What if Everyone Does Nothing in Every Minigame?

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there's something just so intriguing about seeing what happens in mario party when everybody does nothing some mini games might be what you'd expect but others are just a complete roller coaster ride and you never know what's gonna happen or who's gonna win so i took mario luigi bowser and monty mole and we threw them in a gauntlet of every single mini game in super mario party except each character has to do absolutely nothing and may the greatest do nothinger win this one is called lip potato you already know the deal we're not allowed to do anything the players are mario luigi bowser monty mole they're all getting lit up clearly because they can't pass the bomb so that means it's entirely up to the remaining players who are controlled by ai this is where it gets really interesting mario and bowser are on the red team i believe and then i believe luigi and monty mole were on the turquoisey cyan light bluey whatever you want to call it team so let's get a close-up view here what are we all okay red team is about to i don't know i shouldn't have said that i should not have said that oh no should i go check it out stay alive for a team turquoise team turquoise is still alive so we're gonna keep track for you guys who wins the most do nothing mini games mario bowser luigi and then your boy monty mole with the belly slaps goomba's up there cheering him on let's go who's gonna win it it all comes down the red team's gonna take it so wait a minute i got it wrong that was team mario and luigi maury luigi get your first wins okay it's the whack-a-mole game we're we're not whacking anymore look at monty stress it out over there you have to love this the good thing for monty is that he's doing absolutely nothing so he's not he's not actually whacking any of his friends i don't know if he wants to i don't i don't think he wants to whack his friends i think he wants to leave his friends unwhacked either way nobody's getting whacked at 0-0 it's a straight tie okay skewer it's the skewer mini game but bowser doesn't even need a stool everybody else everybody else is so much shorter they need a stool good for bowser it doesn't it doesn't matter though because no one's skewing any fruit here wait for it wait for it wait for it for it it's a tie so it's interesting they actually shuffled up the teams a little bit you see on the bottom they got mario and monty on the same team double m's and luigi and bowser together so it is random but it doesn't matter in this mini game okay there's a giant chalky electric thing that just fell on monty mole and it's going to continuously electrocute them the whole time this is torture oh interesting mini game alert okay we have popcorn falling from the sky mario already has a piece luigi has two pieces bowser's got one piece look at how small bowser looks in this mini i love the scaling with bowser sometimes he's huge sometimes he's mini regardless everybody is collecting popcorn right now oh luigi got lit up he had the lead oh and bowser's gonna get all these kernels what a crazy series of events put one on the board for bowser everybody's got one except monty right now okay this is one of those teamwork minigames co-op mini game you got to remember the hearts but what happens when you don't go to grab one of the heart cards i'm gonna assume nothing gets selected that's that's it you just you just miss and there goes this i think one interesting thing could be are we gonna get a c on every co-op mini-game or maybe we can get a beat maybe we can get an a on one of them i i don't know i guess we have to wait to find out how many toads had lemons look at that toad in the right saying hi mom hi i'm on camera wow how many totes had lemons so louie this is actually really funny luigi and monty are on options bowser i don't think he is uh selecting one of these options oh bowser what's up did you see that bowser went to the left how many elements i wasn't even looking one lemon we have two players still in play by monty monty he doesn't have some he doesn't have good luck so far but you know he can come back there's plenty of games left okay watch carefully i i wasn't really watching the default option is always gonna get selected by mario he's pumped about it over there is it an orange i gotta tell you if it's not an orange then mario's gonna take away this win in luigi and passer have no chance let's find out koopa paratroopa number four one two three it was a lemon god dang it it was a lemon put another one on the board for mario mario is curling the lead he's yucking it up over there wait a minute this mini game okay all right all right hold on get it together falcon get it together we're all just getting carried by this what just happened bowser just glitched through the wall what wait we fell off oh they're coming back they're coming back oh massive amount of coins mario just collected so much how many do you lose for minus three mario's doing well but so is bowser he's in the middle but he's gonna we'll get bowser he's gonna he's about to fall oh he gets pushed bowser mario mario's gonna collect oh bowser did he collect those mario wins again ten coins put mario on the board for another one things are getting absolutely wild here in the do nothing