QUANTUMANIA: Kang's Secret Sickness & Ant-Man's Cure | Deep Dive

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you're an interesting man Scotland hey what is you've made a big mistake okay I'm an Avenger I've called the other Avengers did someone say what quantumania was and I missed it have I killed you before they all blur together after a while am I the only one who cares about this okay I will make you a deal Kang I'll steal your softball if you tell me why this movie was titled quantumania in its entire two hour and five minute run time Ant-Man and the Watson Mania never once says the word wanna Mania yes quantumania does contain the words ant and man and I guess it's a joke about putting Quantum in front of everything but that's not enough for me so I drank the Ooze and translated it I'm Eric Boss and this is the Deep dive and today we are diving into Marvel's Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania directed by Peyton Reed written by Jeff loveness and the first foray into Marvel's phase five while packing an electrifying punch from Jonathan Majors is the mcu's new Big Bad Kang the Conqueror the rest of his delightfully bizarre movie leaves us wondering what Quantum medium means what the film Quantum media means and what the word itself means a title called quantumania you want to make good on it well Kevin you could start by using the word somewhere in the movie but actually I believe the meaning of quantumania is there it's hidden the secret connection between Lang and Kang and thanks to Rocket money for sponsoring today's video I can't believe people are taking a chance on us here and sponsoring us it means so much to us but I'll talk more about them in a minute this movie's wild post credit scenes airdrop us into the Kang Dynasty but the movie itself is a story of the Lang Dynasty the six phases of Scott Lang on his journey to truly earn his Avenger status our six Scots are Scott the non-interventionalist Scott the parent Scott the hive mind Scott the Conqueror Scott the hero and Scott the futurist and by getting to know each of these Scots we will decode what quantumania really means Quantum media begins as a story between Kang and Janet Van Dyne Kane crash lands in the quantum realm over Janet's Farm already the sky Bears his color tones of purple and teal and three pieces of debris break off his ship mirroring the three other kings from the Kang Dynasty who sabotaged this ship to Exile in here when you look up at the portals in the sky they're all blue surrounded by swirls of Purple colors of the Kang Dynasty but later when Kang and Janet sit here the portals are a different color the previous color perhaps reflecting the purple sky over the dynasty that cast him out but that dynasty didn't count on their Outcast meeting an Avenger now the blue glowing monster that attacked Janet and Kang start as one but split into two a recurring visual theme in the quantum realm setting up Scott splitting into his Schrodinger double in the probability storm also the Dune centipede creatures that encounter them will also start as one and split into two we are all whether we know it or not the sum of our possibilities this movie marketed itself with Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road casting the quantum realm as a kind of Oz and if he remains and Loki was depicted as amen behind the curtain this is the story of the Wizard's balloon Landing in Oz and his attempt to re-inflate that balloon to escape you'll notice that I reference The Wizard of Oz a lot on this channel it's because I have a working theory that every American Film is trying to be one of two classic films The Wizard of Oz or Citizen Kane the experience of a dream or the experience of solving a puzzle or mystery quantumania is definitely the former it's trying to be Oz and so I believe it's best looked at that way so from this prologue we move on to Scott Lang in the first phase of his Lang Dynasty Scott the non-interventionalist after quantumania's 2018 predecessor began with the sitcom themed The Partridge Family this one opens with the Welcome Back Cotter theme which was a sitcom about a comedian who returns to teach in a Brooklyn High School where John Travolta would get his breakout role let's look at the song's lyrics Welcome Back Your Dreams were your ticket out welcome back to that same old place you laughed about well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and they've turned around in Ant-Man the WASP Scott had dreams of Janet in the quantum realm this song reflects his path forward to go back the place he escaped where the names have changed and among the sweat Hogs waiting for him is the breakout Vinnie barbarino Scott references time traveling with Captain America alluding to when he helped the Avengers and end game manipulate time to undo thanos's snap Scott reading from his Memoir says none of this should have happened acknowledging the violation that his current dream life represents from being fired from Baskin Robbins to now being honored as employee of the