Super Mario Party FINAL BOARD! Bowser Jr vs Mario, Peach, Yoshi (10 Turns) Kamek's Tantalizing Tower

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today we played the best game of super mario party that i've ever had this is incredible we've got to see if bowser jr can beat mario peach and yoshi in this amazing level and i hope you enjoy this video wow we have got a golden tower level over here everything is made out of gold here a chain shop in a cage okay what is this some kind of kamik shop we've got a golden cabbage statue over here all right there it looks like there's going to be a lot happening here kamik's tantalizing tower there you are adventurers this is it last board this is your first time right yes give me the explanation camera came up with this one it's a pretty swanky place don't you think like swanky books over there right around the chain chomps watchful eyes it's a giant golden statue of kamek looking down on town eat the statue well it's what tells you how many coins you need to get a star wait so stars have different prices on this stage how much do you think you'll have to fork over for one star it changes all the time there's also a swamp hanging around there to block your path i heard him say anyone who wants to come this way needs to give me coins i do not want to get squished by that bad news too nobody can pass without paying that's a whole lot to take in watch out for all the obstacles as you go by the way do you need to hear the rules listen to the rules no we are ready okay then let's roll dice find out the turn order okay six that's nice that's nice okay we're first beautiful that's amazing okay first bowser jr second is speech third is yoshi and in fourth it's mario it's not princess peach for once what's going on here here five coins has a present oh only five not ten okay so we start with five okay i'm sure we're all curious to see where the star will be and man that's a lot of gold bars okay this star is right up there and there's a pipe right beside it right here right here shiny and you just for you if you come on over i might give you up to two stars right off the bat bring all the coins you can to get lots of stars okay collect the most stars by the end adventure is on good luck everyone and have fun let's go turn number one bowser junior stars bowser jr is a great character because look we could roll the normal dice where you could roll one two three five four one two three four five or six but with bowser jr dice block you could roll up to nine so you know what i think i'm gonna roll this one let's see let's see what we get let's roll uh four or a nine would be great one would be oh wait but i don't know if there's a bonus star for most event spaces let's see okay we got a four okay okay decent roll that brings us to just a regular blue spot i get plus oh plus six it's not plus three is plus six whoa that's surprising i thought it would be plus three okay peach chooses to use the peach dice block and she rolls a six she goes even further than me she gets a nice big number that's good for her is that a shop let's see yep flying wiggler comes down this is my item shop would you like to buy something why is it dash mushroom wait that probably oh plus three to dice roll okay that might be useful okay go on up there peach gets plus six for landing on the blue so she's at eight coins now what about yoshi what are you gonna roll let's have a look at yoshi he chooses he also chooses to use the yoshi dice book everyone is using their custom dice block not the right ah yo cheryl's just what happens if you land on the event panel here though let's see special event wait what he gets brought all the way up there oh man that's so lucky that is so lucky i don't know if i would have preferred that to rolling a fork but i guess we're gonna pass by this shop we could get an item i don't know how important items here are though okay mario uses his custom dice block and he gets a three so that brings him right there so mario's the farthest back i'm the second farthest back all right let's have a look at what our mini game is going to be what minigame will we have yoshi becomes blue okay so it's a four player mini game let's see and we got sphere mongers okay so in this one we want to collect these spears with our magnet and we want to drop them into our hole and the gold spheres are worth more points let me get that gold one right there let me get it yeah oh i have so many spheres i would like to collect give me all of the spears oh no no no give me more give me more i require more spheres yes i want that gold one okay let's go here give me these spheres yes no now give me back my golden sphere you will not have my golden sphere [Music] i have dropped off my spheres again i'm gonna drop off that one too 26 now i just beat peach i beat peach by only one man yoshi tried to have a bit of a rivalry with me and that almost cost me the game i didn't realize how close peach was oh my goodness yoshi's really quite the troublemaker and he comes in last place because of that so i get eight peach gets four mario gets two and yoshi gets zero man the economy in this game is really interesting it's like not just the winners win money but basically everyone unless you're a complete loser coming in the last place you get buddy all right bowser jr rolls you know what let's use another bowser jr block hopefully we can roll a nice big number let's see we get no that's so sad that is so sad okay you know what we're gonna buy something what should we buy what is this coinado steal five to ten coins from rivals ah that might be interesting you at least break even but you might get five extra coins and also your opponents lose some coins so they might not be able to buy