Michael Booth from the Booth Brothers | Favorite Gospel Artist Interviews | On the Couch With Fouch

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hey guys thank you so much for joining me once again for on the couch with foutch now I know and he's already made a comment I know a lot of you have you been watching for a while and you've seen several times we haven't had a couch unfortunately that's just the way it goes sometimes so this time we have these very nice chairs no you're not the only one okay feel better slide it yeah yeah I do yeah he was he was making a comment about it earlier you know whatever but we got chairs so we're actually sitting down have you ever watched on the couch I have you had I am do have you size that I knew you're gonna sing I watched Jim Brady's okay on cuz I was hoping they'd talk about us and that was cool was it Devin with my dude I did one with Devin yes Holly Ronnie Ronnie yeah because I was in the back that was Anna bus nice right well good I'm glad you watch have you you probably haven't watched them all the way through because I know how you're all hey DeeDee you probably didn't get it all most of it okay good well then he doesn't know what's coming at the end so this good it's gonna be perfect so thanks for joining me thank you I've been hanging on to restroom I've been hanging on to this interview with you two like the perfect time oh man I'm glad I'm excited about finally getting to do the interview with you now I'm nervous do you know why though no because everyone has a question that they want to ask nice okay so I have got some wonderful wonderful questions and it's gonna be perfect and the nice thing about it is that I don't know if you can see those or not that's the questions you guys have now seen the questions he has not seen them yet so if this is going to be perfect so let's get right into it rather a Terry hunt would like to know what is your favorite bible verse they honestly change from time to time currently it would be James 4:10 which is humble yourself and decide of the Lord he will lift you up I think it capsule eights what the gospel is our job is to Humble herself before Christ he redeemed us and lifts us up it's also applicable in everyday life it's a powerful loop and it like you said it changes may be like seasons of your life or that makes sense yeah Sandra hammer her question is what age did you get saved okay you would think it would be very simple a simple answer I profess Christ as a seven-year-old boy at Brandon Heights Baptist Church down in Brandon Florida you know as many people when you grow in your walk with Christ you learn more and I think I learned more of what Jesus did for me and then as a teenager at 17 I think I really began to grasp wow this is what he had done for me and so in a sense I went forward and then I was baptized was I saved as a seven-year-old probably I know I am but I'm just guys probably didn't see it there's a big oppa right yeah I was scared there it goes let's go okay so back seven years old but I really got it for later of a better word when I was about 17 okay yeah makes sense and I think a lot of people yeah go through that type of a childlike faith is what ahead they said hey do you do you want to trust Jesus as your Savior that's sure I mean I believed he was the son of God it came to faith for my sins right yeah right very cool um Adam night as a wonderful question distinguished name Adam Adam night he would like to know how has your Bible study effective of your ministry and singer mm-hmm I love that question that's a great question years ago a preacher we sing with many times told me and my ministry will only be as effective as the overflow from my own personal walk relationship with Christ okay so we get into this thing and I read my Bible down at I'm and I'm you know but I'm I got natural ability to speak on stage and the community of people but I have a cousin Darryl Tony who rode with us one weekend and a loving loving rebuke and he laughs he said it wasn't a review right well it may not you may not have intended it right that's the way I took it and in loving and rebuke go together right no problem with that but he said you're shooting from the hip you need to learn some scripture and support what you're saying and have something to say what it did it called me out that I really wasn't studied it's kind of fluff and so I got into where begin to really sleep and it's amazing when you get in the word and study it will come out right and so it elevated the I believe the effectiveness of the ministry the Big Brother's right when I really began to pursue the word not dig in is that also when you started offering the free stuff yeah part of the concept I did that because if maybe it was an abrupt change for people coming to see it and all of a sudden Michaels been this long gospel presentation and we started getting a lot of letters and it just it confused my startled me that people would say they were angry angry with me I will use that where it's a strong word but I believe they were angry that I was spending time at a gospel concert presenting the gospel now I understand that they paid to hear the singing but we were still doing 22 to 24 sometimes 26 songs in a program by ourselves and I was presenting the gospel so I took no music away I just added that to it so to kind of help with that I said look I know people paid to hear singing for this part's free and then it turned into kind of a funny thing but I got to be honest and has really diminished the