century Reuben in the cafe covering his coffee and saying thank you Spider-Man Get In fairness no one knows who Spider-Man really is anymore after that memory wipe spell Scott's now the best-selling author of look out for the little guy a memoir he reads to fans at a bookstore saying there's always room to grow an obvious night of the way Scott and the Ant family combat Kang in this movie from oversizing the energy core Beyond use to Growing big to stop Kang from escaping but having published a memoir suggests that Scott's Adventures are over like Bilbo Baggins writing there and back again Scott is happy in retirement having seen life from both sides now is an important dimension for the overall Lang Dynasty but there's still something broken in Scott's life that feeling of having missed out on his daughter Cassie's life which brings us to phase two of the Lang Dynasty Scott the parent his daughter Cassie reflects both ant-man's she begins her journey Behind Bars the way Scott does in the 2015 Ant-Man film but she shrunk a police car Hank Pym the previous Ant-Man shrunk a Soviet tank that he kept on his keychain in that 2015 film Scott and Cassie have this father-daughter chat I know how to take care of myself okay trust me I'm pretty good at it by now ouch I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry that's okay it's all right I just think you should get to have a normal life dead a guy dressed like a bee tried to kill me in my room when I was six I've never had a normal life Cassie reminds us how Darren cross tried to kill her before Scott shrunk his body parts to turn him into the forum he is in this movie they're driving through San Francisco's Union Square I have shopped at that Macy's and I can tell you the Film Production definitely would have had to clear some homeless people from this exterior shot it's a shame that I look at all movies this way and I always think about this stuff like they literally had to tell people move we have to make a Marvel movie Apes mayor London breathe if you turn that empty sail Force Tower into some public housing thanks this is all just a bit ironic considering Cassie was protesting cops clearing a homeless encampment anyway Cassie clarifies that these homeless people lost their homes in the blip referring to the people Hulk brought back to find their homes occupied by other people the point here is Scott isn't really fully accepting responsibility for the impact that he and banner and the rest left by Saving everyone an end game Scott is happy to just let Hope and Cassie doing all the cleanup while he goes on his book tour which we hear from again here am I the Hulk's baby dad are you listening to your own book but I was ready for it no that's uh Stephen this is the radio's over there it's so weird something's wrong with this switch it won't turn and turn it off what's that turn it up all right yeah it's got messing around with that radio switch not turning off or shadowing Cassidy's Quantum radio not turning off when it absorbs all them into the quantum realm Hank uses old-school pin particles to enlarge a pizza invoking the family pizza scene and Back to the Future 2 2015 sequence back to the Futures time travel logic was referenced by Scott an in-game so back to the future is a bunch of next week on this channel I will be doing a deep dive into 1985's Back to the Future and you're gonna love it so be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and hit that Bell icon to get notified when it drops notice how Hank in the scene has his hearing aid visible which will prove critical later in this movie when he gets his frequency entangled with this super smart ants Quantum communication transitioning from a singular mind to a hive mind what's good for the collective is the key to this story and the Ants are the facilitators of it we see these ants right away when the family enters the lab with Scott observing the ant farm each of the ants have helmets with glowing green lights and already there are complex little structures that they're building this is our first hint to the cure to quantumania which I believe this movie implicitly defines as quantumania noun a State of Shock or confusion when one's Consciousness drifts from a singular perspective into a shared Hive Colony as a result of multiversal quantum entanglement this is my definition not anything the movie explicitly States but I think it helps us understand this film and why Lang and Kang are perfect opposites I'll talk more on this as I go but these ants are the cure to Scots Mania as Cassie shows them her Quantum satellite Communicator lying around the desk are books about ants that Hank had been researching Dr Eleanor's common ants of California and journey to the ants by Burnt hole daubler and Richard O Wilson so the ants of this movie aren't just an afterthought holdover of the superhero moniker when the family gets sucked into the quantum realm one of the first things Scott bumps into on the way down is that Ant Farm which enlarges at a different rate to show the ants