a star that might be useful but you know what i'm gonna take a dash mushroom instead that's what i'm going to do i'm gonna spend three quarters now we get plus three to the dice roll i'm just going to try to win this game of my own merit i don't want to drag others down i'm going to try to win this by myself by getting big rolls and buying stars that's what we're gonna do peach uses the peach dice block and rolls a [Laughter] oh and she gets plus six coins because she was on a blue and she lands on the blue yoshi is the farthest that is he gonna get a two now wait can you get a two with a yoshi dice block even gets a five yoshi's definitely the farthest ahead and he's getting an even bigger number now oh he chooses to take this path okay okay going around this way instead of taking instead of trying to pass under the swamp there i wonder if passing under the thwomp is the shortcut okay mario go ahead and roll what are you gonna get small number please oh everyone's getting such big numbers mario what are you gonna buy don't buy coinado don't buy the purple one either just buy a normal mushroom normal mushroom or nothing no why would you do that why would you you better not use that on me or actually that might be good if he uses that on someone else it'd be nice if the cpus try to sabotage each other oh mario chooses to go this way instead of up that's interesting i wonder if he's gonna try and pass by the womp or the thwomp rather right which mini game will we have everyone landed on blue so we have a four player mini game and the mini game is is trip navigator oh oh this one is so cool okay you have to make it to the center and you want to avoid the bananas all right we want to make it to the side this reminds me so much of donkey kong donkey kong such a fun game okay if you run into a banana you slip and you are slowed down a bit let's see where can we go i want to squeeze through here you know i gotta take a hit here this is fine uh let me squeeze through here i'm not doing great i don't want these other guys to win wait oh there we go we made it okay okay okay i was worried that i wouldn't do great at all but we beat them by quite a bit wait a minute what are those numbers over there oh is the number how far away they are i'm wondering if the numbers how far away they are or something else because there are some numbers appearing on the screen but bowser jr wins this one how nice is that we celebrate with these bananas here we have the ultimate kong bowser jr kong instead of donkey kong okay we got plus eight mario gets plus four oh mario and peach are tied in second and they have 20 coins each but we don't know how much the stars cost let's see okay you know what should i use my mushroom right now i think i will use it let's use it yeah let's use our mushroom right now so we get plus three on our dice roll which will be nice we're 11 away from the start so if we roll a nine right now then we can reach the start this turn let's see if we roll a nine no stop rolling once that's so unlucky okay what way is faster this way or that way that is the question okay i think it's better for us to go to the left because if we go this way then we can pass by the swamp here we'll have to pay some coins but this way is slightly shorter because here's five six away but this way is six seven away so if we go up that's one spot less if we go this way i don't know what happens if we land on that event space over there though i guess we'll find out okay peach where are you going to go go ahead and roll peach what number will you get peach uses the peach dice block everyone's just using their custom dice blocks here peach gets a six now she got a zero in the previous turn but now she gets a six she also chooses to go this way because this way is faster is she gonna go up oh she wants the item let's see what item does she get a poison mushroom oh man okay so now two people have poison mushrooms i think mario has the other poison mushroom let's see where's yoshi gonna go he's getting close to the start eight away he can't reach it this turn but he might reach it next turn let's see gets a four oh he lands on an event panel let's see where that event panel oh and is this a shop there's a nothing doing unless you buy something oh custom dice block is six here that's quite useful ah maybe it's even worth going that way because if you pass by that way then you can buy an item because there's another shop there's one extra spot but you can get a custom oh oh does the chain jump scare him away where does he go now let's see oh minus five coins yoshi has zero money now zero coins poor yoshi i thought that maybe it would hit him and it would bring him back to the start of the map or something but i guess he just lost money who does he use it on don't use it on me random why would you why would you use it over random person and it ends up being me that's so sad oh man the poison mushroom has been used on me and i'm right beside you we're like that's so sad okay go ahead and roll mario what are you gonna do rolls the normal dice well gets his six everyone's getting these big numbers now he's gonna be one away from the star okay let's see oh he chooses to go this way though does he buy something from this shop don't buy another poison mushroom bro don't buy another poison mushroom don't do it bro don't do it bro bro he did it he did it he bought another poison mushroom oh oh that shop it's like once you buy the item they no longer have it in stock it looks like that's very interesting all right what kind of mini game will we have now what color will peach and i become we are both blue okay another four player mini game and it is timing is money ah this is actually a very tough one wait a minute i don't