Victor Jackson - The Breaking of Bread | Church ONLINE

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shut up with the voice Hey [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] human - you are my treasure [Music] [Music] we're so grateful for the name of Jesus we're so thankful for the name and the blood of Jesus Christ that saved our soul and made us whole if you're grateful can you lift up your hands wherever you are hallelujah you were [Music] we want and is found in cheese's we ask is more of you [Music] No concise [Music] why [Music] the motion this is our friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can we lift it read aloud right Harrison come on it's found in the more as long as we get more [Music] satisfied [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there's something that's happening in this room right Jesus what should I know something when you turn to the book of Acts chapter 17 verses 24 through 28 this god of the universe has created all things there is nothing nothing that you possess that he wants other than your worship there is nothing that you could kill that you could articulate that you could bring to him that he already did not give you with scripture tells us that he is give us the very breath in our lungs one translation of event first tells us that we are to follow after him he is close to you do you understand it there gonna be a realization that he doesn't need anything for me but there is nothing I could ever bring necks my worship there is nothing I just feel us in the spirit right now many of you don't understand what we just experienced as Jay borne led a charge do you understand hear me hear me hear me do you understand as the children marched around Jericho there was a shout after seven days do you understand how quiet it was for six days there are some things that you're going through right now that it's awfully quiet in your life there are some things that you've been marching around that you don't seem to have an answer yet but I'm telling you on the seventh day there is a shower in your spirit that's coming and I want to sing that again let me authority of the Holy Ghost and say I want you to lead a charge again because if in feud in America I want is just sing it again and I want you to marshal Archer moderation begins acclaim let's thank you for what he's doing right now hallelujah Jesus I am thankful that you're hearing I never want to become so complacent I never want to become so satisfied with where you have brought me from because our work is a perfection is not just the ending of all things here but now that you are working all things for the good and we believe that there are some needs behind me I just want to pray or as we here at First Church believe that prayer is our anchor and I believe no matter how far left or how far right you go that there is an anchor when you can get a hold of Jesus and you can begin to pray over every need that you have because it's the only one that can anchor us in life I don't care how good things are I don't care how terrible things seem to me but he is a rock he is our salvation more we come before you with the knees that are in this room I don't have the answers to everything but I am so glad that could reach out to the author and finisher of my face that you rock me into existence you penned my name and there is nobody that can take it out not any fear not any anxiety not any depression not any disease but God that you are solely on the throne and complete control thank you allow that you order my steps and Lord I'm so thankful for that and so Lord we pray for these needs we pray for our city we pray for our government fried president we pray Lord behalf of those who and we are so thankful that you are listening on the edge - what is going on in Sterling Heights and the name of Jesus let's take him across this room let's think of a cross this room Holly we believe it speak faith believe it in Jesus name in Jesus name - every guest that is in this room on behalf of First Church thank you so much for being here with us and taking the time to making this morning extra special and for everyone our online family thank you so much for tuning in and be with us in service I believe what God is doing here in this house you can feel his presence right there in your living room or wherever you're watching it from so thank you for partnering with us online we love you we miss you but we're grateful that you can connect with us god bless you and we look forward to what God will do in your home with the rest of this service as you make your way back to your seats it has been an incredible week last week we wrapped up our semester of life groups so fewer in life groups why don't you let everybody know how excited you were it was an amazing semester and it was just powerful and if you're curious at what life what life groups are all about life groups are a place where we connect outside of these walls and it's a place where we grow relationally and spiritually and we were not able to do that this past semester so I would love to give just a huge thank you just just grateful for every leader that stretch themselves and taught online it was a different obviously different for us but thank you so why don't we thank every leader that stretched themselves that connected us to the body for their hard work and they did through life groups and so I look forward to life groups Aaron just seven more weeks we'll have another semester coming up and until then starting next Wednesday well if this Wednesday rather we will be having Bible study here at First Church with Pastor Huffman so we are excited to hear from our senior pastor just an incredible man of God that we give a lot of honor to and it's going to be in enriching seven weeks for us so please if you can be here with us Wednesday night seven o'clock and then look for more information on life groups within seven weeks we'll have some promo things coming up within a few weeks so be ready to engage and be a part of a live group today is a great morning because we have a special announcement for you we've got two of them number one Josie and Adam are engaged we love you guys we're so excited [Music] first search is a better place because you two showed up and we absolutely love you guys so thank you for making this your home and we look forward to celebrating this journey that you're on together and becoming a part of your family so we love you guys we're all so excited to have Jay born in the house to the grace of God the healing power of God there ought to be enough faith in this room listen scripture tells us what his train fills the temple right that means every victory every battle that he won for you when it fills the room guess what happens the room is full there is no room for doubt there's no room for disease there's no room for frustration there's no room for anything but the power of God and I can feel him in this room so it is incredible again if you're a guest here thank you for coming maybe like to know more about first church maybe how you can make this your home we have something called growth tract growth tract as a vehicle where you could find out more about first church and how you can plug right in and serve the kingdom of