Government Contracting 101 with Shakeia Kegler

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YouTube is here well you two back at it Thursday again what's the work you got to get into something we've never talked about on the podcast government contracting it's a billion-dollar situation so you see nobody else talked about it government contracting we like to set the trend though yeah i steamed the owners are coming in yeah let's do it yeah I know the keys every time somebody's joining every time yeah this is gonna be a good one today looking forward to it first and foremost hope everybody staying safe oh yeah hey hey how's it going I'm pretty good no sankaranna free what's important is the most important thing yeah the one okay are you physically located again I'm in Fort Lauderdale Florida shot the Florida Florida um yeah we gotta get into it one minute we just winged a very why to get in yeah how's it going how's business going please so business has been pretty good um so we had to do like a slight pivot not too much because the the business is really a software company so we built a platform to really simplify it so now you know our focus was going to agencies this month to start selling to them but everyone is so reactive with coronavirus everything so we're holding off for a little bit but we still plan to go to start selling the platforms agency's now so okay don't don't so yeah we can we can get into it I'll give the arm I'll give there are you two shots all everybody on YouTube shout out to all the heat while university members in the building so uh yes this is something that you reached out to me I realized that we hadn't covered yet and it's government contracting right so it's like everybody no more maybe not everybody knows what the government spends is they spend hundreds of millions of dollars maybe they're more every year all kinds of stuff right like this the government paid with different supplies and a lot of it is not from government agencies is from outside individual companies and they have contracts we spoke about this a little bit when on the podcast but limit huskies here they they shed some light even when I was doing the research for this I was like I've heard these terms were full and I shout to the boys and sometimes they actually used some small business loans from the government to help fund their project so so yeah so Shakya right yes yes maybe a company is government liaison sir yes ungodly a so so we're gonna go over everything 101 and how we always do what are you wael university you guys know you could just raise your hand any time it asks a question you to feel free to ask questions as well so yeah we just jump right into it so government or government contracting 101 right alright let's let's start let's start at the beginning when we say government contracting what are we talking about we're talking about one particular area of government contracting everything government contracting like what's the one on one or government contracting alright so when it comes down to I want to do a quick disclaimer cuz a lot of people they get government contracts and grants mixed up right so grants are grants is free money that's basically given to government's given to organizations to fund an initiative or program or something is gonna like benefit the society but government contracts is when the government is looking to procure or buy a service so that's why with many government agencies is called a procurement department but there are opportunities to sell from the federal government level of course they spend over four point seven trillion dollars on like everything which I'll show a tool that you can use to really see what they are spending and where they're spending it later state and local government agencies spend more than 1.7 trillion dollars on products and services and then you also have organizations like that are like quasi government a little bit or organizations that are funded by the government as well in some part so that includes universities colleges hospitals any of those organizations that you know actually gain funding from government agencies as well so that's pretty much like what we talk about when we say government contracting in a nutshell and there are opportunities internationally to sell to international governments four point seven trillion yes and local governments spend seven trillion one point seven so what type of things I know I mean obviously the top thing that comes to my mind is defense and I think that probably the top of everybody's mind defense but things out of debt other government spending money applause fine contrast I love this question because people they think is defense or anything is construction is always happening but they purchase everything from paper notebooks consulting services cleaning services marketing services digital media photography sometimes for different events event planning services catering um they purchase what else where are we now I hit a few of them if you give me anything they purchase majority of that stuff because you gotta think about it the same way a government agency is ultimately a business and the people who are using the products and services are the end consumers you and I so I think back from when I was in the military we were onboard the aircraft carrier we had toilet paper we had to buy that from somewhere we had trays that we you know for the food food you had to get that from somewhere as well so you know you think about all the way you have to operate in your daily life and of course how a business operates so as a business you know you need paper you know if you're printing stuff out computers software definitely software is huge right now software of course as we continue to transition is only going to continue to expand in the government technology space they spent over at ninety-nine point eight billion on just software technology products just that's just that one industry so that makes sense cuz I I read I was they said people played so I'm like while the government not at you saying it yeah everyday things that we use obviously they needed to that makes sense thank you so we are we are the government we the same people that are working for it is this does the government have anything that they do in-house like is everything sourced to private companies so majority of it is source of private companies because they can save time on it and also they can save on like hiring people at the end of the day like it's still public public dollars so if they can outsource it out it's you know an easier job on them but there are some things are some government agencies who have the budget to maybe hire someone who can do it so I know like some state and local government agencies their budgets aren't as big but at the federal government level they get you know purchase anything but a lot of times they don't have the capacity to really bring somebody in and keep them and keep them on board to do this all right so okay let's get right into it so I have a business HVAC or food catering business or whatever dry cleaning business and I want to get a contract with the government right so what is the first steps who are we talk what do I do so first few steps is identifying what what agencies you want to work with and what capacity can you provide these products and services and because like so say you are in Florida and you want to do you want to win a contract for you know some services that is in California that's also going to require you to have your team you know like you tie your team there so you have to think about the logistics in terms of cannot afford to bid on this contract pay to take my team out there so it's really about like figuring out what your profit margins are mostly so if you can only do business in your local area like here if I'm a business in Broward County and I can only do business here there are 31 cities in Broward County and then that's not to count miami-dade County who has I believe 32 or 34 so the opportunities are all around so it's identifying those organizations because at the state and local government level is decentralized so everyone's processes are completely different that's why we are we build our software to make it easier for a business they'll be able to create one profile one time to do business with multiple agencies instead of going here to sign up going there to sign up and apply it for all of these different things but at the federal government level they have a simple process because it's the central agency is a centralized process for them you apply for a Duns number which is what dun & bradstreet and then you go in and you create your Sam account so a account you register and once you have that those two things done you can get started on finding contracts with the federal government and bidding on contracts