Mario Party 9: Magma Mine!

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today we play Mario Party 9 magma mine this is one of the scariest and most exciting boards in the game there is a part where magma is rising and constantly chasing us there's a big punishment if you get caught by the magma I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying these videos thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy this journey with toad okay it has been a little while since we have played Mario Party 9 so we are now going to this magma level hopefully that fire doesn't burn us we are at magma mine a lot of people have told me that this is their favorite stage in the game w come to magma mine first we'll decide the T order that's Toad's favorite line in the entire game oh wait and we're also playing as toad oh yeah that's right I made myself toad okay so maybe we're very lucky because we got first over here Order set oh up first wait a minute but I'm toad but wait you're a different color than me I guess you're first then Luigi's next then it's Yoshi and then it's shy guy isn't it kind of funny that it's first to last from left to right all right let's get started it is Toad's turn Okay so that's nice okay guys Captain to get a five or more and then you'll be lucky no way are we getting that again oh my goodness wow our luck continues what if we just get sixes for the entire game that's actually fantastic that we got that would have been nice to actually get a five I think that would have been a little wait what I could get both of those how far are we going oh oh I have a mod active that makes us uh hold on okay there wait did I stop it okay I accidentally had an infinite movement cheat on and that's why that was going okay so you know what I going to uh disable that now now let's see what way do we want to go let's go this way wait oh everyone voted to the right okay so we have to go to the wait why are we not stopping come on come on come on let's stop let's stop I'd like to stop please there we go okay now we finally stop now wait is every character going to go forever now or what's going to happen Luigi gets a one okay let's hold this there we go okay it's one versus three mini game now okay and our mini game is block and roll everyone versus Luigi okay so hopefully we can stop luig Luigi because Luigi wants to bring over these blocks to the left side there and we want to drop down these Boulders on him where am I okay I am on the far left this time so hopefully we could stop Luigi if he wants to make it here let's see let's see go and get him no it was too slow okay let's just try and uh slow him down again regardless hey that did not work that didn't work this isn't good this isn't good okay where are you going bro where you going bro let's go let's go you're not making it you're not making it ah no oh he got another one already this is not good this is not good we want to slow him down we want to slow him down oh no and he ran through okay hopefully we can stop him come on come on come on we've got to stop him we've got to stop him this Luigi is just too good hey go now go no no yes oh thank goodness he walked into that otherwise we would have had trouble okay let's see 20ish seconds left let's go go get him now get him now get him now you're not avoiding that Luigi nice try nice try got a bit of time left let's stop him let's let's stop him no no no with 5 seconds left he made it Luigi is the winner that is so sad so sad that Luigi won that so sad oh doesn't this look a lot like Temple Run guys uh everyone's so sad shy guy even fell over toad is crying like a little baby Yoshi is so sad so looks like Luigi gets a bunch of mini stars for that which is lucky for him now it's time for Yoshi to roll are you going to move infinite spaces or what okay you got three so let's see oh okay good good good thank goodness the cheat is turned off now it looks like he is actually stopping after traveling three spaces all right okay so our beginning of the board was a bit weird I accidentally had an infinite movement cheat on because I played through this game before playing what happens if you play Mario Party 9 with infinite spaces and we played through the story mode and that was really fun to play through wait now what's going to happen here oh I guess this is some side path that we are going to let's see what happens here oh Captain event I wonder what's in this cave you should check it out oh oh and it's just one of these okay okay I see what's going to happen this would be interesting to see with infinite movement too would you just have one person go down and collect all the stars I guess everyone would okay let's not hear the rules let's just play everyone just roll you get a six wait do you have to be careful to not go too far wait toad that's me so I roll I get just a three that means I don't make it at all even he what's next to five okay