Full Video: Team Captain America (Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, Sebastian Stan) Talks Civil War

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all right it's happening guys the other half of civil war press conference is starting this time I would like to very much like to welcome team cap first on out of the gate Paul Rudd himself following come on down here is right I just kind of want to I don't want to step on Captain America's toes nope all right sorry it's all good now we're all set to go all right the voice of Anthony Mackie will be followed by his body we love you Detroit it's not - Troy oh that yeah so awkward - yeah it's Sebastian Stan get out out here I did not have a in have anything a city for us it's captain self Chris Evans oh all right I um this is fun couches I thought it was gonna be like a table right no it was a surprise to us real on a table sorry very comfortable we're keeping it real for Elizabeth Olsen come back our director we have not yet heard from Joe recite job the crowded couch um oh that's a go Joe alright welcoming back Kevin Feige occupied front seat Chris I want to tell you the first question here because even though in the Marvel Universe and in previous movies everyone in the film is so well represented and it's so balanced do you feel an even bigger responsibility when you're a part of a movie whose first two words of the title is Captain America - I mean I there's pressure but I don't think it's anywhere near the pressure that to be honest the people like the Russos or marble feel because it honestly is the movies live and die based on the directors and the producers and how we've all seen phenomenal actors and great scripts that still didn't come to fruition in a good way and it really goes to show that a good movie lives and dies based on the directors you could have all the other pieces in place but unless you have quality storytellers you may fall on your face and so yeah this pressure but not as much as you guys so lucky yeah you know they did it they did the job real well Joe speaking to you as a director but part of a team like that's a pretty rare thing to see especially in a major motion picture like two directors taking on several movies do you feel that you have particular strengths and Anthony has different particular strengths hmm that's a tough question if you're putting on the spot you know we've been doing this for a long time together we grew up watching movies together a very similar aesthetic and we're working it we were working in TV for a long time together I don't think that there's a there is no true division of labor for us it's um just a pure collaboration and you know really you know well we say that you know the the only thing that is is is tricky for us is is who has enough energy to get out of the chair to go speak to the actors have to take but other than that you know everything is shared equally peacefully going ecology was it any considerations in the mill of the action of bringing it to life uh you know I don't want to repeat what my brother said on the on the on the prior panel but you know action is is very important to us these movies are about action the characters express themselves through action action has to have storytelling to it for us or it's vacuous and and superficial and you know you can you'll get tired of an action sequence if it's not either defining the character or moving the story forward in some way it takes an incredible amount of effort and thank God we have such an incredible team of collaborators including Kevin and Markus and McFeely and Nate Moore who who works at Marvel as well who who can who can work with us and keep us honest in terms of the storytelling and its cast who are also the caretakers are the characters in a way that we never could be so it you know it's it's by far and away the hardest thing to do on a film the easiest thing to do on a film is when you have a Soderbergh level of cast like this to to put down the dramatic scenes on camera especially with with teachers of this caliber who have been playing these parts for this long those are some of the easiest things we do some of the hardest things we do is is the is executing the action and I think the the toughest sequence by far in this film which we literally probably just finished a week or two ago was was the airport sequence it's filled with a lot of moving parts a lot of different characters you want to move each character forward you want to make sure that you're not leaving anybody behind and and you know I think we we went well into the post process still reshaping and rethinking and and reconfiguring that sequence to make sure that it had its maximum a storytelling thrust to it against would I buy medium Iron Man would I fight yep uh well I'd probably want to aim low you know you don't want to fight vision cuz he's gonna get this area um I don't I think you know it's in order to survive I'd probably take black widow just because we she's human um you know but but out of a debate from a character standpoint probably Iron Man cuz our characters obviously have the most fiction features my question actually is for all the actors I wanted to ask you about doing that Airport sequence and and how that was for you how many days it was what was the most challenging part of that and were you satisfied when you saw the finished product yeah it was great I mean it's hot it's Atlanta in August so I think everyone was was toasty and there's only a couple scenes where you know a couple shots where you know you might have that one 50/50 where everyone's running together but for the most part it's you know picks and pops and you're just getting pieces so it's a lot of waiting around but you you really have a confidence that this is going to be something special you can see in Anthony and Joe's face and Kevin II these guys get so excited when these moments work it's it's a meticulous process because it's such a grand scheme so on the day it's not as as you know cool and romantic as you think it would be but but there's an energy on set and an excitement that that keeps you invested knowing that it's going to be something epic Mark Hughes with Ford's Paul would you say I believe this belongs to you Captain America was that improvised and how many other different lines did you try out several different ways of saying that because I just seemed so you and Jeremy kill the messenger is amazing I love the film I just