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this is the air outside your house sometimes it's hot sometimes it's cold and the air outside your house another episode welcome back on up another episode of market Mondays we ain't done laughs we got a lot of surprises today Logano come you know first of many things that we haven't done that we are trying today so lots of look forward to a lot to look forward to greetings and salutations I'm not feeling the best right now but hold myself together to make it for market Mondays I won't pull in the full game right now that's how important it is yeah it's like Michael Jordan fool boys let's get it yeah man it's a lot to talk about the stock market going crazy today it's been going crazy for our last couple of months actually what today another one another one yeah you did yeah we got to talk about some things that we haven't spoke about today we're gonna do some tech stuff that we haven't um done before and we also have a surprise we gonna do so yes a lot going on right now the thing is there yeah what's up yeah good here twice so I'm gonna remove one of you neither gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha what's up brother are you doing man how you that's half the battle right there yeah and I was I was caught to playing calling out today but nobody's off say yo bro shout the white please who's that Judy what up yeah we ready yeah we good we good let me get let me get you two I want you know I'm saying be on there to see what's going on because YouTube is very very engaged they very entertaining so well let me just get our YouTube going you up on YouTube already you good alright so let's let's let's let's get it going so before we start we have a disclaimer we got a disclaimer so this is not financial advice this is not investment advice all investments should be researched thoroughly independently and you should consult a financial adviser if you would like to this is a conversation ideas suggestions so you had to get that out for the legal purposes yeah also guidelines guidelines as far as questions for a while University members that's on zoom' please ask one question one one not one with a trick at the end please don't ask individual stock questions we're gonna go over some individual stocks try to have investment questions and no red panda questions please those go directly to Ian we got a call tonight at 9 p.m. central see you guys next more live again tonight yeah every week after the show love it love it love it shout out to mark mark what's going on mark shout out to mark point the super chat kicking it off early $99 mark is a legend man we learning a lot mark once you teach one of us you teaching all of us so we appreciate everything you've done so far more appreciate you bro that's a fact that's a fact um so yeah eyl university welcome let's get this going oh yeah if you are interested in joining a while universe we have a promo code which is 40% off for the annual tuition which includes all of our past webinars weekly webinars movie book club and the Facebook group that's crazy no you just you just didn't that Facebook group the the the book reviews man they are they're all inspiring me I'm trying to tell you like every Sunday we come together at 3 o'clock and just vulnerable and honest it all has to do around a you know business but it's really like life experiences man and everybody's learning from each other I'm learning from people and people are just sharing and being honest man and it's dope man so shout out to all the earners that in here I see Sabrina's in here already she said was yesterday was Liddy y'all was dope man and and it's crazy because it's like it's Sunday Sunday and in our community users in these church but now it's like church and ey l Sundays man so we're doing some everyday man shout to all the runners that was part of the yesterday I'll tell you I Here I am I got someone put that in there the code is earners you go to the website into earnest we are reached 1,000 the quickest the quickest that we've ever reached 1,000 so share with me on youtube if you could just take a millisecond and like this video that will be tremendously helpful for the algorithm we have questions before we first and foremost how you been brother how's everything I'm good test then with your loss are fishes you uh preciate you are and I'll feel better that I appreciate that shot to mark who's going crazy in a super chat everybody last week was it was a was a trying week for everybody the world especially in our community I expressed during that that call yesterday how exhausting it is to try to explain this experience to people who kind of are unaware so this week we feel a little bit better you know we the the light of change is it's starting to shine a little bit but we got to keep fighting so we're going we all fought about equality and equity but economic economic empowerment is equally important so that's what we don't provide tonight shot so let's go you can empowerment is the root of everything so yeah let's get into it the stock market has been going crazy today was another crazy day I made a lot of money and going I made a lot of money and I'm unless so I'm gonna let people know in my place I don't think we should start doing this - yeah oh sháá - Mike today we didn't make a play we was gonna make an option play Sean he's gonna make an option play on Tesla yeah on Tesla and I think the big price was at the beginning of the day at the end of the day to bid price was $30 so that means that if we would have put if we would have put money into that option play you would have had a 300 percent rate of return in ten hours crazy just just different crazy that was good I was you know one of the biggest things when investing sometimes you gotta pull a gun analysis paralysis can leave you stranded so that's what happened to me today Troy yeah we shouted tomorrow we we spoke about options like we do every morning it seems like he was he was weighing two two positions to get in Hertz which we spoke about and obviously everybody knows that we talked about Luke and coffee mm-hmm if you watched it the market the last couple days last week you saw Luke and rise 113 percent hundred fourteen percent and so he was trying to catch that and click make a call on it and was trying to decide between the two and ended up making the wrong call so it was a costly mistake it happens it's part of it and we come back tomorrow with a lesson learned and we move on and make it even a stronger position tomorrow so that's part of it man yeah yeah we gonna gain for real we want to talk about Apple we're gonna kick it off laughs and Apple is obviously you know everybody's aware of Apple one of your favorite companies but I think you wanted to do some a deep dive into Apple right quick okay yeah looking coffee is crazy man a big big gambler yeah and I'm gonna make I'm gonna make the second one the holes okay yeah thank you for that let me know if you hear me share my screen real quick so I know normally I'll tell you guys what to uh what companies you should look at but I kind of want to give you a breakdown of why more than anything I'll get this adjusted all right thank you I appreciate that so Apple is the most valuable brand in the world so I know sometimes people are like hey you just throw these companies out but don't really give context as to why so if you look at Apple if you if you consider it all together they really have nine or ten great companies rolled into one so we always go back to that all-star analogy so a couple of the businesses alone inside of Apple comprised one all-star team but I want to walk you guys through five reasons really quick why Apple is the best company and most valuable brand in the world so number one everyone knows this and we'll talk about Nikola and Tesla because they have some of the same qualities as Apple but they've had and constructed one of the greatest corporate teams ever so guys write this down it's very important who the founder or CEO is of the company so you guys are often looking for a formula for what comprises a good company you have to start at the top who is the CEO who is a founder Tim Cook arguably one of the greatest operators in the history of modern Commerce so when Steve died for those you've been investing for a long time you remember Apple had a great dive after Steve passed those people didn't know how well the company would do not only did he take over the reins of the company has helped catapult it without really any new products so this would be the equivalent Jordan leaving the Bulls and then Pippen then taking the team over and then going to the finals and winning today yeah should have happened that foul that they called on paper or Hebrew Davis the man that still box I know you a true basketball fan when you said that right that right did that terrible call anyway and Johnny I've is the one who designed I pod iPhone and of course and actually the iPad was create at first they didn't think it had enough commercial viability so they shrunk the iPad down into the iPhone right I'm glad you said about Johnny eyes because he doesn't get enough credit either at all cuz he's one of these guys with everybody no Steve Jobs everybody knows Tim Cook but he's arguably the most important person out of his whole this whole situation because without him he's really the brainchild behind he's a designer so like all of these stuff that you see and like looking at it at a companies you know bored and their makeup not only is leadership important people throw a lot of dirt on Steve Jobs name because they said he wasn't a great inventor and he minute but he never claimed to be the best invented leader but you're a leaders only as good as the talent it's like a coach you know Stockton couldn't be Phil Jackson if you're gonna have Kobe LeBron Mike Scottie Pippen so it sounded not just good don't just look at the CEO of a company look at the talent of the company and John and I is a perfect example of that cuz mm-hmm actually a genius yeah we still have to their stock when he decided that he was going to leave the company so I mean that tells you how important he was and is and we always talk about assets and I've even been stressing to Zander how important important assets of her liabilities are since we've been partner together but the designer Johnny Apple was still living off the creations that he made to this day so from art from our Rockefeller to saw my New York East Coast family Steve would be like jay-z Tim Cook would be like Dame if Dame shouted today if he was a little bit more level-headed and Johnny I've is like Kanye just and rolled into one without that sound Rockefeller would not have been rockefeller