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[Music] well this is it my friend now without you guys it is rally time coming from Tokyo Japan we're heading to Co Bay today we got my boy Steve right over here days back in the vlog guys welcome to another episode of daily driven exotics this is a pretty sick SLR we have a hole a very wide arrange of supercar some really cool luxury sedans so this is pretty fun have you ever done a rally here and get them before I have yes I have I've been did a little bit of gumball rally in Japan ago yes sir that's pretty cool Dave you got yourself a pretty fancy rally car here I like this thing thanks to Tokyo supercar stock Wow so if you guys come to Tokyo and you want to rent a car you guys can go to the links in description and these guys got all sorts of cars this is just one of the examples this is an IBO edition Lamborghini Huracan there's gonna be our ride thanks to them so make sure you guys go check them out we are off and what do you think we can get driving and so ahead of it when you're churning it's the biggest mind that Josh you're like don't go for the right side we'll go to the left and your brain wants to go I used to [Music] Oh crazy like driving in a videogame carbs that they have all the luck these crazy markings on the road those arrows in the corner okay pit-stop you guys we need to kind of get everybody back together Conrad how you doin sir yeah well very well you guys amazing I mean look at this weather yeah so we got this is this thing is crazy like a little paint on this the way that it's sparkles in the Sun Wow yeah air it out right to the ground and then look at this a good shot of this Liberty walk work on spider with Winnie the Pooh and see me as they like cute things yeah if you like you things like me so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever rally Tokyo head towards Kobe today can't wait to get that up close a personal shot of Mount Fuji [Music] [Applause] these are crazy zeal faso's go up and down [Music] so they were saying that this the worst stretch of freeway for the police and Dave goes one of how much disappoint here and they said 10,000 yen about a hundred bucks Dave goes okay so what's the problem whoa Mount Fuji look at that one of you yeah [Music] we are at the entrance of a national park so here we have to pay cash which have to give tamika's fun it's on this side got four grand I'm gonna make it rain on this lady all right here we go keep going oh okay yeah yes dude where's our translator she's yelling at us I feel like I'm in trouble super sweet lady she just means the good best intention is basically like don't jump oh right here and show you guys what's going on oh thank you pretty epic rest stops on a rally get all the cherry blossoms look at the road how it just curves up and around this mountain I kid you not I've driven a lot of places hands down Japan is the most beautiful place on a sunny day like this but the cherry blossoms out they like snowing of all these supercars yeah I've literally got like like goose bumps this is just blowing my mind right now everybody who we've encountered are just beautiful people and everyone's has been so amazing if you've never been to Japan it's like you have to come here Steve was saying that the cherry blossoms they only come out for a week at most most of the time less and they actually as spring comes in they progressively go throughout the country so people here in the Japanese cherry see so much is so much meaning to this more than we could probably even really understand and they actually will travel and chase them through the country because they'll only be here for less for a few days none of these brooms and I think if you drive at 40 kilometers an hour without the radio on you'll hear the vibration play a song through the tyres through the tyres better not be copy written now put it the vlog alright ready to roll ready to roll away that's the gentleman who very graciously gave us the car to use Tokyo supercar stock ball is amazing I don't even know a holy have you ever been on anything like as beautiful as this anywhere not just obviously nothing just a rally but insane insane when we got water water we have a bottle of looks like pudding cow on it though well it should be Gary there you go the napkin you got a napkin napkins a sandwich in a banana it looks like that looks good here's a question what kind of sandwich is it what's a prediction no no look it's ham and cheese oh good good oh my god Skyline real GTR this is the real deal this is it like quarter-million-dollar classic car this is the real Godzilla this is where it all started guys this right here wow this is so insane the original old-school Skyline GTR owners club back in the day the original emblem just betta but before Nissan was Nissan do you know what the name of that company was before his Nissan no I the Prince trench was the name at the company whose prints automotive for Prince's putting tsujido shine Japanese is what they call it no one right at this generation is when they started using the name