Mark Brown - The Children are Free

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[Music] what's up everybody can we stand in the house is anybody excited to be in the house of the Lord tonight can you make something like this come on [Music] [Music] when fairies rush again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus on principle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we buy some [Music] you are the reason [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah in this moment I wonder if we can lift up our hands and our voices right now - I came to the king of kings - the Lord of lords believing that he is able to pull us through this next season [Music] there is no doubt cuz I have seen [Music] my fortress over in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you [Music] so really shut down inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god of abundantly [Music] [Music] [Music] there is no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna we're gonna tap in one more time but before we do I want us to pray over the spirit of fear I want to pray over the spear place not just this nation but this blow so we're gonna tap in and anything inside of you you're gonna ask God to break it we're gonna ask God to break chains we're gonna ask God to change lives let's go in the name of Jesus and every job of power and authority that comes underneath that name fall on this house in Jesus name bind the spirit of fear we gonna change us fold us take us in the name of Jesus we give ourselves to use a sacrifice of praise with the only in this place siamo do ya [Music] Jesus name Jesus name I want to thank everybody so much for coming I want to I want to personally thank everybody who's watching our livestream I don't have many I don't have any announcements so we're just gonna go right through this Pastor Mark Brown in fact let's put our hands together for Pastor Mark Brown we came all this way and he's gonna do an amazing job tonight they're gonna put up a slide behind me but Pastor Mark Brown he has a Bible study for sale in order to get it you can just go to his website go to contact me and they'll help you work through that and just purchase the Bible study I promise you it's worth every penny now that's literally all the announcements I have well you worship with us as we continue on in Jesus name we're gonna continue to worship is that okay come on we're going to continue to worship is that okay let's continue in worship right now let's just begin to speak to our God God we love you Lord we thank you I love you Jesus we love you [Music] hallelujah in this confusion in this world we can't figure out how to fix everything but what we can do is go on our knees and go to our King and say God you have to fix this [Music] we trust you [Music] we trust you [Music] when I don't have the words to say [Applause] [Music] can we sing it together this is my day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so caught up in your [Applause] and I just wanna see [Music] I'm caught up in this [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus you don't know [Music] do I just wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] and nothing else and nothing nothing else will do cuz I just want [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the evidence is all [Music] can we lift our hands and our voices together [Music] one accord one place lord I love you Jesus I praise you Lord I magnify your name there's no IQ Jesus how my soul makes its most of you Jesus the heavens declare your glory [Music] [Music] someone say in Jesus name okay man you can make your way back to your seats [Music] we serve a great guy and a great God deserves great praise Lao says the Lord he saved us with the mighty hand and an outstretched arm and he put effort into it at least thing we could do was put a little effort and reach out to him like he reached out to us hey man hey man we're gonna get into the world of the Lord here in just a moment as we do that just a quick little detail or two I know he mentioned about those Bible study stickers if you're interested there back there I only mentioned the online thing but they're out in that foyer area and basically they're full-page stickers you could put inside your Bible everyone say someone say uh I think they're fantabulous and basically what they are therefore stickers which is one set and they're $5 for that set and if you buy more than one it's four dollars said if you buy ten or more it's three dollars a set but we did it because we put them in our Bibles that we give to the jail and also our youth ministry and so Bible say we use in our church and the first one it's called essential habits that grow healthy Christians is talked to the importance of daily prayer daily Bible reading and faithful church attendance and just because we're alive and breathing doesn't mean we're healthy just like just because you know someone claims to be a Christian doesn't mean they're healthy you want to make sure you're doing some healthy things like read your Bible pray every day and you know yeah you might know that and then the other three six are called what Jesus said about salvation I'm thankful to be a part you know of this movement that has this wonderful truth but I don't believe what I believe about salvation because of an organization I believe it because Jesus said it and basically it's taken acts 2:38 and showing that Jesus said her Peter said what Jesus said acts 2:38 aful summarization Jesus had something to say about repentance Jesus had something to say about water baptism and G has had something to say about spirit baptism and so if you like it and brought about a hundred of them and it'd be great if you make them disappear because for whatever reason TSA hates it when I bring it through that little like electro scanner thingy and I found out later why the the residue on the back of the stickers you could use for drugs so don't don't don't lick the stickers don't scratch and sniff the stickers just put them in your Bible and you'll be all good in the hood as it should amen and if you got a picture my family I love my family so much I was like to introduce them my family their band all right my family's band there they are I love love love love my family that's my wife Jordan we've been married this past December is 15 years yeah so we got married when we were 10 and then those are my three children Noah Grace and Eden I love them they're fantastic and I can't wait to go home and see them and we also have a fourth kit we've been foster family for the past 120 days we're not licensed foster parents but we felt quickened to take on a situation and this young boy he's awesome I love him very much and we're gonna go to the book of Matthew chapter 17 in the New Testament I hear everybody's Bible pages