Marvel Match-Ups That Would End In 5 Seconds

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remember in civil war when we saw these seemingly evenly matched Captain America and Iron Man duking it out with one another those kinds of close nail-biting matches can be great but that's not what we're going to be talking about today instead we're going to look at some of the most singular sided matches we can imagine involving some of your favorite Marvel characters we all love Scott Lang's magic tricks but how would he fare in a battle against the god of thunder considering that he owes his life to Arab you can probably guess who I think would win that matchup let's start out with a matchup involving two beloved comic book characters that haven't made their debut in the MCU yet I'm still holding out hope that we'll see namor the sub-mariner on the big screen sooner rather than later but this video isn't about my dreams versus the machinations of Disney even though that's also a nun fairly balanced fight so in one corner we have Namor king of Atlantis whose superhuman stats are absolutely stacked on top of that he can breathe underwater indefinitely and control all forms of marine life he can also fly control water and is a master of combat basically as long as he stays hydrated he stays fighting and then there's Johnny Storm also known as the Human Torch a character who is quite literally on fire so in the matchup between fire and water well you don't have to be a Pokemon master to figure out who's going to win Johnny Storm has made the very unwise decision to take on Namor in the comic books and only name Wars apathy about fighting is why Johnny was returned to the surface via dolphin instead of in a body bag [Music] Doctor Strange and Loki are both talented magic users but in the MCU they're not quite as powerful as they are in the comics but a they've been around in the comic books a lot longer and I'm sure they'll catch up eventually but for the sake of this matchup let's go ahead and compare Doctor Strange and Loki well actually they've already had the pleasure of meeting during for Ragnarok but it didn't really go well for Loki who was left falling in an endless loop sure Loki has magic of his own but his tricks only really seem to work well on his brother who definitely isn't one of the savviest superheroes in the MCU meanwhile Doctor Strange was able to stand up to heavy hitters like Dormammu he was even able to bargain with danos and live to tell about it at least momentarily while Loki didn't escape his encounter with Thanos interference from the Infinity stones aside Doctor Strange is a more powerful sorcerer than Loki even in the MCU version if Thor didn't show up to retrieve him during Ragnarok he might still be falling to this day which would make the Loki show on Disney Plus pretty boring but Who am I kidding I'd still the hack out of it it seems like the MCU version of Drax must have given himself the nickname the destroyer since we really haven't seen him destroy much of anything in fact for a guy who brags about his fighting prowess he's downright weak in comparison to a lot of other characters his strength is strictly physical which means he wouldn't do very well in a fight against someone like vision in tracks his defense even the MCU version of vision is one of the most powerful characters around he can fly and shoot energy beams and his whole entire body is made out of vibranium good luck punching through that Drax this guardian of the galaxy favors close quarters combat but vision could easily blast him back into outer space without getting anywhere close to him honestly the only chance Drax has it even surviving an adversarial encounter with vision is to just rely on his powers of invisibility yeah he's doomed sorry Drax poor Clint Barton is just a husband father and regular dude trying his best to help out in a world of superheroes he's kind of like the Curlin of the MCU for a human he's really powerful and you have to admire his tenacity but compared to all the super human beings and crazy advanced tech out there even at his best east just kind of basic so needless to say he would definitely be at a disadvantage if he was facing down one of the most powerful mutants and Marvel Comics Professor X okay he'd be a lot more than simply at a disadvantage they'd be totally helpless there are some characters who are able to withstand Professor X's powers of mind manipulation whether because of their indomitable wills or special gear but we've seen Clint totally under the control of Loki who we've already established isn't even on the same level of human sorcerer dr. strange Thomas Clint starts learning how to cast spells he'll never be a match for more powerful characters like Professor axe even the fanciest of his arrows can't combat mind control there was a long period of time in the MCU when the female characters were overall underwhelming thankfully that's quickly changing but it's got me thinking about a matchup against the black widow and Captain Marvel natasha romanoff was one of the original MCU Avengers and the only one dedicated to holding down the fort after infinity war but just like her pal Clint Barton she's just a non-magic wielding human being at the end of the day sure she's a really cool one but coolness doesn't win battles for that you need a massive amount of power like for instance the kind of power that lets you punch through a spaceship in etosha defense it seems like very few current MCU characters would stand a chance of taking out Captain Marvel if we're talking about massively overpowered matchups then it's as simple as matching up Carol Danvers and to any human without magic infinity stone enhanced powers natasha is skilled in espionage but even if she managed to figure out all the facts about Carol she'd still need to come up with a way to defeat her and she'd have to do all