Kinect for Xbox 360 - Scott The Woz

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- Hey y'alls Scott here bull(beep) I don't need video game controllers. I have all the controllers I need right here. Yeah, I failed anatomy. You guys, you wanna see what a Nintendo fan committing adultery looks like? Yeah look it, I lived it. The seventh generation of video game consoles where the Xbox 360 reigned supreme. If you don't count all other consoles third place after being in first since it came up before the other two, second after the Wii became a jock and third after the PlayStation 3 gained a lot more momentum in its later years. I mean come on. It had all these games come out right before the PlayStation 4 took over. The Xbox 360 before the Xbox One like, oh wow Gears of War Judgment came out. It did, While the Xbox 360 ended up being the lowest selling of the three, for a while there it was head of the class. I mean the PlayStation three was kind of just bleeding the first couple of years on the market. The 360 had a handful of must have titles and was nearly half the price of a PS3. And on top of that this era was when online multiplayer was really starting to become a thing. So people were not only buying 360s because they were cheaper in for Gears of War in Halo three they were buying them so they could play on line with their friends who also had 360s. However, while these two consoles were duking it out another one in the distance was taking advantage of uncles everywhere the Wii was cool right? You could swing the Wiimote and the game would respond accordingly sometimes. The Wii was the best-selling console that generation asterisk. Sure. It sold over a hundred million consoles but did it though, a lot of those were sold to your uncle who played it for a couple of weeks and never played it again. Yeah sure You sold the console, but as running in the entertainment center, really a life worth living? Regardless it cornered the casual market. People who didn't normally play video games were attracted to the Wii due to its simplicity, motion controls and not Wii music, like look at this I can't hold this it has prongs. What are these? Why are there two of them? The Wii remote was no nonsense easy to understand, you hold it like a TV remote and you can just shake it around for most games. You didn't have to think about what to do to make the little man on screen swing the tennis racket. You just swung the remote like a tennis racket. As good as standard controllers are, there's a reason mom can't look them straight in the eye. The motion controls, simplicity and fun factor of we sports really helped the Wii fly off the shelves like crazy. Not only was the technology up to par with the standards of meet at the time but it was fun and easy to grasp for most people. So that's just the thing. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were catering to people who wanted to play hardcore triple A games but it was hard to overlook just how successful the Wii was doing catering to everybody else. The motion control gimmick worked for Nintendo. It got non-gamers to become real gamers but you'll want to know what really kept the Wiimote away from greatness? The Wii remote (Beep) I don't wanna hold something and swing my arms around. I just want to swing my arms around. That's what Microsoft got us, introducing Kinect for Xbox 360 see this was a fun look into the future of humanity. It was so technologically advanced and just like the future of humanity. I can see death in this. The Kinect was Microsoft's answer to not only trying to definitively beat the PlayStation 3, but also take on Nintendo as well, the Wii was in a league of its own. It was fair to say these two things weren't directly competing, but Microsoft wanted a piece of that pie. So instead of a motion controller, why can I have a camera that tracks your motions that led to an admittedly pretty smart marketing angle. When I grow up, I want to be the controller. I mean, they were kicking Nintendo down with this whole, You are the controller, no controller required shtick. Its only made consumers think that using controllers for motion control was a nuisance than no controller required was the way of the future. They were solving a problem that not a ton of people really had with the Wii. Sure back in the day the thought of the Wiimote, swapping spit with your TV was terrifying but did anybody really go? 