Iron Man: OP Armors Tony Never Wore In The MCU

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tony stark always has such nice suits but could tony have had better suits what comic book suits could have helped tony in the mcu the iron man suit has gone through a few upgrades from its rough caveman origins all the way to the nano suit that seemed to be able to do just about anything including making its own infinity gauntlet but there are some suits from the comics that might have made things easier for him let's see how tony's other suits might have helped save the day in the mcu once upon a time a genius billionaire was kidnapped by a terrorist group that wanted him to build them a weapon instead he built a suit of armor and got some important life advice from another genius and iron man became part of the mcu since then tony has worked on improving the suit mostly when it comes to suiting up in iron man 2 tony introduced the suitcase armor which still took a few intense moments to come together while a guy with an arc reactor whips tear apart your formula one car watch out tony in avengers he installed a self-dressing machine in his drinking room though every room is tony's drinking room isn't it mcu tony didn't go through demon in a bottle but for that method to work the bad guy has to let you monologue in your own house iron man 3 try to suit delivery system while civil war tony was experimenting with wearing just the important parts of the suit all of this led back to that magic triangle and the nano suit of the avengers infinity war now we can suit up with a touch need more power his feet could become a bigger rocket need more firepower whatever those things are that jump out from behind him are on the task anchor thanos fist to the ground while hitting him with a haymaker hey no problem it's a good suit but the nano suit doesn't have the best track record he couldn't stop call obsidian and emity maw from kidnapping doctor strange and despite all the tricks he was only able to get a drop of blood from thanos since blasting out of a cave in 1963 in the page of the comics tony stark has met more than a few high-level threats the hallmark of iron man is that he'll always build to the occasion so that has meant he's had some really powerful suits that's certainly true in the iron man 2020 storyline tony's 2020 isn't going any better than anyone else's after a complicated series of events tony stark has managed to erase his memory then have it downloaded into a different body always an engineer this led to tony start thinking about george washington's axe george washington's axe is a thought experiment say you have george washington's axe but at some point the handle breaks so you replace the handle later the head is worn out or cracked so you replace that but now is that really george washington's axe another way to think about it is the ship of theseus that is restored over and over again over time all the wood is the same shape but how much of the ship has to be original for that ship to be the actual ship of theseus if tony stark's consciousness is a copy download into a copy of tony stark isn't this just a clever ai that's convinced he's tony stark so tony stark decides he's not tony stark but a convincing tony stark copy and his long-lost brother arno more about him later was convinced enough to take over stark's company and even his iron man identity even a tony stark that thinks he's a tony stark ai is still a force to be reckoned with the end result is that a tony stark that was convinced he was a tony stark ai who was hanging out in a hologram world came out with hologram armor imagine the emperor's new clothes except that the emperor actually did have new clothes you just can't see them until you touch them actually wait don't imagine that it makes the story so much weirder the point is the hologram armor doesn't appear until something hits it what problem does this solve the rdj problem when you have an actor as dynamic as robert downey jr you're in a catch-22 in a superhero movie superheroes spend a lot of time with a mask over their face or in iron man's case a helmet but then you don't get those sweet rdj expressions the movies have handled that by showing us the heads up display with tony's face when they show the heads up display in terminator movies who is the text for anyways armor that only becomes visible when he gets hit gives us the full rdj exposure and it's an easier suit to wear on set like the nanotech suit the hologram suit seems to respond to tony's whim which comes in handy because tony has a lot of whims there are no shortage of suits and comic books that respond to people's thoughts though it doesn't always end well spider-man found a new set of duds on the beyonders battle world that responded to his thoughts but then peter parker learned why you don't take things home from the gift shop of a place called battle world the suit turned out to be a senior being a clintarian symbiote that once separated became obsessed with peter parker as the villain venom since his introduction venom and the symbiotes have really gotten around at this point it's easier to list the marvel characters who haven't bonded with venom or at least one of his symbiote fellows it would seem crazy to do it on purpose but then tony is a little crazy in superior iron man tony kind of did but by making his own liquidy suit this time instead of relying on both being a downloaded consciousness in an ai to control the holograms he's been living as this time he's ionically attached to a liquid metal suit that performed like the t-1000 from terminator 2. seriously though the terminator isn't really reading those displays it's the computer that calculated them sorry off track again the advantage of the suit has over the nano suit is that it can increase in size imagine that a code green goes wrong and the hulk is renewing a section of downtown johannesburg like in age of ultron instead of having to summon veronica the suit can bulk up for the hulk