AVENGERS 3: Infinity War All Bonus Features & Bloopers (2018)

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[Music] [Music] I'm doc just the I'm doctor I can't walk it annoys me yeah those battles usually start with either stunt team or the VFX team yes sir we owe it to Sam Parker to create these amazing starts for Titan got a ring full of movie stars got three franchise carrying actors here this is our first day here we are in Pinewood in Atlanta and it's it's actually pretty unbelievable you can actually engage in this collaborative creative conversation about what should this look like we would show them our previous material just to let them know like these are there certain things that you would be working with to get to this final product it's gonna look awesome when Chris doesn't every character every hero involved has to use the highest level of their power just is just to stand a battlefield with him the big to Thanos for his Iron Man big showdown this has got all about some cool movies leading up to him right here I got a rapid interview here Josh Brolin going hand to hand right here Stark how do you know my name I know your soul it is much like mine cursed with knowledge my only curse is you one of my favorite moments when próxima tells Scarlett wits he'll die alone as will you she's not alone in a real real moment of threat there's two other women they're starting by each other it's really great to see that the audiences are embracing really strong female super heroines that is one of the biggest cheer moments in the film I know you have found something my sense of peace okay now you are going to father I told you to go we need to destroy your Buffalo how long do I start around correcting for oh yeah you're up good oh my god he's gonna be the better supercalifragilisticexpialidocious these conviction this is the only solution he's seen it firsthand on his planet Titan was like most planets he only faced extinction on also the solution genocide what I predict kingdoms congratulations you're a prophet under survivor Tony knows just by the way that Bruce Banner describes Thanos it's a different game now low-key detect on New York that's him he is the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop just a shear force is something that none of the Avengers has ever encountered before [Music] darkness has been inside my head for six years so I say we take the fight to him heroes are only as good as their villain but the Avengers were built for anything that's for stopping Santos from completing his goal [Music] on really isn't something one considers for balancing the universe but this does put a smile on my face Bombay the way their Rousseau's work they're willing to try different things it was a lot of input and we could we could share how we would express ourselves what war cries we use this what condoms we have another one that's more okay what's that one it's my father yeah means Windham yes are you probably and separate them and they just go ah you get the actors involved and of course they know their characters better than anybody they have great input it's the greatest what kind of forever you've ever said this could be it you know it became with like sort of the cadence of the whole set people walking around saying what kind of flow so when Thanos shows up we really wanted to make this the most powerful moment ever eyes up stay sharp the movie sort of keeps twisting at the end there in ways that you can't believe that it's going one step beyond and that the the fate of our characters and the fate of the universe are still at play in terms of our choices about who Fanus would end up eradicating with his snap you know it's very story focus how do we pay off each individual character storyline most most profoundly Steve the first person to go is Bucky Barnes and it's shot from Captain America's perspective you know we're watching cap go through the experience of watching him go away we're watching a Koi a who's number one mission it is in life is to protect the king she watches the King go in front of her and to see those characters react in those situations is very powerful and and resonant crude no oh god this is it it's always leave Eunice bringing Avengers infinity war to audiences is an incredible road Joan I have traveled with Marvel will be doing these big wide shots and we're gonna expand your tribe it's been a marathon it's actually been a double marathon because we shot both Avengers three and four back-to-back in a one year time frame so it's about as Herculean a tasket because there is in filmmaking the last thing that you guys were playing was really good it's a distress signal Rock if someone could be dying but it has been I think the most fulfilling creative endeavor we've ever experienced we walked for 10 feet straight on the streets of camera there's been a teen films building up to this and we wanted the audience to go on a journey and have an emotional catharsis in a response to the situations that these characters get put in and ultimately the choices that they make which are heartbreaking Joe and I we've counted ourselves as fans long long before we ever became filmmakers in the MCU these movies would be nothing without the passion that the fans bring to them we feel there's a really special kinship with the fandom and it drives us to ever greater heights and storytelling [Music] Gus Brolin is bringing a new iconic villain to life Thanos is a very complex character what he's doing from his point of view is a very positive thing he's basically an eco-terrorist and he wants to eliminate 50% of the universe to save the other 50% [Music] we wanted to tell a story about a character with a really complex and empathetic interior life there's not a lot of actors that can give you both of those things Josh Bowman brings a reality to the character he is wearing that mocap suit he's wearing the motion capture cameras the performance is coming through not only in his gestures in his face but in his eyes there's about 2,900 visual effects shots in the movie we wanted to make it as photographic as possible and I think that that's the most important part [Music] it's been a decade of signs and wonders ten years it's pretty extraordinary it is just the most remarkable achievement it's a very conscious act to go and make a motion picture let alone think about launching and sustaining a cinematic universe I mean nobody had even heard of that five or six years ago I'm Peter violently dr. strange all use made-up names pretty doll since I see this yeah collective isn't it I mean just a bit part of it you can't fit any more people on that poster and everyone deserves to be there you know and everyone has fought for their place in the MCU it's such an amazingly humble group of people and everyone's easy to work with there are team players surprise this will be such fun I love all these actors they've made it so fun it's it's like a big family really we're all having fun and we're really allowed to be the best versions of whatever these giant movies are you're given a set of circumstances in the script and you go try to put your secret sauce on that and make it fun and entertaining and I think what's extraordinary is how that baton has been passed in such a magnanimous way from all these franchises now bring them all together it's just so epic are you yawning to have created these different worlds and made them so sort of full and rich and then bring them all together for these last two movies it's so like it's really been ten years in the making is a very very unique film I'm glad it's worked out this way because we had been working our asses off for a while to have come this far 19 movies 10 years and still be going and still have people lining it and still be doing something that's new and profound and culturally significant that's a dream come true [Music] everybody stay where you are I'm gonna ask one time who are you where the avenger give Santos if he gets all the Infinity stones he'll wipe out half the universe everything you know everything you love it will all be gone just like that well he's never Ford me yeah he has he's never fought me twice getting new hammer better be some hammer he's coming to us I say we take the fight to him you guys are screwed now [Applause] [Music] oh by the way this is a friend of mine tree hi hi I'm Steve Rogers together we can stop France [Music] where's your guy [Music] dude you're embarrassing me from the Wizards [Music]
Channel: KinoCheck.com
Views: 43,167,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers 3 Infinity War, trailer, 2018, Avengers Infinity War, Movie, KinoCheck, Avengers 3 Infinity War trailer, Adventure, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Avengers, Infinity, War, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Guardians, Captain America, Black Panther, Spiderman, Thanos, Avengers 3
Id: _XkUdr0EDwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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