Dad, Mike, Missy and the rest of the family are on MONDAYS WITH MARK

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yeah hey everybody Mondays with market so more a happy Monday to you a happy Monday to you may you feel Jesus near every day of the year but a happy Monday to you hi everybody I'm in Lynchburg Virginia which is really I'm in Forrest Virginia oh look we're live [Music] hi everybody hey um y'all come on in everybody we're in Lynchburg Virginia good night Colleen came with me I got a wild hair to come to Lynchburg and see my family especially since his father's day I hope all the father's watching had a wonderful wonderful Father's Day and any time to view post oh I don't want to be the first time anyway I'm y'all my brand-new Apple MacBook Pro which I had set up I recorded earlier today my brother and I remember I made that little video telling you what we're gonna do tonight well look at my brand new MacBook Pro Apple sent to me and look what it's doing does anybody know why it's doing that it's fried so anyway but we had a good time driving up I love to drive and listen to podcasts and books on tape and we had such a good time and I want to remind everybody to make sure height turn all that down remind everybody that we're going on a cruise in March the mark Lowry Spring Fling cruise please go to mark Lowry cruise calm and get all the information the ball brothers will be with me the Martins of course will be on the cruise I love them a lot of these groups that traveled with me in the past now the ball brothers I've never met before until I met them on Mondays with mark so we've not met in person yet but they are fun funny guys you need to follow them on Facebook and of course you know the Martins Stan wittmeyer we'll be on there my pastor Brett Jones is coming and so go to mark Lowry Cruz comm as soon as this programs over and book your cabin we're gonna have a fun fun time it's going to be the cruise of a lifetime and let's see what else I want to tell you oh we got to hear from our foreign correspondent miss Tori TAS hi Tori hey everybody this is Tori tap your special correspondent on the swing here in Bell Buckle Tennessee well there were big doings in the buckle this weekend it was the 24th annual moon pie RC Cola festival that's one of our biggest festivals that we have here all year about 20,000 people come into town the festivities start with a 10-mile run why anybody thinks it's a good idea to run ten miles in Tennessee in June and a thousand percent humidity I don't know but that's how they kick it off I like to sit here on the porch and drink coffee and wave that the poor sucker says they run by and because this is Bell Buckle we have professional cheerleaders who kind of line up and wave them onto victory it's fun so next up is the big parade now as a former Moon Pie Queen myself and mark who is the 2017 RC Cola king last year we can attest that the parade is just about the most fun part because how often you get to ride in a convertible do the rodeo Queen wave and throw moon pies have people come on this year I had a special stake in it because I had something to do with a tearoom look we worked on it for days and it was so beautiful however because it was about a thousand degrees outside as I mentioned before our characters the Mad Hatter and Alice's makeup started running out their face but they didn't let that get in their way and it was a great parade the rest of the day is filled with all kinds of fun things to do there's vendors spread out all over town they have food vendors and like the oh you know those little buckets of mini doughnuts and those roasted ears of corn I love those things and then there's little shops set up and all kinds of crafts and things available there's games that go on - we have races where you run a race with RC Cola can on your head and there's cloggers and there's entertainment and there's the biggest deal is the arrival of the world's largest moon pie it comes under guard and is delivered on stage after the coronation of the king and queen now even if you don't like moon pies you'd like this one because it's fresh baked and Chattanooga the factory and it is the most delicious freshest one you'll ever taste this year it was salted caramel and it was fabulous next year it's gonna be the big 25th annual festival so mark your calendars a third weekend in June and Bell Buckle Tennessee we'd love to see you here because everybody needs a little Bell Buckle and a big fat moon pie in their life yes I was the Moon Pie king at the Bell Buckle I wasn't King did you no no this is Natasha Coley Lowry my brother's wife who I've always said and people have quoted me around the world on this she is the best thing that ever happened to our family she brought same blood into the family tree and we're grateful of course she's married to my brother right here my mr. perfect this is my perfect older brother and my perfect sister back here Melissa and my father Charles Gilman Lowery who you'll hear from in a minute and over here can you see your Katelyn that's my sweet Katelyn Missy daughter she was telling us all kinds of stuff about Missy today