Mark Trammell of Mark Trammell Quartet - On the Couch With Fouch | Southern Gospel Singer |

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hey guys thank you so much for joining us for on the couch with Fouts today I have the great opportunity and the privilege to interview mark Trammell hey man thank you so much hey doing that time tonight I'm doing great just to let you guys know we have been trying to do this interview for months I mean I wouldn't in QC last year was that one the first time we tried to do it yeah it just has not worked out till now you know I'm so happy we finally got around to it I just gradually worked out that's amazing yeah and he said he was really nervous actually I mean I've watched some of these you know the finished product is what I see so I watched some of them not thinking when you asked me said would you be willing to do on the cast for thatch I thought the only thing I can equate it to is is being asked to be on the Johnny Carson show which most people don't know anything about nowadays but when I was getting growing up that was pretty big deal you know so when you asked me I thought I'm gonna answer questions like they used to have to answer on the Carson show and people never did answer questions well so let's see what they do and then I see some of yours I'm thinking let these numbskulls can answer questions I can't do so I'm ready to get it started a lot of the people wanted to know about your singing history so just kind of in a nutshell give them the rundown because you've been added a long time and you've had a great career you know time yeah I thank God for every day of it 240 August will be 42 years I started in in August on August 17th of 1974 with the Senators quartet out of Memphis Tennessee and I was there for a couple of years then I went to the Kingsmen in in place of Jim McAuley who played bass for the Kings when the mighty Kings with the ton of fun but by the time I had gotten there they had kind of they'd lost some weight so working out yeah Anthony Berger you know instead of Nick Bruno and me instead of Jim McCauley so we were both real slender back in those I was a mere 145 pounds and a head full of real dark hair and boy those were the days but anyway I'm going to that but went from the Kings and of course to the cathedrals I was the Kingsmen until July of in 1980 and then was with the cathedrals for almost 11 years before moving back south to East Tennessee and Gerald Wolfe and I started greater vision and Chris was the very first of the tenor singers that would come through that camp and of course the rest is history for them they're in their 26th year and God's using them in a great in a great way I'm honored to have been a part of those beginning days and then I moved even further south being from Arkansas like the south so we just my wife and I just kept moving back toward the south and and the opportunity came open for me to be able to be in a quartet and for my wife to be closer to her family she was two hours away instead of seven so that helped her when they were getting up in years before they went home to the Lord so that all worked out well and I was there for about eight and a half years and that was this that was in golden Alabama with nobility yes and and then of course we started this the next month would be fourteen years ago Wow same possible either as its here as a kid as a teenager did you ever think that this path is what your life would be no and now here I am 42 years into a career and some of those precious days of my life were spent with a clean painted George Jones and a dream came true far earlier in my life than I really anticipated and now that I'm where I am it came through earlier than I really wanted to I'd love with him still be around and me to be able to be with him now because I now know how to enjoy and appreciate where I was right and of course that's the way with everybody I'm sure what one piece of advice would you give a 20 year old markgemmell enjoy the process would be the first thing that would come to my mind enjoy the process of growth where God takes you from one place to another enjoy your time there in every part of our lives there's work involved in what we do that works not going to go away in 99% of the cases so the works going to be there the things that are less than wonderful about what you do are always going to be it doesn't matter where you go there's gonna be things there so enjoy the process of being able to go through this particular season of your life because it won't last a long time all of a sudden you'll be in the next season you don't even know it right Tinashe and I'm so sorry if you're watching I have no idea how to say your last name so I'm not even going to try and I hope I got the first name right your favorite moment with the cathedrals and your favorite moment with gold City now keep it I know it can be a long just a bit short form Wow yeah okay Matt first my favorite moment with the cathedrals outside of my salvation experience on the golf course July 13th 90 1988 outside of that which is my favorite moment in life was watching the London Philharmonic Orchestra as we were doing a rough vocal walkthrough they were playing they were rehearsing what they were about to put down for us in the recording process and