spiraling off on a different trajectory Hank Janet Pope Cassie and Scott all tumble down crashing through the same barrier wall as the crystalline membrane that Hank had to pass through in the 2018 film to officially enter a separate realm the quantum realm now I like that when they initially get drawn in Hope instinctively makes the choice to suit up and go after her parents she could have stayed and tried to help from outside but she is already steps ahead of Scott on that Avengers pipeline Scott suits up with his new slap-on chess piece enlarges and catches Cassie in his hands and Cassie hinting that she has her own suit that she knows how to work punches the button on Scott's glove to shrink them back down a key lesson for every parent if you have technology your kid is going to figure out how to use it better than you can and even in this Avenger crisis Scott relates to this as a parent would it's like we're camping we've never been camping but we've always talked about it so Scott and Cassie are taken to the freedom fighter camp like Han Solo and his friends initially brought to the Ewok camp and returned the Jedi Cassie tells them to drink the Ooze so that he'll understand them and we meet Deb the character Voice by David Das malcian who played Kurt in the past films hello we also meet quas the telepath played by William Jackson Harper and they wonder how many holes Scott has how many owls do you have he has seven holes that's right I love the meta joke here it's kind of like Scott using telepathy of his own to connect with us to tell how long it would take us to count to our seven holes of our head I one two three four five six seven this whole idea of the holes in one's body sets up Deb getting shot full of holes later on and I love how if you look closely In This Moment beb's eyes go really wide upon hearing of all Scott's holes like what this thing craves more than anything it's a bunch of holes he can use in his body he wants to have this many holes so that he can merge them all into one hole and grow large and Kirby his enemies again this idea of out of many one one big hole out of many variants one big strong Collective so structurally Scott is transitioning into the next phase of his Lang Dynasty the hive mind but he's not there yet he spent the first part of this movie with terrible communication hearing pretty much exclusively his own inner monologue literally his own Voice through his audiobook playing back through the car so that even without the language barrier with these people the quantum realm he has just in general been struggling to hear other people like his daughter so he must transform himself by consuming bebs ooze to become part of the tribe and it's kind of beautiful that this tribe was in effect chanting in celebration to have someone new to communicate with drink the Ooze drink the Ooze it's not a threatening chant it's essentially one of us one of us and I love that about them now this group is led by gentura Katie O'Brien who says you come from above like him this suggests that gentura sees Kang and other macro dwellers like Scott as a kind of God but not gods that she looks up to God says she hates Gods who come to destroy extrapolate that to our frame of reference by extension the MCU reality see celestials the same way and they may come from a dimension beyond the atoms of our planets and galaxies meanwhile Janet meets a tribe in this dune-like desert region and she gets his writing creature flying with Hank and hope to the city of Axia and they land at this port ion yeah we hear that Quantum language over the PA we're unable to translate it right now because Hank and hope have not drank their ooze yet and this is something we only noticed because we just went through this with Scott Hank says I saw the atomic Universe this changes everything we know about life Evolution our place in the galaxy that guy looks like broccoli now you think Hank's mind would have already been blown by you know aliens and celestials duh dude MCU tarins aren't exceptional we know but really it's just the next steps from our reality that are harder to comprehend Janet takes them to this bar in Axia which she accesses through a door that's structured in concentric circles this is a production design detail that I really like about guanamania everything is circle based like there's a circle based written language that shows up throughout Axia and perhaps most interestingly on the bands of Kang's core device that tells us that this language came from Kang and from the Multiverse and trickled down into the culture of the quantum realm the way historically conquering Invaders dominate cultures by forcing the locals to adopt their language Kang sees time as a flat circle it's just interesting that circles even form his written code this is a lot like the movie a rival a movie that I love and I hope to Deep dive into at some point on this channel the heptopod aliens that are unstuck from time have a written language that takes the form of a circle to represent the way that they