I made the worst Mario Odyssey speedrun even worse...

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all right i forget what to say today we're doing maybe the worst idea i've ever had so i've done taka two percent you guys all know what taco2 percent is at this point you talk to takatu he'll tell you random moons to get but i want to do something that no man has had the bravery to try actually a few people have done this earlier i think like one person's done this before but what i'm doing today is talking two percent all moons we are going to be getting all 880 moons but only when takadu tells me to get them i expect this to take about my original guess was like 30 but i've been told it's a little quicker than that i don't think i have anything else to say let's just start wow okay so yeah this is gonna be long oh my hands are so like tight and cold oh yeah i do need purples and costumes and stuff i'm just gonna figure that out later we are moving on to cascade this is going to be the first place we have to use talking to but uh we're only gonna have to use it for one moon if i ever grab a moon that talkatoo didn't tell me to get and that i wasn't allowed to get i will have to reset to a state all right time for talkative our first target to hidden chasm package passage no that one's good i always got up so that was our first talk to encounter out of probably like a couple hundred we're gonna have to do no this is gonna be really fun actually this is my strategy i think try to get peace and not talk to talk to until i have peace so let's just rush the boss fights all right we're in night sand we're moving we're schmoving we're grooving when i came in to stream i went to close the door and something stopped it and i was like oh what's that and i looked and it was dk's head i wasn't like holding it hard but it was just really funny you think tactical will give you good moons he's going to give me every moon so yes all right now we have to go talk to talka too all right i need eight moons please are soft locks possible no timer challenge two is this one welcome back jaxy up there or is it over there up there or over there someone should look it up it's pyramid okay [Music] hidden room in the inverted pyramid i'll cover the ruins okay [Music] sick not the wrong moon uh i'll go do alcove real quick all right well okay i am gonna grab a little bit extra here because there are three moons all right next to each other that it just told me to get all right we're done with sand kingdom for now we're going to be coming back we'll just go lake first keep it simple please do an elbow reveal that's all you get now we just need to go grab five moons i don't want to do these right now all right we're done with lake kingdom now that was sick all right now we gotta go talk to takatu top the tall tree climb the cliff to get the nut it's pretty good talk to it holy sh wait that's actually crazy that was interesting i need a second what the [ __ ] was that i'm sorry what uh all right those sick routing sick execution which one's timer challenge one one with the red poles sick no doubt in my mind we're moving we're zooming through this butterfly's treasure top of propeller pillar caged gold er all right we're done with this kingdom clean remember not to grab any moons don't grab any moons oh that was clean i could never do that that was so nice oh i missed it all right it's about to be time for sewer clip i'm gonna start at exactly one hour and then we'll have one minute three two one go imagine if i got it first try what that was crazy that's the fastest i've ever gotten it four seconds that is insane i was like yeah i'm gonna have to give up at some point i think we gotta go do nine talk a two moves so hopefully he gives me a world tour traveler tourist in metro kingdom oh my god i didn't even know what it was called but he got it first try dude this is really good because when i get this now he's gonna move to another kingdom moon sharks under siege jump rope genius oh my god they just gave me like two horrible moons but whatever all right one of my least favorite moons in the entire game and you're collecting fruit instead of shards i honestly think that one's better all right time for the festival no one else can make it this far i don't like what i look in chat and see cigarette white boy sharp shooting under siege sick thank you for that please just give me the other jump rope one [Music] beautiful beautiful give me the other jump rope one please oh money okay i think this one is rooftop hob i'm scared okay it is just the case gotta make sure i only get the 101 and not the 31. the jump input didn't go through and i barely made that i had to catch up oh my god how did i do that booyah all right we're done let's get the hell out of here it's time for snow kingdom all right it's time for bound bowl hey get your guesses in we're also going to be doing if i get above or below 58.5 is how the prediction goes great start sub 20 on lap one is incredible oh bad bad but it's fine we're making the comeback beautiful we are on pace to beat 58.5 i think with no more mistakes oh no oh no [Music] oh my god that's incredible wait what are you what you guys just scammed i got a 58.69 what are you doing who did it who did it you just scammed all the chat who wanted to be the hero and didn't read the numbers what are you doing none of the mods are going to own up to this i'm pissed whatever no