turning ferociously it's wonderful I'm so happy you guys brought your Bibles I'm so happy you're engaged in the service a man this is amazing give honor to this host church love pastor Hoffman he was with us in South Dakota two years ago at her family camp and he got a hold of a video that I will forever treasure and it was my boy praying over me and I'm very thankful for that and he preached like Yellin know how he knows how to preach and this area is blessed to have such a great man of God and then friend of mine and his wife Paul Smith pastor Paul Smith and his wife Marita their fantastic couple and here in Michigan three hours away he had to drive some like that so love you guys and their church planters out there and they have my instant respect to dig out a work is a whole nother ballgame and then my friend can't say his name it's illegal so I love him very much very very very very very much and then it's been get to know a little better youth pastor here and Burke on and he loves pie and he's the pie guy I've never went on a journey in my life for a piece of pie if you all have never heard of sister pie I don't know if she's with us or not but a sister pie she's somewhere and was at West West Detroit that's where things are hip and hop and flipping a flopping and you probably best not be stop and just get the pie and run and but it was it was a good pie I've never had I don't know what sweet maple syrup salted caramel honey nut cheerios pie out of him he was insane so if I pass out that's why but there's enough preachers here I get up and take over and then god bless you all for being here I know that there's been an adjustment change of plans because the hour which we are living with the coronavirus and god bless everybody that is here and god bless everybody that's watching and we're gonna have a good time in the Holy Ghost I know some of you probably all feel awkward and uncomfortable right now but I'm alright there's more people in this room than there's in South Dakota and so like you guys feel weird but I don't so I have literally preached to one person before and look like a complete total idiot the whole time and but I did it and my wife is teaching Sunday school downstairs with one person it's upstairs preaching and it was the early stages of the church we had the most ghetto rig sound system in the world I we didn't have like this minstrel the most high holy Toledo and then this guy I don't know if he's for sale or not but my goodness I would give as many pheasants as possible you got all the pheasants you wanna sell but we we had this like ghetto rig sound system there was it was literally like it was ripped material from the Pew stapled to like these these so-called speakers and I was preaching [Music] Santa has preaching that kazoo and if I was smart I went him there was no need for a sound system when you're like preaching to one person so anyways I've already made it awkward enough let's get to the Bible a we're gonna go to Matthew chapter 17 you know Testament in the level it's on page 792 it's was 824 right now p.m. my my thing didn't like update so whatever oh you got it all up there that's like a timer tell me when to stop I'll just give you a heads up I might be short but I compensate with long-winded sermons so we ain't got none afterwards so I Matthew 17:20 for there say Amen if you're not saying woman if you're offended say that's mean all right no one's offended powerful verse 24 they were come to put Capernaum and they that received tribute money basically the IRS that came to Peter and they said does your your master is your boss does he pay taxes Peter's like oh yeah of course of course he does but he's just kind of speaking by faith maybe ignorance who knows but he came back to the house and Jesus immediately asked him this question and what do you think Simon Peter of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute do they tax their kids or the strangers do they which one do they ask for all this money Peter answers after pondering the question is quite apparent says of course of strangers or foreigners those that they have conquered and Jesus says this statement and then are the children free someone say the children are free notwithstanding lest we should offend them because people get so easily offended hallelujah just go to the sea cast a hook take up a fish the first fish that comes up when you open its mouth you'll find a piece of money in there and you take that money and you can pay your taxes and my taxes I just want to talk to you for next couple of moments about the children are free turn your neighbors on the children are free you may be seated don't touch nobody amen I I do feel direction from the Holy Ghost sometimes you walk up to the pulpit you say I have a word from the Lord sometimes you walk over the pulpit you say I hope I heard from the Lord but after playing spin the Bible all afternoon I found a verse so we're gonna be all right I believe that God's gonna speak to us for the next few moments if we would listen and if you could just focus and not get distracted I think God is gonna help us in these next few moments how many believe that amen amen the children are free I kind of walk through this portion of Scripture and it's it's I think there's many unique occasions that we read in the Bible and this is another one of them where the the man of God you know Peter he is confronted with the government the IRS and they're basically you know saying pay up where's your pet is your your your boss is he paying his taxes and Peter pipes up and he's like of course of course he does and Jesus you know he knows all things even though Jesus is not there he knows what's going on and I'm thankful you may not visibly see Jesus at times and you may not be aware of his surroundings and just like they sang that song you know we may not see him we may not feel him but he is absolutely there God is not a feeling God is and it's very difficult for us because you know the millennial generation and generations II we are very feeling oriented we're very sensitive people and so here we don't feel god we almost think it's the absence of God but it is never the absence of God God is at all times at all places God is not a feeling and we ought not to confine God to a feeling we got to learn to live by faith we also got to learn not to live by feeling but walk by faith not by sight and the only sight that we'd really need to be walking by is what we see in the Word of God if it says it in the Word of God then so it is whether or not I feel it or whether or not it seems obvious it is the forever settled Word of God and so this conversation is going on and perhaps Peters panic I don't know but Jesus as we see the story unfold he sees that there is a need to pay not only his taxes but Peters taxes as well and mainly Peters wife is a