wanted to say thank you and that's exactly how you sounded delivering it they did a better job than I oh that I don't know I think that was in the I think that was always in the script the I think this belongs to you we you know we sometimes would play around with lines and stuff while we're shooting it and these guys would suggest things and but and then sometimes we'd come up with the things after the fact one of the great things about having a mask is that if you think of a great joke afterward you have to you have to match it to anything so you can add stuff even in ADR but that was I think that was one that was that was always in there he's being modest Paul's like one of the great improvisers that you could hope to work with and it is true when you have the masks and I think that was a great benefit to us in the post process again in terms of modulating the tone in that that section of the movie but you know we we had like endless amounts of jokes that Anthony and our editor Jeff Ford and Kevin would sit in the Edit room and laugh about for hours and try to figure out it was not an easy task which one was funnier than the other and they you know he just gave us a wealth of material where you worked yeah how how I felt as far as being the fanboy the group that that was not really there was very little acting required in that scene from me you know they've all worked together and done this before I've just seen the movies I mean I've seen all the Marvel movies so to be there on the day I kind of couldn't stop geeking out about it I thought oh my god there's the shield then and I thought you know there's that there's that arm there you weren't looking Wow there was a god damn man and uh and so like that that kind of that kind of hey even when I was getting the suit on you know there's this area where we get changed and stuff and it's like well there's a Iron Man suit whoa you know and uh and there they all are I did I I did feel that that excitement of what I can't believe that I landed here this is nuts so it was really cool Joe you got to introduce a lot of the bug centric superheroes into the mix of the stone focus on yeah man is spider-man no wasp can you explain this to what I'm not bringing Evangeline Lilly to this film there were drafts where wasp participated in the splash panel fight the airport the airport battle and the truth is it it proves you seeing her suit up for the first time of seeing her on that road to being a hero we experienced that with with with that man in in his own movie we experienced that with spider-man in many movies and we have big plans and we later announced the title of Paul's a sequel which is MN and the wasp so we have very big plans to unveil her in her own movie where she can be the entirety the movie and not a moment in in an action scene Kevin hi a question for you because it's kind of hard it is like an excited fan to like live in the moment of the movie because once you've seen it you're like oh my god what's next right and I was wondering as the marvel universe expands like with some of the Netflix shows being considerably darker having a different tone do you feel that ripple effects are going to be felt from shows like that in the further cinematic universe that there might be but I think what I love is is you're now seeing in the film medium in the television medium the reflection of what the comics have always been there's always been that great you know diversity of tone within the comics and I love that that we're seeing more more that on the on various screens says that yes that's a sure to be another interesting evolution your character he was supposedly like protecting the true like the all-american values in this case he's just rejecting to come to the government control and Charpy the imagination so I would like you to talk about that that's very interesting sure exactly well with regards to but whether you know there that was always a concern whether you know the name America whether or not that would kind of polarize certain audiences but the truth is the name America I mean what he stands for is something that's ubiquitous across the world well you know what he believes in you know honor and morality and values that's something you can find anywhere but in terms of who he's been throughout the arc of his character you know he's always kind of fought for the greater good he's always kind of put the needs of the masses before his own desire and that's exactly what's different in this film instead of kind of whoops let that you know put that in my lap for a second instead of kind of getting dedicating himself towards what others need in this film he kind of prioritizes what he wants which is a departure from what he's normally Allegiant to so so I think it's it's again it colors the character in a really nice way you know you have a guy who's this incredibly austere and moral character it's hard trying to find ways to make him layered and dynamic and I think in this movie he becomes potentially selfish where he kind of puts his own desires first but it's rooted in family which is I think is a is a through line that we can all relate to speaking of family Jeremy I wanted to ask but as we got to know Hawkeye more howdy why do you feel that he joined caps side immediately in this phone he's one who called Ryan Tug these guys they wrote it no I think private time is quite boring you know uh you know and then y'all go help a friend yeah it's not it's not that and the moral compasses isn't it is not far cry from from cap sort of thinking as well anyway at least that's how I see Hawkeye to be we're sort of principled and he owes a debt to sky which so and her her brother so you know when she's under duress it's a it's a call to arms yep dad calm have an actor question actors always fill in the gaps in the backstory in their head stuff that conforms the character that isn't in the script and that we never see what is all y'all can answer this what is something that you know about your character that we don't know I think that's like I all never tell kind of my boundary hey John you yeah people I don't know it's a good question yeah I kind of go on board with you that I think to some degree I mean this is almost like the way it is being an actor in general some things you know certain things you want to share and certain things you don't I think some degree it's almost nice having certain parts of the character that are intimate and ultimately at the