letters really I think it's I think it's part I address the elephant in the room and part people have gotten used to it right now how long do you think that you've been doing that now that's got to be going on five years I'm really not sure but I'm guessing about yours in the fact of the matter is and I know you for you guys out there that are gospel music fans if we go out and do a concert and don't tell people or not necessarily do an altar call right but just tell them say hey we're singing these songs about the man who has changed our lives and he can change your life and I mean it's fun but if we don't tell you that Jesus can change your life at the end of the night or at some point during the program then what's to me it's it's just yeah what's the point kind of to me it really is so I love that you do that I appreciate well here's the thing and this is this'll ruffle some feathers here with so it's over send the letters the man God did not sanction gospel music right the methods he chose was the word the preaching of the word the teaching of the word you know those those are the methods he he chose to bless those are the things he really blesses when you present the gospel is the gospel in her songs absolutely absolutely it is but speaking of the gospel is a special thing that God ordained ensures to use so what's wrong what taking a few 9/8 took me some time to get it in a good and I knew that going in I knew that when I started this I was gonna be terrible at it I knew we're gonna take too long but it just takes time to learn right yeah well I love it that you guys did and I hope that you do it for the rest of your career how do you long belly maybe there's some cleaning Elaine Harcourt would like to know I know Elaine who I who are your musical heroes Oh so the shortlist oh well certainly my dad I had to grow up listen to my dad my uncle Charles in the rebels quartet that foundationally that's it and then there was Ronnie Todd the drummer for Elvis a lot of intensity that we have is my musical intensity came from Ronnie Tut's playing so I somehow I've translated the drums into singing but then for many years of family that people don't know our family's story dad was out of gospel music out of the church for quite a while in our home formative teen years so we were influenced by restless heart Eagles got my brother's over two boys journey a lot of secular secular groups well but then anyway God did a great work back in gospel music and we took those influences and put them in there that's why you hear such a schizophrenic Dani Maria hey Dan they're interviewing me what do you think do I look I got a I've been witnessing to this man for a long that's right and I'm getting close tell him who you're with the voice is oblique from the universally Danny Maurice all right yeah hey you know we don't we don't have a band we're not like these guys we're not famous but we sing acapella we sing from my heart and we love these guys here incredible because I'm telling you they're wonderful Hey the the idea we got for our arrangement of then I met the master came from the voice of the lead because if you notice on the track it starts with a choral arrangement who's in Oz and we were supposed to have sung it but we couldn't afford it if you've watched many episodes at all then you know that you do not ever know what is gonna happen when you are watching and on the couch with couch okay so annoying so that's just perfect that's the way it is I hope you guys enjoyed that they are really good actually I anyway listen to their course eyes are phenomenal Robin Bennett host made a post and it was a little bit longer but the idea of it was the zipper story I have no idea you weren't there about the zipper story and if I was there I don't remember it I mean so I'm all ears well we're on one of these cruises we do it was Scott Fowler was hosting for this particular segment we come out singing sail on opening the thing up and I had to lock this on and my zipper was down and you know so I sing the whole song and you know nobody offers the help the audience is this community come to find out though this is the worst part is Fowler knew before I went out on stage and he just chose not to tell me because he want you know calories it okay thank you so felt look every before you say something you'll okay tell them or if you have have you ever pulled a prank on him to get back at him that you would like to share well this was before this happened and this I don't know why I did this don't write me a letter devil got in me we were in Flint Michigan together and you know Fowler was father's the one that showed me you can bring a Bible out on stage and baby really so I knew he was gonna use his Bart when I saw it sitting up on the stage we had done soundcheck everybody left know why I just got some scotch tape because what I did was hold the mic in one hand and flipped that Bible open he was really good at this boom right there so I took the leather binding open it up and then taped it three times across so he couldn't see and I knew what was gonna happen as an emcee when something happens very quick you're talking let people know there's no Fred they don't don't let him know there's an issue and then you have to decide navigate the thoughts in your mind how what am I gonna do am I gonna address this or am I gonna try to move past it and so it was like slow motion I was seeing him go through this and he was saying let me tell you something folks and that was the moment he was trying to figure out what