7 Embarrassing Idle Animations Your Heroes Wish You Hadn’t Seen

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if you play video games a bunch you're probably familiar with idle animations the things characters start doing when you don't move the controller for a while like looking around a bit or waiting impatiently for you to start playing [Applause] again i really don't know when i'm going to start playing sonic 1 again you might want to give it up buddy but occasionally you might catch a glimpse of your main character doing something altogether more dumb or embarrassing the kind of idol animation they would surely only indulge in if they were sure you'd left the room and would never do if they knew they were still being observed these are the embarrassing idol animations your heroes wish you hadn't seen but wear mild spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] social rules dictate it's not the done thing to admire your own muscles and what you're supposed to do is take a candid selfie from the gym with a casual expression that says no this didn't take 15 minutes of fiddling with the self-timer why do you ask and post it so other people can admire them for you but then there aren't many social norms that link the brave hero in the legend of zelda breath of the wild adheres to he stays up all night roams the wilderness fighting monsters never keeps to regular meal times and rides his motorbike around heedless of noise pollution so perhaps it's not surprising that link will indulge in a little vanity now and then when he thinks nobody can see specifically if you leave the game running idle and if link doesn't have a shirt on oh and if you're not somewhere he'll immediately freeze to death should have mentioned that although this idle animation is really cute sorry link right back on track meet these criteria and set the controller down and if you're patient you might be lucky enough to catch link in the act gauping at his own biceps and working on his own muscle poses link that's adorable but come on you don't want to be that guy at the gym just take a quick swolfie and be done with it ah pecks aren't really popping in this lighting reset the self timer let's let's try it again in assassin's creed you get to run around as altair a badass assassin who likes to give templars impromptu body piercings oh i don't think saline solution is going to help that one heal up still if you have to pop the controller down for a second and don't press pause altair stands ready and raring to go occasionally clenching his fists prepped for the next templar who gets near him however sadly altair isn't the only character you play as as it's revealed that you're actually playing as desmond miles now now i just saved your life saved my life you kidnapped me you strapped me into that thing desmond is infinitely less cool than altair and not just because he has the name desmond nowhere is this more obvious than in his idol animations whilst altair stands always at the ready desmond is more fidgety than a toddler at a wedding he's forever stretching his arms or running his hand over his hair or craning his neck to get a good look around him and he's definitely not at the ready like altair going by how many times he's nearly fallen asleep on us come on desmond could you at least show an interest in this huge templar conspiracy you found yourself stuck in the middle of oh my god desmond worst of all though is when he thinks no one can see him and he executes a move to make himself more comfortable yep that's altonya's descendant enthusiastically fixing a wedgie in a room filled with more security cameras than the bank of england one possible theory to excuse him for this is that laying down on the animus all day might be the cause of his wardrobe discomfort however what that doesn't explain is why there is more than one animation allowing desmond to pick his boxes out of his butt with both hands ugh okay i'm going to keep the camera around the front so i don't have to see it oh god that's worse the jedi are revered throughout the galaxy presumably for their wisdom because it's surely not for their fashion sense or taste in hairstyles no it must be the wisdom and they don't come much wiser than kyle katan a former stormtrooper who embraced the ways of the force and helped a great many people including his apprentice mara jade who he is training in dark forces 2 expansion game mysteries of the sith excellent mara you're becoming very adept at using the force to anticipate my actions someday that insight may save your life here both kyle and mara find their composure put to the ultimate test when imperial forces launch a sneak attack kicking off a journey into the world of the sith that will push their resolve and mental fortitude to its limits lucky then that as jedi they're both extremely wise right well maybe not so much in a move that he definitely wouldn't attempt if he had any idea anyone could see him leave kalkitan alone for long enough and he will try to shave with his lightsaber now we'll admit that we've never held a real lightsaber ourselves but having studied these jedi energy weapons in movies and video games for many years we can confidently say that trying to shave with one isn't so much a good idea as it is a great way to slice your own head off [Music] nobody should know this better than kyle who's had plenty of experience seeing what his lightsaber does to stormtrooper armour let alone the thin skin covering a human neck and face which is what makes us think that kyle waited specifically until he thought nobody could see to try this particularly dumb move i mean my god he's not even using a mirror sadly kyle's poncho for dumb ideas has carried over to his apprentice and fellow playable character mara who if you leave her holding her lightsaber for long enough will and i can't believe we're saying this see if it hurts when she touches it oh did that hurt mara who would have thought don't do it again batman's whole deal is instilling fear into the hearts of his enemies so of course lego got hold of him and turned him into an adorable plastic hero he is still pretty competent starring in multiple games where he saves the day with his dc pals but leave him alone for five minutes and the dark knight becomes even less intimidating if left to his own devices in lego batman 3 batman's go-to move is to practice looking cool with his swooshy cape a classic but he's also not afraid to use his spare time to practice