mini game olympics for super mario party here is slaparazzi just complete canon shots oh monsie's going to give him the side eye yeah marty and bowser both get points for that what about this one we get some we get some back angles here the booty oh nothing there we don't get any points for that oh there's another one that's completely random where these where these koopas show up monty's gonna give another side eye this could be monty mold's first victory you guys know i love the mole here we go what do what what's this one gonna be oh how about that oh lots more discrimination how do you not get points for that and now oh oh oh oh no no no not mario mario oh the side eye all right last round look at the scores it's actually really close that's gonna be another booty shot nobody gets points for the booty unfortunately monty and bowser both gonna get wins for that one okay i think we have another wild one here coins just just they just they just popped into mario and luigi's pants and i think bowser and monty both got what is what actually is going on my desk is shaking i got four joy cons vibrating who bowser and mario is bowser winning now what exactly happens in this mini game look at toad's face he's so close and out of focus these it's got to just be a dead tile let's fast forward we'll see what happens [Music] okay we're live uh it's exactly what you think it would be it's koopa's giant nose oh now his eyes now his eyes now his eyes we're riding horses it's horse it's horse racing time and everybody dies what is gonna happen here we clearly have bowser doing a really well on all these mini games this is monty and the bros chance to come back i don't actually know the distribution of bombs you know what i think bowser is gonna win i think bowser's got this one i think more bob-ombs drop on the other side where the three people are chalk it up there's another one for bowser so we got rattle and hmm one of my favorite mini games in the game but i don't believe anybody's gonna be able to select an option here they're gonna play oh oh i think it was that robert was that robert allen i wasn't really paying attention i don't i don't know if anybody's paying attention look at spike spike looks like he's had picture day he's just like they caught him off guard it's a little bit a little bit of a candid shot there let's see who it was it was robert i knew it robert um all right i think i think we get jl cut to the end i'm out of here thanks for watching do not and there it is they don't seem very impressed about the time okay sort of fun probably the greatest named minigame of all time and luigi has a baseball right in front of the baseball bucket everybody's looking at luigi like hey hey luigi hey buddy you're right there and then koopa in the bleachers like oh this is fine this is completely fine i'm here to just watch baseball basket and it never goes in and we're all upset okay it's team mario and monty on the red team and then bowser and luigi and turquoise cyan team this one is completely random obvious oh and turquoise is getting annihilated they literally have okay they got four they got four dudes left red's got a few more dudes but you know the game can always change and it's the final round it's yoshi and bowser for triggers demons the red team is running around all over trying to get into some shenanigans we got one zero and the red team takes it we need belly okay for team mario monty no no it's possible that it's the first time you've ever watched this mini game where nobody will slip on a banana and of course the question everybody's probably asking is there's no timer on the screen right now oh wait wait wait the timer showing up there we go yeah okay so the ai controls the other characters in this so obviously everybody's going to get annihilated however there's still some oh koopa and yoshi the only ones left at the bottom and then we got cooper oh watch out koopa versus goomba in an all-time showdown they're looking side to side they don't know oh it's coming oh they both survive this is the most heated matchup you've ever seen in your life why are they taking so long oh my god i don't even remember who's on what side i don't even remember well i don't even know what the score is what's gonna oh oh mike these are legends oh someone joked it and koopa wins oh and billy slaps her back monty moles making a comeback in the standings luigi's doing well as well wow super mario party actually has a lot of really interesting do-nothing games i don't know is the pattern are they exactly the same though i think the way the fruits fall are actually exactly the same so it should be a top i mean look at mario and bezel they're not getting anything it looks like we tied at 41. here's an iconic minigame don't wake wiggler now who's gonna oh luigi so luigi goes first he's the king of doing absolutely nothing we had to include him in this one now with don't wake wiggler you clearly want to be the one that doesn't wake wiggler if you do absolutely nothing he gets mad and he wakes up anyway so luigi loses give all three of these players a win on the scoreboard um [Music] well i don't think those penguins are going to give me ice 0.00 that's the final score uh it's mario strikers i don't know oh they're gonna play they're gonna there's ai in this one and you never know what's