God one of my favorite scriptures that I quote often is that you are fearfully and you're wonderfully made that means everyone is of value in the kingdom of God everyone has value here at First Church in this city so if you're looking for ways to plug in maybe what you're gifting is what God has given you we would love to help you with that and so growth tract happens the first two weeks of every month first two Sundays we're foregoing this one this week we do have evangelist Victor Jackson his family with us so we would like everybody in the room but starting next month again the first two Sundays of the month we do have growth tract that happens right during service we're not asking you to standing later we're not asking you to take another day of a week away from your family and we have some exciting news for our online those that are following us online if you would like to attend growth check we will be doing that online as well as in-person at the same time so we're excited for the growth that growth track is happening is having rather so just be on the lookout for that again if you have any questions or would like to see what we're all about please visit our website first Church Sterling Heights calm and you'll be able to sign up through growth and a life group coming soon right through our website so a great great times ahead of us who here was here Monday night 7 o'clock last Monday night I just said the one of our core values that prayer is our anchor we really believe that here and last Monday night was incredible the power of God was so real so thick in this room it was I'm asking you if there is any way that you have not been here you have not been able to make it scheduled whatever it looks like um if at all possible please just take an hour of your day 7 to 8 and I promise you when you leave those doors you will not regret the decision of being here with us in prayer it has been incredible so again this Monday night 7 o'clock be here for prayer and come expecting I believe you get what you put into it right if you come in ready to take a nap you pie fall asleep well you might not it gets loud in here it's pretty incredible but if you come in here prepare to hear from God you will meet God and it's going to be awesome this coming Saturday July 18th we have something called pride and shine we really believe in serving our city here at First Church and pride it shine is a place that we're able to give back into our community to those that are not able to take care of their lawns take care of their homes we're able to go in there matter of fact First Church leads the charge many churches and other organizations meet us here right in the building this beacon of hope in our city and we're able to go out and partner with other other groups of people and minister to those who have nothing else to give and I think that is a picture of who Christ is coming to serve those who have nothing to offer and so that is a place where we can plug in so please we will have more content on social media so make sure you're following us or look on our website we'll have more content by tomorrow posted so you can be a part of that because it's it's exciting before we move forward I'd like to set kind of the expectation of what today looks like for many in just a few moments our worship team who did an incredible job let's show some appreciation for this amazing team they prepare they pray and we'll have one more song and worship but then after that we have a an evangelist Victor Jackson's family they have travelled in and I'll tell you a 9:15 service was was amazing so I'm expecting as you can see I'm already sweating I've already lost my voice so I'm expecting to be completely done within the next hour but it's gonna be awesome and so I look forward to that so but evangelist Victor Jackson will he has an incredible word that God has given him and then once that comes to a conclusion we'll have a time of Prayer and if you need something I promise you if you just allow God to work through you over the next little bit these altars will be open and you can touch the throne of God and receive your miracle it's gonna be great so buckle up cuz it's gonna be awesome we're looking forward to it but this is a time where we return our tithes and offerings another core value first church is that we live modestly to give radically and I want you to know first church because of your faithfulness and what you have done over especially this these last several months where businesses have failed it's been so difficult God has truly protected and blessed us and we have been able to give back to our community we have been able to help our local church family we have been able to even partner globally with other missionaries so thank you so much for encouraging and furthering the kingdom with everything that you do and sacrificially doing and following principles in Scripture thank you so much there are so many ways you can partner with us if you're not comfortable returning it we have a couple of boxes to my side here if you're not comfortable with that you can also do that online you can do it in our kiosk in the lobby you can text to give in just a moment they're gonna put a graphic with the different ways that you can partner with us again if you're a guest we're not asking anything from you we're just excited that you're here but if you feel like you would like to partner up then go ahead and pray about that and whatever God is telling you follow that but we're gonna return our tithe an offering and while that graphic is behind me there'll be a three minute timer and for three minutes we have something called connect time we just like to get out of our seats and find somebody maybe that we haven't seen in a long time maybe we've never seen you before and we're gonna respect your comfort level will have our masks on and we just want to say hello and we'll Herot will we'll do an air high-five will come and we'll say hell we'll give you the presidential wave if that's okay and we'll just respect that but please first Church let's get out of our seats and find somebody let them know how grateful you are that they're here Lord I am incredibly honored that you would trust us in this season of this hour I don't believe the Church of 10 years ago would haven't be able to endure the times that we are now I believe that you have positioned in poises for such a mo no different than Queen Esther who for such a time as this we're here and so god I never want to squander the moment I never want to be able to waste any time here but God understands that everything we return to you you have always blessed us and protected us and so God over the next few minutes here we're going to return what you have given us because I believe you're gonna take that out and first church and those that partner with us will be able to travel it to countries they've never gone before financially because of what we do here our footprint is large and we don't take that lightly and Lord we're grateful and we're expecting something amazing as we continue with this service in the name of Jesus we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we're making our way back to our seats we're going to continue in worship I just wanted to give a little