on the spot considering how fast the hulk goes from zero to punchy that time saved can come in handy there's someone who can tell tony exactly what it's like to be on the receiving end of a hulk out and that's a pair of asgardian brothers while they can take a hit neither of them are big fans but asgardians are not unfamiliar with big hitters they've got their own way to deal with the big hitter threats and one of those ways is a special material uru marvel has a lot of super metals adamantium is part of what makes wolverine so unstoppable vibranium has helped make wakanda a technological wonderland uru is the magic medal of the dwarves of neadavalier and the material that thor's hammer is made of tony's bleeding edge armor was a lot like the nano suit from infinity war and endgame but when he had to go up against a bunch of asgardians who were turned bad guy he went to the dwarves of needavalier and gave his bleeding edge suit and uru upgrade naturally that makes his armor that much stronger but before tony gets too confident with that he should have a conversation with thor about his sister and what she did to his hammer ah there's always stronger isn't there but it does have one distinct advantage the armor was magic not in that arthur c clarke any sufficiently advanced science will appear as magic kind of way but in the asgard is magic kind of way could magic have been the edge against thanos well it kind of was the sorcerer supreme saw the future that defeated thanos and the other sorcerers did all the assembling for that final throwdown with thanos magic is handy advanced technology is handy there's one threat that is almost certainly on the horizon who knows that these are two great tastes that taste great together and that's doctor doom he managed to turn a magic and technology combo that's tied up the fantastic four for decades of course for tony stark to use magic tech armor against a magic tech character like doctor doom he has to survive to get to doom so remember that long lost brother we talked about tony had well it's a long story you know the routine bred to be a defender of earth has to hide out and iron along later emerges and takes out his brother's business when his brother becomes convinced he's really an ai you see it all the time while tony was in the digital realm thinking he was a robot tony and not just tony he did what tony's do robot or not and came up with some cool suits before the holograph suit he came up with the godbuster suit we've had a lot of suits that respond to tony's thoughts and are limited only by tony's imagination but why stop there the godbuster armor was actually built beyond tony's abilities in a way the godbuster armor exceeds his own ample imagination no small feat tony recognized the problem he's been dealing with since forever once he creates something something will take it and do something bad with it so he destroyed the armor to prevent anyone else from getting the technology that is until his long-lost kind of brother took over his business and used remnants of the armor to reconstruct it complete with giant gears as igliats for some reason tony could have used some of that edge in the fight against thanos but a titan is a big thing to take down and the infinity stones make that so much harder busting gods might not be good enough tony needed some help from the god killer suit the god killer suit isn't even tony's design but that doesn't mean he didn't put a little tony stark stink on a new version the original god killer suit was built by the aspirants to help them take on the celestials celestials are super powerful beings in a universe of super powerful people in the mcu peter quill's dad is one so is the game master the being that held the two most powerful avengers as gladiators nerdy wells of the galaxy do their shady business in the floating head of a celestial with that kind of power even the uru is not going to make a difference you need something big not just honeycomb big but celestial big powered by eight nuclear reactors on top of repulsor technology it was the best of both celestial tech and that tony touch that allowed him to take on the dark celestials that should be more than enough to not only match a mad titan but also the hungriest hungriest hippo of them all galactus with the fantastic four joining the ncu at some undetermined point it's only a matter of time before the big guy needs to feed no need to rely on a faithless herald the godkiller mark ii armor is up to the task unfortunately in the battle with the dark celestials the armor was destroyed but you know iron man armor gets destroyed a lot like a lot whether it's something as simple as giving us more rdj or giving rdjs iron man the firepower to beat thanos the mcu tony stark could have used some help from comic book tony stark and those amazing suits of course none of these would have solved the problem of film contracts and actor salaries you can't afford me not to mention that the ark for tony stark in the mcu was heartfelt and amazing as the man who wouldn't sacrifice for anyone found a way to sacrifice well we'll always have our rdj iron man memories you don't want to undo your noble sacrifice just for another dip in the pool like the terminator i mean the same computer that creates the text is the one who would read it so why the extra step sorry everybody those are some of the iron man suits from the comics that might have turned the tide in the mcu what suit would you like to have seen let us know in the comments and while you're there why not subscribe to cbr for the latest videos in your inbox thanks for watching you
Channel: CBR
Views: 745,361
Rating: 4.9094329 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU, Tony Stark Iron Man, Arno Stark, Uru Armor, Godkiller, Godbuster, Eno-Sym, Holograms, Celestials, Asgard, Thor, Gamemaster, Ego the Living Planet, Galactus, Nidavellir, CBR
Id: _C_GK90OlaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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