little nervous because you know they know that Peter just left everything to follow Jesus and how are they going to pay for taxes there is worry there is concern there's anxiety we know Peters married because the Bible says he had a mother-in-law and his mother-in-law was sick and jesus healed their mother-in-law now that's I don't know why but you know sometimes God needs to keep mother-in-law's around there's a few good ones out there and I happen to be blessed to have a good motor all in case she's listening live I don't know I love you God blessing mother-in-law but Jesus tells Peter this answer this is what I want you to do about your taxes I want you to go fishing and can you imagine that what a wonderful moment you know to be a a fisherman and then you know you come home and your wife instead of seeing here you go and make job applications you get your fishing pole you get your tackle box and she's like where are you going well you know Jesus told me to go fishing I don't want to disobey the Lord the Lord told me to go fishing isn't that good when God's will matches up with your will and so I always say he goes fishing and sure enough he does as the obedience in you know the disciples do a lot of mundane things that don't make a lick of sense but it's always best to obey the Lord and because he obeyed them inside that mouth there is money to pay for the taxes now you guys don't know what taxes are you're just a bunch of tax credits and but one day you will understand your value and depending on who is in office sometimes you're worth more than others and that's why you're wondering you're all teenagers and your mom and dad want another kid because right now you guys are valuable and that revelation will come when you're 30 years old and you got three kids or something like that but until then God bless all the tax credits in the house and so Jesus asks this question to Peter before he goes fishing goes Peter who who does a king taxes he does he want to be harsh on his own citizens or would he be harsher on those that he has conquered the foreign nations that he has taken over and again the answer is obviously the king is going to take care of his people but he will be a little harsher upon those that were in opposition that they have conquered and so Jesus makes a statement basically so we don't offend them we're going to play by the rules we don't want to ruffle any feathers we you know many times and I don't know if this is your personality types there are various types out there I was in the vehicle today and I could tell as the group was talking that there into the pentagram or Enneagram or whatever you call that thing and they're talking out their numbers I'm an 8 and I'm a 10 and I'm or there's not a 10 it's like 1 through 9 or something like that my wife's really into this like mmm Graham or something I prefer skittles but they're the the deal is like some people they they like to rock the boat they like to ruffle the feathers but there's others that they learn not to do it because they don't like confrontation and conflict me I love conflict I love to challenge people I love to see reaction and be naive like to act like the innocent bystander but really I'm like the manipulator behind the scenes like conjuring up the spirit of disagreement it's it's just gift that you know a life-sized bobblehead has it's one of my defense mechanisms and so but I have learned in my marriage to not ruffle the feathers and I've learned not to be conflicting I have learned to go along and not to rock the proverbial boat and so Jesus here I know that I'm the king of kings I know I am the Lord of lords I know all of the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell there and I know that I made I know that Caesar can't tax nothing except I gave him that power to tax me but so we don't offend them we'll go along with what their request is and sure enough that is what happened and so they gilded to the system they went with the flow and there are times we need to do that I promise we're going somewhere here in a moment in case you're nervous psalm 2 and 3 I'd like us to read this together if you could put that on the screen and leave psalm 2 up - yeah there you go Psalm 2 3 and I want to read this and I I want you to begin to ponder some things in your mind and the word of the Lord says this let us break their bands asunder and let us cast away their cords from us now let me ask you this question when you read this verse what comes to your mind what comes to your mind just this verse what what could let us break their bands asunder let's cast away their cords from us now I'll just let you know what I thought as I read this verse is I look at this and I see the power and the control of Satan when I see a verse like this I begin to see that the devil has us in bands and I see that the devil has us tied down with cords it doesn't take a rocket scientist it just takes someone that's almost half awake to look around and come to the realization that that all serpent the devil is running the show in society I'm thankful that the church is apparently doing better than it's ever been and it's growing and it's thriving and Pentecost is at a place of more prominence than it's ever been it's more been a stir for for I'm thankful for that but the reality check is that we still have such a long way to go the devil is clearly running the show it would look like when you look around you you can walk into a warmer and you just see magazine racks and it's it's not the the the Pentecostal life you know on the racks it's not you know charisma magazine got Christian type material out there it is it is blatant lust thrown in the face of people as blatant greed in the love of money being the root of all you know everywhere you turn used to be like you know the way to be away from you know in modesty is just maybe stay away from the beach but you can't go anywhere these days and not be exposed to in modesty this world is spiraling out of control does anyone agree with that and so I ought not to be and you ought not to be okay with us we should not come to terms with it like well this is just the way it is it's just the way that it's always going to be so I might as well get used to it I don't want to get to that place there ought to be a spirit that rises inside of the church as we look around and we see dysfunction all over this planet and it's in a cycle it's generational we got sin in grandparents that flows into their children that flows into their children's children and it's going to continue on and on and on but there's a spirit that rises inside of me saying god help me and God anoint me to break this cycle of dysfunction God I want to equip people to live healthy holy godly functional lives does anyone have a little desire inside them say God I want to disrupt this pattern of the