remember this one oh don't trigger a ball bomb or you'll lose all of your coins oh my goodness this is intense this is so intense so we want to get coins but if you accidentally ground pound on bob-omb then you lose all your coins okay let's see no i lost all my coins that's so sad okay do we get any coins okay okay i got a few coins i got a few i got nine i got more than everyone else even though i got hit by one bob-omb oh man that's uh that's a scary one it's so easy to lose all of your coins everyone else gets a few coins though peach and mario have got a ridiculous amount of coins they can definitely afford this start well i don't know what the highest price for this star can be but man and i've got the cursed ice block active on me so i'm gonna roll minus two wait so it's possible that if i get a one here then i'll roll a minus one and i'll go backwards but you know what i'm gonna roll this we haven't gotten a nine yet if we get a nine now that would be nice we get a one wait oh you can't rule a minus one you can only roll a zero i guess okay okay that's kind of surprising i'm surprised that if you get minus two it doesn't make you go back one okay peach rolls now peach rolls is wait does she get another item then yes she gets another item okay she gets another mushroom oh my goodness everyone is getting so lucky in this game everyone's so lucky except for me i'm so far away from the star okay go ahead and roll yoshi go ahead and roll what are you gonna do are you gonna reach the star that's a two wait is that a battle mini game or is that a good luck panel or bad luck panel what is it oh bad luck space how much bad luck can you have he has zero coins and zero starts what's gonna happen welcome to the bad luck space yoshi stop the roulette wheel lose five coins lose ten coins give three coins all other players bro you have no coits you're oh he actually does have coins he has six coins okay oh so he gives two coins everywhere that's really interesting the way that they split it it's supposed to be three coins to everyone but he only had six coins so he gave two coins to everyone okay don't use that on me bro random don't be me again don't be okay good good good it's not me ah that's kind of bad that it stopped yoshi because i would have liked yoshi to not be stopped i would have liked you to pass by the start without being able to afford it that would have been pretty funny okay so go ahead and roll mario what are you gonna get now he uses his normal dice block and roll's a three ah looks like mario's losing some coins the chain trump's to hit him how many coins do you lose if the chain chomp hit you because yoshi lost all five i think so i wonder if it always makes you lose five or how many does it make you lose let's see how many does he lose hopefully a lot minus seven uh that's not very many looks like it's worth the risk of going by that way sometimes if you could pass by the shop and get a nice item then it might be worth going that way okay so yoshi's read everyone versus yoshi in this mini game so i kind of don't want to win this mini game because if we win this mini ah but i love drop shots so much this is such a great video so yoshi is going to be trying to hit us with these bombs over here we've got the spike throwing the bombs over there and yoshi's just aiming these bulbs oh he even missed that one he's swung too late okay he got peach and i was just mario and i why are you swinging over there there isn't even anybody there mario dope both go to the same place you know what it's actually okay if we lose because i don't mind yoshi getting a few coins but mario and peach getting more coins i don't want them getting more coins they have too many already okay okay yoshi did win that one oh man i can't believe we lost that one but it's okay that we did lose it's fine that we lost this one this of all the mini games that we could have lost this is the best one to lose i'm just hoping wait how many coins does yoshi get he gets plus eight now what happens will he be able to afford this star is it possible that the star will go down to being just five coins all right we need a big number nine would be perfect right now please please just let me roll in nine all this time i haven't been able to roll a nine even once please give me a nine come on i've gotten so many ones i wanted nine at least you got a four that's not as bad as a one let's go this way now swamp what he says suspect me i need one or more coins if you want to pass let's do it okay one coin is fine i'll pay this one i think he says by all means go ahead and pass all right there we go so we passed by here we're almost caught up to yoshi which is nice oh we're the second closest person to this star right now look at how we passed mario and peach over there that's quite nice what is she gonna use okay regular mushroom okay i'm glad she's not using the poison mushroom on me now what does peach roll man going up this way was a good idea because look how much closer i am to this star now oh pizza is gonna be right by the start is she gonna buy something here too let's see nothing doing unless you buy something does she buy the mushroom all right looks like she buys this mushroom also peach is buying a lot of items if there's a bonus star for most items bought or used peach is definitely getting that one okay and she lands on this event panel what does this one do special event let's see let's see 15. star for 15 points okay so i'm guessing wow every star now costs 15 coins okay that's pretty good then that's pretty good because that means yoshi isn't going to be able to afford this star peach can only afford one okay so yoshi's passing by this star he can't afford it which is too bad for him right you made it way to