so you need those three together which is why you always hear about the Holy Trinity of investing or the Holy Trinity of founders that's really important so when you have that team together that gives the foundation for a long product run right so the team is incredibly important then second brand loyalty we can't talk about this enough maybe we can do a hole deep dive on this but I need to express you like Apple is a religion so you have to see that the people and I'm going to access to you and everyone listening do you have your iPhone in your hand more or do you have your Bible in your hand more everyone has their iPhone absolutely the Apple store the way they constructed it is like a church the loyal fans us we are the congregation well we have to put our phone our credit card information into our phone to buy apps which we'll talk about in a second that is the collection plate right and then Lord forbid somebody come with that green bubble talking about how their phone is better look how we go crazy so it's the same structure Steve was the messianic figure of the brand and when you marry all that with the design plus the product being better brand loyalty is keyed apple is the most valuable brand in the world right so then let's go to the third point the Apple Store the App Store is the biggest app store in the world so think of it like this the App Store is like the only record label that matters for creators of apps 50 billion dollars in sales last year so the app store alone if you took it out and be a fortune 150 company on its own that's important to know about the apps to is it's something that we actually learned is that how much Apple makes off of somebody putting apps like I think where's the 30% or you take 30 basilic I put an app in the store if my app does well they take it there if it doesn't do well they taking 30% off the rip I don't think a lot of people understand there nope and I think Apple will probably frame it like we're giving creators you know they go spin it a chance in a platform to reach a bigger audience and I saw a Ryan said that he likes Samsung better I could make an argument and so could you Ryan that Samsung has had better designs over the last 10 years but that equity this is why I was talking about holding things for a long period of time the equity did Apple built from the 90s through 2007 and being the first so they were the first smartphone ever pays off in their favor so it's like is when rappers come out and like I'm better than jay-z but you don't have a reasonable doubt or a blueprint or even if you like best of both worlds right so it's about who occupied that space first which makes a huge difference so imagine if one record label had two million artists underneath their umbrella that's the equivalent of Daffy store disappoint that I always brought up my dad used to always say the person with the gold makes the rules they got two hundred and seven billion dollars cash on hand and the great part go ahead I said just in case right just in case - either reinvest it in a business buy back shares hire the best in the world I don't think they will but maybe acquire Tesla that's the possibility right if the stock comes down there's a lot of companies that they can't acquire you and I know you're gonna talk about the deal that they're working on as well Apple is yeah yeah but if the economy is ever in a bad space like how it was in March and April the company can weather the storm so ladies always you know I love my analogy so if your man come to you in a recession and say hey I got two million in this - you're gonna be like okay let's just this now everything is good we have some reserves on hand to be okay this is the corporate version of that so if good company's about to go out of business or they can acquire the assets or the talent they have enough money on hand to do so and be able to reinvest into the business and then this is one of the things that my friend dazeem point out to me yesterday he was like man if you valued the airpipe business alone the airpipe business alone is worth 40 billion dollars so you combined the two hundred and seven billion they have all can just you're sitting in the bank which a lot of it is tucked away in Ireland so they don't pay as much in taxes the App Store which is like the biggest record label for creatives you go back to the founding team Tim Cook is eating off a lot of the assets that and things that Steve Jobs put in place and Wozniak put in place it's the reason why I always stress to you guys by this business this would be like the equivalent if you could have Shaq in 2000 George in 92 Jordan in 96 and Kobe in 2001 that's what they have under one company not a you know headquarters and hedge funds of them headquarters is amazing hedge fund thinks it's a great buy and so when you guys are asking do I think it will drop or what the value go away absolutely not that two hundred billion it's not going away I mean a couple things like you said the the the fact that they have diverse products right so they started out as a computer brand but now they're a full-fledged phone company you know I'm saying like they've transitioned so many times they had the iPod then they had the iPhone and they had the iPads and not like you said the headphone situation itself could be its own business right so like the haven't diverse products is another strength it is and also their partnerships they made some strategic partnerships throughout their their lifespan right so I can late 90s they partnered with Microsoft which was a rival right but in order to help the brand grow they partner with them search you could have windows on your Mac and then they did the same thing when they were about to come into the headphone space right they sign they got beats by dre right they're happy they got beats by dre but didn't they put out their own headphones you see them saying they some real partnerships and then the next thing that they're gonna do which is interested in some whispers that they might have to try to buy their own search engine all right they got two hundred seven billion having their own search engine now completely puts them in a race with Google right and can they could potentially take over that space thing I found out is that Google actually pays them every year they pay in eight billion dollars a year to have their search engine has a number one search engine on iOS system and so when you text Siri something Google automatically play pops up like everybody knows that but I just found that out like recently like go eight billion dollars a year to make sure that Google's the number one search engine if they go into that space now you don't need them he said absolutely no I was dope first and foremost yeah I think that was dope to kind of kick the show off with that because it's like we're gonna talk about stocks but like like travel always says shout out to him it's easy to just give somebody a fish but investing is not a easy game it's not handling and it's like if you get into this and you just want stocks like here buddy stop hey it's not sustainable because now you constantly need people to tell you to stock to buy and wheat you're never gonna be in a position to actually build real wealth like it's not a get-rich-quick scheme so to actually break that down and we took Apple because that's an obvious company that everybody knows it's not like a foreign company so to actually say okay we all know that Apple's a good stock to buy but why is it a good stock to buy right so in the easiest layman term that we did I think me and did a great job in like 10 minutes just explaining like this is kind of like fundamental investing so now you're getting an inside look of how hedge fund managers work and an inside look at how institutional investors look okay they're looking at the management they looking at the assets you're looking at the product lines right these are all things that you should actually be looking at when evaluating a stock not just I heard it on them you know so I put it on exactly so appreciate that man that's that's definitely I felt like I was in university so ey l université I definitely felt that was uh that was right up our alley and yeah man I that could have been taught at any university across the board so they do that and thank you for making understandable an apple I mean it's fitting they hit their all-time high today so you got it there I think that their market cap hit 1.5 trillion today the most valuable brand in this absolutely amazing and they're not going anywhere so people keep asking are they in Karen say YouTube Apple has masters taking all the company's ideas and executing the better they're a true very true but incorporate everyone really every company is executing the same idea yes salute that will make a huge difference that will give you leverage to break through zone is a recreation of go to reading if you ever use go to meeting I think the user interface is not the best if you incorporate listening I'm sorry don't cut our brand deals off the chart a few but zoom is a easier platform to use then I was having a conversation earlier with my barber is a challenge on coming like the Robin Hood gets there fails and executions down they're gonna put a lot of brokerages out of business because it's a easier platform to use the days of things being complicated and people still using them are long gone so let me just jump in before I know we got a guess but I don't got a couple questions but I wanted to throw something out there so free I'm not gonna say free game but this is just something to think get people think I want to get your opinion on this tool in oh gosh gu s h gu s AQ for me my gosh no so gosh gosh is our oil and gas the etf yeah gosh two years ago in 2018 the stock price no the stock price today is 60 I think 67 would take a guess on what the stock was two years ago 2018 you asking me I'm gonna say like eighteen nine sixteen thousand Oh $16,000 well 16,000 from 16,000 68 to 68 what but what's interesting about gosh is that it was 37 dollars or $35 a month ago so gosh is picking up a lot of steam right now especially for short-term traders options people is so it's a riskier play but it's very tempting because you look at something like that it was $16,000 two years ago now $7 right so now it's a lot of speculation going on like oh gosh cuz it really still hasn't you could look at like it hasn't really like gone crazy yet mm-hmm how you how you feel about gush gush is a good trade bad long-term investment I'm gonna say it again it's a good Freddie bad long-term investment so just evil with that if I'm looking at the chart we go back you know my baseline is always a five-year if we go back to 2015 it was