Mario Rabbids Gameplay: Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle Co-Op - SNIPER LUIGI CONFIRMED KILL

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go on go on yeah yeah yeah gets Luigi so you get the popping out of cover but maybe anyone sniping Luigi from the sky so many confirmed kills availment hello everybody hi it's Luke with Andy hello hello let's play some Mario in Rabbids Miriam battle but it's with a crucial difference in co-op cooperative Andy has already chosen his character my team there's Luigi and the Green Team just selecting the acting the gluing his butter Casilla I think guys we do squats he seems to say I'm going to be the one the only Princess Peach I think rabid Mario is a brawler right he's a procreate oh yes he's a brawler let's enter the kill zone no ready to cooperate defeat 14 enemy any enemies oh my word well I don't see it as being a problem for my links team and we are Oh a lot of them already stuck in honey yeah they should be easy prey for Luigi just pick them off from there okay maybe they're not actually know anything they're just scenery huh filled with events let's go stuck in honey that's annoying in that case he's over here anyone atom body that's over there at ease dad's over here so everywhere I am stuck in the middle with Luna 5 if I pop in here I'll find pop in here you could possibly get to get the air cover yes I love it and snipers head off yeah look anything we and pop in a pipe and then comes the sniper links wait let me just up the old weapon dmg nice red Oh Luigi as you would expect from his cold eyes as colliery calculating Jelena is a sniper class character in this game yet ruthless nighter and were about seen example that oh so ruthless sniping let me just take this guy to school whoa Anakin golden shot and shot I mean you couldn't ask for better really school's out friend now we've got we rounded now your gramma do she ran the Rio she has a duck and a minigun and a bad al you do look says it's really me there's a rabid your day my characters alright we're gonna go in here okay I'm going to move to this cover love it love it love it love it and then we're going to see what we got in terms of global damage reduction denials repels opponents oh my disco duck I love it alright we're going we're going this code I'm going just go they're going on this go ahead here we go bill now get a table Oh oh I blew up my own all cover destroyed yeah well probably then I should put on global shelves yes I like it all right Oh far as well as consistent with this character yes being being crazy locally crazy should we see what peach has got yeah royal gaze increase weapon damage yes heroes and range 30% damage reduction I thought so you could move in next to doing a movie later there yeah and I mean I think I can should we see what kind of range I can actually get get in that pipe I hope in there move in next to it opens it up to AoE attacks but I'm not concerned if we put on the damage reduction yeah I love it well alright so we're going to turn on here okay range yes and that also we've got our sweet rabbit Yoshi Yoshi oh my god right and now we've cooked lava later or the ammo ammo that's a 70 to 80 damage to it with some frost let's do that it's more damage just a Formosa her explosives mastery um and under done gun for house the main event it is the one the only married 'mario yeah the pipe first movement based damage reduction 80% draws opponents oh that's quite good see what it does to remount cover let's do it oh yeah try and resist oh and I got the shot on him because he moved out of cover that's right it's believed anyone sniping bleeding from the sky that was of the best thing that's ever happened in the cold dead eyes of a killer yeah I'm so I sort of want to get a bit more stuck in enjoying the gang but there's no cover for me okay but I might be safe enough looks like y'all wait no that idea smash bad idea one I just come hang out in the open yep so this but near you I guess we've got to let the enemy out of turn I guess all right what do you go enemies allows the enemies oh yeah you'd like that wouldn't you oh yeah you oh of course they take the coward's option okay and where are these bad rabbits moving to oh gosh look all the way up there so it's all popping off we've just got to keep killing just keep killing to turn it into a charnel-house just a meat grinder Hey okay all right this guy moved over here so I'm gonna see if I can hop in here yep get into the old cover like it and then then we'll see who likes getting exploded you got your chump first offer 50% chance to attack scale repels I don't really do that want to shoot it with the old the old minigun oh we know you hit the cover ah frustrating dang it well let me repeal it anyway yeah no no it's just out of range luigi d how about you run around kicking and then pop in that pipe and then when go Boing go who's got the high ground now all the pipe takes me through to this side oh right well that's good I in it good you're pretty exposed though because there's bad guys up here on the top and and to the bottom I'm going to kick him wait let me I love it I kick in and then we were here and we shoot in the back cool and that's okay nicely into cover and then never knew what hit him and then there is the shot the head execution-style Luigi's trademark move punishing