go oh you don't have enough coins like some coins and come back okay poor yoshi all right how much will the price wait the price for starts changing again no don't be like five or ten oh my goodness no wait that might be good if i'm the first one to reach it that'd be great wow one star now costs five coins well that's too bad for yoshi because he would have been able to afford it and he lands on an item space what item does he get hey just a mushroom this is fine this is all right who's going now okay mario's turn and mario is the last let's see i hope mario gets a three or less actually a one or two would be perfect uh three so the price of the star changes again let's see what's the price of the star going to be special event man lots of people are landing on special event panels i haven't landed on any yet what is it going to be 15 oh that's sad so now if i pass by this star i'm likely going to be the first one to pass by i wonder if that means that i'm going to be able to buy two stars now i wonder if it's only for the first person that passes by that they can buy two stars let's see what mini game do we have candy shake down okay in this one you want to shake the joy-con and get all the candy to pop out this is a very very interesting one sometimes the very last one is so difficult to get out so let's see okay doing all right here come on come on come on just get out there get out there let's go okay got a few out there all right all right all right this is going fine come on come on come on the square one had some difficulty getting up hey what about these just two more and let's go come on the final one i can get there we go we got it we got it we got it peach and mario are very close behind peach is very close behind two left for peach three left for mario oh yoshi's down to two yo she's down to two left oh yo she might come back yo she's got one left yoshi's in second oh my goodness oh peach had only one left and mario won that but bowser jr comes in first place over all their very dies okay so we get plus eight yoshi plus four mario plus two peach nothing so we can afford quite a few stars but the question is can we reach the stars that is the question we are three away we need to roll at least a three and you know what with the bowser dice block ah there's honestly a better chance with this one because over here there's a four and six chance that we roll at least a three over here there's a one and two chance that we roll at least a three so this is the one time that we're gonna have to use the normal dice block odds are that we roll at least a three but there's a one in three chance that we don't so please give me at least three please i've had so many bad rolls this game please give me at least a three that is so sad that is so sad this luck is so bad oh man what's it gonna be please at least be a huge number 10 so it's even less now oh man does that mean that peach is going to get to buy two stars now is peach going to get to buy two stars now is that what's going to happen here what do you use okay oh she uses that okay so that adds plus three to her roll so no matter what she reaches it and she uses the normal dice block anyways all right so peach is and she rolls a six so that means she goes nine that's a huge roll you made it way to go all right let's get your stars and she buys two stars that's so sad i wonder if you can always buy two stars from toadette or if it's only the first person who reaches or can buy two at a time because being able to buy two stars is pretty great that puts her in a very very solid first place over here she's two stars ahead of everyone i wonder if there's a boo or something here in this level that we could use to steal stars from someone all right how much will the price per star change this time let's see what it's going to be because now mario might be able uh five five okay and toadette still has two stars so it looks like mario is going to get two stars next turn and he's only gonna pay 10 coins for that okay where's peach going now man she's going so far she's going so far and she could buy another item are you gonna buy something else wait wait wait what's item on the far right what item is that coinado wait it looked like it was great oh it's probably because she couldn't afford it that's what i'm guessing but she buys a poison mushroom all right each is making some progress and we haven't had any hidden blocks yet in this game okay yoshi where are you going what do you do poor yoshi couldn't get a star i'm so glad that yoshi couldn't get a star and he rolls just a three that brings him that brings him to an event panel so is he going to be brought up the same way again because he landed on this event panel to start the game and it brought him slightly up let's see yeah brings him to over here all right so she's getting close to the start he might actually be able to get some stars now mario's guaranteed to get these stars no matter what he rolls and he's gonna buy two of them and the stars are only five coins each which is pretty sad mario's very lucky to be able to get these two stars for only five coins each alrighty let's get you your stars two stars for ten coins come on mario what is this luck bro what is this luck how lucky is mario here everyone's so sad about that dude you got stars all right they're both pretty far ahead with their two stars that they have over here and he's just looking so sad there mario takes first place over here all right how much will the prize for star change do this time is it gonna be a huge number for me because now i'm buying the star okay ten coins not bad not bad the second best one actually i think five is the cheapest so 10 is not bad i don't mind paying 10 coins per star okay now