precedent for the the service and how we've been doing the songs and the cinema and the theme that's been going on in our world now more than ever is the time for the church to stand up taller than it's ever has before we need Jesus today more than ever I got like two people in the room our world needs Jesus right now like never before but the only way that this happens you know that the Bible says that you know it's my belief we're called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then then I'll hear and everything will turn around but it's conditional it says if my people that means the people that are in this room that means the people that have been in church before that means the people that have been serving God before if that so that means that we're not serving God as strongly as we possibly can so we need more of Jesus now more than ever so I wonder if we get during this next song and I know brother brother Jax is going to come up here and preach an incredible message and I'm so excited to hear what he's going to say but before that happens before that happens I wonder if we can seek the heart of God and not so much the hand of God where we come in to church and we just press in our vending machine code and say this is what I want Jesus can you give it to me now but I just want to walk into his house and give him glory and give him praise and not ask for anything because he's done so much already for if that's your hearts cry can you lift up your hands wherever you are and just just just give them the fruit of your lips and just say God you are wonderful you are magnificent you are marvelous you are victorious you're powerful you are provider you're protecting let's name all the things that he is or we thank you Jesus [Music] cut up in your presence [Music] I just wanna sit here at your feet cut up in this hole [Music] I've never oh I'm not here for blessings as Jesus you don't blow me [Music] but more than any [Music] I just won anybody feel that way from shop and I've gone through the motions I'm shy but I just sang another song but take me back to I open up my mouth too [Music] I'm shy and I've come with my agenda I'm sorry when I forgot that you're enough but take me back to where we started hi open up my heart [Music] my hobbies are [Music] in your hand Oh God [Music] I just swallow [Music] [Applause] Hart rasoi [Music] nothing else will do I swore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming back [Music] when it's all come on sing [Music] I'm sorry [Music] in here [Music] I just wanna [Music] [Music] Jesus you don't [Music] just [Music] picture boys all across see ya [Music] and she does yes she does jeez [Music] Jesus [Music] I don't know how much you love him right now all across this room together one more time yes Jesus we love you because you first love to me hallelujah thank you Jesus it's an incredible day already and there are people that God gives us look at history repeats itself look it through history there have been so many voices that have impacted generations nations and I believe that God has given us a voice for this generation brother Victor Jackson has been able to do things through the authority and the anointing of God he has been a voice for this generation for healing for peace for advancing the kingdom I never take lightly when God gives us favor with somebody like that and today not only are we honored to have him here but to have his wife and his boy to have sister Lisa and to have James Asher with us we are incredibly honored that you have taken the time he could have been anywhere in the country in the world but he is here at First Church and we want to know we absolutely love you and we're honored that you're here have your freedom with First Church [Music] come on can you clap your hands to the Lord one more time [Music] praise God praise God if we could all stand for the reading of the word of the Lord what an honor what a privilege it is to have the opportunity to worship God with every one of you the amazing worship team media team all those involved in this service you know once upon a time I thought I could sing and then and I tried one time and the Lord rebuked me and got up in the pulpit I felt led to leave in Amazing Grace found out I wasn't lit by the spirit I was lit by the flesh and I started out [Music] and people were looking at me crazy and I started singing it so the pastor tried to help me out he got on the organ but that just made me more nervous because now I had to keep it tuned and he caught me off guard so much I was like aha and I started forgetting the words to Amazing Grace and so I tried to get some help from the congregation I say hey let's all sing this together and they were like and so that didn't go over well but then several months later I decided to try it again because I wasn't sure if it was the audience that wasn't ready for that type of gifted singing you know what I'm saying I thought I was like maybe this church is ready for me you know so I went at this church at another church and it was the altar call and I was like what's the harm I could do in the altar call people are praying and crying no harm that's a perfect place to sing nobody will notice people were crying in the altar and I got up to sing and I was at break every chain break ever and I saw someone's tear rolled back up into their eye if I ever quench the spirit I people start there was a spirit of confusion that took over the place people started getting up and they were like and I put the mic I said Lord I retired this music career for you but aren't you thankful to have such a wonderful worship and singers and so much effort that goes into that and a man if I if I saying it would just be a mass exodus Amen and but I appreciate so much all the hard work that goes into everything that makes a service like this work appreciate pastor Hoffman and his wife and their wonderful family and I appreciate them so much their kindness their hospitality and honestly coming here I feel like I've been coming here forever I mean it just feels like family being here and I just appreciate you all so much then rhythm Bennetto and his wife thank y'all for the fellowship and had such a wonderful time I'm excited to get into the word appreciate my beautiful wife Louisa for Ananda Jackson hallelujah y'all pray for her she's cuz she has to do with my singing at home cuz secretly at home I think I'm good still Amen why don't we open up our Bibles to the Gospel of Luke chapter 24 I did not come close to finishing my message this morning so y'all get the part - praise God amen amen amen I think I didn't even come close aim and I was just got so excited preaching amen I preached half the message praise God so we'll see what the Lord does here this morning Luke chapter 24 verse 26 ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself and they drew nigh unto the village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with them and it came to pass as he said I'd meet with them he took bread and blessed it and brake and gave to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight verse 35 last scripture and they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them and breaking of bread I want to preach on that subject this morning the