Pat Barker Bass Singer Interview - On the Couch With Fouch | Christian Music | Southern Gospel

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hey guys Matt foutch legacy 5 here just want to tell you about our brand new CD it is March the twenty-something and tonight is the first night that we have our new CD entitled great day and we are excited about the release of this new album we hope that you'll pick it up on the wall at it so let's call video bomb we hope that you'll pick it up the next concert whenever you come and see us or you can get it right now at legacy so if you'll get your copy and then you can order a second copy and you can get two for 30 or you can get a third copy you know however many friends or family members you have that you would like to gift this brand-new CD a great day you can you know you can just keep Christmas gifts great you know any time of year and I'm sure will work you some kind of wonderful deal and will even send you a box and you can put them right into the box so hey thanks for listening and get the news to be a great day hey guys thank you for joining us today this is on the couch without to have Pat Barker with me thank you for joining me today so my pleasure bill bill do oh gosh here we go it has started already I'm a little concerned as to what's going to happen for this episode my name is Matt mouch I knew that and so bill I know where the dollar bill is but all right well maybe even the wrong information maybe we'll reference him a few times here during the episode who knows that was embarrassing we'll see what happens but we are at praise fest here in Branson Missouri and we've been having a wonderful time mark Trammell quartet has joined us this morning actually it's about 9:30 10 o'clock right now yeah and it's been a good morning so thanks for being here no I'm not look forward to hearing you guys sing today you're not gonna be in there I'll be in better thanks I've skipped before I'm just being honest but I will be in there today just for you all right so let's get to the questions here yes first off before we get to any of the social media questions I just want you to give everybody a rundown of how you got into singing where you kind of started and the group's you've been with just give everybody your history there no problem Ralph I I grew up in church classic grew up in charge daddy was a choir director and I actually started playing piano I was not a I started as a singer so I took piano lessons for years and eventually got into the singing I didn't get into gospel music to my teenage years daddy loved it but momma not a fan so she raised me on more secular stuff they tried to push me into the quartet stuff so we went to see the Masters five when I was 13 or 14 years old and man I was singing tenor man you guys thinking real high then but I heard JD and it just blew me away it was amazing the stuff you do so now I just fell in love with a singers and I daddy gave me a the cathedrals acapella project the first one they did with Kirk and he knew that I'd love that classical type sound and boy I was good after that cathedrals like about project I bought everything they did I went to see everybody I could go see and just started to find my favorites you know and so that's really how I got started the cathedrals masters five a lot of that old quartet music and Eddie raised me on and I still loved all the other stuff but that's kind of what I attached my vocal training to I just tried to kind of train in that direction and so here I am I can't do anything else honestly the only reason I sing so now is your mother and fan I've got some music now no she but she is she a fan of you know no way was spoken in years sorry dear that also funny you're a jerk Bob Bob bill Ralph let's see how many hey you know what we're gonna do an official count here see how many names you can give for me during the whole episode about three already so we'll see where we go so what groups have you sang with up until and leading up to the group year with now the first group by saying we was out of high school hearts desires when we sang for couple years and then when I got saved I joined a group out of the church they were a trio I've ruined two really good trios they were trio as MIT come sing with them and we were just right out of the church and just sang around town you know and took the live offering and went to the I thought that was kind of we did that for a couple years the first traveling group I say with was the diplomats I I did not know you think I did I know that's been 14 years ago and a live band and it was great and traveling them for a couple years I took some years off and started family and was a worship leader at a church back home that joined the Dixie it goes seven years ago that was the first group I ever traveled full-time I was with him about three years and I've been with mark up for 40 years oh what a nice history there huh you're welcome America so Ryan Biederman wants to know what career path you would be on if you are not singing oh I had an under job before start singing so don't give me all of them I want I would probably be a toss-up between a yoga instructor and a hairstylist I could see you doing both of those I might do at the same time that would be interesting so there you are Ryan hope you enjoyed the answer there little insight hello Yoga will definitely have some more insight coming up so tell us about your family uh been married 12 years my wife's name is Keisha that she is smoking hot I've got three kids and he is eight breelan is five and that's the personality-wise do they take after you or your wife me it's not good to say that'd be a crazy household it's not good so that's one more so the big news around the industry lately or the people we sing with has been about your weight loss a lot of people realize I've heard people asking you at concerts it's like hey I've noticed you've lost weight I have and so he pounds 50 pounds so tell us what you've done to lose the weight how you're keeping it off I started smoking a lot of people say don't do that but that's that didn't make sense I was like thirty pounds in a couple of weeks and shaved off three to four years of my life so smoking yoga love yoga and yogurt I didn't know there was a difference and somebody told me you know both so I did that's really it I would not recommend that path to kind of lose weight but that I have never smoked a day in my life I keep again no I did a thing called HCG you do shots low calories Atkins I did all that kind of stuff and I lost 50 pounds between