so we said a couple of things there how do we even win a contract what's the process that we have to go through the winner contract okay so it's multiple ways that you can do it there is the process that most people know about and that's the bidding on side of it right so you go you source and you find these contracts and you bid on right that's the the most common one that most people know but there are also opportunities to sell to determine if they have government credit cards so majority of the governments have government credit cards with a spending limit of anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 I know right now the defense is up for ten thousand dollars where they can purchase you know any product or service that they may need with the credit card so it alleviates you from having to go through that so those are called micro purchases and then they have opportunities to let's say you have new and innovative solution to do something right you have a new software company or you have a new process that no one has done before or no one can implement you can do two things with that you can submit a unsolicited proposal we really just reach out to either the department that needs those services right or I'll come back to that as well but the departments that need those services or the procurement team so you can reach out to them and let them know what you have going on and talk about the different product that you have you create that proposal and you can submit it to them so that gives you the opportunity to be able to leverage a sole source opportunity so is that that's when you are the only person who can provide these these products or these services so that's what the sole source side of it I said I was going to get back to the Department thing so another way when you know really going through this process is most people think you always have to go to procurement but you don't the biggest thing is figuring out or reaching out to the department that needs your products or your services so if you have a landscaping company who you will reach out to would be someone in the parks and recreation division to see you know what projects they have available what do they have coming up anything that's expiring so that way you can you know be in the loop for that opportunity when it comes up and then also even when it comes down to food service or event planning if it's something new that they don't currently have that's your opportunity to really like pitch it to them and say hey you don't know you don't have this right now and I see you have X Y & Z coming up let's talk about this and then one more thing to that question so the at the federal level all of the agencies have someone involved who is the office of small business utilization person so it's basically the business liaison in a sense and what they do is they advocate on your behalf as a business owner to do business with these particular agencies so let's say you know Rashaad you found a contract with the minority development agency minority business development agency and you wanted to bid on this opportunity you weren't sure about what the steps were you could also reach out to the office of small and disadvantaged business to do that so that's like basically that question in a nutshell okay let's talk about that so somebody said commercial cleaning service I would assume that so go right pick up many contracts yeah trucking for sure if I could share my screen right now you know as we go through these I can we can talk about how much money is being spent in these areas so let me ask you a question you're a veteran yes mm-hmm thank you for your service so since it's a federal government spending somebody had a question what about veteran opportunities do they have any special program for veterans yes so they have special programs for like so these are called certifications so once after a business has went through the process of getting registered they can also get certified so what certifications do certification gives your business a marketing advantage because let's say out of that four point seven trillion the government put a which is actually they put a cap on how much can be how much needs to be spent with minority-owned veteran all women-owned businesses businesses that are located in a HUBZone I'll come back to those certifications but they put a set-aside amount which is 25% so 25% goal on how much of this contract or how much of this money needs to be spent with small businesses so that's huge when it comes when you think about like the opportunity to do business as a small business and then of course there are ways to do business with corporation yeah with the corporate partners who win these contracts because they have these set-aside goals sitting next to it if a agency I mean if a larger company wins a contract let's say is ten billion dollars like the one that Microsoft won right say is ten billion dollars they have to meet a certain threshold for working with certified or small certified businesses so those are the certificate that's what the benefits of the certification so with the certifications Microsoft bid out they were bid inverse right yeah that's the one that happened in November up said that he thought there was some personal suppose was a friendly to the president so everything he tried to contestant it everything cuz I think that's when they were saying basically he was no longer the richest man in the world yeah yeah person UIL university if you have a question please raise your hand and act verbally it's a lot easier I'm sorry I cut you off you about to go to a website oh oh yeah but I want it hit hit on all certification before I go through their website but the certification so there are a certification that the federal government level and those are those are the women-owned veteran-owned 8a which is a disadvantaged business program is not necessarily a certification but this program is seven years long and if you're in this program you get the opportunity to you get basically first dibs on different contracts and opportunities you have to be in business for three years in order to be a part of this 8a program they had the HUBZone which is for businesses that are located in a historically underutilized business song so if there's a map on SBA website where you can really check to see if your business is located in one of those hub zones um that you can do business with it you said what happened sighs busy listen everything and on there I'm telling you oh and then so in an episode and local government levels they had their own certification processes as well and there are also certifications that are managed by certifying authorities like nm SDC er the NM s DC before minority you know so that's a national minority supply and development development council so they have a a minority certification that you can use to do business with corporations so and this is just in the supplier diversity space which you know you get in you see all of these organizations have goals to do business with small and diverse businesses we have a question I'm gonna answer on to that I have a few questions I want to ask you to Antwon I am unmuting you and the floor is yours make sure you unmute yourself and Tony there that's crazy alright so while he's trying to figure it out so the Duns number I've read that that is extremely a point can you tell people the importance of it and how and where they can go to apply for that does number first that's the first question and then the second question I see somebody on YouTube acid as well as the NAICS code then worth of that and where they can find it because I know that that is kind of like that tells you what type of business you have correct yes so let me hit the Duns number question first and then we'll go to the NAICS cuz I can't NAICS because I can't walk them through it on this screen can you see my screen right now okay alright so there the Duns number is a a nine digit code that is basically your business social security number I know you already have an EIN but this is the second one so what this one does is it allows agencies and corporations to search your business's financial history so you can see you know if this company has defaulted on any loans you know just understanding how the finances of this business operates as well and the government agencies usually use it to really just keep track of these businesses in these different areas so you can go on the website right here is fed go dot d and b dot web format dot-com or a /a web form you can drop this in a chat right okay I'll drop it in so you can go to that website to apply for one I give to the child there we go yeah you can go to that website still apply for one and it's completely free they will offer you like a bunch of their services of course every company's going to