and Yoshi get also a three okay so Yoshi and I are at the same spot we get nothing those guys get some stars now what how many times do we get to roll if you go too far do you fall off when does the mini game end I wonder when the mini game ends okay this guy gets just a one let's roll we got a two not a very big roll at all but hey at least we get one mini star I guess that's something Luigi gets a three and yhi yeah that's a four okay so I'm probably the farthest back right now I guess maybe it's good that we're not falling off how long do we go for ready to give up oh Shy Guy chooses when you want to keep going or not oh that's so interesting okay he gets just a one that's so funny because I guess if somebody falls off then they're probably in trouble okay we also get just a one hopefully shy guy keeps going cuz yeah you don't want to fall off I'm guessing if you fall off you don't get to keep any of the stars that you collected and Yoshi gets a five okay oh Yoshi might fall off cuz Yoshi's pretty close to the edge over here ready to give up Captain Shy Guy not yet shy guy wants to keep going what do you roll a six wait if shy guy actually falls off from that that'd be so sad and now it is our turn if we get a six we get all the mini Stars well the most possible okay we get just a four at least we get something and who's up next Luigi what do you roll you get just a two that's fine wait that's actually amazing for him oh Yoshi needs a one or else he falls off Yoshi gets a three so Yosi she falls off oh and so does shy guy oh my goodness they get minus 10 if that happens since the captain fell off the cliff I'm afraid that's the end of d block chicken what a cool mini game what a cool little Captain event I don't think I've ever actually seen this one before okay I got three Luigi got 10 the others didn't get any somehow we are still in first place we're One Mini star ahead of Luigi so that's very lucky for us I guess we just got very lucky oh oh if I get a three or higher then we get some mini Zars which would be bad actually let's just roll normally let's see what do we get a five that's so sad so sad so sad everybody so sad he let's just keep going that's fine we lose some mini stars that means that Luigi's ahead of us for now actually but hey it's still super early in the game oh that's right and the lava's going to be rising soon wait is there also a mini game in here or no okay we just got a one 2 three dice block that's nice Captain Luigi it's your turn if you get at least a four you get a lot more mini Stars he gets just a three uh that's kind of unlucky but at least he gets a dice block here let's see what dice block he gets a 456 dice block that's a super useful one oh there's something else in here freefor all mini game let's see what it's going to be what mini game will we have bombard I love this one this is one of the best ones in this game okay so this is one of the best mini games over here so we are on this moving platform we've got poisonous floor below us and we can push around these B bombs a bit but we want to be careful to not get caught in the blast of them and get pushed off that'd be bad if that happened but it's nice that we could move these B bombs around a bit to our liking wow everyone's still alive this far in what's going on how's everyone playing so well well let's see what we're going to do where we're going to go oh oh oh oh two of them knocked off it's just me and Yoshi now come on Yoshi let's go Yoshi let's go let's go oh you're coming up here Yoshi you're coming up here so am I okay I'm going to stay here you're kind of close to that bomb Oh but he's still okay okay still 20 seconds left oh he got hit by an explosion but he's still alive uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh where are we going I'm surprised I didn't get caught in the blast of that one let's see where we going who it's good to jump wait what if we both survive Yoshi might be surviving this just a few seconds left come on and looks like we both survived unless Yoshi just runs off at the end there so I guess are we both in first place we're both in first place there so we both get a lot of Min Stars wow good job Yoshi that's very good of you okay now Yoshi know oh and Yoshi gets even more mini stars now he gets a bunch over here and he uses the 456 dice block rolls a six a gigantic number that probably puts him into first place yeah he's in first place now well that means I'm in third actually and wait oh shuffle oh so the turn order changes Shuffle the turn order I didn't think toad would be saying Turn order again in this game okay so who's up next what's the order now oh Yoshi gets to go again oh you're so lucky that you get to go again actually because now you go to the mini boss what's the mini boss going to be let's see what the mini boss is okay the boss battle that we have right now is let's see what it is going to be wamp stomp