Mario Party CHAOS CASTLE + BOSS FIGHTS and FINAL BOSS FIGHT BOWSER vs Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi!

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today we play through chaos castle in mario party 10 and take on the incredible boss fights on this board with mario luigi peach and yoshi who will win in this amazing showdown i hope you enjoyed this video all right here we are chaos castle we've got some bowser statues over here and lots of lava this is gonna be very frightening welcome to mario party you'll be playing on the chaos castle board deciding order let's see who will be first it is luigi okay luigi wins by doing absolutely oh that means we're last luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing okay we all get five stars to start up and it's whoever has the most mini stars at the end wins okay go ahead luigi all right man this is oh you know what hopefully there are a lot of mini games we oh bowser is here hey luigi look at the gamepad one of my friends is locked in the gamepad move the locks and rescue my buddy oh as a thank you the player who saves him will get some mini stars oh so we want to roll one two three four five and six and whoever rolls the last number whoever rolls the last number gets the mini stars for saving a toad i guess okay so luigi goes first gets a zero one dice block rolls a two wait what kind of space oh oh that's just a dice space okay go ahead peach if they both roll once that would be amazing ah six she gets plus five stars for going by here man the luck in this game is unbelievable some people can get so many stars oh and you probably want to jump and avoid the lava bubble we wait are we going into a toad house oh we're about to go into the toad house okay go ahead and roll peach okay she gets a four five six dice block oh man peach is in a nice first place now with 10 stars we haven't even had a mini game yet and peach is winning there's so much luck on the overworld what is yo yoshi rosa four a nice big number and wait are we all going into the toad house now it looks like we're all going into these it looks like we're all going into this mushroom house now all right let's jump and get a block all right i got a four five six buck that's pretty cool whoa yoshi got a double dice i didn't even know the double dice were in this game all right wait plus eight plus eight oh my goodness and he gets to get a special dice block what is and he gets a four five six dice box so yoshi has a double dice and a four five six dice block man yoshi's quite lucky you know what i think i should use the four five six dice block and go to the right that's what i'm gonna do oh wait can you choose specifically what you want or no let's see i don't know if we can choose oh we can't choose so let's see okay it's just six okay so oh wait wait wait wait wait but if we go this way then we land on the yeah we landed on one of those we're about lucky spaces lose five mini stars if you're hit by a chevark oh man so if we go up that way we lose five if we go this way we gain eight and then we lose five so it's like we gain three but you know what i guess i'll go this way then i might as well go this way we get plus eight here but now if we land on this then we get hit by chevarg right let's see unlucky yeah it's us minus five poor mario okay at least we're at eight go ahead luigi luigi's in last place this is nice luigi rosa one what does this do i don't know what this is change change what wait wait what's going on the order changes or what i'd love to go next if i could uh wait wait wait wait oh so now yoshi's going okay ah now yoshi gets the plus five that's so sad and where does he roll six and five okay so he gets an 11 pretty big roll for yoshi wait yoshi's in it wait wait hope is the last lock we'll get 20 minutes oh so whoever rolls a three now will get mini stars because there's only one lock left okay yoshi let's head on this way are you gonna get hit or no let's see oh man the timing must be difficult yeah but he made it wait and is he passing by another plus five how is yoshi getting so many plus fives this is unbelievable and plus eight yoshi's stubbed how does yoshi have so much luck it is unbelievable how much luck he has and what does this do and it's a lucky space what is he gonna get some more stars just give him 20 more stars three four four oh my goodness 35 stars how lucky is yoshi he has 30 more stars than luigi all i have is the normal dice block i hope i roll a three let's see ah almost that's sad you get a five now would i have to choose one to jump let's go okay we didn't get hit so that's nice and what we just landed on a normal spot what's this looks like there's a mini game box in here oh finally we get to have a mini game all right what kind of mini game will we have okay four player mini game hopefully we can start to wait some stars you know she's got 35 stars cliffside crisis i've never seen or played this one before let's see how it works this looks amazing i love the way that this mini game looks this is such a cool idea okay let's see if we can win so we want to go back and forth and jump that's