do that they will offer you a bunch of their services that they have but once you give this Duns number like I said then you can go ahead and start doing some business with a government agency and I'll show you a little bit about how to do that so you stay right there click here to request so sometimes when you're going through like the bank you'll go ahead and like set up a Duns number but sometimes you'll go ahead and set up a Duns number and you may not know so they have you to go through this process to see if you already have like an existing Duns number how you doing I wanted to see how long do you have to be in business in order to to qualify for government contracting or do you have like a waiting period so you don't necessarily have to have a waiting period and there's no like time limit but majority of the things that they would like to see when you've been on these contracts are like is do you have past performance right and past the performance can mean a few different things so and that can mean you can you've done business with you know a corporate company before or they can also mean you know your personal background like the work that you've done so you can use that as your past performance because at the end of the day you are you know you are the business and your experience is what counts Awards you know the success of that business okay okay so I'm I'm starting electrical contracting business I do have 11 years experience on my own so I will be able to qualify for government contracting yes you be able to do that especially if you have all of your license and everything you want to make sure you have that stuff in place but the best thing to do initially for you would be to partner with a prime contractor on a sub job right so if you see you know let's say your city is getting ready to come out with a proposal for some construction work or something you can reach out to them because majority of the time they will need a prime contractor on I mean a subcontractor on these jobs so that gives you an opportunity to leverage past performance without bidding on the contract and becoming a prime like like trying it like right out you know what I'm saying so it allows you to get your feet wet in the space of doing business with the government does that help a little bit yes it did thank you I appreciate to somebody somebody while you said they couldn't see the screen so I'm not sure what the issue is but Ohio University members that are on this corner I only do have some access to ask questions like Antoine just did but you'll get emails we're gonna email with this and it also it'll be posted on our Legion University so you can watch it whenever so if you can't see the screen don't worry you can always watch the playback or an email University and it's but you also you'll get emailed it as well yeah yeah there's any technical on YouTube as well right now a YouTube YouTube catcher right now yeah yeah I'm watching it right now so yeah this is really good information I hope everybody's paying attention to this because this is something that is not like I don't know I got a bunch of a list of questions I had no idea this is school food that's for damn sure so this is just one that we do with our platform outside the park at Ohio University and every now like once a week at least once a week we do like open classes so people could kind of see what it is but we do like for we do like four classes this week the section 8 housing we did our market Mondays wholesaling real estate too so yeah so yeah so if anybody's interested in joining university we got a special running until May 1st May first going up the last episode episode 76 you heard that the price is going up May 1st that is effective we can't go against that yeah there's a lot of content and you get access to our private real estate a support group so act now don't wait don't hesitate you know the rules the real estate group is crazy right now so yeah 60% off sale - may 1st is 149 for the entire year ODU IL 149 go to university I just put it in the comments if you interested but okay but you also before we even going further so you have a consulting firm like you actually help people do this yes so we do help people do this but like I said we are been focusing more on the software side of it so really just simplifying the process altogether that's focused so alright so I think we're up to the anti ICS plan all right real quick before we finna get past that when you get to Duns number you'll have to request but there are a few documents you need that you'll need to really prove that you know your business is a you know incorporate a business basically so that's just all it is so you get started with it so we'll go to the NAICS codes this is Big Time every time I served up government contracting those that acronym came up and I was like alright what is going on and I went to the census side to us that's crazy so this is literally that where you will go to see where your business fits as far as categories that mm-hmm so when you come here what the next calls are it's really just category categorizing their businesses so that way they can you know an administrative purposes the government can tell how much they are spending and then they can also you know that's how you find opportunities using your next codes so we have anybody in a way Oh University who want to like throw out a keyword that their business like something that their business does you can throw it in there while I'll talk the truth for a little bit and then we'll take on and see how we can find some next goes truck can we do it so when you come to the census the census is going show you how much money the government is spending in this actual area and basically you can find out if this is the area you want to go into based on how much they are spending right you could say I there's a lot of money being spent I want a facility right yeah so not the census website I'll show you the website a website to find out how much is being spent is USA spending so what is this on five four one six one four and then we go to USA spending you check out that keyword search - five four one six one four what's the five hole that's the next code so that the next call right here is logistic management and consulting okay so what are we looking at right now this is the next code the description of the next code and what fits under that next code right here so you can see management warehousing operations for any investor free traffic consultative free rate auditor services manufacturing management so this is a level pretty much all the careers in in that industry Michael McDonald appreciate it thank you so can we go back to the screen see how much - how much does being spent in industry thank you for the super chair Mike so five four one six one one so now that that is up let's fix it by date but up here at the top you can already see right total prime award amount 19.3 billions and it's within this code along right in a number of transactions hundred in the nineteen thousand ah so another good thing about this site as you can see who are the companies winning this award these awards hmm this company is doing a lot of small jobs and you got the whole first page there company all those contracts so these are the contracts these are more of like you remember I was saying about those micro purchases cuz if you can see like it's little one-off gigs like two hundred and sixty dollars here's $2,000 they the key to micro purchases that has the under 3000 correct yes under 3000 5000 or 10,000 it really just depends on what agency you're doing business with I wrestle with that the statistics show that 70% of all the transactions are micro purchases absolutely that's the thing small purchases because no one really wants to go through that procurement you know process is long paper intensive but it's a long process yeah credit card exactly and even when it's not the credit card sometimes they can just do like a Pio it's some quick that they can do is appeal which is just a purchase order and they'll do it that way go go for it go for it from there so which was the last one we did transfer did we do transportation no somebody asked about transportation no so we can do that so this is another thing too sometimes you have to be very detailed in terms of like what you're looking for it right so you can see here they have a hundred and thirteen transportation codes so you can you know narrow them down from that you know different different stuff that you were doing in these different areas so here's freight transportation I know I always get a question about this one at four one eight two one two I meant four eight one two one two so 38 billion yeah and that's only 31,000 transactions so they spending good money in this area so the hundred thousand trip there are hundred thousand