one's going to own up to it i think it was stella but no one's gonna own up to it okay let's see if we can get the fast strats here oh no no oh it's still working it still worked pretty fast pretty fast that's not bad i did get a little rolled but it's not bad all right we're done time for luncheon all right let's go get peace [Music] no the potato pushed me [Music] all right let's get the hell out of here we're almost done all right done with luncheon for now we're going to ruined easy kingdom easy life all right let's get our talk to here real quick inside a block in the castle okay behind the big wall oh i nailed it that was awesome all right done with bowser's kingdom we are almost in post game it's now hitting me that we're only like one tenth of the way through this pretty clean just over two hours honestly is not even a bad taco two percent run and i did world peace so i'll take that to cap kingdom we go all right let's start with our first all right let's start with our first post game kingdom of the run okay well dude what the i'm not giving up this trick jump it only saves a few seconds but yeah first try baby first try frog jumping to the top deck frog jumping above the fog so i think this is frog jumping above the fog first try you know everything that comes before moon rock is easy i i know all the moon names really well i'm learning everything after the moon rock i don't know all that well that's you're not talking to the secrets of the frog pond is that the shards or the secret moon it's shards [Music] secret it is a secret moon you guys [Music] i can never remember this one oh i haven't actually done a save since metro kingdom you live life on the edge yeah i've just you know i haven't had any reason to i only do it when i feel like i need to now i'm just looking up you're not talking to searching the frog pawn okay that one's shards oh that's so [ __ ] up i can't do master cup until i do the other one i have to wait to roll the other one now oh i already have all the shards [Music] spin the hat get a prize that one's easy what please give me the regular cup yeah let's go okay good start honestly really good start honestly all right attempt number two that was like one of the worst koopa free writings i think i've ever done all right much better 24 63 absolutely crushed donked on xqmc claims that they got it you actually got it damn good job that's very rare no one ever wins these uh hey there you go congrats on the gift sub good job on your guess that was a very good good guess don't grab this moon [Music] precision rolling roll on and on holy sh what is that that's incredible we just got two moons from the same sub area what this one's precision rolling i assume we're kind of crushing it right now only 11 moons to go for cap all right well we're basically done with cap now let's move on all right let's go talk to talkatoo rolling rock by the falls easy top of the rubble easy i wonder how much of a difference rng actually makes in this if i got perfect rng and executed perfectly it could make a difference of like six hours or more [Music] back to talk to you because we only have one slot we can actually use right now unless we want to leave the kingdom so that makes sense oh that's the wrong moon oh i forgot that was the name of it it's okay it hasn't been that long since i saved i don't know if closing it out there's actually did it it didn't count it didn't count it let's go okay well that's good to know i was fast with it dude there we go please give me regular cup koopa free running please oh what the f you got you're gonna give that to me are you kidding me it's like my least favorite moon like found the cascade kingdom art yeah let's go we need to keep a free running now on each attempt of koopa free running i will be doing one try a dss nope all right oh god oh god i'm gonna your guesses are the same don't put any more guesses it's the same attempt same guess oh my don't put new guesses oh 13.39 [ __ ] all right get your second guesses in [Laughter] not quite okay hey oh let's go 25 49 beautiful all right how many moons do we have left six moons left all right last moon to roll i think oh no wait i think i'm done yeah cool all right let's just do sand literally the biggest kingdom in the game who cares who cares man here we go desert gardening seat on a cliff more walking in the desert oh no timer challenge three [Music] okay cool i had to make sure it's the right one how would you get soft locked there's a few moons like koopa free running master cup that i can't do until i do koopa free running regular cup because the mushroom has koopa free running so that's one and then there's three yoshi fruit moons so if i get the master cup and then the two later fruit moons filling my three slots i'm i technically can't get those moons without breaking the rules in some way we need to get walking in the desert the first one soon please [Music] wait oh is that the right one oh i don't remember which one i was supposed to get it's not going to give it to me automatically is it oh thank god love in the heart of the desert yeah the other one's like on the edge of the desert right nailed it hit that was a huge whip oh don't grab that by accident i'm scared fun to use jump on the transparent lift okay and the among us moon oh my god anytime someone says are you kidding me dude a little [ __ ] yeah the word among has been ruined for a lot of vocabulary anytime