"Big Bang Theory" star Kunal Nayyar on his accent, new book and family

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[Music] Raj you're probably wondering why Amy and I aren't showing any affection to one another didn't even crack the top 10 well you should know that she recently broke up with me I said I needed time to think I'm sure you guys will figure something out you hear that Raj is devastated Sheldon sh the wedding's starting I see what's happening sides are forming well if burn a death's on Amy's team I pick Howard I'm not taking fine because I'm stuck with Raj really at least you got picked that's a preview from Monday's nth season premiere of the TV's top rated comedy The Big Bang Theory right here on CBS Canal ner plays the quirky astrophysicist Raj he was born in London Dr Raj raised in India and went to college at the University of Portland he's out with a new book it's called yes my accent is real and some of the other things I haven't told you it's published by Atria that's an imprint of Simon and Schuster a division of CBS welcome to the table thank you so much thank you we should start by showing respect because guys he is the Tiger Woods of bad mitt as he says yes well tiger would Circa 2002 the way he was playing not right now no offense Tiger but you you were writing yes my accent is real because people must come up to you and say why are you talking like that talk the way you really talk yeah people think that you know that I'm not Indian or that I'm faking it or that I'm because I was born in London they think that I'm British or that I'm I've lived here for almost you know 15 years that I'm American so I thought would tell my story and and that I'm actually from India and they think you're an astrophysicist they think I'm an asro yeah they think I'm smart in real life but you know unfortunately that's not the case but you did go to the University of Portland right and you were studying I was studying business and I took I I walked into the theater one day because I was kind of lonely and I didn't have any friends and I moved here from New Delhi and I thought hey maybe I can meet some girls you know if I get into a play or something and and then I got into the play you know the theater is a place where people who sort of feel like Misfits can have a family because the theater is very accepting of all types gives you a community yeah we have a community and I felt I felt at home and then how did you make that to the Big Bang Theory uh man I don't know if we have the time but I I got my masters in acting at the University Temple University in Philadelphia and then I moved to Los Angeles to to live out the big dream and and and I auditioned for a show and then the show became n years later the H show on TV yeah the book is a series of essays yes but you also talk about romantic encounters yeah yes many I mean I was I was 18 you know when I came to America and my idea of America was like I had I remember I was like oh my God I got into school in America I'm going to go and I watched the movie American Pie and I was like oh my God this is what college is going to be like you know and it obviously wasn't for me and I just thought in America you know in India when I was dating when I was 16 15 16 years old there was like a formality to dating and when I came here girls would be my you know girls who are friends of mine would put their arm around me and hug me and I'm like oh my God she's my girlfriend and so I would like go in to kiss them or something and they'd be like H gross you're like my brother that happened a lot yeah you tell very funny story of learning how to kiss by watching Winnie Cooper on The Wonder Years and then Winnie's on the show and you actually kiss her this is the thing I like you said India is not a nation of cool it's known for what well okay look we're known for you know mathematics and engineering and spicy food and stuff you know we're not necessarily known for wearing a thong in Rio you know we're not like the South Americans are so cool accent you Italians have like you know stereotyping so generally I feel so bad but what's happened now yeah now what's happened is Indians have actually become cool you know we we like used to wear mustaches like that's what we do 99% of Indian men us have muste I can't have one for Raj I would otherwise and now if you look around that's the new thing you know all everyone's become a hipster but we were the original hipsters before hipsters were even born we were like the original like you know OG is like original gang we were like oh H yeah that's what you said about your dad now I didn't know this about Indian weddings that they're normally big yes they are big yeah and they last 6 days you describe your outfit as looking like something Liberace would have worn yeah which I thought was very funny yeah yeah exactly it's a beautiful you know I don't want to make too much fun of it it is gorgeous but I was trying to explain to people what it would look like and it's you know got it's it's like peacock blue with gold sequins and um liberachi would have won it you know basically how I could Des India has beautiful women yes yes very my wife is very very beautiful both inside and out and his wife is a former Miss India India yeah when I met her I thought she's going to be so fake you know cuz I was so insecure I met this beautiful woman I'm like oh she's probably mean or she's probably fake or she's you know I was so insecure around her and then she ended up being wonderful and somehow ended up liking beautiful I told her I was on The Big Bang Theory when I met her I was like oh yeah I was like yeah she's like what do you do I was like I'm an actor on The Big Bang Theory she's like is that a porno no idea she had never seen the show I'm like oh I can't pull that card you were most attracted to her kindness I was yeah she's a very kind person I think that's kind of lacking right now in the world we live in so it's very important to do that so the Big Bang Theory ninth season ninth season I can't believe it it feels like yesterday that we started you know and uh we've already shot five episodes and it premieres I think on the 21st so please tune in we still going strong you know yeah it works because they're all different all the characters are so the characters are different the writing is what has saw it right here yeah the writing the quality of the writers you know the writing is not is still as good is always true and CBS yeah and CBS it's so nice to have you thank you thank you so much continued success to you I love watching this desk so it's nice to be sitting up here we're great to have you we're glad to have you the book is called yes my accent is real it's on sale right now and you can watch Kunal in the season premiere of The Big Bang Theory Monday at 8 7 Central right here on CBS we'll be right back yeah
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 3,249,955
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Keywords: kunal nayyar, bog bang theory, dr raj, accent is real, book, video, cbs, news
Id: dwWZwBC_4bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2015
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