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the goddess again yo youtube what up what up what up what up what up what's going on what up what up august 10th welcome mondays we back at it another one another classic let's open this up to the earners ernest what's going on we opening the door the club is now open yeah shout out to everybody out there shout out to the master investor himself what's going on let's get it going market monday is the greatest show on earth that's what they're calling it that's a fact let's make it the price is right for real this is the real price is right let's make it we still we're still getting ourselves accumulated um back in new york still working on our studio uil studios not fully done yet but it's gone it's looking good we're getting there we're getting in one step at a time one step at a time it's a lot to talk about today yeah what's going on what's going on what's up anybody that's uh an eyl university sorry it was a it was a mix up with the um the link that the link is out now check your email if you're in youtube and you want eyo check the check the email or go to the facebook group i just posted it in the facebook group the link the zoom link so you can either go to the facebook group or your email but it's up right now it's up right now once again come on sorry sorry about that you're tripping bro every physique teacher you always keep a pencil on you never know when you got to write something down what's good what's going on man happy monday happy monday how y'all doing wall street trapping to check in early shout out the trap trap what's going on my guy y'all the trapping tuesdays man shout out to shout out to mark shout out to the comments series a lot of dope content out there right now and i i say we the best show on earth i you know i'm just i'm just showing love to to to what we got going on in the end but i appreciate everybody that's doing anything i appreciate trap i appreciate in the come up series is amazing trapping tuesdays you already know that's always a vibe survive and that's all that's all i saw us whatever we do is what they do it's all family whatever they doing is what we doing so we support each other that's a fact all the way around yeah sure this ain't no behind the scenes thing like we really talk to each other like for real like multiple times a day man it's all love on every side so so ian what's going on brother how how are you i'm good brother how are you good man we good man can't can't complain can't complain life could be worse you know i just i don't know if you saw it i was just talking to troy dr falchi falchi how about you fauci uh did you see what happened what he said no what did he say he said that the coronavirus vaccine is um it's a high probability that it's not going to be too effective um i guess they said like you know like the measles and stuff like that is like um 97 chance of like you're not getting it but they said like the coronavirus vaccine's looking like it's gonna be a 50 chance which is like with the the modern flu um i don't even call it a vaccine but like the flu shot it's gonna be like something like the flu shot so it's a 50 50 chance shout out the wall street trap 100 check in early oh my god 100 super chat early so yeah so um yeah so that's what they say they saying that it's um 50 chance that it's even gonna be effective and they said i guess the fda said it as long as it's 50 they're going to approve it so dangerous times and right right around the time that you know kids are going back to school and um they're trying to open up these schools it's it's it's interesting to watch man but everybody you know has to make a personal decision when it comes to education so i'm praying for everybody because i know a lot of people have to go back to work so that kids have to go to school uh some of us will be keeping our kids home um so i'm just praying for everybody man hopefully we can figure something out that is beneficial we don't want anybody especially our community being left behind when it comes to education due to a lack of resources due to a lack of technology so just just keep everybody in prison that's that's heartbreaking yeah i saw the report where i said i think 100 000 kids potentially could get infected going back to school big ten just canceled they just canceled football yeah big ten that's big ohio state ohio state indiana university yeah yeah of course that's cool that's big man so you know it is it is what it is man it is what it is we're just going we're going to make the best out of it happy birthday shout out to everybody on youtube um a thousand people already if you could hit the like button we greatly appreciate about to get this show going once again shout out to our brother wall street trap 100 super chat and also shout out to amir muhammad on the 50 super chat what up man appreciate you brother what's going on so yeah man let's let's get this show going once again if you if you are eyl university shout out to mg the mortgage guy on 100 super chat appreciate you brother um the the zoom link is up it's it's in um the facebook group and we also we emailed it we just emailed it to everybody as well so troy you want to go over some um yeah i want the guidelines disclaimer all right here we go so disclaimer so number one first and foremost and always do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise do your homework do your research ladies and gentlemen we are not here to um hold your hands through this we just want to give you some help to jump off the board we're not telling you what to do we're just saying some things we might jump in that ocean you got to have a life fest on yeah have your life that's on there you know you're playing be careful investing has risks so your advisor if you don't have one please consult with rashad [Laughter] keep it all in the family that's a fact that's a fact um guidelines so if you're new to uh market mondays welcome so how we how this thing works is that uh we have our zoom calls from eyl university shout out to uio university and they get to ask questions um but we ask that the questions are limited to one question per participant and we also ask that um you don't ask like an individual stock question like please don't ask what price i should buy nike stock at because i mean hey that's not really the purpose of the show and b we don't we just can't facilitate like 10 15 30 different individual stock requests to like take up the whole show so ask a individual like investment question related to investing um that would be that would be more beneficial to probably everybody because then everybody can learn from the question as opposed to just one individual question and get and if you don't they're gonna remind you so you're gonna start seeing guidelines on youtube you're gonna start seeing guidelines in the earnest chat absolutely no they'll remind you don't worry yeah and then also um if you have a question about red panda the stock club apex one um please email or hit ian on a telegram and if you have a question for us about anything please email us at info at earning leisure that's the guidelines um once again eyl university we got an exciting week we got a construction class tomorrow that's going to be dope for all in real estate investors wednesday wednesday wednesday i'm sorry wednesday islam reason islam is our guest on the podcast tomorrow that's going to be interesting that's that's an interesting conversation i had some people hit me up they're like yo i can't wait for that one can i get it in advance no reason islam is official so that's interesting conversation i'll just leave it at that um and then yeah wednesday we have the construction class and then sunday you're doing the book sunday we got our second book club uh with the the power of money so that's going to be powerful the color of money i'm sorry the color of money and uh we opened it up so i know some people had some issues getting it last time don't worry the club is open capacity has been increased so make sure you out there three o'clock sunday the 16th yeah yup so yeah and if you're interested in joining once again the price is going up uh at the end of the month on the 28th so we're running a promo code 40 off with code earners i'll put it in here um forty percent off the annual membership just go to ewy university type in earners and you have access to eyl university and everything that it includes so let's get this going let's get this going um ian where would you like to start where would you like to start let me just get into the sharing screen and then we can okay i got you to host my brother yeah you perfect all right i appreciate you guys so much i'm gonna get right into it and i'm gonna go through these fast um for context two this is the last time i wanted to go over this subject about apple because i know i'm tired of talking about it but there are some people that had questions about it vaccine i'm no health expert consult with your doctor i'm begging you please don't take the vaccine um and be safe and we'll start and then kodak for those of you who got who's shorter kodak kudos to you thank you sir yes great great great so the big question i'm still getting is should i buy apple now or later so i want to walk you through the history of what has happened with apple when they've had stock splits and why it's one of the greatest opportunities that we'll have as investors so um apple had stock splits in 1987 2000 the year i graduated high school shout out to everybody bishop noel love y'all that's 2 000. yeah yeah yeah class 2000 uh 2005 2014 and now 2020 is going to be the most recent split so in 2014 uh paul and monica published an article called apple just got cheaper will you buy so there are certain times in history when and of course you must consult with your advisor right but there are certain times in history when certain stocks are an absolute buy and you need to load the boat trap will say love the clips load the boat we are family it's like get ready to buy a bunch of shares so before the last stock split apple in 2014 hit a high of 645.57 and the complaint was is what the complaint of amazon and tesla is now the average investor cannot afford to buy one share so let's make it more affordable great so after the stock split in 2014 it dropped down to 2092. so everyone is asking should i get apple now or should i wait to august 31st or september ideally it depends on how much money you have but if you're gonna put a lump sum in you ideally should wait until the 31st or september there's going to be opportunity there for context from 2014 to 2020 apple stock went from 92 bucks and you guys can go read the articles and people said that apple was going to fall apart at 92 and it went to 457 as of friday that's 4.97 x growth so if you put 100 grand in back in 2014 at 92 you would have walked away with 497 000 gross if you would have kept the dividends in and reinvested them 10 grand in of course is 49 070. so so if you want these kind of returns from long-term investing and don't have to panic about watching your futures trades or option trades but yes because this is probably going to be the last time that we are going to have this opportunity probably for at least seven to ten years to get in a company this amazing this cheap once again if i could write a book my entire book would be one page buy for quality companies hold them for 10 to 30 years thank me later that's it this is why our 10-year hold is important right i don't know if i can get the best book deal publishing deal we got you we got you bro we got you yeah we'll put it out here for the people for free for the culture if you look over 10 years 1 275 return so i trade and my returns are pretty damn good but i'll tell you those good returns still cause stress some of the greatest returns that i've had holding companies has brought more joy to my face than the bigger wins that i've had trading futures markets so um please hold for at least a 10-year period for those you that are new i know everyone is inundating you with trading ideas and some of these same people five months ago was putting salt on fries at shake shack because everybody's an expert now right let me guide you if i can do anything to help you i am begging you from the bottom of my heart find one company that you love with all your heart tie your money into it for 10 years and you have a chance to make anywhere from 200 grand if you put enough into it up to 500 grand buying a quality company so look at these returns 100 grand in 1.375 in 10 years and now i know some people going if you live in new york and california 1.3 may not be a lot for those of us in other states 1.3 is a ton of money especially if you have children this will get you closer to that freedom line that finish line that we're all trying to get to because retirement is not about the number of years and it's