someone says the word among everyone among us myself included i'm not putting anyone down for that also the letter l itself is also ruined [Music] do you love your cat 65 of the time yet hey now when he's chewing on my shoelaces we're in the 35 right now when i want to go to sleep he goes into like not only is it crackhead mode but like mega crackhead mode more crackhead than i've ever seen him go it's insane i don't know how he does it okay this is so much right now because i only have one slot that i can actually use so it's just warp get the moon warp get the moon i'm so honestly maybe it's smarter to do all the moons and then open the moon rock everything's just so much more spread out i can't i won't get soft locked by like koopa free running and these walking ones fishing god sucks just give me the walking in the desert please i'm begging next friday [Music] seriously he knocked over like a mirror that i kept telling him to stop messing with because i said he was gonna knock it over he's already knocked it over multiple times but he just has to mess with it i don't need to get all the way across yeah let's go walking the desert dude finally oh i can finally have two slots that was really bad those way too wide oh all right i just gotta pay attention right is that too narrow oh oh holy sh oh my god why backwards it's easier 99 all right we have two slots now should make this go by ever so slightly faster hey master cup cool jackson's stunt driving all right we are temporarily done with sand apart from a few scraps we got to clean up 265 moons in more than a quarter of the way done so we're going to go to moon raven is talking to here he better be in a convenient [ __ ] spot he's not up there is he i'm gonna be pissed oh my god uh i think my new strategy will be talk to takatu until i finish the base moons and then i'm gonna do the moon rock stuff because this gives me a more likelihood to get like two moons in the same sub area and not get the master cup before the regular cup that kind of stuff which i think is a good idea i think this is gonna be very optimal yup yup yup can i make it from here all right no god this is the worst talkative in the worst kingdom we're almost a third of the way through uh which one am i forgetting i got walking on the moon i didn't even notice oh that was a little wide it's gonna be close [Music] it was embarrassing boom that's like 100. 90. pretty good sorry believers sorry moonshards there's moon shards here now where's the last one is it on the front where the hell is this last shard i'm getting pissed i'm pissed what the where is it oh is it up further wait there it is ha ha oh my god [Music] the cliff face seeing it around the corner we're close we're almost done nine more and then we uh have to do the moon rock so we're not actually almost done but we're almost done with the first half [Music] oh good that's good rng no the worst dog this dog better not be broken why is he jumping why is he jumping you better not be broken you [ __ ] no you still have my hat you can't be broken he just dips dude all right oh that's wait that really doesn't add that many moons it only added 11. we are done with moon kingdom boom we're 300 moons in all right we're going to cloud kingdom there is no talk or two here so we are free to get moons whenever we want why is it not accurate okay it is you guys want to do some picture match i'll make him happy on this one that was almost enough to get to pass the second one we're going in content order yo that's pretty good the eyes were a little high four moons to go [Music] oh so close all right i think we're done i think we're done we're gonna have to come back for a dark side hint art but i think we're done it's time to game hard so we're gonna do the uh same strategy as moon kingdom i'm gonna get all the moons without the moon rock and then with the moon rock is dk in here we gotta kick him out moon shards in the sea all right i already have two and they're not good ones bound with hintart hold on we're going to metro just give me a minute keep all right let's get the frick out of here dude waiting in the cloud c wait which one is that gonna be uh it should be the the secret one right oh my god oh my god nope oh my god well hopefully this is the right one after all that might as well we haven't saved in 160 moons [Music] that was wrong so sad it also didn't save so that was a pretty good uh method it's also good to save though that one i was expecting it right that i want to stop i'm actually gonna lower the eta down we're gonna say like 18 hours wouldn't surprise me treasure chest in the narrow valley okay fly through the narrow valley i'm sick with it dude that's huge do a little little victory lap there [Music] anyways it's volleyball time you guys ready this is gonna be the result of the poll i mean the prediction dk get off get the [ __ ] off of me okay okay i'm not going fast anymore i've been letting the believers down except for the time when i let the believers down and then the mod said jk let's go believers that's what i'm talking about okay that's what we like to see boys it's time for moon rock i'm gonna hope i'm doing the right one aim poke it's probably that kind of sounds like the secret one damn good ignore that how did we appeal more to a female audience take my shirt off oh you guys see that eight pack yep which one is timer challenge three oh how convenient how's it going it's going