i'm pretty sure it's deacon maybe it's dakin i don't know i was half inclined to call him steve [Music] [Laughter] oh that'd be an amazing title for a video steve the son of wolverine wolverine had a son named steve he's like yeah man like he's just a tax guy that's all he does is just do taxes he didn't really have anything special going on he's just kind of just hanging out and then he screwed up wolverine's taxes one day so he killed him [Laughter] but um in any event i've been getting that request a lot a lot of people really like the character of dakin now dakin as you guys know him was really kind of fleshed out in daniel way's run of wolverine origins which is like this 50 issue run that just covers like all these missing memories of wolverine's life as well as like original sin and subsequent stories that came around during that time but he was originally introduced under jeff loeb in wolverine volume 3 issue number 54 i think i'm not going to swear to that but i'm pretty sure it's the case somewhere around there somewhere along those lines but instead of like jumping into like a whole volume of wolverine and covering all these things that lead up to the introduction of dakin only to turn around and see a flop because nobody really cares what i instead wanted to do here was basically go through and do the what if story where wolverine killed his son now what this does is this basically kind of wraps around into the early days of his life and it turns history on its head a little bit and what i mean here is this story was written by a guy named rob williams now as far as i know rob williams really just kind of delved into independent comics he really did a lot of indie stuff and he's only really done like a handful of marvel comics and i think right now he's working with dc and vertigo but the idea here was that when deakin's backstory was slowly revealed over the course of a series of publications it had been established that his birth came by way of a massacre to be honest the winter soldier bucky barnes had basically been sent to kill the pregnant wife of wolverine he succeeded in doing that while wolverine was gone and then dakin was basically taken from the corpse of his mother and then dropped off at a wealthy family's house and that was really kind of like the earliest days of dakin that's how he kind of grew into that what this story does is it says that didn't happen instead wolverine basically came home while itsu was being attacked she did die but then he absolutely slaughtered bucky barnes this is kind of a crazy situation because rob williams in his writing that's kind of weird i wouldn't say it's continuity errors so much that because this is a what-if story this is not the same set of events so what i mean here is for those of you guys who are new to marvel comics what ifs are usually like an alternate reality dc has else worlds where it's just like here's a story where like batman and the justice league become green lanterns but they're not tied into the main dc continuity it's not like the ring of abin sure went to bruce wayne instead of hal jordan and that's the continuity it happens that way but it's not tied into things with marvel's what if they tied into the main continuity so they say well things progress normally and then you know this event happened and that seems to be what happens here but the idea of wolverine killing bucky barnes is kind of a big deal because wolverine fought alongside steve rogers captain america in world war ii he fought alongside bucky barnes as well and so he's basically killing an ally that he fought with during world war ii the problem with this is that for wolverine is pretty easy to distance himself from the idea of i'm killing a friend because this is after the supposed death of bucky barnes when he was taken by the russians and transformed into the assassin known as the winter soldier so because of this the memories that he had of his former life are essentially gone not only that bucky barnes had never really faced an enemy like wolverine before and that's prevalent in this story when he's just like you're not supposed to be here and he's terrified for his life because wolverine is a guy that after his claws first popped you know after he took off from his family and he basically tried to live a peaceful life it was one of these things where he just wanted to stay out of the public eye he was like the hulk he just wanted to be left alone he wanted a peaceful life but woe be tied the poor soul that came along and screwed that up and that's what happened with bucky barnes he took the wrong contract and the result is that wolverine basically decapitates him now from here the tough thing for logan is that he literally has to cut his wife open and take taken out and that's where things start to differentiate because and the main stories and again i'm not going to get too deep into this on the off chance this video is stupidly popular people want me to do dakin but essentially the story unfolded in a different way to where an enigmatic being basically came along some guy that we didn't know who it was at first came along and took daken out of his mother's body and then dropped him off with a family and so with wolverine taking him for him this is a crushing experience for logan and this changes everything about his character i mean this will impact his role in the x-men the whole nine yards because now he's basically a father and that was really daniel way's emphasis when he said