about how much money you have also tiger21 you guys can google tiger21 they put out their survey this year those are people that make between 1 million and have anywhere from up to 100 million net worth their reserve that they have amongst all their members on average in six years so that tells me they think that this epidemic will not or pandemic would not end within three to four years so when you tie your money to quality companies this goes to give you some perspective because i know some of you may have fomo and feel like you're missing out by not trading but the big money is going to be tied to long-term investing and then later we'll get to how can you tell when a recession is coming 100 of the time oh so uh 10 000 would have been 137 great so this is my advice if you're gonna invest a lump sum of money 10 grand 25 grand 100 more than 100 grand wait until september prices are still high apple's going to come down and it's gonna hit a sweet spot that you want between 110 to maybe 80 bucks and you will be able to load the boat and get all that you need for context this is why apple is amazing 44 of their revenue comes from the iphone which many of us have 22 percent comes from revenue and ipad airpod and the apple watch combines for 22 they have a stranglehold on that market if you don't have a lump sum i want you to buy every month everyone type in chat dollar cost averaging oh that's a fancy way to say buy every month that's all you need to do we'll talk about this later amazon is looking into sears and jcpenney fulfillment center so jcpenney dead sears been dead right but most important thing i want to tell you how to predict when a recession is coming so i want you guys to grab your pins and write this on your phone so this indicator predicted to crash in nine 69 73 oh one would indicate what indicate is that i'm gonna get to a real quick we're gonna we're gonna do a little cliffhanger sorry no no you good i'll get to it inverted yield curve some people ask is there a causation or correlation between the two the most important thing you guys need to know is that a hundred percent of time when that three year and ten year invert so this is everyone's homework for the i want you to go on google and do all the research you can on the inverted yield curve let me take you back once this signal hits it takes 6 to 18 months for the recession to appear so inverted yield curve august 5th 2019 the curve was at its steepest point since 2008 and in march they finally released the news about covet happening and then everyone began to panic and dump in their shares but the indication when i was screaming to everyone before because this is before i came across you guys and i only had like 2 000 followers so like 60 000 ago yeah right so so i was like okay great no one wanted to listen but it's like if you are a technician you can see we were getting towards highs but i think the most important economic indicator for my long-term investors especially because everyone keeps saying aren't we going to crash again in the fall and i'm like no you just want to repeat what happened in march because you feel like you missed out and i get it it was scary as hell right so and then even when i'm talking rashad i'm like man but get ball on the 97.99 and he's looking at me like bro you better not be wrong about it or not you would never hear another episode ever but when the inverted yield curve breaks that's this time that you guys need to know that a recession is coming and while it's scary it's also going to be one of the greatest buying opportunities that you have if you are a long-term investor so that's my take on apple and also how to know 100 of the time if a recession is coming so thank you nah there you have it i feel like we should just have a round of applause for that right like give me some claps in the comments man that was that was well done man well done market monday's business school this dude ain't playing that's a fact man i told you man it's better it's better than college it is college shout out to shout out to mark on the 100 super chat the dark knight he calls himself the dark knight but i call him the arch angel like michael where'd this dude come from he just came out the sky i told him i told him yo he's the oracle for real he didn't like the oracle but everybody i mean it's fitting man like it's fitting like i told you the oracle knew neo was coming in the matrix and he's been watching the game from the sideline he said these guys want to learn let me grab them so shout out to mark yeah shout out to mark man so ian let me ask you that was dope what you just did so uh where are we at now with the inverted um yield curve this is my favorite thing to say in um my red panda chat i want you guys to tell me so this is gonna be the homework for everybody all the earners and everybody watching on youtube type and chat where we are in terms of where the yield curve is and are we inverted or is it back to positive sides so this isn't something that i made up but once you dig deep into this rabbit hole you'll start to see why we're there and then also another thing that you guys will be able to gauge is the volatility index yeah and for everybody on youtube that are not familiar with me that are watching the replay i actually trade i'm not just some talking head i put some wave grease in my head and just hopped on here on mondays right so 1281 if the vix future reaches 1281 that will also be a sign that we will either have a strong pullback or small crash crash happens every single month so what we had in march was a economic calamity which there are a couple of different we'll talk about that later i think what happened more than anything it gave investors a chance to get out of some positions and then re-allocate capital once we hit the lows so you had that quote last week like you need to know what you're going to do the next year in advance that's true but i want you guys to map out where you want to buy in if we do have another panic but 12 dollars and 81 is a key level on the volatility vix future if we hit that our market will begin to slide down for those of you follow me on ig by that time fear and greed index should be at like 85 91 or 95 and what is the quote that buffett has when everyone else is fully optimistic that's when we need to be a little bit afraid and vice versa so those are some indicators you can pair together to see when the market is going to turn around and also when the market is going to drop but vixx is at 23.85 now in march the high was 80.85 for the vix future um and we're at 23 now so we have a little bit more to go maybe by november december we should get to 1281 but then be careful um because that's when we can see another tail spin in the market yeah and you're you're you're a fair and greed index they can just get that on cnn i know you've been posting that but some people get lost at where they can find that is it yeah you go to cnn you just google fear and greed index and it'll come up on cnn uh for my technical investors i know it's not the sexiest indicator that we can use i know we can use like shaking volatility and things like that but for those of us that are getting started a lot of times simple is a lot better simple is a lot better yeah that's a fact and um it's interesting that you said that because i called wall street trapper we spoke on sunday morning i just called them like yo i hit them like first thing i woke up i'm like yo i don't i don't feel good like this don't feel right like if this is going too good i i get paranoid when things go too good that's a fact that's a fact he was like yo i feel you he's like i feel you man like it's it's crazy because it's like everybody's talking about the stay at home economy but i feel like i don't feel like there's no such thing there's no such thing as a stay-at-home economy it's really the government economy like the government's propping this whole thing up which they should do but it's like this this whole house is built on stilts right now and i'm not really sure how long or how sustainable please please let me say this real quick i'm going to cut you off you know you're my guy um tech is up 266 from 2015 the other 495 companies in the s s p 500 are up just 25 over a five year period so the the literally the stills top five tech right so we're talking amazon we're talking google we're talking apple uh well facebook the big boys so they are making up 266 percent they're up and use 25 percent for the rest that's a five-year period so they're averaging five percent growth so this is what i've been saying for a long time most corporations are not printing the revenue that they thought that we did and we are more valuable than we ever got priced for like think of what was the biggest tech company or biggest company s p like 10 years ago 12 years ago it was exxon like it's absolutely amazing to see the transition of power but it's also very scary because if it was not for tech and maybe a couple other of companies the entire market would be bleeding right now like we're getting decimated so thank god we have those but man we are in a very scary place even though we are out of the immediate danger it's like looking at a meteor about to hit earth and it's like we're trying to warn people at the same time um there's not many good sectors available if even if you guys for my technicians if you go through the dow 30 there are not many good companies in the dell but none so so even if we have these long-term plays right five to ten years is i mean should we potentially start shorting some of these these top five texts what do you think nope let's keep them we can only short them after we get an indication that it's time because this is the thing about resistance right support and resistance are not concrete walls that prices cannot penetrate so if microsoft and apple keeps 200 billion on hand that's why i keep saying it's like if any company gets popping they're going to do the same thing coach k would do at qc let me snatch him up great tick tock to microsoft that's a little baby going to qc same thing so they are going to acquire twitter of course is trying to get into the fold because there's not a lot of companies that are producing so they want to snatch everything up that's available for their own bottom line as well so it's really really tough right now um and that's why for all my entrepreneurs i tell you like make sure that you are valuable so in this economy you will be able to produce for yourself and your family as well but right now there are not many companies that are producing at a high level very few let's do this let's get into some questions for the last month actually the last four episodes we've had guests so we've been kind of limited on our time for questions but we don't have a guest tonight so yeah um this is actually dope because we get to ask we get to and that's actually my favorite part of the whole situation is to answer questions and to get interactive so let's answer some questions but before we do youtube 2700 people want to check in yeah yeah if you can take a minute out of a millisecond like like the video i promise you was 100 free to like the video drop a comment it helps it all helps in the youtube algorithm um so yes that's what we actually view um yes let's go to let's go to some questions oscar you've been on muted what's going on mute yourself you're the year oh without you bro what's going on everything's good i just want to say i appreciate y'all i love y'all without y'all right now i think i don't even know what i'll be doing right now love is love bro appreciate you bro worse so i was doing some homework and i think it was like either a week ago two weeks ago i was reading an article that uh jeff bezos was selling some of his shares and uh i was reading an article and it got me to this question like are there any rec like regulatory limits on the profits that companies could make we got a superstar advisor i'll let him kick it off first inside no i mean i said not to my knowledge there's no regulatory limits to how much profit a company can make but companies do periodically like when you see ceo especially like bezos sell his stock that's not necessarily a red flag that things are going down um you know they have board of directors and they have different things of that nature so it's it's pretty routine that every now and then you have to um dump some stock and that's just kind of like part of the inner workings of the situation so when we see basil selling stock it's not like when i said uh a few weeks ago when charlie wang sold uh charlie lee when he sold uh litecoin oh my god that's that's a different situation he has different situations that's different yeah amazon we actually gonna talk about amazon a little later on but uh yeah no i don't to my knowledge there's no limit to how much money a company could make that's the whole point