I think that is an appropriate one for this stage swamp H you must love losing all right let's go into the castle everybody okay so we actually don't have a guaranteed victory over here because it depends on how the others do so down comes the th and we have to pick if we want to rotate one time or zero times so if everyone does one then it'll end up on me if I do one and two of the others do one then it also ends up on me okay I'm doing zero let's see oh wait no no no I thought I was Yoshi for a second I'm actually to okay so that means Yoshi's getting squished so that's great so that's very good goodbye Yoshi oh wait and now we got to jump on this guy in ground pound now wait is it a or two what do you press to ground pound oh it's a let's go and come on ah I wanted to get one more okay we only got three hits there that's too bad oh and Yoshi got squished that's too bad okay so we're toad okay let's rotate as long as it's not two we're good let's see who does it yes it's three okay that's very good okay so that looks like Luigi's getting squished which is very good two and three so if I didn't but it was the same squishing then we would have gotten damaged actually okay let's see let's see and three and can I get a fourth yeah I got a fourth hit okay amazing so we're actually in the lead okay and th is getting very angry right now he's doing a lot of squishing let's see what's it going to be okay there's one turn that's automatically Happening Now do we want it to go let's not go this time I'm picking no I'm picking no this time let's see wait one 2 3 that's me getting squished isn't it one 2 three so sad so sad toad is getting squished that is so sad we get minus one the others get to go a bunch hey sh guy might be winning this one he's got a lot of points here guys don't defeat him right now don't defeat him oh man shy gu's up to 27 if we can get Shy Guy squished that would be amazing okay so I am not going to go this time I'm picking zero unless they all pick one we're in trouble oh okay we're squishing only one okay so Luigi's getting squished that's fine uh shy guy might be winning this yeah and shy is getting on before me too that's not good let's see I'd love last hit okay I got last hit bonus how much is that plus three we're still one point behind Shy Guy I think I think Shy Guy still gets first place which is so sad look at that still one point ahead how close were we to winning shy gu is so lucky that he didn't get squished to is kind of happy he goes yeah he gets Min Stars oh but I guess the difference between first and second isn't that big it's only three mini Stars well that's fine oh and the castle is destroyed yeah you did it great job Shy Guy everyone managed to take back the Min Stars keep collecting Min stars as you make your way to the Bowser gate wait a minute but isn't there supposed to be rising lava right now what's going on with this Rising lava oh we're tied in first with Yoshi overall now which is kind of cool oh I guess that's the rising lava I must have spoken too soon the lava is going to start coming up now uhoh goodbye to the toad house it runs away that's funny I don't even remember that happening look at this lava oh my goodness it is like red soup that is coming up hopefully this is red soup that heals us the magma is rising starting now magma will rise two spaces every turn if you're the captain and the magma catches up to you you'll lose half of your mini Stars that's kind of a big deal okay and the red line shows us how high the magma will go this is scary okay Luigi what are you going to roll oh he uses the 456 dice block that's smart so that he can stay away and not lose half of his mini stars and he gets another special dice block I should wa a 1 to 10 dice block that's nice you can get a nice big roll with that and the magma comes up to there and we've got to be careful you know what I might use the one two three right now you know what I'm going to use the one two three dice block cuz I'm happy with whatever I roll here a two would be great okay a three is also fine that's fine cuz we got a new dice block and it is another 456 dice block that's nice oh no mini game that's kind of sad so sad so sad you know what are the others going to do cuz I kind of want to stay close to the lava right now cuz I have these four five6 dice blocks if I want to run away okay shy guy gets just a two wait plus two what does this mean oh oh the magma rises in extra two spaces that's scary okay so it's even closer now even closer than we thought and where's Yoshi going he gets just a three so what way does he go if he goes to the left he gets burned I think oh you know what you know what let's vot to the left oh if I vote to the left then it's 50/50 so let's do that just to see what happens okay so now it spins oh oh that's what happens regardless I think and oh it lands on Luigi he's so lucky wait wait wait who was that wait Yoshi's