going to happen peach and mate are having a bit of a bit of a moment together here he's got the ball peach doesn't really seem to be in any urgent rush to get it all right this is definitely a mini game we're we're out here let's let's see what happens she's pushing him even more now oh she just she just lit him up oh but bowser has it i mean to be fair they're playing their positions you know they're just kind of like okay well both teams seem to be uh pretty content with a tie here with a draw and we're gonna we're gonna move on ah i don't even oh this one ah ah no now the gold no they go ah come on okay it's the it's dust buddies i think it's called it's like dust bunnies but it's with your buddies i don't think we're vacuuming any of this up are we did any of us get any dust at all no no none of us got any we're not even there's no animations there's usually an enemy they're not they're holding the vacuum they can't okay you know you already you already know what's gonna happen nothing that's what's gonna happen nothing look at everybody just fist pumping in the air okay now we're just running this one's called striking it rich but we're not striking anything at all here well we have a winner here and it's probably not the crab come on monty you know you want to buddy you know you want it you know you want to hit the button you know you know you know you want to hit the button and bowser wins and the crap just topples over all right this mini this mini game i think i think you know you know another timer timer timer yeah timer yup and then there's this minigame but at least this one has towed at and look at look at toad at and then look at the toads with the pom-poms you gotta love this one how'd we do team oh monty's belly slapping we must have done fantastic uh everybody hold on to your balls there will be no ball throwing in this mini-game they're trying to show us how to play with the choice i don't want to play i don't want to play no this one oh we don't even get to see the meat cube no the meat oh oh no oh no the time it stopped it look at it it stopped it's 99.99 oh there there's the timer there's the timer at the bottom let's go this game we're just not we're not fishing anything we're just gonna leave it we're just gonna hang out that's what fishing's all about just hanging out with your best friends doing nothing in the middle of the ocean we're just doing nothing we just look at this we're just doing nothing that's it nothing okay it's this mini game in toad i don't know how he stacks all those pla how does he do that what an absolute champion down there i don't know where he's going with those plates though i don't know where he's going i know where we are going nowhere absolutely nowhere okay but what actually happens in this mini game when you do nothing the the ai is just fighting itself and wait a minute wait a minute oh it's gonna be it's gonna be even wait hold on somebody's winning yeah the team on the right one belly slaps monty mole wins again and so does luigi clearly there are zero toads on this train right oh not not zero not okay not zero i've actually never seen it that low before any any uh any any any any magnets any balls any no no no i don't i don't think so what what what what what what what is my switch haunted or something what actually just happened so nobody's digging up anything in this one i guess the pokies could maybe run into us but then we would lose coins that we don't have so yeah don't mind us we're just hanging out with our spike buddy look at him he's waving at us we're just hanging out with him he's one of our best friends we don't want to leave them okay so what's the deal with this one we have ai right so they're probably going to go ahead and try to pop the other players balloons it's team monty oh dk came in with a huge play oh and then i think it was like shot i heard somebody we got two balloons left one i think it's turquoise i'm going with team turquoise no longer cyan look at that balloon you can't tell me that's not turquoise oh and koopa while i was distracted look at the other balloon took out mario and team monty and luigi are gonna win again it's called looking for love but we're looking for nothing we're looking right at the center of the camera so in this one i'm pretty sure you get a one if you don't do anything in time let's go ahead and find out it's just an automatic one nobody even jumps they don't jump it's just a one so that leads me to believe that it's a tie oh it's very dark in here it's very dark i'm scared it's still dark it's still very dark we didn't do anything about it i don't actually know what the scores are they're probably you guys know you guys know what scores are i don't but monty is making a serious comeback it started with mario then bowser and now monty and this one is going to be it's going to be nobody hey how about a scoreboard buff for your boy luigi who got randomly assigned the one in this minigame and he's gonna win by doing absolutely nothing that's his forte he knows how to do it oh something something tells me we're not putting out of spirit today no no okay fuzzy flight school this one's actually incredibly interesting it depends on where you're positioned oh everybody's got hit once mario just got hit twice mario just got hit thrice and oh it's gonna take it that's