'Yes motion controls, No I have to hold that'? Kinect was a smart move by Microsoft did, it made a lot of Wii owners look over with envy. They were all like, oh wow you don't need a controller now. It's like having enough of pencil bull (Beep). So you just use speech to text apps on your computer. It works 40% of the time, but hey it's way more technologically advanced than pencil (beep) However to truly understand what the hell we must go all the way back to when the hell? Project Natal Sure. This was revealed at E3 2009 camera accessory for the Xbox 360 that tracked your whole body and can do some pretty interesting stuff. You could look at the bottom of an Xbox avatar's shoe. Whoa bam There it is. That was the first use of Kinect they demoed. And Steven Spielberg supports it. They got Steven Spielberg! Oh yes, of course I'll buy your stupid (beep) video game camera. Yes Spielberg ever heard of him. Director, writer, Kinect advocator. To be fair Spielberg made some good points in his appearance here. He mentioned how games are intimidating to a lot of people. You can't just expect anybody to pick up a controller and start playing a game in the same way somebody can just sit down and watch a movie. Project Natal would just require people to move their bodies in front of the screen to control a game in very intuitive ways. There'll be nothing to learn, no hurdles to overcome. No nunchuck to plug in. It can do anything. It can splash paint, hit balls have meaningful conversations with artificial intelligence with project Milo. I mean, yeah, that's impressive. And also (beep) Yeah, this was all about having an actual conversation with artificial intelligence and the way they showed it off just screamed fake or at least within an extremely controlled environment to me. It's 2019, they still haven't nailed sex bots. And I'm expected to believe this from 2009 regardless bragging, Project Natal showed a lot of promise. It was like the, Eyetoy for the PlayStation two, but with a ton more tech crammed into it. The EyeToy was pretty much just a webcam. Natal had three sensors on the front it projected infrared lights onto the user to track them. It could sense depth gestures and had facial recognition, voice recognition. This thing was jam packed with features and technology Project Natal had potential and it was all building up towards official unveiling. One year later at E3 2010 Project Natal was officially named Kinect for Xbox 360. I like the name. I will stand by the opinion that Microsoft has a terrible history of naming products and Kinect was one of their best ones. But this was it. This was where Microsoft was going to show up the future of gaming. What their new accessory was seriously capable of. What set it apart from the weak. (hands clap) I am a big supporter of not this E3 2010 was where a lot of people grew a strong distaste towards the Kinect. Only in the first 30 minutes of their hour and a half long show were dedicated to games. People actually cared about. And then the last hour was ugh, eek and gross. The Kinect ended up releasing later that year on November 4th, 2010 for $150 here in north America you can use it on the original model of the 360 but you needed a separate power adapter for it. The second and third iterations of the console were more Kinect friendly. All you had to do was plug the Kinect in and you were good to go. I personally got to Kinect alongside a 360 for Christmas in 2011. If you were an eighth grader and only had a Wii you were a (beep) That's why I wanted either an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 because I wasn't a (beep) I swear. I ended up choosing a 360 because I played around with the Kinect at a friend's house a couple months prior and that completely sold me on it. So I got a four gigabyte Xbox 360 Kinect bundle that game with Kinect Adventures. I also got GoldenEye OO7: Reloaded, Dance Central. And Yoostar 2 because nothing screams I'm not a (beep), like Yoostar 2. Yeah I Know the Kinect does a crazy bad rep. A lot of people have negative opinions of this thing because of how much Microsoft prioritized it during the latter half of the Xbox 360s life. It felt like they were pushing the hardcore audience off to the side while focusing too much on Kinect and the casual market. All while those same casual consumers who bought a Wii and later a Kinect. Yeah, they weren't long-term fans. They bought a Kinect had their fun with it and then moved on. Now I didn't have a one night stand with this thing. I played it, but I don't have a lot of massive memories of it all. The Kinect I never thought too highly of. I always felt like the concept had a lot of potential though. I still feel like the concept has a lot of potential. I feel like too many people are unwilling to accept new and innovative ways of controlling video games. Too many people just assume that, yep. This is it, this is how all video games should be controlled till the end of time. I mean, yeah, that's the definitive way to play most modern games, but being unwilling to change the input method for a lot of games means we won't get as many innovative experiences. Video games can be so much more than what the standard controller allows for. And if we don't accept stuff like this, then we won't get crazy experiences that we