breaking of bread can you close your eyes lift up your hands lay your Bibles now close your eyes lift up your hands let's ask the Lord to have his way let us follow his spirit Lord Jesus I thank you for your presence thank you for your anointing I thank you for what you've already done this morning thank you for the hunger that I fill in this place let there be a fresh anointing that would come upon us we follow after your spirit minister to every life every heart every mind every soul every spirit as only you can in Jesus name Amen clap your hands to the Lord praise God amen amen you may be seated in the presence of God somebody shout yes the breaking of bread these two disciples were on the road to Emmaus still way down by the tragedy that had taken place at Calvary as they watched their Messiah get crucified nails in his hands nails in his feet as they watched the soldiers cast Lots as they watch this amazing God suffer and tragic death something that took them by surprise they were walking in depression they were walking in fear they were wondering how this could happen to someone so good and someone so faithful and many times we get bogged down with why tragedy comes to those that are faithful those that try to do right those that live for God many times people feel like as soon as I start doing something for God it seems like that's when all hell breaks loose am I the only one we make a commitment and immediately resistance comes against that commitment and these disciples were bogged down way down depressed with was going on battling with questions doubts concerns fears and the Bible says as they commute together and reasoned among one another that Jesus himself drew near that comforts me that in the middle of pain in the middle of chaos that chaos does not stop God from drawing near to where we are we don't have to have it all together we don't have to have the answers to all the questions Jesus will still show up in the middle of our doubts in the middle of our we don't have to be perfect for the god of glory to come down in the middle of our pain hallelujah some people tried to dress it up try to carry themselves as if nothing has gone wrong in their lives as if they're not hurting as if their hearts are not broken and they feel like if they carry themselves with that certain strength somehow they will get the ear of heaven and God of glory to come down into their situation but something happens when we acknowledge everything that's wrong with us but we acknowledge everything that's wrong in our situation and at the same time acknowledge that God is able to come in the middle and God can move in the middle of a boy God can move in the middle of heartache God can move [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah I think he I think about the woman whose daughter was fixed with the devil she was a Gentile woman and she was a Gentile woman disqualified from a miracle but the Bible says she came to Jesus and cried after him she didn't deserve a miracle but she cried after him but when she cried after him he he answered her cry with silence I'm gonna preach to somebody here sometimes we cry out to God and God's response to our is silence and when God is silent we interpret that as God not wanting to meet our need but God is testing our desperation he is testing our commitment so when crying didn't work the Bible says that she came and worshiped him she took it up to another level but he looked at her and said it's not me for me to give children's bread unto the dog so crying wasn't enough and worship wasn't enough he said it's not me to give children's bread unto the dogs he called her a dog do you know what type of trouble Jesus would be in today huh if he called a woman a dog come on somebody huh maybe people outside the church with signs saying I'm not a dog come on somebody who does Jesus think he is calling me a he called her a dog and look at her response to him calling her a dog she said truth Lord I am a dog but that is the power of acknowledgement because I acknowledge everything that's wrong with me but at the same time I acknowledge everything that's right with you and my miracle isn't based on me and my imperfection my miracle is based on you and your perfection it's not based on me because I'm not enough but if I could get that God that is more than I love and he looked at her and he said that's what I called great faith see see you perceive it as lack of faith to acknowledge your failures your mistakes your troubles your trial but when you acknowledge it and still acknowledge him he says that's what I call great faith people that are going through it but still lift up their hands and worship me people that have been through a storm battle huh but still lifts up their hands and come on and they thank me to show up who'd they expect me to show up in the middle of their trial they expect me to shine Oh Lord hallelujah your trial cannot prevent God from showing up in your situation your hurts your heartaches your pains your fears cannot stop God from showing up God will show up whenever he wants to come on somebody Oh Lord he can show up into a prison cell come on somebody he can show up in the middle of depression he could show up in the middle of heartache he can show up and he likes to show up he's attracted to that stuff because he knows when you're in trouble he knows that you're gonna call on him and what happened who come on somebody trouble can lead you to him Oh y'all better calm down I'm getting on my second win praise God hey help me Holy Ghost I'm gonna talk to somebody here I didn't plan on mention isness but I gotta mention it to you because I gotta encourage I didn't talk about it this morning but I gotta mention it to you whenever I went to Minneapolis be Neapolis nobody was preaching in Minneapolis after George Floyd died I went there in the middle of chaos in the middle of riots in the middle of despair Christians they were only giving out food and they were just giving out food and cleaning up the city but nobody was listening up there voice sounding a trumpet everyone was fearful they were afraid at the time Colvin was out it was chaotic it was full of despair but God gave me a word to go right in the middle of the chaos right the middle of the despair I didn't know what was going to happen my wife was afraid she prayed and cried she's like boy you better be careful a man because this would be the first night that they did the mandatory curfew where the where the National Guard came in so I showed up in the middle of that despair when everything wrong and I was expecting to just pray with a few stragglers police officers and protesters are just a few people but when I went to where George Floyd died there were thousands out there and those thousands were walking around aimlessly and hopelessly and right in the spot where George Floyd died I had already played with the not pray with denominational pastors and people people all around I pray with them I took time to pray with them connect them to local churches local United Pentecostal churches but then I went out right in the spot where George Floyd died thousands were around and people were just aimless they were in Asians Latinos white black all all around they're walking around aimlessly