shot for the head okay right so let me just quickly switch to tactic am so so over here in the corner of the map there two evil dudes yeah there's no one up here love it so enemy wise they're down here and over on the other side so what I'm concerned about is that we are we could be pincer movement 'add right but then these guys can go through here and I know you know what I'm not going to overthink it I'm not gonna worry about it too much these guys need taking out so any taking out they leave stream down hard and fast I'm doing it moving on up yeah that's right every 90 from Target had a range child has had a range what no it's not much I can do there's not much I can do but I'm but I've got your back okay good I'm here for you if you draw fire that's good and then peach obviously going to rob these coins well you know I liberated you know that's how you stay printer I'm going to take up trying to take up a defensive position here at the divine right of princesses to steal my coin and should be able to get a shot in with the carbonator look at that I can plus weapon damage oh you don't do it do it let's bring the pain oh and where's your cover now with my cover also I got my own cover that's true that was not a great turn to me [Music] No noop noop noop Oh peach because they ohms the damage soaking it up soaking up the dmg soaking it up like the incredible tanks that you use as a heavy hit alright now what are these guys thinking good good hit the cover hit the cover oh right here Oh turn right how does how you know how do we get up there how does one get me turn the camera around [Music] I can't see any way up there is there is no way up to be had now if I were to go into this pipe hear me out here just just people yeah you got peach oh my god very exposed position yeah very very exposed my hypo has position but it would look rad oh no no no giving it up and working up and get up to the high ground yeah yeah you won't be in cover especially but for overwatch all right let's go yes Luigi now now how delicious who's going to be your a 50% chance you feelin lucky and yeah you know what I could have done is use my movement things to have more movement ah they don't mind never mind we're still getting you to take this guy out all right take the shot come on ah striking all right well no worries no worries noise noise no one else is going to be able to get up there unless they can unless they can les they can they can't right yes I agree can you jump on me and get over there I could or I could just blow him up yeah just do that yeah I'll probably just blow em up put ya soon yep and he's turned to stone that is not what you want to happen now he'll be he won't be happy with that oh wait wait you can move to this discover here oh yeah that seems pretty smart look at that alright we're in position cool I love the way you hit what hangs off the edge of the cover okay team - ready - ready for action okay targets out of range bad that's bad I'd probably be able to hit him if I move just to here yeah but there's a guy a bit more vulnerable within hours yeah show yourself coward I'm going to do it okay I'm gonna do it cause if there's only one enemy now get on an absolutely now maybe agony now comes the absolute blasting an igloo ownage now yeah movement-based damage reduction I want to take that down and pop that on not a problem right peach you are you will just get you the Betty the heck out it is exposed position I mean I hate to just retreat but I think it's the way that's all I know what I'm going to do so what's happening you know what I should have done and II should have fired my weapon before retreating yes that would have made a lot more sense I think they were all out of range let's let's say they were all saying yeah they line up for a shot at Luigi I don't know they're doing something something coward little rabbits are organizing luckily you have moved from base damage reduction nice oh the next wave is getting ready we didn't want to happen what if we try and organize a situation where we're all on the high ground and to do that you need to move somewhere where peach can use you as a trampoline oh I see as a trampoline so what if you thought hi you're here yeah all right that's fine I'm going to switch over to Luigi my overwatch position I take my shot and then move and move into this cover so little Bashar plan good plan because I hid from him okay you've got a 50% chance of sniping bad guys that rabbit okay you know about all you can do from here take it take shot you have a shot take the shot put the cover out covers gone covers gone move into my own cover nice ok right so if peach hops up peach can take your position yeah here hey some healing happened somehow I as expected as I knew would happen nothing's in range but I can give us some damage reduction sounds good things are three of us here lovely stuff look at that that's brilliant you this can you go through the pipe hmm not really anywhere to go not been useful in a few turns but will be will be again yeah okay enemy into enemy turn see what you got alright he's sort of got some Rabbids up there we got a couple Rabbids he's taken a position yeah what you need this one thinks he's doing my least-favorite rabbit it's just what the hell I'm going to speed the democracy kid wonder bored of their antics all right I know