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[Music] what's up you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics coming to you from obey and Japan they have a Lamborghini dealership right here in the heart of Kobe for ready you guys let's buy some cars let's buy some cars let's go see what they got dual there Steve hey guys how you doing well Japanese car dealers have a big showroom huge is this it and is it my friend that is all you got here you got one car will be one morning with one lamborghini miura sphere it's almost like a mini Lamborghini museum what we got here forged carbon dry oh this is kind of sweet Lamborghini luggage umbrella definitely for where I live in British Columbia thank you yeah r34 DT I like no big deal here right oh just another GTR need one of those dude this is really cool yeah right in the port here of Kovac we got boats going out [Music] say goodbye to the Huracan audio one last again shout-out to Tokyo supercars for the car for the use of the world neck series rally we had such an amazing time hands down one of the best rallies I've ever done guys go and check them out and make sure you check out Tokyo supercars seriously you got to come check out this part of the world it is beautiful it's phenomenal the people are amazing the cuisine the culture we'll see you in what six hours are you leaving right now cuz now you look like the pirate you are are we all getting in this oh my gosh dude what's that door don't touch it so we're here read the train station scene calm a station man we're on our way to Tokyo this is right here's your ticket olive oil to 1252 Tokyo [Music] thank you how fast does this thing go like over 200 kilometers now I believe is in the level over 200 kilometers an hour they were covering at same distance we drove over two days in two hours [Music] [Music] we're doing 240 we're speeding up still we'll see what the top speed at something little faster ripping more bad guys no seriously quick but I took two days to drive to [Music] so much action to this place all day long as the physically crazy people going every which way apparently Japanese McDonald's has some different items so I thought we'd try it what is that that's different that's the baking potatoes eggs and bacon potato yeah take your potato all right man that's like there's like bacon and onion potato boy we are here softly overreacted saucy and it's got an egg on it they are nice oh well that's different we decided hey you're gonna do anything you might as well do all the touristy stuff on the last day this happens to be one of the most touristy things you can do to drive go-karts on the street dressed up as videogame characters why don't we just get to so Dave there's a problem we have a problem the problem is you're too big for the go-kart no obvious your wife be nice apparently you need to have a driver's license to come and do these things I love mine at the hotel I'm gonna have to go for a ride back we can load your cell we're really getting on this thing oh now tom he's laughing Mario and Luigi alright let's do this Leena okay well this is a it is quite nice I'll be right back I don't know if you got it done all right guys so what are we doing we're going up here now what we're getting dressed we're gonna change with cheesed into the characters we gotta play the part if you get it right the part little sorts of crazy stuff up here costumes what are we doing what else do it spider-man is that me you written all over him alright guys you ready for this so you guys turn on this a little ignition right here tear up the streets of Tokyo in go-karts oh my gosh [Music] hey hey what do you think amazing dude these things are faster than I thought fatty fat I had no idea that we're going to be this fat legit though they're sketchy only in Japan bro only in Japan Japan madness [Music] [Music] this is probably doing kilometres an hour I don't like having these big trucks are pioneers in the Danes so what their sucks to the boards I'm gonna win the big truck I know you were going to mess up here I know how to drive Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow that was insane no no to Terry everything was great meeting you mate we'll be back do you live here we'll be back for coming back with Steven we have some big plans for Japan so you're taking us for lunch Romans going with the wheels on this one how'd you do it's a bit of room huh you know wear this all the way higher what yeah we're going we're going to the 50-something floor yeah that's quite the view you ready for this ready oh wow holy [Music] Wow this is about as fancies is giving there for us we're dressed for the occasion thankfully true just to show you and we have from Hokkaido Takashi normally is a cow from south of Japan is a red hair cow but growing in Hokkaido Island it's super green and Hokkaido and during the summer time that's why it's much leaner because they have a lot of space to run around outside then we have this ni from Miyagi Prefecture its feet with white straw and rice corn the rice corn is a bit fermented bricks already the umami taste in the cow super steak actually when you have this steak you will never add another one after that and because the Kobe beef from Johor prefecture super famous during the year they are just allowed to kill 3,000 cows and really limited or farmers allowed to grow this day and then the promoter from wahoo really from source of Japan still all the year round it's a little bit warm of course quite marbeth but very very tasty and has a little bit nutty taste is amazing I'm very excited sorry gentlemen Kampai Kampai Cheers [Music] it was a great way to finish off our trip to Japan our very first trip to Japan spending time in Tokyo has been amazing [Applause] [Music] very proper very proper ready yeah it's amazing all right [Music] wow this is so good this is the co baby this is where we work this is where they