the captain why would Yoshi vote to go to the left then that makes no sense did he want to burn himself hey well I guess it's time for a battle mini game okayy three Min stars are taken from each of us and these Min stars are going to be distributed to the winner no don't be this one Ah that's such a tough mini game this is one of the hardest mini games yeah you have to control yourself with motion controls and I would have loved the gold one okay but you know what I guess I'll just take this one that's fine that's fine yeah the gold one gives you five points I guess let's see where's the gold one give me the gold give me that I almost didn't get it that was scary okay so that's nice that we got some we're tied up with Yoshi now now let's see where's the gold going to go where's the gold going now over there let me have that yes I'm so surprised that I got that cuz shy guy was so close to that that's actually amazing that we got that okay going to throw some more going to throw some more I'd love to get that one but I can't so I'll get this yes okay very good I'm just glad Yoshi didn't get that it's good that Luigi got that okay now Luigi and Yoshi are basically tied up oh there's a gold you know I'm just going to go for this one that's fine that's all right that's all right Yoshi's catching up a bit hopefully Yoshi has a round without a ring where's the gold one give me that yes it's so nice to get the gold oh and these guys are really taking their time getting to that one okay and looks like Luigi gets a few more points now it's nice that those points count at the end even after the timer ends out but we still win this we beat Yoshi by five which is pretty good it's very nice that we won that try guys so sad so sad okay that was a good match and oh wait wait wait wait wait how are these mini stars now I'm up into first place now very nice okay there comes the lava and okay Luigi's turn Luigi if you get a two you're in trouble oh you're so lucky he's just outside of the range of the lava okay so he gets a dice block another one to 10 dice block Luigi you can get some amazing rolls I'm surprised you didn't use that this turn oh boy this is so scary wait this is actually awful if I get a 1 two three then we're burned oh wait I can just use the 456 then unless we end up going backwards if we get a five that might be bad getting a five could be bad hey don't give me a five if you give me a five just don't let me be unlucky next turn Okay a four is actually fine I'm fine with that oh another battle mini game that's kind of funny that we just had one now we're having another one a lot of battle mini games k three Min Stars taken from each of us we could solidify our lead even further if we could win this upcoming mini game in the last mini game wait do I get to choose now I get to choose let's do skipping class not something I recommend when I was in university I think I missed a total of zero classes I don't think I ever missed class in all of undergrad okay let's get ready for this we're going to have to press some buttons wait oh and it's funny the toad is so short so he has a shorter rope there down down two very nice hey we got a lot of points somehow left to right and hey nice everyone got plus three uh left up right down hey that was kind of easy okay plus five nice uh up two down two very easy oh man look at us doing flips here uh like that okay that's pretty good plus n very nice uh okay that's good I think I did it very nice plus 11 oh my goodness okay all right I did that input there oh my goodness plus 30 oh boy I was not ready for that one okay we got only plus 10 for that one okay 61 that was pretty good we did well there I didn't expect the last set of inputs to happen so soon after the previous one there wasn't really much of a break I was ready to still do commentary okay I just took a little break because I went out to dinner with my sister it's always nice to take out my sister to dinner to thank her for coming out on some of the YouTube videos and helping provide entertainment for you guys that are watching the videos man it's so nice to bring my sister onto the YouTube channel I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying it's so nice just to be with your family and spend time with your family oh oh man if we go to the left that could be really Troublesome actually so let's go to the left wait wait wait wait wait that means that we are almost getting burned here this is actually unbelievable wait and it's shy guy that's my vote okay that means we are going to the left okay so Yoshi's up next and okay so shy guy gets a few over here but wait are we landing on a plus two let's see okay three left okay let's see what are you landing on you're landing on yeah a plus two so that means the Magma's going up too higher that's going up pretty high there that's going up pretty high okay and the Magma's going to make it up to there so you