my understanding oh don't want to go there let's see this guy's coming back oh two of them fell off oh goodbye luigi okay these guys i thought that would be so much more difficult that is ridiculous how easy that was all right luigi's in second wow he doesn't backflip he's so happy that he's in second good thing yoshi isn't getting more stars yo she is way too lucky all right go ahead and roll luigi what now you're gonna get plus five here luigi for going oh he only gets a one wait so is peach gonna get plus five wait wait the turn changes please be me please be me please be me let me roll come on i need these plus five don't be yoshi anyone but yoshi okay i guess it being peach is all right oh and there's a mini balls coming up i guess okay a six so we're probably heading to the mini boss now right man yoshi has 37 how does he have so many all right this is a boss fight here right bowser drops down mini boss battle what do you have to say bowser bowser roars everything is shaking we all run into this castle over here because we're scared of bowser where are we teleported to who is the boss fight against let's see mega mecha koopas swing and stomp guy looks crazy the way that his eyes are moving around like that okay this is a super cool idea i didn't practice this yet oh the beginning of this boss reminds me of a donkey kong 64 boss the way that we have a cut scene like this that's actually pretty cool all right okay so we want to take on this guy okay so what we want to do is head over to the left climb up here jump onto these and then we jump off on to him i don't know if you could bounce multiple times onto him but you want to be careful to not accidentally run into him because if you run into them hold on let's just jump now let's go because if you run into them then you take some damage and you lose a point wow his hp is kind of low let's see will we get the i wonder if we'll get the final hit on him because there are probably two phases when his hp is half full probably one phase is over okay peach is in a pretty close second [Music] let's see ah that was the halfway point i was hoping that we'd be able to go before ph [Music] let's see oh i'm tied with peach actually at three ah my jump missed what is this oh good thing that the fire didn't get me i guess all right let's go bam got him all right don't want to get hit by the fire don't want to get hit by the fire beach don't push me up i don't know if you can get pushed off into the lava okay let's see let's go i jumped past him no no okay that means peach gets another hit man everyone is so close behind me this is so much closer than i thought it would be hey let's see where are we going where are we going let's jump bam got another hit there we go okay now let's just not get hit okay good good good good good good good doing great at no getting hit okay come on come on come over here uh oh you want to get hit by the fire hey swing back bro and let's go oh no i swung past him because he went for it okay let's stay back here where we're safe are you done with your fire are you done with your fire bro please stop with the fire okay we're a bit ahead of them oh wait and i wonder how many points you get for getting the final hit on him so you know what maybe i'll let someone get a hit before me because i think there's still two hits left so let's see or do i just go for it yeah go no i missed i missed oh no no no no no no no no no no no how many does yoshi get for getting the final hit plus three no we don't want yoshi to be in first yoshi already has so many stars that's so sad oh man that was the worst person to get first place in this boss fight oh no so we're in second and they have a tie breaker for who's in third case so princess peach wins third luigi's in last we get five yo she gets ten yo she has way too many stars we need yoshi to lose some stars somehow yeah yoshi is very many stars ahead of us he is at 47 we are at 18 oh my goodness almost 30 stars ahead of us he's 29 stars ahead of us how can you have this much luck and what does he roll he rolls a six man what is he doing rolling these big numbers okay what way does he go up is he gonna go to the left oh no everyone please be careful the score hits you you'll fall down and lose 10 mini stars i hope yoshi gets hit please yoshi get hit let's see okay he gets five more for passing by here he's at 52 he didn't get hit he didn't get hit hey my turn let me get a three please a three we need a three three would be perfect or you know what three five or six would be good give me three five or six three five or six man this luck is unbelievable let's see ah scary's resetting that space should be safe now yeah now it should be safe what about everyone else though luigi get a no i don't want him to get a three actually oh he rolls a zero okay he's like nope i don't want to move anywhere peach what about you what are you gonna roll don't get a three i want to get a three okay peach also gets a zero okay yoshi are you gonna use your big dice block you're gonna use your big dice block oh he just rolls normally okay it's not a three wait six does that make him fall down