DANIEL RILEY of Gold City Quartet - On the Couch With Fouch - Interview With Gospel Artists

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[Music] hey guys welcome to on the couch with pouch I'm the host Matt pouch and if you guys would do me a huge favor go to Matt pouch calm if you've enjoyed these interviews go ahead and put your email address in there so that you'll get the emails every month when I release a brand new interview but today I have the great opportunity of interviewing Daniel Riley Daniel thanks so much for joining me man a lot of people call you Danny and I called you Daniel just there so which do you prefer I'm Danny okay Danny that's sorry I'm not I'm interviewing Danny Riley today yeah I mean is it you know I don't mind Daniel but I go by Betty okay well this is Danny and Danny is the lead singer for gold City right or do you dare some now so okay so a lot of the questions that came in when I put out there that I was going to be interviewing you was about you know kind of about the history of gold City and where it came from why is it called gold City and and then obviously questions not your dad sure yeah so alright go ahead and just start with where the name came from kind of some of the guys that have been in the group over the years just for those that maybe don't know the history Sheriff well gold City started in 1980 gentleman named Floyd Beck started the group he didn't sing he was a wealthy man and loved to gospel music and everybody that is saying back then knew Floyd but he wanted to put a group together so he did he was in Dahlonega Georgia and that's known as the gold city and a lot of people think the name is about heaven and that kind of thing but but there was a gold rush there and it was known as the gold City still is so that's where the gold City quartet came through so Dahlonega is nicknamed as a city is the gold so gold City so there was a gold City quartet and you know over the first few years you know they spent a lot of time getting stuff and you know it that you can look at the history it's been a blessed thing but long about 1981 you know Ivan came and Brian came and that's you know that's where they really started building momentum right 1984 Floyd back passed away and those guys you know point to carry the group home my dad relocated to his home our home Gaston Alabama and so that's that's where were based out of now but you know the years with Ivan and Brian Jerry Ricci in those early days and then then am i off ever came and that was a you know that's where everything started rolling right and of course then Steve Lacey replaced my life ever and that group was was incredible and then after that of course when those guys moved on and started their own thing you had mark Trammell and J Perry and Jonathan will burn and that was you know that was a big deal yeah but a lot of people when they when they hear the name gold City quartet excuse me they think about either one of those two who either that time in the 80s are talking about with Ivan and Brian and Mike or they think about like me when I hear gold City I think about the 90s right with Mark Mario Jay and Jonathan and so that that's just very interesting to think that I mean I mean it's kind of like the cathedrals in a way where when you say the cathedrals or the Cathedral quartet people either think of you have your you know a certain era and that's really neat that your guys's group has eras of good great well great singing and so that's really neat to have that kind of a history and continuing that today absolutely and it's it's an honor so privileged to be able to carry it on but it's also a lot of pressure right little yeah there's a huge heritage legacy that you feel pressured to keep up you know but you know I we just do what we do and God blesses us and we we just continual was speaking of that legacy there was a lot of you guys that submitted questions about Tim Riley your dad oh yes and so bill I'm sorry Evelyn McDonald would like to know is your dad still a big part of what you guys do or has he kind of stepped back right now he you know he pretty much stepped back he is uh you know he did this for 52 years and he honestly he just wanted to he don't want the stress you know the dealing with the day-to-day things um he has a huge part of the group in terms of being encouraged or you know being a great source for me you know I mean I've got a great teacher right and so in that respect he's still a huge part of the group but you know he's hanging out these days he's not much he did what's he what's today kind of consist of now so you know it's gotta get an idea and 52 years of work traveling on the bus all time what did someone go home and do well here's the thing I you know I don't know if it's like this everywhere but you know when you get older and your attire apparently the thing to do among men is to gather at the local breakfast talk or drink coffee and talk about their ailments so so my dad you know several days a week he'll go these buddies down the place called Jack's it's like a you know it's kind of a Hardee's or something like that and they sit in there and drink coffee and gossip they talk about their ailments age now do you think he's sharing stories of stuff that's happened on the road over the years at all sure I'm sure I say that's probably his sugar stick that's the go-to other than he's been there could get into stories for that area but you know he's been there all his life these are guys that he grew up with and so you know they thought dad was in Vietnam he's a couple of guys that he was in Vietnam with you know and they they share stories but you know we live I lived across the street from him and so my kids are always going over there and you know it's just being a granddad and he's lost and doing all this stuff that he kind of you know a lot of he didn't get a lot of time to do right I said no absolutely you know he's got time with my kids you know I mean I had time with my dad but you know he did this all my life so I think it's awesome if they get to spend time so cool I'm sure he's enjoying every night grandparents died when I was really young so I just think it's Austin and my kids get to spend time with them and it's memories that they'll have oh absolutely time that's Lawson Donna wines would like to know what's the best and the hardest part about being on the road well you know I don't the best part about being on the road is from about 6 o'clock in the evening till 9:00 or 10:00 o'clock when we do what we do I tell people that we don't get paid to sing and we get paid to do everything you know we get paid the whole gear and set up sound anything and and all that kind of stuff do it but that fun part is that time when you're honest absolutely that's that's you know why we do what we do being on the road and being away from your family and all that kind of stuff you know that's the hard part yeah so there you go that's it John Kroy would like to know out of all the vocalists in gold city's history which is your favorite besides your dad you can't choose your dad so which one is going to be your favorite mm kind of put you on the spot day that's it so is you never know some of these guys might actually be watching this interview and or someone might be watching and next time they see anything let's say did you know that Danny said that you're not his favorite kind of service keep it real uh this is this is not intended in essence I so right here know you know I ran sound for gold city for about six years for I started singing so in that era I