where's mario gonna end up he gets a four that brings him to a versus space wait does this mean that we all battle him every player wages coins and you battle for them in a rubble mini game you get coins depending on your ranking a mini game face-off and a rumble balloon choose how many coins to wager okay how many coins will we battle for 20 coins that's actually a huge 20 coins from everyone if i win this that's bad i mean if i don't win this that's bad oh some people don't have enough coins so they're actually pretty lucky blow up the balloon bag wait what do we do start wait hold a to blow air wait wait what what what's the purpose of this game what's i didn't know we were supposed to hold a oh oh you don't want your balloon to pop i guess you hold a uh and there's a chance that i guess it's whoever has the biggest balloon wins but you don't want your balloon to puff i guess that's what that's the way it works okay they're all died in second there is collusion happening here they all wanted to split the coins amongst themselves well at least i got 33 from that everyone has only seven coins now i have 81 coins but i have zero stars this is so sad all right what's the four player minigame that we have here stake your claim this is a big brain minigame this is actually a super tough one you have to pick the area that is the biggest okay let's see round one which one is the biggest which area is the biggest i think this one's pretty big this no this one might be bigger let's see um okay and haha i picked the biggest one alright let's go let's go okay that was good okay let's see which one is the biggest uh either this one or the top one i think that's what it is not green for sure let's see no third okay okay okay okay this is fine still in first round three which one which one um man i don't know i don't know it might be the left one let's see let's see let's see let's see no we got it we got it we got it we got okay that's very nice all right round four second last round let's see which one is the biggest um i think it's oh no the one on the far right might be good green is also good not blue i think let's see no okay okay okay we can still win this we can still win this let's see which one's the biggest here [Music] that's a very tough one i don't know i don't know i don't know let's see [Music] okay second here that brings us to first overall by one point mario came in second i was only one point ahead of him oh my goodness haha that's nice to win that one because we don't want these guys getting more coins because we don't want them to be able to afford lots of stars oh and it's getting close to the end of the game isn't it let's see first place mario's in first mary's doing pretty well here turn six out of ten now wait turn seven wait a minute are there not duels in this game i thought that there were duels if you land on the same spot i guess in this game maybe there are no duels all right let's use the bowser junior dice block maybe we could roll a nine because we haven't gotten a single nine yet the highest number that you could roll is a nine but we haven't gotten any nines yet let's see okay we got a four that's okay it's okay getting a four all right i've been waiting for you all right let's get your stars two stars for 20 coins great here's your stars all right here we go 20 going for two stars we have a beautiful number of coins left and that puts us into first place here not a super solid first place because a lot of people have landed on event spaces so i'm a bit scared that someone else might even win if they get the bonus stars because we have more coins sure that makes us that makes us be in first place but it'll all come down to the bonus stars all right how much will the price per star change this time let's see what is it going to be because i don't know if i'm going to be the first to reach it or someone will reach before me 15. that's actually good i like that it's a high number wow one star now costs 15 coins i like that it's a big number because i can afford it and if someone reaches it before me they might only be able to afford one star or zero stars possibly which is very good okay peach where are you going don't use the poisoned ice block on me or don't use the poison mushroom on me not poison dice block petrols get a zero a two okay peach is approaching the star wait after this it's turn eight so that means there are only going to be three turns left after this so i don't know if ollie will even be able to reach another star peach might peach can afford another star peach can afford one more star i don't know if she can reach though man i will have to get like a nine every single turn to reach it maybe and we've gotten zero died so far this is so sad this has been so unlucky hey mario go ahead and roll he gets a three man everyone's getting such big numbers except for me and i have a dice buck that has a pretty high average roll let's see okay let's see four player mini game is what we have over here which one will we have sphere mongers wait a minute we just had this mini game okay and this time i know that i have to be very very careful with peach i'm not gonna have any petty fights with yoshi oh man there are a lot of gold ones over there let's get those nice move yoshi yoshi move bro bro come on move bro i got some spheres to drop off here let's go there's some nice big spheres there okay let's go for these gold ones here very nice wait wait did i just lose one of my gold ones did peach just take one of my gold ones over there peach are you taking my gold spheres over here ain't nobody taking my gold spheres hey hey bro give me back that gold spear you ain't taking my gold sphere ain't nobody taking my gold spear i'll fight you fart peach you're