Mario Kart Wii | Motion Sickness - Scott The Woz

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Can't believe he didn't mention inside drift.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AdamBall1999 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

scotty wozzy i'm fucking begging you to flick the remote when the final hit of the POW Block goes off

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Platitudinous_X 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just play ctgp, he'll have fun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KyleDaGool 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey all Scott here there I was about to get out of bed and face the challenges life had for me that day but then the trauma came back and and I just couldn't do it with this in the room Mario Kart Wii is the best Mario Kart for the week but at that point it's also the worst this is one divisive game people either consider this to be one of the worst Mario karts or one of the best and I am guilty of committing the former this was the first Mario Kart free home console I owned myself that I mean I played 64 double dash at friends houses and I contracted Super circuit so this wasn't my first rodeo rather my first one under my own roof with my own TV and I feel like that was the case for lots of people as Maricar we sold over 37 million copies more people have Mario Kart Wii than scurvy I was this the Mario Kart to really break the ice with humanity well I'm glad I asked allow me to introduce my three-step program to be just like Mario Kart Wii step one release on the weed you guys know that we right everybody has one and if you don't think you do check your couch cushions one probably slipped in there the Nintendo Wii sold over 100 million consoles everybody was going crazy for it so releasing a Mario Kart title on it yeah it was gonna bleed cash step 2 have five Mario Kart games on five prior systems the series was already wildly successful at this point and the fact that pretty much everybody bought a we meant that people who might have only played one mario card in the past if they have a new mario card to play on this new platform they bought and for the people who never played a mario kart prior to the Wii step3 wheel Mario Kart Wii came bundled with the Wii wheel and accessory that really put you in the driver's seat this is plastic this was the big reason why Mario Kart Wii was so popular than we was already doing really well because you could swing the remote to play golf it felt so natural well what if you could do the same for traffic violations yes Mario Kart Wii came in a chubby little container filled with Mario Kart Wii and Wii wheel I remember really wanting this game because of the Wii wheel the idea of driving in a video game with an actual wheel like what the game was announced at e3 2007 alongside the Wii wheel and this is how the audience reacted to the Wii wheel a custom Wii wheel that makes its debut with Mario Kart for week and this is how any sane being reacted did you see the wheel maricar we released in april 2008 worldwide in the world took notice the we itself for the first couple years of its life was notoriously hard to find in stock at stores and mario kart wii was the same for a bit that came was tough to get your hands on all right when stores got copies in they sold out everybody wanted this game in the summer of 2008 an 11 year old Scott went to Target to buy Super Smash Brothers Brawl but he saw they had one copy left of Mario Kart Wii I am still shocked about that I only had enough of my own money for Smash Brothers so I made a deal with my mom where she would buy Mario Kart Wii but I'd have to wait until Christmas to play it the next couple months were torturous knowing that this game that nobody could get their hands on was somewhere hidden in my house I just didn't know where that's why I chipped my games now Mario Kart Wii was a game I really did one but I think what put it over the edge for me was just how hard it was to get hold of I got I had one leprosy until I realized how few people got it but a few days before Christmas 2008 I had a friend over and my mom decided to be civil and let me have the game early I was so happy and pissed this game takes no prisoners I had my fun with this game but I hated it too it's Mario Kart at its absolute best and also its absolute worst so I think it's about time I bail my inner demons and step into the Mario Kart Wii arena once again to see if this game is actually good or not let's do it yep this was my hell I don't like how the title screen is the same as the box which is the same as the box and I don't like how soon din the standard case is compared to the full art it feels cropped and weird Mario Cart we've like you could come up with a better name actually early in development they considered the title Mario Kart X but then settled on Mario Kart Wii because it just fit the vibe of the game here we have the original logo it is just a copy of Mario Kart DS's logo and we ended up with this blue circle thing which is on the back of the Wii wheel might as well talk about this thing now yes this is the Wii wheel we insert the Wii Remote in it and bam we have a steering wheel to control the game with it was an extremely novel concept and the wheel itself is crazy well-designed I mean it should be Nintendo went through way too many prototypes for a wheel a wheel there's a hole for the Wiis wrist strap to go through the wheel itself has an enlarged B button that's just begging to be pressed and on the side we have a little see-through section for the IR sensor which means you can still select stuff with the remote while it's inserted the Wii wheel is a testament to just how versatile the Wii Remote could be you can just smack it into any plastic you throw at it here BAM it's a wheel now if you wanted to use the Wii wheel with other games me go ahead but always look for the compatible with Wii wheel logo on the box to make sure you can it's plastic we have multiple save files we can select which is actually really nice you don't have to start over from scratch if you're just dying to unlock Baby Luigi again here we have eleven-year-old