end of the day these guys do a good job of fleshing out the tones that they want you to see better than we ever could that's it's one of the things when I was just doing the interview with you guys you too in Kevin and the Russos and they were just talking about how they form these stories and form these arcs and you really think these things I'm kind of deviating from the question but it just feels worthy to bring up because it blew my mind I've been doing these for a long time now and we were having a interview and they were talking about how they were going to a meeting and sometimes you think with these movies these giant Marvel use any big movie where you think there's a thousand cooks in the kitchen you assume there's some sort of formula some algorithm that kicks in and there's 30 people in suits being like this is what it needs to be but the truth is it really is Joe and Anthony and Kevin and Nate in a room mapping out stories for so many characters so many arcs and they're making them real they're making them actual fleshed out arcs and conflicts that are worthy of a film it's all the explosions in the world aren't going to make you care and and it's it's nuts to think that it really comes from a few people's brains and again this this is not exactly the answer of the question but I think it was worth bringing up because it blew my mind because I've been doing this for a while and it was nuts to kind of realize it really does start from just a few people what was what was your process like in this film as opposed to Winter Soldier when he's not himself he's not a captain well just to piggyback on what Chris said you know I think I'm always fascinated about the same thing it's just you know for example our writers Christopher and Steven I mean it's just phenomenal to me the way that they were able to write a script that gave every character a moment and arch you know an arc and and particularly I think they were the ones that kind of figured it to the temperature of Bucky Barnes you know how much of the guide is is back from the first movie how much of the winter soldiers there and for me it was just sort of taking it off the page and following them you know but a lot of that I think is determined in the in the writing and then also in the decision that these guys make you know and the fun part for me is I never know you know where they're going to take it so trevor nor ki movie pilot calm the question for Elizabeth so in each of Ultron you roll like scared of your powers and then in Civil War you started being some confidence but still it cannot really control and you're still terrified of your powers do you think Scarlet Witch will ever be able to have any confidence with like real confidence with her powers or do you think this is the peak of her confidence level I mean I I think what ends up happening was that she was starting to feel confident but it was more it wasn't about her powers is more about the conflict she had with making a big mistake but I think what's interesting is every superhero has a weakness and I've always thought of hers is she's the person who gets in her way that she's kind of limit limitless and so that's to me an interesting character trait I don't know what we're gonna do next but um I'm I think of her as being like an incredibly strong powerful person and I and it's also fun because I feel like she she could flip by the way because of her her mind I think she I think there are a lot of things that could possibly be played with but I'm not in control of that but I think this film was a lot about just conflict in general of what's right how to use your abilities or whether you should or not I think that's that was consistent theme throughout the whole film so I think was just consistent that as opposed to her being not confident yeah she is on a growth arc and it is it is part of her development it's very tricky with very powerful characters because unless they have an internal struggle or a flaw that limits them then they do become limitless and then the storytelling becomes muddled and and and not very interesting you know she could have stopped that fight at the airport and in five seconds if she were at the peak of her powers so it really you know really has to do with you know her character specifically going on a journey to understand what the limits of her power her powers are she makes a mistake very early in the movie that sets her back and and you know we'll get to see where she goes and infinity war simply you have a pleasant problem it's like I think after this film everybody had such a high point of everybody can carry their own solo film people are going to be clamoring for a Captain America 4 and maybe a war machine movie and that'd be a good idea and how do you deal with that Pleasant great hey listen that that's that's listen Marvel's and I'm you know I've been really talking a lot about this impressed but it really is over the course of the you know I've been doing this for a while now and it really is nice to kind of step back in the first couple years of your involvement of the franchise you're very internal you're scared about being the thing that's going to cause it you're going to be awful and you're very terrified in a very egoic manner but as you kind of continue on the journey you kind of realize how amazing it is what they're doing and what they're accomplishing and how fortunate you are to be part of it this unbelievable inter webbing of stories and you kind of are just so fortunate to be a part of it and I say keep going let's keep going let's let the way it gets bigger and bigger because it's not stopping it's not like they're making bad movies to make great movies and you want to if you want to keep putting in this superhero box you can but the fact is it's still good movies it's good movies that they especially the Russos they ground them in such an authentic way it's real humans real struggles real conflict good cinematic storytelling with like a streak of superhero flavor in it so I say keep it going like if you can keep doing it keep doing you
Channel: CineMovie
Views: 704,374
Rating: 4.9628 out of 5
Keywords: movies, Hollywood, clips, celebrity, interviews, CineMovie, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen, Kevin Feige, Joe Russo, Jeremy Renner, Captain America, Civil War, conference, full
Id: 7mmPyJNz3To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2016
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