MARVEL THEORY: Is Quantumania’s Ending Darker Than We Realized?

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which MCU timeline is Ant-Man really in welcome back to Nerdist news I'm Hector Navarro and today we're going to discuss a fan theory that might just shatter everything we thought we knew about the Marvel Cinematic Universe this changes everything we know about life Evolution holy Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania ushered in Phase five of the MCU and its expanding Multiverse Saga with the introduction of the time and reality traveling Kang the Conqueror as the big bad we know Kang is going to be a thorn in the side of the Avengers through the upcoming films and Disney plus TV series before the story culminates in the next two Avengers films the Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars but a fan theory that has been growing online proposes that Kang's secret plans are much more Dastardly and much more creative than they appear on the surface and some of the Avengers might already be caught up in plans within plans they don't even realize holy but to discuss this we're going to have to enter the universe outside of time and space known as the spoiler realm because to talk about this speculation and its likelihood we're gonna have to get into what happened at the end of Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania along with the end of phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe so if you haven't caught up on the latest MCU entry or don't want to understand what we're about to talk about then don't drink that ooze did you drink those why can I understand you oh great that's the Ooze hey everybody it worked who's worked so what is this intriguing fan Theory that's been making its way around the internet well mainly that when Scott Lang and his family escaped the quantum realm at the end of the film to get back to their normal Universe they don't return to the same universe they left from meaning when we see Scott saunter through San Francisco at the end in a call back to the beginning of the film he's no longer in this sacred timeline of the MCU that we've been following since Iron Man 1. worst things have happened I think we're going to be fine coloring up William but how could this happen could it just be the result of uncertainties with multiversal travel or could it be part of the plan we see being enacted during the credit scenes of quantumania there we see the Council of kings and a callback to the classic Avengers number 292 panel on top of that one famous Kang variant in particular immortus says that it's time to get to work to stop the Avengers who are beginning to touch the Multiverse maybe Scotland was deposited in a different or even a brand new branch of the Multiverse by the council to keep him from contacting his friends and the Avengers I'm an Avenger maybe this ant family have been hidden away in a wonderful Recreation of the world they're familiar with to continue living their Blissful Little Lives never questioning the validity of quantum realm Kang's claims that he was the best shot at stopping the more dangerous Council of Kang variants this Theory raises a bunch of questions like if Scott is the only person from this sacred timeline to be in this alternate universe are the Hank Janet Hope and Cassie we follow in the film also in this different universe or did they each get deposited into different happy timelines unaware of their artificial surroundings listen we all know the phrase most commonly associated with conquering after all and that first word is divide so if these Heroes popped out of the Sacred timeline are they missing there in reality 616 as we learned it was called in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or were our ant Heroes replaced in that sacred timeline Scrolls maybe okay that's too far hang on a second before you go swinging those jazz hands around we got some more information on this Theory from quantumania and Kang Dynasty writer Jeff loveness thanks to an interview from's phase zero podcast well of course loveness can't comment on whether the theory is true or not he does call it interesting he went on to say it actually is not too far off from some possibilities but I can't say anything and for now the only important thing to say is that the Multiverse is Limitless and Scott Lang is the person who saved the universe in endgame and now he may be the man who [ __ ] up the Multiverse for everyone he continued so far things are good he's back to the life that he thinks he has and loves but he doesn't have the maturity that he has at the top of the movie this could just play into the fears that Scott Lang explicitly expresses at the end of the film about how perhaps defeating this Kang the Conqueror was a mistake because this Kang could have been an ally who also wanted to defeat the Council of Kings but it's very interesting that loveness says the words he's back to the life that he thinks he has this is a very charged response to the question Jeff no but yeah okay all kidding aside loveness is most likely just referring to the doubt that Scott hears in his head and who could blame him I'd have doubts too Kang was a pretty convincing guy but we can help each other with that so let's check out some of the other evidence for this Theory before we get into evidence against it the biggest supporting evidence actually comes from a different series that was teased in the end credits scene of quantumania the Disney plus series Loki what if you'll remember the end of the first season of that show had something similar happen after Sylvie kills he who remains the Kang variant that was secretly running the TVA are hero variant Loki gets spit back out to the time variance Authority and hunts down his ally Mobius what but the twist is Mobius no longer recognizes him Loki finds himself in another reality or possibly a reality changed from when he last left it because of his and Sylvie's actions will Loki be able to restore his TVA timeline will Mobius remember his friend and more importantly get to ride a jet ski we'll have to