Scott he was pissed off for some reason and didn't complete as much of the game as he wanted to we have the standard Grand Prix time trials battle mode the usual suspects 16 brand new tracks in just like with Mario Kart Diez we brought back 16 retro tracks from the past 5 games no repeats from Mario Kart DS either completely new retro tracks helots start fresh and hop into a race [Music] you all right why Scott didn't like maricar we that much number one it doesn't look great don't get me wrong this game looks fine overall and it runs flawlessly at a rock-solid frame rate that's all that really matters but my god in this game i never liked how it looked the graphics have this weird hazy glow sleep learn desaturation to it all which just looks odd character models in my opinion look worse than how they did in double - lets get Bowser look how shaggy his model is look at Donkey Kong look at funky Kong his elbows could open cans the characters have this shiny plastic look to them and just overall aesthetic of Mario car we just isn't that appealing to me it's so bland it has no character look at this fun compared to double - what this is the fun you use a gunpoint now listen I wasn't expecting the world from this game visually it is on the Wii after all I cracked one open and Nintendo just left an IOU this console is empower 'full but it's more powerful than the Gamecube and it's capable of pumping out incredible looking games my main issue with Mario Kart Wii is that it just doesn't look better than double - in fact I'd say Double Dash is the better looking game it's more colorful the character models look better and it's just cleaner looking I think the best way to describe Mario Kart Wiis visuals it's just painfully underwhelming at least you can use all kinds of different controllers now the one Nintendo screaming at us to use the most is the Wii Remote in the Wii wheel to accelerate hope to use an item hit the d-pad if you want to throw it behind her ahead of you if possible you can hit up or down perform trips hit the B and finally to steer your Kart you have to turn the wheel motion controls are bullet right yes motion controlled Mario Kart I have to hand it to Nintendo the wheel setup works surprisingly well all the buns are laid out perfectly for Mario Kart this way and there's not really any compromises you have to make by controlling it this way it's not like with Smash Brothers where you hold the Wii Remote on its side to play and just end up thinking if only there are plenty of people who actually prefer using the wheel in motion controls in general to play Mario Kart I'm not one of those people I don't actively hate it but I never took the time to get fully used to it I just feel like every time I turn I turn way harder than I ever wanted to and here we have why Scott didn't like Mario Kart Wii that much number two he only played with the Wii wheel and was just not good at the game in general these two things do not go well together at all I mean I was young and I was still Maricar we offers an automatic drift function where you don't have to worry about doing it yourself the game does it for you this was definitely to make the game more friendly for casual players since the Wiis audience was filled with them I totally kept selecting automatic drifting as a kid because what I'll let the game do it for me what's the point of doing it myself when the game will do it for me that's probably why I didn't do well with this game if you can drift manually well you don't have to play with the Wii wheel you can just play with the Wii Remote on its side if you want I wish I knew that when I was younger I bought a second wheel for friends I could have bought food now if the motion controls aren't your thing you can plug in a nunchuck to control the game with an analog stick I mean yeah this is fine but it generally go with the classic controller or the GameCube controller which is much easier to control this way in my opinion it's just a much more comfortable and reliable method but we do have one major issue so you Mario Kart we introduced something big the trick system right before your Kart goes airborne if you shake your controller at the last second you can perform a trick in the air which gives you a boost when you hit the ground honestly a fantastic addition to the gameplay it adds so much interactivity and purpose to the track layouts it makes ramps in the older Mario karts feel pointless like if I can't trick off of them what's the point just a little hint of strategy is added this way and it's so good problem though if you use the classic or GameCube controller to perform tricks you must hit the d-pad this is like trying to tell your shoes when driving I mean it works but there are so many great buns on these controllers why not use them another new element of gameplay introduced with Mario Kart Wii was bikes this title is a [ __ ] lie carts aren't your only option you can select a variety of two-wheeled vehicles and and they are infinitely better than karts while driving on straightaways with your bike you can shake the controller up or hit up on the d-pad on the everyday man's controller to do a wheelie you go a bit faster by doing this so it's a good idea to do it when you can now what do carts have to make up for the lack of wheelies you can boost a bit more on drifts but it's not that big of a deal bikes are easily the go-to vehicle of choice in this game well might as well move on to why Scott didn't like Mario Kart Wii them much number three [Music] I have had races with like four blue shells being thrown out sometimes why do players get the Bullet Bill like ten seconds into a race like do they really need that do they need to catch up this early on when everybody is this close to each other oh wow a blooper that didn't do anything Mario Kart Wiis items are out of control primarily the blue shell appears far too frequently and the new items introduced don't add all too much to the game the mega mushroom it was introduced in New Super Mario Brothers it was a complete gimmick there and is a complete gimmick here I would always get crazy exciting when I got this and after activating it I'd grow big for like five