enemy could you lift your hands for your for a moment and lift your voice would you pray with me god help me help me God I want the children to be free I want the children to be free in the name of the Lord Jesus not by my might and by my power but by your spirit god I pray you open up the windows of heaven roll back the roof of this church and set up a ladder between heaven in this room right now and maybe the angels of the Lord ascend and descend upon this sanctuary and god I believe that there's gonna be a divine interruption that will break a cycle of dysfunction in the name of Jesus some are singing Jesus name I didn't come here for a throwaway service I didn't coming the weather is not gonna be a crowd so we're not going to give something oh I'm telling you right now it don't matter who is or who isn't here as long as Jesus is here and if you are engaged look if you give God your undivided attention you will get God's undivided attention God just needs the audience of one or two people in this room same guy I am sick and tired someone say in Jesus name I want you to know this that the devil is not as strong as you think or maybe better put you're not as weak as you think Jesus said in Luke 11:20 but if I with the finger of God cast out devils there ain't no doubt that the kingdom of God has come upon you the finger of God it's only listed three times in Scripture here when gia says if I cast out Devils by the finger of God then the kingdom of God has come unto you Jesus just you know pinky up able to do it okay and that's how you properly drink your beverage by the way you guys funny but Jesus and he doesn't see a devil like our like oh my goodness I bet to pull out my biceps of THD so I knew yeah I don't need a bicep tricep bicep I don't need AB SEPs I don't need nothin but the finger of God I can cast out that devil and he's accomplishing therefore the kingdom of God without a doubt has come to us for such a time as this but it's also stated in the plagues of Egypt when God is using Moses and Aaron and all of a sudden they begin to bring these plays when they down the rods those those demonic sorcerers are able to imitate the power of God and then those demonic Sorcerer's when the blood strikes the Nile River they are able to mimic and replicate the power of God they are able to do these things in many miraculous so-called fashions but there is a moment where the Bible says that there was this plague where he began to get the dust of the ground and throw it into the air and God now activated him his creative power see the devil can mimic and he can imitate but he does not have creative power that alone belongs to God Almighty and the enemy recognize it and those men propped up like a puppet from the devil said this is nothing else but the finger of God God can create with his finger God can cast out devils with his finger and then when God delivers them and takes Moses up in that Mount Sinai there on that mountainside the Bible says God begins to write with his finger those Ten Commandments those thousands of years ago by the finger of God and Moses who arguably could be stated as the worst man in the Bible because he broke all Ten Commandments at once am I going too fast for you let it marinate you could break those stones you can make those stones illegal you do whatever you want to speak against it but at the end of the day they are forever settled in heaven whatever the finger of God is set to do no weapon formed against it can prosper just like that songs out there right now the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper our God will never fail if you believe that would you clap your hands to the Lord we all in reading in the scripture Luke 11 and verse 21 it says when a strong man armed keeps us but keeps his palace his goods are in peace but when it's stronger than he comes upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted and divides his spoils see the strong man when he is armed and he is left unchallenged and he has proven a track record of defeating the masses his goods are in peace he's living in peace and that aggravates me that's someone that can so hate me and hate the work of God and hate the children of God and hate anything that's holy completely be at peace and at comfort I can't stand that scripture seeing that he's strong and that everything he is has is that PC ain't even worried about losing it in the know he is strong Jesus says but there is a stronger that can come upon him the devil is strong but God is stronger than the devil we must never lose sight of who has all power in heaven and in earth and so I'm not looking to try to beat up the devil so I can get a double for my trouble or a triple for my ripple and I could build some his goods are not money his goods are not Mammon the goods that he has that I am interested our souls that's the what I'm interested in and there's no money that can buy a soul the Bible says in the book of Acts chapter 20 and verse 28 this is the Church of God that he have purchased with his own blood I'm telling you there's no greater value than that of a soul that's been purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm not okay with the devil being at peace with something that God already bought that God already purchased somebody stronger than the strong man has to storm the gates of hell and the gates of Wow I'm just gonna call him down cuz you guys are calm and bored and relaxed and you're just gonna meditate but I'm telling you right now I am personal I'm convinced and persuaded God wants to do something here because convinced of it and if we would have our faith built in this because there is an adversary that's doing everything he can to diminish our faith and kill our faith my pastor Jim sleeve he's Indiana Bible College and he's the most incredible Christian that I've ever met and I sincerely mean that some people like to throw a little compliment I mean this is the most Christian man that's given his life literally he's been single his whole life and he's just given to the things of God never heard him gossip one time never heard him slander one time never heard sexual innuendos I mean just I mean just the most pure single-minded selfless giving man of God I love him and he was telling me he pastored he was a missionary in Germany for 15 17 years I can't remember the exact number and he says he's only been scared two times in his life one was when he went to Germany stranger in a strange land and he's living in like this abandoned castle I'd be a little scared the other time is this is before we even knew each other when he drove through South Dakota and his car stalled out on one of the that like the abandoned lands like in the Badlands on reservation there's only two times he's ever been scared in his life one was in Germany what happens to be in the state that I