good dan from mcdonald's it's going very good master cup underwater highway west explorer sick ah come on the wrong side of this chasm wait no yeah it's down here right over here what's happening where's the underwater highway west explorer no okay wait here's the underwater highway it's over here okay here we go all right we finished seaside beautiful beautiful let's do some talk or two in late kingdom end of a hidden passage i just realized you have to do the outfit ladies all right i've already got two oh right the seed is one of them and i feel under dressed oh this is such a good moon name actually because a you have to get into a bathing suit and then you're next to a wedding dress which makes you feel even more underdressed that's huge [Music] uh old west that means i have to go back to sand kingdom golf off oh my god what's bad about that moon i'm just pissed that i just went and got this outfit and then it immediately gives me another one but i guess it was always coming so whatever at least it's here not in another kingdom how are you gonna stay awake the whole time it's a really good question how easy would it be for adam to cut out the parts at the beginning of the stream when i said i'd do it all in one city we'll see we'll see how i'm feeling after this only nine more moons and then we're done with this i at least want to get to like eight hours so that i'm at least halfway because i feel like 16 is like the minimum oh we're done with lake let's go let's get the [ __ ] out of here 410 30 more moons at least let's go to the darker side dude there's no talk to you here so we're just gonna be clearing through it as quickly as possible [Music] dark side [Music] he's so fast oh oh [Music] i'm huge oh my god franco's ridiculous dude he's like the hardest one oh it's terrifying all right we get our health back now the mech is easy peasy first bingo was his name-o [Music] oh god oh god okay gotta speed it up a little just a little bit if i could do that that would be great do not no what a throw oh my god all right that's darker side i mean dark side done oh so close to 420 man there's no talkatoo here we're safe there's only nine moons to get here all right we're done we're in kingdom all right let's get some dark side hint tarts then we'll call it a day [Music] all right one more moon one more moon and then i'm leaving oh my god yeah we're halfway through the game we're gonna finish this tomorrow we're gonna continue the strategy i started yesterday dk is already causing problems he's being a crackhead what are you doing he was trying to hang from a door frame with his bare hands and then the last one was was my memory so bad i've been streaming for 20 minutes i don't have an excuse this time okay i'm pretty sure it's the second one wait it is right [Music] i hate this sub area dude i hate this sub area if that's a wrong one this stays between you and me all right every sub area the difference in the names is in the second half not the first app adam you better cut that out wait how did that not save what oh my god yeah how did that happen i waited so long to back out i'm crazy with it i didn't have to cheat now you guys have nothing on me yeah let's go see it's gone right don't grab it okay we're good [Music] a request from the mayor what am i bad with fixing machines for sure flowers for sure [ __ ] you like cake peppy music like jump up superstar isn't it like fried mushrooms seaside for sure [ __ ] you were captured by an ape give me your honest opinion how am i doing as a mayor fantastic what is my most treasure printed session a purse you [ __ ] but i have the purse flower arranging i'm gonna kill someone these are all random how are you supposed to know this badly there's a wrong answer it's my opinion oh my god you love the purse that's crazy because you said you didn't really like it before now we have to do the moon rock and then there will be about 20 more moons wait not even i only added 15 moons metro kingdom master cup pitch black mountain okay [Music] uh one more moon last moon baby last moon all right we're basically done with the metro kingdom now you guys up for a little bit of darker side all right darker side speed run coming right up damageless oh my god i thought i missed that i killed my momentum too early i'm crazy with it okay what the [ __ ] is happening how am i missing all right let's not mess anything out what kingdom have i not visited mushroom oh i almost accidentally picked an answer what will you remember most about your adventures through all the kingdoms talking to a sphinx why do i ask people questions oh i feel like it passes the time but if i get it wrong it's over why is everyone sing four oh [Laughter] he always says you cheated looks like i get another try he always says that you cheat and i remember that because he's such a [ __ ] about it that's so embarrassing i don't care about failing the stinks but the fact that i just walked off the flower road because i wasn't paying attention he just popped out uh-oh once you fail darker side once it's all downhill from there thank you let's glide on skip glide all these nuts baby oh my god no you skip oh beautiful that's a good darker side speedrun nine and a half hours i'll take it all right let's just do wooded let's go to takatu i know deepwood's treasure trap is one i have already oh and one more i guess above the clouds [Music] oh that one sucked [Music] oh walking on clouds