seconds and then we're all back to reality the mega mushroom is pretty much a less effective star like it makes you invincible to a few things but when other people get a star or a Bullet Bill or lightning it goes away it's so short-lived and just makes you grow big there's not much to this one a POW block so this is from the original Mario Brothers arcade game where you could hit this three times to hit all enemies on screen in Mario Kart Wii if one player gets a POW block and activates it everybody in front of them gets a POW block on their screen and three two one it's annoying just like the mega mushroom the POW block is pretty much a less effective version of another item in this case lightning the lightning affects all players while the POW block only affects all the players in front of you and causes everybody to spin out and lose their items but the main difference is you can avoid the POW blocks effect if you're in the air while it goes off which that only depends on what part of the track you're at if you're about to swap spit with a ramp well you're in luck if the POW is coming and the final new item is the thundercloud god bless the thundercloud an item that breaks the conventions of Mario Kart an item that hurts me this was a big pill to swallow I had to think about this one a lot when you get the thundercloud your speed increases slightly but you have to bump into another racer to pass it on pronto because if you don't you'll eventually get spanked with lightning I think it's a cool idea I like the fact that it does bring a different type of tension and strategy to the items it actually brings a lot of strategy and quick thinking it's just I don't want it so yeah the item balance is off the charts too many blue shells bloopers you get at least one POW block appearing per race which is just annoying it brings everything to a halt and you'll lose all your items the new items aren't that great but the item balance made me feel alive don't get me wrong it is beyond frustrating but there's a certain charm to that it's like playing Mario Party like yeah it's bullsh but the fun kind of bullsh you can be the best player in the world and then get hit by an item and then another item and then another there's nothing you can do about that sure that happens in other mario cards but mario kart wii is so ridiculous with its items it's cranked up to the max it's so chaotic and unbalanced but that's what makes it fun in its own way it gives the game its own feel but it's still number three unwise got done like mario kart wii that much cut this game pissed me off now mario kart wii features the most playable characters in the series so far 26 total and it's a pretty decent roster baby peach and baby daisy are here say it with me thanks thank god Rosalina from super mario galaxy it had Sacre new character if she is unlockable you have to rank highly on all the mirror mode grand prix cups but if you finish 50 races and have a mario galaxy save file on your wii she can be in luck that way i thought i was the smartest [ __ ] kid ever by saying Rosaline is a 50-dollar character you need to bite Mario Galaxy to play as her which I mean I wasn't wrong Donkey Kong's here which is everybody's favorite character in this game there's no debating man he was always that bachelor uncle everybody wish they weren't as apparently the best character in this game in terms of stats is anybody really surprised and then dry Bowser ahead of all the other characters they could have chosen or brought back from all their games not bone Bowser but I saved the best for last we have the greatest addition to the roster me see you get this picture for getting to the end credits if you took a picture off screen and sent this to me in 2008 I would have shooted myself they put me in Mario Kart I love when Nintendo let me use my me in these games I honestly would choose my meat just so I could gawk at myself on Luigi circuit speaking of which 32 tracks are once again present just like with mario kart d 16 new 16 retro there are quite a bit of highlights here and starting with the mushroom cup we have the definition of not a highlight luigi circuit i want a list of people who answer to the question what do you like about mario kart wii luigi circuit double-a also started out with a track named luigi circuit but at least that one had the interesting gimmick of having a map you can't show on TV there were moments where you could go face to face with oncoming traffic players going in the opposite direction that was pretty cool let me do circuit and marker we there's this one section with a ton of dash panels i had to research the name and that's it moo moo meadows this is a cosy trek it's a sequel to moo moo farm from mario kart 64 i really do enjoy this course just like how I enjoy mushroom gorgeous the title of my bedroom this one has some big giant huge mushrooms to bounce off of you have to make sure you jump off of them at a good angle because if not yeah toads factory a behind the scene look at what hell they have to go through to make those item boxes I really love the theme of this track actually playing it it's alright nothing I'm absolutely demanding to play when popping this game in to be honest moving on to the flower Cup Mario circuit they finally did it they took Mario circuit from Double Dash and did it again coconut mall now this is one of my go-to tracks it's so cool we're traveling through a mall in each and every section has something neat going on some escalators a parking lot not easy to please DK summit because nothing screams DK something like a giant statue of Mario also I'm sorry and the rest of the world it was called DK's snowboard cross that name change is the only reason I'm staying in America I'm more of a summit guy this is one of the main tracks i think about when mario kart wii is brought up mainly due to these little areas since they added bikes into the game the developers were thinking about going for a more extreme sports angle and we can see that here with these half pipes it's a decent course but Wario's goldmine is like a theme park attraction this is such an awesome idea for a track and it's ridiculously fun as well and then we