10 Most Insane Things Wolverine Could Survive

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Wolverine can definitely take whatever the world throws at him he survived some insane events and this video is all about those he's walked away from in one piece let's get into it sure you could probably make the case that saber-tooth is Wolverines greatest enemy thanks to their past and personal connection but personally I think magneto is Logan's biggest foil and it comes down to the simple fact that Magneto's power level and skill set seems custom designed to halt Wolverine in his tracks it's kind of hard to beat the master manipulator of metal when your bones are covered in adamantium and there's one comic book moment that shows just how ineffective Wolverine can be against Magneto and the comic story fatal attractions the x-men are doing their normal weekend activity of trying to stop magneto from causing destruction when suddenly the crazy dial gets cranked up to 11 after Wolverine brutally attacks Magneto the villain responds by going the extra mile using his powers he rips the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton can you imagine having your bones suddenly sucked out of your body yeah thanks to his natural healing factor Wolverine did survive this but it must have been one of his most unpleasant experiences of all time maybe this should act as a wake-up call to you Wolverine about fighting a guy who can turn you into a puppet x-men The Last Stand may have not been the Dark Phoenix adaptation that we wanted you guys remember how badly they treated poor Cyclops but to its credit it did have some solid special effects and some tense fight scenes although this version of Jean Grey's Dark Phoenix basically just kind of stood around and looked mad for the whole movie she did have one major scene of destruction and devastation at the end of the film after the climactic mutant battle on Alcatraz the Phoenix is officially released completely disintegrating everything in sight if only there was a mutant who could withstand the force of such an attack oh wait yeah there is Wolverine is the only one that can get close to Jean during this rampage and it looks brutally painful the Phoenix's intense attack keeps destroying parts of Wolverine but his healing factor works fast repairing his body just as it gets stroyed it's a brutal back-and-forth that ends with Wolverine having to do the hardest thing he's ever had to do before ending the life of the woman he loves most so on top of extreme physical damage he also suffers a huge blow emotionally talk about a rough day if there's one in fact that gets hammered home again and again across bolt the comics and the film's it's that Wolverine has darn near indestructible a lot of things that would normally destroy us mere mortals barely gives Wolverine a tickle case in point we've seen Wolverine survive nuclear bombs both in the comics and on film the movie moment comes from the Wolverine where our heroic Wolvie saves an officer at Nagasaki after the atomic bomb is dropped it's an amazing scene as we see the flames engulf Wolverine but the mutant keeps fighting to save this guy's life a decision he would probably regret a few years later but still the end result is Wolverine looking like a burnt piece of pizza he left in the oven too long but of course he gets better what's so cool about this is not only did Wolverine survive it but he never stopped trying to save lives during the brutal bombing and in the comics the character is also immune to nuclear blasts and venom number 9 Wolverine gets caught up in a nuclear explosion when two cybernetically enhanced women try to nuke the Venom symbiote out of existence Logan is caught in the crossfire but don't worry he got beat in the acclaimed comic series Civil War is famous for a lot of things but for all the epicness that's packed into that story don't forget about the time Wolverine was melted down to nothing but his adamantium skeleton only to regrow all of his organic material in a matter of minutes the blast came from the fiery villain nitro who was powerful enough to completely destroy every part of Wolverine except for his metal skeleton how hot is that exactly we'll think about when you bite into a pizza roll just after it came out of the microwave yeah it was hotter than that now this is proved to be one of those controversial events Wolverine has ever walked away from his healing factors always been a little vague or ill defined based on whoever's writing the comic but this moment definitely raised a few eyebrows not only is it questionable that Wolverine was able to regenerate his entire body from seemingly nothing but it also was the fact that the mutant healed almost instantly like if there was any doubt that Wolverines healing factor was one of the most powerful in all of Marvel Comics then this moment proved just how powerful it could be although he doesn't have any super powers sprang Castle aka The Punisher is probably the scariest antihero in the entire Marvel Universe even if you're the strongest hero in the world you should feel a slight - in Japan ik if you know the Punisher has you in his crosshairs you think Wolverines got nothing to fear from the Punisher after all Wolverine is an almost ageless and mortal incredibly powerful superhero who sometimes looks like Hugh Jackman like why should he be afraid of some guy in a skull shirt but never underestimate what the Punisher is capable of after dealing some pretty graphic and not-safe-for-work damage to Wolverines face with a shotgun The Punisher decided to pull something right out of a Tom and Jerry cartoon by flattening Wolverine with a steamroller I can't really imagine a worse way to go out than a steamroller starting at your feet and working its way up to your head a foot talk about brutal do not mess with Frank Castle okay of course Wolverine survived but we just got to assume that it was one of the most painful attacks he's ever endured and we wouldn't be surprised if he walked kind of funny for a little bit afterwards this one starts off relatively harmless Wolverines doing the stupid thing of charging Magneto but luckily this is when he doesn't have his adamantium skeleton yet so old magneto can't just control the guy he starts by throwing a bunch of small objects of Wolverine which our hero easily dodges or slices