Robert Downey Jr full interview: star walks out when asked about past

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I want to say there's less pressure and there's more camaraderie do you feel you have to carry the Iron Man movies in a way that you don't when there's lots of them it just comes down it's just a matter of schedule I mean you know when you're in every shot of something you know what I mean well it's kind of like doing your own show you know something like someone's saying hey I'll do the next interview for you you know so you forget you know you want to still make sure that you have your arc in your moments but you're not responsible for the narrative of the whole thing so it's kind of great and I genuinely like all the other folks so that helps what were you a superhero fan as a child or as a teenager or I suppose as a westerner as an American it's just so part of the kind of kid culture you know I wasn't a like a nerd about it or anything you know but I'm definitely a you know all the old TV stuff and the comic book stuff has influenced me Iron Man is such a different superhero though isn't he and that he's self-made she does he's arrogant in a very appealing way right is that it was like what you brought to it or was that there it was always inherent in the comics and you know Stanley back in the 60s it was really kind of a Vietnam era sort of fabrication you know and and he was under pressure to keep coming up with new characters and so he kind of did this mosh of things and who'd have thought all those years later that it wound up being the character that differentiated this universe from other comic book worlds and and here we are you know what difference do you think it makes that he is he's a self-made superhero I think more than anything and that I always played it like he's a guy who's in big business that you may or may not have a judgment he's an arms dealer and the metaphoric significance of having a piece of shrapnel from one of your own warheads blow up and then you actually have to you have to build something to save your own life I always thought that that was that to me is just as kind of a new myth could you explain the idea behind Ultron I mean what is the real fear here in Tony's mind a it's if you the idea behind a team like this is for the team to retire because the odds are that one or all of them are going to get bumped pretty soon so his idea is pretty altruistic he's thinking how can I put us out of business and still have a big bouncer at the door of our our vulnerable little planet and that's why he does what everybody fears which is unleash this this monster right well clearly he doesn't do it to unleash a monster it's co-opted there's a couple points in the script that I think it's the reason that age of Ultron is actually a worthy companion to Avengers and in some ways a better film and that it takes two conventions and it twists and retwist them in a way that it's kind of clever just as an audience member I'm like oh that's really cool I appreciate the kind of complexity of it and what do you think of the obvious parallels being made between you and Iron Man at this point it's natural but I you know if you'd asked me in the first Ironman I'd be like that's me and now I'm realizing I've realized that Woods of course it's not you know I'm not saying that I'm I'm such a fan assist that I felt like I was Tony Stark but I felt like it was my persona but none of us are our personas but he's becoming a much more likable character as well isn't he I suppose that's a man yeah it's becoming a better guy you know in a way that you all are as well as sure I mean what I'd really like to I'd really like to ask you about a quote you go to the New York Times and I don't want to pry so you don't talk about it that's fine but what you said to the New York Times once was it was about it was after your incarceration and you said you can't go from a two thousand dollar a night hotel suite to a penitentiary and understand it I'm coming out of liberal and I just wondered what you meant by that well the funny thing is and I appreciate your your point of view things that use five seven years ago were things you said in an interview that made sense to you at the time I could pick that I could pick that apart for two hours and nobody no closer to the truth and I'd be giving you some half-assed answer right now I couldn't even really tell you what a liberal is so therein lies the answer to your question the statement sort of stands by itself doesn't I mean does that mean you're you're not a liberal or that you came out of prison not being a liberal are we promoting a movie to me the thing is that it's I'm certainly not going to backpedal on anything I've said but I would I wouldn't say actually I wouldn't say I'm a Republican or liberal or a Democrat I think when I was talking to the person who is doing the interview that day and and that just happened to be my opinion that's the nice thing is you can have opinions and they kind of change and flow yeah well that's that's life and that's growing older I suppose yeah I mean you you say oh Informer's you can interview I mean promoting the movie I mean obviously you're doing a promotional round of interviews and that's why we're talking about the movie but we also would like to talk a little bit about you know how comfortable you are you know talking talking about yourself at the moment you have as much time as anyone else well yeah well okay well then let me just ask you a few more questions and you can answer them if you want to and not if you don't want to I mean well I think we've got two three more minutes on our I agree with your starting to jump a little bit you better get to your next question you the reason I'm asking about the past is that you you've talked in other interviews again about your relationship with your father and the role of all of that in you know the dark periods you enters and taking drugs and drinking and all of that and I just wondered whether you know you think you're free of all of that or whether that's still some sorry I really don't know what are we doing well I'm just asking questions that's all right bye you I'm sorry you
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 14,669,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4 News, 4 News, Channel 4, news, latest news, breaking news, news today, Robert Downey Jnr, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Iron Man, Krishnan Guru-Murthy, walk out, interview, Robert Downey Jr. (Celebrity), The Avengers (Award-Winning Work), Avengers (Organization In Fiction)
Id: ALBwaO-rAsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2015
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