not taking it oh this time yoshi came in second you see yoshi when you don't fight with me see how much better you can do and we also got a much higher score this time and we had a much more clear first place win this time this game worked out very nicely what is our score or how many coins do we get we get eight yoshi gets four peach kids two mario gets zero everyone can afford this star nobody can afford two stars at a price of 15 though but it's still possible that someone will land on an event panel three turns left it's still possible that someone will land on an event panel and change the price of this star heads up just three turns left let's see how things stand first place bowser jr in second place peach and mario wow they're both tied in second in fourth place yoshi yo she has the same amount of coins as them but he has zero stars gosh the heat is really on now which contestant will win and then let's hear from our guest expert bring the expert on let's get on the big hand everybody please pick yoshi it's the jay job who do they pick he chubs he says he's got the feeling thank you she's going to win okay that's fine what do they give him there you have it folks a golden pipe a golden pipe you're giving him a golden pipe golden pipe warp close to a start no no hopefully you could buy gold pipes in the shop we're entering the home stretch now even better you'll now get 10 coins from bluesmith that is so many on the other hand you'll now lose 10 from red spaces so be careful now you can get up to three three stars you can get up to three stars at once this is your chance to turn the tide oh my goodness okay what do you have to say what's the matter you don't seem very enthused perhaps you'd like me to spice things up for you okay let's see what are you going to do kamik are you going to create very bad luck spaces probably some spaces that make it so that you could lose a star or something oh gamma conversely bad luck spaces thanks for bad luck space is dangerous do whatever it takes to not land there like it or not we're down to the last three turns don't hold anything back okay please please please let me roll a nine please come on i haven't had a nine the whole game please give me a nine yes okay thank you it'd be funny if uh nine actually makes me go to like a very bad luck space or something sell me a gold pipe sell me a gold pipe would you like to buy something yeah i want a gold pipe no gold pipes i guess i'll buy a dash mushroom then give me that dash mushroom maybe coinado would have been good because then i could steal coins from somebody and maybe stop them from stealing a star now then the question is do i go up that way towards the shop or do i go this way it's such a tough choice if we choose to go to the left then it is one less spot to get to this star then it's over here is five and over there is six if we go the long way then we can pass by the shop and that way it's one extra spot to reach here but we get to pass by the shop so you know what i've gotta go up i've gotta go up hopefully we could pass by the shop if we are the first one to pass by this shop and if they sell golden pipes i would be so happy peach rolla one wait she can't she has a okay she uses that instead of the poison mushroom which is i guess good but roll is here no she can pass by the shop no matter what now she gets it too so she can pass by the shop if she goes up she went to the left she's not going to the shop okay is she going to go up that way oh she chooses to go to the over here again okay but wait mario might still reach the shop before me okay poison mushroom uh it's still possible that i might not be able to reach this star even if i buy a gold pipe because they might use the poison mushroom on me oh yo she chooses to not use this gold pipe yet still trying to just reach the still trying to reach the star normally i guess okay he chooses to go up what is he going to pass two coins yet says ten over two more coins if you want to pass oh yoshi chooses to pay for but he lands on a blue space so he's gonna get ten points for that oh boy this is getting very scary and very very intense mario don't roll a huge number let's see what is he gonna do what is he gonna do what is he going to do he rolls a one ah that's so sad he doesn't even pass by the regular shop that's good for us though oh man i am so nervous about what these last two turns are going to bring these are going to be very very intense final two turns over here let's see let's see let's see let's see stick here wait a minute but we just had this mini game why are we having this mini game again they really want to test if bowser jr really does deserve the coins from this mini-game or not let's see let's see okay which one is the biggest um oh it's definitely i don't know about definitely this one but maybe this one actually no it is not this one that one was third oh no that's so sad oh man such a bad choice okay um i think it's this one this time or top left let's see it's definitely not green [Music] looks like we got the right one okay okay good good good okay we're still in second peaches in first let's see [Music] i don't know if it's this one or bottom left let's see peach made a good choice let's see okay okay that was us okay we are just ahead of peach now this is so close i wanted that one i wanted that one mario oh no that was such a tough choice oh wait a minute wait a minute oh i'm actually very glad that mario stole that one for me good job mario thank you mark final round okay let's see which one is nice and big uh maybe this one i really don't know that's so close let's see let's see let's see and looks like we made the right choice okay this time we did much better than the previous i meant peach is in