we walked out Larry at gulfs our arranger producer had us to walk out and sing for what earthly reason the song that Danny was featured on we sang that song and when we finished the London Philharmonic Orchestra stood to their feet and applauded the rough vocal of what we had just done Wow after that we sang God Himself delenn else that was the next song to rehearse which is a song that you had not heard it since we recorded that project we didn't sing it we did not staged the song maybe half a dozen times but that song touched the concertmaster who was the first chair violinist so much that while we're singing the chorus to the song he's playing you can see the tears rolling down his face as he is moved with emotion realizing God Himself was the lamb for the sacrifice the changed in the entire world provided for us what we needed to have salvation and a home in heaven man hey you're right he could take a long time yes yeah but a scholar shortened it down to the end of that particular story that moved us so much that it's one of those things it's stuck in my from that moment on now it's just as realize it as if it happened yesterday those things the world out there doesn't see right but once a model God will allow you to see things that he knows the world's like no it's just for you and he loves you so much that he wants you to have something that make you wanna go on and that your music is valuable and it changes lives and that reminded people that's a great one I had not heard that boy it's good stuff the gold I don't say do you have one for gold City I have one for those now once again make it a short one okay Tim Riley is probably one of the funniest people I've ever met he's also one of the most genuine people I've met and jaye Perrett was with the Google City quartet while I was there and Jay and Doug Tim's son and myself and Jonathan will Verne would go play golf very often Thursday Friday morning we'd get up and we'd hit the golf course would get to town Tim would just in order to be up having its coffee at least one cup of coffee at the time we get up go to golf ball but he he got up early but yeah every morning we get to do that one morning we were up and moving and heading out the door Tim said just looked at me and nodded said be careful they son I said got you I had no idea what that led we get to the golf course and Jonathan will burn has a snake that he's planning to plant because he knows I'm horribly afraid of snakes what he doesn't know is when we get to this particular golf course there is going to be a real snake there that day Carlin costs across the cart path I'm about hole number seven or eight and Doug Riley's not afraid of snakes he can identify them okay he's in heaven now but he would he would bear out this story we hit our tee shot on this particular home it's a par three three of the four of us are on the green and Doug and jr. in the cart in front Jonathan and I and they head down the trail going downhill and they think Doug sees this real snake and Jonathan has no idea you know he's thinking well maybe when he sees Doug pick the snake up he's thinking well maybe he got that rubber snake out of my bag that me knowing so he could pull this trick will this stunt home mark and the stunt turned on Jonathan Oh cause when he when they got parked doug has this king snake they know forefoot king snake wrapped around his arm by the time they get down there and get parked he just stops and gets it picks it up Jonathan and I don't see what happens until we round the corner and get to the bottom of the hill in Park get her clubs out head toward the green and here Doug turns around and he's got this and he just takes it and rakes the snake across the ground and it comes toward Jonathan and I Jonathan thinking that it's the rubber snake I don't think anything because I'm not in the joke but the jump winds up being on Jonathan because it's real and Jonathan doesn't like real snakes well I see what's happening not just back away and Jonathan's looking at the ground he keeps walking forward to the flag so he can put out well closer he gets all of a sudden here comes that snake and all of a sudden it's right his feet just sliding toward him and I can't tell you on camera what all he said as he was running back toward the golf cart but joke was on him and I'll never forget that long as I live Johan back there you dog hope you're watching Jonathan Reed reliving that memory precious moments yes and lots of alum sure yeah this is a quick hitter what's your favorite song and that's from Sarah Medina Sarah Medina my favorite song of all time is the old rugged cross that's a great one another quick one rob bronc would like to know what vocalist was the biggest influence on your sound I can't say there's one Neal in love with the couriers Glenn pain Jim Hamill Squire Parsons those four primarily really helped me form who I needed to be my identity right great singers all of them great singers but there's a little bit of all of them in what I do joy OTT there's a little bit of doyon of what I did Doug Oldham there's a little bit of death over them so to say one I can't say just one because I really did glean a lot from from those Hospital willing to invest in I would say the same thing personally my god someone was to ask me that question I'd