passed her you know a whole nother world South Dakota by the way he got seven churches in the entire state and your nearest neighbor if you're blessed is a hundred and ten miles away it's a whole nother world a whole nother world and anyways he was telling me as he was battling this fear and stuff like that that he I can't remember exactly it was a dream or if it was a vision but in his dream in his vision he's just kind of mosey along and he sees down the road this like tunnel board through a mountain and at the end of the tunnel it is so bright it's so vivid it's illuminated it's it's it's intense and there's just something magnetic about it saying come come you want to see this and so my pastor he could no longer walk he had he had a sprint as fast as he could he could not get the end of that tunnel fast enough and so he's running with all his mic going at it going at it and as he's running as he's making headway all of a sudden there's this dark image that stands at the end of the tunnel and it was like a night it was it was black and he had all the armor meant on and it was this big imposing figure and my pastors running also saw things that whoa and he just looks at that figure he's like that's one bad mamma jamma there ain't no way that dude will whup me he'll kill me he'll slap he'll mop the floor with me and so he he looks and he's just almost trying to think if I could do it but he's like I can't do it there's no way and so my pastor turns around and he starts walking away the opposite direction is that nights unmoving and he looks back he's like man and his shoulders he just kind of dropped his head drops and he's so sad and disappointing because he really wanted to see what was at the end of that tunnel he really desired to see what was there was so beautiful it was so inviting it was so magnetic it was so amazing and and he's just walking away discouraged with his arms down and he begins to this stalkers I wish I could have saw that I wish I could have made me I would have been faster I would have got there before the night got there I would have got there before that opposing force arrived I I could have made it and he's just disappointed and just beating himself up and as he begins to think about it he just realizes how amazing it was and he just looks back again and he looks he says man I'd really want to know what's over there I really like to see what's over there and so something comes over him and he's like you know what me maybe I could do it and he looks and he begins to negotiate can I maybe I could run around him but he's like no I can't because the tunnels kind of thin in that the night's big and he almost feels shoulder-to-shoulder the width of the tunnel and but me if I run fast enough I could slide down beneath his legs and go right through and me and he's trying to negotiate a can how can I do this and he's just that fear kind of comes back at him again but then the curiousness of what's over there and he makes up his mind the risk of what air is worth more than the fear of not going there and what may happen to me and so something came over him and he says I don't know how this is gonna turn out but I'm gonna try to make it right through that guy and he began to ran run as fast as he could and as he got closer and closer he dipped his shoulder and he braced himself for impact ready to shoulder him like a football player and as he braced himself and dipped in he went right through and he almost tripped over himself as that night shattered like a million shards of glass it was almost as if nothing it was like paper thin and it fell to pieces and and my pastor he just kind of had a gathered himself and he's right there at the light and he's like oh my goodness but before he walked through he looked back and he walked back over he goes how was it I almost didn't get here because of this it's kind of like that scripture that the prophet of all talked about it says the day is going to come where Lucifer that old serpent the devil it's gonna be cast down and he's gonna be thrown and the nations of the earth will be gathered around and dignitaries and authorities and figures and people that went through fear are gonna look you saying is this him is this what made me shake is this what made me so afraid is this why I'm telling you right now you may think the devil's strong but you're stronger for greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world I wish someone would lift their voice for a moment I wish someone left their hands for a moment [Music] aha mmm we go back to Psalm 2 verse what I'm gonna try to hurry I've been going almost 30 minutes you guys okay you okay when we go back to Psalm 2 and verse 1 we read this question why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing world up in arms enraged wrath furious and then verse 2 gives us some insight what's going on that the kings of the earth are setting themselves and the rulers are taking counsel together against the Lord God forbid that the world is more unified than the church unfortunately there's more unity in the world and unity in the kingdom of darkness and there is in the church we need to be unified we need to be on the same page and I'll just say this for what it's worth we may not like the decision a church makes at times and we may not like the decision a district makes at times but we ought never publicly tear down the decision of the church and the decision of the district bee that works against the church the body of Christ that we claim to care there's another virus inside of you when you begin to tear apart the church that's the more serious virus Kurt's I don't fear what kills the body I'm afraid of what can cast my soul into hell you okay Oh bleeding in trouble what if I did whoop-dee-doo because I'm going back to South Dakota where no one knows life exists but look at this the Kings set themselves the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed and what are the kings of the earth doing and what are the rulers taking counsel together against the Lord what are the enemy what is the devil what is this demonic world saying look at verse 3 let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us the context is not us asking to be free it is the enemy asking to be set free it is the enemy trying to figure out a way to get the chords off of them and to get the chains off of them because they know the power of the Lord and they know the power of the Lord's anointed and so this is why the enemy is doing everything he can to get us to misinterpret our lives and misinterpret the scripture where we can see something and read it through the lens of fear and leave it read it through the lens of anxiety and worry and stress so did you know that the most read in this is off no so I'm just gonna it just came to my mind right now it's very interesting to me