second with 15 mario and yoshi are tied in third and we come in a solid first year wait i think that means everyone gets coins right because they're tied in third so do they both get coins are we having some collusion over here are they purposefully coming in third so that everyone gets coins is that what is happening here we've got a lot of coins okay now then only two turns left how far away are we how far away are we tell me how far away we are eight away if we roll a nine wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can i go back i wanted to use my mushroom i wanted to use my mushroom i can't go back and use my mushroom this is so sad okay and we roll just a one this is incredibly sad this is incredibly sad okay i could buy a custom dice block we could roll a number between one and six but that doesn't matter i wish i could have used the mushroom i wanted to use my mushroom so bad oh no oh no now we are going to be what seven away because we were eight away now we're going to be seven away so we might not reach the start especially if peach uses the poison mushroom on me she doesn't she doesn't use the poison mushroom on me peach you're amazing peach thank you thank you so much peach peach is actually giving me a chance to win hey what do you buy [Laughter] she has three boys and mushrooms she spends six coins to buy a poison mushroom and throws away a poisoned mushroom she's like hey you know that poison mushroom i have let me throw it away to buy another poison mushroom and she lands here that means the chain trump is gonna take some of her coins how many coins will you lose you lose how many five okay so she has ten coins right now the star is 15. so if nobody gets this star before her and if nobody lands on that event panel then she won't be able to get wait how many coins is yo chef yoshi has 25 this is the second last turn yoshi might be able to reach it now he reaches it now and he still has a gold pipe wait wait wait is this start 10 coins how many can he buy does he buy two let's see oh it's 15 coins he can only buy one that's amazing thank goodness he could only buy one because he still has a gold pipe wait but if stars are five coins now yoshi will be able to use the gold pipe and buy two more in the final turn possibly even three more if he does well in the mini game this is getting more intense than i ever would have thought yoshi is turning up the heat all right how much will the price per search each do this time let's see 10. okay okay okay okay this is fine this is fine i can still afford three i've got 102 coins let's see how this goes yo she runs wait what is this oh an ally space i actually completely forgot about allies i can't believe that we haven't had any allies in this game yet so you could have someone come along with you and then they roll a dice to help you yeah so now he gets the wario dice no time to wish let me help you with treasure okay so you can roll six six six six or minus two coins minus two coins okay mario go ahead and roll it's the second last turn what are you gonna buy here he's gonna pass by the shop do you buy something mario are you gonna buy something it'd be hilarious of you she didn't use his golden pipe this is my item shop would you like to buy something let's see he buys just a regular mushroom i don't know if he can reach the star on the final turn this final turn is gonna be unbelievable though and the bonus stars are gonna be unbelievable if we can reach toadette i would be so incredibly happy and this would be the best game of super mario party ever if we can't i would be so sad so you've really got to see how this goes what is this mini game what's our final mini game here can take pancake this is a super fun one all right let's see if we could grab some pancakes over here and the pancakes with stars on them are worth a lot of points okay we're going pretty quickly over here let's go for that one can i grab that yes got the one worth three got another one worth three got another one worth three okay this is going great i'm very happy with how many pancakes we got there we did great 18 we got like double what mario got double what peach had more than double what yo she had so that's pretty good let's see plus eight for us plus four for mario and peach because they tied in second oh yo she gets nothing for being in third i guess it's because mario and peach were both tied in second final turn it all comes down to this we're seven away oh man we're seven away we've got the mushroom custom dice book let's you roll any number between one and six and we're seven away so if we use the mushroom the previous turn like i wanted to we would have been guaranteed to reach this star but now it's like there's only a chance of us reaching this star ah man this is so sad okay so if we use this there's a 50 50 chance that we roll at least a four if we use this there's a 50 50 chance that we roll at least a four so you know what we've got to use the mushroom get plus three so there's a 50 50 chance that we reach the star if we roll a four or more then we get the star and we've had so many small roles please give me a big number please oh my goodness oh my goodness ah this might just be the best game of super mario party i've ever played oh my goodness this luck is unbelievable final turn buying three stars oh man oh man oh man oh man oh bad three stars at the final turn of the game that is so lucky just getting it oh my goodness even with the mistake of using the wrong item in the previous turn or while accidentally rolling instead of using an item thank goodness for this luck that is absolutely unbelievable everyone leave a comment right now saying how unbelievable this luck is this is the best game of super mario party ever