couldn't get with standard controllers. It's too bad. This wasn't that good. So turning On the 360 with the Kinected plugged in, it has to boot up by nodding its head up and down. Yes, there is a God and they let this happen. It needs a sec to figure out the optimal viewing angle for your Kinect experience and entering the menus. There I am. So I have to wave at the NSA to get Kinected to recognize me. And now I can move my hand around to pummel through some menus. Now, if the Kinect doesn't see you, it's time to tune the Kinect. Each Kinect comes with sleep paralysis. We use this card to calibrate the camera. Don't ask me, I don't know how and there we are from the chest up, I exist. We can use voice commands. All we have to do is say Xbox, it starts listening. And we can do such things as ask it to search using thing. It's really hard to use the Kinect after throwing it in the garbage. So we'll put it back for now. I mean, this works for the most part, but it's so slow dragging your hand. There's a bit of a delay. So everything feels like it's almost in slow motion and you have to hold your hand over an option for a few seconds to select something Back when the Kinect originally came out, this was an effective way to make any casual gamer lose their mind. Well, yeah, it's a power trip controlling a menu like this, but every time I do this I just end up going through withdrawal. So mom's Kinects came bundled with old the reliable, Kinect Adventures, so this was Microsoft obviously trying to pull a Nintendo though. We experienced tremendous success. And a lot of that was definitely because Wii sports was bundled in. That game did an amazing job of showcasing how easy and fun it can be to use the Wii remote. The sports where fast paced and a joy to play through. It does Kinect adventures reached that level of quality and fun. This guys selling like 20 for $5 Kinect adventures is fine enough as a freebie with the Kinect. Does the job, but it doesn't try to be anything more than that. The theme of Kinected ventures is camping and space. Four camping mini games, one space themed one. Let's start off with 20,000 leaks. You move your hand and feed around to plug up holes. I (beep) dare you to imagine that without Kinect. River rush you move around to control a raft and jump up and down to go faster. Yes, I've lost all ambition. Rally ball. You hit the balls to break stuff. It's okay. Reflex Ridge, squat a bunch to get through the obstacle course. This one's also okay. And finally we have Space Pop That's Kinect adventures. I felt like it met the quota for what a free mini game collection should be. It does the job, but it also doesn't at the same time this is an incredibly boring representation of what the Kinect can do. So many of the mini games just feel like... there's nothing here for people to get excited about. I still had an okay amount of fun playing this game but not enough to warrant buying a Kinect or playing this ever again. Well Microsoft knew Kinect adventures alone, wasn't going to cut it. No Alongside the launch of the Kinect they put out a handful of other games under the Kinect moniker. We got Kinect Sports, Kinect Joy Ride and Kinectimals Kinect Sports was actually developed by Rare, you know Rare, used to work a lot with Nintendo Rare. Got bought by Microsoft Rare. Barely did anything noteworthy afterwards and was forced to work on Kinect games, Rare that Rare you know, that rare Kinect sports is a direct response to Wii sports and a pretty okay one, all things considered. This should have been the back end title instead of Kinected adventures. That game was just... Kinect Sports is way more involved. It uses the Kinect in way more impressive ways due to just how active you have to be. But here's my problem with this type of game on the Kinected compared to on the Wii, games like boxing and track and field feel really natural with Kinect but then you have bowling and table tennis where you just have to act like you're holding objects. And it just doesn't feel right. Being the controller doesn't equate to it feeling natural to swing my arms around with nothing in them to play ping pong, with the Wii I have a tangible controller in my hands. It feels much more natural when playing a game where you're holding a tangible item and I've got tangibility on the mind tonight. And while we're on the topic let's give Kinect JoyRide a try. See what you have to do here is pretend that you're holding a wheel and then start to play (beep) And that's how Kinect JoyRide works. This just doesn't feel right. I constantly over undershoot each turn the split. Second of delay between my actions and what happens in the game. Doesn't help things at all. This is a no way immersive or natural feeling. Mariokart Wii we feels 10 times more natural because you're actually holding a wheel in your hands. Here you're holding