you want to make as much money as you possibly can possible brand you as a monopoly and you may have hearings about that if you guys are familiar with microsoft and gates in the 2000s that could happen but no and even with him selling the shares like think about if you flip the house right and then you have to profit at closing would you not take the profit at closing so like he's built his business since the mid 90s or late 90s and then he's just exercising some of those shares to put the profit into his pocket which he's absolutely deserved so um but don't take it as a sign as amazon falling apart as a result yeah appreciate you appreciate you guys let's uh we got a super chat question shout out to our rancho on the 50 super chat appreciate it he said ian and the fellas thank you ian you telling me a hundred g's on apple now is not worth it i should wait till september just to be clear yeah can i start screen real quick and show why and give context yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna put you back on him as the host my brother thank you um yes i would absolutely have you wait and i'm waiting to load the boat myself so i'm not telling you anything that i'm not willing to do so let's do some simple illustration right this is the high up here oh it's waiting for you to share wait wait wait wait you gotta share it is it not sure can you see now though no it just says that you have started now okay great yes so let's do a simple illustration we don't have to do anything super technical the high is up here the low is down here let's just call the middle 300. regardless of how much the stock has went up i still don't want you to buy the high if a house is worth 400 grand i don't want you to pay 457 for it just because it's cute and the cabinets look great and the instagram pictures will look dope the same principles apply this is the high so it's at 450 right now would you rather pay 450 a share right now or wait until it drops and it's probably going to go 90 or 110 and then your 100 g's would be better capitalized because guess what's going to happen after all this hype goes away the price is still going to drop shout out to everybody in the stock club type yes if you agree with me every time a stock is high everyone asks are you sure it's going to come back down in two weeks and falls to the bottom of the earth we get it at a low price and then it shoots back up all this is just consumer interest because they want to be a part of the stock before it splits but if it goes down to 110 and you put 100 g's in it load the boat load the boat you'll be happy trust me like we'll be best friends in a year and a half hold off at 450 at 420 because technically where the price at 427 is high so at 450 i can't have you with sound conscience do that there you have it ladies and gentlemen so free so wait just wait shout out to entp uh life on a hundred dollar super chat we got some we still we still got something on the stash for the brother um good good guy right there good good good man right there appreciate you bro yeah lenny we coming to you i'm mute yourself you been unmuted lenny what's going on wow i'm really young what's up what's going on what's up yeah what's up fellas what's going on bro doug kings um yeah so i have a decent question like i've been on sister quarantine i really started getting into um real estate i'm not real estate that's my other passion but i'm into the stock market and um so i started like first of all my dad is a pessimistic i'm optimistic so i was like i bet my first investment was microsoft i was like nah this is definitely going to go up but i didn't buy enough i feel like i got in there like a very good price like 140 like early in march and then but you know being with a pessimistic i'm an accountant he's an accountant i do tax he does audit so okay the mindsets are completely different so um yeah so now i'm just sitting here you know just waiting hoping it'll go back down but you know but this this you know i know you guys tell us not to talk about a specific stock so this is my the dilemma for like multiple of the stocks that i bought so this is like a general question and i also my other problem is that i also um bought too many like like i was listening to this um the news so often they're always like recommending new stocks to invest in yeah and i got caught up in that and i just started buying like a lot of stocks and instead of using the strategy of only investing in four you know three or four solid stocks to invest in and load the boat on that so now i have kind of like a few stocks here a few stocks there i stopped doing that but i'm wondering how should i sell and then like you know and then reinvest it into um you know my four that my four ones that i think i'm gonna hit with or like how should i go about it let me let me answer that question yeah i answered the second question the question is now you you definitely asked two questions but it's all good yeah yeah good so somebody just put guidelines you're good though yeah did it you did it in a very classy way very closely so yeah i had that same dilemma actually recently where i had i felt like you know i had a lot of different stocks and i was talking to mark and i'm like yo should i want to consolidate and um he was telling me like yes a good idea to consolidate so i think the problem was it's a thin line between being diversified because you never want to put all your eggs in one basket right but also you don't want to spread yourself too thin either and that's why ian we've talked about index funds etfs is a good idea as well because that gives you broad range diversification like an etf might have 50 different um stocks in it index fund might have 100 different stocks and depending on the index or 500 if it's the s p 500 so if if you don't if you're not you know dead set on one particular thing that's when you in my opinion that's when you go to the etf index fund route yeah because now you don't have to like run in 18 different directions trying to figure out which one is the best one you can just say all right i'm interested in this sector what's the best way to invest in this sector and then i'll go that mutual fund index fund etf i was thinking about doing an approach like that like um you know having the individuals like um in the tech and then everything else just do like um etfs and stuff like that just to have that diversification like if the um tech one is not like if it keeps going up i just put my money into the etf at that time like that week so like yeah we we we spoke about uh an etf that has a pretty large uh microsoft holding xlk so i mean shout out to all the earners and everybody in red panda that's been been catching a win on that so that's a good way too and one another thing we learned was like yes find one etf but don't you don't want to put all like chat he said don't put all your eggs in one basket find a couple of etfs right so there might be some more companies that you're looking at without the strategy i've been using lately it's like i found a company i'm like yeah that's an individual position are they in an etf what's their holding in an etf and then i kind of make my decision from there so that's another strategy you can use too yeah and move the consolidate like that that's the way you consolidate is by selling it and then um reinvesting it episode 70. uh my formula was two index two tecla so let me give you an example if you're rob polinka of the lakers yes sir you have lebron and a.d can you afford to also pay dame lillard devon booker hardin westbrook and giannis nope then you got to pick it's the same thing there is a cap on the amount of money that we have to invest in a capital that we can deploy so the indexes give me access to the all-star team so if i'm d'antoni i may not ever get a chance to coach giannis but through the index fund all-star team i'll get a chance to so those four are great and then also you can look at buffett's quote on diversification diversification is for those who don't know yeah i've seen that i've seen that late though you know i've seen that late that's a fact better better late than never yeah you're never late you never look late than never found this appreciate you brother appreciate you calling in bro i'm actually going to talk about etfs um a little later in the program to uh etf i want to kind of break down a family we haven't done that yet we haven't talked about fam there's families of etfs huh i'm gonna talk about that later but shout out to youtube we hit 3 000 on the check-in thank you all so much that's love yeah shout out to youtube man if y'all could take a minute and like this video share this video um we got a lot of gyms that we're going to be dropping like i said i got i got some some tricks up my bag um i told ian it's going to be our biggest show so yeah hopefully i was doing some research and went down a rabbit hole and i actually found some families at etfc there you go that's fine right when i say that bruce wayne oh boy i'm not calling him a dark knight no more i'm calling him the archangel michael michael has um come in with a 500 super chat and a bunch of stocks yeah wow a bunch of stocks and here's the thing that i'll say whether you shot that right now yeah whether you guys follow us or the the people at cnbc that can actually trade and invest the ones that are good are always going to be good amongst those that can actually invest there won't be any conflict you'll never hear five people say apple is not good slk is not good vog is not good but you only need four i appreciate you guys being here every week but also with the noise stop watching news outlets about investing and just follow your plan i'm begging you because people are going to talk you out of a good position either because they don't know or because they may not want to see you do as well kudos to those of you that were in carvana some of you have made 250 percent then we gave it out here for free on market mondays like rashad troy's gave out a bunch but the news agencies and news media also have a business to protect and they need clicks and viewership as well so be mindful of that and i'm not talking about kramer because kramer actually was a good fund manager when he was at goldman but it's hard every day if you're watching the news and a lot of even invest in the news has turned into first take um and it's a lot of theatrics behind it opposed to just saying hey these are good these are trash let these go so we're trying to do what we can do um to help you guys out the most but just focus on a few quality companies put money into them you guys be good okay and we need an emoji because um ian got the pandas trapper has scales and what else does trapper have he has scales in houses houses trap house jumping and uh mark has bets so we need something we gotta come with you you know it's the earnest eye they put the capsule i like maybe the graduation caps graduation i like that university wait shout out to you shout out to dwayne dope i played everything that was on youtube i like that yo if everybody on youtube i need you to put the cap the graduation cap graduation lp that's we're gonna shout out to you see easy man that's that's where we're gonna go we're gonna go with the graduation the cat we're gonna go with the cat i like that when you you're in the in the running for top earner of the week like that's a fact i like that i'm going to a new name over here and hopefully i don't botch it so i'm gonna apologize in advance balaram i hope i got that right um yourself you've been unmuted what's going on not much i appreciate you brothers thank you again um every monday how about doing the name uh you did good you did good yeah all right all right all right i'm one for one let's what's up what's going on man uh so real estate is my first love been selling a house for six years and rocky came out last thursday and as you guys say load the boat i love the boat and i want to get ian's take i mean in general how you feel about the company ticker's rkt right oh it was ticker rkt rkt i think that happened on thursday if i'm not gonna stay again yep it happened on thursday yeah um a good company dominant force in that space for sure we're going to give it at least 60 days to see how the stock plays out because if i if i'm going off ipo they were at what 175 went up to 27 slid back down give it 60 days but i think they have a very good potential of upside let's check back in about two months to see where the chart is and then i can give you some better insight on what i feel it's just too new right now cool but i love the company um and the dominance in the space for sure so they have some promise yeah dan gilbert is a ceo he's a ceo yeah rocket mortgage yeah yeah yeah appreciate you appreciate you brother yeah i like those caps man those cabs going crazy those cats going crazy no no cat no cat but all caps here