massage the cows feed them beer take really good care of them [Music] hmm thank you are you sure by competing for you that's the best one so far well pretty amazing isn't it there you go good time amazing I'll get with that food I mean next level amazing amazing Thank You Tokyo supercars so compliments to the chef at the New York grill here at the Park Hyatt and Tokyo one experience I mean I was blown away he was sit standing there waiting for us when we came around the corner what a great guy all right guys we are in a taxi heading to where we were we're heading to super Auto box the best automotive store and all of you can't possibly the entire world at the assoumane prison for car lovers dude I think I said everybody you can go to the airport and buy little gifts to bring back your home you know if you're in our other stuff I recommend going to a store like this because you can pick up the coolest stuff that we don't have back at home hook your friends up to stuff they'll never see anywhere else check this out we found a Ferrari f430 spider you guys are washing at 4:30 for the plate you got a 4:30 amazing around a 4:30 plate that's pretty cool oh my god oh you get lost in here bro we've done the air fresheners yes you did they run from basically just after the cushions to the other side of the store a quarter mark nothing matters how much you smell I live my life from 1/4 mile at a time look at that shoe so the big thing back at home I remember growing up was this air freshener with a scent by the name of squash found my squash okay listen I want to make sure it's the right brand that's it that's the stuff this is this was popular when I was growing up oh yeah this is very Japanese smelly yeah gross both both Dave and I had I had piece mounted on my desk now the friends that were all into that and they had all these on their dashes with other little fingers so I followed this you know the training part of me Oh YouTube channel oh yeah let's do a picture together nice to meet you where you from shift knobs don't got all the pedals and stuff like demonstration area so you can basically they have water and everything hooked up so they can show you how the products work on half of a car you want to drive it it better be strong we all driver you're done oh here we go here we go you ready step the light game up so this is like this is the tuner side of things this is where we really wanted to come and check out where would you come if you wanted to buy like racing suspension a race suit wheels a helmet I'm literally just naming everything I'm looking because it's all right here so they've got racing suits that have a similar yeah tell me they just put a simulator in here and seventeen f1 car looks like the closest one we can get you know why so many f1 cars have crashed in my time video that's amazing [Music] [Applause] not bad for me [Applause] okay yes your lap time is dying right now [Music] [Music] all right days you fit her up homey no I cannot fit my resistance in this room oh cool yeah hey ask your package one take practice run [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow ready at all lookie anything with this car [Applause] [Music] hold my beer [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] where's the kid when I need them Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't know I came here for a workout I got hot sweating right now that is case this place is like automotive heaven you know oh-ho oh yeah flashing lights guys flashing light alert real like this the display of like suspension components [Music] Dave said he wanted to take something home with them I heard what's he getting I did my god do what it's supposed to be sure like that well you know the good news is your your legs are so white they kind of blend in with the rest of that stripe good man sexy man service front this is their service singer here you tired they don't sell purses this is so clean to do even like super cars here but then we have the minivans and stuff on the left we got super cars on the right like one-stop shop get it all done in one shot nuts so you guys if you're in Tokyo and you want to go shopping for your aftermarket goodies you want to get your car detailed you wanna get car service come on buy a racing suit and wear it all the way back home you guys will be a link in description check this shop out what is else I think that's a Honda s 600 or s 660 I believe that was really rare old guy saw one the other day at the Japanese classic car show that's crazy and it's really rare what a trip thanks Matthew for everything you've you've done you're welcome like you know the audience loves it really appreciates you my big hug thanks so much fun with you Matt how do you get in LA and then we're back in Japan soon I said it before I'm gonna say it again maybe it's prophetic thank you guys you made my time in Japan kind of even more fun than I normally would have doing it with you and showing you all the stuff that I like to see and that you guys soaked it all in it made it even more fun for me so I look forward to doing this again with awesome we're at the airport that's it sending you home man I don't know what to tell you but I'm staying we've got a new wife new kids new family got them all out of a vending machine thank you for everything my pens take care you guys smash that subscribe button we had such a good time in Japan check out Tokyo supercars check out world x-series rally we're going we're out we'll see you guys back in North America [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 869,452
Rating: 4.9512215 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, porsche, mclaren, aventador, japan, tokyo, kobe, nintendo, mario kart, mario kart real life, tokyo drift, bullet train, asia travel, supercar, lyft, uber
Id: xSV9rG3UoAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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