May and October and I'm just trying to keep it up while you're looking great thanks you're welcome ma'am do you know what you just like I've said before you just never know what to expect in an on the couch with bow episode you know for example last time had joined us on an episode he was uninvited and and that was actually Nick Trammell trying to pay him back for interview I did with Nick long shot and he had actually was uninvited on to the video and he threw a water bottle in Lincoln's head and I actually saved his life so you can check that out in the on the couch with couch with Nick Trammell it's here on the YouTube channel but back to the interview brother Pat got some questions for you with about your musical career here we go Linda Carol thank you for submitting your question Linda she would like to know if you were to put together your dream quartet who would be in it and the people can be living or Pat's okay okay that's easy George on sings the bass I've got West Hampton singing tenor I've got his name has lit me up Smitty Gatlin singing leaves many gallon of the Oakridge the old oak ridge and Matt found Alberto God knows he came same does speak I have Glenn all written on baritone speaking of Glenn already so there you go there's your dream quartet but speaking of both of us are nominating the top tens for the singing newest band awards for bass singer of the year so one of us will get in the top five but thank you on behalf of both of us for your vote and that would appreciate your so doesn't make it god bless you okay next question Randall Han would like to know how fun is it to seeing your Wolcott talks current is that your current saying it is it is the current single so I love that song that's a blast I was there when Rodney kind of sang through it on the cruise when him and Bambi wrote it and man the first time I heard it I thought that's it that's a winner and it took a couple of years before we could actually get to record it but that's a blast too saying it kind of takes you back to Kenny could he woody and some of that kind of stuff and we don't do anything like that so it's different and his catchy and people love it I love this it's a winner so tell tell everybody about the support since we're talking about that tell everybody about the new album you know that one's called your wall talks it's been out a month who was nominated for album of the year and it's it features me a lot that's a positive and it does not feature that much which is also positive he wrote two songs on it other than that the picture looks a great eye I'm looking good did you get your makeup done good that day over yes I do it myself I'm also a Mary Kay consultant well people know that who are they the ones that did the pink car yep I don't have any got a pink Cadillac no no not you hey you keep trying you're gonna make it one day ah thank you you're welcome what's that that's a rerun of the first one right yeah seriously so still just three um let's see here next question Dan Plemons thank you for the question Dan what was it like singing how big is God in front of Big John Hall movie that was amazing I don't talk to John a couple weeks before to do an article on him in the singing news and I sniff he'd be at the concert and he said he would come and he did he showed up I couldn't believe it and Mark called how big is God we don't do it that much since legacy 5 recorded it but anyway so we sang it that night with a new track we didn't use an old friends for track we used a new one that we do ourselves and it turned out beautifully yeah but how'd you enjoy singing that pleasure hey Rodney were rough middle - Rodney Griffin folks hey Roger good to see you bro we'd like to we're doing on the couch oh wow how strong it is yeah go in there he doesn't want to say hello yeah all right we're gonna pause here for Rodney to pass yeah Thank You Rodney there's one right down the hall to the left great but no John Pullum Thanks yeah he is a beast he's he's a machine there's never any five years old Aiken still I haven't heard about recently done but that was amazing Lauren Allen has the next question and she would like to know how long have you been teaching at the Steve Hurst School of Music for years and once do you teach there uh I do personal lessons and then I'll do some class blessings on you know try to teach you how to look and act and all that while you're performing so you don't you know look like a good up there on stage teaching people how to act yes and look I've not been to the school before no you want to do that angel listen I definitely would skip that class ah well you know I would probably come just for the lot more charity so Andy Swope has the next question lovingly your question hey the winner he said ask him what song he has sung that means the most to you person he stopped loving her today all right whoo kidding you don't tear up right here on the interview today I'm gonna need it so in reality which is this song just let me let me just say this video is gonna be twice as long as all the others because I have to ask the question twice together actual real answer round and if you can't tell there's a lot of sarcasm we're gonna get a lot of hits on this so uh hope you can filter through all the sarcasm and get to the reality let us go with adults I don't sing it on stage but he looked beyond my balls every time I sing that song it's a winner when I hear it I mean it's just that's just one of those songs gets me every time and we don't say he'll state we've never recorded as a great song but I love you look beyond my fault I'm so mighty that's not good and just to go with something serious here if by chance you're watching and you don't have a personal relationship with Christ that song right there just speaks to the fact that no matter where you've been no matter what you've done no matter your faults your need is still a savior and he is willing to give you he's offering you the free gift of salvation if you'll just receive it that's your need and he'll look past your false and give that to you so you know reach out to him today and he you know he'll do something great for you and in your life so thanks for bringing that up because you know I've never mentioned that before usually the videos are always you know like hearted and fun but in reality if there is someone watching that needs that message that song is a great way to second later that so ask him today he can be your savior if he can say Fred anymore alright so actually now we're gonna go to some fun questions Oh Steve Dover ah he's fun