that's the deal another new name let's see who we got oh yeah yeah yeah kingston what's going on you've been a muted amuse yourself what's going on guys yo i saw the name you know that's the capital so you know i'm going there what's going on you're done though thank you thank you thank you um just a question for all you guys whoever would like to answer man um so i'm a not going not going back to school next semester i'm thinking about doing um just training full-time just wanting to know what you guys think about that i'm a um waiter at a restaurant and that's what's what i'm thinking about doing man you said please let me answer yeah let me get how do you feel about that good here um i'm gonna be well i don't know you so i'm gonna ask you one or two questions how many hours are you looking at the market and then what are you looking to trade um probably about three i probably about three hours a day um i take your advice from 9 30 well when i wake up probably around seven i wake up sit down eight o'clock to probably around 10 30 i check it periodically through the day and i sit back down around 3 30 to 4 30. how old are you uh 20 go back to school gotcha don't be a fool stay in school man no but it's important you know what at 20 i'll give you credit i'm gonna give you credit yeah right right starting i'm pretty empty at 20 you know what you're taking the time to invest in yourself and learn something that's 20 i can't say the same for myself so i'm i mean i'm going to encourage you to keep going but you're going to need more time so you i mean short-term investing you're going to have to swing trade and ideally on stocks first because the liquidity requirements are less than that on futures but if you're only doing three hours i'm going to tell you like for any person that wants to trade full time a it's a daunting task even if you work at a prop fund or hedge fund man you need at least 15 hours a day in and how much money do you need to start i i did minimum 10 10 000 yeah so yeah i mean you could do both brother but yeah you have to be less accurate you'll be good yeah i think we have to be responsible yeah you know you know everybody knows how i feel about college but i do i am a college graduate so i'm not here to you know that's a whole different conversation but i have to be responsible young man and uh i would tell you to to continue your your education outside of school but i i wouldn't necessarily just tell you to completely do the kanye and drop out yeah not yet and also if you're going to trade futures you need to limit your trades because the more trades you put in the market the higher probability that you are going to be entering in dangerous zones especially during this time when the volume is high as it is you need to limit your trades to about four trades max per week and if you have the discipline to do that you'll make more than enough room for yourself to be okay but yeah yeah i'm long-term invest first and i know to a certain degree when people hear this they feel like we're hating the upside or the curve that it takes to get it down because the learning the trading part is easy everybody can read rsi everybody can read support and resistance everybody can read breakout momentum the key is can you take the trade when you're supposed to and then walk away that's the hardest part that's the hardest part like please i'm begging you uh stay in school long term and best but if you look out to some companies and if you really have an interest maybe you can end up working at a you can get your license and maybe end up working at a prop firm and go that route kingston man we are encouraging you try to try to keep going bro try to keep your student loans down though if you can go to the states i don't know which kind of school you're in but there's nothing wrong with state school there's nothing wrong with community college take your pell grant flip it the legal way of course respectfully respectfully yeah oh but yeah just try to keep your student loans down if you can and people are acting as the actual what's your major what'd you say what what's your major cyber security okay oh you don't you're doing good you make 150 like yeah please yeah yeah kingston i'm gonna tell you this man you you got to be an intelligent kid to do cyber security but you guys absolutely more intelligent kid to be part of eyu uil university so shout out to you yeah that's it that's the best big fact that's the best decision that you could have made the network that you're probably missing because it's social dissident distancing you'll find inside of our community man so yeah welcome and uh we all encouraging you man all right thank you yeah it's smarter than me i i went to college i went to college and asked what's the easiest way for me to stay eligible to play basketball i get out of here that's my route and then also you like you you have you're going to have a 20-year minimum trajectory to make six figures minimum like i'm not even talking if you're gonna make your own firm and bro oh my god like no all right finish i'm begging you shout out to 20 year old kingston i love it we're going to a new name uh hakeem what's going on i'm yourself you've been on muted what's going on guys one sign up from london it's for what part of london are you from from west london you know yeah yes yes you know are you um man knows about them parts yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i guess all right all right i love it all right shout out to london town what time is it out there right now it's quarter two quarters of two quarters dedication one eyo i appreciate it yeah i'll tell you this man i'm gonna let you ask you a question but when this whole thing is over we we are coming to london we london was on our on our schedule this year but obviously kobe happened so once we get past covey we're coming to london we're gonna do something real real big for our uk earners we got a real a real big presence in the uk so shout out to everybody in london but um yeah appreciate you bro man ask question what's up appreciate you definitely positive man um just wanted to thank you guys for the quality and consistency over time i've learned a lot so just thank you guys um so my question is about the indicators so i know that ian was talking about um you know the inverse yield and um the volatility of the vix i was going to say are there any other indicators that you use in terms of the fundamental analysis of companies i haven't really heard you guys cover that as much so are there any other indicators you use um it's not on the chart but revenue that's the main thing that i look at top line revenue and then second i'll look at to see what they are profiting um because that will tell if it's a quality company or not um so i know everyone is like hey do you think nikola's gonna be the new tesla i'm like they haven't sold anything did you see the report today did it say they didn't so sell anything else no they said that they're going into the garbage truck industry so they're going to be putting garbage truck vehicles yeah because they're trash they should you know so it's very fitting garbage trucks i'm like damn that's fitting no so that's the top line revenue and then profit are the things that i'm looking at um okay so there's no other like indicators such as the industry um that service indicators payroll that type of thing is that not really in the analysis spot that you guys look at that's not in my personal analysis i'm always doing top line revenue profit and then of course like if you want to look at a technical indicator on a chart like if i look at a five year month i'll look at like a 200-day moving average direction is moving up if it touches the 200 i'll load the boat at that price and if it stays underneath it i won't touch it so um but just looking at like actual reports for like 10ks and stuff like that revenue is the most important thing yeah yeah i think that that's two that tools yeah that is key yeah yeah okay cool thank you appreciate thank you appreciate it that's the thing about um facebook also um they have no debt that's impressive facebook has no debt they have no debt and they they've been on the team they've been running up the charts crazy um but you know that's not easy to accomplish you look at a company like uh netflix who has a ton of debt so you know for a company for to be one of the biggest companies in the world have no debt but like apple apple apple has how much money does apple have on here 200 200 billion dollars on hand just in case that's that's extremely impressive it's like it's like the same thing as a person like you know if a person has a hundred thousand dollars in a savings account or a million dollars in a savings account you feel way more comfortable than a person that has five dollars you got five dollars in your savings account you're going to take some chances that you're going to stress out a lot more yeah might put you in a penitentiary i do a lot of different things and then you end up making a lot more irrational short-term decisions in comparison like they still have to be in a race to maybe acquire tick-tock even though the anti-trust stuff is there so you can never count them out um but yeah the more cash on hand and then of course no doubt i mean you guys that know me personally you know i like that's my thing as well person on the personal side as well so no doubt yeah no dead end yeah i saw that man you put 20 on your car the other month i hated it we got another let's see we got a couple news i love all these newbies shout out shout out to mark monroe he's back to mark monroe 100 super chat um yes he's switching he's switching um shout out to greg weeks on the 20 super chat yeah appreciate it i guess i guess the ladies was was loving hakeem's accent the london we all get them back on london vibes uh who was that alberto alberto you've been unmuted i mute yourself what's going on yo what's going on fellas everything good i actually just signed up for you literally like five minutes ago so i'm super brand new to this oh yo dope man i saw your name pop up i said i don't know that name where you where are you from i'm from brooklyn brooklyn oh yeah shout out that's our strongest that's just what part of brooklyn i'm from sheepshead bay okay yeah shout out shout out to c.i shout out to the whole shout out bk man that's our strongest strongest market in the whole world brooklyn new york so and as a result of mine too shout out to everybody yeah shout out to pj man yeah welcome though what's your question though bro all right so uh my question is to ian uh my question is so i know you were talking about uh the vix and the uh the number ad uh what is it and your and uh the fear agreed i guess meter would be at 85.95 you mentioned right and that should be coming up in november december so my question is if i'm going to make a a major move and invest you know x amount of dollars should i wait or should i uh you know just pick my spots now and then eventually just pull out or like how should i play that uh pick your spots now to invest because you're gonna miss out on the upside and then also if you're holding the interesting thing like you don't realize it until you do it and you miss out but trying to time the market all the time and waiting these prolonged periods you're going to end up messing up missing out on some of these days so all the people that sold stocks in march and april they hit me every day and be like man i hope another crash happens it slides back down i mean and also like what we and then also the stock split so apple went from 220 to 450. apple is the size of five companies usually in one that stock normally does not move within that range like if you take the year prior went from 171 to 298. so if you sit out for a year you potentially could miss out to 15 to 25 and who knows got it cost you three years early in which you can retire so um if we do hit that 1281 or we go lower the market's gonna slide down it's gonna be another buying opportunity and then if you give it two years you'll be great that's why i say if you take a long-term perspective you won't get shaken out of these moves but if you're looking week to week and everyone's talking like i see people asking about nioh no terrible nichola hurts trash what's the other one people are asking but like if you just gotcha focus on quality and go back to that basketball analogy like who would you draft or who would you trade for on your team and do the same thing your portfolio you'll be good because apple and microsoft dropped the least of almost every company on earth so um when it hits 1281 don't panic tap back in with us on mondays we'll keep you accountable we'll buy some more shares and then two or three two or three years you'll be happy that you hold on got it man thank you so much brother thank you i appreciate you yo appreciate you out to brooklyn