be like I don't know that there's any one guy that I just was like man I want to be exactly like that guy like Ryan Biederman wants to know who's your favorite presidential candidate of current days yeah that's my favorite presidential candidate did not run okay there you go Doug now wants to know who your favorite daughter-in-law is my favorite daughter-in-law is Jessica Lyon Trammell and she happens to be my only daughter and Doug nice knows that I own Doug but yes he is my favorite daughter-in-law and I want to end the interview with this one Pat GAD berry wants to know or wants you to tell about the moment you passed out on stage oh my with the cathedrals yeah that was that's what we're gonna close with that's one it's ok laugh at this by the way because it was funny I had an abdominal infection didn't know I was sick our bus was broke down the cathedral bus was broke down so we were in and Georgia's station wagon and Glen's old beat-up Lincoln Town Car and I was in the back of the Lincoln sick I mean sick going over didn't know I was sick and we were in Ephrata Pennsylvania at the High School Auditorium and it was snowing and cold and we had to leave from from Akron Ohio and drive all the way over there for a Saturday night then it's on Sunday afternoon we were gonna be in Buffalo New York and then come back home for Christmas vacation we get to Pennsylvania of course we're not in the bus so everything's just dis shoveled it's everywhere right the suits are here and we're there and we're trying to get everything and I start feeling worse and by the time we get on the stage I'm feeling really bad I'm not totally anybody I'm feeling bad but I don't feel good and George right before intermission George decides he wants to do the aqua Fela version of wonderful grace of Jesus that we did for many years so we get started singing Roger gives us a key we get started singing the first part of one for grace of Jesus we get to the course and I'm holding onto the microphone stand which I never did but it kind of clued Danny and it it's wrong with you and I just reach to get his arm pull it around me and he look at me he's singing he kept on singing singing his part but kind of cutting his eyes at me at the same time and I feel like somebody's unplugged me and all of me just going out and sure enough when we get to the key change in the song and to go to finish the song I don't remember any that when we get to the key change I take a deep breath and I pass out slick as a whistle so you were forward or backwards I went down the video we could tell you and I can't find the video I just know that I'm not down and when I went I was out out like a light when I went down and out it was done and what I do remember is waking up and George and Glenn were both trying to get in the microphone and pray over me and there was a paramedic and a nurse in the audience that had come to the stage and they were checking my vitals I know what was going on all I do remember is it Roger Roger and George picked me up like a sack of potatoes under arms under my back of my knees and back up my arms they pick me up like a sack of potatoes before they pick me up all the people could see is the soles of my shoes I was always down for the count but I didn't know what had happened to me until they got me to the hospital and then I figured out they found out that I had a lower abdominal infection and just as sick as a dog and it knocked out it did but I when I passed out in Turkey of course you know how vital it is what you do right before intermission that can make or break your sales rails is gone because they're both worried about market if Mark died so that wasn't that was history when when I when I saw the video when I saw all this take place I was still at the hospital and guys had to carry on so when they came back after the after the intermission time when they came back they were trying to decide what they could do you know put things together in that Roger hey George somebody had asked for a Christmas song so George looked at Roger when when they said can y'all do God rest ye merry gentlemen George looked at Roger said Roger can you do marks part and he sent over next to the piano just stand there can you do Mark's part and the next thing you see on video is Roger acting like he's passing out right in yes he did my heart yeah there you go idiot exactly right on it thank you so much mark appreciate it that's a wonderful day and a great wrap up to this episode of on the couch without thanks again for joining me didn't hurt at all now you know it's easy enough be sure to subscribe here on YouTube and until next time
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 16,499
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: mark trammell, mark trammell quartet, quartet, male, matt fouch, legacy five, on the couch with fouch, fouch, couch, southern gospel, cathedral quartet, cathedrals, gospel music, music, nqc, national quartet convention, singing news, gold city, greater vision, the cathedrals, southern gospel singer, christian music, christian artists, top favorite artists interviews, interviews, favorite artists interviews, southern gospel music
Id: Zx1yx_vy4v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2016
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