our boy right there belly slaps okay maybe not okay it's the one where it's like who's missing i forget the name of it but you have to select what's not there and we're not selecting anything because we're doing absolutely nothing okay i don't think we can deliver any packages here toad is actually so excited up there to deliver this package okay but you have to be a little bit curious what happens to the package up there when the does it disappear does it it just okay it's probably still there okay so monty moles been on a hot streak right but he was randomly selected as the one player in this 1v3 minigame and he's not going to hit any of these robert um which means both mario luigi and bowser are going to come away with wins update the scoreboard i have no idea what it looks like but it's got to be pretty close i actually think luigi's maybe doing really well he's won a lot of these recently i don't know i don't know what it is you guys know but i don't winner did you see him swinging he was just swinging in the back you know i honestly never liked this mini game anyway i i really don't i honestly i would rather do nothing in this one okay here's an absolute gem it's grid iron gauntlet i believe it's called and now it's just completely random depending on where you're positioned mario and oh everybody's got one left everybody has one left luigi luigi's out bowser's out mario's out wins yeah that's my player definitely a completely unbiased commentary here from red falcon you know i don't know i don't have a preference whether it's mario luigi bowser monty moley you know one of them slaps their belly when they win the others don't you know there's a little bit of a difference there there might be some bias there this one everybody doing nothing nobody getting any coins we're moving on okay you know this mini game you select whichever one you think is the biggest but nobody's selecting anything because we're doing nothing i don't know what to think of this mini game to be honest with you i assume we're just gonna drop the uh okay the eye on top of the hat why not it's cappy it's literally cappy from mario odyssey but what happens when i put this eye on top of other ah okay so it's like that other one doesn't even exist we just we just overlapped it okay but what about like nose and mustache and mouth on top of the oh oh okay what kind of percentage five percent all right good job everybody nice tie there was five percent wait this one is probably actually really interesting it's probably what's gonna happen oh monty mole wins how did that happen how did that happen what it was just the positioning of the the bruisers or whatever they're wow wow the mario party gods love our boy bowser's just gonna go ahead and hold on to the explosive you can't see it but he's holding look at spike though he's laying out on the beach towel just kind of enjoying himself watching he get a front row seat to nothing he's got a he's got he's got a front row seat to absolutely nothing shout out to monty mole at the top like bro [Laughter] right here you want it you're trying to come on this is the one where we just watch waluigi dance and do absolutely nothing about it but at least we get to just like watch like we're gonna bust him look at him look at him he's killing it out there on the floor whoa okay boys he's on top of the chump what is he um so as well as montgomery mole has been doing he's gonna take an l here and mario luigi and bowser are gonna get on the scoreboard yeah it's um it's it's home on the rang except the rang stays stays in our stays in our hands for the entirety of the minigame so what's with the timer here is it is it just like the first round or is the game it's probably the first round i'm gonna go get a drink it's crazy how some of the minigames they give you selections for stuff and then other ones they let you choose nothing and for this one we're doing nothing look at mario he's looking over at monty mo he's looking back at him and it looks like we're gonna have a tie across the board on this one so this one do we yeah we actually move without even moving it for oh geez i swear they're at on my desk absolutely flat what does this mean does this mean there's a slant in my office is that what this means right now why are people going to the right i don't know what to think about this is it maybe because the the the r and l button are resting at a higher level than the rest of the joy-con is potentially can we theorize about this what actually what's the reasoning you know oh mario's breaking out but it looks like luigi in the top right is gonna get 42 the answer to everything 42 seconds give luigi another one on the scoreboard he's got to be doing pretty well how did he finish how did he how was the eighth time that it worked what just happened there this one is called juice box and you have to get the fruit in the box with your teammate and i just kind of wonder if they'll select an option if you no they don't select any hey hey guys i i don't know what round we're on but i've been here for a long time we're on round number nine and nobody's done anything there's a timer they're gonna cut us off okay that was some absolute tomfoolery at least i get to catch my breath during this mini game okay we're just gonna skip right past this one because i just i'm getting