wait into Loki season 2 to find out I'll be a farm though yeah it'd be really fun the other compelling material we can point to are story lines and ideas that haven't been confirmed but that fans have been discussing since the announcement that Kang would be the prime villain of this next Saga namely how Kang has only made his moves a little more public after the death of Tony Stark Iron Man in Avengers end game that has led fans to postulate that Stark was a hero who had the potential to stop Kang or defeat him and by waiting for Stark's death he not only no longer has to face Iron Man but also that whole Thanos threat to his power has been taken care of as well just through Kang being patient holy Kang could have also been secretly manipulating the odds of taking Thanos out in the infinity Saga from behind the scenes to ensure that Iron Man ended up dead as well this could explain why the TVA which we learned was created and managed by he who remains a king variant would allow The Avengers to do what they did in Avengers end game break the rules and mess with time because as ravana rensslayer said in Loki season 1 those events were supposed to happen Loki from 2012 escaping with a tesseract was not and that led to the events of Loki season 1 and as another hero who retired in an alternate reality Steve Rogers could have been seen as a threat to Kang's Dynasty which is why the TVA allowed Steve to retire peacefully in a universe where he got to be with Peggy Carter and presumably help defend the world from all the threats that Steve was aware of because that's how my dude Steve would do it how else could he have come back to the sacred timeline as an old man and brought a not destroyed Shield to hand off to Sam Wilson how did I get the shield Bart how did I get the shield sorry the point is maybe this is also Kang sending a hero off to a pleasant reality where they won't be in the way anymore time travel now we can get into why Scott Lang ending up in another reality is not likely to be the case I read that like Maury Povich you are not the father that's great now we can get into why Scott Lang ending up in another reality is not likely to be the case first off if it were a dead-on fan Theory we don't think writer Jeff loveness would have even responded maybe we would have gotten a no comment or a more nervous reply but he seemed pretty chill and collected so we're betting it's not exactly what happened at the end of Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania what the hell happened here secondly going back to the season finale twist for Loki what we don't think quantumania could have pulled essentially the same trick or Counterpoint if they were going to the movie would have been very explicit about it and we would have seen Scott reach out to a former Avenger friend possibly Captain America Sam Wilson just to get back uh do I know you from cap hey man what's up Tic Tac that kind of twist would have been devastating and then we would know exactly where Scott Lang stands before going into the next Avengers film will I be there when the Avengers need me absolutely but thirdly they already did Scott being trapped in some other place before he gets out and rejoins the Avengers In The Last Avengers movie End Game so we can't imagine that's what's being done here again but instead of the quantum realm it's a parallel reality fourthly and it's not even our last point so hang on fourthly if the Council of Kings had this kind of power to easily divert people into different realities if they visit and come back from the quantum realm why not just kill these supposed threats yes we know that it's superhero storytelling and you can't always just have the bad guys murder the good guys otherwise you wouldn't get to tell any more stories and also that's not really the point of superhero storytelling but still why go through all the trouble of trapping Scott Lang and fam in an exact perfect duplicate of their reality with every single major detail being the same the same friends and family the same allies and other Heroes except for small details like the coffee is now a different price wouldn't the council get those details right too so they can create a perfect variant of Cassie's mom but they missed the price of a cup of joe come on no way Jose I think it's a good idea fifthly and finally we've got to bring up the old Occam's razor the simplest explanation is the most likely Scott returned to the sacred timeline why because these movies are for fans of all ages they're like Star Wars not a mind Bender like Interstellar it has to mean something they need to be able to entertain and be understood by the largest section of the audience as possible including folks who aren't necessarily in it for the heady sci-fi Concepts and kids who are just beginning to watch science fiction movies this is awesome look all that being said we're very interested to see what exactly writer Jeff loveness meant when he said that the theory was not too far off from some possibilities perhaps we might see elements of it prove to be true as Phase 5 continues with loveness also saying that he's treating Kang like the protagonist of the next Avengers film we're sure to get to see much more of his plans explicitly as he murders Avengers left and right they all blew together after a while and the fact that so many interesting theories are thriving proves how much Kang and all his variants are going to alter the fabric of the MCU what but in the meantime what do you folks think you think this Theory could be true what other ways do you think Kang will change the Multiverse moving forward [Music] comments below thank you so much for watching and for the latest and greatest in the world of Pop Culture stay tuned to foreign
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 31,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Marvel, ant-man, antman, quantumania, kang, kang the conqueror, jonathan majors, paul rudd, MODOK, ending, post credits, explained
Id: qNOz83wb8kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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