Roger Bennett Healing Testimony

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Roger had joined Lynne and I wanna Roger was 20 years old so Rogers been here 17 years know pretty soon bak Hey 18 years and the young man actually grew up with Ben and I and he did and he's like one of our own all these young men are like our own we're so proud of them and I mean that most of you heard about Rogers situation this past year or so and senses it even with the cathedrals I I just want Roger to share his testimony you let you know where he is at this time in his life Roger I'll be glad to George's that's a great joy to be here we've said it so many times tonight but you know what truthfully if we were asked by somebody to judge our top five places to sing prestonwood and Alice in this area would have to be in the top two if it if it wasn't for strawberry you might be number one you know I've learned a lot of great things in my life but I'm thankful for one thing I learned I learned that the Holy Spirit is portable you can take the Holy Spirit with you are you confused by your attitude to leave them at home and I'm glad that we've got a bunch of people here tonight in Dallas that brought the Holy Spirit with them it's like church service in here tonight amen praise God I was looking out over this crowd so many different kinds of people no two people look alike no two people raised alike or believe it like or think alike but we have a few things in common I was thinking about that as I watched you tonight some of us we all will share a few of the same things I was thinking you can go as far back as grade school where these kids are I remember when I was in grade school everybody in our class shared one common phrase you would hear this phrase every six weeks and it struck terror in our hearts your report cards are coming out tomorrow I dreaded hearing that word I was thinking too you know if you find somebody that you love and you want to spend the rest of your life with them and get married you will eventually we will all hear the phrase from the pastor or justice of the peace I now pronounce you man and wife if you drive like I drive you will one day hear the words license and registration please if you work for the Cathedral quartet one day you will hear the phrase anybody seen my teeth yeah here here Glenn give it to me I'll show up do it but for some reason humans I don't know why we're like this but you're probably the same why way I am humans doesn't ever think that you will hear the words you got cancer cancer is always something that happens to other people right most of you know that I found out in August of 95 the first Monday afternoon in August that we are all other people the lumps that I found on my neck is just a couple of months earlier were diagnosed to be leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukemia the doctor said Roger I can't cure it I'll give you a 60% chance of living ten years after 10 years no guarantees I felt like my world stopped at that moment I'll never forget that day if I live to be 100 I I had everything in my life that I'd ever dreamed of I had dreamed some pretty big dreams for a kid I can remember all the dreams that I dreamed up until that point really every one of them had come true for me and I'm not talking about the things that the world puts a lot of value on like cars and lands and houses and stuff like that I've been blessed but that's not what my dreams were I dreamed about having a wife that I could live the rest of my life with and just have a beautiful godly relationship you know what God said yes I've been married to my dream girl for 15 years last December I've that's all right it's it's a shame it's a shame that that's rare anymore but it's becoming increasingly rare you stay together but I have been married to my dream girl that long I've got two beautiful children I ask God to give me a family and I've got two beautiful children that the Sun rises and sets in from me I'm an idiot father and make no bones about it I've got the perfect job here's the dream I dream when I was a kid growing up in a town of 265 people salud never even had a gospel concert I had the audacity to ask God to let me make my living playing with the gospel quartet let that be my full-time ministry you know what that wasn't too big for God he said sure and then he gave me a bonus as only God can do he let me do it with my favorite group the cathedrals I have being on the road being on the road with these guys is truly like being on the road with your brothers and your grandparents it's a great it's a you you get back over there in a celebratin you just shut up and testify and into that perfect world can cancer I've had all the negatives that you associate with cancer I've had chemotherapy I've had all the bone marrow harvesting and the bone marrow tests and all the pain all the stuff that you associate with that being negative folks even with all that I have to stand in front of you and tell you that this has been the best season of my life this has been the most wonderful blessed time of my life and I know you may be sitting out there thinking Roger how can you get on stage in front of all of us and say that your life has been greater since you got cancer I don't understand it but the thing is I have experienced the grace of God in a way that I truly being a Christian on my life though I didn't know existed the grace of God like it's been poured over me I honestly feel like it's just been poured over my head like an ointment I found grace and strength that I didn't possess before and God has somehow turned this darkest Valley into the most blessed time I wouldn't trade it if they said Roger will take away the cancer but you got to give up your walk with Jesus that you've gained I keep the cancer praise God for that amen praise God the cancer the cancer was in my bones I was 11% cancerous on the day that I was diagnosed eight weeks I was 45% cancerous and I remember thinking that day I'm not going to beat this this is it for me I went back home from a lot more prayer and just resting in God and it was time just rolled around so quick it was time for another test and I really dreaded this one because I knew I was at least going to be 45 percent maybe more I didn't want to go but I went down to Houston MD Anderson and I took my test I went home and waited for the results and try to get this mental picture in your mind if you can it was a Thursday morning about seven o'clock in the morning I'm in the shower I take a shower every Thursday morning at seven o'clock just a few short days ago now boys you don't have to tell us you know before before I had even got out of the shower I hadn't even pushed the shower curtain back yet and Debbie my wife is in the bathroom she said Roger you just had a phone call I wish you could have taken but I've got a message to give you yes well what what's going on she said dr. Keating that's my cancer doctor in Houston dr. Keating just called and said the results came back from your tests and I just automatically had drew up I was dreading to hear this she said according to their latest test they say instead of 45% cancer in your bones as of this morning at 6 o'clock you got 0% cancer in your bones praise God yes let's see that again how's that day today I just I'd be honest with you I just did a dance of joy before God right then that's hard for me to do for a couple of reasons folks first of all I'm a Southern Baptist you can get kicked out for that and secondly like I told you I'm in the shower I told Debbie I said I can see the singing news headlines now Roger Bennett healed of cancer fool breaks neck and shower can you imagine how embarrassed you'd have to be to stand before God and say God I appreciate the miracle in my life but I kind of broke my neck in the shower I'm sure but you know what I never want to leave the stage but what I don't talk to you people in a crowd this size there's got to be somebody here with cancer there's got to be somebody here who's facing an uncertain future and you're sitting out there thinking Roger I'm really I'm really glad for you but what about me I've been given three months to live where's God now or I was given a year a year to live 14 months ago I'm on borrowed time tonight where's God for me well folks don't misunderstand I'm not up here celebrating and dancing and acting ignorant because God just decided to touch me I appreciate that but the thing that I am so excited about tonight and it will change me for the rest of my life and the reason I have joy my heart is I found out that God is God in the valley just as much as he's got on the mouth praise God
Channel: BnCSGMusic
Views: 49,141
Rating: 4.9247651 out of 5
Keywords: Roger, Bennett, Healing, Testimony, George, Younce, southern, Gospel, Spiritual, Religious, Christian, Legacy, five, signature, Sound, Ernie, Haase, Cathedrals, Cathedral, Quartet, scott, fowler, bill, Gaither
Id: nCdZZoHANx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 25 2009
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