I had YouTubers hide moons in Mario Odyssey

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all right hi in Super Mario Odyssey there are hint Arts you can find all throughout the game that give you Clues on where to find moons well I asked 10 of my friends to make their own hintards for me and I had to try and figure out what moons they were for here's how it went so yeah let's just get into it first up we got a hitter from Mars let's see it uh [Laughter] uh why did he walk in that shape like of a pink uh all right well I'm gonna go to sand and hope it's in sand is this sand oh yeah okay I see it now I see it all right it looks like you start from like here right yeah that seems about right maybe a little lower but it's fine all right then we're gonna go over here start cutting over do a quick little oh I figured out what it is I thought what what moon is even up there let's get a Goomba I guess where is she where's where's my love there it is okay so since it's a 100 file I'm obviously not gonna get the actual moon but it's a gray Moon and we'll just grab it and go woohoo yeah nailed it okay beautiful moving on to the second one it's Katie Katie Pudge but anyways let's look at it what I mean I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I know exactly what it is there's a specific Moon where you're a lava bubble and you're diving off something and I hope this is it all right let's see let's find out I have to get the moon first which is honestly the hard part assuming this is the moon she picked I don't actually know oh oh oh oh my God first try all right Della is it diving from the big pot let's go we got it again two for two I'm crushing it I know this game like the back of my hand but will I know this next in tart made by amethyst let's find out oh gosh not a another actual hint art um what the hell is this where is there a 2d section I mean it's a 2d pipe all right let's see first which ones have 2D sections cap no Cascade yes it feels like maybe there's something like Miss oh I figured it out I thought maybe it's this is a real scene in the game but she just grayed out everything except these two objects and ladies and gentlemen I think I know exactly where it is go go go oh all right here we go I think I'm doing it right um we're just gonna ignore that because that was kind of embarrassing I wanted to try to be fast and I ended up being very slow oh no oh no oh my gosh okay I think I'm safe what am I doing this isn't even hard it's so simple dude yeah Della is it taking notes in The Cliff face I think is what I don't even need to look I know that's what it's called because I'm smart let's go okay so far three for three but can we beat Pilates because this one is from platicorn and it's do I know what this is my my first thought takes me to Bowsers the colors are what's messing with me a little but I think this might be right you know what guys I think I nailed it oh my God in the snipe the absolute snipe not only did I get it I got it with style Della is it poke your nose in the plaster wall or something is it behind the tall wall poke poke right Moon wrong name let's go all right yeah the other poking your nose here I'll just point it out so I thought that one was poke your nose in the plaster wall because you're actually poking just into a plaster wall this one has like some metal on it but I guess this is poke your nose in the plaster wall anyways this one is from Della my girlfriend Della so let's see what she made whoa what the f oh yeah I know what this is she's just giving me a pretty tedious mood I like the art though it's really good the purple threw me off a little bit I don't believe that it's actually purple in the main game uh how do i surf Festival how do I start the festival again how do why are you standing like that how are you not banging them out dude I don't actually know how to start the festival now that I think about it oh there's just a guy in the corner I thought so but I didn't see anyone I'm coming in oh sh oh there he is I was looking for you let's go off the rails don't you know it's time to raise our sails it's Freedom like you never knew oh it is purple would you look at that I thought this was red purple threw me off in the hint art and I'm now realizing it's just purple which is the same thing I did on the last Center too all right Della is it what the hell is this one called celebrating in the streets yes let's go five for five let's finish the festival now die Donkey Kong only one Donkey Kong can remain and it's me uh that's it for today we have five more coming up but I'm not going to do them today because they're not ready we're gonna be looking at crafty Center I had crafty boss make one and uh here it is foreign it's a really good drawing okay when crafty was DMV he was telling me that he got really good at drawing when he did this and the perspective is beautiful is it the moon where I talk to Peach and what what it makes me think off the top of my head is when you find Peach in every Kingdom and then you come see her although usually she's wearing peach dress now I can't grab the mood now but that's fine all right Della what is it this moon is it um Princess Peach home again yeah I got it right first try