am I gonna do he said I don't want to tell you I wouldn't I want to tell you that that Michael Booth just taped my Bible shut so he gave in he knew he knew Louis it was it was pretty that's a good one pretty ah that's good but if it wasn't the Word of God I could have been very proud of that yeah do you think I could get away with doing that to him now I think you should at least try attempt it you never know yeah you're right Nathaniel Chapman would like to know your favorite song you wish you could have recorded this gonna have to be a quick one oh gosh drawing a blank I tell you what what it was but I did yeah this might be interesting I brought he heals that legacy 5 recorded - Scott I still need to cut this song and you guys cut it you're not called him a year later I said I really want to cut that song can I cut it and so we just cut it unreal yeah totally different range but so in a sense that was one of when I heard it I really wanted to record it but at the time you guys were looking for material so I in my unselfish Brotherhood Kingdom minded alone - Thomas you guys get some time to leather yeah there you go yeah that's a beautiful song if you guys haven't heard it love in heels it's on our great day album Tom PO would like to know it you know what really we haven't had a lot of funny questions which Center in which has been I've enjoyed it you know because I think this is a side of you that maybe some people don't get to see a lot I think people it's funny people are surprised when they travel with us or go out to eat afterwards they I'm not really the walls yeah I couldn't I couldn't live like that 24/7 I just blow up right yeah so topo would like to know has there ever been a time where you thought about walking away from your musical career and if there has been there may not have but if there has been what changed your mind and then I mean and this is a very personal question I don't know that you've ever know I have an answer what do you make it may be shocking the candy III I have thought about walking away many condoms many countless times for countless reasons and in the spirit of being candid with you many times it was you understand where gospel singers be understanding where providers for a family and this is how I provide for my family and it's not it's a slow-moving ship it's not something you can just I'm not going back a clip this week you can't do that and thank God because here's what happens people we all get emotional right and we get down we get physically tired mr. Bishop of the bishops Kenneth Bishop told us years ago we were stealing abandoned trailer he said be careful don't get physically tied because when you're physically tired you get emotionally tired then you get spiritually tired then you're in danger and when I've gotten physically tired I got emotionally tired spiritually tired I was endangered those are the times I wanted to quit so I'm not thinking right and those are the times thank God I couldn't quit I could give you a more spare Nolan marching on for crying I'd like to tell you that I was that spiritual but now I was just wasn't able to and I honestly I love the candidates of your answer because I really do I really do think this that if everyone was honest that's out here they've had at least one moment where they've gotten home from a trip and been like I don't know if I can do this in it yeah I mean you've had that moment and I think everyone would say that they had it they're honest yeah so I appreciate the honesty because that's in reality you know that answer I think everyone would give in one way or another I will say this to you right we are we we are making plans somewhere down the road where maybe we adjust our schedule we're not going as much and as soon as we're able to do that you know what folks I love singing to you I would love to be around my wife and kids more in if and when the time allows will what God provides that will do that I just don't know with it but I left saying and I don't want to questioning right and I don't either yeah I love singing too just like being home a little more I love being home yeah so there is information this interview that you probably never got from another interview anywhere in gospel music that's out there no it I love it I love it or not and I don't know I don't know how long this interview is gone but when I interviewed Ernie Haase one of the questions I asked him was do you ever think about hanging it up and this isn't a to get at you for being old question or anything like that but you know what that was one of the questions that I you know do you do you ever think about that and so I want to compose the same since you're being candid who do you think about that of hanging of yeah I mean I think you probably have already answered the question is yeah there's going to come a time and it's probably not too far off where you're going to cut back you're going to slow down and you know maybe even retire at some PS and out you know in full candor I will say we're planning on that we're making the plans when I don't know it's just but for example to I'm trying to make sure that I'm singing songs now in a range that I can sing them when I'm 62 so I'm planning on singing a long time but I'm also planning on finding away Lord willing to be able to not have to send so which right yeah that's awesome so yeah there's the burning had the same type of an answer yeah Ernie and I've talked about this yeah I'm sure we're very like-minded in this my life is not I'm not my life is not defined