hurting and broken and they were looking they were like sheep having no Shepherd I tried to describe it to somebody huh I said the best thing the way I can describe it huh is that they were waiting on me and I went right in the middle of that chaos and said hey can I have your attention please do something in the city there is hope in this hundreds gathered all around me as they begin the weeping cry under the power of God I understood I don't make me Jesus get show up [Applause] hallelujah I prayed over them God's presence showed up people were crying they were thankful that video someone they took a video of me I asked the guy it was a stranger that was holding the camera I said Peter his name was Peter I said can't you take a video of me praying for these people I want to encourage hope across the body of Christ this stranger took the video after that video went across the media there were there were people hundreds and thousands of people that video has been seen over three million times there were people there was an atheist grandmother she was in her eighties this atheist grandmother when she saw the video she didn't even believe in God they said she got down on her knees and she began to tremble under the power of come on somebody I said hope they come in the middle of chaos hope they come in the middle of the snare and America is ripe for a dissertation of the Gloria haha hallelujah in that video I didn't even mention my name all I mentioned was Jesus all I mentioned was repent be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost all I mentioned was the United Pentecostal church international huh and the UPC website there were people after they saw the video huh they typed in the UPC website in different states they found a local church in their City huh they were born-again of the water in of the spirit huh that Sunday I got pictures to prove it I'm gonna preach to somebody huh whatever I'm typed in the website and the closest church they could find was out of state they woke up early Sunday morning they drove out of state and they lifted up their hands buzzer times up that's the spirit gave the Eddie James of famous gospel artist he shared the video they said Victor Jackson is the first preacher to go out into the streets and give hope to these people huh he said someone tell Victor Jackson that he's my hero charismatic preachers from across the world sent me private messages they said we thank God for the United Pentecostal church international for leading the charge in this hour they said Victor you're my cannot tell you how truth is gonna make away right into the desert the glory of God is gonna reach right in the middle of depression right in the middle of fear Oh somebody clap your hands oh god oh god oh god hey honey can I tell you no matter how bad it is God is still willing to come in it I don't care what's going on in America or what's going on in your life I'm trying to tell you that that is a ripe opportunity for God to get glory in the middle he said I do sit at the valley of ink or there is a door of Hope in the valley of ink or and the valley of ink or where that placement was stoned his family was stoned it was a place of judgment a place of rebellion huh but out of that very same spot Hope began to grow out of that very spot of trouble I've come to preach to somebody right now that's been in the middle of the valley of ink or has been in the middle of trouble it's been in the middle of doubts and depression there is hope that's about to arise right in the middle of that place he drew near in the middle of chaos he drew near in the middle of depression he's you near I said God will still draw me he doesn't have to draw near in perfect conditions some people say well I want to get my life together before God responds I says I'll respond to you while you're addicted to drugs I will respond to you while you're struggling with that alcohol habit come on somebody there is nothing that can stop me from coming to you because when I see a soul crying out and a soul that is bound I do not wait for them to be perfect in their own volition no I come where they are and I empower them by my spirit to be what I have called come on someone that's what the Bible calls her the Holy Ghost is known as the comforter comforter the Greek word Paraclete eheh which literally means the divine presence coming alongside to help you can I tell you when you fall huh God doesn't stand above you and say what's the matter with you huh come on up here no he comes down into your mess he says you come on up here you were made for more than this come on some you were made for you get up if you stumble again he comes and stumbles with you Oh Lord oh Lord I hear praise God I help me Holy Ghost he comes in the middle of town and depression and fear and he says now what are y'all talking about and they say don't you understand what happened Jesus of Nazareth he was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God they said he was delivered and condemned to death and crucified their eyes were holding they could not recognize that it was Jesus speaking to them their eyes were holding and as they're talking to him they say we thought he was the one that should have redeemed Israel and they said beside all this this is the third day since these things were done their eyes were holding they could not recognize that it was God and his resurrected form huh speaking to them but their eyes were holding why because they were so overwhelmed with the pain of the past they were so overwhelmed with the tragedies of yesterday that they did not recognize that God was trying to move in their life right now and I am preaching to people right now that are so overwhelmed with their mistakes of the past so overwhelmed with the tragedies of yesterday so overwhelmed with the consequences of decisions you cannot see that God is trying to move in your life today I'm gonna preach to somebody right now you gotta open up your heart you gotta open up your spirit they say God I'm gonna let the fears of yesterday stay in yesterday and I'm gonna cleave to you today to make me a new tomorrow amen said is the third day okay so they said is the third day because they think they thought the third day it was impossible for anything good to happen on the third day they were saying if something's gonna happen it would have happened on the second day or the first day but to show how dismal their situation was they said look not only is it bad this is the third day he's been dead and Jesus is just like yeah you don't even see me you don't even you're so overwhelmed with your problems that you don't see the answer standing right under your nose you should overwhelm with all the chaos in your life you lost a job you you the marriage is struggling the kids are being wayward it's not working out as you want it you can't see the answer right in front of you he said they said they went to the tomb his body is not there and then Jesus says ought not Christ to suffer these things to enter into his glory the suffering was necessary to enter into my glory he began to expound at Moses and all the prophets the things concerning himself and they constrained him say abide with us I don't know who you are but stay with us he said I'd meet with