let's see four five yes hooray yo she also loses some stars that's so nice and now it's my turn to roll hooray okay you know what give me a three a three would be perfect give me a three please come on i want a three nobody's gotten a three in this game yeah give me a three please please that's it's not a three that is not a three now someone else is going to get some stars after this turn okay what do i what do i get i get a slow dice ball okay now i can get a three next turn if i want but someone might get a three before me what's this looks like there's many game box hidden here all right let's play mini game and the mini game is a four player mini game the last one was super easy so let's see how this one goes what mini game will we have free for all mini games yoshi's got 42 stars cheap cheap leap oh it looks like we are invincible and you want the cheap cheaps to jump into yeah because we get a star and then what you want to do is defeat as many cheap cheaps as possible okay oh the big one's probably worth more let's see oh the gold ones are probably worth more too let's see oh man i don't know how many we're getting oh let's see here's a big one i don't know if i got the big one or not some over here i didn't get the big one i have so few i have so few points how do i have so few points how do i have sophie wait 41 okay peach is in first i'm in second okay at least yoshi's in last i guess that's nice oh man that's a pretty cool mini game i wonder if you can go forwards and backwards or if it's only left and right go ahead and roll luigi get a bad number please five wait wait wait that means he probably gets these five stars and he probably lands somewhere safe right let's see where is he landing okay he gets a custom dice block now let's see or special dice block sorry and he gets a four five six dice block okay all right whoever rolls a three next is going to get a prize from the toad so peach please don't roll a three please not a three please not a three okay good a one that's good okay now yoshi if yoshi rolls a one that would be perfect but don't get a three just don't get a three a one would be nice but don't get it oh wait he's using a big dice block okay so he just gets a four okay so he gets another plus five so yoshi's at 48 stars already pretty unbelievable okay now it is our turn if we roll a three then we can get some mini stars so you know what i'm gonna do this and let's see i'm gonna roll a three and then go to the right then we'll get some more okay let's see two three i want a three that's what i want i'm gonna roll for a three because we got the custom dice block that was very nice so now what happens we release the toad from jail now is something gonna happen here hooray we've rescued the yellow toad how many stars do i get it better be a lot 20 well done mario please take these 20 mini stars with my things thank you so much for those 20 mini stars ah that's so good we just passed princess peach and we take second place now okay now we're all heading in here so we're all going to get some more custom dice block or more uh more nice ice blocks i guess oh luigi can't roll oh wait wait wait mine's going super slow so it's like i could choose what i want okay you know what i want the gold one let's see where's gold there we go okay we got the gold one okay slow dice block all right that's so nice that's so cool that if you're the person in the front then yours rolls slowly like that okay now i'm gonna go to the right i don't know what landing on that blue spot does i could either go here and land on a blue or go there and land on a versus i'm gonna land on the blue because i think the blue might be a lucky spot i think the red ones are unlucky maybe the blues are lucky and also we get plus five for going here which is quite nice so what is this now it's so nice that we're catching up to yoshi lucky okay so what happens wait wait wait wait wait wait watch your timing and keep jumping what's going on [Music] oh oh i could go back and forth as much as i want okay nice okay how many stars did i get okay plus 17 let's go are we in first are we in first are we coming back now we are in first we have finally passed yoshi this is amazing i'm so happy with how this is going okay luigi's unlucky there luigi loses some stars poor luigi you get knocked off to this side minus 10 that's pretty brutal losing 10 there and i've also got a custom dice block okay well it's it's called a slow dice block but you could basically roll whatever you want okay peeps gets a four where does that take her unlucky oh man that we get knocked over to that side peach loses dead okay so he's just falling even farther behind so it looks like right now my biggest threat is wait and he gets plus five for passing by here he gets a one okay so he does get the plus five no he lands on the lucky spot no i don't want him to land on the lucky spot i don't want him to land on the lucky spot how many stars is he going to get let's see man he's getting a lot he's getting a lot of stars i don't want him getting this many stars how many stars does he get plus 16 oh oh very nice number of total stars