okay you know let's focus more on dick and let's flush his character out almost the entirety of wolverine origins was this idea of wolverine basically reflecting on the history of his life and then i think by issue number 10 dakin popped up and he was like oh my god i'm a father and he had to basically change his ways and that's what happens here he looks back at his life you know a life of violence basically living for the enjoyment of it sure you know he killed people but he also wanted a peaceful life but it was the idea that wolverine could afford to be selfish he was for all intents and purposes immortal and so he knew in the back of his head even if he didn't want to acknowledge it that if itsu had a child and the two of them raised it a time would come that if that child did not inherit his healing factor he would outlive both his wife and his son but for wolverine that wasn't the issue it was he just wants to have a normal life he just wants to have a family he wants to be as human as he possibly can but looking at this child he basically sits down and says i can't just live for myself anymore it can't just be me anymore now i've got someone that looks up to me i effectively have to cast off my old ways and i literally just need to run to the furthest corners of the world and that's what they do they run to tibet i mean they run to the third of the world and they essentially just kind of hide out there now the reason why tibet was chosen is because it's such a difficult place to get to i mean you've got to get through the himalayas assuming you can survive the experience and then you've got to find your way to where it is that they are in tibet and so because of the fact it is so isolated and so hidden the likelihood of anybody who had grudges with wolverine lady deathstrike any of those characters nuke sabertooth the likelihood of any of them finding wolverine is slim to none and so during this time he basically raises his son as best he can he teaches him prayer he teaches him the humble nature of life he teaches him to respect life to respect the value of all living things to very much be at home with himself the problem with this is that wolverine is effectively ignoring what it was that made him who he was and this is why rob williams writing is so good is because it begs the question is the violent nature of wolverine just a part of who he is is it just his nature to be violent there's a really really good parable that i heard once called the scorpion and the frog and any of you guys who have heard this bear with me for a second because a lot of people haven't but it really represents these opposing dichotomies of wolverine's desire for peace and wolverine's inherent violence the parable goes like this one day there was a scorpion sitting on the side of a riverbank one day and he was trying to figure out how to get across and a frog happened by and the scorpion said frog let me climb on your back and you can set across the river and you can drop me off on the other side and the frog said no no if i do that you'll sting me and i'll drown and the scorpion said why would i do that if i did that then we would both drown and the frog thought about it for a minute and the frog said well that's a really good point you know okay that's cool so the scorpion climbs on the frog's back and the frog sets off well halfway across the river the scorpion's tail rears up and stings the frog and while the frog's veins are filling up with venom it looks back at the scorpion and said why did you sting me now we'll both drown and the scorpion said i can't help it it's in my nature and that's crazy thing about the story is because it's essentially this example where wolverine's violent nature is who he is it's a fundamental part of who he is to ignore that to try to put it in a box and hide it away in a closet means that he's not recognizing the warning signs initially that his son may be moving that direction now by the time he begins to pick these up it's too late and the way that we learn that is they're tending to their farm you know there's of course a goat that they're going to take care of and so on and so forth but when wolverine goes inside he asks a son he says what happened to the goat and he says well it seems like a predator got to it and that's when wolverine begins to realize that his son dagon is moving towards this direction of being such a violent individual basically following the same path that wolverine himself follow when he was younger now from here we transitioned to the introduction of charles xavier and so this is rob williams saying hey even if i don't give you a definitive chronology of when these events take place in terms of what's going on in the outside world here's some measure of how things take place and so it works out really well because the story's supposed to be isolated i mean in truth this whole first half is supposed to be removed from all the events that are going on and so we're not supposed to have this tried and true understanding of when this chronology takes place but when xavier shows up of course wolverine's like oh my god there's somebody here because his first thoughts flash back to weapon x you know all that kind of good stuff and so he says you gotta go you know get out of here you gotta go and charles xavier essentially offers him a chance to become part of the x-men now as we know with regards to the history of the x-men and my explanation on the x-men team and so on and so forth which i need