that uh the e-readers and Kindles this is we're in a new era right now this has never been done before you know you can always see what is the New York Times bestseller what's the number one selling book what's the trending book but they never before you know if you if you're like me you could have all these books but you never read any of them I'm just someone watching your office like oh wow what a studious man of good I'm like poseur you know I read my Bible I'll tell you that right now anyways moving on Comm is like so you could have this number one bestseller but really who even read it you don't know but with ear eaters and Kindles and Amazon Kindle all that kind of stuff you now have insight into are these books being engaged they've been purchased but now are they being read and how are they being read and by what gender and by age grouping what's going on it's a pretty miraculous thing and there's no book like the Bible and if I were to ask you what's the number one read scripture in the Bible what what would you say so number one that is highlighted underlined engaged taking notes on what verse would you say John 3:16 right for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life you would you would assume that's the one but it's not it's Philippians chapter 4 and when it you read in verses 4 on down when he took first six number six is the number one verse but be careful for nothing it literally don't be in full of anxiety fear nothing but pray about everything and what's so important for us as Christians to know that that's the most engaged verse in the entire Bible according those that are following is that we live in a world full of fear anxiety stress and worry this is where we are at as a generation right now you've got why do you think the world is the way it is right now the past few weeks as mandate after mandate is going out about coronavirus I'm not saying that we ought not to care that we just throw caution to the wind but it is very evident that we live in a very fear driven world and a very fear driven Society the power of fear is control because those that are afraid now surrender their freedom and they can be controlled and fear is an opposing element to that which is of faith and faith is of God and fear is of the enemy and if we can get driven by faith instead of being driven and led by fear we would have a completely different outcome but the reason why our outcome is the way it is as the church go back to just Psalm 2 3 it's because we're reading Psalm 2 3 the wrong way we're giving all this credit and power to the devil Oh God [Music] sucking our thumbs affray so fear we're never gonna have revival our churches never gonna grow or never it's the spirit in which we are driven we are so afraid and we give all our faith in the adversary and that's all he needs it's for you to believe a lie and he is able now to take the chords that were on him and meant for him and able to put them on your mind and you're walking around with cords on your mind you're walking around and fear and doubt and worry and stress anxiety how is this all gonna turn out are we gonna make it are we gonna I'm telling you right now those cars are meant for the devil those chains are meant for the end you know that you're just interpreting scripture the way you want to interpret it read the next verse let's see what God thinks about it look what guys a little insight into God's living room it says he that sits in the heavens what's he watching he's watching the devil trying to figure out a way to defeat the church trying to figure out a way to defeat him and that that word it says the Lord shall have him to rage and read that word it's pretty funny it's basically God's mocking with unintelligible words like come on dude cool that you could do it you could do it give me your best shot oh it takes the devil off that God just kid so blatantly and flagrantly mock him say go ahead and give me your and you know what the devil did the moment that God came manifest in the flesh the devil did give him his best shot but sin always looks tough when nothing's swinging back at it and so all of a sudden the sheep before it's Shearer's was dumb he opened not his mouth he remained silent he let them pluck the beard he let them slap his face he let them spit on him he let it why because for the love of your soul he's on that cross it says come on if you really are the Messiah come down but because he was the Messiah he didn't come down he stayed on there and he took the best shot he took every hit and he didn't feel like God was there my God my God why hast thou forsaken me but God was on the cross the entire time you may not feel God in your pain but God is absolutely there and you we're up against a little doubt in fear but we're gonna break through in a few people right now and God's gonna help me that's that's what God want ends to do in this moment right now but all of a sudden on that third day he rose again he swiped those keys from the devil who don't even have the keys to his own car anymore he swiped those keys yeah I got all power I got authority you go ahead and mock on devil but hear me you had your swing you had your chance but now it's time for the church I've been you may be seated don't get excited his Bible study I uh I've been pastoring now for 14 years and we went out basically to relaunch a church work and they call us church planters I kind of almost say I'm a church water there was a house there that we were able to start within one person but uh we were launched this church I'm telling most horrible stories and it really is it really is a sensitive subject with me I shared stories a lot not out of joy not out of getting pity but I try to help people but I'm telling you I went through the worst imaginable hell I mean I was so defeated I was so given to the spirit of the area and and geography has spiritual flavor if you will has spiritual elements to it in South Dakota it's a low hanging cloud and it's like a wet blanket any faith that you will have its immediately suffocated and quenched in its drown it's the spirit of the atmosphere its apathy it's it's it's why even try its easier just to give in than it is to to fight back it's it's easier to just go with whatever this is happening here instead of trying to fight up against this enemy and so I was so depressed I mean I got to the point literal I quit I give up I call the superintendent told I'm done I can't do this I'm a failure I was so defeated by the spirit of the area I was walking away from ministers walking away from my marriage I was I was so defeated I was so done and I love this one season we were in in darkness I'll never forget this dream from God I'm sitting there in my my living of my dining room with my wife and the dream you were sitting and talking and also the temperature in the room changes