played oh man and stars are 15 coins now that's amazing too peach can't afford it mario can only afford two notch three yoshi can't afford it also oh man this luck is just getting better and better peach what are you gonna do because no matter what you do you can't afford it peaches one a coin short she rolls just a one she doesn't reach the start anyways oh man that luck is unbelievable and also peach didn't use her poison mushroom on me the turn before that's so lucky okay yoshi what are you gonna do wait why aren't you using oh i guess he's not using his gold pipe because he can't afford this star rolls is six and wario gives him an extra one so he's moving seven he's probably going to pass by the item shot but wait can you buy stuff from the item shop on the last turn in this game sorry i'm all out of items come back another time i don't know if that's because we bought all the items or if it's because it's the last turn of the game but yeah yoshi doesn't get anything because normally in mario party games and a lot of mario party well actually i don't know in a lot of mario party games and mario party superstars they don't let you buy an item if it is the final turn okay like oh mario 6 away he might reach the start he might wait he could probably buy two stars let's see will he reach does he get at least a three he gets a three uh oh uh oh so this game actually isn't in the bag now wait uh mario are you a fool are you a fool why would you go this way why in the world would you go this way and you choose to buy mario it's the final turn you know right if he went up he could have purchased two stars he would have had four stars and if he got more bonus stars than me then he would have actually oh no it's like he knew that there's a hidden block here don't be a star don't be a star don't be a star okay it's not a star okay i'm pretty sure it's not okay it's just coins okay okay okay that was almost very smart on mario's part oh man but still very very very very very very very very very lucky on our part what mini game do we have dart gallery oh all right here we go everyone's going to be throwing some darts against me now i don't know if the point is that they want to corner me or if they want to hit me with the darts i'm not sure exactly how it works but everyone only has a few darts and let's see i don't think they're doing great we're almost out of darts here wait do they win or do i win who wins i don't even know oh yeah okay it looks like we win okay i guess maybe you have to be hit by the darts three times for them to win i think that's how it works because it looked like i had three bubbles in the top left there [Music] uh what a lovely mini game the last turn is over which means i have to announce the final results let's go who's gonna win this one the final extravagant adventure is complete what star-studded showdown that was can't wait to see who won out who's it going to be bowser jr peach yoshi or mario okay things off by announcing the bonuses i'm not even super worried how many bonuses are there two or three i think as long as we get one it's we have a guaranteed win i don't know if we even need any of the bonuses each bonus comes with a star first bonuses mini game bonus that's probably us the minigame bonus this bonus for the player who came in first place the most i think that is us i think that might be bowser jr and the bonus goes to let's go [Applause] the second bonus is slowpoke bonus that might actually be us because we had some pretty small numbers but you know what we got a huge number towards the end of the game so maybe that's actually not us this bonus is for the player who moved less than anyone else let's see who it goes to and the bonus goes too yoshi wow okay so yo she gets down okay okay congratulations to you i love how wario's clapping there in the background too with that out of the way it's time to reveal the winner i think i know who the winner is go on announce it who's it gonna be oh oh bowser jr peach yoshi mario the winner this time is who's this gonna be any guesses i think it's going to be bowser jr bowser jr what a great win over here that was absolutely amazing oh man we were blessed so much with that luck in the final turn oh my god that was unbelievable [Music] first place with six stars second place mario with two stars everyone had two stars except for me i had six that is such a solid win uh getting those three stars in the final turn i guess we didn't even need them but it was such a huge relief to get those stars that luck was unbelievable wait a minute how come over here i had zero stars but it almost looked like i went into negative stars over here before it started going up wait a minute what is this you've cleared every stage in mario party i moved to chairs resilience in the face of all types of adversity is the true definition of tenacity no matter what towards such resilience i present to you the gem of tenacity which claims like it's on fire wow and bowser jr gets it this is my first time playing as bowser jr and we get this gem you got a gem oh and i guess there are five gems to collect only four more gems until you get them all the road to super stardom begins here congratulations all right so even more to celebrate over here [Laughter] you can just bounce on these guys here so thank you so much for watching thank you so much for joining me on this journey you might enjoy some of my other videos i hope you have an amazing day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 396,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, bowser, boss fight, goomba, goomba boss, mario bosses, final boss
Id: 8Kckb2T89Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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