nothing. And it costs $150 to do so. For a Game called Kinect JoyRide was a bust. What does that mean for Kinectimals? Microsoft really pushed this game with Kinect. I assume they thought this was going to be the next Nintendogs. - I would love to see that timeline. I mean this is the best looking game we've seen so far. We get to pick a Kinectimal and then teach us some tricks and play with some toys. They kind of move you through a small story and give you a bit of a mini game to play. And it's fine, but it's not compelling. And you know, when I pulled this game off the shelf that's what I was looking for. It feels like a Kinect mini game collection disguised as a pet simulator. It doesn't even feel like this Kinectimal is mine. It just feels like I'm renting it. Anybody ever play the other two Sonic rider games and go what, what the (beep)? These aren't easy to pick up and play. They're weirdly complicated. So surely Kinect version of the series must be better. Sonic FreeRiders is consistently labeled as one of the worst Sonic games, mainly due to the controls and the menus. People hate the menus. Images of knock-on free writers to work well from what I've played, I got it to function enough. You have to stand like you're on a hover board but you have to do a ton of extra motions to use items and grab rings and wipe the screen off and turning is so difficult sometimes. And then the menus don't even have labels. You have to scroll through each and every option to see what they are. And scrolling is a mess Weird right? This one wasn't good. Well I saved the best for last Dance Central. There's an anything that's special about this game. It's a dancing game. You dance along to the song moves. You have to perform come up and you just have to dance as well as you can to get the best score possible. Again, nothing that special, but this is a game that Kinect truly does best dancing games on the Wii were a bit gimped. Games like Just Dance could only read what the hand, the Wii remote was in with doing. And even then the Wii remote wasn't advanced enough to truly know if you were doing the dance move correctly. Kinect was and still is in my opinion the definitive platform for games like Just Dance and Dance Central that's nice well let's move on from Kinect launch titles to (beep) Kinect Star Wars was supposed to be one of the Kinects' killer apps. I guess they originally showed off a brief clip of it at E3 2010 and it's nine years later and I'm still underwhelmed. They showed off more of it at E3 2011. And based on this footage you'd expect the Kinect star wars to be just a full-blown game of just that now it's pretty much a mini game collection. There's lightsaber adventure, whatever mode is pretty short and to make up for it, they included a pod racing game a 20 second long game where you destroy a village dancing it wouldn't be a star wars without dancing playing through the main story mode. I would actually do stuff for 10 seconds and then get interrupted by cut scenes constantly. Every time they actually let me do something they rip it away from me also, again, it's weird. I feel like the lightsaber fights would feel more natural on the Wii there. You're holding something in your hands. Here you're just whipping your arms around. I said, one of the games I got with my 360 was Yoostar2 now as you can see, I still own Yoostar2 which implies I can't be a (beep). See, I own Yoostar2 This is one of the most underrated games for the Kinect. I actively wanted a Kinect for this game because the concept was so cool. You have a bunch of scenes from movies and it's fundamentally karaoke. You have to stand in front of the camera and reenact the scenes. Now, of course you can do whatever you want on the camera. That's up to you. But I always thought this game was pretty neat. And I stand by it to this day and we're talking Kinect games I actually liked. There's like three. One of them is definitely happy action theater. There was no point to this game at all. It's more of a toy that just puts you in different environments and situations. You can interact with objects. Take fun pictures. It's a cute little diversion. It was a downloadable only game developed by DoubleFine who made a sequel Kinect party and another Kinect game Sesame street. Once upon a monster, dammit this is better than Kinect Star Wars for what this game is. It's actually pretty good for a young child. Just being able to wave your arms around and for the game to actually read your movements and play really simple mini games. This works incredibly well. And I can tell this is actually a really good game for kids. That leads us to Kinect Disneyland adventures a game also directed at children. Look at this presentation on E3 through 2011 and children don't lie. Look at them. They're having fun. This is an open-world recreation of Disneyland who the hell