welcome welcome to the family man shout out to everybody what's our record for you too i think we just hit it it was three point three we was up at three point three that's our record giveaways i told you ian told you you did call it i felt it i felt it you caught it yeah i felt it shout out to youtube man we just hit a record for the most live viewers let's get this thing up to 3 500 at least 3500 man if you could hit the like button if you can share it yeah we'll do some giveaways if we do that and amd actually did fall um it actually is it's in it's in a correction right now yeah me and mark spoke about that um and is 87 to 82 a correction it's coming down a little bit a little bit a little bit long-term investing now if we're talking short-term investing yeah yeah for sure but um for the long-term investors man they'll they'll be good yeah yeah so even with the correction man if you had invested when we i told y'all or if you had followed some of the things we had mentioned uh you're still gonna be up even with the correction yeah and like ian said also that's a valid point you you're never gonna be able to pick the perfect time that's why we say dollar cost average the same this ain't double double this it's extremely important to stress dollar cost averaging you don't have to put a lump sum of money into any stock you can put money in on a consistent basis and you build it up because you never you know it's going to come down it's going to go up and it's like you'll drive yourself crazy looking at it every single month trying to figure it out so absolutely listen and all the time that i've been investing i called one stock at the exact price and it didn't go a cent lower that's in 10 years like that was microsoft at 177 for those unit stock club right so shout out to y'all time in 10 years just buy every month it'll be a lot easier yo shout out to jamal on 100 super chat shout out to b uh uh b marie b marie charles 150 super chat that's love appreciate you thank you lb shout out to lb on the super chat yeah yeah i hope she came in singing yeah i hope i say this right odelia i'll mute yourself if you've been unmuted and you got to come back and sing it like you just was hey you got it right this time i'm working i'm learning i'm gonna earn it i'm learning lovely um good night um so i was watching a clip a ray dalio clip recently and he talked about having gold and inflation index bonds in your portfolio um and i wanted to know like what are some good gold um either stocks bonds etfs or um inflation index bronze like what is that and what are some good ones to have trevor shot you you want to start it off since i've been hogging a mic all day there's a couple g d x um i know s g d s g d j um and then you i believe you o u n z uh are there there's there's there's a few gold um funds out there and not just gold either we talked about it's fun let me talk about that on a podcast i feel like we just spoke about this like last week on this market did we yeah we talked about it few weeks ago years ago and um just precious metals in general yeah it's it's a it's a hedge against inflation and um we are definitely in what we call stagnation we talked that we talked about stagnation where is the economy is stagnant it's a mix of stagnant growth and inflation called stagnation so that's why you see gold at all-time highs right now because you know it's inflation across the world really because governments all over the world once corona hit they had no choice but to just start pumping money so it's like a stimulus package stimulus package for the entire world the whole the whole world's on on novocaine right now everybody got their sims package we're about to do our second one yeah right so like the more money that gets put into the economy obviously the the weaker the dollar becomes so we'll see how long this lasts how many more i think this is gonna be the last one just last time they said it's gonna be the last stimulus we'll see how long yeah a lot of people on youtube um they put in slv j i mean g l d um is b and d so so bond is there so i what bray really wants you to do is have a balanced portfolio that can hedge against any storm um so yeah b d is good god is good um so yeah and if you just follow his ratio and money master game you can even google it what the all-weather portfolio is they'll throw some out for you as well adelia we appreciate you thank you thank you thank you all right it is nine o'clock uh ian you're gonna kill me when i do the earnings wow what happened now we got a few uh i mean we have a few uh ev companies that are reporting their earnings uh so let's yeah that's gonna be good so uh today obviously uh workhorse uh reported their earnings and they were worse than expected uh which is you know for for that industry is tough um so they they their second quarter they made 91 000 they anticipated making 270 000. so they were way off here way off and then tomorrow we're asking trash well tomorrow we got that company that we just spoke about neal they were pointing um so neal was up 230 year-to-date which is pretty impressive they sold um i think 3 700 cars in june and they follow that up with 3 500 in july um i'm not sold on neo i know you're not sold on the so it would be interesting to see what their second quarter earnings looks like um and then cisco is reporting on wednesday cisco has officially been put on the watch list um and that is coming from the oracle himself so i put that down on my watch list and then friday is an important day jamal and i had this conversation walking i had this conversation i know shady said draftkings is dead but draftkings is reporting their second quarter earnings um either way i'm letting go of it friday so hopefully uh we have something positive i know that pen uh gaming reported last week and you know their second quarter reports were were positive and their guidance looked good for the third quarter uh but now with college sports and them canceling seasons and canceling conferences games it's like we're in jeopardy i said the only hope we got now is if the nfl stays that's the only way this is gonna work if the nfl goes out uh draftkings is gonna be in trouble so that's happening friday and like i said either either way next monday i will tell you um if i won or lost it was my first option call so like i said we're gonna report our wins but we're gonna report our losses too so i'll let you know on monday uh whether how this worked out no i'll call you on friday so we can facetime and drink some wine though and they reporting before before it's closing so friday morning i know y'all could call me in the group chat this is like yo troy are you okay and i'm gonna say am i i check on you no i didn't i didn't say it was dead i just uh it's not house arrest right now like it's on house arrest right now man sports is not everybody knows we're huge sports fans and the nba the nba i think is doing it the right way with the bubble yeah it's kind of weird with virtual fans but they getting through it baseball baseball is making a debacle out of it baseball is probably the most boring sport period with fans respect now like now you gotta watch it with no fans which makes it even more boring it's like paint drying and then they're getting covered left and right like the the uh cardinals the cardinals the marlins the marlins the phillies a bunch of these teams like 14 players get covered 16 players get covey toronto they they couldn't even play because the players can't come to canada they had to relocate to buffalo yeah it's a whole it's a whole nonsense yeah that football just canceled this season that's big that's huge yeah ohio state michigan indiana university yeah yeah yeah let's not forget that one it's getting worse man i don't the nfl situation i don't know man the nfl is gonna be difficult to pull off it's the only it's the only hope and and i know mark said leave hope at the door but it's the only chance to have it survive this first two quarters of this year it'll come back eventually obviously sports will come back and people are still betting on sports so i know the new jersey gaming um they reported record numbers of gambling on the first week of august so maybe the last week of july so that's encouraging so we'll just wait we'll just see on friday and monday y'all gonna know either way how that turned out yeah but it's interesting draftkings is interesting um but yeah sports man sports has been here i think the nfl is going to continue because they don't care they don't care if you get brain damage so they definitely don't care if you get copic i thought they were spraying they were spraying like stuff yeah the broncos did you so like the broncos has this tunnel that when you walk in it disinfects you so i think that's what that's the route they're gonna start going with the teams like what are you gonna do when you tackle somebody i think everybody gotta go through the tunnel i'm just listen man as once the nfl comes back we all gonna be i'm gonna be happy in this house yeah but don't come back drive king probably won't be good for two years as a long-term investment and i said it originally when we did uh when we started hopping on on zoom like until the nba goes back into arenas like a good indicator for that too will be like when facebook actually schedules a conference apple does a conference google does a conference then it'll happen but until then there won't be any sports you know what's crazy about that i think we said this facebook i don't know if they announced this publicly yet maybe i shouldn't say this no you probably shouldn't all right oh shout out to mark on 100 super chat what do you say he said leave hope at the door and then shout out to uh a.d on a super chat he said i you a gold etf is it and he gave he actually gave um oh you put it oh oh that's mark if mark yeah mark gotta that's for mark um shout out to jay on the 20 super chat appreciate it yeah i appreciate that all right questions what we got let's go to uh let's see if i can get some new names in here i don't think i've seen this one before oh tina i'm coming to you tina i mute yourself you better mute it hi guys tina what's going on that's a loyal earner right there book club breaking bread sessions eyl university market mondays tina is top earner status put some caps up in the comments for her ah thank you okay so i have this questions from my friend um her husband's birthday birthday's coming up right and he's really getting into investing and she's the one really sitting on the money so i said why don't you gift him some stock but when we started to research it right the only thing that i found for her was like stockpiling stockpile i think it's called so i was like when i get a chance i'll ask the guys if there's any other way to really give give stock so that's what i'm at stockpile is a good way if you're trying to do less than a thousand for sure um if you're doing more than that i would just drop a note and zoom and i can kind of guide you there because i don't want to nobody to count your friend pockets on youtube so but stockpile is a great way to go especially for like uh for the parents as well if you want to give stocks to your kids that's a good way or nieces nephews that's a good way to do it yeah shout out to your friend for thinking of a great gift no sneakers this time around appreciate that thank you tina we're gonna see you sunday see you sunday that's right that's right not eight days they playing too much mario y'all are hilarious they played too much yo uh mary we coming to you i'll meet yourself you better mute it hello um i'm new to stockton hold on hold on hold on we you got there's a little feedback can you hear me oh now we got you yeah we got you all right i'm new to stock investment at work so hopefully you guys can hear me um but i have stockpile and i also have robin hood and coinbase and there are integrated um like platforms so that i can kind of like look at when um yeah i was gonna say mint um min is the one that i know about as far as like where you can see all of your portfolios um on one app that's the only one i know of that's the one i know of mint doesn't allow you to see the ones that you have i can't say personal capital but i haven't used it but yeah personal capital you can check that first personal capital okay personal capital i guess is another one as well but yeah thank you thank you mary thank you thank you so much all right who we got let's go marcus what's going on i'm mute yourself you better mute it bro yo yo yo what's up how y'all doing yo can i tell you how funny that that um forrest gump thing you did was oh y'all should watch myself thank you appreciate it hilarious bro so appreciate it all right ian got a question for you um did i buy apple or now or later i'm just joking i'm joking that was good uh my my question is regards i kind of want to pick you back off neil's