at sixty five thousand five hundred if you adjust it so essentially what the market is saying is that company is probably one of the more valuable companies don't do it it's a good friend so if you guys are gonna make a trade short-term are you gonna swing credit great take advantage of it long-term when I tell you guys to invest in quality companies I'm actually this what you rather have one hip or would you rather have a bunch of hits where you can go in for forever gosh same thing with G and us say that we know some people who will personally hurt but it and the crazy thing is the day went up we still go up to ten dollars right you put up the post listed this will be a dollar fifty in about a month and I'll be like as soon as you put it I see the stock price drop I say between a good trading and good investment it's not a good investment long term but if you guys are going to train you or do I just found it you're good but no this is the point because now because we have more volume because the people that were gambling on sports walked away because there was no sports and began trading there's more volume in the market so know what you've told us is a great trailer tick know which for a big truck or game is going to be because some people pay 200 percent in 300% game and single wanted to run for a thousand I'm like two hundred percent is fantastic take your profit walk away but gosh long-term please absolutely nothing to bet on so people are going into the stock they've been on stocks stocks like it's like you're some fantasy football yeah so once again invest at your own risk but watch gosh if you try to do a short-term play next week we'll see we'll see about gosh but right here don't say I never threw out some free jury for a short-term slide let's get to some questions and Darius we're coming to you I'll mute yourself you've been on muted bro hey yo yo yo you mean that was good there's no no brother Oh ey L is in the build-up to the book club for the book club was good bro well it's definitely most definitely now my only question is on quite simple what I'm what I'm looking at is the timeframe as far as research and long-term plates how much time the allocate to research in the long term investment everything from losses so even like a lot same thing with genius brands limited we've seen that before in the features market with crude and natural gas volatility index and when you get your budget you lose 25% in a day you know not to chase certain things so I would say I would make an hour a day if you have not read money master the game I'm begging you to do something the best book ever on long-term investing by Enya so but if you want to be serious about it I would do three or four hours a day and then once you get your routine down it's gonna be more than that appreciate you bro exactly definitely appreciate that one all right Marco what's going on mute yourself you've been on I got a question in regards to precious metals especially sober how do you guys feel about you know purchasing silver as a long-term investment or trade now that we took a long-term Marcal altar boy tree no turn on Walter silver all is okay gold is much better Google is king yo you're better off a gold across the board I was going to say that gold you never gonna lose money long-term goal is a standard like you know you go to you go to India and like they they're hoarding gold like they give like wedding when you get married you get like a chunk of gold for your wedding presents and all that like goal is always gonna be used and valued as long as humans are alive hello it's it's been around way longer than paper money mm-hmm wait long enough paper money so my that's my purse I was gonna say the same thing in if you're gonna invest in something why would you invest in silver well you can invest in gold it's like the top like nothing like why why not play at the highest level like why would you want to play in a d-league I said instead of playing in the NBA so I'll tell you why if you read Rich Dad Poor Dad that one of the things that he continuously talked about was investing in silver invested nickel I'm like alright alright this might be a change like it's $15 it'll be the next goal that I'm like alright until this is the next the thing is already in you can paint into gold but gold is are right here exactly yeah this is my advice to you research and I want you to read probably 20 articles on comparing so over versus gold come back next week and tell us why gold is a better investment i we got it you wanna say yeah yeah we got we got a new segment that we bout to do we got a guess and I'm gonna allow you to introduce the gentleman and give some background on them so you guys know I love index investing I think it's the simplest form of doing so and not gonna following Jeremy for about two years there's not a ton of people that I love and then that's his face but Jeremy is one of them because he shows profits he talks about the good parts of investment as well as the downside so you guys know social media can be very tricky but the work that he's done I think can help all of us and I know some people hate index investing and I don't know why so I think if you get another person on how well it has worked for him you'll get a observation on why is something that you should add to the mix oh I want to introduce your sniper from personal finance club one of my favorite people in there that's the space by actually my first time with him welcome to Monday's I appreciate you thanks thanks for having me I'm pumped uh this is this looks awesome I'm really glad to be here Jeremy is the head of personal finance club big index investor and you were tied at 36 years old that's true I mean the word retired is a little bit corny because it just sounds lazy or something but I don't have a job anymore I don't need a job I direct my time as I see fit and yeah most of that wealth came from starting and growing company and I sold it when I was 34 and then I've been an index fund investor before and after I was investing I'm buying whole to keep it simple and that's how I think I'm gonna maximize my own wealth going forward all right so yeah we got a couple questions first and foremost thank you for joining us welcome we appreciate it so index investing we talked about index investing a little bit but I know you're real big on it so we can tour that this would be a perfect opportunity go deep dive why do you prefer index investing over individual stocks so I you know I've been listening to show today and like you guys are talking a lot are you talking about Apple you talked about you know gosh on and the oil and here's the thing is like it's very very hard to beat the market and so if you buy an individual stock and it goes up 8% this year but the whole stock market went up 10% that's not really a game it's really a two percent loss to the market and the sum total of all the stocks in the market averaged out to the market so you know if one stock is up 12% and one's up 8% that averages it out that averages out to 10% and so when you're trying to pick stocks you're essentially saying I'm trying to beat the market because if you're not trying to beat the market then you shouldn't be picking individual stocks you should just buy the index and then if you're contending that you can be the market what it's very very challenging because despite being again I think you guys are extremely well-researched you've done your homework you very well-read but you're not competing against the next investor you're competing against the sum total of human knowledge because the sum total of human knowledge is constantly instantly being baked into the every single prizes every original stock because there's millions or billions of traders and only a few thousand stocks that can be traded on so every single tiny little penny change is being priced you know is being priced based on all the different traders all the different algorithms trading all different mutual funds all different hedge funds and so to beat that game is extremely difficult plus when you trade includes there's fees or there's you know buy sell apps there's tax implications if you're selling an index fund basically says okay I'm gonna just admit I am NOT smarter than the sum total of human knowledge and instead of trying to pick and choose a few stocks I'm gonna buy every single stock all at once and so in the US there's out four thousand publicly traded stocks you can just buy all four thousand all at once for virtually no cost there's a tiny tiny fee associate ease when you do that you guarantee yourself your fair share of all market growth so you own Apple you own Microsoft I own Facebook yellow netflix do next on mobile you own general electric Tesla down the list you own everything and when all those companies grow and innovate and hire and profit and create revenues all that is pumped right back in your index fund right back into your account without having to guess which is better so that's why I let the next funds because I'm not I don't want to get taken advantage of by algorithmic traders or by mutual fund managers or by hedge fund managers I want to guarantee myself my fair share of growth of market growth and over long periods of time the market goes up about 10 percent per year and if you're just putting away 500 bucks a month at ten percent per year over 30 years or sorry over 40 years is about three million dollars easy and become you can become fabulously wealthy with just slow and steady tried-and-true investing in an index fund so when did you start investing I then said you know you stopped working at 36 for someone at 36 oh no he sold his company what company did you have you sold the company was called rent links we did online rental housing listings so if you want to list an apartment for rent you could post it to Zillow or apartments common rentals calm or Craigslist I created a site where you can post it once then it automatically feeds to 50 different sites and then you can track all your incoming leads from renters so it's basically a tool for landlords would you sell it - I sold it to a company called appFolio who is publicly traded I bought a bunch of their stock at 12 and I sold most of it at 24 and now it's at 180 oops I still own some and actually like the the condo you see behind me was paid for with for grab folio stock so did it did it did fine for me but yeah so it I sold I pulled my personal philosophy I like just to have happiness in tech stocks but why do you think people hate indexing even those the easiest thing to invest in long-term I like that strategy by the way I actually go for the 90/10 strategy which is 90% index funds 10% stocks and I like your strategy too because