see time cyclically and we meet Lord krylar Bill Murray who stalls them to turn them into Kang kinda like Lando on Cloud City and Empire yeah there's a couple like Star Wars parallels in this movie but when they break away Hank spots one of those little squids you know krylar's favorite food and the squid waves at Hank he waves goodbye and so Hank gives him a Parting Gift by enlarging him though I find it fascinating that this giant creature does not eat krylar it's just nice to see that unlike Kang not everything in the quantum realm thinks in terms of Vengeance and zero-sum games or maybe it was just Bill Murray was like yeah I'll be in your stupid movie but I won't have a stupid death now genturas says that the Conqueror quote burned our homes our stories which is an interesting line because jantora is basically saying Kang destroyed their history and their culture and since their buildings are living creatures these walls really can talk it's the same idea of Kang burning his enemies out of time as he says later he uproots and prunes his victims timelines he burns their stories and we see the hunter the mechanized organism designed only for killing of course referring to Modoc but unlike the Comic version of Modoc which is George Tarleton has a whole other different story the mcu's red condom to be Darren cross from the first Ant-Man movie whose body was disproportionately shrunk into the quantum realm so let us pause briefly to talk about modak in this movie why is Modoc in this movie I will admit that he sticks out as the ugliest sore thumb that I've ever seen in a Marvel film but remember Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz this is an Alice in Wonderland Wizard of Oz story it's a dream of a film and this kind of story just would not be complete without some distorted face from The Waking Life so it's not just that they make Corey Soul's head huge they also smush is based in a weird way and I used his character as proof that no monster in the Multiverse is beyond Redemption still having to look at this guy so much in the movie so Janet finally reveals to Hope and hang her history with Kang in the flashback Janet tells Kang about the last time she saw hope which we saw in the 2018 film prologue and Kang says time it's not what you think it is it's a cage it does everything it can to break you it's not until you free yourself from it that you see just how small it always was and what I love about Jonathan Major's delivery in this part is how understated and how small he plays it he is a sociopath playing a part to win over Janet it's all deceptive because when Janet later learns and he's came to conquer and he restores his suit he vocalizes the same words but with a loftier affect revealing how he was totally playing her it isn't what you think I told you time it isn't what you think now in the splashback they were trying to reactivate Kang's multiversal engine core which looks like a spear with layered bands that rotate and I love the circular design of all this Kang sees time as a circle in a sphere by definition is imp in its circles stacked on the same radial Center a sphere itself is literally the representation of infinite sacred timelines orbiting themselves and to use two Roberts Mecca's references here it's kind of like the Wormhole engine that we see in contact and the flux capacitor Back to the Future the one mysterious unexplained MacGuffin that makes it all possible now at the beginning of this deep dive I mentioned how big a deal it is that people even want to sponsor us here on Deep dive video since we're a new channel so a huge thanks to Rocket money for sponsoring this deep dive so Marvel movies have big budgets which sounds nice right if you want a big budget for your life rocket money can help with that it's what makes saving money easy rocket money is my favorite all in 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easy to use that there's no reason not to take control of your finances to try rocket money out and support this deep dive Channel head to rocketmoney.com new rockstars or click the link in the video description as Janet makes contact with the neurokinetic engine we briefly see some sacred timeline imagery from Loki except this time the timeline explodes Torn to Pieces and then within one of those timelines Kang vaporizes fleeing victims looks like a burnt out Forest now this is just a tangible example of Kang's violence but what Janet is referring to is something on a more macro scale Kang stores in his memory entire world histories that he erased from existence the only memory of them are in the scars that he carries with him he and the rest of the Kang Dynasty have been so successful in their genocide that they erased their own existence from the record that we know and that's why until now no one has heard the name Kang and I like how we see the eyes and the lines on his face lighting up as he does this this could be where he stores these memories and why he has these scars the mystery of Kang scars this could be a representation