with bone claws but then the situation turns into the world's worst amusement park rollercoaster using a concrete slab with a lot of metal piping in it magneto impales Wolverine and we see the piping dig into and around his body acting like a demon version of seatbelts strapping him in for what's sure to be the ride of his life if this wasn't bad enough magneto then sends Wolverine sailing into a nearby river so yeah Wolverine survives but it must have been excruciating because he's sitting at the bottom of that River for quite a long period of time before mystique fishes him out can you imagine the agony of drowning over and over and over again without being able to move as sharp pipes stab you all over this is one of those times it seems like an extreme healing factor might be more of a curse than a blessing Wolverine not only has survived countless physical attacks but also a whole bevy of internal ones as well one of the most memorable and probably grossest things he's ever endured is when the x-men were fighting the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in a terrible luck of the draw Wolverine ends up facing the horseman of death and that's really one enemy you don't want to face unless you have an extreme healing factor well the two faced off a Wolverine attempted his normal slashing technique that's gotten him out of multiple jams in the past but it doesn't exactly go very well the horseman of death responds by infecting Wolverine with every disease known to man all at once you'd honestly think that's more pestilences thing but I guess they share it's a brutal image to see all the cancerous boils and other gag-inducing effects suddenly ravaged Wolverines body but Wolverine ends up surviving this because his healing factor is working overtime like it's not only major diseases either you see that on top of seizures and strokes Wolverine has to endure cataracts and even lupus all mixed up in his body like some sort of gross blender concoction I think Wolverine definitely deserved a sick day after that ordeal good thing his body's basically vitamin C in mutant form watching Wolverine fight the Hulk is probably one of the most visually satisfying things in the Marvel Universe it just feels so right adding these two raging superheroes go toe-to-toe with each other it's usually an epic slugfest with Wolverine being the faster fighter but the Hulk delivering devastating blow after devastating blow these two go together like peanut butter and jelly well that is a peanut butter wanted to smash jelly and making jam we haven't gotten to see these two Marvel heroes Duke it out of the big screen chest yet though that might change in the future we have seen it a lot in the comics though and especially the animated movies and whole cover PSA's Wolverine it's exactly what the title suggests and we're lucky enough to get to see an epic brawl but any encounter you have with the Incredible Hulk is automatically a dangerous one and I can't believe a Wolverine survived just look at the way Hulk smashes Wolverine with a huge rock for anybody else this smashing would have turned them into a gross red liquid but thanks to the mutant strength and endurance Wolverine lives to fight another day maybe next time try dodging a little quicker the big question regarding anyone with the massive healing power is just what exactly they can heal from this is especially true for Wolverine as his healing powers have definitely been in flux over the years one of the biggest things he ever healed from came from 1987 uncanny x-men annual number 11 which saw the x-men battled the alien mutant horde this guy was one seriously bad dude who wanted to dominate the entire universe and force the x-men to travel to another world to steal a powerful item called the crystal of ultimate vision talk about crazy during the final fight with Horde near the crystal horde ended up impaling Wolverine with a javelin and ripping out the guy's heart ending his life in an instant shocking right but then a single drop of Wolverines blood happened to land on the crystal which caused his whole body to regenerate from that single drop and as a bonus perk he came back briefly with the powers of a god man sure Wolverine had a little bit of help because it was the crystal that allowed him to regenerate from such a little drop of blood but still pretty impressive think of the worst thing you've ever eaten and I guarantee you Wolverines eaten worse because no matter how gross something is I cannot imagine anything worse than a tiny bomb that completely destroys you from the inside so be careful what you ingest kids don't go around swallowing strange objects the situation was this Wolverine was going toe-to-toe with a soldier who was completely decked out in adamantium armor you see that's a little more advantageous than what Wolverines working with because all of his adamantium is in his bones he still got that relatively soft squishy and tactile a sensitive exterior during the fight the soldier Forest Wolverine to swallow a small bomb and once Wolverines swallowed it the soldier detonated it cue the shower of Wolverine intestines but this bomb was interesting and that it not only destroyed Wolverines body but also his soul like even though his body regenerated in a way that we all know it would and what came back was just a lifeless husk stuck in a weird vegetative state eventually of course he was brought back to his normal cigar-chomping self due to some weird comic magic but the whole ordeal really highlighted some major flaws and Wolverines defenses I still can't believe Wolverine survived being melted down to nothing but his adamantium skeleton that's nuts what do you think what's the most insane thing Wolverine is survived let us know in the comments down below and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more awesome comic book content thanks for watching see Br
Channel: CBR
Views: 444,281
Rating: 4.9308496 out of 5
Keywords: Wolverine, Wolverine Injuries, worst wolverine fights, Magneto, Adamantium skeleton, Dark Phoenix, Wolverine nuclear bomb, Nitro, Wolverine melted down, brutal Wolverine injuries, Horde, X-Men, X-Men movies, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Logan, The Wolverine movie, CBR
Id: 5eyR3m2_1Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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