either way it gives you a chance to see both sides yes if you're as good at picking stocks as you hope you are not you I just mean any person you should be able to look at your two portfolios and see that you over long periods of time I'm talking like 5 plus years if your stocks are really outperforming index is that cool then you can move more towards stocks but if your stocks crash you want to actually not ruin your retirement by you know not having like your fair share of market growth so I think the reason people don't like index funds is because it sounds like it's average they're like I don't want average I want fabless growth and it's not get rich quick it's not exciting it's not sexy it's like very boring like you got you were saying earlier like look at the market every day I was like you know I mean I kind of deal like at the market just cuz I'm interested in it but like but I don't make trades like I might I let go years without making trades other than just constant reinvesting because I know over time it's gonna arrow down so I think it's it sounds like his average in my opinions not average is there's a study that shows that over the last you know hundred years the market goes up about ten percent per year but the average investor gets about four percent because of making all these mistakes like I mean the market you know I just talked to a friend yesterday who who's it was a pretty wealthy guy but he in the middle of the coronavirus crash he was sure that the market was gonna get worse and worse and so he he bought an inverse etf so he bet against the market he bet the market was going to go down more and then of course the more like the last few weeks the market has jumped up thirty percent so you got you got super crush well first I wanted to say shout to YouTube we get another record 2100 news alert yeah breaking news shots and YouTube but you guys can like this video take a millisecond everybody just like it appreciate it a shout out to another breaking news alert there's over 200 and this is the highlight just because we're not a lot a lot of platforms online are biased that they only steer you into one direction you could really steer somebody into any direction that you want them to go there's really no right or wrong and investing so we talk about stocks a lot but everybody we realize that everybody's not gonna be an individual stock participate yeah so we want to talk about index funds ETFs mutual funds all those different things and they all have advantages and disadvantages so with the with the index what is some what are some table indexes that you personally are invested in or you or you personally recommend I mean we know like the Dow Jones 500s in deep I mean it s P 500 Oh Jones but what is know save and index is that you recommend well first your reporting about there's lots of different ways to do it I always talk about my two rules rule number one is live below your means spend less than you make and rule number two is invest early and often and so if it's if it's real estate if it's individual stocks you know the okay so there's a lot of ways to do investing but if you spend every dollar you make no matter what no matter how clever of an investor you are it doesn't matter because you're gonna be broke and so you know I think investing can be confusing to a lot of people but always remember if you spend less than you make and you invest that difference you just want to increase that get out it doesn't matter if you're perfect and investing Bad's the important part is actually doing it and don't let the fear of the perfect stop you from even getting started right because it's like oh it's so it's so confusing I'm just gonna spend every dollar I make you know that's the wrong reactor just just get started so and to answer your question about the best indexes the thing about indexes is like there's not really better or worse I just did a little study on the top 12 US stock market indexes over the last decade and they're all basically identical because they all do the same thing they all follow the market and so there's a book that's on the three fun portfolio which basically says there's only three things you need to buy a US stock market index fund which is to buy every single US stock an international or a non US stock market index fund which is to buy you know Europe China Korea you know all the emerging markets and then the third would be a bond fund and so those three kind give you the ultimate diversity every US stock every non-us stock and then the income producing bonds and then you just have to choose your asset allocation which is what percent each and most people usually choose something like 55 percent u.s. 45 percent international and ten percent bonds that would be an aggressive portfolio or like a young person in the wealth accumulation phase value well that's because a lot of times we're looking at like us and we're trying to get rich quick index funds they need to pop the way right because it's slow and steady but at the end of the day the market is always going to grow we know that we're gonna take a question Steve and we come to you unmute yourself you've been unmuted sir hello you gave me going on guy's person want to say I love which I doing you know I've been looking Fiat for years man happy I hit crazy for most I started investing in March always wanted to do it it said jump into it right now I'm literally I may be a hundred and ten percent return on all my stock so now I know in you're not big on stocks or motors but all my stocks or motors have me at 200% so now my question do you I wanted to get into more tech stocks so should I sell those and take my profit and go into something like Apple and something more techniques are so yeah Airlines airlines were crazy cruise ship now you're thinking about selling that and going into tech right yeah basically yeah if you want safety our diversified is even if you go back to episode 17 that I did a while I said index funds and everyone killed me for it in tech I'm no genius I just said Buffett's model plus what some other hedge fund managers like and merge them together so you have to get the I was saying Vanguard I'm not an affiliate for Bangor I don't get any kickbacks for referring them and they're not we're looking to either Apple or Microsoft because more than anything you want safety so I'm happy hundred to hundred percent and coming off these loans that a recession you did an amazing job executing I will tell you this next year won't be the same the market is gonna stabilizer you're gonna hit a stay 10 or 15 percent but you've got a great head start and if you can by the index what the tech you should look at maybe about 15 to 17 percent return on average you can coast clear from here for the next eight to ten years so you'd be great yeah and I'm glad you said that because it's like even like you know looking at my portfolio a couple of stocks that I've sold a lot of the stocks but some stocks that I still own bowling I'm up like 220 percent o net even American expiry but haven't even check the American Express I'm most 58% on that I had all the airlines I'm so it's like this is a once in a decade opportunity and more if you invested in any company in March you're up you're at least fill services and there's fifty percent fifty divorces and its people yeah regular now you gotta be either more seasoned it becomes hard like it's easy to win when everybody's wonder yeah that's like a no-brainer but um now usually it doesn't work like that it's not that easy to make a hundred percent in one month I don't know what it is that was like a real this if it feels like those crypto days when it was like you know every day somebody's doing up a hundred percent like somebody's also learn from that crypto so when the bus happens to and everyone goes back to work yeah dries up because now that we're going to go back to slow games and a great part is like if you invest it you're going to be making money while you sleep in like Jenny said I want to actually Jeremy when this recession happened how did you stay because I was watching your page people were attacking you to about index funds and marching inside here we are almost back to the high so how do you stay put and not change your strategy with the entire work on the screen that you didn't want to fall apart well I think you just have to look back in history and just it's really hard because it's easy it's easy to look backwards and know what happened and your brain will convince you that it seemed obvious at the time but then looking forward you have to recognize that it's not so easy to know what's gonna happen going for and so on if you look at the years 2000 to 2010 that was like a lost decade the market was actually down over the course of a full decade of investing there's down about 22% but if you include dividends if you're holding the whole time you're only down 7% but if you were investing and reinvesting the time if you're putting five hundred bucks a month away during that time you're actually up seven percent so even though the market was down 20 percent to two percent you actually opted just by investing early and often so even in a down decade you can have made money by continually investing and then that so if you invested over that decade that's five hundred bucks a month that's sixty thousand bucks and if you just held that 60,000 till today it's over two hundred thousand dollars so we're only you know only ten years past that now and your money has like over tripled since then because that's what happens and so so I would say you just have to like accept there's gonna be volatility in the short term but in the long term the market goes up one metaphor I've heard it's like yo-yoing while walking upstairs so you're walking upstairs and it feels like you're getting bounced up and down but over the long term you're gonna be keep making progress and then when you look at when you look back you've like climb to Falls to the stairs and there's still the volatility for the yo-yo but it's like a big overall game I like that yes it's one of the best things that a 401k provides is discipline dollar cost averaging is extremely is extremely powerful and dollar cost averaging is when you're putting money in which is just explained on a consistent basis and a for my kid is like one of the only vehicles that most people use as far as dollar cost averaging because it forces you a comes out of your paycheck and before you know it we have sixty thousand three hundred thousand your 401k like you don't even realize it but she was only put in two hundred dollars a month but you do that for twenty years it's get rich slow as to get rich slow approach and so that's one of the good