What if Quicksilver Didn't Die in Age of Ultron?

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there are a lot of what-if scenarios one could ask when it comes to the mcu we've explored a number of them on this channel what would happen if time travel wasn't a thing in endgame what if the other 50 of the universe was dusted instead let's step back and look at another question some fans have asked what if quicksilver didn't die in age of ultron it's a question with a lot of moving parts to it how could quicksilver live if he lives would anyone else die with quicksilver on the avengers side going forward how would it change the events of end game and infinity war well i think the best place to start is at the very beginning who exactly are we dealing with pietro maximoff is our quicksilver no not the x-men quicksilver but one that was recruited by hydra he was given his superpowers by loki's scepter along with his twin sister wanda aka scarlet witch at the beginning of age of ultron their motivations were fueled by a hatred of tony stark it was stark's weapons that destroyed pietro's home and killed their parents they only switched sides when wanda found out that ultron plans to wipe out all of humanity you know how the rest of the story goes and we end up at the climax of the film the battle of sokovia during the battle ultron takes control of a jet and sends down a barrage of gunfire aimed at hawkeye and a small child quicksilver only has a second act which to him is more than enough time with his super speed he can easily process the path of the bullets and the route he'll take but there is one problem he would face he can only save one person at a time he might have super speed but he doesn't have super strength and in order to maintain his speed and save anyone he needs to choose one person to save in the end quicksilver uses his super speed and reflexes to save the child leaving hawkeye in the reign of gunfire you didn't see that coming it's a tough decision one quicksilver probably wouldn't want to make all things considered over the course of the film the two characters shared a kind of rivalry that was beginning to blossom into friendship now in order to save an innocent from his homeland hawkeye was left to die it would be a key moment in the film a hard-hitting moment that would be felt by everyone especially black widow the consequences of quicksilver's actions would ripple and shape the events of later films but for now there's no time ultron has to be stopped with a super speed quicksilver is able to help the rest of the citizens evacuate before rejoining the fight to stop ultron and he would give the avengers the edge they needed to make sure ultron's plans never got as bad as they could have in the original film going forward a tremendous amount of guilt would be placed on quicksilver could he have taken both the kid and hawkeye could he maybe have sacrificed himself instead should he have this need to get stronger and faster will be quicksilver's main motivation going forward additionally black widow will be distrusting of him it might take a while for her to fully trust or understand quicksilver's action but after all the stuff she and hawkeye went through it'll be hard for black widow to forgive quicksilver completely the death of hawkeye wouldn't affect the large events such as civil war and infinity war but it would change quicksilver's character and his relationship with the rest of the avengers tony captain america and hulk might be more understanding they understood what they were signing up for when they joined the team that they could die in the line of duty the film would end with a funeral for hawkeye with everyone in attendance quicksilver included [Music] after the events of age of ultron we lead into civil war not a lot of time has passed between avengers 2 in this film so wounds would not have the time to heal here a lot of issues would be fleshed out the thing about the divide is it was never about the sokovia courts not really as we see in this film the heroes take signs initially to voice their concerns about being held accountable to another body of government but it soon turns into a deeply personal story about tony stark's backstory and bucky quicksilver will have his part to play as well and this will set the groundwork for his character arc racked with guilt about having to leave hawkeye to die quicksilver will see these sokovia accords as a wall between him and his goals not only that but i have a feeling quicksilver would see this political move as just theater using the tragedy of his homeland as an excuse for the government to once again overstep its bounds because of these reasons he will side with captain america and his sister scarlet witch seeing him join captain america's side further wedges black widow and quicksilver while this might not be expressed vocally it could come out in other ways perhaps when the two sides clash at the airport there's an extended sequence between quicksilver and black widow of course a distrust for the united nations wouldn't be the only reason quicksilver joins captain america while it could not be fully fleshed out in age of ultron quicksilver's hatred for tony stark could not go unanswered him and wanda's alliance with the avengers was born because they discovered what ultron really wanted which was a genocide finding out ultron was created by stark and the fact that his company is responsible for his parents death still wouldn't sit right with pietro he can admit that stark has turned his company around and does good work as iron man but there is still a layer of animosity between the two during the conflict quicksilver would project all of his failings and inability to save hawkeye on to tony after all if stark was never around then their parents would still