Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 7 Simple Side Missions that Escalated (Sponsored Content)

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life comes at you fast when you're spider-man one minute you're rescuing a lost cat next minute that same cat is wearing a mask and defeating your enemies stealing your limelight listen cat whose name is it on the game hmm back in your backpack but that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to missions in spider-man mars morales for ps5 that get out of hand fast because the game is packed full of side quests and activities that at first seem like there will be no bother at all for a hero of spider-man's caliber then suddenly everything is rocket launchers and venom punching neutralize the target here then in this video brought to you by outside extra and sponsored by marvel spider-man miles morales are the seemingly straightforward spidey jobs that escalated real fast oh and we're avoiding spoilers for the main story in this video but you will see some of our favorite side missions so consider yourself warned spider-man thank god you're here power short-circuited on my platform i'm stuck we imagine window cleaners in new york have a real love-hate relationship with spider-man while they might love how he stops crimes in their city they probably hate how he covers their freshly cleaned windows with his webbing gow they just finished cleaning that i'd be livid how is that stopping crime but they're definitely not afraid to reach out for help as one asks to be rescued on the friendly neighborhood app why he's stuck on the side of a building thanks to his platform having power problems with spider-man regularly and effortlessly snatching people out of mid-air to get them to safety there is one easy route to finishing this job but turns out this is the one person on earth who doesn't want a free ride in spider-man's arms i can carry you down or i can power up the platform uh platform sounds better dude is this a fear of heights thing because if you're not good with heights you're in the wrong job so after you climb to the top of the building only to find that a bunch of crims have turned off the power and the only way you can turn that power back on is by having a big precarious punch-up with them on top of a skyscraper more precarious for them than you to be honest yeah what about this whole situation is better than just immediately getting you off the platform to ground level mr window washer even after this fight things don't get any simpler as it's not just a case of switching the power back on but doing some electrical engineering you have to make wires with your webbing study the building's circuit paths and use your bioelectric powers to jump start a generator or because johnny ungrateful didn't want a free ride in spider-man's arms not that we're bitter or anything a generator there we go just gotta reset the breaker now the job just gets more and more complicated but hey miles never complains and at least the window washer is eventually grateful for your help when he finally reaches the roof heck he even leaves a review saying never gonna complain about cleaning up your webs again [Music] never eh well there's only one thing to do now should i just let me carry you down genius pigeon stop pigeon fact one incoming how do i turn this off did you know scientist nikola tesla nursed injured pigeons back to health when his favorite bird died he was inconsolable for weeks if you played 2018 spider-man for the ps4 you'll remember that peter parker spent what we would say is an inordinate amount of time catching pigeons around manhattan especially when you bear in mind quite how much violent crime was erupting on the streets almost every minute and although miles morales is less preoccupied with collecting lost pigeons than his mentor was he still gets pulled into a quest to find some missing birds because howard the dude who lost all his pigeons in the first game has once more failed to keep track of his pets i've got three birds missing worried about them in this cold i can track them do you have anything that uh belonged to them uh feathers were howard your whole deal is just endlessly fascinating finding a few pigeons sounds like a chill enough job especially when spidey suit can track their location clear across new york in fact as you begin this friendly neighborhood side mission the only part of it that seems likely to be difficult is enduring the secret podcast of pigeon facts that peter parker built into your suit for some reason welcome to pigeon facts your source for daily fun facts about pigeons oh no no no unsubscribe you have opted in it's not long however before this seemingly simple job takes a dark turn as it emerges these birds didn't simply fly the coop they've been stolen did someone steal howard's birds stolen by who you ask well the answer is obvious criminals tired of digital surveillance looking to a more analog method of communication to plan their sinister deeds talking through carrier pigeons i'll admit i didn't think it'd work but i'm a believer now well i just thought cops are tapping our phones so why use phones never accuse spider-man's enemies of failing to think outside the box i guess but what this does mean is that a bunch of nerdy wells are suddenly in on this whole pigeon situation and what's this one of them dropped a clue and oh boy now this is a whole big thing they're using pigeons to carry messages something's happening at the bugle tomorrow night abruptly what seemed like a quick favor for howard has turned into a massive investigation into a criminal plot and spidey is no longer simply catching pigeons but tracing the stolen birds to the scenes of burglaries and intercepting them in mid-flight to seize notes sent from one group of plotters to another this got a lot more complicated than i expected before you can say wow this escalated you're on the roof of the daily bugle with a dozen dudes who are poised to rob that iconic news outlet getting shot at and struggling to think of a quip that reflects the fact that this whole thing started out as a simple job to collect a few pigeons sucks to be you i got feathers not sound as cool as i thought it would give yourself a break miles these are unusual circumstances at least that's the best way we can think to describe a mission to