he's very cold and it was very evil it was very dark and I knew another presence was in the room that was otherworldly he was not of God and I saw my wife I could clearly see that she saw what it was and looked beyond me so I braced myself ready to see what it was and I turned around and there was that force of darkness itself he was a snowman you got a top hat you got a carrot you got a scarf an evil snowman they're like frosty the snow demon and God quicken to me so that's the spirit of this area it's it's intimidating it's a moveable it's stoic it's cold it's rigid it's set in its ways it's gonna be there so I did what a train at Apple Sox trained to do 90s baby I'm sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about then god bless you and I opened my eyes fully persuaded to see a puddle of carrot top hat and scarf but it still stood there scare me now so I go around - oh my still there I go a third time same thing like what in the world I felt the Lord speak to me say that spirit of the area is not going anywhere you may feel him but you don't have to fear him because I've given you power over him and you can feel here's what I've learned about I really feel God gave me this this this this insight to our our generation the the Millennials and the Generation Z we're kind of tagged as you know we're sensitive that's not usually typically a compliment by the way and so I guess so that's like how people perceive us and we are we're we're pretty weak you know if I don't get my like participation ribbon you know I'm kind of impacted a little bit by that you know and so so so we need to get our affirmation it's very important to us but here's what I felt the Lord told me it's not by accident but it's by design that the generation is this way because they are these are they upon whom the ends of the world have come and the spirit of the Antichrist is prevalent right now and he's operating with fear and deception and here's the deal as our generation right here we feel that we feel everything we feel darkness we feel adversary we feel depression we feel temptation we feel that sexual sphere we feel that alcohol Poland and we feel all of it so very strongly but see here's the power of sensitivity see untrained sensitivity will lead you to insanity and you'll you'll you'll be easily offended but trained sensitivity gives you authority because all of a sudden you can now discern this is of God this is not of God this is a man this is the devil and the moment you learn to train since it's called the discerning of spirits and when you can learn to discern spirits and you can differentiate what's going on in the atmosphere you no longer are just a thermometer walking around feeling things and just saying oh it's cold it's so you can be a thermostat that takes register of the temperature and now you can alter the tempers say this is not obscene here's what the Bible means in first John 4:1 but love believe not every spirit see my problem when I moved to South Dakota as I felt something I never felt before I felt the spirit of the region I felt the spirit of the atmosphere in the strong man and I felt this depression and hopelessness and despair and apathy and I began to believe it and here's what happens when you believe what you feel that which is meant for the adversary you now say it's mine I'm depressed I'm afraid I'm scared and you've just gave more power to the enemy over that area that's what his prayer is I gotta get these bands off of me I got to find someone to believe a lie I got to find someone to believe my spirit and if we walk around just feeling everything and exposed to everything we are going to take on those bands but God wants to give you revelation tonight that you are not to believe that spirit you are to try it you are to judge it and just certain say that is not of God that's out of the church that's not me God you lost your hands I'm gonna hurry up I'm gonna come to a close as soon as I can would you lift your hands and your voices Roboto raha Sam and a tiara they are a here no namaha your honor oh no Reza this might shock you but I'm telling you the God honest truth I I don't feel God a lot come to where I live you don't feel God much you feel the you feel the atmosphere I feel the devil more than I feel God I feel depression more than I feel joy I used to drive me nuts for a long time I can't figure it out I'm praying I'm praying daily I'm reading my Bible and I just always feel all this stuff and I I was talking about stone King one time and tell him how you know how I feel he was boy that's easy you feel the battle so they could feel the victory oh well that's nice Birds donkey but you got Bible for that didn't even know I was alone but I found something because it sounds good but is it true and Paul said it like this in a Corinthians 4 says death worketh than me so life can work in you this is why this generation feels so much it is your opportunity to get revelation of the way you've been designed and purposed so now what you feel you realize you're engaged in the battle to help set the captive free see here's what the Bible says in first John chapter 3 verse 20 through 22 it says beloved it says if our heart condemns us God is greater than our heart what that means is you're a bunch of emotional like bags up and down up and down up and down whatever your heart says that's what you do but God said the Bible says don't base your standing on God how you feel base it upon God the next verse says but if your heart condemns us then you can have a condemns us not then you can have confidence towards God this is where I've come to terms with I make feel depressed I may feel the enemy I may feel all the despair but I know that is not God and that is not me it's the spirit of the area and so I now because I've been in the presence of God I've been in the Word of God I have confidence towards God and then verse 22 it says now you can ask whatever it is you want and you can receive it of him because you love him and you keep his Commandments if you are obeying God and you are appearing before God you can be gonna have confidence towards God but he listen to me you guys aren't very confident that's why I know you're listening but I'm telling you faith levels so low because you could only get confidence by appearance before God and you appear before a video game more than you appear before God you appear before Netflix more than you do before God you appear before your phone more than you do with God and that is totally influencing you and so you feel everything that you're exposed to and the adversary is very clever he studies human behavior he's not an idiot he's an idiot to think he's gonna defeat the king of God but he's not an idiot how to reduce the size of the kingdom of God because he'll is enlarging itself not the Holy Ghost is here very very