need a pretty big roll or else you're getting caught Yoshi you got a gigantic roll you're so lucky you're actually so lucky Yoshi okay we're barely in first place right now actually Yoshi's in first place now cuz Yoshi now has more any stars than we do oh I thought we could keep voting to go back to left oh man look at this the Magma's coming up okay wait oh I was going to say there's a good chance that Luigi next turn is getting burned but it looks like Yoshi got burned this time oh man that's unlucky the magma went down two spaces okay but Luigi you're still in very big trouble I don't know you can even make it yeah with a oh man you're in trouble you are in TR wait I might be getting in trouble too I don't know if I could Escape also wait there's something else in here oh three Min Stars okay I was expecting a mini game cuz we haven't had that in a while but now it looks like Luigi's also getting burned man in this section everyone's just getting burned Yoshi got burned now Luigi got burned I might get burned too this is very scary how far do I have to go can I even make it to safety the only way that we could make it to Safety in this turn is if we roll a six and there's a one and three chance of that happening yes okay thank goodness we had that four five6 dice block that made it a 1 in three chance instead of a 1 in six chance so we actually made it to safety I actually don't want to roll next hopefully I don't have to go for a while let's see the turn order who's next it is Yoshi okay and I'm last okay this is actually amazing that is absolutely fantastic luck hey Yoshi hopefully you get to lose some more lava the lava is right on your tail there oh man Yoshi you might be unlucky here a three okay so he's going to a Bowser space hopefully it's not Bowser star Revolution Bowser star Revolution would be bad wait is that an option oh it isn't even an option okay let's see what is it going to be battle for half of your mini Stars wait does that mean all of us put in half of our mini Stars I think it might be yeah cuz it looks like all of us appear here and all right did you hand over half half of your Min stars to me hopefully it's a mini game that we could win cuz half of our mini stars is a big deal okay 42 Min Stars alt together the winner gets 21 wait uh how many min stars did I have before this oh and Yoshi gets to choose hey Sky Jinx I should be able to win this one there is a chance that we can win this one I just have to remember which character I am I'm coat cat is so small right now it's so strange being the smallest person over here okay but you just want to oh no I fell I fell okay but it actually doesn't matter that we fall because all that matters is that we reach the end first that's the most important thing okay let's see across here now can come across here and go we made it we made it we made it we made it we made it okay I can't run to the right right now cuz the camera's not going this way yet there now we can go a I fell again that is actually awful to fall there let's see let's go bounce across and let's go we fall one more time we lose is this the end that's not the end yet wait is this the end where's the end there's the end okay and there we go I don't know how those guys were so slow and even though we fell off twice we have the least Hearts we are still the winner because we are the first one that made it to here so that's nice that we get a bunch of mini stars but it's kind of bad that now oh okay okay the mini stars are raining down on me for a while oh and there's one mini star left okay so Bowser gets to keep the extra one cuz it wasn't split up exactly how he wanted that's fine so let's see yeah I end up with 41 mini star so I probably don't get many more if anymore than what I started with at the beginning of this oh toad that's me actually uhoh wait wait as long as I roll a one I'm good well and then we have to go to the right if we don't want to go to the left well if I roll a five I don't want to go to the right probably so things could go badly here but let's see what we get a four okay so let's see where would be best to go if if we go to the left that is trouble if we go to the right that's also trouble but to the right would be better I'd like to go to the right okay everyone voted to the right okay so that's fine that's nice of you guys to be nice I do lose some mini Stars here which is kind of bad but it might also be good because there might be bonus Stars at the end for who got the most mini atars and we got a dice block which is also very important okay but it's only a one two three dice block which I think isn't as useful in this level I think in this level it's very nice to get the 4 five6 dice block wait is that the top after this we might be getting close to the end here okay Shy Guy also rolls a four that's a nice big number gets a lot of mini stars there look at that that brings him up to 26 waight oh