one firing okay can you get anyone from there first of all first things first I'm the realest with equipment steely stare on nice students they're active from the ouija death stare the s 100% hit any goes after you go rocket room Aloise okay okay okay fine it creates a choke point okay I think that's a set that's one of your sin hands I think okay hope and you can move I'm not sure you should I can move through this pipe yep emerging here nice in sweet cover let's do it and then oh I think you've got a shot up there at 50% shot on him yeah repel opponent and a disco duck chance on that guy nice it might bounce him but probably won't bounce him out like well it's a let's see here we go no bounce alright okay well I can come help out with the war effort up here yeah I think if I go there this will explode yeah so they do that which is bad it is that but if I go here that thing I love the casual lean can you hit that guy office opposite we draw someone in oh yeah this this rabbit here or there will be drawn delicious you see what that does yeah oh [Music] it was just that I thought it would sort of maybe suck him into the gulch or something everyone's out of range it seems someone's out of range man this the tiny range on rabbit Mario is killing me peach got to get their more aggressive I think I mean if I bounce of you you'll detonate that though if you land though I mean yeah I mean we think we think maybe just here maybe I'll just take a turn yeah out of cover okay and opens everything's fine yeah go for it and yeah we took the health boost cool did a little bit of here what good oh yeah hang on I can hole you can hit him good get in there with the old nice ah oh my god six six health that's frustrating alright so we can do past the tenant enemies enemies up go on go on yeah yeah yeah get Luigi so you get the popping out of cover Luigi is just a cold I'd killer doesn't think twice don't shoot this ah okay so that the centuries drawing fire so that's good yeah is good but are they disguised on our holes Luigi yeah yes he tried to make a run for it this played for cleverness please oh um oh man heavy K alright alright man's right I'm a little worried about rabid Mario how do use this and give me and peach more movement okay good stuff [Applause] now look at that look at that range if you and if you hop up I can hit that guy sick extent 50% what do you think how far can you get if you jump off one of the two forward guard let's find out if you were down here hopping maneuver and I can move it to cover here I don't know that looks maybe not bad I mean I've got a position now or I can hit someone so I may as well just keep yeah I reason while I've got keep firing oh yes if you could take take care of some of those okay yeah let me take you I'm gay here we go I like it oh and the ink to get out man luigi is the best over and out luigi on the radio confirming another kill yeah cover all right and then whether we want to repeal any one of the loans no not really I'm gonna pass my turn okay right what are we going to do about you you need to move up later thing yeah because all of my attacks are very very close range yeah however I've not got a whole lot of health left now beach house done healing but we don't know yeah if she needed a bouncer I only gave healing when she did about yeah so maybe we bound yamlok him and she can bounce back to where she was yeah or just bounce to net yeah yeah that's that's a good spot and we'll see if that doesn't heal yeah we yeah come on Benny Hill yeah look at that I cannot do anything else unfortunately what's that thing on the right what can he do for all gays that's going to rate you here but not now he's absolute coward what are they got what do they got hold on nothing what Oh No hammering radit Mary again on week Rabbid Mario I think rabid Mario's his number might be up ah note stay with me rabbit Mariano and another wave rabid Mario succumb to his injuries alright these guys are out of cover day so just go duck smash them can you move the disco duck like into the middle can you hit the most of the only aim si we can only imagine it's the bouncing bomb and it's turning to stone good this is what we were hoping for who can Luigi shoot from here we can shoot a lot of people what what are your odds on on these chaps along the top this extent chance to hit so who do you only get out ahh who's got leg belt piece of a motel yes but it won't kill and I can take it might do if I get a mighty if you get a crit but you might not even hit them because in chance I'd say you go through one wrong help yeah we'll need the kill okay one shot one kill feels good yeah one shot one kill for the evening it was a grip and it happens I think I can the other day up there there yeah I'm staying here this is luigi's sniper nest you are vulnerable so will smack you yes you're good good good good good and then do I want to move anywhere these I don't think these I can't really do anything I don't think they're coming through the pipe I think we hold everything they've got the Gups there's no got a standing there god it takes damage reduction I think I'll probably turn that on it because yeah probably get shot a few times connector and now Mario grab it is dead tell you what peach is pretty good yeah enemies well you got more of them they come pouring out pouring in my god they're