thing with index funds is that you know if you are not because let's be honest I mean we got twenty two hundred people on YouTube obviously you know it'll be creative everybody read read every single day and watch CNBC every single day but I mean a lot of people probably won't right but that doesn't mean that you still can't participate in a stock market so even if you're not gonna be a active investor you can you can you know have the market is working for you and invest like I said in ETF mutual fund or an index fund an index fund has a lot of different benefits but one of the main benefits I want you to talk about Jeremy is the the cost difference you talk to explain that how a lot of people would ask that's why they really big on index funds is because you don't really pay anything and not a lot of money relative to like manage portfolios so how does that how does that cost factor come into play so back in the day index funds are a relatively recent invention and it kind of like first came to light around 1980 and they kind of just became really popular the last 10 to 15 years but before that if you wanted someone else to pick and choose stocks for you you would put your money into a mutual fund and what we now call an actively managed mutual fund where there's a manager who basically is choosing stocks and making trades and making all the decisions well that manager was working in a high-rise in Manhattan or Chicago which charge a high fee usually like at least 1% annually of the assets under management and then there's often another 1% account fee or something so if you have a 2% fee it doesn't sound like a huge number but if you put 10,000 bucks in the fund that means 200 bucks a year is going to come out if you extrapolate that over the course forty years it erodes half of your money please half of your money is is eaten away by these fees and so if if you would have had two million dollars instead you'll have 1 million dollars it's like devastating and so an index fund instead of having a fee of 2% or 1% index funds have fees of closer to 0.1% so it's like 20 times cheaper and you know and sometimes they even though in fact fidelity has some index funds that have 0% review they just decided not to make money from those and have it be a loss leader for their other products but and vanguards you know total stock market index 1 is about point zero 4 percent so it's it's just tiny tiny fees like so close to zero it doesn't matter and so if you're going to be a you know if you're not going to be an active investor like you guys are discussing and say hey I just want to put my money in a 401k and IRA leave it for 40 years you know guarantee my share fair share of market growth the fees are the only thing that you can that you can choose they're gonna have a predictive effect of your future wealth how long the manager was working there the the morning star rating the Cape ratio the turnover ratio like all the stuff you can do to analyze a mutual fund has no effect statistically on his future growth except for the fees the lower the fees the higher the growth which is why minimizing your fees is so important yeah child to Daniel he kind of paraphrase it he was like it really comes down to you want a fast nickel or a slow down you out the max Maxwell who put us on the game of game we got Randy what's going on I need yourself you've been a muted Ryan and Ryan also his last name okay I got a I want to know I'm I'm trying to get a I want to get a index fund for my baby and I want to know what's the the best way to do it that's tax efficient for when she gets ready to pull it out so if it's for college if you plan to use this for your child's college I look into a 529 account it's a special type of account the proceeds need to be used for educational purposes it's pretty flexible and by the way guys I'm not a professional and so you know I'm a serious hobbyist and so take all this for with the grain of salt and do your own research but I'd say at 5:29 is is the only right way to really invest for a child in a tax-advantaged way another way would just be to invest for yourself you know make sure you're taking care of yourself first like it's the the airplane mask thing which is if if you're broke if you're in debt if you you know if you're in trouble but then you're trying to get mind your kid that's not you know your kid will be better off if you're a good role model and you're financially secure and you can invest the tax advantage way for yourself within a 401k or Roth IRA and always just gift them money later so I would say either 4:29 if it's for school I'd say your own retirement accounts otherwise and then after that it would just be a brokerage account and like I said tax or index funds are pretty tax advantageous because there's not a lot of trading to pay in taxes along the way yeah yeah you shouldn't really my personal advice you shouldn't invest me I'm not say that right I'm just using an example but yeah don't invest we get children to you invest for yourself it's that old it's like you got a you got to be secure first before you can secure somebody else and it's like you know set rule of thumb but I personally think if you don't have I'd love to get your take on this if you don't have twenty thousand dollars invested for yourself you're really not in a position to invest for somebody else right I know you want to teach your kids about a vessel but you can't teach them if you're not doing it for yourself about staying away from low volume stocks that comes from my experience of losing even trade one I say hey with the number of trained to take that's from losing I would have taken and I'm not supposed to I was taking all of my refund money from college and put it in Apple stock I was in college in 2001 when that when I got popular was amazing everyone knew Microsoft is amazing you must so I did it you guys want to pass all cuz we often love our kids more than we love ourselves but we have to start with ourselves first and then we can pass the knowledge on from there and yeah and so and some parents are learning at with their children right there's plenty of and definitely websites you can go to especially in education right we have kids that are doing stocks in fifth grade so if there are abs in application that you can use and grow and learn with your children so like ashati said if you're not investing yourself it's gonna be telling you know I thought much another way to farts why not playing education but it's just if you invested a child but it's not time to college you can help it like a brokerage account but their name and your to kiss know anything just don't look yeah somebody somebody was saying that because so do bank or so you'll count Frank teen we coming to you Frank what's up I'll mute yourself you've been unmuted I'm doing good ey oh and it's very good in there so my question is about real estate stocks so currently mostly a heavy real estate stock that I'll be a lot amar hard to say no and so I have a few chickens I can give you guys but it's almost it's kind of questionable because how is the real estate market going up but unemployment is super high it's just not really adding up to me so you guys elaborate on that well quickly shot to empty the mortgage guy I was talking to him about this and I did some research that's actually a really good question he said how about the real estate market still going up the real estate never crashed got the cooktop still as a crash commercial Institute not residential real estate and it's less inventory on the marketplace right now that's definitely the same it's less inventory on the market because a lot of people aren't selling their homes right now because of Kobe 19 don't move it it's just like it's uncertain so being that the inventory is is lower it's like supply and demand right so now that inventory is lower than you is so the people that even if it's less buyers those fewer buyers still have to spend more money because it's not a lot of inventory so that's one that was really interesting because you never know how everything has an effect and a lot of people thought this is gonna affect real estate in a negative way but actually in most most markets across America real estate has been very stable and in some markets is actually up so but but ETFs are made up of commercial real estate for the most part so that's a different blade and REITs commercial real estate so if you if you if you're talking about the refund that's different because we still I don't think we still are at the point where we're going to know how this is none of that commercial real estate alright somebody some of these companies have been renting out space yeah it's gonna be tough man Miami took like I'm Bank Twitter this and the employees never have to come back to work right but now Twitter has all this office space if they'd selling thousands of employees that they never have to come back to work ever again they don't need that office space anymore this is not 2007 so when people are saying I want a recession again you're saying why I missed the last one so now I want to use my plan from below 708 crash now this was a pandemic so the health crisis so the fact is that were inflamed in are not in play now so you have to adjust and use the same determination and research and I know something you're upset guess you miss this recession this was my driving motivation in 2008 to never be calling the sidelines again and study like crazy so when this one happened I was already ready and prepared but this is not a residential or a commercial real estate crash that market kept chugging along but like Jeremy's pointed out I'll point out before if you were in indexes and you're buying every single month a lot of the outside and people with companies like McDonald's McDonald's is one of the biggest real estate companies on earth mm-hmm they're Apple one of the biggest real estate companies on earth so you may have to get a little bit creative but the exposure that you want to get upside I'll tell you guys all the time and I told you in episode 70 and index funds you appreciate that do you mind we cou - we got a thousand likes on the video appreciate that yeah like you would like the YouTube video please please like the YouTube video it helps out a lot do you guys picked it on me but I mean I did one stock play last week so I'll let I'll let you guys know that once again shout out to mark good guys we're gonna we're gonna tow our options out here but we just have to I don't know if that should be an episode because I feel like so yeah and I think it should be a prerequisite that you have to watch all the other episodes first to get eyes on it you can't if you don't know stops you're not