dollar transaction that's at the top now this is no longer micro no so simplified acquisition those are usually be below anything below 100 thousand right so so these are simplified in between twenty-five and a hundred thousand these are simplified acquisition purchases and you can see maybe not that one but you can see maybe not that one either 2.7 million dollar contracts sky Aviation Court [Laughter] and you can understand like you can see you know the company that won the contract the amount the agency that won it and then if you click on it even further you can see when the end date is and you can see when this is coming up right so potential end date is in July now I know that this is in July boom if I'm in his face I need to be reaching out to whoever this Contracting Officer is on this job yeah I mean I'm looking at the numbers right and I'm thinking 38 billion in this industry only 31,000 contracts compared to the industry we just left this looks like something that you know we probably should get into absolutely I think that when you see like the lower number of transactions in a larger amount of like money that's always a good industry because that mean those jobs are bigger like every single time it's always something bigger so you and you can take on that a lot of people get nervous and you know decide not to go after those bigger contracts but that's what the opportunity is and if you need help guess what you can subcontract some work out you can find some people to help you with it because now you have the funds the capital to do that type of stuff sorry and yeah for like people everybody's acting like individual question of this is to actually show you how to do it on your own Wow I mean this is not really beneficial she just does like 30 different categories like she's literally showing you the website to go to the process to actually do it and now it's like okay just because we did trucking that's just to kind of give you an example as a reference point literally numbers are coming in showing you how to do it yourself and this song it's a question so what is the average length of these contracts okay so it's usually the sweet spot is three to five years so then and you can also get a year contract and they can say oh you have options on this contract so what that option does is it allows you let's say when that year is you know coming up it allows you to renew that contract so you always want to get those options in place because you know lock in a good three-year contract a good 10-year contract I'm good with it they can't be ten years but they they have to have options in at a certain point to allow a competitive competitive like process basically so like somebody asked the question twice so if you're trying to sign up to ey o University you go to Ohio University and then you go to learn more click learn more and then you go to subscribe and then you go to the annual and then you enter the code the code is ey l 149 and that is a 60% discount $149 for the entire year and that's changing May 1st so that's how you that's the process to do it oh now can we talk about minority businesses I know there's programs to give minority women-owned businesses government contracts absolutely I'm gonna go to the SBA website as I do it as well um so that way you can see some stuff too so well those aren't like those certify those certifications and you know you can go here to this SBA website you can also see lemon gnome service disabled veteran that minority Howard that business development so those are usually for minority owned businesses and then like the HUBZone one so as you go through that you'll see like all these different certifications that you you know if your business up like if your business cat like it's categorized in one of those areas they have certain amounts of money set aside for these particular industry and like I said 25% that's huge you know oh it's 23 actually 23 percent of all federal contracts must go to women oh my there might already own businesses any of these certified businesses so and also the services the certifications they also have like their own goals next to them so women-owned 5% disadvantaged 5 service-disabled 3 and zone three as well so you can also see like contracts the contracts that are worth seven seven hundred thousand or more they have to have a subcontractor on board they have to have a subcontractor involved in this process so that makes that ensures that you know these satisfied businesses are getting these opportunities so when you're you know going about your business and trying to create it I know you kind of stressed this what are some of the important factors we're talking in the audience that you're going out to being focus nothing um being focused in what you do you see you get a lot of businesses who you know whatever the government is buying they want to sell it to them well at that moment you don't want to do that one because it makes it harder for you to locate opportunities and it's okay to cross-sell things like if you are in you know the janitorial space you know you do janitorial services but you also sell you know wholesale products like cleaning products and equipment and so that's fine as well but you don't want to hop from you know janitorial to like what is it catering or something like that or you know providing parts for aircraft those are two completely different areas so it's all about being focused because that that's how you identify all the opportunities you find the fun opportunities based on it so let me show you like just a quick example so you know we use that next code which one was it for eight one two one one yep so this is where when you were fine look you're sourcing for federal government contracts you go to beta dot Sam that I go to find the opportunities that are available so I'm just typing in I'm only sourcing for contracting opportunities so for eight ones who want to see what they have available for this right now okay so you know as you can see like they they have a few options that are available that just came out on the twenty second so that's why I'm saying it's important to be focused because that allows you to be able to you know target your search and find these opportunities in your area be that you know go-to person in your particular area and industry so yeah see please opportunity and where the Department of Agriculture the date that is ending that you have to respond to this by and then you can also see right here is set aside for a small business so those are like the examples of you know being focused and leveraging those small business set-aside opportunities hmm clip B thank you for a super chat appreciate it thank you super chats always appreciated there was a little bit of confusion on my part and maybe there so so having a government contract is one thing and most people when they think about the government they think about all the benefits that you have like health benefits and insurance benefits as well when you're in the government do those exist when you are done the contractor know your independent business at that point so it's it's all up to you it's on you alright we have a question from owners Edward I've unmuted you the mic is yours the floor is yours on there yeah hello hi Don would it be smart to contact the companies down when the contracts like the large contrast cuz you said that they do have to be subbed out so they're in our code would it be smart to reach out to them directly and like offer your services absolutely and that that s the USA spinning tool is a good tool to use to do that because you can see the even if they haven't won a contract preview well if they haven't won a contract like today or yesterday reach out to those ones who've won contracts previously because you can be on their list of subcontractors and using that same site you know you see those companies you search them and you figure out how to connect with them let them know hi my name is Edward I am a the fount I am a my business is a you know minority-owned business we certified an XYZ we're interested in blowing blah blah blah we specialize in XYZ so it gives you the opportunity to leverage a opportunities to be one of their sub contractors okay thank you of course appreciate it being I don't know if you answered that question somebody had the real estate group but if anybody has a question about how to join the real estate group once you become a member eyr university you have access to private real estate group just go to Facebook we are are you leisure University private real estate group that's name was it on Facebook and just request to join we verified you have a membership and then we let you in that's the process Barbie we are coming to you Barbie what's up you do I meet yourself you ready hi how are you can hear me we had a great talk on Sunday so what's up