i guess i'll allow it yoshi okay so let's see what do we want we could use the slow dice block to guarantee a specific role between one and six but there isn't anything particularly good between one and six like even if i get a four i won't be too upset i'll be kind of upset okay but we got a six okay that's fine that's fine doesn't matter too much that would have been our biggest role anyways so let's see no more star stop what's this looks like there's a mini game box in here okay so let's have our mini game hopefully we could win this mini game let's see what is the mini game one versus three so is it everyone versus me because i rolled is that the way it works or is it random okay looks like it's everyone versus me and what is the mini game moving mushrooms okay if i win i get seven if they win they get three each it looks like all right this one looks very interesting there are mushrooms coming down and we want to tilt these uh oh okay we don't want the poison ones we want the poison ones to fall into theirs oh man oh my god oh man oh man nice we got that one oh man you can really uh flick these up you have some oh wait wait wait wait wait this is so hard to keep track of oh my goodness there's just so much going on let's see what's the score even okay they're winning oh wait no we're blue we're blue okay we want the good ones in the blue so that one we can uh bounce over there nope we got a poison one let's go like this no nope i keep giving myself poisoned ones uh wait wait wait wait wait the gold ones have to go to us nice no no no no i gave them a bunch of good ones uh oh they have way too many points uh oh uh wait wait what color are we okay we are blue [Applause] okay okay okay all these are falling oh my goodness how did we come back i played so badly but somehow we won that because all the gold ones at the end just rolled in oh man that was pure luck there was no skill in that i couldn't have played that any worse i think if i tried to lose i think i might have done better all right let's see luigi rolls uh four wait what in the world is this steel oh man don't be mario [Music] it is yoshi uh take that yoshi yoshi oh and it's how many of you steal you could be steal up to half their stars half of their stars oh i am so glad that is not me oh my goodness it's amazing that those stars are being redistributed like that okay ah that's so lucky for me because now my opponents are much closer yoshi's much less scary now even uh luigi's in second now actually oh peach gets plus five for being here you know what i don't mind her getting plus five because she's in last place okay and we landed on a bowser junior spot what's it going to be lose half your mini stars would be so sad wait lose special dice blocks wait everyone or just peach let's see well it looks like it's just peach i think ah poor princess peach looks like she's losing her four five six dice block oh no how could pastor jr do that go ahead and roll yoshi looks like we are passing by it's not a checkpoint it's not a halfway point what is this called home stretch that's what it's called all right we all hop off okay this gate opens we'll battle bowser but first let's look at everyone's ministers we're gonna battle bowser i have got a nice solid first place here this is amazing in preparation for the final battle i'm handing out some presents wait final battle there this is the final battle i thought there was more to this level okay what we get to choose uh we got to choose uh if you get a special dice block maybe let's see what we get okay one two three dice block okay so i've got a slow dice book and a one two three dice plug but wait this can't be the final battle can it because what would be the point of us getting these blocks from here on the player last can choose a mini game it's only fair well i guess it is fair it's kind of like mario kart economics it's like whoever's in last place they have the most benefit given to them all right oh because it's still quite a while before we reach bowser okay there is final bowser all right oh he's shooting a fireball at us here is it going to hit us oh it almost hit us oh bowser will attack each turn will attack each turn you'll lose half of your mini stars if you're hit so be careful that is pretty terrifying oh man and on any of those spots he can hit you with fire okay i'm up what do we want uh you know what i've got 60 should i use my slow dice block how far away are we let's see how many spots is it to bowser 12 30 40 50 60 17 18 19 22. that's pretty far you know what i'm kind of tempted to use my six this turn kinda attempted to roll a six this turn just so we could be safe maybe use a one two three dice block if i use a normal dice block there's a 50 50 chance that we get hit if i use a one two three dice block there's a one in three chance that we get hit i'll do this i'll do this let's see hopefully we don't roll a one thank goodness it is not a one okay that's good this is good hey bowser go ahead and shoot your fire okay we don't get hit by the fire which is very nice passes right over us that's quite risky and scary to do oh oh if i get a zero one