throwing his batarang a weapon he himself designed and is so skilled at using that oh turns out even batman has his tragically uncool moments which is unfortunate if he's around anyone he wants to strike fear into the heart of god not in front of the joker we'll never hear the end of it oh well at least it wasn't in front of the boy wonder can't lose his respect dang it with all this embarrassment we'd hoped that he'd have put in some practice between that game and his subsequent appearance in lego dc super villains lego movie 2 dlc and indeed he had as this game adds a super cool charge to batarang move but take your hands off the controller and those skills fade away bruce why yes while he's learnt a new juggling trick and it's great that he no longer loses the batarang to the sky gods it now lands dangerously on his tyre topped shoulders i am the knight more like i am the night in the emergency room to dislodge a metal spike from my collarbone [Music] half-life protagonist gordon freeman is a man of science and science demands curiosity like i wonder what would happen if we created an interdimensional rift in space time bad things it turns out someone make a note of it okay half-life isn't exactly the greatest advert for scientific curiosity the experiments being undertaken at the black mesa research facility having contributed to strange beings poring through portals with murderous intent one of those strange beings is the snark a small insect-like creature that is extremely aggressive and will tear the flesh of anything close to it with its parrot-like beak if gordon is careful he can weaponize these lethal beetles by chucking them in the direction of his foes and observing horrified as they tear those foes apart you do want to stand well back though because the snark isn't exactly fussy about who it's eating clearly the snark is to be wielded only with the greatest caution and if you play half-life never taking a break and stepping away from the keyboard you could easily assume that's exactly what gordon is doing but hold the snark for long enough and after a while gordon's curiosity will once more get the better of him as apparently a man with a phd in theoretical physics can't resist the temptation to try and poke the snark with his finger [Music] extremely unsurprisingly this is a bad idea and gordon nearly gets his finger chewed off the snarks extendable beak furiously snapping at his extended digit [Music] we don't need a phd to know this was a dumb idea gordon guessing your face is pretty red right now lucky the game's in first person really the grand theft auto series is famous for its mature content full of swears death and a whole load of crime think very carefully now however it's also well known for its immature content and even gta4 with its grittier setting of liberty city was not immune to a childish giggle or two nico bellic is keen to improve his life upon arrival into the city when he quickly finds out that his cousin roman was telling a few fibs about his life in america so you full of crap or what what that restlessness to get things started can be seen whenever you pop the controller down and see just how much nico hates to stand still i mean just look around there's a criminal empire he could be building right now however amongst the crunching of knuckles leg stretches and fervent wiping of his brow nico has one slightly less publicly appropriate gesture yes clearly desmond miles isn't the only one with uncomfortable clothing as nico needs to itch and rearrange himself and it seems that one hand isn't enough for the job as he has to shuffle about with each hand just to make sure please sir this is a public promenade you might think that as nico works his way up in the criminal underworld and gains a classy apartment and a classy suit that his manners would also receive some refinement but nico please maybe we can get someone to teach you something else to do with your hands oh this looks promising nico could you please at least try [Music] you can tell a lot about someone by how they dress and donkey kong's outfit tells us loud and clear that this is an ape in turmoil on the one hand you have dk's near nakedness which shows he embraces the total freedom of his life in the tropical wilds of dk isle but then you have the tie which indicates this ape is also deeply ashamed of his animal impulses and yearns to be human and if you think we're reading too much into this well there's years between new donkey kong games what the hell else are we supposed to do [Music] and yet to play donkey kong 64 you wouldn't at first know this beloved nintendo icon and occasional terrifying kidnapper was so troubled as he confidently kicks climbs and swings his way to defeating the sinister king k rool who's had the gall to invade and disturb dk's peaceful life of coveting bananas and working on his abs [Music] but put the controller down and you'll see a different side to this famous ape one that dk himself judging by his own behaviour is clearly extremely embarrassed by stands still long enough and donkey kong will be bothered by a gross fly when he tries to politely swat away to no avail before to his own horror he surrenders oh so briefly to his animal instincts you're right to look shocked dk that was very crude behavior if you want to be worthy of that tie you're going to have to cut down on swallowing flies also as a sidebar much of human society places quite a lot of emphasis on wearing pants but i suppose one thing at a time so those are some of the embarrassing idol animations your heroes wish you hadn't seen can you think of any others any that made you laugh any that made you blush any that you saw and you thought hey if any of my friends saw me do that i would never hear the end of it well make sure that those heroes never hear the end of it and pop it in the comments because maybe we'll have a look at it and talk about it as well uh but if you enjoyed this video please do give us a thumbs up and make sure you check out loads of our other videos because hey we're not being idle here we're working our butts off trying to make some fun stuff for you to watch uh including some fantastic live streams which you should check out but in the meantime thank you so much for watching hope you're all looking after yourselves and we will see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 467,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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