yes I have a question okay so I came in late again so I'm not sure okay I'm not sure if you talk talk about JB's joint ventures at all already but I had a question about those are you familiar with those so I am actually what would be your question okay so I wanted to know are those public information where you can see how a joint venture is made between the two companies okay okay I'm sorry I'll let you finish I'm sorry I always say or do you have to go through SBA or because I know a lot of this information because it's government information is public information but some things you do have to go through SBA to find out okay and if it's for a particular like opportunity like if it was a contract that was one you can search that because that is public opportunity but the best way if it's like one of the joint ventures that are created you know for the woman on business or any of those programs it would be best to contact the SBA for it for that information and you can also see yourself online like if you go to Sam Sam the Sam website you can use that website to search for businesses as well you can see who owns these businesses okay but it won't ever like disclose the actual contracts will it no you only show the companies it may show the companies it doesn't always even show the companies because when you form a joint venture it's its own entity so unless someone is doing like a deep search you know going to like the state websites to see you know who the registered agents are on this opportunity no they wouldn't be able to see that information and with the I know there's certain guidelines with joint ventures it's like I think it's like 5149 so that the smaller company won't be taken advantage of by the larger one but can they ever change the percentage value or would that be something that they do and they shouldn't be doing so they can't change that value at all because at the end of the day like it is it's still to protect you and that's the only way that this venture maintains you know whether it's woman owned or service-disabled veteran-owned that's the only way that venture maintains that status that certification status so if they do something like that and then you're no longer in compliance and that becomes an issue and the SBA they sue for fraud believe me big-time it's a hella companies who fake that they were women-owned and they've been sued a lot or bound a veteran and just put the company in their name they've been sued and they had to pay all that money back so that's the last thing you want to do don't get yourself stuck in something like that no I'm not gonna do it oh I have a thank you for confronting me thank you synagogue UIL alumni superstar most prestigious alumni Kristin ecologist checked in on you to doing this big Dan Houston shout out to shoot move communicate films on a super chat yet they have a question can active military get a military contract yes you can get certified as a veteran owned business and you can get contract that is for that set aside for veteran owned business so the answer is yes you can start now cuz I definitely wish I would have started there I got what did you use it I use it the Navy yes maybe okay you can't have to go in the contrast at the same time though right okay okay that this is only for like grants mostly so sometimes you can't have more than one grant but certification the contracts you can have as many contracts as you win what somebody said Sam website I was just going I was just going in so late yeah you go you go no no you go go ahead ask the same question like I wrote it down like literally it's all my paper in the Sam website I saw somebody on YouTube just asked it can you explain what it is and what the benefit of using it is yes so Sam is the federal government's registration portal so once you register and Sam that's how agencies can locate your business for different opportunities and that's how you get paid right so you said when you complete this registration you go through the process of putting in all of your next codes all of the processes if you want to be added into you know the but disaster relief registry so they'll know to contact your business for these opportunities that's what that sound registration does and they also you can also use Sam to search for different businesses so any of those businesses that you know you say you found on the USA spinning web site you can come to sam and you can search for that business in here and all of their information will come up everything you can see even how to contact them as well so this is this is ours but you can see all of that information I mean I did some research on the top contractors all right these are the people who have given out the most contractors and Shai is gonna love this so the number one is Lockheed Martin which is an aerospace in defense right number two and this well I think he's gonna love it the Boeing Company the good-old-boy company we talk about a lot even though market mondays we were speaking about the Boeing Company obviously they they work with the government and this is this is where they're giving out contracts to people right mm-hmm so and you think about what they they do they they are basically a parts company and the military Navy has jets Air Force Marines everyone has all these different aircraft so they're always gonna be big in this space always see why we love them so much no thing about the financial literacy space is that everything overlaps and it's like that's one reason why I brought Boeing stock when it dropped so drastically is because I know that boeing has they work for the government absolutely government is not going out of business if the government goes out of business then we all the government's not going out of business so I say that to say like learning about this stuff you're learning that you know Boeing how Boeing is so intertwined with the government it gave me a lot more confidence to be an investor in the company the body has stopped so when you learn about one thing like you might not even beat would think you might not think you're interested in learning about our government contracts you might be interested in stock market but then you find out some information about bowling or some other Lockheed Martin and you might say okay I didn't know that before let me look at this stock this might be a good company for me to buy because I just found out that they get in billion-dollar contract for the next two years with bigger and you can look that stuff up to see all of that on a USA spending fight on a movie I had no idea what Raytheon was but I do now we got a question Jamal the floor is yours you um you to make sure you unmute yourself fellas good hey how are you I want to ask a quick question I don't know if you've answered it before but what's the average time frame to get the certification whether it be for women-owned business from minority-owned ok so I will also say that that varies but the longest that the process has been I would say four months that's that's as long as it is taken and that's all mostly because they didn't have documents that they needed in place but for me to go through the process of getting certified as a veteran owned business may be four weeks that's how long it took so well so you say if you have all your paperwork in order it kind of just depends on you it can take anywhere from four weeks to four months just depending on from that timeframe or like okay all right thank you I appreciate you so I said about what about nonprofit organizations so no nonprofits do not qualify you have to be a for-profit business so nonprofits they the they want to go through the process it'll probably be like through a grant process please don't ask me about those right you can go to UM to look for federal government grants so that's uh that's all I have for you on them what is the average pay for like a government contractor do you know no I don't because the the contract is very so when it comes down to like contractors who are really just people you know working or even like winning a large contract they bury my anus is ridiculous like I say anywhere between you know from what one dollar to all the way up to like 10 billion or even more than that sometimes so there's no like line I guess I've saved my most challenging questions that I couldn't figure out what so I hope you're ready so I know that there's different contract types right so can we talk about some of those I'll start with the fixed-price contract I think I can get that but could you explain that to all these a little bit okay so fixed price contracts is when you basically you you come up with the price up front and it's really explainatory kind of in a sense but you come up with that price and basically on the back end you you can't like add on anything so you state you have to stick with those different