that might also be nice let's see what we get is custom is this it looks like there are no slow dice blocks here um i guess the blue one would probably be the best ah the green one okay okay maybe in some situations that'll be useful like we did just use one and we were safe with it so let's see go ahead and roll luigi luigi's got a zero one block i'm surprised that he actually took the risk and rolled slightly he gets plus five for passing by there but he gets hit he gets hit by the fighter over here poor luigi he goes from 45 stars to 23 and we change what's the order i actually want to be last now don't be me i actually don't want it to be me this time don't be me or yoshi ah it's yoshi oh that's so sad okay go ahead and roll yoshi what are you gonna roll oh he's using his slow dice okay he wants to get a specific number okay so he wants to be safe he doesn't want to lose a bunch of stars yoshi's playing it smart over here and he gets plus five for being here okay we're getting close we're getting close bowser shoots another fireball here passes right over us all right now what go ahead and roll yoshi yoshi gets a one two three dice block okay now it's gonna be my turn to roll so let's see what are we going to oh what's this looks like there's a mini game box in here okay so before i roll it looks like there's going to be a mini game hopefully we could win this mini game that would be great four player mini game all right who's gonna win this it's so nice to finally be in first place paintball battle i've never played or seen this one let's see what happens hey i'm not sure what the point is here but it looks like you want to shoot each other with paintballs i think that's the point oh oh it looks like everyone has three hearts okay got peach ah yoshi got me okay gonna get peach out okay got peach out nice oh no is there like a certain number of paintballs that you can use come here bro let's go what about yoshi how many does yoshi have you she's almost out okay got yoshi once there okay it's close it's close oh no is it gonna be a tie between me and yoshi ah it's not a tie i'm one heart ahead of him does that mean that i win or is it that we're both not out so we're both tied in first i'm in first let's go okay that's a really cool mini game that might be one of my favorite ones so far that's really cool because it reminds me of tread carefully from mario party 2. i don't know if it was also in mario party 1 but that was one of my favorite video games in mario party okay so so if we roll a five then we can get a lot of stars so i think it might be worth doing this because if we get a six then we have to go backwards so i'll do this and i'll try to roll a five let's do this okay let's see two three four five okay give me a five give me a five because we get a bunch of stars for passing by this one over here and we're also safe how many stars is that plus ten nice so we are at 75 now this is a nice spot to be okay and we're super close to bowser which is also fantastic oh and i might get a nice one too four five six would be perfect i think yes okay okay so by the time that is my turn i might be able to guaranteed reach bowser so i don't have to worry maybe maybe depending on what luigi gets he might go backwards if he gets a one no why would you want that why would you want to go backwards luigi why would you do this why would you make our lives so difficult okay so we go backwards how far do we go back five backwards wait wait i wonder if that means luigi's gonna get hit okay so he gets plus 10 for going this way but how many does he lose he lands here wait for going backwards you don't get hit i would have landed on the spot that makes you go backwards then because now peach gets plus then and she also goes backwards right man everyone's just going backwards oh man i didn't know that that's the way that it works i would have purposefully landed there then i would have gotten 10 coins for passing by and then another 10 for going the other way oh man four backwards oh man this is not great i'm basically giving everyone a bunch of free stars now peach lands here okay now what are you gonna do let's see yoshi what are you gonna do rolls normally gets uh one oh that's so sad lions on a bowser spot okay so first he gets hit by the fire now he's going to lose a bunch of stars loses 21 stars that's pretty sad already and we all get sucked into the bowser box what happens is it a bouncer minigame or something else let's see what's going to happen how's the revolution please not bowser revolution i think that would split everyone's mini stars give 10 mini stars to last place okay who is in last place right now i don't know if it is yoshi or if it's someone else so you're in last place uh when the person is in last place bowser gives them some stars so look at this here she gets another 10 stars now he's up to 32 stars that's so many [Music] oh man that's not good for us i've got to be careful because now it's our turn to roll right let's see i've got a one two three dice block if i do a normal roll then there's a one in three chance that we are hit by bowser's fire if we do this