Mark Normand

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I feel like we meant more hit on us ladies you can say whatever you want to a guy I know lady approached me once she goes ooh I'm gonna kidnap you I was like wow I could never say that to a woman she calls the police I would be curious to know what a woman could say that would offend me like all right I'm gonna take it home drug you take advantage of you and film it I'd be like all right well least let me pay for the uber but now resides in New York City where he is taking the comedy scene by storm and I can't believe what I'm gonna get yeah this is a new intro for this is he claims to have been a bed wetter as a kid even as an adult comedian mark Normand stand-up is anything but dry and you can see for yourself this weekend at side splitters but first he's here with us I gotta say I knew that was perfect for the intro there yeah here we have winter clothes 14 brutal brutal yeah a lot of ruined mattresses it looked like a coffee filter yeah but I'm over it now I'm good that's good one thing that I've been able to kind of pick up is you do have that old self-deprecating humor which I do enjoy in a comedian do hate myself I'm always drawn to people that hate me I guess because we have so much in common yeah yeah I think most comics should be a little self-deprecating be weird I feel if I was like I'm great I'm amazing you know so you got to make fun of yourself a little well tell us a little about yourself I wanted to hear about life growing up in New Orleans it seems like such a cool area of the country very different than I think most others very different it's a pretty lawless down there very boozy all my friends are you know pieces of garbage and I love it there you go back down there you slip right back in you're like I love a cocktail at 9 a.m. and yeah yeah no that's all silly I mean alligators is code for drugs it's a weird place it's it feels like it's stuck in the past and that's how people like it you know it's just you go there yeah yeah you kick back you say a racial slur and you get a margarita and I'm gonna I'm gonna try to go here as nice as I can so right now my newsfeed and Facebook is filled with everything dealing with the Nikes new app oh yeah I like about you you're not really saying sides you're just making jokes about Saul I do I don't have any political I got no agenda I just I'm a comic I'm a joke guy so I throw a joke out there and I I get the hell out of there there were some good jokes that you're there yeah hey thanks what was it I said every new Nike should come with one knee pad no one gets hurt but now on your podcast though you kind of throw the whole PC thing out the window oh yeah the podcast is filthy it's not for the light of heart then though the PC is so all over us now you can't say that you guys no you can't say it again you guys live like this because it just oozes out of me and no I'm a horrible human being I just farted I'm a cow I could I have to tell the truth I can't live like that so uh yeah it's just fun it's fun did you get it out there is your podcast about what are they its tuesdays tuesdays with story like you know me and my friend joe list he goes on the road I go on the road I think he's in South Carolina I'm in Tampa and then we come back on Monday we say everything whoo we had sex with who got heckled who got drunk who did drugs and they come back and talk about it yeah it sounds like your game in every city you have stories for the podcast when I was good thanks from Tampa though oh this is that this place is Atlanta boarding blend well you know you mentioned your friends a few times I mean you really are friends with it seems like the who's who of Comedy seen these it is we're all degenerate sand weirdos and creeps and drunks and we're like pirates we need each other we were I could never work in like a real professional setting I'd get fired immediately and me too and the whole thing so yeah we need we're all weird and awkward and analyze II so we have to hang out together you guys are very normal here's the thing we have voices in our heads it's telling us we have to go to break right now so that's how weird we are much worse a foot box you can check about its side splitters for yourself there's the information on your screen
Channel: ABC Action News
Views: 132,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tampa, morning, blend
Id: 9Ub4VmGHW74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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