prices for those fixed price contracts it's amazing I hope so there's a hundred thousand it's going to be a hundred thousand we can't have no more no less no matter how long it takes like if you say oh it's gonna take me a lot longer to do this job like that's all you so you try to like stay like a little bit away from those fixed price ones only because things have been things change unless it's just like a product and you know you can get them to get it to them and that's how I made right so we wouldn't do any construction in a fixed price contract how about a time in materials contract time and materials yeah so those are mostly parts ones those the time the parts and materials one that's that's good to be in because you really just have to you know get those parts those tools parts and materials to those those individuals so and the pricing on those I haven't done many of those but I can't really tell you the pricing on those those parts and materials but those are some good ones because like I say is you literally shipping the products and stuffs in them sort of the tools parts and materials Rachel Pyo University remember Rachel Rachel you are unmuted the floor is yours I'm it yourself hey guys thanks for another good session but a quick question after you are a little more experienced and say you're bidding on something that is out of your area what is your experience or your ideas of the best way to get done Rachel yeah yeah can you hear me oh so if you're trying to bid on something out of your area what do you think is the best way for you to get contractors you said out of your area in terms of like location or out of like the the scope location so the best way to do that would be to find companies in that area that does the same work that you do um so that's the best way to do that contact those companies get quotes from them before you even bid on this contract to know how much you know that cost is gonna be and then you can reach out to them you know once you win that contract and let them know okay thank you Thank You Rachel yes you're out the regional my last contract type is the IDIQ contract indefinite delivery indefinite I think quantity is that what that stands for I hope I got that right and those are the ones you want you want those IDIQ ones because so what that is is you're basically on the hook with them right so with the IDIQ ones let's say you know we only will you get a contract to be able to provide for to provide laptops and it's an IDIQ one so they mean that they could come to you at any time to purchase laptops to purchase these different products or whatever services that you're selling because you have that contract so those are usually under like a multiple award schedule and you can get one of those with the GSA so when you become a part of that multiple awards you can get access to do those different types of contracts and also the 8a program to be able to do those type of contracts so those are the ones you definitely want to get I want to get my notes though that you yeah a lot of game to process once again so your company right can you explain exactly what your company does yes so we have a software platform where we simplify the process for businesses going through it so businesses can actually go to our platform sign up and create a profile to find and do opportunities with government and bid on opportunities with government agency but we also on the opposite side have a consulting and training component of the company where we help businesses you know through classes like this go through the process of how to sell how to do business with the government how to get certified and we go through you know those processes of doing that and we do it through different ways we'll provide webinars or we'll work with organizations like we work with the Urban League got contract with them before to teach businesses you know more about selling and doing business with government agencies and then we're also working on an accelerator a six-week accelerator to get businesses through the process of John yeah cuz oh my gosh that earlier in YouTube they said does she do consulting so you do if your company does consulting yes yes the grim hand in the description but what's the website so it's WW govt Li a comm so there's gummy yeah check it out we got some training on there we have like a different things that are coming up and make sure you create a profile on our platform because the more businesses the more businesses we have on that platform we can get more agencies involved to provide more opportunities so make sure you create a profile and doubly perfect we got a couple more questions from Barbie what's up you um you to death they hide this my last question thank you okay on the on the joint ventures are there a certain amount of lifespan that they can have meaning they can only be like you know three years four years it depends on the program like if you're doing it for programs they may have stipulations on it but otherwise no okay because something that I've seen with joint ventures is that what they'll do is create the same exact and entity but then they'll say jv2 like with the number two have you seen that before I've seen them but like I'm saying it's mostly because of that program a particular program they're trying to expand you know the time frame in that program as long as they can to get those benefits exactly now but when they do the JV - is that even though they still they create another Duns number like it's another entity it's still under that original LLC correct so it's still that original company because they didn't create a new company they just got a new Duns number yes unless they did it as a DBA if they do but it's my god yes so if they changed the name and just did like a fictitious name or they started it as a new company like underneath that initial company but it's still all underneath the LLC because it has to be LLC thank you no I'm coming to you right now you're unmuted the floor is yours hi hi guys I was just trying to like upload all of these websites that she's mentioning um thank you so much for the knowledge that you are helping us out with hello I've been just talking about myself hi thank you guys and I have like all of the tabs open it's gonna be available for us learner on the website yes yeah and this is just this one is actually on YouTube though it's on YouTube too but yeah we'll get uh yeah yes and then also um as far as the DB accomplished conversation um do you have to have a ID a tax ID to apply for business yeah okay alright thank you so much yes I saw a YouTube question all it is shout out the Marty on you too he said what's your top three tips to secure a contract so top three I think I already said before it was to be focused but to really target do your research like using those different tips I mean those different sites to do your research and then being proactive like reaching out to them before these opportunities come out don't wait until you know you are finding the opportunities on the Sam doc website nothing's wrong with waiting but at the end of the day you want to be on the front end right so it's - it's really two spaces like two sides of the procurement process when doing business with the government so you have the pre acquisition phase in the acquisition phase you you want to be in that pre-acquisition face because that's before it goes out for a competitive bid and like I said being proactive over-reactive that's my biggest tip my biggest three tips in there so I hope you got them a whole lot of game a whole lot of game right there this video is gonna stay on YouTube and yeah we'll have it on universities Pyo University this is just this is just one of the many things that we got rolled out we got a whole platform code or put the code in here he y el 149 it's going up in may May 1st May 3rd right now so yeah two weeks $149 for the whole yes like what pretty much free and empty the mortgage got shot to him he was on a preference Club today yes how to sell he's the head of our real estate Facebook group he was on a Breakfast Club with our asses over liabilities hoodie and he gave us are you leesia to another on this so yeah so we got to do more work together I'm glad that he was able to I was kind of going back and forth with you probably week so thank you for having patience but yes we definitely gotta do more stuff together and sure I think that this is something that it's very beneficial and especially you know in our community you know we don't know enough about it to take advantage of it and I'm pretty sure that there's a lot more topics to discuss like under this umbrella yeah even we really just hit the tip of the iceberg like I was doing a high-level overview but you go into like being certifications nice clothes and all of that stuff is way more you know that has to go