Thanos VS Vegeta Battle

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welcome back folks to another exciting edition of Super Smash Brothers mega monster mashups and I have just been handed a message that this name is already taken for tonight's fight we've got ourselves a true heavyweight about the likes of which you've never seen before representing the color purple we've got the balance obsessed power-hungry Thanos and his opponents just oozing pride out of every ounce of his body the Prince of the Fallen Saiyan race Vegeta this fight is one for the record books the true definition of an unstoppable force meeting and immovable object will Thanos go all mad Titan and turn Vegeta to dust or will the saiyan go all super on Thanos his big purple chin but before this clash can begin let's take a look at what each fighter brings to the table and who might have the upper hand before the punching and kicking begins no matter which way you put it then O's is one tough cookie remember how we all thought nothing could be stronger than the Incredible Hulk and then Pharaohs delivered a beatdown to the rage monster without breaking a sweat or if you look to the comics vanos proved just how strong he is when he took on Galactus one on one and the Titan was actually able to overpower the devourer of worlds Thanos is simply one of the strongest villains out there Vegeta strength is a little more difficult to accurately nail down because his strength depends on what form of Super Saiyan he can achieve but we'll just say for now that Vegeta strongest quality is his perseverance no matter what Vegeta is going to fight to win and we'll do whatever is necessary to beat his opponent it's the type of mentality you need while going up against the mad Titan Thanos is more durable than an old Nokia phone which is really saying something thanks to his half eternal heritage vana says stamina is almost limitless and his advanced healing factor really comes in handy on the rare times he's actually wounded but good luck even scratching him because this Titan was able to withstand the power of the Phoenix force Vegeta's health is a bit of an issue yes he's insanely powerful but being that he isn't the main hero of the Dragon Ball franchise he's lost a lot of battles in his time and has even died before that being said it's not easy to take down Vegeta Thanos might be a little too comfortable whereas Vegeta is passionate about not wanting to lose or die again Vegeta also has an advanced healing factor like Thanos but that's only in his Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan blue forms Vegeta has a whole range of abilities but we'll focus on the ones that'll more than likely help him out in this fight beside the standard superhuman speed and agility Vegeta can fly and it's this flight mixed with his quickness that'll be a major component on how he fights the slower Thanos Plus don't forget his signature attacks like final flash Dalek gun and BIGBANG attack all of which can be used to great effect throw in all of his super saiyan forms and you have one deadly warrior but Thanos has an interesting move set as well he's got a steady supply of ranged attacks thanks to his ability to manipulate energy and do things like shoot laser beams out of his eyes Thanos is the type of strong character you wish was dumb but sadly is probably smarter than you two don't forget vanos was a scholar on titan and is a genius in most forms of advanced science and that in with being a tactician and it's enough to wonder white day knows his head isn't bigger with all that brainpower Vegeta is no idiot but compared to fan osis smarts it's easy to see that he pales in comparison but to give a jutsu credit his deducing and tactical skills are great we want to say he's impressive because he's smarter than Goku but let's be honest a whole people are how does that saying go Vegeta always loses well with every battle but cheetahs lost he's gotten stronger and smarter he's gone toe-to-toe with some of the toughest fighters around including Frieza Buu cell and of course Goku so even though he has a huge list of losses if he's learned something from each one it means he's been improving a lot but it's hard to beat then else when it comes to experience Thanos has been around for a very long time and fought some of the most powerful heroes and villains in the multiverse coming out on top on many occasions when you're one of the strongest beings in the galaxy it's hard to find a weakness that being said Thanos does tend to let his ego get the better of him sometimes and could be classified as overconfident if someone truly strong came along to fight him he might not take it seriously at first which could be fatal Vegeta is in a similar boat as they knows where he doesn't necessarily have a weakness other than the limitations of most things like needing oxygen to breathe but he does have quite a temper that's easy to set off if you get him angry enough then you might be able to throw him off balance furious Vegeta is dangerous but someone who's that ticked off might make some crucial mistakes it's very important to note that Thanos won't be using the Infinity Gauntlet in this fight just to keep things fair and a little personal note from us here at CDR during the fight you will seat the nose with the Infinity Gauntlet but unfortunately we can't do anything about it just try to imagine that it's not really there and it's a very shiny piece of jewelry that Thanos wears or something as our fighters saunter toward the CBR ring let's take one last look at the tale of the tape looking at their strength levels Thanos has the advantage but Vegeta isn't far behind health has to go to Thanos because of his durability and near immortality when it comes to abilities they're pretty even intelligence goes to Thanos come on The Dude's a genius experience also goes to Thanos however Vegeta is a close second Thanos doesn't have many weaknesses so he has the advantage there as well this fight is going to be super close can the mad Titan cinch a victory or will Vegeta pull off an upset we're about to find out our fighters are warmed up and itching to take their shots at one another so let them fight Vegeta is busy training when his key awareness starts going crazy something powerful is here and since he's the only one around at the moment he has to check it out mistakenly thinking it could even be another Saiyan but what he finds is something much more purple Thanos has appeared in one of universe 7 Earth's multiple mountain ranges and he's itching to find those Dragon Balls Vegeta announces his presence in two questions the mad Titan this may seem a little foolish to not jump