of the scar tissue of every sacred timeline that he has Torn to Pieces the trillions of lives he has destroyed evidence of him carrying this pain with him I like how the first time Kang is said out loud in the MCU it Janet at this moment asking who is Kang it's a question Kang's response who I need to be Janet asks what Kang will do when he gets out and he simply responds when and he reactivates his suit and his but Janet snatches the core and on a dime can completely obliterates her house she said it was Aegis that they worked together ages of a friendship destroyed in an instant that's what you get when you befriend a king the robes that Jenna was wearing are now gone to show that Underneath It All She was still wearing that red and black 80s wasp suit she's back in Avenger mode and Janet uses pemdisks to blow up the core Beyond use so now we know practically why Kang needs Lang to shrink the core so that it can be used but really Kang is manipulating the fact that Janet inner guilt would have never told the family about him so Kang can use the same opera on Scott that he used with Janet the promise to give him back time with a daughter now Major's performance is chilling in the scene he's made a big mistake okay I'm an Avenger I've called the other Avengers you're an Avenger have I killed you before what they all blew together after a while yeah King isn't actively trying to scare Scott he has conquered so many timelines The Avengers are all faceless to him this includes Thor the one with the hammer he says Kang reminds him that he doesn't live in a straight line that he knows how all of time ends and he knows what's coming me a lot of me they exiled me down here they're afraid of me if you think about it he is echoing his variant he who remains in Loki if you think I'm evil well just wait till you meet bye variance we are seeing the darker side of quantumania as a sickness all kangs fear each other now Majors as an actor describe his portrayal of Kang as quote no moves wasted you can definitely see that here when Kang merely folds his fingers to pull Scott toward the barrier wall and then slam him against the back wall and then to lift and torture Cassie behind his back Majors also said that he took inspiration from great conquerors of History Genghis Khan Julius Caesar Alexander the Great and you can see that full history of ego flowing through his gravitas The Rage of Genghis Khan the Betrayal of Julius Caesar and of Alexander the Great the Weeping upon having no worlds left to conquer Kang opens a portal to the wreckage of his blown up multiversal engine core and Scott shrinks down into that core and we enter the next phase of the Lang Dynasty Scott the hive mind as Scott finds himself in a probability storm of variants representing every choice he could ever make all at once Modoc says he's introdinger's box and he's the cat I reference the famous thought experiment of Irwin Schrodinger who postulated the existence of a Multiverse with the example of a cat in a box and two food dishes one containing food the other poison and at so long as the lid of the Box stays closed the cat is simultaneously both alive and dead notice how the first variant is split off from Scott occurs right as Scott steps toward the core and his variant turns and steps in the opposite direction to retreat so this first variant represents Scott's cowardice running from danger but that also liberates our Scott because he no longer has the baggage of his most crippling fear to weigh him down and pull him in the opposite direction in a way this makes Scott more heroic now of course one of the variances himself from Baskin Robbins the Scott that never got fired and never became an Avenger off screen you can definitely hear what are the others asking if he has ice cream throughout this chaotic scene they make a smart choice of having our Scott be the only one who doesn't raise his helmet again he's the most courageous one this makes him really the only Scott who never gets afraid these other Scots all suffer from quantumania's sickness but he is able to resist falling into that trap Scott does get buried but Cassie calls out to him and the other Scots get the message too and all work together to lift Scott up they are not competitive they know that he is the one they need to lift and so we see how Scott ultimately resists the threat of quantumania by learning to sync with his hive mind he adopts the teamwork of an ant colony their shared love of Cassie is what collapses all Scots back into one and remember that includes his initial fear because part of being a parent is fear that something will happen to your kid once they shrink down the court Janet begs Scott not to trust Kang and Kang looks over at Hope and says hello showing us that he remembers everything Janet told him about her Kang snatches the core and Scott and hope shrink to charge at him behind them notice how Janet already looks defeated she knows Kang is strong enough to repel them which he does with a no moves wasted flick of his fingers now later