them he took bread and blessed it and brake and gave to them and their eyes were opened and he was known of them in the breaking of bread they were fellowshipping with God without recognizing it was God they didn't realize the power around them I fell he broke the bread and when they could not understand his resurrection he used brokenness to give them an understanding of who he was what he was he said you're talking to me but you don't know who you're talking to so I'm allowed to endure a broken season that you might get what I'm trying to communicate and their eyes were holding while their fellowshipping but there was something about when he broke the bread and it was the them encountering brokenness that opened up their eyes to a dimension of God they had never seen before what is God doing with your broken season right now cuz right out of that broken season that brokenness it was the bridge to understanding the resurrection that broken season it was the bridge to understanding the power of God God said you've been praying to see me in a way you've never seen me before but it's going to take some brokenness for you to get that and it's heart of that brokenness something about when they heard him - sure it's him there's always so much I can learn about him in the power of the Resurrection but I didn't realize that there are parts of him that I needed to know in the Fellowship of his suffering come on somebody what if I told you God's one to give you some resurrection power right out of this broken season you thought it was in vain you thought you were suffering for no reason you thought it was something that you did wrong but sometimes it's what you're doing right and he trusts the people that he breaks [Applause] wave a hand if I'm helping here and now wave a hand if I'm healthy Oh God brokenness was the path to understanding him and he takes them to Moses and the prophets he expounds for them the Penta took the first five books of the Bible of the Torah and when he expounds to them beginning at Moses I'd like to think that he took them back to the text where he showed them that he always gets glorified in the broken places of life Moses he took him to Moses of course he would take them to Moses that that makes sense that he would go to the life of Moses because Moses the Bible says in acts 7 that Moses was a man of mighty words and deeds in Egypt he was mighty in words and ease he had an oratory he had a gift he had a strength about him and Steven preaches in acts 7 that Moses killed that Egyptian supposing that Israel might understand that by his hands he was their deliverer but they understood it not Moses killed that Egyptian and his own strength thinking that after he killed them that the Israelites would rally behind him and he would become the commander of a mighty army to destroy the Egyptians he killed that Egyptian in his own strength mighty in words indeed so God put him through a 40-year broken season and he broke down Moses oratory down to a stutter and God said now you're in the position where I can use you they spoke well but God that's a breakdown the Oratory gif he broke down the hyperbole the similarly the metaphors the apostrophes the commas the periods the quote he broke it down Augustus now I can bring Tim please their brokenness well I guess with the red cedar through that brokenness now I think I brought you down to a place where all that I take it I said Moses I can do more with your stutter than I can do with your oratory come on somebody because I'm a I can do more with your weakness that I can do with your strength I can do more with your broken that I can do with you whole and I know you think you got it all together like they're gonna run no it's just gonna bring you on a backside of a desert and I'm gonna break you down into a dependency well you rely on me for every word that comes out of your mouth you rely on Comm don't preach to somebody in here the absence trip down your independency down to us there's people here that pride themself of being strong I'm independent God's like that's cute let show me where your independency gonna get you heartache broken relationships well I'm in the Holy Ghost right now bad decisions cycle okay I'm going to allow it to break you then it finally gets to God I can't do this without you that's what I've been waiting for and I'm will allow the brokenness to build you up into my image as I'm as a matter of fact the Bible says that we were born in sin and shapen and iniquity and they could take lawless behaviors shape us and to the image Satan wants us to be so God will break us down that we might conform into his image come on somebody and he breaks off the shackles that the devil has tried to place on you and he shakes off the generational spirits the generational curses they'll try to bind your family and he builds you back up and sewer oil Oh somebody clap your hands oh praise God Oh y'all so hungry I'll pulling this out of me I'm trying to stop preaching y'all just so hungry out there pray you pull leave some of this for me praise God here it is here it is I didn't want to say this I hear it all right I'm just gonna preach praise God people think that a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then all of a sudden puts wings on and start flying like the caterpillar almost like keeps its substance and then comes out with wings and just like hey I come out of this cocoon no you know what happens in that that whole calibrator kept catepillar Briggs down its own enzymes from the inside breaks its whole body down to a goo there's not even the form of anything in that cocoon you open that cocoon up water is gonna spill out the whole body breaks down and then it just builds itself up into a butterfly the only thing that remains is the little structure but everything else is off then over time God builds it back up it doesn't even look like what it's been through come on somebody who's God doing that to right now David he his brother say am i hoping anybody whoever hand if I'm helping David his brothers uh his his brothers kind of hated him you know it doesn't feel good when you watch your brother be anointed in front of you when the Prophet comes as oh not you know definitely no do you have another brother around here yeah he's watching the Sheep but we were kind of hoping a lion or bear would kill him we put him in a dangerous spot come on so much there was a tension in the family then they get him and Prophet says let's say at the Lord I would not and the brothers like he goes out his brothers go forth to battle and then David comes and his brother says what are you doing here it's just the naughtiness in your heart coming in here there was a tension in the family hmm they were such a tension between David and his brothers and that family jealousy envy all types of things but the Bible says that when David went into the palace and Saul wanted to kill David throwing javelins to try to kill him listen Saul chase David into caves and he chased David into the cave deulim this was a broken moment and David's life and in that cave of brokenness the Bible says in 1st Samuel 22 1 that David's brothers came to meet him there there was a tension there was a jealousy there was all that but whenever they saw their brother