see that's the thing here's the thing what I love what I learned today is we you know Missy always wanted a child wonder what she got one and Caitlin is a lie detector and Caitlin will cut those eyes she's a little lie detector okay we're gonna start off with etosha inmate singing a song I asked her what's an old hymn you love and she brought this one up and I had thought of it and that harmonies easy I don't need to Bill Gaither to teach it to me so let's go mine I have found a friend in Jesus he's everything to me he's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul lily of the valley in him alone I see all I need you cleansing make me for the whole saw no he's my company trouble he's my stay he tells me every Karen in Genovia he lovingly up valley the bright and Morning Star he's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul make it the doctor you will never never leave nor yet forsaken while I live my faith in Jew [Applause] [Music] [Music] liliom valley the bright Morning Star he's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul he's the lily of the valley the bright morning star family do you know this is the first time we've ever sang together ever I mean you saying mama yeah in her trio that once he had that Beverly Lowry was you and Mel Mel right more thought she got married about 40 years ago and and so that was in your sang with her on the old time gospel honor but we never have sung together till right now that you married my brother 2036 years ago today yep was their anniversary y'all if you scroll up nor down the Facebook page you'll see I posted a video that my brother made for her the anniversary and you've done him you got him four kids yeah I gave him a compliment I'm a wonderful talented man great marriage what do you think is secret to a great marriage is not taking yourself too seriously always being right her always being right okay and I always think to myself I'm very lucky I've got a man who knows every negative thing about me he loves me dearly Oh what could be negative about you there's there's plenty nobody watches this name one day no I can't think what could possibly be wrong with you my children won't tell me I talked in detail too much okay I made Missy come up here this is my sister Melissa I want you to meet her I prayed for her nine when I was nine years old I told mama if you will get me a baby sister I will be good did you hear this I know she said she said one time she said mark you said if I got you a baby sister you'd be good and I said well I lied what are you gonna do take her back by that time we'd fallen in love with you and um now you have Caitlyn over here my sister all this child right here was born with a smile on her face like I've never seen another baby in my life smile all the time and um so what do you want to it but Oh sumo we've got some questions right y'all many of you set your questions I got them here I didn't forget them this time and there was one I saw because there's so many long y'all look at these where's the first one I want to say uh for Mike and Missy oh wait oh yes for Danny for Mike and Missy did you ever think mark would be a sixth successfully see the Jenna thing mark would be the sexy guy here now this Pam Evans thank you for that Pam but I'm not that sexy or successful I dad she wants to know how did you and mama deal with marks behavior how did you do it yeah no just pulling on it come on up here yeah how did she wants to know how you dealt with my behavior just about really he could ever see let's see what other questions we have Priscilla bacon Thompson wants to know Mike being the oldest did you have much jealousy when your when your little brother Mark came along you can hit that hey listen when you came home from the hospital with your mother after five days after birth we brought you in and put you in a elevated little baby carriage and Mike came in and stood on a little wood box reached in to get you I said no Mike you cannot pick him up he was aren't you glad they didn't take me Lynn Nathan wants to know dad do you still think the mark as a church brat well marks the one that said that yeah that's right yeah they didn't have the ADHD back then today I don't think so okay Judy Oakley we want it what is the website daddy of your father's books daddy you know daddy told Mike and me and I presume you too right because she came along nine years later so I didn't really grow up with her but I grew up with him and he would tell us bedtime stories do you have this go look at this this is every night this would peek around the doorpost and come floating into the darkness right daddy Ron and he would tell us here stories at nine o'clock I would reach in turn the light off mark would say um work was five and mike was seven and mark we say Mike that's daddy that's baby this thing I had to make sure can you can't hear my father can y'all hear us out there some people person they can't hear us I don't know see what you got to do is back out and come back on sometimes but I think we're loud enough yeah I hope so okay let me find some more questions Mickey rice wants to know tell your hotel your father