everywhere ouch fine we've got damage reduction on ya concerned about the volume of rabid yeah the encroaching yeah but it's finally just means there's loads of them in in one spot which means I can send over one of these oh no put away a turn ah dang irritating tomorrow I can take care of this yeah chop stomping there's an absolute shock now with the cover all right I'm going to hit on the outer shell going on good stuff Luigi you know what to do is you the rifle is active 50 50 100 100 percent kill have one shot one kill here it comes oh yeah I feel almost bad but mostly I feel good peach can get a bounce in for a little heal may as well yes do it we only have to defeat four more enemies I think okay well in that case let's let's play a conflict let's take it easy yeah just everyone distract people while Luisi continues rampage yeah that's basically the tactic isn't it look at that beautiful that's a cool move enemies what do you got now are these guys going to show their hand no they've both passed terms oh here we go think interesting here we go all right okay all right no attacks excellent okay who can Luigi's night this time I'm going to switch over first of all if I can get anything with my disco duck frustrating but you can move you could move from fire oh that's true maybe maybe this spot here maybe that yeah maybe that with I'm ready to do it move in here yeah well that cover at least is bricks at least you'd be like eroding the cover forget this guy because the other ones got there had a lot of sights on this nice luigi should be able to finish off one of them right yeah repels repeal the Honan nice we can out cover up great I've only hit these guys but I think leave them they're not moving they're not troubling us but I mean I've got no I've got do anything else so can you not take oh right okay yeah well well in definitely go just having if the only slightly closer see but I'm wow done for Wow Luigi Wow three to go alright passing okay peach what do we got what have we got can you move into that cover and get some damage on that guy behind the cover I like it I will go along with it oh thank you nurse it's awesome except sign wham-o 6280 night because you get the other one at all yeah you rattle are you cool Oh burns and he's pushing it on fire so near death and he did go into death confirmed enemies okay now I reckon this is the point where they might make a desperate attack yeah desperate plea might just show their hands hit their hand yeah do do your worst mate ha idiot yeah pops out of cover and took what 35 damage from the laminator Oh painful yeah you do whatever you want here matter doesn't matter what the next wave is because because someone has moved into Luigi sniping range what have they are they just a furnace move into range of Oh impenetrable cover of the worst it's fine though because because no note I'm gonna have to move finally Luigi has to make a move currently Luigi shows his hand a shame you can't bounce on the corpse of rabbit Mario that's it that's it from there and now now 50% 50% chance of cord on Luigi get this man of course straight on dead center headshot absolutely horrific just really really upset there's nothing left of the brainpan hahaha below now the back look at his face terrified oh god he knows what's coming and there it is turn on damage reduction playing it safe at this point soon I'll take out one more enemy we've got one more to make out yeah just feed more Rabbids into Luigi's a movie to sneak around this so many confirmed kills of a old man alright Luigi you know what has to be done finish it wait hang on Stevie say going on yes you could jump all the way up there for the hope for the close range or the close range like Luigi specialty here it comes you're rich um hey rabbit the rabbit slowly fell oh I didn't kill him all right this guy's on one health one help no there was no way we could have predicted it all right love inator a fool to you on I'm gonna love a native ideas he's ready efficacy he knew from the beginning you what this was as this there's only a 50% chance of hitting do it doing it the love inator yeah yes Luigi's burn the review is on fire she's on fire but but what's more on fire it is heart with passion is how it is a flame we did it yes we did it Wow you know what last time I use the phrase Luigi shame on the unit I would like you retract that you lied you retract that state hero to pull out well mo yeah all right thanks for watching guys thank you for watching guys if you enjoyed this Mario and rabid Kingdom battle yeah co-op gameplay and don't forget the Luigi is the best doesn't matter where you are in Luigi is always in refugee will let me take you out I don't notice
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 147,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario rabbids gameplay, mario rabbids kingdom battle, mario rabbids switch, switch games, new games, nintendo switch, nintendo switch games, mario rabbids luigi, luigi, sniper, mario rabbids co op, mario rabbids multiplayer, mario rabbids kingdom battle gameplay, gameplay, mario gameplay, luigi gameplay, mario rabbids tactics, mario rabbids bwahlamo, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, andy farrant, luke westaway
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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