Kane clarifies to Janet what she saw time broken by every version of himself variants throughout the Multiverse plane with time like children he says I saw chaos spreading across realities universe is colliding endless incursions I saw the Multiverse and it was dying all because of them Kang projects a glowing blue ring over his palm in the sacred timeline imagery returns orbiting around them with branches snaking off what he remains saw around his Citadel this Kang has also seen he also uses the term incursions the term read Richard's use in Multiverse Madness for universes colliding which is why will lead to Avengers Secret Wars this speech Bridges visual logic of Loki and Multiverse of Madness but we also see what incursions look like from a macro scale two sacred timeline Rings one ring Atop The Other just like the way he remains depicted the Multiverse in his backstory but here with branches sneaking down and causing these little bursts of light one a universe competing with another Universe Secret Wars in action now one could argue this Kang was the one good Kang trying to stop the rest of the dynasty from killing the Multiverse but one could also make that argument about any Kang their vanity is the inability to see the role of their own meddling in that overall destruction Janet says you started a war and now you want to wipe away any universe that's a threat to you that's what monsters do so it sounds like this Kang was the one who initially started that Multiverse award that he remains referred to in Loki not every version of me was so so pure of heart some of us new worlds meant only one thing new lands to be conquered the peace between realities erupted into all-out war each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others but King defends his actions saying that's what conquerors do they burn the broken world and they make a new one Kang is both the victim and the perpetrator of a self-fulfilling prophecy he's fixing the mess that he started he's unable to see what he did to start the fire and it was always burning since the Multiverse was turning Kang snaps I have lost you have no idea what I've lost and I will burn them out of time so what did Kang lose we must assume rensslayer his great love but I think more than that he's lost his own peace of mind and he blames the other kangs for making him eternally paranoid quantumania Hank reveals that his ants found him they aged a thousand years in a single day and developed science to build a class II technocratic civilization hinting that it's socialism but really A technocracy is a government led by technological experts and either way it tells us that this Colony overthrew its Queen and it gives them a strategic advantage over Kang's obsolete military dictatorship Scott now empowered with the battle strategy of Hank's ants manages to weaponize his quantumania and enter the next phase of the Lang Dynasty Scott the Conqueror giant Scott Rampages through keng's Fortress City to draw out Kang's Fleet and to try to wedge open King's Shield essentially Hank and the Ants gave Scott the advice that cap gave Hulk and Hulk Smash If Kang wasn't so greedy trying to escape with his entire fleet and his Armada he would have been able to escape just in that chairpod but because he was so afraid of the rest of the dynasty it took him too long to escape and gave Scott enough time to take him down among the backup are the Freedom Fighters including their sentient buildings which for Kang must evoke Shakespeare's Macbeth when a besieged Macbeth sees the witch's Prophecy of the trees come to life to kill him Shakespeare's all over Major's work in this movie he remains was the immortal fairy Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream the Betrayed conqueror of Act 2 with Julius Caesar and now he is the paranoid King Macbeth tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Scott slams into Kang's rings using a giant disc as a shield and a wedge after Captain America has come a few times in this film Scott reminds us that he's still in team cap by cosplaying with his own cap Shield Scott hope and Cassie confront Kang together and Kang beats them down monkey it's got by saying you talk to ants but that is Scott's secret weapon as Hank leads a rohiram charge of ants through the gate to swarmkang and with the help of Darren not wanting to be a dick anymore break through his shield Taryn says he dies an Avenger and Scott's not quite sure but beyond the joke Scott truly isn't Adventure yet because C still has a couple Lang Dynasty phases as Saint Janet and hope exit through the portal Kang repels Scott and Scott shifts into Scott the hero now what's the difference between a conqueror and a hero well a hero isn't trying to win a hero is just trying to save others from harm even if that means dooming himself and you're not getting out you could win you have to win we both just have to lose that heroic selflessness also applies to Hope who makes her second voluntary leap into the quantum realm to help Scott defeat Kang throwing a