he wants to know or actually he just mentioned something about a video of you jamming to the Kingsmen at a traffic light several years ago he said that I actually reached out to him to get the video and he said that was before cell phones and everything so that was not on video but would you like to give us an example I know what he's talking about I'm not gonna jam here is I'm not appropriate I was on my way to a Kingsman concert and got pulled over for speeding from the dogs for police department I was going 90 in a 35 hello you were kind of late and this was when the Kings wouldn't work you know live band and he was still there Jim everybody it was just rocking and I got pulled over and the guy said you know her I said yeah actually I'm going to a Kingsman concert and he said is it worth $120 I said hey mister Kingsman and he let me know why were you driving a Bonneville the size of this brave general so your body is in pain that's awesome pity I'm sorry Betty Joe Russell ah Benny he wants you to share the story about Aunt Mary's quilt you know and I and I have no idea where this is going I don't know anything about this meaning it I hope it's appropriate let me just preface Benny and Joe Russell from Tuscaloosa all time and I stayed over their house one night and I was cold and I took a quilt from the quality of oil and it ended up being Aunt Mary's quilt who had passed away and let that quilt for them to have not for me to roll around gamely keepsake I ruined Aunt Mary's wood I just never loved me little bit them that was 20 years ago Wow amazing so you actually did just mentioned roll tide roll time and there were several comments that are questions that we got on on Facebook that were talking about olden basic I guess college football probably I guess you would say is the biggest problem yes they go around so campus your team is Alabama rolled up and the team you dislike the most is do I paint oh you don't have to okay so why do you dislike all burn so much cuz they're the devil I was born your when you're from Alabama when you're born to hate two things a sin and and kind of the same but they will go to heaven now don't get me wrong they will go to heaven because they never reach the age of accountability I personally can't speak to that type of a hatred for another I came for another team or another college but I do know it exists so thank all thank you to all you people that suggest that we talk about that role time hope that your team you know they lost this year but you know they didn't win the national championship but maybe next year we've got fifteen got a few more than most people yeah all right Aaron Swain thank you for contributing a question he wants to know what's wrong with you you know Ron I just love to be honest I just have a good time you know what I'm saying like honey yeah and so I just I tell it like it is I have a good time I enjoy mine so we all can tell Terry Schneider wants to know did Bob Barker being your uncle disqualify you from the prices right yes all right next question Traci Crouch former basically echoes before you joined that's right he wants to know and you actually mentioned earlier about singing for the Dixie it goes for three years three years but Traci would like to know why did you burn down the Dixie echoes bust your first weekend with them first name first day there before we even left the bus burn them messengers what a welcoming I'm telling you the first night with mark we got snowed out and the first day with the Dixie echoes of us Burnett were you there I was and I didn't like that can you just describe it burned from the inside okay so all the soups everything in the bus no no is everything run hard in the yard and insurance was due and we took care later okay so Daniel Mount actually submitted a question he said I'm not actually going to ask the question he submitted but he was just talking about us singing in a bass quartet at Inc you see in 2013 so I'm not gonna ask you a question I just want you to describe your feelings that night on stage when you had to sing dinner and go I was scared to death I was absolutely I've never been more scared in my life and that's the legitimate military word that is too legit to quit I was here to death I've never tried anything like that it was in case you haven't seen it it was myself Pat Eric minute and Jeff Chapman all together we're all Basinger x' and we were Gerald caught us up on stage and put us into a quartet so we all sang different parts and and I got the tenor let me just say my feelings from that was want me to say like this I was glad that everyone was focused on you see contender because I I really didn't know what I was doing yeah I'm sure it's obvious in the video I didn't but let me now Lord opus tambien I forgot to come in fairly stable so Gerald is a genius he saved everything and it was funny and everybody laughed and the things got like 26,000 really views I hadn't seen in a while so the punk utopia generally son posted it on YouTube Thank You Man talk about that was creepy and this night board that Fausto all right here we go you ready for the question I'm so pumped I'm sure you've seen this before so I'm just going to get right into it so you know what to expect sweet or unsweet tea shaken pie bacon crispy or chewy time scuba diver or astronaut takes a one day to the other that has nothing to do with the question it does if you choke a smurf what color will turn eight what state is also the name of confusion state of confusion what is an aglet it is someone who make on agriculture and what's the difference if I make an oak and cranky I go to McCraney for breakfast I go to my notes for dinner what what's the special Church how does that even makes noise I learned some sorry thanks for joining us today and you know what else is there to say this is chicken bank at Barker nothing else thanks see you you're in the past you
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 14,496
Rating: 4.8080001 out of 5
Keywords: pat barker, matt fouch, on the couch with fouch, fouch, bass singer, bass, legacy five, trammell, mark trammell, music, bass singing, Southern Gospel (Musical Genre), Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Christian Music (Musical Genre), artist interview, southern gospel quartet, bass singers, Mark Trammell (Musical Artist), mark trammell quartet, fouch couch, bass christian singer, southern gospel artists, christian artists interviews, interviews
Id: mKo-gA3MCBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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