of that before Captain Marvel finished her off with a single energy blast even for a pro like Natasha it just doesn't seem possible I know I've been a little bit harsh on our human friends in the MCU even if they're not a match for Captain Marvel they're still great characters and they all have their own rules to play in the MCU Plus there is definitely no shortage of regular human enemies for them to fight against but let's look at a possible matchup between the Incredible Hulk and Falcon now Falcon might have been deemed worthy to become the new Captain America but that doesn't mean he's Hulk level strong Tony Stark was only able to incapacitate the Hulk when he was wearing the Hulkbuster armor which as the name implies was designed specifically for taking down the Hulk so Falcon in his regular suit doesn't stand a chance of taking down the big green guy even with Captain America shield in his arsenal my tau didn't even come close he might have a chance of not being totally annihilated if he was facing down the smart Hulk we saw during endgame the Hulk's unbridled rage and the fact that he's totally unconcerned with minimizing property damage works in his advantage during fights if he had to worry about not flattening a bunch of innocent citizens Falcon might be able to get a couple of good hits in before he's ultimately defeated if you wanted to punch star-lord right in the head after he royally ruined the plan during infinity war you'll enjoy imagining this matchup on one side is the Scarlet Witch who has an absolutely incredible array of psychic powers during age Voltron her abilities were nearly enough to take down the Avengers and that's no easy task she can fire off blasts of psionic energy haunt your dreams and according to Kevin Feige she could have defeated Thanos he was talking about a specific one-on-one battle and not the all-out brawl we saw during Avengers and game but still star-lord on the other hand couldn't even take down just Danos when he had a full team and all he had to do was just stand there and not charge in like a complete [ __ ] he may have great taste of music and some cool dance moves but he's nowhere near capable enough to take on the Scarlet Witch he might be half celestial in the MCU but he's no match for Wanda Maximoff the fact that Scott Lang managed to go from being an ex-convict and X baskin-robbins employee to being a superhero is pretty impressive but even though he's been trained by hope Van Dyne and after the use of his ant-man suit he's still nowhere as strong as Thor we all know that if the Grandmaster hadn't intervened Thor would have absolutely trounced The Incredible Hulk during Ragnarok but at least it would have been a pretty close fight ant-man on the other hand would definitely not be able to stand up against Thor sure he can grow giant but only for a little while before he falls asleep he can also shrink which is a handy talent but Thor doesn't rely on any gear or tech he could sabotage by turning tiny Thor is strong enough to stand up to ant-man tiny yet powerful punches and deliver back a lightning blast of his own the only way ant-man could defeat Thor would be if he crawled into a very delicate area and expanded the way many fans hoped he would deal with Thanos during endgame but since I have a feeling Disney would never let that happen I feel confident saying the Thor would absolutely annihilate ant-man in a battle war machine is outfitted with the very best gear from start industries which is definitely impressive but T'Challa wears an outfit that's the best of the best what Conda can offer it has a vibranium weed and can cut through pretty much anything remember how quaint Sheree found Bruce Banner and Tony Stark's technological achievements it's safe to say that the black panther would tear war machine apart if it came down to it even though Tony managed to fix up Rhodey after his accident without his costume he's way weaker than two Chawla he's taken in the heart-shaped herb which enhanced his strength durability and speed rody is a talented fighter and is pretty underutilized in the MCU but at the end of the day he just couldn't take down the black panther in the comic books mantis is a tough-as-nails warrior and an incredible martial artist and the MCU mantis well she can make people fall asleep that's pretty good I guess okay so the MCU mantis does have some other skills and her sleepytime trick was good enough to subdue Thanos momentarily and that is pretty impressive but compared to other heroes she just kind of falls short Captain America would be able to throw his shield at her before she could get close it up to manipulate his emotions he's stronger better trained in combat and would be able to out strategize her at every turn the thought of these two kind characters fighting is actually kind of a huge bummer but there's no doubt in my mind that Captain America could easily squash mantis just like him well like a bug [Music] what do you think about these Marvel matchups are there anymore mismatched pairs you'd like to see fight against each other let us know what you think down in the comment section below and then click on that old subscribe button for more videos from CBR thanks a lot for watching and we'll see you again next time [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 570,601
Rating: 4.7624445 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, best fights, most powerful, weakest characters, Captain America, Star Lord, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ant Man, Human Torch, Namor the Sub Mariner, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Incredible Hulk, Sam Wilson, Professor X, Clint Barton, CBR, Thor and Loki, marvel phase 4, mcu phase 4, best superhero fights, best marvel fight scenes
Id: B7x605oFZ4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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