questions from last week is about options trading so i'm relatively new to it right now i'm trying to get into it and uh rashad i know in the iwa university group you have mentioned um to do a with a strike price at 20 for kodak right so when i'm going through these options and looking at the different price ranges where i want to have the strike price at that's not actually where i needed to go right because i needed to go wherever it shows break even and then once it hits break even and below that's when you actually start making a profit correct you know it's funny i'm sorry i'll let you answer that question because um our our friend our the great knight has um he actually did a dope video on that on his show the come-up series if you haven't watched the come up series you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice calm series is actually really really dope and he did a whole breakdown of how to look at strike prices yeah um but not the the it's funny you say that about the break even because i'm assuming you're using robin hood um and i was actually what sort of huh i said when we looked at it through us no it did so i'm asking mark cause i'm like yo we don't use robin hood so i'm like yo mark what's up with this break even situation because when i look at it like these numbers don't make sense he's like yo i don't even know what that means like that break even doesn't make any sense because i'm looking at the stock i'm looking at stocks that's not even close to a break even and i already made a profit right and he's like they're actually misleading people by by having that break even thing it's really not so much to break even it's not it's really not the price of the stock it's the bidding to ask really that's that's more important so to answer your question i'm not really sure what that robin hood is the only platform that actually has that break even i'm assuming that it's you know it's for newer investors so they try to make it the easiest understand as possible but sometimes when you try to um make stuff too easy to understand it it kind of just like misleads people so i see a lot of people asking about the break even and what they're doing is now they're like kind of relying on break even numbers at robin hood to like base their trade but i i don't really i've never used to break even mark who's teaching all of us about it he's not using a break he's completely confused he said he don't even know what that what they even talking about with that so yeah and we only like he said we only saw it in robin hood so when we try to figure out our own strike price and and shout out to mark because he talks about on the column series we try to do the percentage right so we look at the year percentage growth we look at three year we look at the five year if we have two we even look at by month right and we take the average of that and we add it to the current price and so that gives us a good idea of where we want to strike at um so that that's a uh like a a little tool that you can use to help you find a strike price because i know a lot of people like where y'all getting these numbers from so that's one of the things we we do um but yeah he he breaks it down in the come up series so i'm imploring you i'm imploring you to to go watch it it's episode i think it's the august six episode he made sure that we watched it so you go watch it too man cause it's super informative when i told you to short kodak so you can get out at 1293 and it went lower yeah that was a good call oh yeah that was that was actually cool we know some people who were like yo you sure i'm like yo bro i've heard one thousand percent we heard it from a couple of people and um i should show you the phone call the message that i got this morning last week who said it wouldn't go to 1293 i know you don't know us but i greatly appreciate it oh youtube yeah he was like yo you just guessing you don't know what you don't know what you're talking about bro all right you gotta love the youtube oh this is a new name shout out to mark 100 super chat he said futures plus options plus stock course we need a dope all-star studded team hmm where's my water [Laughter] sips water thank you sir rebecca we're coming to you avx hell is no good for those you asked me sorry about that i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted hey can you hear me yeah hey what up though from detroit i know it's a lot of new yorkers don't hear about what up though shout out shout out what up dog i'm from the midwest i love that what up though oh and i just had two uh questions i'm in the stock club by the way too so see you later but i wanted to know what you thought about docusign ticker d oh you are you in already yeah okay i love it but it's dropped oh god i'll touch on it tonight but love it yo it's crazy that you said that uh rebecca ian and a bunch of us had we just had a conversation about docusign correct love it love we love it we don't just like it we love it like jets pizza love it [Laughter] love it second ticket yes go ahead real quick for the killing five nine uh n stock club family she said it's not me [Laughter] i didn't bring it up love it i love it love it we'll talk about it tonight all right then thanks guys thank you thank you thank you donna i see you typing that docusign's making you nervous first of all happy birthday to you i saw everybody saying happy birthday so i'm gonna say it too happy birthday don't listen we love it so if we we saying we love it we sing it for a reason we love it that's a fact thank you everybody i will tell you guys so i'm agnostic about the companies because i don't sit on any boards so if i don't like it i'll say it but until then and also too like i know some of you are trying to ask about stock so you can determine what your strike price would be to play it on the option side for context we're talking about long-term investing so long term i love it there it is marco we coming to you i'll meet yourself you've been on muted how you guys doing thank you again for so much for um helping out i got a question in regards to the vix if we see it go down to um 12 and change should we load the boat and ride the wave up um for the stocks that you're looking to buy they will then go on sale so think of it like black friday and then let the market fall apart you're going to see kramer and mark faber and everyone else scream like crazy on cnbc and then mark off your prices where you want to get in and you'll be good you'll be good okay so so don't buy the vix then and write it up if it drops because it's inverse correct to the market yeah and for those who are accident about uv xy tbix and things of that nature um those are good for five to ten days max when you buy those you're basically saying that your decision to buy inverse pairing is going to outperform the fed printing trillions of dollars please do not trade against the fed because they they're going to use every dollar in every resource they can to keep us up and afloat especially during an election cycle so if you do it for five or ten days great i would probably tap out on five days but no i wouldn't uh hold it for longer than that all right appreciate you marco keep women thank you appreciate it yeah shout out to judy judy from white plains what's going on 914 what's up shout out to what 914. that's a fact shout out to mark 100 super chat he said winter's coming if you watch game of thrones shout out tomorrow reporting live from winterfell if you watch game of thrones you know what you know what that means man um should i i wanted to talk about something but we still got a bunch of questions what should we no fire away take a break for a minute you wanna do the amazon oh we could do it yeah we could do amazon so you wanna do amazon i know that was that was on your account that was on your schedule let's do it go ahead fire away uh did you have a slide for amazon or just one it was just that one slot uh you talk about detroit yeah i mean because it's something that we have mentioned like i feel like we did it in an episode in march and um we were like yo this is where it's headed right this is where it's headed we're seeing like malls closing we're seeing stores closing but the buildings aren't being torn down right and so we we said like yo if there's a competition now if walmart is in competition to do uh one day shipping amazon is also in that lane to do one day ship and how are they gonna make this possible and so the logical thing is to get things that are in the epicenter of cities right large cities or small cities they pretty much have the same similar characteristics usually there's a mall that's at the center of it especially in the suburbs there's a mall at the center and then everything's built around it so as those malls close they become prime real estate for companies like amazon to become fulfillment centers because they have all the things you need they have the infrastructure they have the plumbing they have large parking spaces and they can distribute straight to locations that are in a close vicinity so we saw the report today or maybe was it today that they're interested in buying jcpenney and sears and if you know jcpenney and sears you know that usually they're the anchor stores of moles right so or they're in the set they have the largest space inside them all so as those come those stores shut down for for business right somebody has to come in there and take it and amazon is primed all pun intended and ready to maximize on this opportunity and now you're gonna you might forget one day shipping we might look at in the near future same day shipping right because if they're in the center of your your city they can get it to you to the same day as long as they have it in the fulfillment center so that's why we're headed retail companies go through the same cycle usually if you have a run you'll run for 50 years uh for those of my people back in midwest you may remember venture back in the day right we had abraham and stross bond with teller this is why like if you study business you can see the same cycles happen walmart is dominant now they've given up their dominance to amazon in 20 or 30 years amazon will give up their dominance to someone else but while they're running now the assets that are laying there from jcpenney which jcpenney stopped being a great stock last decade um this cycle will continue marshall field i mean what we can name cal door for those who remember that down the countdown somebody somebody put world war ii gimbals like this cycle happens over and over again and now it's just amazon's turn to run the space and in 20 years they may or 30 years they may eventually go out of business until then enjoy the profits that are there they will pick up all the assets there and then since everyone is shopping through amazon the assets that were previously there they will acquire and this will always tell you the biggest players in the space and i know you guys get tired of me mentioning the same ones but it's like if the la lakers have the best management and have the most capital they're going to be able to get some of the best players it's the same thing it's a reason why the phoenix suns have not been back to the finals since barkley was there the same players are going to do well over and over and over again so that's why i like to use those analogies um so i mean short term and long term you got a lot of fans in the um youtube chat right now a lot of it's a lot of it's a lot of pants going on nice somebody said uh ian's my future husband somebody said ian is bae brains and handsome as soon as we put you up on that screen look what happened no nobody in youtube comments i appreciate the love though for y'all dealing with this ugly face every week i really do it's a lot of it's a lot of comments being made but yeah shout out to mark too he just texted me and said he found out it was one day shipping and it's interesting with the amazon situation because you know amazon is um they're getting a lot of competition right now from um walmart so walmart the thing with walmart is that they already have the the centers already so you know when they they shipping they have stores all over the country so that was their advantage because they had way more so now it's like a game of chess like so now it's like all right how do we how do we compete with walmart in that it's like now you buy these spaces and now like overnight you you become kind of equal in a sense to walmart so it'll be interesting to see walmart's counter move but that was something that we we um put on instagram a few months ago like walmart was really um you know taking that and that was their play like they already have huge huge places all over america and then they started taking technology too like they started doing the the cashless registers i mean caches um stores for a while they were competing with the drone