happy Father's Day so we have done that Valerie Wagner I love these I know Valerie and their husband and the kids the Wagner kids they want to ask was it daddy on the phone now do you know what she means in the phone range she go hello idea I got it right up here hey y'all it's bedtime stories by see I've got it right here on this friend okay let's see but we know and love your talent mark and we've heard Mike might plays the guitar and we love that does Melissa have any musical talent as well here you know actually not music I never ever you sing it do have you can you sing by radio yeah by radio along the road along with the radio yeah really yeah you really cannot sing I don't know can you carrion can you stand about this - okay yeah evidently no Missy has no musical talent but she never did why didn't you never did want to sing to you I was too shy really yeah you know you're not shy now no okay Janet laws questions for Mark's dead did you ever think that Mark was Brooke to be the wonderful man that he is that's I'm not done yet I could screw up any minute that's been real good so far y'all but if he could he could drop the ball at any time but I could drop the ball so I don't we don't want to say too much too soon but when I'm dead y'all can if I make it okay was Mark ever quiet growing up well I'm not see people think I'm loud all the time these are those quiet when I was asleep - John hear that I hope y'all come here let's see what they're saying just if y'all can hear just say we can hear so I can make sure you can hear mark I've loved you for years thank you large lawrence Reeves see everybody's comment and over here daddy - but they go by so fast we can't read them okay Janet angel this is for your sister mark what things does do you see in the two boys the old men two boys that are similar and most different was someone and different about me and mine well today y'all look more alike my head's big right hair and mike says what do you say you've got is he made if I may back because Mike was like he was a model no no he did modeling y'all there are pictures here overseers and other places around Houston and yeah he was a model and I had to follow that around yeah here comes the water headed brother anyway so it's good that he you know helped but when you're ugly from the get-go you got nothing to lose see I get to watch pretty people age I love that okay back to the questions Marilee car how were you able to keep a stroke a daddy how were you able to keep a straight face from Marc was misbehaving and and you were trying to discipline him did you ever almost laugh you don't remember telling me the story about Mark had braces and he bit the blankley like oh yeah but what about didn't you take him into the ring one time and tell ya one time one time he beat the bed instead of me one time he thought mama was wrong and so he beat the bed instead of me and told me to scream Charles you got a whiff more every day and I said what do you do as she told me and I didn't think it was serious enough to flip him so we walked upstairs I take my belt off now saying the mark I don't think you deserve a spanking for this so I'm gonna hit the bed real hard and when it hits you yell so we did that about four or five times and we came down as mother sometimes you got to go with the kid hey um so dad Judy for cotner Baum wants to know what what she says what makes you proudest of mark but what are you private what are you proudest of your kids what an honor I'd shake the fact that they've all accepted Jesus as their personal Savior an almost spent eternity in heaven with them the trait of the Lowery's is we all talk at the same time that's true and Susan Chandler once asked me Susan Chandler price and I'm going to ask all of y'all what is the greatest thing your dad ever taught you and you can answer for your dad the great what I was telling them cuz I was thinking about that yeah he finally got one what a smart flower and does he know how to text no no anyway cuz I know they were good he said what is the greatest thing your dad ever taught you I don't respect my mom what an injury elderly people you know love them yes good I'd say one of the greatest things he ever taught me that I tell myself all the time is take it a tick at a time you're not responsible for the last second or the next moment you got can only live in the present and I think that is brilliant and I think Jesus taught that to you to live in the moment he always tells me it's gonna be okay oh yeah one way they are they yeah yeah don't stress it yes yeah okay well I told all of you the story about the grandfather clock meeting Masonic College there's been no I don't remember wait we gotta get in somebody else in this room at 666 666 people are watching right now I just go to 660 three we board three of them out of the run thank god they're gone now it's just 663 for my knees come over here Kaitlyn so they can see you what is the what is it like having mark as an uncle what a horrible question for me to answer stolen I'm great just normal really kind of boring Caitlyn do you have anything you'd like to say about your mother come on share