tangibly but when you when you're not appearing before God you lack confidence and you begin to take on those chains and all that bondage but God wants you to appear before him God wants you to stand before his presence and that is why I have a see here if we could ever get there I don't know if you could put this verse up Philippians 1:28 this this is a verse that God gave me with that dream that he gave me about the Snowman it says this and in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but you have salvation in that of God what that literally means in layman's terms is that when you're standing toe-to-toe with the devil he wants to he wants to intimidate you and he won't he's used to seeing this and we back down and we cower because here's the truth though this is why another reason why people don't pursue God in consecration because they're afraid of the combat they're afraid of the conflict if I if I don't engage in consecration and fight spiritual warfare then the devil will leave my family alone and I'll be ok but see the devil is afraid of someone standing up to him and not backing down and it says if you're not terrified by your adversary it is an evident token or it gives him a revelation that you got revelation of where he's going which is perdition or hell and where you're going that's salvation that's heaven and so the moment you stare and say you're saying here I'm staying here I ain't going nowhere devil you ain't gonna talk me out of this you ain't gonna back me up come on what are you gonna do I dare you go ahead and try to attack my family go ahead and attack my church the gates of hell I wish there's a young person in this room that will get revelation that you got the power of the Living God inside of you I'm gonna hurry to a close I don't got time to go through our Bible study but I'll read some verses real fast [Music] [Music] [Music] come on your weakness you need to claim that promise right now you need a promise for your weakness right now it's a word of the Lord would you receive the word of the Lord right now God wants you to run towards the fight God wants you to engage the battle for the battle is the Lord's the battle is the Lord's you don't got to fear the economy you don't got to fear some disease I'm telling you the battle is the Lord's and God's church it's gonna come out on top [Applause] [Applause] I wanna read some verses and I'm gonna bring this to a moment in the alter when we go on reading through the context is very important Psalm 2:7 that I will declare the decree this is why you got to know what the Bible says and you got to declare the decree the greater is He that is in me being confident this very thing that he they have begun a good work in you will perform it till the day of Jesus Christ you got to find a promise for your weakness and you got to declare the decree you got to know what the word says the Bible says in isaiah 53:1 who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed see the arm of the Lord has revealed to those who believe the report and it says in Hebrews 12 24 that the blood speaks better things and so it doesn't matter what the report of the world says and the report of the enemy says I believe the report of the Lord and therefore I will see the arm of the Lord revealed and the blood will speak better things over my church the blood will speak better things over my family see we go on reading here I got a hurry he says this in verse 7 declared the decree thou art my son this day have I begotten thee that's a prophecy about Jesus and all of this has come to pass meaning therefore it's accessible and so we could ask of him in verse 8 and he'll give us a heathen for inheritance and he'll give us the outermost parts of the earth for possession you'll give us people he'll give us property he'll give us revival he'll give us breakthrough first John for one I'm gonna wrap this up beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits see whether they're of God because there's a lot of false messages out there don't believe the spirit don't own that spirit don't let it live in your head ain't paying rent cast it out the verse 2 it says hereby know ye that the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God do you believe saw him - came to pass yes sure you bet you now don't you know absolutely yes therefore we have access verse 3 says every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God it's of the Antichrist and then verse 4 says you are of God little children and you've overcome them God wants to set the children free your generation I'm persuaded can be the most it is the most powerful generation but you don't even know it and that's the problem that you have been bound by the cords of the lie of the adversary but we got to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God we got to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ and all of a sudden when the children are free the Bible says you have this revelation and you can overcome them because greater is He that is in you and he that is in the world I like this to gather around this altar or I don't know if there's any specific instruction to do or not do certain things I don't know if you need to create some space I'm not trying to feed fear but if you need a little space I understand that we are trying to respect coronavirus so but you know what I got people calling me worried panicked wondering like why are you don't fear I'm not saying we got to be stupid I'm not gonna walk around open mouth kiss everyone asked him to spit in my face like I'm not saying stupid okay you can be responsible but the thing is what is the guiding emotion in your situation and they ought not to be fear God did not give you the spirit of fear given you power love and a sound mind as Paul said in second Timothy 1:7 but John also said in first John 4:18 that look you this perfect love is supposed to cast out fear because fear has torment and anyone that has fear is not made perfect in love it is not the will of God for us to be afraid of the battle I believe that absolutely God is going to help you to realize the power that you have you know I told you about that the foster kid that we have right now I'm telling you it it it's it's an intense situation I'm not gonna go in detail tonight just because I preach already longer than I anticipated but we took on this boy and you know there's the fear of the flesh like man what if this messes up your family ten-year-old boy that's horrific horrific things in fact if your life feeding can you kill it
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 994
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cElUpApZjfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 39sec (5679 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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