drops it was like yo we can drop you know what i'm saying like we're going to use drones to mail it and now this is the new challenge who's going to do the one day eventually it'll be same day that's where it said especially in this climate where malls which were built in 1980s and 1990s and now especially in jersey they just built that huge mall of america situation they're taking a hit it took 20 years to build it took six months to close that's a fact you know it's never going to be the same and also so you guys have to remember like business is war without the guns that's war like amazon microsoft walmart great they're all competing for our attention target has held up well um mccarter libre has done incredibly well for those of you who listened to me about that last year but that most retail companies they are going to die it's over with yo breaking news breaking news alert we just hit 3.4 that's a new record for youtube so shout out to all the earners shout out to the red panda family if y'all could take a minute and like this video appreciate it appreciate it yeah i appreciate you guys so much um all right what do we want to do a couple more questions or yeah let's do a question a couple more questions and i'll do a giveaway since we have so many people on yeah you have it let's do it let's do it let's uh kevin kilmer he's ian st patrick comments that's the same fraction i wasn't going to say that but i was laughing in my head i'm me and my cane is still cool so like shout out to all my friends and family loyalty ever over everything that's funny though yo ian say that's what we're going with bro i love it yes kev what's going on what's going on fellas what's going on everything good i got a question for the shot what's good bro what's going on bro uh i wanted to know were you all going to actually get into an actual episode where you talk about them eradicating a dollar funny you say that funny you say that funny you say that so we got an interview tomorrow with the with the good brother risa islam and we talked about a lot of situations and one of the things that we actually talked about was the dollar and um the possibility of the tremendous devaluation of the dollar what had you know it's a lot of stuff with that he if you follow him you know what kind of energy he brings so it's an interesting conversation we talked about that we talked about alternative currencies alternatives um we talked about what happens if banks don't have enough money to actually start paying out in a doomsday scenario yes tomorrow's episode is is that like he just do the alley yeah tomorrow this episode is one of them episodes man it's just this is you know like i said riza he came and um we actually did talk about that tomorrow actually ironically enough was facebook and label coin brought up it was not but that's good we can talk about that now i mean go ahead they're not gonna let him do that i understand that yeah yeah like zuckerberg already has a stranglehold and i don't want to get to the whole powers-to-be conversation but like man they're not going to let that kid do that that would be great but the dollar conversation is going to be very interesting to hear all right man appreciate y'all appreciate you guys uh yeah we talked about a lot of things that we haven't spoken about before like um the federal reserve bank um we talked about the federal reserve bank how do we talk too we talked about libya whew we got a lot you ready we got a lot of talking those in that in that episode man you know the brother came with the foi you know you know if you know you know that's a fact man but shout out shout out to them they good people man put on salad brothers brother brother came with the bow tie yeah they had us ready to ride horses in compton man yeah yeah it was a real situation so serious shout out shout out to theresa in the foa situation dominique what's going on we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted hello can y'all hear me yes uh first i'll give a shout out to y'all guys y'all about to change my take break for real appreciate it thank you shout out to my accountability partner this yeah i love it i love it i love it i'm curious about hershey um they've been in the market for an extremely long time and y'all not the only people i listen to about the stock market but no one ever talks about hershey so i'm kind of curious as to why hershey chocolate i'm assuming yeah um honestly it's a sleeper um how is that 162 last year it fell down a lot of course because of covert to like 113 but um it just may be one of those companies that are not high on a hedge fund or prop firm's watch list so it doesn't make it its way to news um it's not a sexy business it's more of like a utility if you will um in terms of like the level of excitement for it but i mean if you've been holding it for a long time the gains on it have been pretty solid i mean back in 2009 it was at 30 bucks so to be at 143 now um thank you for mentioning it and putting it on my radar i never even thought to look at it i think the last time we spoke about it i was given the earnings about it and we were talking about i think the second quarter because of of the parks being closed that they were going to lose some revenue but the stay-at-home cop well stay-at-home economy people are shopping more people are buying snacks more people are staying indoors more um their revenue was going to go up that's the last time we spoke about it but yeah it is it's definitely one of those sleepers peaked about a year and a half ago hershey's one of these interesting companies as well thanks dominique thank you um i believe 90 of the world's cocoa comes from west africa i believe um ghana and sierra leone um so that's an interesting conversation we talk about africa on a podcast tomorrow too because these company these countries don't obviously they produce the the cocoa but they don't own like these companies they come in and um they actually i believe a couple of months ago like a year ago ghana and sierra leone was trying to form an alliance to um start controlling the the production and like who actually gets it i'm not sure what actually happened with that you have to give everything away it'd be interesting but yeah you're about to give it all away man yeah man you're going for it shout out to africa we got we got something big playing for africa too big fat you got something bigger james what braswell what's going on we coming to you on mute yourself james you there oh man up james appreciate you anyway bro uh let's do this jonathan what's going on i'm you yourself you've been unmuted it was james that's you you hear me oh yeah your volume is yeah you gotta turn your volume up bro okay can you hear a little bit better now yeah yeah what's going on okay not much man appreciate everything you guys are doing appreciate you thank you yeah i just had a more of a general question since you talked about um and stuff that um see if either rashad or ian could talk about expense ratios when you're looking at like etfs and things like that because i know a lot of their 401ks yeah very very key but um i'm gonna let the king advisor and i'll also let him know i like on tony robbins other book as well unshakeable thank you brother i appreciate that okay yeah expense ratio i mean to be completely honest with you about it like me personally as an investor i don't necessarily look too much at expense ratios and etfs because the whole point of the etf is that it's it's low costing it's not like a mutual fund like it's already it's already a low costing situation because it's not managed in the same way as institutional money is managed i look more at the actual investments that make up the etf the sectors the performance things of that nature to me that's more important than the expense ratio because you're not really paying a lot it's like index fund you're not really paying a lot of money on etfs that's kind of the whole reason why ets was designed um so i mean even in mutual i mean people bash mutual funds and i get it nobody wants to pay a fee but i mean there's some strong strong i talked about the franklin templeton diamond tech fund the funds averaged 18 percent for the last 10 years you really can't find too many investments that's averaged 18 years yeah stocks index funds etfs regardless so me personally it's like sometimes i don't necessarily i'm not one of the people that necessarily think that all fees are bad because it's like even if a hedge fund right like you might be paying 20 some hedge funds charge 20 of profits but if they making you 400 a year you're not really tripping so of course you just don't want to pay fees for no reason if it's underperforming for me the performance is the most important thing but if if somebody can add value um it's all relative so it's a case-by-case basis but me personally i don't make decisions based off of price just in life in general like you know i mean i get i could i can go to chipotle every day or i can go to you know five-star restaurant if i if i really want the five-star restaurant meal it's gonna cost more money but i'm paying for that right so yeah it's just something to consider but that's something that not a lot of people talk about either because everybody always says like just lowest fees is possible but i think it it balance you have to look at a variety of different things not just the fees yeah i'll give some context so on the one side trying to save let's say over a 20-year period two percent fee if you can get it reduced to zero or close two and you do it yourself great you can study forty percent the other side of it mutual funds is better than nothing it's better than putting the money in cash even though it's a little bit higher on a performance side we talked about this in red panda stock club so like kathy wood is one of the people that um is an active investor in the arc etf so she has tesla going to i think 3 500 or 5 000. everyone called her crazy thinks she's been in tesla since 200 it's worth it so for her so if you have a manager that is producing great results it may be worth the five to seven percent but if you're just getting you know three percent eight percent per year and you're underperforming in the market there's no reason to pay fee payer fee but a mutual fund still so shout out to my ramsey eights um i don't like the recommendation from dave ramsey to do mutual funds but it is better than doing absolutely nothing and sitting on the sidelines and having no money invested in the market but it just depends um if you get someone that can give you 20 25 growth um and has been right more often than not it's not that the fee structure is not that bad but but if you do it yourself and you know i think we give out some pretty good picks here on the show and for those of us in the stock club i think we've done all right as well so yeah we're doing pretty good yourself that will help as appreciate you doing thank you brother yeah let's let's uh i wanted to talk about art people it's funny people were asking about art that just i was just reading that right now somebody asked about arkans i think is gonna he's gonna give yeah i keep seeing the catch-ups come up so i'm assuming so let's let's just talk about this briefly because we're almost at the 90-minute mark um tom flies when you're having fun but um arc a-r-k-k is is an interesting etf i'm actually invested in art we all i think are we all are yeah are you no we are interested because it's a family of etfs so you have um yeah you have ar kf which is the fintech ar kk which is innovation ar k g which is uh what is that gmo um a rkw which is uh next generation internet ar k q which is autonomous tech robotics etfs then you have prnt which is part of the family three 3d printing etf that's the only one i don't like the rest of them fire israel you got israel too israel etf is in is part of the art thing too so that's an interesting situation because arc is a whole family it's like it's like a whole family of etfs and um depending on like where you want to go it's uh something for you there so the regular arc ark yeah tesla is the top holding tesla's a top holding and they also have square square's in there as well um so and then roku is in there um so it's a couple um household names in there but tesla is is the biggest holding so when you see tesla go up that's why ark and tesla kind of move kind of like in synchronous with each other so it's interesting because on september 22nd tesla is rolling out their million mile battery game changer million mile million mile battery um that's amazing so that's going that's getting rolled out september 22nd yeah i believe i think they just were they're in the finalists um for i think the some outer space i think there's like a new ship that they're going to try to ship out of space there's two finalists tesla is one of them so more good news for them yeah these