catch a pigeon that ends up with spider-man firing venom bioelectricity in every direction and doling out concussions left right and center daily bugle saved [Music] howard i took out the group that stole your pigeons they won't bother you anymore good looking out now i just gotta talk to my birds about picking better friends he talks to the birds too howard you are a puzzle box waiting to be unlocked spider-man wait much like how firefighters occasionally have to save a cat stack up a tree rather than fight a giant inferno sometimes spider-man can take a break from crime fighting to help new york's feline population instead for example one kitty he has to save is vector a house cat who has run out and gotten lost on the city streets it's a simple job of using spidey's gadgets to follow his scent trail but admittedly it becomes a very smelly task thanks to vector's adventures through new york sewer system oh boy you got that real new york smell now vector wow so when you get to tayo's bodega and find that his cat is missing after a robbery you might hope that you just have to find the burglars get the kitty and get out but what you actually find is a bunch of criminals trying to take out a power substation in order to cut power to an entire block of harlem apparently it's a small jump from cat snatching to unloading live fire into public infrastructure they're shooting transformers even when you find spider cat he wanders off leading you into yet more trouble as you discover why this gang has broken in i think i know what these dudes want there's a bank on this block yup head out on a mission to save a stolen cat end up stopping a bank robbery just an average day for spider-man being honest even the cat-saving part of the mission becomes more of a hassle as when you finally find spider-cat again he's in the arms of a massive brute who doesn't want to part ways with the little fluff ball you can't have him don't you know it's rude to interrupt the bonding prospect guess he has more of a sensitive side than his demeanor suggests thanks to this bizarre escalation spider-man can't just pick up the cat and zip away now he still picks up the cat and zips away but surrounded by 30 unconscious burglars let's get out of here spreader man still you can at least go ham on photo mode once spider-cat is in your backpack and tayo's so pleased to get his cat back that he's happy to lend you his furry friend once you finish the game as you can unlock a very special outfit that allows you to take spider-cat with you at all times he even has a little hat not only does this allow for endless photo mode joy but he actually helps you in fights which sort of makes all that endless escalation in rescuing him worth it nice to meet you this is why p gave me a c equipping you probably noticed what with all the snow and such but the action of spider-man miles morales unfolds during the holiday season which on the one hand means you can spend a lot of time making special christmas cards for spider-man the cat but on the other means that everyone is grappling with freezing temperatures including new york's construction workers hence spidey is summoned to help unfreeze a crane that's been damaged by ice the motor burned out and all the ice buildups thrown it off balance bearing in mind spider-man regularly uses his web shooters to do things like stop runaway trains and prevent entire bridges from falling into the river you'd think this would be a cinch for spidey to take care of even if it's probably not a cinch for folks in the street below to dodge the footlong shards of ice spider-man is raining down on them anyone need more ice no spider-man for the love of god less ice less ice still so long as you don't concern yourself with that firing off your web shooters to dislodge chunks of frozen water is a fairly sedate affair which is frankly a relief after the way some of spider-man's other missions have been going lately [Music] all goes well in fact until it comes time to carefully steady the wobbling crane and we're just gonna say it miles this was probably the point at which to involve some engineers or construction professionals because i mean oh no no no no no were those train tracks always there i gotta break it quickly spider-man you really only have yourself to blame for this one must punch faster non-spider-man related question have you started jane eyre for miss mallor's class i haven't done any homework since school let out it's wild i just finished this wedding scene hang on a sec found a valve this one's got a pressure meter it probably means it's old [Music] grandpa spider-man's heroic deeds don't stop once he takes off the mask as those who played the previous game will recall miles also volunteers at the feast homeless shelter hard to imagine when he finds the time to sleep to be honest so when a feast shelter gets shut down by the city over a burst pipe miles is able to investigate personally i'm gonna talk to gloria about feast as me not spider-man smart miles probably the only thing smarter would be not using the phrase as me not spider-man when talking loudly on the phone in public but hey we're not here to tell you how to spider-man we cleaned it up but the city won't let us reopen until the plumbing's fixed fixing a busted pipe sounds like a five-minute job for someone with the proportional strength of a spider perhaps if we wrap this up miles might even manage to catch up on some of that sleep except for the fact that some of the other volunteers suspect there's something more going on they showed up so fast to condemn us less than an hour after the flood i sound like i should be wearing a tinfoil hat huh no steph you just sound like you've become wrapped up in a spider-man side mission guess this means it's suit time again back on the trail miles finds sabotage is indeed in the air or more specifically in the pipes luckily mars's mate genki has the vital intel as per clear the trash i don't think the water's running oh i know how to fix it you gotta find the pump station how do you know that i didn't clean up the rivers project in fourth grade so they're sparkling clean now well cleaner do not go in the hudson yeah okay you're not the boss of me genki see that just a little reminder of who the boss is here me the dude in the river in december dressed in lycra as things go even more off the rails what