he's landing on a plus 4 does he get burned then let's see 1 2 3 4 almost reaching guys uh-oh Luigi you're up next you're up next what do you get if you get one or two you're in trouble you're in trouble Luigi you're in trouble yeah the magma goes up an extra two so Luigi gets burned what an absolutely terrifying stage you could just keep losing mini stars like this hey Yoshi you're up next we're almost at the end now but wait wait wait is the lava still going to chase us when we get up here you're so lucky Yoshi I don't know if the magma keeps going up here though cuz right now it says almost there wait now there are probably going to be some more uh Bowser spaces that appear let's see what happens oh wait wait for me oh they both get a slow dice block that's lucky of them okay and now here comes Bowser Captain Yoshi I got a present for you too what do you say a whole bunch of presents yhi goes Yosi Yi I like presents sound like Elmo when I say that I think hey 1 2 3 four five okay five Bowser spaces appeared okay so I guess that's the end after that see you yeah five spaces turned into Bowser spaces and you can go forward one also okay that's fine and next is our turn too which is nice wait there's something in there what a mini game free-for all mini game yeah cuz we haven't had a free-for-all mini game in a while so let's let's see the winner gets five second place gets three so not bad Peak Precision please yes okay this is a great one okay I'm expecting this one to go pretty well and it also doesn't look like it's very difficult cuz there's a bunch of two ones at the start let's see but I don't want to I don't want to hit the buttons too fast okay oh boy that's actually a little tricky oh and there's that okay pretty slow in comparison to my best time bit over a second slower but hey not good enough to beat these guys shy guys still way down there hooray toad wins turn turn icide the turn order that's what toad always says doesn't he okay so that's nice that we got some more mini Stars we're in a nice first place here and it's our turn to roll so over here basically any roll except for a two is great two would probably be the worst roll so I'm not going to use that cuz then we have a 1 in three chance of getting a two over here we have just a 1 in six chance of getting a two even a one would be better than a two cuz then we could roll again okay nice a six okay the biggest possible roll basically unless we got a one because then we could have gotten an extra roll and gone even farther than six oh Shuffle wait if I get to go again that'd be great sh the turn harder and it is yes I get to go again okay that's actually amazing wow that's so funny okay so just those guys switch very nice hey Toad's turn again and now there are a lot of Bowser spaces so whether I use the one two three dice block or the normal dice block there's a one and three chance of getting a Bowser space I don't really want a Bowser space a five okay that does bring us to Bowser hopefully we don't get lose half of your mini stars or lose a bunch of mini stars or something oh but we are gaining a lot you know what we just gained a lot of mini stars in this turn so maybe this won't be too bad hopefully nothing awful happens at Bowser's place now okay Bowser what's it going to be give 10 mini stars to last place as long as it's not Bowser Revolution or lose your mini Stars let's see hey reverse mini game that's actually perfect this is perfect okay so this is a mini game where you want to try and lose as quickly as possible I believe so let's see what the mini game is going to be let's see last place I'll give 10 mini stars to the player who loses the mini game got it okay okay hey let's see what the mini game is who gets to pick K Yoshi gets to pick bilistic this is going to be an interesting one to see who loses be the first player to get hit by an incoming Bullet Bill this is going to be so funny because normally you're trying to avoid the bullet bills but now we want to be the first one that gets hit by one okay maybe staying near the center is a good idea hit me hit me hit me yes yes okay that's so good I don't know if going for that one or the one on the left would have been better but there you go oh and Toad so happy to be in last place that's so funny that the others are so sad so sad that should shake things up a bit yeah just gives me an even better chance of winning cuz I have even more mini Stars thank you Bowser okay now who's going next but you know what oh nice and that brings us up to 69 mini stars that is perfect we have so many we have more than double the amount the person in second has he if Luigi keeps landing on the reverse space he could keep going backwards into all those stars and collecting them and he actually does land on a back space okay let's see what does he get if he gets at least a three he gets a four so he gets 10 mini Stars here and I think we land on