that's good that's really nice let's go back to that sub area i guess i don't want to miss the coins yeah we're doing pretty good so far we finished all of metro kingdom like actually really quickly now that i think about it [Music] we're actually almost done after this next moon we're only gonna have a one more and then we hit the moon rock oh hell yeah the last moon is right next to the moon rock all right that's everything oh that's a lot [Music] hole in one baby oh time to learn the skit how how do you do that oh my god oh clutch perfect all right we finished wooded we need about 309 more moons in the next five hours i can do that it's like one moon a minute loss is going to be easy yeah there are good amount of koopa free runnings left so wait you're not talkative what is wrong with me my brain is melting from this goddamn challenge inside the rising stone pillar taxi flying through okay there it is uh where did that just spawn i wasn't looking is it on top of a tree or something [Music] peach captain toad we're almost done eight more cave gardening booyah lost kingdoms completed we're never coming back oh let's go we're so close oh god wait this sucks oh this kingdom's awful talkatu is all the way down here oh my god are you kidding me this is like the worst talking to you behind snowy mountain captain toad is chilly snow line circuit class s wait class s is the second one right all right let's hope we get the first one rolled then [Music] if you open the moon cube right now i'll name my first kid cj that would require you to actually have sex so i don't believe it is that too far oh is that it wait so there is no snow line circuit class a i've just been wasting this slot this whole time for no reason oh oh wait snow line circuit because the other one's ice burn circuit it's the one downstairs what the f what the f was that oh guess to stay no new guesses huge oh 56 18 oh my god i'm crazy we're done and now it's moon rock time we are nearing snow kingdom completion 19 moons to go [Music] here's dk again boom 1865. god i'm scared to shake the controller i can tell he's gonna attack someone won what young morningstar are they subbed no holy sh that's huge popped out of the ice stacked up ice climb scuba room ice burn circuit class s okay don't dk stop dk unleash unlatch me stop i hate you you're being so nice all right i'm playing with my controller up here i couldn't tell which one was me we're playing it through i'm not starting over oh oh i don't know if i'm gonna win this ah stop i didn't mean to quit but whatever get off my mate i lost that one because of dk by the way i just want to make that clear that's a pv 146 42 baby someone won that what are you joking someone won of all the ones you could win how do you win that one boom baby we're done that's snow kingdom completed 237 moons to go let's go to today it's time for the prediction will our jump count be odd or even and guess what chat boop we do a little trolling here we go it's even and it always was even doesn't matter that i jumped right at the end mods be very careful picking the result taking notes around the well caught hopping huh dude can't be big on your [ __ ] mind god oh good it's time for sheep let's go [Music] i'm worried about this kingdom because i'm fairly certain that we can okay and one more go that way that way that way that way in there boys let's go i grabbed the moon and for a second i forgot that i was actually supposed to grab it and i got really scared how was this one i need 60 points that's basically mario that's pretty good wait did i just say that's basically mario that's the name of the moon it's actually really funny gardening of toad yoshi's all filled up that's the third yoshi moon oh no dude no oh no all right we just got mushroom kicked a master cup even if this doesn't soft log this is slowing us down so much right now it just gave me the soft lock or the odds of that what and i'm not reloading to oh that wasn't that long ago all right fine oh thank god i already did sheep okay nauseous like immediately hey no soft lock this time baby let's go there's been a lot starving we haven't messed up oh that's awesome we just got two moons in the same sub area huge good rng free time save big big big big can i snipe this oh my god that was so sick that was actually really cool i can't see the star down there okay now i can see it i was getting worried that i was remembering the sub area wrong master cup wait i've done regular cup right i have this is a short one this one's pretty easy it's hard to mess up 13.17 13.17 i feel like someone's gonna get someone will should have gotten this one there's no way did adam get it no shot adam got it what wow oh it's picture match time all right let's not mess this up oh god i forgot how hard this is oh no i forgot it's so hard there's no way i get this dude this is gonna be wrong this is gonna be so off yes what it's so bad how did i get that oh my god i'm sick with it dude wait what oh he's done oh one of them is peach coming back one of them is the tourist one of them is hintart what's the fourth one i don't know but i guess we're done with mushroom boop oh let's go to luncheon golden turnip recipe three huh good taking notes swimming in the magma okay we got a lot of moons to do here so let's just get going because we're low on time [Music] diving from the big pot oh boy yeah i do not like this moon i do not like this moon let's see if we