gonna be able to trade options it's a more advanced conversation it's kind of hard to explain that to somebody that doesn't really have fun say this is a person trades the biggest thing every trader makes is not holding the socks on turn you cannot pass on trading to your child if you get maimed or killed Lord forbid they cannot pick up your double cross over moving average strategy and provide for your family please thousand percent I'm like I've known some people to get you 3,000 percent earn money you're back at zero so you put in all this work to have the game just be careful with that you have you need a long-term portfolio first and before you go on to the training I am begging you do not do it the other way around clock which means that it is the earnings time so we're gonna talk about three earnings calls that are coming this week and one I P o that we didn't talk about last week but kind of came out and I'll get into that in a sec so the first one is tomorrow Chuy hopefully you're familiar with that is a food brand and based on everybody staying home and a lot of people shopping in the supermarket every single day to be interested to see what their stock does but watching out for Tuesday Thursday we were watching it don't be we spoke about dr. ihsan last week but Adobe is also in that lane and they actually have a large user base over that would be interesting and it's funny that my boy Jamaal is here because the other one we're going to talk about is Dave and buses that this on is play David Buster's is interesting because it's one of those things that it took a tank I was down to four dollars when everything closed up in March and it is it's slowly creeping back up it's up to $28 I think it had a high of 48 this year is something that he's been talking about for months like you're watching watch David boss for everybody that that always wants some free free candy play Pete hey why is that watch watch that watch that because the economy is opening back up and to you know come back outside stop yeah so that that's something that he i'ma let him talk in a second woman let you in a second and then we had an idea wanna music you know we talked about how music so I ate I filled at twenty five dollars and it went up 25 percent since this so obviously streaming has gone up people a lot more people at home and one of music group is on to some of the biggest artists in the world as Sharon cardi B so just keep an eye on nap on those two stocks Jamal what's going on you're unmuted man I made yourself what's going on fellas how you doing tonight see what yeah I appreciate that out there you know hey listen I should have hit in earlier today before I hit you know Lucan I would a 50/50 but I'm still playing with some house money so it's alright sometime that's true I haven't sold it yet so I'm still in you know let it go yet but um as it goes for play it was actually brought to my attention I had a friend of mine I bought it at you know at about six dollars you know early on and I kind of trade it a little while they're still under there you know I mean 52-week highs closer to fifty dollars but again it's one of those outside plays right I've you know I got a six-year-old son I've had birthdays they're their sports that are there there's a lot of entertainment and I think there's opportunity to one if it goes down I would probably buy a little bit more they have also had a another funding round by Jeffries which is a large capital investment company they put about a hundred billion dollars behind them so that's one of the reasons why I felt like they were safe but that's the position and I'm willing to hold a little longer term to take advantage of that position right I mean it's still 50 percent off from there 52 week high right so that that was important for me Jeremy I know you hear these are the rules right whenever you want to time it you jump right into the conversation my brother okay he's not safe yet but as far as the stock it has to jump up a lot Jamal I will tell you around $39 start to look to take profit on it at that particular price if you let some more run great but I would probably take half of it off at that particular price and you'll be happy there absolutely absolutely appreciate that fellas kiss you we coming to you unmute yourself you've been unmuted all right thank you ski soo t sue there we go I'm good I'm good you did a good job yeah thank you first of all where y'all coming his information that I appreciated in a red panda mandir member also and give us the tips off I'm just curious as to about this Hertz thing I bought the Hurst at 81 cent just as it was 81 cent and you know of course it worked out but I'm just curious as that what how does that go in regard for a company's stock price and value when they're doing a bankruptcy like that you know last weekend always mention if you get into a trade your has to either be based on time or an exact price right is a price I didn't have I bought it because it was 81 cents graded once yeah that's amazing I need you to plan your exit you're an intramental amount right now I need or if you are going to as a trade my personal thoughts on hurts if even before this hurts high was a $63 five years ago the high of this year was nineteen any stock below twenty to me is not as great long-term by program Grand Slam game seven start to look to where you should take profit I'm sorry but my question is is how does the the bankruptcy affect a stock that because I thought that it would like you know basically just become worthless I think I think well this is might say going in same reason why you said we actually why you brought it you said because they went to 81 cents you're so you gotta figure you're not the only person thinking like you what we seeing right now in the stock market reminds me allowed to decrypt those days where it's moving heavily on speculation and really gambling really like a lot of people's really gambling and it's like hurts obviously bankruptcy is not good but since the stock price dropped so much people look at like hurt stuff on be here no matter what so this is odd it's appalling so much money piled in and then it just went up like five hundred percent but speculation is playing on major major point I think the word bankruptcy they think automatically like this business is closing and it really doesn't mean that all the times where I did different types of Baker C I don't think what they did this file chapter 11 was it chapter 11 Thanks chapter 11 so they just got restructure their debt it's not going it's not going out of business when the country opens back up people will still need to rent cars once they start traveling so after they restructure I'd be interested to see it was just too risky for me to do it and 2014 Hertz was at $97 a lot of this is hedge funds also taking profits bouncing off it is a great trade hurts long term it's not a great I'm trying to help as much as I can 81% you should be in for the entry but I will tell you please look it's a profit please take profit on it yeah I think you're right that there's just multiple types of bankruptcies and the type that they're going through has not closed the business and has not pushed the stock to zero but it is already priced into that stock so everyone knows that they're going through this bankruptcy and that's why the price was so low down from 80 bucks to 80 cents or whatever but I think to answer your question PC which is we can't know what the stocks gonna do in the future given that there's this bankruptcy going on right now you know clearly it has been bad for the company but we don't know if it means they're more likely less likely to fully go under or if it's gonna go up more when it clears it's kind of already priced in because what would we know about that bankruptcy is already priced into the current price of course you have some questions that you want to answer me right yeah Jeremy on the no debt model as well so I any kind of credit card getting kind of personal debt living beneath your means why do you think people don't like does not equate to living like you are destitute why do you think most people do not like living below their means or not what are some of the things you do to bring that to reality I think it's tough because and I think it's awesome what you guys are doing which is just talking about it but most people don't talk about it we don't talk about money at home we don't teach it in schools and so most people just our products of their environment and we see borrowing money to get a car and putting money on the credit cards and and like just all this marketing constantly and it's like the billboards and the ads and the you know the TV and everything and so you're just kind of a product of that that very you know capitalistic society or whatever but I think like you said you can be more happy if you don't immediately bury yourself in debt and then just have to make payments to the bank your entire life if you can just get out of that out of that system spend less than you make and that's the difference then you kind of like they say there's two types of people like those who understand compound interest and those dude who don't you either either pay it or you earn it and so if you're like any earning side of compound growth then you're making all this money and can you you can live more like happily and if you're paying it then you're kind of stuck and so why don't people do it I really think it's just like years of tradition and I'm almost cause it kind of conspiracy theory on why it's not being taught in schools okay well I basically think like you know giant corporations and our capitalistic society benefit from normal people working every single day and making payments to the bank every single day and they like when you consume consumes like they like when you go buy a new car for 30 grand you can't afford it because then you're committing to the next 7 years of your life working at a job and paying that off right if you spend less than you make and you keep the money for yourself and invest the difference it's better for you and worse for the corporations and so I think that's why you know the lobbyists are trying to keep financial education out of schools so that you know normal working-class people to keep you know keeping that system going forward so I I really like I'm almost conspiracy theory on on the wire out to you know I mean it's interesting that you say that because and this is the thing with you while yeah we bring people on from all different backgrounds and but a lot of time people have the same message and so we just did an interview without my song my song is a rapper and he's a criminal criminal justice activist so he was