a battle space right is that right yep there we go time for a battle mini game it's battle time okay oh and whoever comes in last loses 10 mini Stars this time and those mini stars go to the other okay the mini game is ballistic Beach I should do well at this one okay so we have to aim our Cannon and we want to take out these balloons okay so let's aim a bit like that let's go up a little bit that should work right oh please work yeah that's working good now that one is where let's see is that going to work and nice and two shots I got it that's fantastic the others haven't popped any balloons yet oh my goodness guys maybe we should have a time limit on this mini game or something cuz it's taking these guys long okay all of them pop the first balloon at almost the same time Luigi shot looks good Luigi's in second now who's it going to be probably shy guy is getting it right there let's see yeah sorry Yoshi oh Yoshi managed to pop it with that shot but Yoshi was a bit too slow that is so sad for Yoshi so sad wait oh Yoshi gets hit by the Fireball and those mini stars are distributed Among Us everyone except for Yoshi oh I just said among us all right that is great okay but now yes shy guy is going to get to roll next and he's going to get an extra 10 mini Stars most likely as long as he gets at least a two there's a very good chance of him getting that let's see okay he got exactly a two it gets 10 min stars but then he lands on Bowser hopefully nothing awful happens at Bowser cuz we're at 74 I'd love to maintain this lead here let's see what's going on at Bowser over here come on what is it don't be Bowser Evolution it is oh thank good oh oh okay okay I thought when is it going to stop when is it going to stop okay but he's not actually giv 10,000 mini stars all right let's see what you're in for get 10,000 mini stars hoay for you that's 10,000 mini stars coming right up what's he going to do run away what you seriously thought I was going to give him to you you want more mini Stars you can get them yourself yeah exactly fantastic okay Yoshi's turned okay just don't get the backwards don't get a two okay very nice K where are we going that's not another Bowser space is it okay a battle mini game and Yoshi loses a bunch of mini wait he's at zero mini Stars actually Yoshi doesn't have any mini Stars left that's so sad for him okay now it's a battle mini game he going to take three mini stars from each of you doesn't take any from Yoshi cuz Yoshi didn't have any what you don't have enough mini Stars well tell you what since I'm a great guy I'll make up the difference no mini Stars no fun right oh he actually puts in the extra three mini stars for that that's so funny I was wondering if they would do it that way okay Yoshi chooses is the mini game tuber TG okay so in this one we want to hold a and b and then do you just shake the remote up and down after that go oh oh oh you want to do it every time okay so you basically want to mash A and B while you shake this up and down and okay I'm beating my old record for sure and there we go okay definitely beat that old record over there we got 43 and it took me a moment to realize how to play I thought you have to hold down a and b the whole time but no you just press it every time you tug on one of those tub if you know what I mean okay so that's nice get a few more Min Stars up to 77 that is so many okay and now if we could roll at least to three we reach the final boss we can use this then we have a one in three chance of reaching or this we have a two and three chance of reaching so let's see what we get we need at least a three come on give us a three or more yes okay exactly what we needed okay that's so nice oh and it looks like we're going down a roller coaster okay that's so cool and what's the final boss going to be oh and maybe I get to pick what the final boss is actually cuz let's see what comes down here it is Bowser and that's the sound that plays when you first enter a Bowser stage in Super Mario 64 which is so cool welcome Captain Toad wait did he just call me Captain Toad like Captain Toad treasure Tracker if you want to rescue the Min Stars you're going to have to defeat my mini he called me Captain Toad not because it's making a reference to the game Captain Toad but because we are the captain and we are the character toad which is why toad is in green there pi your opponent I would like to do chain chomp romp I think that is a fun one chain chomp romp huh you're going to regret that I hope not because this is actually a really cool boss fight toad looks so nervous up against this boss fight actually okay everybody wish me luck hopefully we could do all right oh and we don't want to take the center path we want to take one of the cannon paths so let's see the one on the left and every time you're at a horizontal Crossing you have to take it so let's see okay so the one on the far right is what let's