get a first try though oh oh sh oh thank god time saved baby that's huge that is huge just a little more than 700 millions in we're almost done [Music] all right we're at 56 out of 56. now let's get the moon rock and finish this kingdom off please don't add too many please like less than 20 right 56 let's see what it goes up to oh my god that's like nothing 12 moons oh my god i could do that we're going fast i've got the motivation i've got the energy i'm feeling good right now let's beat this rod lantern's on the gear steps perfect that's all we needed dude that is what we needed flying over the lava islands treasure the lava oh my god dude i'm insane oh that's it oh my god i thought i got a wrong moon because i only had two slots when i should have had three but that's because we're done [Music] 750 beautiful we are almost done so no what i got so rolled nope oh my god it almost happened again [Music] oh that is huge dude what what literally got the two moons right next to each other past the moving wall that is right here oh we'll play this this only lasts for so long but whatever by my favorite capture too that's true imagine if it was the wrong moon oh cool those ones are near each other oh no i didn't know that ground failed to get active oh my god all right please give me the other jeezo moon so i can just do that one easily oh my god [Music] oh baby we're almost done that's it we're done we're done with bowsers oh 74 to go we are so close to being done with this freaking run boys time for a bunch of toadette all right what am i missing seven more hats eight more outfits oh wart paintings two more checkpoints some more cap throws and some more souvenirs let's just start entering warp paintings i guess [Music] nice yo this outfit kind of slaps for ph damn so now she just has mushroom left too right okay bonked my head a little bit what else can i get i need so many more souvenirs i haven't spent any purple coins here and i've only got 22. beautiful now where the girl the purple coins [Music] i got these where the hell else am i missing four oh get the bowser amiibo yeah that is an option where oh these ones it was worth two more outfits and 11 more souvenirs and stickers i don't think i bought any souvenirs and luncheon how many purples do i have right now 30 dude i've been so irresponsible i should have been thinking about this more oh you i only get one okay that's it right oh no they're going to sand now okay well i'm going to sand two go okay we got all the moons let's just go to wooded let's see what's in wooded 14 more moons i just don't oh i don't want to have to get more purples dude let's go to lost oh my god i didn't spend any of them here one more hat and one more costume six more souvenirs everything else is done well never mind i lied all right we're good where are all these souvenirs metro yep yep yep [Music] are all the purples in sub areas i'm one off and you're gonna hit me with that all right we're done with costumes damn i didn't get those ones yeah what of all the ones i missed it was the easiest ones it was insane we are so close to being done here oh my god okay so there's three i can get we have to get every purple coin in order to get it but we'll get it i know exactly where they are that was so stupid of me i missed one i'm such an idiot okay okay that's another souvenir how many more do we need oh one more okay we're so close we're gonna do it go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] go come on toadette give me that [ __ ] actually i don't think we finished capped ours four what's 42 and 43 is it gonna be our last time talking to taco two i think princess peach home again hadn't seen mushroom kingdom hi peach thank you give me the moon please hurry please oh that's it it's mushroom kingdom done wait red what's dark side art one three six and nine one three six and nine i thought i've been getting them all [Music] oh my god we're about to finish all moons talking two percent what the hell it's like in one of these right oh that's it that's the last moon go go go come on baby we gotta go beat bowser 880 moons oh my god go go go go go go go go go i'm gonna pass out i've been going for eight hours and 40 minutes today okay let's fight bowser we gotta get sub 16 30. that's been our goal since the beginning and i'm not making that up right now kick his ass you were here chat you were here and you too youtube you are also here and you can prove it by subscribing and ringing the notification bell psych it was three go go go yeah and sub to the vaughn channel as well i have a vod channel all right we got bowser let's go the ultimate talkatoo challenge i'm the talking two percent god oh oh my god psych [ __ ] we're not going for xd cg on 2d in chat cg on 2ds baby let's go oh let's go i sniped the [ __ ] out of it oh my god it's like the best pillars i've ever done let's go boys come on oh my god it's over the run is finally done yeah we did it oh my god that took so long i'm so exhausted and so hungry thank you guys for watching that was one of the worst challenge ideas i've ever had but it was actually really fun i hope you enjoyed i don't know thank you that was crazy it was fun though i had a good time all right bye youtube [Music] you
Channel: cjya
Views: 372,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: is0yNkfVrks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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