would have to say that this may surprise some of you but J was I always loved to sing and he was consistent he from not tonight you know all of them word that he was like he was dead on hold and all that time and you know me and J just you know hit I don't know we were just selling up yeah cool um I didn't get along with anybody but you know I mean here's the fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter in what career you no matter what you choose there are going to be people you work with that you get along better with someone else because it's just characteristically you and I may not get along characteristically we may be totally different people and may not want to sit down and chat you know outside of when we see each other just talk a little bit have anything about liking you're not long right yeah I like you fine but we may not want to go fish with each other go to a game with each other did everybody may not match and that's next way that life is you find people that you just you like them they're good people you enjoy talking to them but you just care carat characteristically you just don't you don't mesh and there are other people that you mention well sure with absolutely and you find that on on buses too absolutely you get five six seven people on a bus you're going to find somebody it's not that you don't like each other but y'all you I guess the way to word it is you have similar interests with some people share and some people you can sit down and have a day-long conversation with them and others it's a struggle to yeah you know because you just don't we have in common music right and then outside of that you know everybody has different you may like fish and hunt and all that kind of stuff I don't like fishing and handle either you know I like I like going to the gym and playing basketball now someone I'm talking to a lot that likes to fish and hunt and don't like going to gym playing basketball would be like so how'd y'all set go tonight yeah it ain't no thing it's just just the way that it is that's um Linda Griggs would like to know and let me preface this question with any of you that follow gold City on Facebook know that they do this thing called gold City live that what you guys call we call it live with the city live with the city my brother always called us the city okay here's what you know that's kind of where that came from so they do this and one of the couple that I've actually been they you know been able to watch seems like Brian Elliott is kind of a I don't know the word to use so he gets a lot of anyways let me just ask the question how do you put up from Lynn Thank You Lynn how do you put up with Brian Elliott you know that you you just take this house wherever you pull out I mean it's a challenge you know there's a big age gap and you know I found that the older I get the it's harder to tolerate some things I love Brian he's been with us for six years and he's entertaining how do I put up with him I just do I mean what changes right now Brian Browns a lot of fun he's a strange little man strange little man y'all pick on him a lot and I actually interviewed Chris and and he he mentioned that y'all had I don't want to give it away so you want to be all have done some things to him that has made him very happy and I say that in a sarcastic way oh absolutely the funniest thing we did to edit a column is we ordered a roll of industrial plastic wrap and we returned him into sales finally we just we just stood in mind y'all do a video event as I chance you know what we did but it was darker and you kid that's a bummer we that's great you stand him up and then you just go he has no it's kind of modified or totally mean but this was hilarious give me your best ivan Parker and impression very impersonation you do have in Parker I'm putting you on the spot man then you are uh I can't do out oh you heard him sing all those years yeah and you sing a mean you have a comparable range to him I mean y'all singing the same thing this range is I'm going to totally blow it if I try to do that and you know I'm sorry I hate to let you down I don't even know where to start I feel wrecked on it but you practice it I stand for the couch zone since you're not going to give me the impersonation of Ivan I'm going to take you to the South Zone where you're going to have hopefully a good time but we'll see what ends up happening you have a certain unspecified amount of time to answer these questions if you don't get any answer in the amount of time I go to the next question name one word that rhymes with orange okay okay does not rhyme with more soil no next okay can you lick your elbow yes time how many dimples are on a golf ball time are there are there more cars in Southern California or cows in India time and how many millionaires are in the US uh 500 okay okay so name one word that rhymes with orange I have no idea I'm there isn't a word that okay there you go good job thank you i won trick question can you lick your elbow you said yes so I'm gonna see you do it let me go back and say no you can't get there yeah how many dimples are on the golf ball and I times you but you actually were saying 300 and you were close it's 336 well guess are there more cars in Southern California or cows in India and you didn't get that I didn't get it but I would have to say cows in India there are more cars in southern rail earlier than our account because of India don't they lauter get the surgery thing you're going on then come back is yeah I'm weird like that little and the last one was how many millionaires are in the US the answer was 400 I'm thinking we might have a few more than that would you like another try Oh 1200 there are approximately 2 million millionaires you're kidding oh I don't know I don't really live in that world so I don't know ok 2 million of them Wow we need to meet some of those I absolutely did any of them want something else from music I would say there's some there sure and and maybe they're watching so hey guys thanks so much for joining us for on the couch without Danny tell them where they can where they can watch live with the city and catch up with you guys schedule and all that well the central location is to go to Gold city to t.com and you can go to our famous you can search gold city on Facebook but you know you can get to everywhere from our website go to the QT and definitely watch live with the city yeah it alive whatever you know what there's no agenda yeah it's just some nights it's boring some nights it maybe goes a little over the edge it's like a train wreck yes is there this can't stop watching sometimes I do thanks for joining me man I appreciate it god bless you and thank you all so much for watching and go to mat.com get to emails that you know every month when a new interview with your favorite southern gospel artist releases thanks you [Music]
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 6,043
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: southern gospel, southern gospel music, nqc, national quartet convention, singing news, gold city, quartet, legacy five, matt fouch, fouch, couch, on the couch with fouch, daniel riley, best southern gospel 2018, christian quartet, christian quartet music, couch with fouch, fouch couch, gospel music (musical genre), music couch, southern gospel (musical genre), southern gospel interviews, the best southern gospel, the best southern gospel music, christian music
Id: 0UYUnWLJaio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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