right into battle but it's actually a smart strategy by both fighters as they size each other up while Vegeta uses his Scouter to read his power level the mad Titan questions if Vegeta is this planet strongest hero that question is too much for Vegeta's ego and he answers with a resounding yes vanos miles if he beats this earth's most powerful protector then nothing can stand in his way Vegeta Scouter reveals then OSes power level to be way over 9000 it's over he might just be the most powerful being he's ever faced and Vegeta knows he needs to strike quick to end this battle before it even begins with a sudden burst of speed he attacks Thanos with the viraja fists and punches but vanos was somewhat prepared for this he defends himself for the most part blocking a majority of angeas quick succession of hits when only a few slipping between his defenses barely putting a scratch on the mad Titan Thanos smiles again surely Earth's strongest hero could do better than that but this was Vegeta's plan by luring fan OHS into a false sense of security with some weak initial punches he's able to go on the offensive Vegeta starts charging up an attack if Thanos knew his enemy he would have known that Vegeta's gearing up for his Gallic gun signature move before a nose can overthink it too much a huge fuchsia colored beam explodes from his hands and hits Thanos dead-on majeeda didn't have time to use his Gallic gun at full power or else he lose the element of surprise but he's still confident in that attack but his smile fades as the smoke clears and Panos is standing right there unharmed and unfazed Vegeta really should have known better if this attack didn't work against Frieza it probably wouldn't work against Thanos he goes super saiyan the mad Titan is getting warmed up now this could shape up to be a good fight for him after all he darts forward and unleashes his own series of punches on Vegeta but she just quick enough to dodge a few punches but Thanos is able to land a few hard hits that send Vegeta flying back into the canyon wall without a moment's rest Thanos unleashes his own energy beam from his hands at Vegeta there's a moment where Thanos thinks the fight could be over but he clearly doesn't know how resilient Vegeta can be he erupts out of that crater and knows he needs to get a little more serious he unleashes an incredible fury of attacks on Thanos that Thanos isn't quick enough to dodge the pummeling continues and Thanos his armor starts to crack Vegeta switches to Super Saiyan God to jet away and then unleashes his BIGBANG attack on Thanos a super-powerful energy sphere shoots toward Thanos who's two days to try and dodge much to the judas dismay Thanos is still standing but his breathing his a little heavier vanos has never faced an opponent like this before being the master strategist that he is Thanos knows he needs to get adjudicated but the Prince of all Saiyans is keeping his distance for a reason Vegeta just can't do the same thing again and again he needs to charge up for a massive attack he just needs time to do it so the two start taunting one another both aliens can tell the other has a massive ego it's just a matter of who can get who riled up first but they a nose didn't come all this way to stand around and wait the mad Titan thrusts at Vegeta to keep the Saiyan on his toes Thanos knows that he won't be able to catch Vegeta while he's in his Super Saiyan God form piano stops his attack he tells Vegeta that only a coward dances around and a truly strong warrior would have put up more of a fight Vegeta feels like an imposter Thanos asks Vegeta if he should find another challenger his anger overtakes him and he doesn't think clearly he switches to Super Saiyan blue to deliver an attack but this is what Thanos was waiting for with a sudden burst of speed that he was saving up Thanos drives Vegeta into the ground he pummels the Saiyan again and again with all his might with his fading energy Vegeta gets away from Thanos he knows the end is near there's only one thing left to do was he won't let this villain beat him calling on the final remnants of his strength Vegeta gathers his lifeforce and starts converting it into raw energy flame like ribbons swirl around his body and after the smoke clears majeeda has nothing left he's past the days where this attack would kill him but it drains him of his remaining energy Vegeta collapses and weakly looks around his eyes go wide at the horror that he sees before him Thanos is still there his amazing healing abilities and his tough exterior protected him but not by much almost all of his armor is disintegrated the left side of his face is burnt and scarred but his body already starts healing even before all the smoke vanishes Vegeta cannot muster enough energy to scream as Thanos slowly gets to his feet and starts making his way toward him Thanos towers over Vegeta's body although Vegeta is his enemy Daedalus respects the fight that he put up but he has to wipe out this threat once and for all he looks down on Vegeta's weakened husk of a body and after a second of gathering his strength Thanos unleashes his fault power as he strikes the Saiyan with a deadly energy blast turning vegeta to ash and the Prince of all Saiyans is no more and here is your winner the mad Titan Thanos Vegeta put up an incredible fight folks nothing to hang his head about but in the end he just let his emotions run a little too hot and Thanos exploited it to pull out a victory but now there's a bigger issue Thanos is left to run amok in universe 7 in his quest to collect the Dragon Balls the first person he encountered was Vegeta so he knows this world can produce powerful fighters who in the Dragon Ball universe can stop Thanos well you'll find out soon enough feyo's wound up the winner of today's battle but who's the mad Titan facing next a movie monster a Man of Steel someone from the one punch man universe let us know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more awesome matchups like these thanks for watching and we'll see you next time for the next epic CBR battle
Channel: CBR
Views: 204,913
Rating: 3.7461638 out of 5
Keywords: Thanos, Vegeta, Avengers, Dragon Ball Z, Thanos vs Vegeta, The Mad Titan, MCU, Villain Battle, Superman vs Goku, Hulk vs Pennywise, Hulk vs Superman, battle of titans, superheroes, anime heroes, monsters, Battle Series, Fight Scenes, Action Scenes, Fan edit, CBR, dragon ball xenoverse, dragon ball broly, marvel phase 4, marvel what if, marvel legeinds, captain marvel, black widow, dragon ball heroes, dragon ball super, goku
Id: G64NMZsmhJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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