see it is hey I'll take that one that should be good right hopefully this is good it looked like it was good because this looks like it goes all the way across to the left so let's see that goes like this and it looks like everyone ended up out a cannon so we all get to attack we all attack in order from left to right dealing some damage goodbye chain jump we're dealing damage on you hey what's next now we want to watch the gold one okay let's see where's the gold one going it is on the far right again I think so it is uh two okay very nice we barely beat Luigi to a press over there so hopefully we chose the right one though let's see okay very nice so we do get to deal the most damage over here which is fantastic are you ready Mr chain trumpin I'll Attack you okay so the chain chomp is now half defeated so it is now going to get angry we can see that it's chomping around what a cool idea for a boss fight oh oh oh now we want one of the three on the right okay let's see watch the one on the far right okay so we want the middle one the middle one is be okay I was able to press that that's very nice and hopefully that is one of the correct choices let's see that brings us to over there poor Luigi looks like Luigi did not pick a good one cuz he got damaged there and we still need to deal some more damage onto this guy okay let's go for the gold what is it connected to okay the one on the far left it looks like which is one okay there we go we got it we got it very nice that we got that first let's see is that right hopefully that's right I'm assuming it's right and yes okay so we get to deal three damage here which is beautiful shy guy who was one of the leaders well one of the top contenders wait does chain chomp have one or 2 Hp I think it might have 2 Hp let's go for the middle one which is the one on the far left okay what's the one on the far left it is one there we go okay I got the one okay very nice that we got that hopefully the guys do make it over to the left okay looks like Yoshi's getting the far left hit hopefully that doesn't defeat it then hopefully mine does let's see let's see hopefully this is right let's see how much HP does it have yes yes yes yes yes yes final hit is Toad so we get an extra plus three that's amazing goodbye chain chomp thank you for all these mini Stars looks like we are the winner oh that is lovely okay first place Captain there we go oh and we get a few more mini stars for Captain bonus okay I think this is going to be a board where we win very badly this doesn't happen all the time wonderful toad just like me you got all the mini stars back thank you maybe this isn't very fair because toad is our guide and I'm also a toad so maybe he really likes me just looking out for his fellow toads over here it's only one person can become the Min star let's see the bonus Stars okay the minus star who got the most mini Zars probably not me I'm guessing maybe Yoshi or shy guy actually cuz they got quite a few of the purple ones oh that's actually me okay sure all right okay yeah I'll happily take that that's that's fine dice block star who Ed the most special dice blocks I'm guessing Luigi I don't think that's me let's see who that is Toad get what's going on I definitely don't deserve that one what's going on okay mini game Star that one I do think that one does go to me I think I deserve that so it' be funny if I actually don't get that one okay so I not only winning very badly but I also got all of the bonus Stars yeah I got all of the bonus Stars I must have over 100 mini Stars by now how many mini stars are the others going to have cuz it seems like we are winning this pretty badly okay now we don't even need to see the star floating around like this it's definitely not Yoshi who's winning it's definitely not These Guys these guys don't have a chance it's not Luigi Luigi I'm sorry but it's not you now we are left with the two shortest characters who's it going to be it is Toad it's funny that the first few times oh my goodness 115 mini Stars it's funny that the first few times when the star goes over someone they fall and then the last time the start goes over the winner that might make you think that they're not going to be the winner so there's Toad's Victory celebration I have more Min Stars than all of them put together I really recommend you watch my video where we play Mario Party 9 blooper Beach and you will have to see the incredible luck that Princess Peach has in this video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care [Music] everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 138,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, boss fight, mario bosses, final boss, rainbow, rainbow maze, mario maze, full game, story mode, mario game, mario party 9, mario party 9 story mode
Id: 7fzC5f1Ql-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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