to get back into character and team explanations but when charles xavier showed up this was after the original x-men of iceman and beast archangel jean grey and cyclops had been taken prisoner by the living island of krakowa and so this is essentially xavier assembling a new team with colossus nightcrawler the whole nine yards in order to rescue the original x-men team which is where that x-men title under chris claremont began to grow from but unlike the main earth 616 continuity where wolverine says okay yeah sure i'll join that instead he's like get out of here go away i do not want the outside world interfering now the crazy thing about this is his son of course asks him says who was that man what's going on wolverine muses to himself he says well maybe i should have told him it's a man from another life maybe i should have told him it's a guy from the outside world that leads a school where he wants to raise people that have abilities to make sure their abilities are used adequately this is really wolverine with an extreme amount of hubris because instead of sitting down and saying well maybe this guy charles xavier knows what he's talking about maybe the xavier school for gifted youngsters maybe that's the place that degan needs to go to because maybe being among his own peers will help him to better understand his own role if there's a yin and a yang if he's not around people that don't have healing factors and that don't have advanced combat skills and that don't have claws then it gives him this sort of false sense of how strong he is but if he is around people that are just as capable as he is they could simply just shut down his mind instead of fighting then it helps him to understand this place because this is really what deacon is experiencing right now like all teenagers all of us growing up we're trying to understand where we reside in this hierarchy of this social food chain we're trying to figure out if we're alpha males beta males we're trying to figure out if we're alpha females beta females we're trying to figure out where we stand when it comes to our place in the bigger picture but daikin has no real challenges it's almost like he's a predator in a world of prey and so because of this and we pick up two years later and he ends up in a monastery yes they're formidable in their own right he's told you know by the other kids around there they're extremely capable in terms of fighting but deakin doesn't take any of them seriously because he has claws because he has a healing factor he could kill every last one of these guys no questions asked he might sustain a few bruises but his healing factor will take care of all that and so there's no counterbalance here there's no one to challenge his superiority and so it's grown and to the point where he has a very superior sense of self now this comes to a head when he begins talking to a woman named indira now there's another kid that steps up and this kid dorji i think is how you pronounce it i'm not sure exactly how to pronounce that right but he basically says no no and dear you do not have to counter this guy you don't have to do whatever it is that he wants you to do we'll keep you protected and so what happens is deakin challenges this dude and of course we end up picking up with this kind of montage where rob williams bounces back and forth where wolverine takes off for a time and he tells his son you're not to leave the property or to attend the land do your chores if i find out you've done anything other there's going to be hell to pay when i get back but we also learned that during this fight really degan had beat this kid within an inch of his life not only that he had dished out some severe physical injuries in terms of cuts and so on and so forth now this is rob williams unofficially telling us dakin has the use of his claws because up until this point we didn't really know i mean we didn't know if those had manifested at all and it's kind of cool that it happens behind the scenes it's also kind of interesting the first use of his claws here are in a very violent conflict at least as far as we know but because of all this people are terrified of him people are horrified of them and this comes to fruition when you know we really have deakin just kind of hanging out on the side of a mountain and then indira comes to see him and says everybody wants you guys to leave they're terrified of you they're horrified of you they see you as a violent insane psychopathic animal and they're afraid you're going to kill everyone and so the only way for them to cope with that is to ask you to leave and so you know he initially says i don't really want to but in the midst of their discussion they're suddenly met with the arrival of sabertooth now again the saber-tooth in this story is just as much a physical as a metaphorical representation of wolverine's sins coming back to haunt him and the reason why i say that is because saber tooth being a physical presence has always been a part of wolverine's life for as long as he can remember going back to his time as team x so on and so forth not only that saber tooth is just pure bloodlust i mean sabretooth just loves killing people he has no real connection with his own humanity and so he has no real connection with anybody else's humanity and because of this of course the first thing he does is cast indira aside and send her flying off the side of the mountain to her death but then he turns and looks to deacon and says i'm trying to get