i'm already i don't want to look at the no no just punch it this one's actually pretty fun i'm assuming we don't get to choose one of them and then at this point i don't think we get to select unless they randomly give us somebody but i don't know let's find out right now they do they randomly give you oh oh wow it's zone folding luigi versus monty mole and a head-to-head showdown and luigi the king of doing nothing is going to take it what happens if i just leave the tablecloth what's wrong with that what's wrong with just leaving the tablecloth i mean it looks great it looks amazing why would i want to jeopardize that you know i guess we're not grabbing any nuts in this mini game there's nothing there's no no nuts to count here yep yep yep yep all right it's this mini game this video this minigame it's penguin pusher it's not pushy penguins but it's penguin pushers and you push them towards the bottom center of the screen and you free them the thing is oh wait wait wait two of them just went through oh they're going through on their own they're usually resistant to go through a few of them just sacrifice oh they're sacrificing themselves the thing is you need to get every single penguin through in order to clear this minigame and we didn't get every single penguin through unfortunately no cream pies just peace just true friendship that's all we have together what happens in the candy jar one you gotta hit the button we're not hitting the button okay this one's a slobber knocker at its finest we don't know what's gonna happen because we can't move so it's all down to what everybody else does one of my personal favorite mini games in the entire game is just an all-out chaos brawl mario luigi what if we kissed at the bottom oh and koopa comes in to try to launch mario koopa's the only one left he's bumping mario around he doesn't have no look at this lead doesn't have strength to do anything about it oh now he's building up strength he's gonna oh and luigi wins yet again by doing absolutely nothing what a champion and belly slaps for a monty so monty gets a point as well update the scoreboard do we shoot the cannon we don't shoot we don't shoot the cannon nope not not this one either oh oh a giant waterfall i don't think that affects anything i don't know if it makes anything at all you're just gonna hang on to the pool here for a little bit what are you doing with that joy-con calm down okay so doing absolutely nothing means we don't sway this balloon any direction whatsoever so it's always gonna go up the middle they're gonna break some balloons on their own 16. so there's three total balloons and they shuffle the way the balloons are lined up each time so remember i asked the question earlier can we break out of c rank in the co-op mini games not yet oh no it's gonna come down to the wire here we go this is this is it this is the one oh come on that's gotta be it right 70. 74 doesn't do it are you kidding me oh are you wait wait wait there's a few at the end [Laughter] whatever dude whatever just let the suds air dry i don't even not nah i don't want to play right now i'm upset about the last one can't take a pancake except nobody's hungry so we're not getting any pancakes i don't know how you can resist them they look so succulent and nice but somehow against all odds we resist the pancakes hmm where will we go which coins well they they're all disappearing no wait hold on wait a minute we've played this we've played this one that means we've been playing random mini games on repeat we just got the last we've done it we've played every mini game do nothing in super mario party but wait this is it this is the bonus game we're gonna do one more it's team mario luigi versus team bowser and monty i'm pretty sure that team mario luigi are team red we're gonna count this one on the scoreboard show the score right now i don't even know what it is does it matter does it have implications let's find out we're getting down to the nitty gritty it's gonna be dry bonds representing the turquoise team and rosa linda and wario on red the second to last round can dry bones oh we can dry bones is fighting for turquoise here we go folks wario versus dry bonds at the end pulls it out what an absolute legend and he wins it oh it's team luigi and monty i don't even i don't even know the alignment of the sides and monty's slapping his belly but i know luigi has a lot of wins show the scoreboard on the screen right now i don't know i did luigi win i think he probably won i don't know monty might have won i have no idea i'm out of here thanks for watching do nothing super mario party
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 2,009,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do nothing, every minigame, all minigames, minigame, minigames, super mario party, mario party, super mario party do nothing, absolutely nothing, does absolutely nothing, everyone, does nothing, luigi, wins, doing nothing, luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing, luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing mario party, can you win, is it possible, nintendo, switch, mario, super mario, redfalcon, red falcon, challenge, comedy, entertainment, gaming
Id: PDdsEYDob_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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