into it so and then also how you reach out creating capability statements and marketing to the government so blunt or more is much more to go I mean this is just a testament as we learn we teach like prior to having this conversation with you I was completely oblivious I'm sort of shy had a little bit of knowledge of it but after doing the research and get it into studies of it it's like wow so much so thank you for sharing your knowledge in and giving us your time we really appreciate it choice to chance my boy a key on on on the super chat shout out to everybody I just joined a while University and I put I put on I put your Instagram tag in the description as well so if anybody wants to get information and I guess all your website and all that information is in the link of your bio right yep that's in there all of us in there out to miss McCoy on a super check checking thank you Miss McCoy we see you right now so yeah I think that like I said you know let us know if you like the content I appreciate any but I did like the content look like positive it was extremely variable shout out to Bridget on a super check it and we could do more these we can do like a series of these we can do a lot of different stuff so no way experience our platform oh is this super chat mean they wants to keep going supercharge will you see the people put the colored day for money in it that's all that's the super chat just a show of support financially just you know show some things just this free information is this was dope could you actually shade your screen and actually gave information as far as like the websites and stuff like that so I hope everybody paid attention shot that Joelle Fernandez on the super chat super chat support it so I was watching the video you know sometimes and that's why I love what we're doing because it's like we get to explain things that language will understand me i watch the ten minute video on the different types of contracts and then i got to this point where contracted by negotiation and then I saw F on the RFPs and RFQs that's one of the biggest things that kind of like drew me into it to keep going as well because you know at the end of the day you see companies like Amazon like you know all these big companies these big trial companies getting these huge contracts and then us at the bottom of you know bottom down here trying to figure out like how are they growing so fast like they can't you tax dollars ain't growing with money so not to talk to the government these opportunities are a huge and like I say even at the state and local government level you can do business with government with local governments after college all of that stuff depending on like how much you know like watch what products and services you provide is and even don't let me get started in the corporate space I don't do the corporate space but my friend she does corporate contracts Hill helps businesses sell to corporate corporate companies like googles and Facebooks of the world so you know that's an even bigger space you know what I'm saying so the opportunities are endless and we just we need to start taking advantage of them today not yesterday so out the Queen weighed on a super Church I can appreciate it so somebody said what about workers cup when using subcontractors he no I can't really give you anything on that workers comp when using subcontractors like when using subcontractors yeah I'm not sure what they meant by that I guess they mean like if I fall off handfuls in the description I got an info in the description over sure good name right there sorry $20 on a $20 super chair so what made you what made you actually like was it that she was actually in the military and you actually saw it firsthand [Music] while I was active duty I actually um purchased products on behalf of my department so you know I joined right out of high schools I'm like what 19 years old in Yokosuka Japan on an aircraft carrier 5,000 people right and I have to manage like our operating budget for weapons department cuz my job was to build bonds and baby believe it or not y'all said build bombs bombs bombs bombs over Baghdad appreciate it yeah don't play wha see not a bomb but then you was buying I said yeah okay so I was so in addition to like my rate I was I was basically doing like more administration stuff so I was the supply parts manager so I was managing the $400,000 operating budget for our department alone you know what I'm saying and this is you know on aircraft period like I said 5,000 people and we are only one department out of like 13 and then the ship had its own budget as well so you know that was that was kind of what got me into it a little bit um and at the time like my division officer he always wanted me to order stuff that we didn't have on the shoes and he required me to do a whole bunch extra wear at the time he got on my nerves but you know now I'm extremely grateful for it cuz I was able to leverage that knowledge on the outside to learn how to sell to the government after you know going through the process and that's kind of how you know it worked for me and I was able to you know share the message with people in a way that they were understand so it's been it's been going I kept it going so you use the leverage of being inside the game they had you're doing the service and now you said I let me flip this home benefit absolutely real they use your job to create your own opportunities it is that not I tell everybody all the time your 905 is your first investor what you do from 6 to 12 will determine if you keep that down to 5 and you flipped it crazy the aviation ordnance man shut out all our yos out there oh but ya is a huge rate aviation loading bombs on aircraft make it like putting them together all of that good stuff I got a photo of me like shooting a 50 Cal I'm only like 5 5 points so I'm like this so yeah yeah I see somebody's putting DNA family we see you yeah RFPs are requests for proposals and rfqs a request for qualifications so we all set qualifications when when do those come into play so RFQ is what they'll usually put out when they really only need pricing to purchase something right so if it's like below a certain threshold that they don't need to like send it out for bid they can do a RFQ so request for quote and then sometimes that RFQ can also mean a request for qualifications what they really just want to know like we were saying before what's your past performance what have you done before and then the RFPs are like when is like that acquisition phase when it's time to go out for market and they want everyone to respond with that proposal package telling them what are you gonna do how you gonna do it how much you're gonna call how much is it gonna cost me and that's what the RFP that's when they usually come out so we're not gonna get an RFQ if we talk about Michael purchases right no mm-hmm now it will be some like episode at the state level the state government level they can buy up to a certain percentage they can do you know let's just three quotes right and they can do that anyway they can't search for businesses on google get that thing [Music] free you know of course different stuff like that but this whole thing was 20 humbling that people actually take time to actually listen and it's even more humbling that people would take time to financially show some you know we don't take it for granted we appreciate all of our owners everybody that has supported Ernie Alicia everybody I supported all of our alumni everybody come on a podcast at YouTube Instagram we can take that for granted like y'all support us but y'all also go out and support the people that we bring on and from us thank you and I'm sure from them thank you we've seen a lot of the businesses grow from being on the platform so that's what it's all about when we talk about building an economy within ourselves doing it right and y'all doing it too because y'all going out and supporting all these businesses so what is what is what is just six week program somebody somebody accident I didn't know you oh you said it really quickly okay so the six week program is called it's our growing government accelerator so through that X through that program we will be gonna swill be able to leave with a small business started vacations so you you will leave with a certification you will leave registered with government agencies you will leave with all the marketing tools you need like the capability statement to talk about that and then you will leave with the knowledge of how to find these opportunities and the capstone is for you to bid on an opportunity so you can in order to graduate the program you have to be on your first contracting opportunity so that's our six-week program and that website is grow with org so you have to apply for it because we have to be like you know it is an intense