talking about all you know we talk about the prison system a lot of different stuff and he was saying as far as like you know society didn't really have to technically have a middle class but you kind of need a poor class to have the rich class and it's like what you just said in different words we're kind of similar to that as far as the education piece is concerned financial literacy by freeing people and and teaching them financial literacy now some people are not going to benefit from that some people are actually profiting from the people being financially illiterate because if you know the truth about credit cards if you know like payday loans and all of these things and you don't get yourself into this trap the companies that's making money on this they're not going to make money shouts aw brother Wall Street rapping he said it very clearly like it's a water buffalo is the lion go and teach the water buffalo how to get away if he does you'll never be able to eat right so I'm never though I'm never gonna tell you how to get away I'll keep you in a trap we got to realize that that's what we in and that's kind of like why we started on your leader while we would teach a financial literacy in the summers is because we know what we're gonna be taught but we knew it could help our people gain economic empowerment Kimberly we come to you you are muted I'm you to sell I got that second step up on muting after they meet you I'm this is an important one Adrian I have coming to you every what's going on I'll meet yourself you've been on muted Thank You AJ you know I came to you told me you've been trying to get into the zoo for market money as it hasn't been working so welcome welcome don't know why I wasn't working but welcome to market Mondays Avia what's up hey thank you yeah troubleshooting today but I figured it out there we go so I have a question so I got into stocks probably last year and I just bought my first stock when I got into it which was snapping I just thought my logic was hey I got a snapchat account let me just try it it was you know cheap when I got into it I think it was like ten dollars or whatever but now is that as highest and so you guys have been talking about like knowing your price and knowing your exit strategy I really don't have I didn't have one going in so I wanted to know your thoughts on why do you think snaps has potential to be like a Facebook or something like should I make my exit strategy now when it's at its high cuz I'm afraid I don't want to lose okay do you snapchat more than yesterday I actually don't use knapsack anymore so I will potentially have you consider if you don't even use it to maybe walk away from and they reinvest those profits into a company that is more valuable so you got another great so then even when you guys make investing decisions and it may not be the best time in a report I mean you're double that's great that's absolutely amazing but if you're not even a user of the product and I'm not a huge fan of the best on what you buy because there are great companies and they're ok companies snacks is okay they're making progress but I think if you put that capital into something else to go back to Jeremy if you don't know go index first but I think Facebook is better in the social media space but tech overall I like Apple a lot more hit all the time I didn't talk about but Adobe was also on a watch list that hit all-time high today there are a lot of companies that are better than snap they may be more expensive but you're sleep better at night in that field that you have now you won't have like I don't have the same jitters around Apple when I look at the market is I would a snapchat orgy I might add that think about diversification I I don't think you should have your entire financial future tied to any single company you know if you think 10 20 30 down the road his snapchat gonna be the one company that has like has made your retirement almost certainly not right and so I would think about what different companies even in different sectors maybe like Auto maybe transportation maybe shipping maybe oil whatever you know you want to be diversified so if tech does bad for 10 years then you know maybe shipping does really well or something and because you can never be sure which exact industry even it's gonna do great so try not to put all your eggs in one basket and diversify yeah like that was my first one I bought ever I have talked about stop loss you can always have a stop loss on it so like that's like if you if you had 10 and it's like all right it's that 20 so you doubled your money and you don't really have a crystal ball so you can't tell if it's gonna go to 3000 if it's gonna come back to 10 so it's like alright you made a hundred percent profit what are you comfortable walking away with it might become a walking away with 80% so now you said to stop loss or to solid about a sell order not stop mortgaging and losing money a sell order you put a sell order in at $18 so what happens is that if the stock goes from 20 to 18 it automatically triggers to sell order and now you sell it at $18 and you walk away with 80 or 80% profit you lost 20% because you didn't sell it at the peak you could have lost yeah so that's something that people should utilize as well not only to stop loss we talked about a stop loss but we have but we haven't spoke about it sell orders in advance you could put a sell order in in advance and you know automatically triggered if if and when it hits that price and that automation process is key right because a lot of times especially if you have work you might get that news late and it's already done yeah wait and I'll say this for those who's about 40-50 a hundred percent and this is your first year investing my lord you don't know how good she has this is so rare that's like you playing a great basketball you score 120 points first two games I guess great this is not going to last forever you you took action doing one of the roughest recessions and probably economic disasters that we've ever had this is not going to remain the north so don't a year from now be upset with 20 and 30 percent game you are off there fantastic stuff yeah we got a lot of hands so we don't go lightning round right now Jeremy in would feel free to answer as fast as possible let's get these questions in tanta what's going on we come to you I'll mute yourself you've been unmuted hey can you hear me yeah so I've been day training and I do invest long-term I know how you feel about that but my advisor handles that phone I have a solo 401k so I know like you said this is not going to last forever when it slows down will I at least be able to get like 20 cents off of you know of movement to be able to capitalize so so me from the features when you trade stocks you have to actively hunt which wants to go after but there'll be enough volume in especially on the tech side that you'll be able to invest in but be very careful that you don't have a watch list of 25 things I think you should master one sector whether it's tech biotech or a place that you can consistently get gains and honestly the slower moving ones on the training side are better for you because you're not gonna have as a wild of the loss the time we are in now is just like the storm has passed adora the song people were able to get a lot you'll be able to get 20% movement but I will tell you limit your trades to maybe to about five or seven in a week so you don't burn through a lot of your cash there Thank You Tando Thank You Janet we coming to you I mute yourself you've been unmuted hey guys I'm asking quicks I don't question a lot of time so this is for Jeremy um I know you said you retired early so I was wondering are you living off of your investments and if so what do you do like since in March if it hadn't been SPAC like a little bit in your strategy you know yeah so there's this thing called the safe withdrawal rate which means based on the historical volatility of the market you can basically take 4% of your invested assets per year and never go broke and so right now my invested assets are about three million bucks so four percent of that is a hundred and twenty thousand bucks per year I can take out and that's as adjusted for inflation and irrelevant of where the market currently is so it's based on your starting number and so if it goes from 3 million to 2.5 I could still take the 120 and live on that and then it will it will have time to recover over the next 10 20 years before it goes to zero and so that's basically what I do and it's a little more complicated because I have a little bit of real estate investment that provides income to so I just basically take a little bit off the table every year and let the remainder keep growing yeah that much that's the Monte Carlo simulation which you referred so that's right on a money four percent they teach you that you learn that in the basics four percent of an investment or a retirement account if you want to make sure you don't deplete it so yeah that's that's right now yeah I remember you told me that yeah years ago you like yup I get it three million I could live on a twenty thousand how do you not excessively spin and stay within your budget because I know a lot of people when they make a certain amount of money they get three million they're like I'm getting big house especially guys I'm gonna Lamborghini I'm gonna get three cars how do you stay within budget and feel comfortable stay within budget knowing that you could buy more because I think that's the thing that people have to realize it after you make the money it's harder to keep it in our possession yeah I think that's true like I had obviously a big jump I think anytime you get a raise there's always lifestyle creep and there's always the next bigger house there's always the next nicer car there's always the next trip and the way I think about is you'll never ever be rich until you you know you want less than you have if you always want more you can have you know you can have three million in the bank and be broke you know like like a few more blocks towards the ocean from where I live there's a three million dollar house I could spend every penny on my house and I couldn't even afford the tax bill in that house you know and those aren't even like they really because there's 30 million dollar houses another few how's Lake Valley so you just have to you just have to like be comfortable with the fact that there's value in like being happy where you're at and knowing that there's always gonna be the next Joneses you need to keep up with but you'll be happier if you just are comfortable to where you currently are they putting they putting the jewelry up that was it that was a gem that