mix of red and blue discs to cause the chord to chaotically size up and down and suck Kang into the Vortex while his dynasty assumes his Exile is dead this is essentially what we saw happen to Darren cross presumably this game could be stuck in the probability storm trapped with countless Schrodinger duplicates and might finally figure out the cure to his own quantumania the way Scott did for Scott the voice that I needed to hear was Cassie so what voices Cagney to hear I believe the queen of his Hive rensslayer and this movie ends where it began Scott back in San Francisco set to the welcome back Potter theme but creepily it feels like we are restarting a loop like we're seeing another sacred timeline playing out from the vantage point of another Kang Scott fears is much as his world goes dark he also said something bad was coming and that everyone would die if he didn't get out so did I just kill everyone is everyone going to die because of me oh God what did I do what's interesting about this it's in the opening Montage this narration was justified to be Scott's audiobook so what is his narration now is Scott writing a new book is someone else writing a book using Scott's voice we don't really know and that's kind of why it's so unsettling and during this epilogue Scott zeroes in on a few passersby who wear a specific shade of purple like at any moment Kang's purple robes or modox fuchsia beeps could pop out and disintegrate him Scott snaps out of it telling himself to stop overthinking it but even during Cassie's birthday party he cannot keep that looming threat of the Kang Dynasty from living rent free in his head this movie's post-credits scenes show that threat realized the Kang Dynasty and one of Kang's earlier forms Victor timely whom we'll explore in Loki season 2. arguably Victor is even scarier a Kang variant as a 1901 inventor hidden among our society the whole time under our noses with the name timely the original name of Marvel Comics he's the author of all of our pain this fear is the final phase of the Lang Dynasty Scott the futurist we are after all on a journey to make Scott earn his Avengers status and no Avenger trial is complete without an unhealthy fear of the future that was the defining feature of the most famous Avenger Tony Stark in fact all of the phases of the Lang Dynasty mirror the six OG Avengers it's got the non-interventionalist was the pacifist Bruce Banner for a good Avenger must know when to pull his punches Scott the parent was The Family Man Clint Barton for Avengers need a family to fight for Scott the hive mind was the one other OG Avenger named after a bug Black Widow as Natasha's strength comes from her Red Room intuition and her trust in others Scott the Conqueror obviously Thor because avengerine sometimes requires Big Boy boom booms Scott the Hero Steve Rogers because Avengers have to be willing to jump on a grenade or crash their plane to save lives which brings us to Scott the futurist Tony Stark who was defined by his paranoia over future threats Thanos saw this in him you're not the only one cursed with knowledge in this futurism is what led Tony to despite his retirement continue to Tinker with inverted Mobius strips and unlock the code of time travel which might have been a faithful mistake because it was this technology that Kang would later on to build his multiversal core that fear is what started all of this as Tony warned us an end game you mess with time intends to mess back that was the moment Marvel promised us K would be coming next yet this dynasty remains played by quantumania a fear and misunderstanding of one's variance a tendency to scream over each other until their horse and death and the multiverses and shambles so the Avengers can win if Scott Lang can teach them how to love their multiversal hives or even better if the Avengers can teach Kang how to do this thank you so much for joining me in this deep dive of Ant-Man in the was guanamania next week we're going back to the Nexus point of time travel Cinema with a deep dive of 1985's Back to the Future and know Scott Lang it's not a bunch of the best way to support this deep dive channel is to buy a deep dive shirt or a hoodie a hat a mug a water bottle from our merch store nerd riot.shop subscribe to the Deep dive turn on notifications follow Deep dive NR on all social media you can follow my personal socials at eavos also subscribe to new rockstars where you can find my classic Easter egg breakdown of quantumania I didn't cover an Easter egg in this it's in that video and I will see you further down that yellow brick road my divers of the deep thank you [Music]
Channel: The Deep Dive
Views: 196,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ant-man, quantumania, kang, quantumania analysis, quantumania deep dive, quantumania breakdown, quantumania easter eggs, quantumania post-credit, kang dynasty, avengers, erik voss, deep dive, jonathan majors
Id: eBuhrzHqMqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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