let's go that's a point for me there's no points but whatever um all right so next alpharad Jacob drew me a hintart so let's see what it looks like uh I think he just took a picture actually I think this is just a filter uh this is definitely luncheon Kingdom how am I supposed to know what food this is this could be any moon is it luncheon I mean I feel like the the pink color isn't helping I don't think it's here right what filters is it this okay so I think I'm in the right Kingdom but I don't know if it's this Moon I gotta find the right Mountain [Music] the thing wait oh no that is it wait no no don't tell me yet wait which mountains was it these ones no wait it was all right is it luncheon Kingdom timer challenge one wrong is it piled on salt wrong but those are the mountains for sure right island in the sky I think is too far away unless they reuse the mountains it also hmm oh oh it totally hold on gotta wait for the moon to be lined up okay is it floating island in the sky or whatever secret path to mouthful Bono yo let's go I got it right baby no it was hard I didn't realize the mountains are kind of the same size no matter where you go all right up next we have a hint art from fur so let's see wow uh uh okay so not a drawn in tardy went with the Photoshop route I think the only place where this purple cheap Jeep shows up is snow but there's multiple moons you can get with the purple cheap cheap wait I have an idea I think I know what it is what I was thinking originally was yeah you get it with a purple cheap cheap however I don't think that's what fur meant by this picture I think what ferment was that there's a character in the game that would not be happy with the red sheep cheap and would only be happy if they were to meet a purple sheep sheep so Della my question is is it I met a snow cheap cheap let's go boom baby I was right let's go first tried it oh my God all right we got three four here next up is from Smalling so um apparently I never did uh Grand Pooh Bear's Moon um it should be on screen right now I'm just looking at it for the first time honestly I I have no idea what this is uh what the hell is this my do I know why does Mario look like a rabbit a little bit oh wait I need to change I have a sneaking suspicion there nope nope nope nope not there we go I think I got every other one first try except for maybe like one so I do want to kind of keep that streak up here see if it it's familiar here oh oh oh this looks right this looks right hold on hold on and yoink was I right let me see what he said he said uh I don't know the name but the Bowser 2D costume moon in Bowser Kingdom boom there we go all right nailed it um only a couple months late on this um but I got it anyways back back to the rest of the video next up is from small ant so let's see what small I did what uh this is like a real hintar that would be in game four spikes and it's on the third one it's a yellow moon I don't know if that's important oh Samantha's here okay he's DMV I can give a hint if needed is it in Moon Kingdom I guess that's my first just yes or no wait it kind of looks like oh wait do I know what it is I think I looked at the Moon Kingdom trailer on the king of Select screen and I might have figured it out one two there's four is it on the third one did I figure it out is it um is it tip of the white Spire let's go let's go that was a tough one oh but I figured it out I knew I recognized these little things and with that we have one hint art left that was a good one that one looked like a real hint art from in the game and this next one's from Lysol and I saved this one for last because lysol's actually an artist although so is Crafty apparently but let's see what POG it's lack of two but he's dressed as Bowser okay so it's probably latitude in Bowser's Kingdom maybe but there's cutting it's cutting something is it because the the fishing moon in Bowser's Kingdom got cut out of the dog percent run I don't know because if you don't know in dog percent originally there were I think six dogs to get and one of them was fishing uh in Bowsers because it's a dog but it's not the dogs from the other kingdoms and when they made it an official category they cut it out of the Run let's see let's get the moon and then ask the wizard if we're right the P does look like an upside down D like a dog well upside down and backwards but I feel like maybe she did that on purpose because that pee is drawn really weird wait a second all right Della is it fishing question mark in Bowser's Kingdom let's go let's go logic logic that's a good one there was the P dog the cut the lack of two and he's dressed as Bowser that was really good I got almost all of them first try and I'm proud of myself for that that was pretty good these are some good hit charts thank you crafty Smith Lysol Alfred and fur for taking the times out of your days but that's it uh for today at least um I already showed your hint art and I already deleted it from the
Channel: cjya
Views: 605,790
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Id: QojgMIBBmdI
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Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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