nice son and in Japan the word Datsun that were used to in the stage North America wasn't used it's just a nice son Datsun wasn't a brand like it is by us boom Noah's boy I'm riding with the boys a crew the Rolls Royce this is comfortable you gentlemen thank you thank you [Music] oh it's so comfortable I don't want I don't want to leave the Rolls Royce [Music] bro dude Mauro Hoshi and the crew have said goodbye they are backed on their way to Tokyo and we are now on our way to KO Bay we have about four hours four hours four hours into it three hours 45 minutes flat 15 minutes off hey you're really really gonna push this thing [Music] we've got Oh Oh feels good to get out of that car for a minute we're in some little town I don't know where we are Oh Dave Lee this world's smallest little race car what is that food where's the convenience store they don't I don't think they have a convenience store I don't we got here is this all they got here got black dude you got tea I'm not drinking and haters gonna get some fuel in the cars you guys grab some fuel hit the road we need a real convenience store with like real snack selections not that squid stuff again either good ice pop all week I've eaten my spot I stopped the Frenchman was this this is a healthy way to for really yeah why what makes it oh it's all how is that cold well it's like a refrigerated shelf you drink it before after drinking this is a picture of liver oh really yeah yeah at dirty money get the real goal goal take it some sugar for Red Bull right well healthy so we get sugar free oh oh dude we're getting fried chicken fried chicken into Japan [Music] we'll personally serve my food sandwich okay sorry I'll add a Red Bull NMR in a red well now I'm gonna do the coffee first alright goes better with that I so good dude change your life change your life you're a better person now that's possible it was like KFC in a little bag but Barry but Joe she was so excited to see us well not us but the cars our cars honest whoa look at that whoa do we like them almost at the base of food you guys an amusement park out here look at this amusement park with that good Mount Fuji as a backdrop go you are good I don't like right there's nothing worth it [Music] let's go check out this SLR no oh well that's an engine damn ham this small engine hey well it's the Civic is all this this make plenum right here yeah yeah whatever yeah yeah back here and under yeah I got along that front end is Steve let's go oh there is guess what I've been waiting for you what do you mean what here for the last 45 minutes last time we black black I need some black black hey you want a Red Bull yes I got you boom alright now the gas station pit stop but I noticed something quite funny you guys are gonna get a kick out of this somebody fall asleep she's busted I like it it's cool yeah pulsar they polish up your windshield get all the bugs off so you're good to go what do you got alright perfect I needed this I have a burp forehead you can't really you probably can't tell on camera but I do it's bad I need Nivea free plug free but she doing does she know that this windows tinted and that you can't see me on it catching up the Steve where's he going guys we've hit the point in the blog where we gonna try something unique and maybe weird from Japan Pizza flavored potato chips to be good yeah part of my reach so that's what they've been in today's life [Music] that sign had a car with a parachute on behind it I'm not even joking I swear bro more tunnels [Music] well as the sunsets really beautiful skyline in the background or guyline get it Japan oh it's pretty good I'll give you that one when they said we were staying at a ski resort did they make meant like literally but we are here bro epic day we made an epic day that was amazing let's go get some drinks and food yeah I want to race you for pink slips so bad on the car that you don't own already the car that I don't know I'll race you for being what a date let's throw it down tomorrow all right we had a long but amazing day day 1 of world x-series rally here in Japan we saw Mount Fuji like a bazillion times and just kept getting bigger and closer and closer Dave you killed it good driving hey shut up to Tokyo super cars from hooking up with that car I think it's bad you guys smash the subscribe button dd merch as in the links in description shop DD comm having a hard time thinking cuz I'm hungry I'm tired I need a drink we'll see you in tomorrow's vlog it's about to get a lot crazier we have another entire day we're going to Col Bay well see you guys in the next one peace in this blog we [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 851,174
Rating: 4.9547138 out of 5
Keywords: World X Series Rallies 2019, world x series rally, shinichi morohoshi, Tokyo Midnight LED Lambos, only in japan, led supercar japan, hologram lamborghini, crazy neon supercars in japan, japan custom supercar, ferrari enzo, dde, steve pov, daily driven exotics
Id: Ixn7NItrDyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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