something we need writings okay let's see what okay Lucille is Dylan mr. Lowry you're such a wonderful grandfather since both of your grandfather's died before you were born did they that's correct okay I didn't even know that were there men who acted as surrogate grandfathers for you when you were growing up I was the second of four boys my older brother had a job at 14 I'm 12 years old I have two younger brothers that are 10 and 9 and guess who got the mode the front of yard with a push lawnmower he's talking to these and I complain to my grandmother about it and she said why don't you run away okay later she brought a corn bored suitcase full of my clothes and isn't here so I said okay so I went outside and have tied it through the back luggage on my bicycle and okay I went to my friend's house and I said can I put this under your bed for a few days and that night at suppertime my mother said Charles do you have a suitcase she wanna bring home I'm glad you didn't run far wonder who'd have been my dad if you'd run what hey okay Colleen Colleen has been watching the comments because I can't watch the comments and run this thing so have there been anything sweet Wow let your sweet dad speak about a missing trace my son with Daddy we're gonna try to get it and get daddy closer to the microphone so no we Mike's gonna play Mike and I are gonna sing a song that he's not playing I'm gonna sing in just a minute Colleen's kind of helping me read all right daddy wait how did you meet mama well I was in the Merchant Marines for 17 months excuse me for 21 months and when I came home I was 19 years old and our church I went to a little country church Golf Drive Baptist Church in Houston Texas and we were so poor in that church we couldn't rent the way that BCAA on Valentine's Day but we got it on the 17th three days later and a friend down the road said he'd give me a blind date and it was a blind date I never saw her again but anyway oh really anyway when we go in I see this good-looking blonde playing the piano and next Sunday I asked a friend of mine Betty Jo Daniels who is that blonde headed girl playing the piano she's asked my best friend Barry Davis and she lived about a mile maybe a mile and a half further down the old gravel road we lived on Road which is now 34 Street in Houston and it just so happened about a week later they were both walking about a quarter of a block from my house and Betty Jo who had never been there before Oh so looking back I realized I was Sara they were checking you out yeah but then they invited us for a party at 7 o'clock the next night we went there a friend of mine in college went with min we walked in and her 12 year old brother I said where's the party he's a jury Oh yep so we took a two girls to the movie and that's how it started but two years later we were married August the 22nd 1953 but before I got married and my dad said Charles I'm gonna give you some advice okay he said will you get married your wife will wait and watch for you to make your first mistake and she'll remind you about it the rest of your marriage and that's true on the honeymoon we were going from Houston to Denver Colorado yeah - was 29 cents a gallon oh I had any referring you Plymouth like that there we left town with her Exxon credit card yeah I say was mobile skimming it was home which is later became Exxon and she bought the gas and I had $100 to my beautiful yeah a good meal was less than fight off her 1953 the nicest hotel motel rooms were less than five dollars we got so what was your mistake you said she's there sometimes your daddy every story has a beginning a middle and many it's not all middle middle middle middle middle okay here you this she was watching the map and I said our exit is right here she said no it's another 15 miles of her I said no this is it well she was right I took the wrong exit and from that day to the rest of her her marriage she took she went to heaven December the 2nd 2014 2013 those 13 yeah she she would remind me when we were going places well I know what she did yes she was a GPS little walking cheapy let me tell you my daddy was correct he told me something that was true that she would what she was right and you don't you can't find your way around the house well I'm glad you married her hey worse there's a picture and having that picture up there Kaitlyn this is this is one of our favorite pictures of mama that's a fun one right there look at that that's why she was with it yeah always our mouths open so um I see any questions out there let's see what people are saying Oh everybody says they can hear that's good thank you guys for letting me know you can hear Chad are you watching my nephew Chad's out there watching okay what we're gonna do now is earlier Mike and I did oh I got to show y'all this this is daddy on the scooter you got to see look at that 87 years old 86 years old on the scooter he didn't actually write it but it looks like he's writing it okay Mike and I since Mike won't play live much cuz he has to have everything perfect and I you know me I don't care but he cares and that's cuz he's a real musician and all but we did this song