was in trouble and his brother's enemy was about to destroy him they put their jealousy aside they put the pass history aside and they came into his broken season and David's broken season became a cave of reconciliation what is God trying to reconcile in your brokenness they put their agendas aside they put the history side and he said my brother's in trouble and David's brokenness became a place of reconciliation they put the past behind them not only the that happened but David brought his father and mother to the king of Moab the Moabites hated the Israelites Oh Lord but Jesse was a descendant of Moab Oh y'all making me preach here jesse was a descendant of Moab his Ruth was a Moabite but they were essentially between Moabites and israelites but in trouble in chaos in pain and brokenness David brought his father to the king of Moab and there was listen generational reconciliation out of one man's brokenness what generational conflict is God trying to reconcile in your broken season and here it is Jesus feeds the 5,000 and when he feeds the 5000 before he feeds the 5,000 they said we've only got five loaves and two fishes he says we'll just bring it to me when they bring it to him before he breaks it it's 5 loaves and 2 fishes it's normal after he breaks it it becomes abnormal before he breaks it it's sufficient to feed one after he breaks it is sufficient to feed thousands but when he gets this bread the first thing he does is he takes it he blesses it and he breaks it and here it is God would not allow you to be broken if he didn't already bless you because he always blesses before he breaks God would not allow you to go through suffering if he didn't give you enough blessing to sustain that suffering season [Applause] so what if I told you your brokenness is a sign of your blessing us because it would have never came to you if God didn't already equip you with what it took to survive it what if I told you a year ago you were in a church service like this and you felt the presence of God you felt to linger in the altar for a little bit you felt the glory of God you curled up into a corner and what if that was God blessing you to survive this pandemic to survive this pandemic to survive this period of unrest he was blessing you before the breaking game the Bible says that you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world which means you were in the mind of God before the earth was created you were in the mind of God before Adam was created you were in the mind of God before Abraham was created you were in the mind of God before the world was created so God said I'm going to keep you in my mind here it is this is my last point I'm going to keep you in my mind listen and I will not release you into time until I find the best time for you to live for me so I'm gonna hold you in my mind and I will not release you in 300 BC no that's not a good time for you I'm gonna hold you in my mind and I will not release you in 400 AD no I'm gonna keep you here I'm gonna hold you in my mind when I release you in the late 1800s no I'm gonna release you in the middle of a pandemic cuz you're the only ones I could stress to get through it and come out on the other side with power Oh somebody needs to thank the Lord right now come on you need to stand on your feet and clap your hands to the Lord for a moment ha ba ba ba ha Satya ha la la la mejor tire hallelujah come on stand to your feet he said I'm going to release you and a period of unrest come on but I wouldn't allow you to live during this time if you couldn't handle it come on somebody but I put you in here because I knew that brokenness would draw you closer to me I put you in here because I knew your heart would open to me that much more I put you in this time because I found the best time for your gift to be a effective in my kingdom I said it's not coincidence you're here I said it's not an accident you're here he knew where this world was going to be and he puts you here because he trusts you I said he trusts you look at this strengthen this place look at you how you got a smell in this place how you in church with all the stuff you've been through in your life come on somebody he said I'm just blessing you before the breaking happens and your brokenness is a sign of your blessedness god oh Jesus praise [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] your brokenness and the son of your blessing this God did more for us broken than he could do for us hole he created the world with his words but he saved the world with his wound God's doing something in you in this broken season and with this ministry with with what's happening right now I feel compelled by the Holy Ghost I want you to just lift up your hands where you are right now and I want you to ask the blessing of God to follow you right in the middle of that place has got to reveal to you the places that he's already blessed what we're not so blinded by the brokenness that we forget that there's a blessing in the middle of it what a ministering anointing I feel here come on somebody open your mouth right now [Music] come on can you join with the person next to you right now can you join what your family member can you join with the person beside you close your eyes and can you open up your mouth and release the blessing of God upon that person next to you there's a blessing in the middle of this brokenness come on that's it open up your mouth as a blessing in the middle of this brokenness [Music] Navajo satalia [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna see you - to see come on lift up those ABS or to see to see - come on if you want to come forward to pray you can if you want to come forward that's where you can if you want to stay in your seat then praise Chan this respond to the presence God [Music] enjoy [Music] future you take with you [Music] the turn [Music] you take in turn that you turn it compass ting you take what the enemy you turn in thank you you take when you turn it for good you turn I'm what [Music] see ya I want to share this I want to share this I didn't knew this in the morning service but I hear the Lord speaking to me loud and clear there are people here that have been trying to get their life together without allowing the power of Jesus Christ to come right in the middle of your brokenness there are people here that you have never been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and the Bible says he that believes and is baptized shall be saved there are people here today that God is calling you by his spirit to take on his name in the waters of Baptism and he said when you take on my name every sin every mistake every wrong decision all of your history will be washed in my blood and it will stay under the water and when you arise out you will come out a new creature in Christ Jesus [Applause] when you go into that water it's like entering in tub cuckoo Jesus you win in one way but when you came out there was a metamorphosis that happened you don't want the same anymore you don't talk the same not because there's anything good in you but it's Christ that's working through you it's Christ that is upon you and there's been people that have been afraid to get baptized in Jesus name because you say brother Jackson I'm still