are all great companies like you guys write these down please because in 2008 2009 2010 there were not many people who were giving you this advice without charging i know some of you guys say some of the prices are expensive remember the stock club was free for four years and then a lot of them i gave away for free we were in the middle of a crash and we were hopping on here trying to help so i wanted the things too from a business perspective because i know at some point i think we should talk about art and real estate on the show but from a business perspective you have seen these guys do it at scale man help first help first no matter what your business is help first so write these down a r k is absolutely amazing and then also for my women i've said this before in stock club but women make long-term better long-term investors anyway um i know charlie gets a lot of credit but mary does not get enough credit for being one above his right hand men quote unquote as well you guys see trends a lot better you know what's hot because you're managing household funds and doing the shopping so you're seeing the trend way ahead of time way ahead of time um so don't let anyone make you feel that you don't know what you're doing because you're seeing these companies and a lot of times women are making these brands pop too so the ones that you love put some money into you guys will be okay yeah and i see some people putting up some some sites that you can do some research on and we put it up in an investment group so uh etfdb is a great source um and bar chart that's another another good source if you want to research and etf db is obviously focusing on etfs and you find out information the volume uh their holdings and a bar chart i mean it does everything for you so yeah those are the bars but they're inside of our investment group you put them up right yeah yeah so i put them up so use them please take advantage of them please i mean that's what we're using to learn so we're imploring you to do it as well shout out to um scarves tease on the 50 super chat shout out to um [Music] drake dre dresser oh no i i came out of youtube real quick uh yes i don't wanna tr trina i'll send yours my bad i'm gonna cut you off fifty dollar super chat i appreciate it i'll see rosters down here shout out to roster on the super dog shoot super chat chew at some point we will cover futures trading we're just this is going to take a little bit longer than five minutes to kind of go over that but maybe next week if you for those of the trade futures we can talk about that and dive in deep um trading tips so i do want to before we wrap up trading tip of the day and or the week i posted this before on ig and i posted before on twitter but it's very important especially in this environment with all of the new money and all the new volatility i need you to master one target so for my futures traders if you do a one-to-one risk reward ratio you can do 20 tick stop 20 tick uh take profit great if you don't have the highest percentage you can do a four to one so if you have a 26 stop loss your target can be 80 and you'll be good but i need you to master one target because if you get one target down um you'll be able to change your life forever on a trading side on average when you guys are doing your options what percentage range are you guys normally hitting i would like to hit 20 percent um but we've seen some percentages a lot larger than that like percentage percentage rate of return yeah yep i'm gonna be honest with you i'm being completely honest with you right now a hundred right hundred yeah yeah we're letting them wrong i'll be honest with you we letting them run i'm at a hundred right now for average because i want one of my like almost 300 the other one i'm at like 187 the other one i was at 55 the other one i'm at like 90 58 100. um yeah we did so i did take some losses i'm not gonna front that's exactly kings was a complete loss i lost everything it wasn't a lot it was like twenty five hundred dollars not to say twelve hundred relatives a lot of money but respectfully not respectfully yeah um and then i took a i took i took a 50 loss on uber and and boeing i got out of those but like i said you gotta cut you you cut your small losses yep but the big the big the big the big wins they big offset those losses yeah i had a crazy one today ian i had a crazy one so i had a nike call that i put in probably like early july maybe late june 105 call and i was down 92 on that like straight up i'm telling you i was down 92 i woke up today i watched nike go up to 105 i think my i was up 200 my call was up 200 like in 37 percent yeah nike ran crazy today i was like yeah it was a big move so i looked i did some research on it it was based on i think footlocker reported positive earnings and they're their number one supplier so you know it just kind of worked out for me i was like you know what i'm out of here august 21st is my cold day i'm out of here now thank you and for my traders it's very important to know so like if you guys are averaging 100 on option side or even on future side you should put your stop loss to 20 so even if you have four losses you can still have a winner on the other side so it's all about those risk to reward ratios that's more important than any indicator um knowing what those and then also if you guys go read the role in that article that i did a couple years ago like if you have a really bad percentage uh your your reward ratio should be 15 um to one and then that way even if you only are trading at 20 25 you you still can make your killing so yeah yeah are you still um strictly observing quarantine what do you mean we're going to atlanta if you're interested well we got to talk about what's there because if it's something i might have to put on a mortar combat scorpion mask you know if the ripe rose or something there you know talk to the biggest boss shout out roc nation rick ross yo man we want one degree man that's what we're trying to be one degree from anyone yeah you never know yeah i'll say that yeah yeah yeah well so trina i got you uh kristen smith memphis educator i got you um and i'll pick one person for scholarship tonight so you guys can put that in youtube and i'll pick one person tonight as well dope yeah shout out to all the educators that have gone back to work um i know school is opening up in a lot of parts of the country so salute to you for dedicating yourself and sacrificing your own health and your family's health to educate our children i i'm greatly appreciated and indebted to you for your service and all my colleagues and partners in the field same with you do you want to tell them about your situation or ain't nothing to talk about just yet hey come on now i told you guys uh you know september september every year means back to school so when we get to september maybe i'll have an announcement to make we'll see i can't wait uh jamal views please email me iana joyredpanda i commend you for copying and pasting that message a hundred times i'll see you i got you i'll put you in the stock club that you'll be our scholarship winner for tonight and if you guys haven't got it from before uh for elites just email me and i'll put you in so jamal views on youtube i appreciate you any any words you would like to tell the people in um be kind love each other and like really be kind to each other um invest every single month i know it's scary i know we're still living in one of the craziest times ever but invest every single month i don't want you to look up in 2030 and be like damn i really miss my opportunity to take advantage of some of these prices that are in the market master your craft um be solid and love everyone so i appreciate you guys so much i'm gonna tell you every week thank y'all for being here yeah trap mark all my red panda family my brother dad mom shayna julie get better i love you um but just focus on mastery of craft like i know some of you are having a tough year still so when i was having a tough you know seven it wasn't always the easiest to be happy for others that are shining i'll tell you your moment will come and that people that you were happy for they will help accelerate you to where you want to be um for my entrepreneurs man i'm begging you just focus on craft i was the same person earlier this year i couldn't get 30 people on zoom to listen to me about investing regardless of what my results were focus on your craft um god and a few solid people will open up the doors for you and everything will work out for you i promise you there you have it ladies and gentlemen yeah um i think we just we we didn't finalize it yet but we are going to atlanta keeping this this party rolling and how long you are going to be in atlanta one way one-way flight right now one weight check you know [Laughter] no you know shout out to 19 keys he gave us his perfect analogy he said listen i got to the airport i was in mexico i was having a good time and i got to the airport and i got a phone call and decided i hadn't seen mexico like i wanted to so i left the airport and went back and extended my stay and that analogy was like you know what you never know what could pop up we got a lot of content we got a lot of people we know hopefully we can we can get some epic we'll talk offline but yeah we gotta uh [Laughter] what happened let me get my water yeah tips water sense water but yeah now shout out to the amen you're gonna see us sooner than later and ian we appreciate you man i told you he was going to hit a record today we hit the record um this was magical market monday is becoming a staple in the culture every every day somebody you know hits me up and tells me that they are big fans all over the country all over the world people are checking out market mondays is becoming a real cult following and building momentum week after week um so you know we're just going to continue to provide as much value as we possibly can we appreciate all you guys youtube if you could like this video we appreciate that eyl university we appreciate you guys um and once again we gotta we got an action-packed week this week max maxwell study hall is out right now that's that's killing tomorrow once again reason islam um a lot a lot of stuff will be talked about on that episode that's dropping tomorrow at 5 p.m we've got another study hall coming out on friday um sunday sunday sunday no friday friday you're right friday and um yeah once again the price of eyel university will be going up on august 28th and that includes a movie club book club village no the investment facebook group access to actually market monday calls access to matt mg the mortgage guy shout out shout out to him shout out to matt everybody yesterday was crazy every other week he does a real estate call for us we got a whole curriculum and then every week we do classes i'm trying to work on the student loan class yeah yeah that's important that's a big crazy yeah i work on student loan class that's that's going to be a big one so yeah guys um code earners and to code earnest for the annual discount and we got a lot of stuff planned for market mondays as well this is just the beginning we got a lot of dope guests we got a lot of surprises we want to um really make this as as big as we possibly can we're taking our time with it we're not really rushing anything we we i think we've done a good job so far as far as like rolling it out and just the momentum has been building and um this is just gonna become bigger and bigger it's gonna become the biggest thing in the world man so mondays has taken over the world uil network i heard it here roc nation family if y'all gonna be in atlanta please text me i got some of my best friends shout out to ty um some of my best friends out there so we we're going to we're going to do some damage and have some fun all right yes sir yes sirs but all right brother i appreciate you man um everybody love is love we'll see you guys next week uh tune in tap in tell a friend to tell a friend keep spreading the word like the video and um yeah yeah we love y'all and friday check check out check out trapping tuesdays as well and check out the come up series yeah family stock club at nine my bad troy now gotta have earners we'll see you uh sunday for our book club shout out to g who's co-hosting that right now uh and friday if y'all see that earnest report come back from draftkings feel free to dm me um words of encouragement i hope it goes your way i really do i love you all peace we going to see you peace happy monday peace love is love
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 49,661
Rating: 4.9872231 out of 5
Keywords: Stocks, Investing, Stock Market, Options, Tech Investing, index fund, etf, Retirement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 43sec (6463 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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