wolverine but i can smell him on you i can tell you are his offspring and so he says the best way to get to him is to get to you now dakin fights off as best he can and he's actually pretty impressive here it's actually pretty cool to see him hold his own to a degree against sabertooth but what he's doing is he's basically fighting experience he's fighting a guy that has a vast amount of experience in all forms of combat and so try as he might he's really got nothing against saber tooth which of course leads to the return of wolverine who steps in now again this is really kind of a funny situation but the issue with this is that where wolverine is successfully able to basically kill sabertooth or at least it seems like it here we basically jump forward a bit to what deakin was doing now rob williams does not give us like this in-depth explanation instead he just kind of fast tracks it off then he tells us that you know following the death of indira dakin had basically gone to the monk monastery and slaughtered them all and this was effectively his downward spiral because in every story that's what happens right i mean when you have like a villain or you have like a villain who is a good guy at some point in time there's always that darth vader effect you know there's a point where they stop being a good guy and they start being a bad guy sometimes it takes a long time for that transition to happen but that switch eventually takes place and this is the switch for dakin this is where he stops being anakin and becomes darth vader this is where he stops being the son of you know wolverine and becomes a bad guy and so because of this he basically takes off to tokyo nine years after all this had happened and forms a criminal empire for himself to the point where he basically has anything he wanted to now he built this empire through fear blood and death but he was able to build it nonetheless the problem with this is that once wolverine finally locates jake and after tracking him down for so long he says look i'm going to offer you the opportunity to stand down like you you have to give up here you have to stop this come back home with me live a life of peace we can leave all this behind us and we can call it a day what's ironic about this is wolverine still not learning he's still not learning the fact that you just can't run away you can't run away from your problems you got to face him head-on dakin is a representation of wolverine's failures dakin is representation of the fact that wolverine believed he could take his darker nature put it in a corner and act like it didn't exist it's everything that wolverine about his youth coming back to haunt him and so because of this you know dagon lashes out and wolverine responds in kind by saying i brought a muramasa blade now for those of you guys who are new to marvel comics there are several different aspects several different weapons that can defeat people who have healing factors carbonadium can disrupt healing factors temporarily but it's really more like putting healing factors in a state of flux so much as turning them off the muramasa blade turns off healing factors temporarily and so when a person is touched by a mirror muscle blade their healing factor essentially stops working for a temporary amount of time effectively making them human they can be killed by any normal conventional means now when it comes to people who have healing factors the caveat is that unless you were to like cut off their head or unless you were to remove their heart or something like that do something that would basically keep their body from functioning in a normal capacity they're always going to come back after the effects of the muramasa blade wear off now we do not see that to its fruition here instead rob williams effectively kind of cuts it off with the idea that wolverine was forced to kill his son but this is really wolverine finally recognizing is him finally learning that the mistakes that he made in his life the things that he screwed up were an indication of the fact that he was a guy that could never find peace wolverine could never live the life that he was hoping for he wanted a kid he wanted a life of happiness he wanted to be left alone but the mistakes that he made the things that he'd done were always going to come back to haunt him they were always going to be a part of his life and ultimately dakin was a representation of the fact that wolverine again cannot have a regular normal average life like a human he was born a killer and he will die a killer and that's just how his life exists but if you guys are new here to comics explained make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and yeah leave a comment down below let me know whether or not you guys are interested in more digging stuff and uh i will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 726,972
Rating: 4.8799105 out of 5
Keywords: what if trailer reaction, what if reaction, marvel studios what if trailer reaction, what if trailer review, what if trailer breakdown, what if trailer reaction and review, marvels what if reaction, marvels what if trailer reaction, What if trailer, what if, what if teaser, what if trailer 2021, what if trailer marvel, what if trailer marvel official, what if trailer reaction marvel, marvel studios what if
Id: SY8QUjtxHjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 0sec (5940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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