struggling with some things and I'm afraid that I'm gonna mess up after I get baptized as if you messing up we'll discount you taking on his name you see what's you taking on his name that gives you the power to get up again so if you fall no one's perfect you make a mistake after you get baptized God doesn't throw you away because no you have my name your my possession I'm gonna help you get up I'm gonna strengthen you you're not alone you don't have to do it by yourself [Applause] it's time to get baptized in the name of Jesus we have robes for you will honor social distancing well we will do it in the most respectful way but whatever you don't want to get wet we have robes for you I didn't do this in the nine o'clock service I follow the Holy Ghost and the Lord saying there are people here then already and you've been feeling convicted you've been filling a hunger and a thirst but at the same time you look at your mistakes in your villages no I can't do it I can't do it but God saying daughter daughter's child my son it's time for you to let your life be changed by my power you don't have to earn it come on somebody you don't have to earn it just receive his love if you're a baptized as a baby if you were baptized as a child can I tell you no one in the Bible was ever baptized as a child because a child can't make that decision a baby can't make that decision no one was ever baptized as a baby a baby can't make that decision that's the parents making that decision if you were baptized and the Father Son and Holy Ghost and all you remember is that they called out father sudden Holy Ghost can I tell you no one in the Bible was ever baptized in the father son holy days everyone was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ why is that name so important because neither is there salvation any other but there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins acts 816 for his yet you has fallen upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus so people say brother Jackson I thought no matter how I was baptized I can only do it once even in the Bible they got rebaptised they were baptized in the baptism of John and they found disciples and he says how are you baptized that we were baptized of the John's baptism he said John told you to believe on him that she come after him that is on christ jesus and the bible says when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus x19 in five five and six it's time it's time because out of your brokenness you know what you're gonna come out a new creature you see before this broken season you and I said no I'm just never gonna do it but now is the right time to respond in that season I want you to ask the person next to you right now ask them have you been baptized in Jesus name come on ask the person next to you I want you to ask the person next to you right now have you been baptized have you been baptized in Jesus name come on ask them come on ask him how are you baptized maybe if they can't hear you with the mask alone pull the mask down how are you baptized how are you baptized tell him it's only in the name if they said I don't know if they said I don't remember but they said I'm not sure tell them it's time to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ come on look at that person look at them let's say it's time to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and I want you to grab them by the hand and say it's time if you can bring them forward for those that would like to get baptized Jesus name I want you to come forward I want you to come to the front we're gonna celebrate with you you come to the front or you can come on this platform we're gonna rejoice with you come on there's people that are ready to get baptized in Jesus then don't be shy now don't be shy now you make your way forward don't be nervous will honor social distancing we're honest with this thing safe it's time this is the right moment if you have not been baptized if you're baptized in the Father Son Holy Ghost you need to be rebaptised I want you to come forward come on I want you to come forward we're gonna celebrate you there's gonna be life there's gonna be strength there's gonna be power be can you lift up your hands where you are right now lift up those hands where you are right now and I want you to pray that God's Spirit would begin to draw you don't have to be afraid there's nothing to be afraid of taking on Jesus name there's nothing the matter with the name if you want to see victory if you want to walk in authority if you want to walk in that anointing now's the time to make that decision and Jesus name in Jesus name come on come on ask them tell them it's time it's time people looking around he's uh no no I'm talking to you I'm talking to you mouses uh well what better Jackson I'm waiting for the right moment there will not be a right moment now is the right moment today is the day of salvation you're gonna walk with the joy you've never walked it before you're gonna walk with a smile you've never walked it before you're gonna look in our hope you've never walked it before you're gonna walk in the power of God like you never one time [Music] it's open I want you to grab the person's head next to you they're about to sing again grab the person's head next to you right now oh Jesus it's the time when I got baptized in the name of Jesus I thought I didn't get saved till I was 19 years old I felt like I was a failure I felt like I was nothing but something happened to me when I went under the water they said I now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of sins and when I came up I came up with a shout I came up I came up with a hope come on I felt 19 years of abuse erased off of my life I've done 19 years of psychological trauma he erased over my to come on somebody I'm telling you there's hope in the name they're about to sing again and there's people I know that need to come forward Gaza gentlemen we're not gonna force you but I'm telling you I'm telling you it's the best thing that can happen in your life and I know you've been in services the Lord speaking sent me you've been in services for months you've been in service for a year some of y'all they come in two years you've not been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you put it off you kind of hide it in the crowd the Lord said Victor I want you to stop the service and I want you to tell them about my work so they can't hide and say it's time so people said well I don't know the Lord's asking the question what's the matter with my name try to debate it well it doesn't have to be the name God said what's the matter with my name it's his name lift up those hands across they're about to sing let the power of God following you right now so on let the blessing of God begin to flow from the front to the back come on somebody open up here Tang say you take what the enemy meant for evil can you turn it you tell me oh man it's a turn in fog [Music]
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 1,229
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: c2G_cowLXrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 16sec (6676 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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