he learned it and I want it and we want to do it for you it goes like this with this is our rehearsal clothes [Music] [Applause] [Music] they don't hurry that's for sure the get up early though they don't have to anymore they keep that okar shining even if it's just to drive it to the store or to that church they love where they're the first ones through the door and their babies other babies no matter how big a stranger in a stranger just a friendly ain't Megan there's kindness and wisdom and the heart of the child behind those wrinkles let us learn old people she's got pictures page after page and he's got stories and a pocketful change after all these years together she's as beautiful as ever that's what he'll say and when you see one you can bend the other a father and their babies on the wings no matter how oblique it but stranger the stranger just a friendly menu there's kindness and wisdom and the heart of the child man those wrinkles [Music] Oh [Music] and more i watch more like I wanna be less worried more love seems like they've got it they get out to me and their baby's mother tears no matter how old they get stranger stranger just a friendly ain't menu there's kindness and wisdom the child my lord [Music] and now we're didn't II believe we got sold my talented perfect older brother now did you know when you were growing up with me that we would be this age one day I mean did you ever think about I never thought you remember how do you remember ever being in school like in third grade I remember doing this figuring up how old I would be in 2000 mm yeah 45 42 do you do that too I did in that funny did you ever think he'd be 62 mm-hmm never thought about and I'm 60 comes to June 24 but we look good if I put us together 120 daddy okay y'all I want to show you something else this is not all of my family here Chad lives here Chelsea is in Florida she is a nanny right yeah she's being a nanny right now hello Chelsea if you're watching we love you and miss you Courtney is in Pennsylvania married to Josh and we're hoping they're making a baby that's what we hope they're doing I hope you're not watching the show shut that computer down and put on something skimpy anyway and then let's see what else who else whoever Oh Christopher the oldest Christopher who was the cutest baby I've ever seen he had the darkest skin and he will he was the first you know the first is something special by difference anyway he was adorable and he is now living he was in the Navy and nice and oh how does that RN he got his Aria nurse and he'll graduate to graduate and he's going on his master's in he's smart and but also there's one more family member here that loves to sing his name is Oscar the dog and I went to the piano today and I want you to hear this one thing I love about coming to visit my brother Oscar wait wait is I get to see Oscar this is their dog and he is the sweetest thing and he loves this piano listen he likes that well y'all has been a fun Mondays with Mark daddy anything else you want to say y'all go to bedtime stories by and you can hear and read some of the very same stories look up here daddy we're up here at the cameras up see right here there's the people there are 19 bedtime stories original stories that I told to Mike and Mark in 1963 and I got a great great pleasure after that hug them goodnight say a prayer with them then I got to go to bed in my wife would always want to know how to enjoy the story and I'll tell her so I got satisfaction in two times telling the story and ten to my wife that they enjoyed it and that website he gave you is a book I told mark what I was doing he said daddy don't charge my friends more than five dollars for the book so it's five dollars and they're 19 shoes yeah 19 original bedtime stories told to them in 1963 and if for some reason you buy the book and you don't like it this is a freak trifle right yeah it is pure sugar free cuz my brother and his wife and we're gonna die to y'all sugar free diet they make no sugar but this is delicious we had it last night we're having it again because I loved it so much and it's my birthday hey thank you here daddy hold that hey thank y'all for tuning in next week my special guest on Mondays with Mark will be Gerald wolf you don't want to miss that it's gonna be fun Gerald wolf you know we're gonna find out what he's really like we love Jim wolf all right we'll see you next Monday god bless you from Forrest Virginia bye-bye
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 53,670
Rating: 4.8918004 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Lowry, Mark Lowry Live, Mark Lowry 2018, Mark Lowry Comedy, Mark Lowry Funny, Mark Lowry Bill Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither Group, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Live, Gaither Concert, Gaither Music Live, Gaither Vocal Band Live, Gaither Homecoming, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Videos, Gaither Music TV, Gaither Concerts, Gaither Tour, Mark Lowry Tour, Mark Lowry Concert Dates
Id: 9bNPyPyZDB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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