then there's a 66 chance that we're not hit by the fire if we do this we're guaranteed to get hit by the fire so one two three dice block is obviously the best hopefully we don't roll a one give me anything except for one please please please please please please i hate you i hate you oh man why would that vlog do that that's so sad okay we lose 37 that puts us down into second place wait who has the most right now peach man wait what is this what does that even mean battle mini game x5 wait what's happening does everyone oh okay so he takes five stars from everyone okay i guess that's nice if we can win that's nice let's see how this goes oh man sore to score wait is this a luck based one this looks luck based wait uh do you only have one shot to do this you know i probably should have uh practiced i probably should have practiced this before playing okay so that's what you want to do you spin around and you press a to let go oh and i'm up first too okay let's see let's see oh man that's so bad that's so bad just 60. okay hopefully the others can't do very well let's see luigi where are you going bro oh he just made it onto 60 that's so sad okay so he tied me we're tied so far what about princess peach peach please also get 60 or 40. hahaha 40. okay that's nice all right what about yoshi i think we're all gonna get to go twice because there's like a one and a two feel she gets 40. that would be amazing yes okay good good good so luigi is the only big contestant right now he's the only real competitor we have okay let's see oh man that went much later than i thought it would okay well i hope luigi doesn't land on a 60. please don't land on a 60. good good good good okay i hope peach gets 60 or less i hope peach doesn't get 80 or 100 if she gets 80 she tells me if she gets 100 she wins good good is that 20 or 40 40. okay she's right on the edge today that's good okay now yoshi please don't get 80 or 100. if he gets 80 he tells me if he gets 100 he wins hooray okay ah that's nice that's nice okay so i get some mini stars wait but i didn't did i get hit by bows already yeah i did get hit by bowser already okay so ties are decided by dice rolls who wins peach again because peach always wins the dice roll peach lost the dice roll for once okay we get plus oh that's not as many stars as i thought we would get we paid in five we got ten back the person in second also profited because they paid in five and they got six back wait luigi rolls oh i thought that it'd be a peach wait a three uh so he gets ten but then he's gonna be hit by bowser right let's see and he lands on a bowser space that's so sad okay i've got a four five six dice block will that bring us close enough to bowser i'm not sure if it will let's see because it's still peach and yoshi will still go before i do so i might be able to guarantee that i don't get hit by bowser let's see what do we get here when ten thousand mini stars i think bowser might run away for some reason i don't think they're gonna actually get it right oh what happens lead you okay i think you can handle ten thousand mini stars we're just like yeah yeah wait what he gives him just one we just like where's the rest look i'd actually give him to you oh that's so evil oh man bowser lied to us lying is evil all right peach go ahead wait peach might get plus 10 right there six oh no she gets plus 10 and we might already reach the final boss so she's at 51 she's eight ahead right now wait wait we get sent back okay oh and she gets hit that's amazing that is so lucky okay and wait how far back do we get sent how far back do we get sent and yoshi still rolls just one okay wait does the bowser spot get activated or no i think it doesn't yeah just because we went back okay yoshi go ahead and roll what do you roll a six okay i'm in first place i'm in first place right now this is oh wait okay i'm just ahead of yoshi actually i am too many stars ahead of yoshi but we're actually in first place here so this is looking amazing let's see okay are we facing off against bowser over here bowser's tank terror oh the winner gets 15 so if we come in first that would be amazing if yoshi's third or fourth that would be even better all right i am ready to take on this final boss bowser over here we are in tanks just like in tread carefully and i like the minigame tread carefully so hopefully we can also do okay over here so we want to shoot at bowser maybe also collect some mushrooms if we can okay this is going pretty well uh oh okay it's going pretty well uh avoid those let's be careful not get hit by the fire over here just don't get hit by the fire don't get hit by the fire okay this is going great okay we are big right now so oh no run away oh we got hit we got hit we got hit let's not get hit again i got carried away there okay let's see oh ben the fire is going this way now i'm so scared of the fire i kind of want that mushroom there okay let's see oh man it just exploded over there i didn't know that that would just explode randomly oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man let's go let's go down here it's nice that there isn't something that