was a gem gem I hate that what do you live California yeah I live in San Diego okay sweet sweet living a good life San Diego Judi a muted stuff you've been unmuted hey this is mr. Judi I have a question about fuel cell companies how do you feel about fuel cell companies because some of them are coming in like really low but that I got getting major backing from the actual value ex horn and all those other companies and in 2015 is at 146 oh why did so before we forget I want to tell people to betray that I made last week sabor xlk which is a technology ETF either the options play on that and our party it's at 101 dollars I brought it I brought an option for January 2022 I believe January 2022 for a hundred and thirty five dollars yeah thank you eighteen months you got some time that was so my play last week was draftkings drop down 35 I said I gotta get some more somebody's passing about draftkings we put it up on SPM I love it we said it's a tech stop it's tech stop that involve sports and gambling I love it so that was my mom last week I doubled my position in draftkings first for Jeremy and then we're gonna do thank you guys for tuning in I'm gonna do a stock Club giveaway tonight for one person Jeremy what is the greatest piece of advice you can give someone tonight if they are terrified yeah I think in general just don't let perfect be the enemy of good I think so many people are worried about getting exactly right or you know there's like listening to this show if this is your first day ever tuning in and everything about line if there's a lot going on guys like this is this is like a lot to this is a big pill to swallow for your first day but but just you know any any forward movement is better than no forward movement right so just go do your hour to research go open up your whatever it is like Robin or acorns or fidelity or van guy just you know whatever one you're comfortable with make your first investment just start watching even if it's like 50 bucks or a hundred bucks I think just that for momentum getting comfortable with it seeing how the stock market behaves seeing how how investments work and continuing to learn along the way is how you will win over the long term and I know some people on YouTube in ask you some of the URLs are asking about nkl a we are very aware of it we know that you know we know it went up 103 percent we are watching it very closely we might talk about it next week we we are very aware trust me we are very good members you got one of those TV off you guys are already in at 22 so that even like that is like when you guys are feeling that way just get another trend super one in here don't always chase the hot thing because when people are in that move early and you're here in the body late and everyone so everyone in the barber shop everyone on Facebook everyone on Twitter let's talk about these stocks as a retailer they are using your entries as their exid's be very careful you don't always want to go with the her even though Buffett an icon and everyone in Jeremy I am talking about in dances no one wants to do it because it's boring I want you to have fruit not excitement if you need excitement you can go have sex I want you to have game tonight if you wanna gamble right but in KLA it's too hard to get in so you have to know every single investment maybe even has to be time base that's why everyone tells you index for long-term investing time base exit 30 to 40 years you know how much money you're gonna end up having so be very careful with chasing a lot of pumping dumps same thing with genius grants but Jeremy like I said I've been a longtime follower of your page I love your movement and especially you know don't be able to do I mean san Diego's expensive microcosm of Illinois so I know how beautiful and pricey oh yeah that's beautiful even to have the courage to tell people to live below your means after you've acquired money because that's not very popular in secret cuz everyone's renting cars and thank you for pushing that narrative as well where can people find you on social cuz I know a lot of people asking yeah thanks yeah most of the magic is on Instagram at personal finance club looks like this on my shirt I mean what you're saying about about the slow thing Warren Buffett has this great quote where he breaks down you know if you invested we're not he's like when I opened my company if you just bought an index fund for $10,000 and just held it until today would be worth like 40 million or something like that just some crazy number yeah and then someone asks why doesn't everyone do that and he said because nobody wants to get rich slowly and everyone's everyone's like chasing the thing they want overnight but if you just if you just take the long-term that's how you build real generational wealth slow and steady wins the race okay so earners I'm gonna do one giveaway for you for the stock Club scholarship YouTube I'm gonna do one giveaway so I'm gonna give more about girls are always trying to so this is the full one even though my team is going to kill me when we get off here number one reason you want to be financially free in YouTube and I'll kick one person from each Jeremy we appreciate you being a part of this discussion tonight man a lot of gems will drop we appreciate you wholeheartedly thank you for coming out bro thanks this was awesome and your audience awesome - I love the questions of the comments you guys are kind of serious serious audience going here I love it we're bringing a whole are you Legion team to Los Angeles this summer for about 30 days in Southern California I mean we can link up yeah no I'll make that drive it's an amazing job thanks for inviting me thank you appreciate it yes before we before we wrap this up before we wrap this up so yeah if you want to have a scholarship to Ian's stock club as you said the instructions in YouTube just why you would like it right the same with the zone ey o university members be yl university once again forty percent off discount that we're running and i think we're gonna do a scholarship for a couple college kids yeah interested coldest earners UIL university forty percent off it's impossible not to get your prices going up to life first for sure so yeah in any closing words Benjamin I'm sorry your name Colangelo you wanna help change your family tree email me at Ian's and join red-handed that would be our youtube winner I greatly appreciate you you're absolutely amazing and now I'm going to go to the amazing earners I love you guys so much oh no we got shoutout good name walking south did you mean welcome on the super Chad you know man these on some crazy love is blowing up over there Jimmy we appreciate the love bro so heartily and then earnest and their honors I appreciate you it's me email see hanage my red panda and you are our second scholarship window so thank you guys for making show amazing I know it can be tricky I'm just sharing with you what I wish I knew from day one if you need a book to read read money master the game I think it's the best book that breaks down every part of investing for you I'm not affiliated with tony bianco territory so maybe this show so read that book if you want the awesome team any index is great any ones from Vanguard so be always popular there's a ton of those you can look at right there for those of you that are up 80 percent a hundred percent three hundred percent oh my gosh you don't know what kind of blessing you have had by taking action there's every other market when we slow down is going to be easy to pick investments this is not as much noise play so thank you guys for an amazing show trying I love you ideally Michael Jamal come true I'll push it Chuck tomorrow is Tuesday so coming out to the shot to Ronnie Brown was so amazing super super dope she's made making a ton of money she because she was and she's become a millionaire online selling products online so this is Ronnie Ronnie Brown from DC or influencers aspiring influencers business owners anybody that's trying to make a profit on social media or online definitely needed me to check out those the historia is compelling started at 6:00 a mother has 16 was told she wasn't gonna be anything and that just drove her to just go crazy it's amazing how stories gonna be incredible and then we got another episode jumping off Friday so we got two episodes this week oh yeah the Friday episode was a real crazy one Jamila Davis you ever heard of her no who's that it's all love a hip-hop she was on The Breakfast Club and all that she's male so she she was Alpine New Jersey that's like where all the rappers live so like the first person have come to Alpine like years ago and long story short she she went to jail for 12 years four years on a twelve years oh yeah for for bank fraud I think was thankful right Yeah right for but it's so crazy because she got tied into Lehman Brothers she was she was working with a mortgage broker that one had a direct pipeline with Lehman Brothers so is the whole white-collar crime they call it pink car but they got she got more time than anybody kind of guys had leaned it or anybody anybody so only one during that financial crisis of 2008 right only one person with the jail from one of the big banks right and he went to Delphi I think one year she was sentenced to a 12 year 12 years of prison and served nine she got more than everybody combined they railroaded a bus story is so compelling that gotta check it out this brother that's crazy it's like it's really one of those blow your money yeah it's one of those documentary type of episodes that you know be like this is crazy so anyway YouTube before we hang up please like this video please like the video like and share please take a millisecond and like it it helps out a lot thank you yeah everybody tomorrow's Tuesday jobs are brother Wall Street rep ago tune into I spoke to Wall Street rapper today I don't even have time to talk about me those about to W maybe talk about that next week with the help cover you or the fee their article I sent you yeah yeah we talked about that next next week but all right yo YouTube we love you or as we love you all we check out this week's members 9 p.m. central zone i'ma drop the Lincoln telegram 10 minutes Meshuga you should have any questions that you guys away a month before the war I knew about us so all of you guys all right y'all be good please
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 41,369
Rating: 4.9792123 out of 5
Keywords: Stock Market, Tech Stocks, Variable Life Insurance, Retirement, index fund
Id: k5rML9gZT8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 25sec (5785 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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