we guessed would be the work of a few moments under a sink turns into a scramble across town to reset a series of water valves to restore pump pressure a task spider-man approaches not with a wrench but with delicate and precise web shots one valve down two to go and with delicate and precise um whatever you call this because if spider-man comes across a few feast saboteurs on his repair mission well let's just say he's out to provide water to new yorkers in a way that the nyc department of environmental protection is presumably too cowardly to do itself with bioinvisibility melee takedowns admittedly this isn't how we imagined things would end up when spider-man set out to fix a burst pipe but then this dude probably didn't imagine his day ending with being kicked 20 feet into the road by an electric super teenager either sailor v i guess holiday spider-man oh spider-man miles morales has the dubious honor of being spider-man in the digital age which means he regularly has to contend with heinous acts of cyber villainy like the sinister underground crime faction remotely hijacking an assault chopper to wreak havoc you need to land i can't someone's jammed the controls yikes intense so it's a relief to know that sometimes tech can be frivolous fun such as when a resident of the big apple asks if they can grab a quick selfie with spidey to show all their followers on instagram just how hashtag blessed they are to live in hashtag new york taking these quick snaps seems to be one of the few ways spider-man can please new yorkers that doesn't also involve getting punched very hard so when a fan uses spidey's app to request a selfie miles is only too happy to oblige time to up my selfie game after all the full extent of this side mission is standing still for two seconds while someone else takes a photo how could this one possibly go wrong spider-man hi i know you're busy but could i get a selfie with you yeah sure thing oh my god thank you pose right there wow okay didn't see that one coming in a real zero to 60 move what was supposed to be a simple selfie side quest where the biggest challenge would be retaking the photo if you accidentally pulled a weird face has become a frantic fire fighting scenario now you're desperately swinging around an on-fire building plugging up gas leaks to try and make sure it doesn't end up any more on fuego than it already is which is considerably on fuego not good not good okay now a car is on fire please work here we go and the fire department should be here soon and does the fire department stand around a burned-out car surveying the charred remains of a building the mission can i get a photo is complete at least the woman who requested the selfie is satisfied [Music] i mean mostly satisfied so annoying spider-man had to leave because a building exploded fml am i right you'll never get away with this evil holograms oh thank you spider-man are you up oh right fake people with all the hard work miles is putting in and the extra effort he's having to put into these initially simple jobs it's hard to believe that he's still pretty new to this but he is and he's excited to keep up the training while his mentor peter parker is away hollow training oh i am so down ah such a nerd bless him this training consists of various holographic training programs scattered throughout the city focusing on different aspects of being a spider-based hero fortunately for everyone none of these involve wrapping your victims up in webbing before liquidizing their insides we think instead they teach you various tricks for stealth combat and traversal around the city each one teaches you the basics while rewarding you with fancy new skills and moves once you've completed them such as this throwing challenge rewarding you with a brand new spin attack amazing work miles well done spider squire but that isn't all see whilst these are simple challenges they award bonuses for completing them to a higher degree of difficulty i now between the title of ultimate to you miles nicely done what this means is that you may stumble across one and think oh cool i'll just pass this training get my new skill and be on my way but once you've finished you see that oh if i push myself a little harder i'll get another reward and with some of these challenges requiring a lot of practice to perfect it'll take you a fair few tries before you get to that final paying level so these quick training routines quickly turn into long trials and the people of new york city are left wondering why spider-man is spinning a junction box around on a rooftop over and over getting dizzy having fun though and instead of doing a quick loop to unlock a special jump and zipping to his next mission paul miles is spent zipping around courses faster and faster across the rooftops of nyc we players send him in circles over and over as we desperately try to reach the ultimate level not thinking about the damage we're likely doing to these roofs but if you think about it we're supporting new york's proud roof repair trade always finding new ways to hero just turn me from spider-man into a spider fan ultimate level work here miles so those were some of the spider-man side missions that seemed like they were going to be pretty straightforward and then all of a sudden with the fire and the and the punching and yikes well well i guess that's a day in the life of spider-man seems like a tough job but anyway you know what isn't a tough job subscribing to a youtube channel that's right we've made it pretty simple in fact or i guess youtube has there's a big button for it and a bell so you get notified about future uploads i mean it really it really couldn't be simpler they've i mean they've really put a lot of thought into it folks so uh yeah do us a favor and subscribe if you did enjoy this and if you did enjoy it then there's every chance that you'll enjoy some of the other videos that we've made as well we've made a lot of list videos we do a lot of live streams and we have a good time just talking about video games so if you like this then yeah hit that subscribe button and we'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 78,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, spider man miles morales, gameplay
Id: CsDuqe8HCOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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