just like randomly takes away half of your points in this mini game okay let's see how can we do here okay fire's coming this way now oh everyone's giant except for me never mind they all shrunk down okay let's see let's see let's see let's see we've got a lot of points we've got a very surprising amount of points move move oh man if the tank drives into you do you take damage also i'm wondering if you do i want that mushroom give me that mushroom yes there we go let's get some points here let's get these points okay he's probably almost done this phase no i lost the points give me the final hit let me have last hit let me have a last hit let me have last hit let me have last hit did i get last hit for the face i don't know if you get extra points for last hit on the phase because normally you do i think i got last hit over there bowser flies into the lava is bowser defeated or is he going to come out of the lava like that donkey kong 64 boss for some reason this game is reminding me so much of donkey kong 64 today oh my goodness what in the world is this it's like bowser but dry bones that is quite terrifying all right phase two it looks like let's see oh do you want to get hit by that oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man ah no move everybody go peach got another mushroom come on i need some mushrooms i need some mushrooms guys bro okay let's see luigi's in uh wait no peach is in a close second okay now he's shooting fire up here okay now let's ck want to avoid those okay let's avoid all those push luigi into it that would be funny okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go bro where are the mushrooms out i need some mushrooms hey there's a mushroom coming over there ah the mushroom puffs too soon let's see where do i go where do i go i'll go here give me this mushroom yes oh oh i'm still alive let's hide there we go what what is that he's taking out a bone he's using a boomerang power-up that's not fair you can't use a boomerang power up boomerang power support for mario oh no we got it we got hit we lost our we got another one got another one oh nope he got us again we are at 68 points we need just one more point let me get that one hey now we can't get one point because now it'll be worth multiple points now where do we go to hide let me hide here whoa almost everyone got hurt by that ah we passed by the special number okay let's go this way oh we couldn't squeeze by there maybe it's because we're big maybe that's why we got hit let's go he's almost defeated it's almost defeated we just lost a few points but can we get him i don't know if i got the last hit or if the yellow one counted as the last hit but i think no yoshi gets okay plus 10 but still that doesn't even put him into second place ah bowser has been defeated what an amazing boss that was so cool i'm guessing that the boss is done i don't think there's going to be another phase let's see 75 we got 100 points and lost 25. so not only did we get the most points but we also lost the least amount of points so we have the most amount of points overall most points gained and least points lost that puts us in a very nice first place over there ah that's so good oh that is so nice that is so nice let's see if we actually win overall though because it still comes down to the bonus stars come to the final tally it's time to announce the bonus stars let's see where the bonus stars going to be and how many bonus stars will be given please give some to mario don't give them all to whoever is in second place i don't even know who's in second place anymore slow start moving the view spaces goes too luigi okay what about the second one what is this far star that one goes to yoshi forester removing the most spaces goes to yoshi well then on to the final results so i didn't get any of the bonus stars i hope we could still win i'd be so sad if we lost this one because we played so well we were in first place going into the final mini-game we won the final mini-game let's see what's going to happen who's gonna win this one okay there's the star let's all float up like super mario galaxy which i have to play sometime okay who falls off first peach then okay please yoshi fall please let me win thank you thank you thank you thank you oh man what a game you are this superstar let's go what a great game oh man we won by two mini stars it's unbelievable how close that is there's another time that i played this game on a different board and i lost by too many stars to yoshi so now i beat him by two mini stars this time oh man yoshi had unbelievable luck at the start of this board look at that look at how far ahead yoshi was for the whole beginning of the board and then we just came back after that thank you so much for watching this is an amazing game you might enjoy some of my other videos have an amazing day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,327,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, bowser, boss fight, goomba, goomba boss, mario bosses, final boss
Id: WZSRauwGoU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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