I'm not a gospel singer I'm I'm a born again child of God who married Dickie booth you a bubble and now I'm Christians dead Jonathan and Austin and I provide for them by singing gospel music and whether we eat whether we drink whatever we do we do in to the glory of God so God is able to use gospel music as a ministry and also I'm allowed to provide for my family by doing it but I'll always be a minister yeah because that's what we all do you're gonna be a singer whether you're singing with legacy fine right you go home you work for the US Postal Service you're still gonna sing when opportunity presents right and I and I will share this with you guys it's like honestly singing and gospel music was never what I plan to do really when I started in 2004 I was still in college and I plan the same was sold out until I graduated and then go into the corporate world with my business degree well that's what I planned to do I didn't know that so I started with sold out I finished my dick in 2004 I finished my degree in December of 2005 I graduated and I was like single it's like but we keep doing this and then I got married and I was like I'm making enough I can provide for my family so I'll keep doing I don't feel like God's pulling me out of it yet I'm making enough money mm-hmm you know so I was like keep doing it and now here I am 11 years into it and this is all I've done for a career while I was in college and since I've graduated so you know that same type of thing is just like well I've never intended to be a gospel singer but I'm thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to be able to do it go through the open doors and however long he has me here I'm you know I'm happy to be here and I'm happy to be singing and I love doing it and I'll do it until I like he says I need you to go do something else so peaceful in it is I love it so this has been awesome I appreciate I hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as I have but now this is time for my most favorite song the time for the calzone you know you have a certain about zone you have a certain unspecified amount of time to answer the question go to the next question here we go how many satellites have been destroyed by meteors all the time how long does it take for a slob to digest its food all day which animals the smartest on the planet time how many newborns will be given to the wrong parents per day time and in 1996 Webster's dictionary had how many misspelled words I can't good thing you're not Webster no on my spellcheck on my phone see that even happen it's time it comes up no I mean nothing even close like hey stupid but no recommendation no Raymond a that's what it's a can you say okay do you even remember the question here we go no I'm gonna give you a chance to actually answer now okay how many satellites have been destroyed by meteors you said all of them I want to say that's probably not correct I would have to but according to the internet right the next one how long does it take for a slaw to digest its food two weeks you actually said all day but did you looked at my notes and now you've answered three weeks two weeks is the correct answer not all day but two weeks that's amazing which animals the smartest on the planet I didn't even give you time to answer so would you like is it a dolphin yeah porpoise really yep yeah I look for the only thing I could make out was popsicles I do that way does that look like hopsicle I don't know my handwriting isn't the best but I mean come with me anyways alright how many newborns will be given to the wrong parents per day - that's incorrect good try though it cheating wrong side I flipped it on you the numbers 12 I'm finally 12 newborns a day will be given to the wrong parents and in 1996 Webster's dictionary had how many misspelled words and you said I can't spell cat so I'm impressed you remembered my interest that mean because you have a guess the actual answer is 315 315 words in the Webster's dictionary 1996 were misspelled can you believe that now because I would have never known if I read all colleges just went okay key question thank you so much man everything good I finally got to do this I know couch couch thing zone zone whoo I'm scared tell them where they can find all the information they want to know about the booth brothers booth brothers dot-com if you go there you know more than my schedule than I know people are you going out on it and their own Facebook and I'm sure Twitter and though you guys can catch up with them there thank you so much for watching on the couch with couch like I said earlier you never know what's gonna happen when you watch an interview of on the couch with valchek be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel follow us on social media you can appreciate it actually it's probably somewhere like there so subscribe thank you all so much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 43,086
Rating: 4.8844442 out of 5
Keywords: booth brothers, gaither gospel, bill gaither, gospel music, music, southern gospel, michael booth, matt fouch, fouch, couch, on the couch with fouch, ronnie booth, interview, favorite gospel artist interviews, southern gospel music, christian music, best christian southern gospel music, couch with fouch, fouch couch, gospel music (musical genre), southern gospel (musical genre), southern gospel 2018, southern gospel interviews, best christian trios
Id: sSdIi-nMQWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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