thought it was a good idea to make an open world Kinect game. There were a few other Disney theme Kinect titles. One of them being Kinect Rush, focusing on Pixar movies honestly, a pretty high quality title. I said, high quality, not good. You explore all these different worlds based on Pixar movies, but nothing really screams Kinect about this one. It's almost like they took a regular game and just force you to use Kinect to control it. In fact, just a few years ago, they re-released Kinect Rush and Disneyland as X-Box one games with the no Kinect support at all. That brings us to games. I really shouldn't have required Kinect but the deed anyways. Kinect was home to a very few amount of core titles. One of them being rise of nightmares, I always assumed this was a part of the condemned series of games. But like I'm gonna look that up. It's a standard first person horror game but you have full control of your environment. You have to tilt your shoulders to turn and place one foot forward to move. You have to go into a fighting stance to start punching and Jesus Christ. No thank you. This feels like they were working on a standard first person horror game and then made it Kinect only later on. It has an auto move option but you have to constantly select it. And it resets after every cut's scene. Now there could be an option to keep auto move on at all times, but I stopped playing this game already. Nothing was compelling. The controls weren't fun. I'm over it. Hopefully the other major am ready to Kinect title will be better steel battalion, heavy armor. This was one of the few Kinect titles to use the Kinect sensor as well as the controller steel battalion was a chunk on the original X-Box. It came with this giant accessory that replicated an actual mech. Now with the Kinect, you don't need that giant piece (beep) You have this smaller piece of (beep) All these controls are now on-screen. And because of that, our view of what's going on outside is about 20% of the screen real estate. You still use the controller to do stuff like shoot but you have to select all these doodads with your hand. And sometimes if I rest my elbows on my knees since you know, I'm holding a controller the Kinect stopped recognizing me. So I had to play like this. This, this is garbage. - That's the self-destruct if we have to bail on the battlefield but I want to destroy the... - Oh my goodness he's fixing to kill us Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. So you go that far. It ain't funny no more partner. - Jeez what's your (beep) hairstyle. (beep) are you doing? (bomb explosion) - Most of the other Kinect titles were alternate reality versions of Wii shovel ware. We had, who wants to be a millionaire which required Kinect for someone godly reason and for an even ungodly a reason, it doesn't control well. They couldn't get a trivia game to control well. Minute to win it. Wipe out sports mini-game collections Fruit Ninja Kinect was originally what sold me on Kinect. That was a fun little time. Microsoft supported it with a few other titles like Fable the Journey and the Gun Stringer. There was a fair amount of support for the Kinect. People just didn't really fall in love with the concept. It was cool at first but the novelty died down incredibly quickly. Sure it read your movements are right but it took way longer to get through menus and play games and calibrate the thing compared to most of the casual stuff on the Wii. I never hated the Kinect. I felt like I went along with a mob a little too much sometimes whenever I would say that Kinect who likes that thing? I had some fun with it. I didn't have enough fun to keep playing it. I'm not that sad that Kinect games stop getting made, but we are missing out on those sweet sweet E3 press conference moments. But I do think there were a handful albeit very few good experiences with Kinect, including the fact that developers use it in legitimately much more interesting and good ways in real world situations But the games. Eh. A lot of them didn't feel like the developers had a great understanding of how to utilize the Kinect well. It would be too slow to finally get into a game. 90% of them were just kind of knock-offs of Wii stuff but thank God Project Milo never came out. With AI that crazy the world doesn't ready to be overrun by sexbots. (gameplay music)
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,413,391
Rating: 4.944941 out of 5
Keywords: Xbox 360, Kinect, Kinect Xbox, Just Dance, Dance Central, Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports, Kinect Sports Season Two, Kinect Joy Ride, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo, Xbox One, PS4, PS3, PlayStation Move, PlayStation Eye, EyeToy, Microsoft Kinect, Shovelware
Id: LsUtq7qDYJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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