be alive ultron would not have been created and his homeland would not be in ruins and hawkeye might still be alive i'm not about to suggest that quicksilver becomes a new villain in this what-if universe but i think he would make an excellent anti-hero after the events of civil war transpire and captain america has to go into hiding with the rest of the heroes who joined him quicksilver will hit the road and set off on his own path i imagine after the airport fight scene we won't see much of quicksilver it is captain america's movie after all but i think in the events leading up to infinity war quicksilver will dispense his own brand of justice and train to get faster determined to leave no one behind quicksilver was always protective of his sister but i think after spending time with vision and the events of civil war he is confident that scarlet witch is in good hands after captain america civil war quicksilver will stay in the background off-camera even while the events that lead up to infinity war take place i don't see him dipping into other films or really interacting with other characters aside from wanda captain america and maybe vision it's hard to say i don't see quicksilver showing up or interfering with the events of doctor strange black panther or thor ragnarok during this time away from the action quicksilver will hone his skill and appear again in infinity war this could be a great opportunity for marvel to include quicksilver's powers from other versions of the hero into the mcu between the time it took to make civil war and infinity war disney would acquire fox and by extension the x-men franchise this means they could incorporate powers x-men quicksilver had into marvel's quicksilver this means that by the time infinity war rolls around quicksilver can move so fast it's like time is standing still alright now we get to the big finale infinity war and end game it's what this whole mcu was banking on and in this version of events we have quicksilver now thanos is still going to be looking for the stones by the time he arrives on earth he will have all but one the mind stone while the battle on titan rages quicksilver will be called back into action for the battle of wakanda and it is here where all of the training pays off he will be on the front lines with captain america black panther and the rest to face off against thanos's horde with his super speed he is capable of providing a strong offense and support the battle will more or less go in the hero's favor their offenses made even stronger with the addition of a speedster but repelling thanos so scarlet witch can destroy the stone is not the plan with quicksilver and his speed the plan will be to remove the stone from vision so it can be kept with quicksilver until thanos is destroyed in other works of fiction it's believed that if you travel fast enough you can travel through time and space in the mcu we've seen alternate universes like the quantum realm exist so running at the speed of time and space seems well within the realm of possibility it is in the slipstream quicksilver finds himself in all the events that have happened what could have happened and what will happen all of it flashes right before his eyes he sees what could have happened if he had died back in sokovia he sees what would have happened if he saved hawkeye instead of the kid his past his parents it's all too much for him he can't control this newfound power so he slips and loses his grip on the stone and it falls back into his world but quicksilver is nowhere to be found thanos gets his final stone and his world is snapped in half since quicksilver now exists outside of his universe he will be spared from the effects of thanos's snap but he will be lost in an endless sea of space time what we will be led to assume is for the next five years quicksilver will be leaping from timeline to timeline hoping that the next leap would be the leap home half of end game is figuring out where and how to get the infinity stones from different timelines this process can be simplified if they have someone who has spent the last five-ish years running around time quicksilver at the beginning of the movie we find that quicksilver finally made his way back home and just in time for ant-man to return from the quantum dimension both ant-man and quicksilver have evidence that time travel is possible and what's more quicksilver has a sort of road map to make the leaps through time easier in this new supposed system instead of the avengers splitting up into teams they replicate ant-man's technology to shrink everyone down so quicksilver could carry them through time like some kind of living time machine or taxi this way the team is more prepared to take on any challenges they might face like thanos from the past for starters another benefit to this strategy is there is no chance for end game nebula and thanos nebula to switch thanos will still intercept the team on their way back but instead of bringing thanos to their timeline they fight him in his own timeline and end up escaping with the stones intact that is indeed one way of asking what if quicksilver lived tell us what you think i think having a time traveling speedster is an interesting concept but i'd love to hear your feedback be sure to give this video a like and hit the subscribe button for more cbr content
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,060,516
Rating: 4.9244766 out of 5
Keywords: MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, What if Quicksilver lived?, Avengers Age of Ultron, Tony Stark and Ultron, Avengers Civil War, Captain America Vs Tony. Quicksilver vs Thanos?, Would Quicksilver live through the Thanos snap?
Id: tI_maljMgO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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