program is group coaching and we have instructors who are teaching it as well so you have to go through the application process for that for us to determine if you're a good but you don't you don't just take anybody you gotta make sure that no we we call the column Peters the the time wasters you don't that's the last thing so but it would in turn it answer the question very informative conversation that like I said I wasn't aware of any of this stuff you always hear about government contracts always hear about you know the government buying different things from vendors but by the time we don't really know what the process is actually played a game and it's like you know if you're not playing the game then you you always gonna be on the sideline so one hundred billion dollar business hundred billion and eighty nine thousand state and local government agencies so there's plenty of room and space to go get it how many what's the biggest contract that you've seen from like a business like a small not like a big business but like a small business small business fifteen million dollars what kind of business wasn't a security company so they provide is down in Miami so he provides security services to like throughout the city and also without any County for some of the different events that they host and then of course you know we just had the Superbowl down here and when the Super Bowl is in that area they partnered with the cities you got a contract have businesses who got contracts to do business with them during that throughout the Superbowl as well so yeah those opportunities are huge so he does is a pretty huge services shot to AC Smith on it on a super chat check-in appreciate it thank you thank you alright any any last questions from YouTube what ey l université anybody any questions how you send on bread and it's super Chad I think the super Chad is on the right right yeah it's on the right I think you got an update yeah like - cuz my thing is an updated but if you update YouTube you gotta make a comment shout-out to Sabrina on you why she said she just signed up she's our newest what's up Sabrina you got to catch enough to do don't worry don't worry we'll keep adding so we don't make it very difficult for you to the community ey oh uh like I said I know we were going back and forth for a while but this is just the beginning of a lot of different stuff that we can actually do together because I'm sure it'll be tremendously beneficial to a variety of different people yeah yeah so I can't see who's that Mary Saladin married Mary what's going on are you on a super check no Mary I'll work with married before [Music] somebody said what if you have no past performance and your business ideas brand new I would assume no right so you can partner with another business partner that's what you do mm-hm partner with another business and now unless it's something like this it innovative like I was saying these new you know software and solutions that are coming out it is something like that you can do business with them but the way that you'll do it is completely different you'll be you'll be reaching out to them basically pitching you know your new or innovative solution like if it's something that's not on the market at all but if is you know you're just starting out partner with another business that's the best way if it's a common business and you're just starting out partner with another business to build that past performance and leverage their past performance so that way you know when you go to respond you can say we've done business with X Y & Z maybe you haven't but your partners have and you can leverage that yes out the DEA family he said watch the movie war dogs Sophia - Sophia Sophia on a check yeah and shout-out to sinner sinner on a check-in we missed that also a shout-out to Ishmael 100 superjet 100 dollar size yes yeah with almost message me you get a consultation for that I'm about to I'm about to have y'all put on Mount Rushmore no cap y'all are really getting us many many many many blessings Yahweh brother this is a crazy night we just got really really supportive base in it it feels like it's like it's like it's like going to a concert manager so much love these people are just so so people been saying going I've been here since day one I've been drawing since the summer it's crazy man like we literally every day we think of something new to do man so to see the support that we they'll begin you know we're not gonna stop not definitely been following to like I don't I'm not in the stocks right now but I'm listening [Music] do I hear 200 I need to say I'm overwhelmed the Internet's low yeah somebody's made it rain in his parents just just just drop the Benjamin Franklin I appreciate you know I always say like you know I doubt that anybody that I work with actually knows that we're doing a podcast and that is having an impact so this is crazy to see that up there Jonathan New Rochelle man I missed those kids so much we were supposed to do something tomorrow with just like doing a drive-by but we gotta push it back so I'm looking forward to just driving through the city just to see the kids man this is cool it's cool but like I'm more interactive now so I need to see them it was one guy newer show like I gotta meet this guy he he he gave a 167 people of Corona he works at he works in a newer show that's like the Corona capital of the world and it was it was like a social butterfly so what happened was he went to his synagogue and from the synagogue is spread but it literally happened not too far from my school maybe amount a half up the street so yeah we was in an episode of these guys like you know are you still going to work I'm like he'll kids are still showing up so don't leave my first responsibility is to make sure they get return on the investment but after a lot it was I seen the gun he was like shutting it all and I was like oh we still here he was still going to work that's how I saw dedicated here said he was they called the National Garden why you still going to work it's obviously not safe they got the National Guard New Rochelle was like ground zero and he was still going like everything was okay that occasion see their level of dedication this is what we do this is literally what we do all day so this is the I'll just watch me laughing he's not TVs educated yeah yeah yeah that's it so that means you've elicited from Dave like we had that whole debate on an episode because I told him he's not a he's not a financial he's in the finance all these educate he's teaching people about - we're just doing it in a different different way yeah no we definitely like I said this was definitely enjoyable I'm glad we got a chance to do this and once again thank you for having patients could never change the date like a few times but I think it was well worth the wait and hopefully you know yeah people check out your page and get a bunch of inflammation and check out good we want to support you as well it's great the information that you give what I know you have a business as well so it's important to support that and um you know let's let's stay in touch less oh [Music] [Laughter] one thing I learned early on is never stopped the party before so I guess that's it we appreciate we appreciate all of the super chair I love this was extremely this was extremely crazy this is extremely crazy so yes yes that's gonna be crazy UIL Sam all our earners Sunday we are having our Movie Club discussion about too-big-to-fail I am looking forward to it the discussion questions are up on Facebook if you haven't gone already go and get it on Sunday at 3:00 I think we're gonna do it at 3:00 again that was last Sunday was amazing I worked the way like the I gotta watch the movie again after having that discussion so shout out to the earners that were there last Sunday I'm looking forward to seeing even more of you this Sunday mask on be there we're gonna have some more people come in but it was crazy University make sure you join the Facebook group that's a part of being a team IO University oh yes mr. karate Sandra it's too super chat appreciate it so yes that's all a part of it so make sure you how you join the Facebook group is just go and request and that's it we verify you remember your part of the Facebook group and then you get all kinds of benefits to being that so yes thank you appreciate it the stay in contact everybody on YouTube thanks for the love everybody why o University thanks for the love man we'll be back on Monday yep all right hey you sure we love you upbeat he's still time for a super chat
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 130,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Business, Government contracts, Selling to the government, How to sell products to the government
Id: ci6YnUjmsHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.