move on to the stark up with daisy circuit the main take away from this track is the implication that daisy luigi are a thing i never liked the idea of them as a couple because honestly if they ever live together I just feel like their tap water is gonna smell terrible they seem like that kind of couple it's a basic track during a sunset in the middle of it sound not bad Koopa cave look at this okay we're going down these Rapids going in this tunnel we can drive on the walls that come on this is the life maple treeway may just be my favorite track in the game just due to how great the design of this course is it's just don't Pleasant I love it now grumble volcano it's okay just nothing that's special to me the fact that it returned in mario karta made me really think for a few hours third the special cup houses dry dry ruins I am very picky about my desert stages I don't like standard desert areas but when we go inside a temple sort of thing then I'm all for it dry dry ruins you get a pass moon view highway is a bit of a sequel to toads Turnpike and mushroom city and it is way more fun and fast-paced than those two Bowser's Castle and Rainbow Road finish things off as usual Bowser's Castle is great Rainbow Road gives me an aneurysm now we also have sixteen retro tracks as well the selection isn't half bad we get some great ones and a good ratio overall we get four from each entry except Super Mario Kart and Super circuit which get two each but of course we two have such classics as Mario circuit from Double Dash when we have a new Mario circuit which is so similar but here's my main issue with the retro tracks they don't look great like updated them all a bit graphically but they didn't go all the way they still very much feel like old ass tracks yes any has in GBA ones just look bad look look at the water animation on shyguy Beach look at the background of Mario circuit three I would have preferred if they kept the pixel art and had the 3d models driving on top of them here it just looks painfully simple in lame the n64 tracks just look very bland I wish the retro tracks didn't feel like retro tracks I wish if you just showed me them without telling me what they were I wouldn't think oh yeah these are old courses I wish they blend it in with the new ones a bit more well there's always battle mode to check out one of my favorite ways to discern a Mario karts worth why Scott didn't like mark are we that much number four the battle mode you are forced to be on two teams of six and computers flood the match this this isn't bad but this isn't the battle mode I want I at least wanted the option to play with just two to four human players no teams no computers but it's not there we have a time limit and it's just not nearly as intense this way the way battle mode worked in the past made it so you were always on edge here it's just three minutes go by and then it's over it doesn't matter if your putrid at the game because as long as your team does okay and then it's fine we have ten stages to play on which is great a five new and five old and balloon battle returns alongside the introduction of coin runners just collect as many coins as you can I'm not gonna say this battle mode is bad or not fun but it's not the same as how it was in Double Dash or 64 and I preferred that style and I wish they gave me the option to have it now I feel like a big reason battle mode is the way it is is due to online play Mario Kart we offered battle mode online and it makes much more sense to have it under a time limit and in team so you can get more people in a game and it doesn't last forever online multiplayer on the Wii and the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection if you will this little symbol means a lot to me and I wish more tattoos of it existed the way was not great at online gaming but one game did it competently and that happened to be at Goldeneye double-oh-seven with Mario Kart Wii in a close second it actually was really good on mine and even though the online was shut down in 2014 people have set up their own servers and are still playing it it was one of the biggest selling points of Mario Kart Wii for a lot of people and you could download the Mario Kart channel to your rehome screen to get up-to-date with Mario Kart Wii info without needing to put in the disc I'm free I'm pretty maricar Wii is one of the most unbalanced unfair games in this series with not a lot of its own style the graphics were sipar even for its time and overall it's just incredibly underwhelming but the new tracks are honestly some of the best in the entire series the atom balanced well absolutely crazy keeps things really interesting as an eleven-year-old it was absolutely irritating beyond belief but when I'm just playing with friends now I can laugh at myself a whole lot more so like five blue shells happening in one race isn't crazy irritating it's kind of hilarious it's not perfect by a long shot and I didn't like this game for the longest time now I appreciate this game a whole lot more Mario Kart Wii has a lot more to it than i originally remembered there are so many characters in carts and options the mission mode from des came back but only as an online exclusive mode which it's no hust right now but it was kind of there and now the mario kart wii community is huge like have you seen the custom tracks bands put together these things are crazy so well it's not my favorite mario kart wii has a lot more worth than I ever gave it credit for it still holds up as a really fun game and in a few areas it's actually a little better than the games that succeeded it so I don't think this is gonna be the last time I'm going to play it but the mario kart wii channel actually still needs the game to play races and I acted a little prematurely [Music]
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,783,839
Rating: 4.8986616 out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart, Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Kart Wii, Nintendo Wii, Mario Wii, Wii Games, DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch, Kart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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